HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-12, Page 6- • An Undesirable Office. A gentleman. of SweetratereWyona- ingTeeritory, tells a story of - his ex- _ perience on his arrival at the naines. in the mountains : It was nearly dark as he alighted from a stage at the hotel. As be entered the public roam he was of CO,F80, maileed at once as 3 ne w con' He had scarcely seated- bine- self 6oinfortab1yewhen. stranger ' ap- proached bin, and, with evident inten- tion orkloing the Me:angelae favor, quietly askeol if, as he had just arrived he did not want a `.fjpb."- Of course, money was the object of our friend's visit to the ,mountains, and he at 'Once -responded in the affiimati-ve. He would be Very much obligdcl, ,indeed,, if he could be put in the way of a- good thing, 4' Well," said the amiable gentleman, "there is a vacancy in. tlie office of de- puty sheriff and I can secure you the ap- pointment if 'will you accept the position pays about $8 a,day," Our friend con- cluded this was a -fine openingand in- timated his willingness to actiept the apPointmentjust e then the idea struck bine : "By the way," said he, ".how happens there to be a vacancy in the office of deputysheriff !" - Well, yen see, stranger,' said the amiable gentleman, oar deputy died hist night." "Ah ! indeed ; hose hal penecl it?" "Well he a had slight misundei-standing with another -man_ and was shot" "When was he appointed ?" "Day be- fore. yesterday." "What became of his predecessor?" "He was shot, too." "}Tow long does a deputy sheriff live in these parts?" "About twenty-four heiers." Our friend:conchided to go to work in the mines, and declined to ac- cept the appointment. - Mark Twain s Horse. .1 have a horse .by the name of icho He is a mare: I have see rearkable horsesbefore. but hone markable as this. I wanted a that would, shy; and this one fills bill. I•had an idea that shying cated -spirit. I was correct, I got one of -the moet spirited horse eartb.--Ile shies at everything comes across with the utinoet im. tialitv. Hti appears to have a •n dread of telegraph piel es- especially; it is fortunaee that thee are • on sides of the roade because, as it is I never fall of twiee in succession the same side always-, it would -get t monotonous aftee a, while. This c t-ure has scaeed iit. everythirte he seen except a hay -stack. .117) wel. iip to that with an intrepidity and r lessness that were aitonishing. An would 611anyone with admilation see- ha* lie preserved his selfiposses in the peesence of a barley -stack. T dare devil bravery -will be the death this bore, some day. He is not I ticulatly tist, belt I think he will through tbe Hol -y. Land. He has fault. His tail bas been chopped or else he has sat d.own on. it , too h some time or other, and he has as fight the flies with his heels. This all very well, but when he tries to k flyog' the top of his head -with hind foot. it is too rn u ch variety. is going to get, .himeelf into trou that:way some day. lIereaches axon and bites .my legs, too. I, do not p ticularly care about that, only I do n like to see a big horse too 'sociable. thunk the Owner of the prize hac _ -wrong, opinion about him. -Fi h an idea that he was one of those fiei untamed steeds, buthe is not of th character. , I know the Arab had th ided,Thecause when he brought the hor out for inspection ia Bret -out, be .kel jerking toe bridle and shouting, i Arabic,e-" }lo, will you? _Do yo want to rtin away, You -want, you fer cieus beast, and break neck?" -when a the timeehe horse wav not doing. 