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The Expositor, 1869-11-12, Page 4
• • .Popuftr Iic ucati©n in •n •lana. r' ez,nWiltO♦ a nrnes4 -;.,,. ,., .., -pro ;+ g . , r 1Vh lialitttefkiiiki Btheias pass- -ed by the.Impeeiel' I'arliainelat to, a ;- bind: the elective ftanclirse tc hoitswl=,olch• et Fra -citlaet's, it tettstttelenist4 vet teed - i n,g 1 'ng!tl li dtattgtite'tkAita ' A. •gtett an e.\ten,, .qn of toTh4& al 'liberty to the inAsses' v iild tie lvetihe.�necesstty Xif, eetablieleipoorne l?ioad arid, oomprehLen elve systetn of coin rum school eclut ationi .:.by 'Naas of laioh the chi=ldren of the; ��;h Ie 'voikin'g populatid n oft'lie6ountry could reeive seuui•ir, `instruct]Qn at -t .Pr public expense..... Stance the Reform. .0tit went into' operation,'=a.i d its effects -.hive been ascertained, the necessity for the adoption of some general- syetem of education has become still - more appar- ent. Statistics .recently published'snow that under the operation ..of: the new -Franchise Act, the number of voters in, England' and Wales has been , nearly 'doubled. , .In .1866, the niu»ber of borough voted ,was 514,026,.of'county voters,' 542,633, making a total of 1,- 056,659. In 1858, n;sder the Fran- clisse;:A, Wit, the borough voters number- ed, 1,220,715, and the county 'voters, 691,916, giving atotal of 2,011,641, or an increase of 955,972, of which 706,- 689 have accrued to the boroughs -and 249,283 to the counties, the increase in the boroughs beit g 137 per cent.,- and iu the counties only 46 per cent. In order that this, increased number, of voters may increase their freedom and their right .. to suffrage intelligently, education must be made. mach more general in Fngland than it has ever hitherto been; The fact is, --there are few countries in Europe, and none' in North America, where the laboring musses are not better educated than -the: sante class in Englau:d .and Waled. _ It: . is.a stain upon the fair. escutcheon of England that she, Lhe wealthiest nation on time earth, has done so_, little for the .cause of popular education. This odium will, however, .he soon removed, and we do not doubt, that before long, the pub - 11c mind will become so aroused on this subject that Parliament will be compel- - 1.33 to pass an educational bill, which will . provide for'the comnnulsory educa- tion duca-tion of every child in the kingdom, not physically or .mentally disqualified to 4 (eater a common school. Already, .edu- cational leagues are being organized, and large meetings re being held in vari- ous parts ofnglsnd, with a view to agitate the question,` and to bring about a - complete revolution: is the present 'system of popular education.. - One. of. Vie largest of these meetings was recent- ly held at Birreingham, ;where, in fact, the National League vas convened. 'A ninnber . of essays,. relating 'to popular education, were read there, and about • forty membeis of Parliament joined the League. The President explained tlrtt the League means that every chiLd in Euglaud shall.., be educated, The prosperity of the country, said he, de - mends it. Ignorance,_ is , bringing Eilgland into an abyss of pauperism and crime,. - Her political and "commercial power a re alike threatened by the ignore auee of her peoplei. and universal edu- . cati'ou is the only remedy for' the' evil. To carry it out, the National Ed -cation- al league has been- formed, which wi11 be aided in its grand work by ner nercus local leagnes to be.organized throughout England and Wales. A . plan of operation has been fully agreed upon, and the league will labor to bring about such action of Pa,rlia hent that :-1. Local authorities shall. be compelled to provide school accorpo- clation for every child in their district. 2.e .-The schools to be supported bye a tax oneproperty, supplemented by govern- ment giants, 3. The Fsch°ols to be managed by 1.,caf .authority; but sub- ject to Government inspection. 