HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-05, Page 10g t€ a1>cu Fl Simi .v of tit f tigni trltrtzi e said re 9ted v stir, the =obit e the stain of ,in:tfter men the sum.' afltt',; y see t of tate said G tl:ie�IlE;el. i nine of the tlit':tid rata- ftl. t• tt=- e'r- iI•Ie,til,e,:.ti�•�, :e•tl ft•,+t1, the e tithe sin k in r aetiy tit€ 1 Ase:' re:. iiE tit i'fi;l cif Tl foa� the E.. r €rf the F ► G'Z-� ti €11Ii of r`s- t al ie interest Jv sitikin - of til ri�at� alae'te al ep the derl/air'. e levied in I a1 1 p,• he irk., her Colliµ ` Y xt EIt ekf ' J.) be 7 .}t til al,cxre for tis c'i of tie suing 0 not les r fx argr € e e1 �f�t�It�l, sit .It 1, attic iffal Said slit l l b- the (lay -u to .. Eby TTAT—Bi•:ic 1.1FS ROSS deain s to inform --hc that ho laps t1 ie nt;d rill the ollb, `ailile to stn I a N k W LiVe - nection with his I1e)€€:1. where .#r ties can be accommodated -with 'first-, L*'ass rreS and vehicles, aa .reason: able �.." ,c , . Seaforth, Oct, .1 1 ic,�.q, . 9-tif YOU` �A CHEA �AINT�, 1CR PURE. • RAINING -EOM 1113-Url CQ.e,ORS, See., Got R LLS' =ei---t Sy CHEMICALS. ry N +c , L PA T aNT DIC:; ES. tai to• Th -11 LOST. THREE YEAR OIC, TE red Conor, with z hii e st light z e :a'k �a..ccl,z,� the f auk. atoll white star on the face. .ix per- e..on iii ling suet information as will hiaa recovers, will be stilton.},., rt' warded leadytt3- W 24.C�` Lot 21, Coil_ i4, 1Ct£iLJop',; te,e lath, 1863- set .�.1-4tn. r s sl=arc rate; .ref ort the a,e: tory s of at as tae the F4ta; t Cererirt, 13581 ton to d late - In al te- effect the, 69.., - n tYe matt.er Of -lot -,Ff HU ke ' (;rt Ille Ie �. r �n�'g74.-u �° titnt >i of a Niki e o Sea'•. or Ii -l1 t 3r- or littroL. TOTICE E is lierel3y,riveu that William N. 1 A `atscre cf the V iIla e. of' the County of Huron, (x:e n.lt,rn.a,t, li Gentleman-. has in .� inaea an application to the Col rt of. Uhanc;.ry fur• a -c r-tcticate of title to the. above int do .. 4G.,n nc,d property under elle Act for Quieting Titles.. heal= Esta; e in Upper (.inal a •' aa.i produced evidence wh * : t _ d has 1?' � c reby he ap�,earrs to be the owner thereof in fee free from all iiictl_m br. ance.t, except a most age' tip e eon . to goyal. Canadian .Bank ; therefore ..ny other .persoii having or pretencliri ,e to 'have, e, any tale to or interestin the said land, e,r an part thereof, is required, on or before NVec ?- ne. sday the Seventeenth day of November - /10W next (nutting, to file a statement of his Cahn iu my (}fficr , at Os, oode trail', in the City of Toronto, axed to serve a copy an the sand William N_ Watson, or oni .� c.s3r aMc- Caughey and llolmested, of the village of {•ieaforth, his Solicitors, and in dtfat;ult every uch claim will to barred and the title sf th said William N. i Fatso,n become absolute-- and indefeasible at law, anclin Equity subject.- illy to the reervatic,ns mentioned c in the. 7th section of the saa.id Act. acid: therein ntimbered one.: two, three ;aid four. Dated this 13th cloy of Octouer, : 1809. (Signed), T. W. TAYLOR', Referee of Titles.: S 0 1 99,. .1Le(T F CANTON ak a. a - r; e. tie , E IG: IJSEL IN THE " `.-, NEW -POST %TTI E BLOCK, IS THE PLACE FOR H ICE 1 EASa The fact that the stabs a-it:er mtake3 tl a- .a:t ,:lc: a speciality, should tea all intending itei_asers. who like the best the market aif- elk 1s to, at least, try Ikis stock. Finest And a :s --i -ct esto sk cif titapie and:Fancy (.