'any: - thing in the world, and looked like he wantedto lean up agttinst something and think. Jer- 11 re so re - horse . the indi- have On ha par- ioral . and both nowt On o be •fea- h as ked eck- d it to sion his of ar- get one off; ard to is ick his He bJe nd ar- ot la ad at is' se 0- 11 The Knights -of Canada: From the Brockville Becimder. In aneient times the honor of kni hood was only conferred ° upon re deserving objects. Men whom ev honorable citizen could recognize possessing qualities supeior to crowds, by whom they were surrou 4 To honor *horn thet;_tead mi be -bared,' and the sincere And kin prayer, "Godeoless you," utterred wi out one thought of subservient syo haney. , Ho* stands the case now? ...* and what a.re the knights of 'Cana(' They4 are few in numl,er, two or th of them scarcely ever heard of. have four prorainent howev with whose names the people of Ca da are pretty familiar, and to th four we desire to call especial tice. - 'First, -*in order and prominence, stan Sir, 'John A.Macdonald. -- Second, Sir George Etitne . Third, Sit A. T. Galt, and Fourth, Sir .Francis Hinck. ,Now, for what are all these fo k ' nights of Canada n.otecl ? • How do it stand with Sir John A. Macdonald Is he a gentlemanso'moisilly elevate that.men should seek to follow- in b footsteps! What is the testimony , the press on this subject ?e The Mon - real Star says, quoting- front the 0/obe hat Sir John A. Mac donalcl, the Pre mier of the ,Dominion was drunk a very entertainment given to the Prince t Toronto, and that at the ilejeaner on nesday, Very ehortly before he *a xpected to reply to. toaet of Her Ma- esty's Ministers, he rose from the tab - e, and after staggering about the rear' f the hall, Was lead away by a friend nd despatched to his lodgings. It Ape ears -co us that if hie colleagues have not sUificient sense of propriety, to insist pon a reformetion in the Preniier's abits, that it is the unquestionable uty of the Governer-4-eneral to m- oire that the disgraceful exhibitions freq gently 'cennected with the name Sir John A, Macdonald shall fu - ye he made in a private station.- What a pitiable picture to contern- ate ; the Premier of Canada led from public hall a slavering inebriate? nd ,yet this is No. 1 of the Knights Ca nada, Who is the Second`knight ? Sir.' orge E. Cartier, for whose head *a vard of lour thousand doilali Was eilect by the British Goverment, wheni George was en open rebellion to the wn of England. Tbeitbird knight is Sir. A. T. Galt, ellknowu annexationist, and The four -this Sir Francis Hnicks, of wes debeulture netoriety, and who is v giving lessonsof how to buy and the people, in hiscanvass in Ren- y. . " Vei;i.ly; the people of Canada tave much reason to. hide their beads in shame where the eharacter of the Kniehts of Canada -Is brought under disscussion ght- allY ery - EXPOSITOR. -CHESS BY CHAs, A. GILBERG N. Y. risLACIIC. - . a _s the la& ght dl y ths op - ho ? ree We er, ese se/ //-' Fr' no- ds ar- ur es is of a 1 a 11 so of to. 1-)1 a A of Ge re\ off Sir cro a cv Bo not freli TREMENbOUS DECREASE IN THE Lt- PoRTARIoN OF AMERICAN SALT. --Dur- ing, the present season, up to the pres- eut time, there has been received at this port but 3,250 barrjls of A.meri- can salt, as 'against - 23,733 barrels re- ceived up to the, st me time last year, -being a deerease of 19,483 barrels in, mohtlis out of the six which us nallycompriee the navigable season. This statistic exhibile-for the figures of which we are' indebted to the court- esy of Mr. Smith, deputy harbor mast- er, as also for nu tuerous other items -- tells ihcontrovertibly of elle hold which Oanadian salt, manufactured at Gode- rich, hag dallied in this Province, not- -Withetaii ding the strenuous efforts of the salt mcnoPoliets in the States,- who havkendeavoied to extend their.