4. These _schools ,are to be non-sectarian, and admission free, 5. Attendance,; when not otherwise ander instruction, to be .compulsory. To carry out this programme, many members of- the League, it is-, said, have subscribed! a thousand pouncle each,. one uundred p -u ids a year for ten year, should not the great inorel and:mental revolution' be acconapliahed before ,the expiration of -,hat: period. Eltergetic, 'active and aole hien have taken' tile work in hand, and, they will neverabandon it till, they. hay..e'. brought it to a successful and triumphant ‘issue, In . Englerid there' it a verb . general 'impression° that .religious last' a•ction should : be given. in the seetla.t_ schools. A xna- joiity•°of the people are undoubtedly Lanie Barteine is a heroine. of the opinion i,riat both ee alar anti •deno:mina,tion - instruction. .should be Bismark And The Heir Apparent. combined•, and it will be no. easy task tJ coliviace theel that such a ,combi The anxiety:its Berlin considering the; station is a nit:,tate-a very Serious, visit of the Crown Prince of Prussia, t -err or, az d o"e (alc•ni ttecl to retard the Court of Vieinta is not withote the cause.:o{' popul<.r 'education: M r. reason. rt has long l,et•ll -knoW n that Miall, t7 P., the leader of the dice:.- the heir to the Prussian crown is n c:tbll>hrnF nt agitation,- had doubts -: con- friend of Count Hr _nark. Not 1:g �:.ado g -ternire •`what. !3e ca.11ec1 the neutrality the stateemeii who carried out tie#gig echetee, because he thought the best g1*'andizeraent of his country With .arch gar S Aro 1 T EXPOSITOR, &*C Bock iiinster said he had watched of Austria is Of great politleat s n - the working; of tbe:.preset y system, a nd was reuctaintly ' conipelid to ad - l it . theta the denentinational. , sygtem had, ftmiletl oto econ?plish its ,`obleest.''1 i proof./ of itt he. referred. to the_indiffo, `once • to ,religions .worship by most scholars oof- .parish schools. ' We may ficrtnte, though his. Imperial. .Majesty has; ,fol, owed: the advice cif his_ Ministers And keep Oriel silence, on. politjeal Op- les... In the event. of a successful: R p- ullican movemci t in France; -we should p •Qbably dee the popui r wavo extend- ed to Gerr=anye where; ,democratic, in- ob ve t1aa,i - the • parish and x o,st $titutiinno.nalt ht be :expected /to prosper other. common schools in England have amongst a people well educated 11,n0 possesnige large, ateotint-of political kilt wledg and aepir tions. ; ,A,usfria, on the; :contrary, _ is• r;omposed, except in the=Genian ,provinces, of a rich dnd powerful aristocracy, • between whom and the ilbeduoated to%r classes there liifherte . °leen conducted' on the drno- IPinxtiont>l system. M'.' Buckminster Sentai s'and think 'verruly, , thht " Theology and scripture proofs of� various.:doctrines, tire, ••-no doi it taught in. most of the Etig'lish,schools,, but /religion is n* taught . and icrt uuot, Ousts no body of mento form a Reptib- be'. taught: • The one is a science, h e other 'a sentiment, and we Have been 2ncist;aking. the one for the other." Mr; .11' H. Brodie, "Inspector of Schools, writing from 'the:Education- Oflice, in . Downing Street, says•:--= " After ten and a -half years of expe- rience of the present system of edu- cation; I have quite cone to the con- clusion that the poor are not or never will be reached by it, except very- par- _Austria is concerned the t isit of the tially, especially in the large towns, 0rewn Prince has been roentirelY with - so fruitful of the criminal class." The out -effect. The Emp ' pe i $ projected Rev. Charles Kingsley wiote to the yi4it to the Sultan is of far deeper iin- same effect, basing his opinion upon pci3 tance, and is not unlikely to lead to twenty-seven years of texperieuee. the successful issue of a long -cherished A. number of other gentlemen, both project -the connexion of Vienna and clergymen aed laymen, extpl ,sed sinhi- ‚‚__._t-__ , , , y aitwaY• lar of;inions. At present itheGovern- ment and the 'clergy of the Church of England have the education of the masses of the children of England in J rode out -one day to see Culloden* Moor. their hands, and they .will not give The part of. the field where the lcan . Government. I•n giving . con- stitutional. liberty to 'leis people the Emperor has warded off the -clanger