- all- gras*pihe agencies into Osnada. Vining the whole of last idason there were re- ceived 30,364 barrels of A.meriean salt at thiS port, and as the imports in this article are now at this seeson Lithe yearl--but a mere bagatelle, WO, may safely set clown the decrease of imports thie year as compared with the prev- ious one, as 25,000 brls. On the other harid, the imports of Liverpool salt th's- year sh ow a considerable increase 'over those of lost year. Up to the present- date this year 11,774 socks have been redeivecb being- an increase of 1,251' sacks over the q.ohole amount received last year: *Dining the year 1867. there were leceived 22.570 sacks, and dining the year 1866 there were received 6,890 saelss.se-Telegraph. TEE. PR.,ONUNCIATION- OF -It is curious to trace the change that has taken.place* in the prominciation ef 'Lord Byron's name. When at 'school, and even later, the Frencb. pronuncia- *tion was f.).-A.3n to they., The y was pronounced, not as the 'y in spin. :but as the y in. syringe, as though tb e' name, were written Birro7i. 7,S9 to the last, used it to be prOnbureced, by his old sClrool fellow the late General Sir Rob- ert Garrett. Another 'school-felloe;, still surviving, Baton Heath, the 0011- sui-General of Italy, might, if -epOealed to, confirm the `statement, for -which bewever, there is abundant evidence. FaU Afall Gazette. *DYSPEPSIA cured by using Dr. Colby' s An- ti -Costive and Pomo Pills They regulate the -Bowels, correct the Liver, clear the Com- _plexion, and renovate the system ; they are composed of active ingredients in a highly concentrated form, atm strike attheroot off disease, curing almost'like inaiic. Thoui - ; ands testify to their extra.ordmaiy curacat e properties. Solcl by all dealers. 73-ly CEcuktENicA_L CotrN-cm lately call&l. at Rome, is an instance of the solicitude of the Catholic Church for the welfare and. prosperity of her Communicants. Large as- semblies of this nature containing. represen- tatives from. all parts of tb.e world, should. be of some benefit to our raoe.* We hope this opinion will be as harmonious and unani- mous as the verdict in 'favor of the Great thoshonees Remedy, for disease of the lungs, blood, stomach, liver,' etc. For sale by all t dru.ggists. 97-4in .; •• • • WHITE.. White to play and mate in. 3 moves. SOLUTION TO---PR-013"LEM NO, 81. BLAME. • 1 B to*QB 6 KtksItatK 5 2 B to- Q 5 . K moves 3 Rmates accordingly. 1. KtkaRatB 7 2 B to Q R 7 Any- • 3 B mates accordingly. , GAME NO. 91. - Game between. Mr, Mackenzie and an amil teur. - [Evan's Gambit.] 1. • WHITE, tleACK. Mr.11fackenzie. Mr. 1PtoK4 2 Kt to K.,13 3B to (1131 4PtoQKt4 5 P'toQB 3 t 6 Castles 7 P to Q4 8 P tks P 9B to Q Kt 2 10 Kt, to Q B3 1112'*)Q5 12BtoQ 3 13 Kt to Q /? 4 14 Kt Os 13 15 Q to Q 2 161' tks B 17 K to R sq Pto1C4 3 Ktto033 BtoQB4 B P BtoB 4 . PtoQ3 P tits r ‘--- B to Q Kt 3 K Kt to K. 2 •• Castles KttoQR4 . :tit to K Kt 3 - B*oKKt 5 P tks Kt B t:cs INA KT. to K R 5 Kttks B 18 11 to K Kt sq Ktu. And White forces mat.). GAME NO. 92. Game between Messrs ZUkertort and Schulten, on the Continent, -Bell's Life, [Evan'- Gambit:A' WHITE. BLACK, Zukertort.Schulten. 