of democratio risings, and it is quite cer- tain that no helpagaitist Republicanism is to be 'found in that quarter. The present policy of the .Austrian Govern- ment' is absoluto non-interference in. case of domestic troubles in Germany as well as in foreign wars. As far as Bd;ttle Field of Culloden. up this vantage ground without a battle was fought is now thickly plant - hard contest. But truth must Ultima ` ed with wood• The visitor has to pick telt';prevail ; and England" -will enjoy his -way through a dense forest of larch the advantage of free conirnon schools over the very ground where the Royal untrammelled by clenominatic,nal _in- troops and the Iiighlsndera faced each fluences and drawbacks. In Canada e•ther, and across which the clansmen, and in the United States, the common. "Plaided and plumed in their tartan ar- school systems _have worked 'most ad- ray," rushed under a forest of flashing' rilirably when entirely tree fromthe broad swords to their doom. blighting effects of sectarian teaching A0clear space has been left at one and we have no doubt the like results spot where the carnage was most ter - would follow the adoption -of the same riblet . Yo.11 can' still trace there, by or a,similar system in England. One the streaks.of vivid green, the trenches h' fa, t has been prove) by experience, and ere the Highland dead lie buried. Riding over the open moor to the west, that is in communities made up of a variety of different religious-. sects, the between Keppoch's grave and stable common schools cannot flourish unless hollow, I accosted attnan whose family freed from all denominational teaching as it turned out, had occupied a farm and influence. Under such ; circum- on - the moor for many generations. stances it is far better to leave the re- He Pointed across to the humble farm ligious education of children to their house,which is still standing, and said parents, the clergy, and those schools that, on the day of the battle his gree t established exclusively for 'typal tine gran !mother was baking bread them, religious and doctrinal instruction when a I.Iighlender, flying* from the These are' the views held by a vast ma field with one hand shot off, rushed into jority of the people of Ontario, as well the cottage; knelt before the fire and ��taies, and they are held the bleeding stump to the red hot s of the United S derived from many years of observation hearthstone to stop the flow. When this and experience. Both systems have as accomplished, he picked np a been tried in this province,, and the half-'akel be/mock,. fur the highlanders non. -sectarian scheels have "proved 'the . were " a.lf famished' on the day. of the, wont useful and the most successful. - battle, end leaving the heu,e, continued -0. :his flight to the hills. THE SMARTEST` GIRL IN MICHIGAN. The country round is full of stories -At fort Oneida, ou 'Lake Michigan and traditions of the battle ; and here lives it is said, '• the t:martest girl g in a.nd.ithere you will find old people who Michigan." She is a German about who -will tell of strange noises that seventeen years old, and the oldest in used to be heard at sight when the the family of an even dozen, living in spirits of the.. Gullo;leu's clsx.d met a little doub a log tibio on the shore of to fight again in the air. A .gentlemen the lake. She delights in outdoor life in Inverness, who often heard these stories in and employment., especially boating and his childhood, mentioned a fishing, and for the lust three years has circumstance o�vhnhnoe in his own experience to been master of a handsome boating ow sem®: of thous could be craft and set of gill -nets.. She put acotlntecl for. them out early in 1.pri1 and continues He said-" I used to be very fond o'-' them till late in the fall, She is out curling,- *One night many years ago the ice was so bad in the usual place, .that every morning at daylight, and again in the, evening, except in the roughest I got some friends to go • with me to 'either. She takes a younger sister the mi11-darn On the Culloden road. As itiong,to hel •.set and draw nets: there was iso moon we got pots of