1 K P 2 K P 2 2K-KtB 3 QKtB3 ' 3 BB4 BB 4 ' 4QKtP2 • BtksP 5 QBP1 13 R 4 6 QP2 iPtkP 7 Castles Q Kt P 2 (a) 8 13 tks P 91' tks P Castles 10 Q P 1 Kt Kt sq 11 B Kt 2 QBP 1 • 12 Q Q 4 KBP 1 13 B134 - • K R sq 14QP1 --KtKt 3 • 15 Kt Kt 5 Kt K 4 • 16BKt 3 B Kt 3 -17 QB3 B R 3 18 Kt tks P K tks Kt •19 Q 13 3 K Kt 3 20 Kt Q 2 Kt B 2 • 21 Q B 5 ch. K 1? 3 22KtB3 K1CtP1 • 23 QB4ch. KKtPl. 24 03 5 Kt txs P 25 Q .R 3 ch. • K Kt 3 26 Kt It 4 ch. K Kt 2 27 Q Kt.4 - • K R 3 28 Q R Q sq Kt B 5 ' 29 It Q 3 Kt K 4 30 Kt B 5 ch. • K Kt 3 31Q1? 5 K tks Q 32 RR 3 K Kt 5 33BBee Kt B 6 . 34 R tks Kt R R sq 35RKt 3 K.R4 _ 36 13 B.7, checkmate (b) (a) A counter attaclewhich is not to be recommended. •• (b) Zukertort plays this game in a most masterly style, GAME NO. P3. Pla.yecl at the weekly „meeting of the Sea- forthJ Chess Club, Mr. •S play.- ing_bilindfold against Messrs R and C. • WHITE. BLA.CK. Messrs R. and C. PtoK4 BtoQB4 B tks P YttoQB 3 BtoB4 13 to Kt 3 Kno R 4 K tks B K to K sq Kt to KB '4' t S. - 2 B to Q B 4 P to Q 't 4 1 P to 11: 4 Kt to K 113 • 5 PtoQ1B 3 • .6 PfoQKt4 7 P to Kt 5 8 B tks P ch 9 Kt tks P ch. 10 Castles • 11,BtoKKt 5 PtoKR 3 12 B tks Kt • Q tks 13 QtoKR 5Cb. KtoK2 14 Kt to Kt 6 ch, K to Q sq 15 Kt tks R PtoQ 3 16KttoQR 3 BtoQ 2 17 QRtoQsq BtoQ134 18 e to K 5 P tits P 19.KttoB7 ch. EtoK2 20 Kt tks P J to Q sq 21 Kt tks B Rtks Kt 22 R tks R ch. K tk.sR 23 41 tks B P to Q Kt 3 24 1? to Q sq ch. K to Bsq 25QtoQ 5 KtoKtsq 26 Q to Q 8 ch, Q tks Q 27 1? Qs Q ch. K to Kt 2 28 R to Kt8 P to Kt 4 291ttoR 8 PtoQB 3 30 P tks P Kt tks P, • 31 R tks R P , Kt to K.4 32 I.' to KB 4 P tks P 33R to K B 6 Ktto Q 6 34PtoKR4 KttoQB8 35 P to K R 5 Kt tks P 36 P to KR 6 Kt tks • 37PtoHH7 Httoic 7 eh. 38Hton2 xt to Q 5 39 P Queens and wins. 11 afolitt toloitor AND SUPPLEMENT. THE largest paper published in the Coun- ty of Huron. IS PRINTED' AND PITHLTS/TED EVER/ FRIDAY MORNING. ROSS & LUXTON EtillTaiS IND PUBLI$1HERS. ..1/W-itir 'Mal; kR4FORT11: TERMS? -$1.50 per annum, in advance. If not so paid, $2.00 -will invariably be charged. • THE SIGN OF THE COLDER ITE subscriber begs to iefoem the public that he 113s just received a great variety - of Saddles and , .„ Which he is prepared to sell. RATES OF ADVERTISING. _ At Prices Almost Unparalleled. YEARLY AGREEMENTS. The following rte e will -be charged to itter-•0.-L-LARsi of every 4eseriptioxi, war, 'anted iiirt to hurt the horse's neck. chants and others who advertise by the -year, and itt no kease -will exception.s be made: 3ne column for twelve nionths, - $60 •00 • for six, nimiths "• for three months; LIalf-c4luran for twelve MISR S " for six months,. - - 20 00 " for three months; - 12 00 Quartetof a column for twelVe months, 20 .00 for six months, - 12 00 " for three months, , '3:- a 00 For each line flyer ten; first insertion, 0 08 Each subsequent insertion,' - 0 02 The number of lines to- be reckoned. by -the 3pace occupied, measured 1.?y-. a scale of solid. Brevier. • Advertisementswithont spaeific directions will be published till forbid, and charged ac- cordingly. - - GEO. W. ROSS, Proprietor. ---0 In. the way of Ham' ess - 35 00 • Y s OF .ALL;XILYDS, He is, as heretofore; ifis. a position to give his customers as gppd value for their money as any other establishment in Ontario. Quality of work End. -.nia,terial employed - indisputable. • • CrSHOP OPPOSITE KIDD & ' JOHN CAN:113E1A, Scaforth, Feb. 12, '69. 