ta- efteei brings a couple of hundred fine and carted these and he stones awe b tfine to the darn. We lighted the y lake trout and white -fish . al � a, haul r t' g ta1•- S11e dresses therm; tries out the oil p ° s, placed them a t each end, and :be. packs and sends thein awayto Market. ban our game. By this time it was the Her A it usC and Septemberdead of night. Presently., as it eta g catch yy rued amounted to over $300. Besides' her out, the noise of the stones rattling and fishing receipts she had taken in over knocking against each other on the r V-70 ,this: aeason for terries i sounding ice, awoke some people p cktcl at thep 1 on •odd hours by herself and sisters. All hillside, who, looking forth intim. her money goes to her father. Month the night, sighted with terror the lural after nio>sth he packs it away in old flames, saw figures hurrying to and fro. locks end _ stockings under his bed • heard the shonting and strange noises, night after'night he guards it with,and reported next day, wit•,_ quivering g b 'lip q g sabre and pis ol. - all„ she is said, to" . P ,: that they had seen with their ow n Have earned him ► 3 ;_700. Of course eyes the spirits. of the Culloden dead Abe old man is proud of. his girl,` and contending again in tierce conflict."-- tells Qf Ler ,exploits with the liNsliest Dr. Macrae in Glasgow Herald. twinkle,of satisfaction. ganger and •• hardship seem unknown to her. She MOURNING FOR TILE DEA - D. 'The will go out in any blow, and come in widow's cap is a kind' of shroud, inti - with full $. Her white .meets and mating th`a`t the wife, being one with ,blue pennon aro known ,be; people :far her , husband, has -in .a manner, died l,,eng:th!. coast:. Boats salute. tier in with him. But the etiquette of a vvie. passing, boys swingy their hats in proud "dove's moru�uing does not render it be- passing, Without , knowing it;" tes't'y "for her to wear weeds snore than a year, though she can wear. them long. er.--Among the Romaais' -a., year of mourning *as ordained by law for a hushanct. The color is meant to signify grief, which varies en different coun- tries. . In;Egypt.it is yetiow, represent- ing the color of leaves, when they fall. In Ethio;hia tis brown, that beim the color of the earth to which the dead le- , PP y to 1lessrs season Sea rth' o to %Ie,arsAC'•azneron, 1`, cMichael, Fitzger� turn. `tu Turkey it is 1,lne-- to em- J,ald Hoskin, ohcitors Toron blem of thel_a , }iness it is hoped t1,e ' Sept. pith, 1 9 tO 1' i 92-tf. 0 SEAT "RT:E AR - StGN OF THE: 4 "tib R/ T V :� _ `� 1-�a LAR. I ItE undersigned begs to inform the farm- ers and others ofthe Countyof Huron, ..1.. " h hat 113 has opened a first class HARNESS & SAD LER,Y IN, S:ELAPoRT 1 And being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment. he can and will offer superior inducements to any. other party doing business here. J'IS COLLARS particularly, are acknow- led. - ed bcof�. p etant udto- be su- periost any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the community, he is satisfied that all who favour bila with their patronage will have ,no cause to regret doing so: His personal supervision being _given to all work manufactured at his shop, places him in a position to warrant all work sold by hien, and his motto will he " the nimble six- pence before the slow shilling." Come along farmers and judge for yourselves. No charge for showing goods. s rShop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth. WM. H. OL [VER, Seaforth, June 18,-1869. 80-tf. GODERlCH COMMERCIAL AND MATHEIVIATICAL ASA? EMY! (Established Oct. 1st, 1866.) In Co7aneetion with the London Corn- vtereud College: The Course of Stady Is Comprehensive, PRACTICAL .AND CHEAP. The time necessary to complete the course is from 4 to 6 months ; but one year is al. lowed, so that all can finish it without extra eh.arge. . TERMS: - For the whole course, $20 in advance. (Books & Stationery not included.) Please ei.close stamp for circular- which contains full information, and address J. A. MeKELLAR, Principal, Goderich, Ont. 89-0105. August 20th. 1869. S H FOR HE subscriber having REMOVED to the premises lately occupied by E, Hick- son & Co., is now prepared to pay the high- est Cash Price for any quantity of good Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, . Main St, Seaforth. DAVID D. WILSON. - Seaforth, April 22. 