6341. ESTABLISHED 1867, THE MONTREAL. TEA COMP Hospit4I • Street,. Montreal. PROPERTY FOR SALE; • T OT Sparling's Survey of Seaforth, with Store, Storehouse, Stable and ANY Dwelling on it, end 'situated on the first lo North North of Downey's Hotel, 'Wain Street. • The continued success of this Company is I only attributable to the quality -and, purity Por particulars applrta.the proprietor,. Wee. N.: WATSON, of thsir Teas. Over 'a hundred. thusand oSeaforth June Ith. boxes of Tea have been sent to differeInsurance Agent-, nt arts of the Dominion, and npwardi •• 794f. - a FARM FOR SALE. thousand testimonials can be shown, bearing testimony to the quality and urity of the" 11/) chasing direct from us, catties of 5 and 121s and upwards. Every package warranted t give satisfaction. Club together and for four or five 51b: catties, which w sent carriage free to any ,Railway Station in • the Dominion. The money can be collected. on delivery. • Try our fresh. ground steam Roasted Coffee, _ in 5 and 101b. tins and 'upwards, the flavour of which is really excellent, and every pack- age warranted. 201bs. Tea and 5 Or 10 lbs. Coffee, sent to any Railway Station carriage frees Tea and Coffee delivered five times Tea. A great savinz can be e ected by •piirL` `EVE Sale, Lot 1.,5, in the 13.th. Conces- sion of the' Township of Stephen On very easy terms, and. at a Nloderat-e Price: daily in the city. Silver taken at par. BLACK TEA. -.English Breakfast, Broken Leaf, strong Tea, 45c., • 50c.; Fine Flavored New Season do. 55c., 60c. and 65e. ; Very Best Full Flavortcl do, 75e.; Sound Oolong. • 45c.; Rich Flavored do. 60c.; Very Fine. (10. do. 75c.; Japan, Good; 50c., 55c., Fine 60c.; Very Fine 65e.'Fine,st 75c. 6c; Young Hyson .50c., 60c., 65'. 70c. ; GREEN TEA *TwankaY Very line 85c., Superfine and. Very Choice 1, Fine'thinpiiwder 85c. ; Extra Superfine do. $1. COFFEE. -No- 1, 30c.; No. 2, 250.4 No. a, 20c.; No. 4, 15c, per lb. Nothing less than a Cattle sold by this Company.* A YEAR'S TRIAL: TheMontreal Tea Company- : Montreal, 1868. GENTS -It is nearly a year since I purchas- ed the first chest of Tea from your holise. I have purchased many since, and 1 ana pleased -to inform you that the Tea as in every case proved most satisfactory, as well as being exceedingly cheap. Yours very truly. F. DENN1E. _ Montreal Tea Company: GENTLEArEN-The Tea 1 purchased of you in March has given great satisfaction and flavour of it is very &ie. It is very strange, but sineo I have been drinking your Tea I have been quite free from heatt-burn, which *would always pain me after bzeakfast. I at- tribute this purity of Your Tea, ancl shall continue a customer. Yours respectfully. • • FRANCIS T. GREEN. 54, St. John Street 'Montreal. Montreal, April 1868.--1 the Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal; -We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we ha-ve forewarded to you to different parts of the Dominion, and we are glad to find your busindss so rapidly ncre . . mg. • We presume your Teas are giving gene - forwarded we have only had occasion to re- turn one box, which, we understand, was ral satisfaction, as out, of the large amount sent out through a mistake. G. CHENEY, Manager Canadian Express Co. Ifouie of Senate, Ottawa. Montreal Tea Conipany GmeTrzetme-The Box of English Break- fast and, Young Hyson Tea which you sent me gives great satisfaetion. You may ex- pect my future orders. Yours, &c. N. SKIA-NER. • SEAFORTH PLAKING MILL! SASH; DOOR AND Blind F4cto1.y ----o ' TI }IE subscribers beg leave to tender their sincere thanks to their numerous cus- tomers anc, the public at large, for the very liberal patronage received since commencing business in Seaforth. And as they have now a very large stock of Dry Pine Lumber on hand, and having lately enlarged their premises and added New Machinery (there- by increasing their facilities for doing work with despatch), they feel cmilident of giving every satisfaction to those who may favor. them with their patronage, as none but lirst-class workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to custo P mg• BROADFOOT & GRAY. I P,S. - -An Eight -Horse -Power Engine and Boiler for sale, all eo mplete, of voldie& MaCulloah's mak% 70-3m. This farm is convenientlY situated to 1.-3g:w- and Grist AIip, has 30 acres cleared, and a. good well ---61 water. For further particulars apply to Wm. F.. Luxton, -'Expositor" Uffice, 6t.,aforth. or t -o I . GEO. W ROSS, Strathroy. Aukust-lath, 1869. - IVI$GREGOR as SON, BOORBINDERS,•TITILLEr ARE prepartcl to execute binding in every - style. , Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at'. the Signal Book '- Store,- Goderich, or at the " Fxrosrron." office; Seaforth, stating style; may rely upon' them being well. bound.. . AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, June 11; 1869- 78-tf, Family;Drog:Sfore. .RaLUMSDEN has just received. his Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals anct Patent Medicines, • Frendh, English and 'American Perfumery, Hair Dressings, and Pomades,- Hair, Tooth, Nail- and. Shav,- ing Brushes, Dressing and -Fine-tooth. Combs; • Toilet and Shavmg Soa.ps, cke., &e.. Horse iFs' Cattle Iffedicintq - Condition Powders, etc DYE STUFFS • Of very Superior Quality. libillYSICIANS' Prescriptions accurately. • prepared, 11. LUMSDEN _Pharmaceutical Chemist.. caforth. April 22. 5342. EW. GO TO T. J. SIMONS' REIT OYSTER tp 1 For 1Nsh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies,, Cakes, and Sweets of every dezcription. CALL 'Al4D EB. is Fresh ,,Stoc: Opposite .McCA.14.N'S Old. Stand. Saforth, Feb. 12, 1861 63-tt Insolvent Act of 1864. Province of Ontario, County of Huron, To Wit Iu the matter of HENRY W. iffee,Alrg, • An. Insolvent. • •/IN Tuesday, the sixteenth day of Noyern- ki ber next the 'undersigned will apply to the Judge of the .(1 oar or a tuseharge In the Couiny Court of the County of Huron. under the said Act. 11. W.. McOANN, By °Mc CAUGITET & 110124ESTED, his Solicitors -ad litem. SeRfortli Aug. 25, 1869. • dm tifl 4A•the h is 6 to nid be g -471b; and ..hu4n:us17:11 res *gesn and Iv •ii t. 1 it 0;wt, eor niaf :out ibrd .r1 stTirol: j.leare or a1t vein, am_12- nt pisci)1 pshreseouirdvbeeid, in the bot T'i °upl euatisedeetlhsaPe.81111gtitif .ttehre povoninhis:ne P°1111(is 86Tfol: 1 have as they pozs thern as nal .;)rsisiial:full 1.1. fromuaiads tnifhlittel keepers and. treated universally them he -oil uch betto bin across t • feet high an -and coverlt1 then. on AV bin te.thra.t aAn, thought he the side' of I It in fhe ;better. I e .ed ruyatteni ows jtist ove ten days Or ttrhieiltphuet :tibxleghachutttltasY04p:ea?• 9tr: and the 'reir vrere hot re when esitl • rtl - and nee.a.,:it' If ote, ,ttellaT,„A or wade so, PqbatPes1),,, iinto ,hour er -before the, ;makes the All the Ail thein *pa tne Nragoti with them, the' bin taken, all -dry eart them. • Does; ra thy Alba ro tho-propel • in process lay, it ha , .of the, fat -of tbe -region. valuable and to alt reference flue* in wheat. 1 Wash into lotato 11 them int- nd frv them ou close to etean w are serl, in-inkle 'Why / Because