72-tf. INSO _,VENT AOT aF 1864. In -the Matter of WILLIAM FER- GUSON 4n Insolvent. N Saturday the: sixth day of No- vember next, dine undersigned will apply to the Judge of the County Court orthe County of Huron for a discharge under the said Act. g WILLIAM FERGUSON. By M. C CAMERON, His Attorney. Gcderich 20thA.0 g. A. D. 1869.:91-2 ONTARIO HOUSE, FALL &WINTER ST0CS, Very Complete, and selling hag at greatly Reds tedPri.ccs CLOTHS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS. S. and HOODS, In great variety. IJ res rocenes And. Crockery. EDWARD CASH. Seaforth. Sept, 29, 1869. FOR •SALE. -`r '_OT No.' 20, in the 13th Concession of Stephen. = Term„ liberal, Title ood A l deceased enjoys. In Uhitet it is white. xrt 11ts of the t'''own � y c Esc.l---- 1m of teligiotas teachings that his policy wet)kI find no favur'lfl • i1gUt. Exalted erconanes ni v _; ons the c +r rl � °1 ' �_,• , ti . � L Il g ottrnming teachers were relagrone, and he thought a.udeeity and orec•ess heal l frcj�, the ] In Europe black denotingthe d rlvd the wm.kin'n ` classes •would object :t° `' o .. ' - t.h � • . .'; ` r �• " J Fm h11c e the frank avo.�val�tlo�a� of life as the -extermination' o#" AGENTS WANTED. GENTS wanted tai sell one of the lest A liberal di r, e ti . e rovince. a is - o rave In i t . ea orth, Sept. �1t11 1689 •• e' ��'eaf rth Se . ROBERSO- Importer and manufacturer of all kinds of HOUSEHOLD F :ITU R Es Such as SOFAS, LOUNGES. CENTRE TABLES, MATT1 AS:SE DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS. and _BEDSTEADS, In Great Varietr. Mr. R. has great confidence in offering his goods to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber, and by First -Class Workmen. CO FFIP MADE TO ORDER On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness. and. Despatch. Wareroonm s TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HO'T'EL Main Street. - . Seaforth, .Ian. 6th. 1869. -tt� GOOD NEWS TO Farmers and Others. HE undersigned having newly fitted out his mill in a first class style, m vc hie he is now grinding for every -FIFTEENTI BUSHEL Or exchanging flour for . goal wh3at at 41 lbs. to the bushel THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH- PA I FOR. WIIEAT. ". ALFRED BREWER, Roxburgh Mill eeaforth.` June 4th, 1869;. i8 -3n1. J. SEATTER EXCHANGE BROKER And dealer it Pure DRUGS'. CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS. The 1 rng:Departinent is under the special care of an experienced Chemist,' R. M. PEARSO January 9. st, 1869. tau -1y i;r'nifurc. ..F N ArT R E. TH°L BELL has now cin hand the lar est Stock in g Seaforth, of every .des- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest prices. Qual- ity of material' employed, and,workmanship, guaranteed. D N'D MI TAIII\TC* In all its departments, attended to in a sails factory manner A Hearse for hire. T. BELL'S PATENT SPRING MATTRAS Kept constantly on hand, and fitted to any bedstead. This article is the best and cheap- est made, .az attested to by allywho have us- ed it.. Warranted to give tiatisfaction. 'Remenber. the plate, 0 10 STT , KICSD MIMOL IN's. Sesrforth; -Aug. 5.„.:1869. 87-tf BAR ERS • t Get your Homeanades Cut Out ..10 With. Econom ';Cut Taste_ ste Ta AT SUTHERLANDBRO.'S, TAILORS, Goderich, Street. 0-o °Firs And Wor?zmanship Guaruint$d. CHARGES MODERATO NBXT'DOORTO t v rt c hc) 1�.� ILlc,joined • the etent of the tlu�akc:is aecossion t0 in purple of violet signifies a .n sat palm' 1'njren�'`'I's 1T1 th F tl,t .0 )t12 t will T ?1�.1-.4 : Zt t l�ll'll1121t+'td�tllt. tee LlrrlJnit'. .l 1,,.• l'151u` Lo tlI(. I.11il;e 't}t' ; Ul soy 1•J ,'F allyl hope. � L'r1.,. �lj:,pjy at the r I S f expositor` O .1 -b Lumsdens Drug Store, 0 11 $ THE I wea the pre and, anal had wor; Ttrst'. old sten of p the-- and he-and care side ma` not oft net. be fay of ed t: sto a„ cel. got the enc mu amt`, de tam wh -p. rh of tb: tt1 f0' Ira de to he ch 1 t1 n hi bj tL 1