`re aeries, a1wad, s on hand, - JAME4 C. LA,: et.W. Ce oIeer e9th.. Ct1• t f-.. F f News of the lAireek. BRITAIN. :THE SEAFORTI E POS.I_TOR ad tstiutate of 2,750,000 bales .will be exceeded. - On Wednesday ereek • the3• steamer Stonewall was burnt a few miles 'below gSt. Louis. ,aver 200 people were crowned. The Cuban agent in - tcais country says the Junta did not al point 0 ipt Higgins to .the�•orniai,nd of the Hornet, vessel having been presented .to the Junta by certain -parties, who res- erved the right, to appoint her. : officers. The Junta suspect °apt. Biggins of treachery. Chicago imposes to erect a new leo. tel to he .called " The Pacific," -whish is to cost half a tnillion dollars. It is figured up .thal.t Bi iglus m. Young is the ricb('st man in A iuericat, Stewart, Vanderbilt and Astor notwithst tndina Mi•. Gorge Peabody y is dan, ;eroul y hi. At last accounts he was soinewha,t better but not out of darin 3t•. Mint Rye left Liverpool on Friday last for this -country whin another lot pf servant girls. Ea),r1 DerbTy was buried at linows'ey- on Friday_ last. There was no partial lar di- d tv. S r l 1. h;tr l Grosvenor, Marquis of %Vesttu t,istU, (tied on Saturday lash. aoec� i 4. A tci ;sting held in. Limerick for cob.. sideeittidn 'of the hind retiuTe Wes -brok- en up .1►y ad itI- ), sh0utiaig . fur :amnesty • to the _Fenian. prisoners. A pOc'l butcher at Sheffield has been sent to } 1•ieon lotsix months for soak- e ing seesage- s o1" horse flesh; Special cies)at( lies from Zaltzi'1 sw convey very iuterestircg and .pleasing nitelligel ce troin.Liviii ;gone dated to the ' 8tii of- Aug -1.1d, 1 ti6S. - He' was then iii good .health. spent the year previous in exploring thesectiott of the countrylying:toruli of 'raz,gaiva- jaka• lake. . which he forbidto contain many small springs or loner rail efoun tains `whirl he claims to be they true tionrces, of the river -Nile :De. Living- etone stateetlnit he jnid heard that two `different - instalments of : supplies had reached Nioji from /•uizihar for his use, Mit they; had linea re"eived at a time previous 'to leis arrivit,l there. So -as to he ve them early and thug render. therm beneficial, be requested that sup- plies -of -n'autic'al instruments and a-1- mailacs for 1869 70 . be ferivae ded to him ; thus it►tlie.atiug, -as awas supposed an intention ti remain in the: country some tirolonge .., 'I'he' despatches are viritten c n • small scarps of }rt.l,ei• which Dt. Livingd,ei.E begged froth tile Arabs whe convened the written docttme ntsi• .to Mlle coast for trensrn i:ssion : to Eng - rand. -Seven lsattaliens of volunteers •.soon sail : for .Havana Euli itrnenZs' for the Cule n'ave.iv. atilt continue. Senor A rdsines .h'as 1:ud the Budget be`ore the COrtee. 'The .excess of -_re- ceipts over expe:ntlitu.tes fog the ensuing fiscal ve•' i• is estilnit .ed at one Million pounds sterling, The poll tax is sap_ pries<sed,. civil seleries are reduced 20 per cent, and clerical • salaries 3.0 per ceii.t. The financial cletiAt for the cite relit year ati oultts to 520;1100,000 • reals. • • CANA DA. to The new museum of Mcflill Univer city, erected at fa. Cost of $2,200, was formally opened on Thtlyda,y last. On Friday lad 80 Gernetn nand about 45 English and Trish Eniigrtuts arrived in Toronto. The former' went to the Western Stater. . - A station. will be erected on tl e GreatWestern, at the Governoi's road crossing, upon. laid .purchased from Mr. Wilson. Rumour says that Eastwood and Arnold ^tations"are to be'; .abolished, !eat big only one station - be- tween Princeton and Woodstock. In some of the nortlyern townsttil)s of the County :of Grey, considerable glair' is standing in silos k. Mr. Jules Seii.ver has been elected by acclamation to succeed Mr. Rose - in • in the Commons as member far - Hun- lli tingclon. _ i . 1t, is reported that Mr. ,I ainkir, the late Member for :Cil Orth Renf ris w; is to receive an appe.intment, and be located in New -Brunswick. ° Ou -Friday last ab yarclsman was run over by an eiaiue 'at Stratford and sustioned injuries requiring amputation of t14 arm.. On t1'e day following . he diet]. " ..,' On Saturday night aA ratan named Kavanaugh and i colored barber got in to an. altercation on ` the stt Net aa.t• Toronto and fought, which terminated in liavnnatittdt being killed, 1►v a blow he ` received fi•oi4 the barber with a pair. .of scissoi s: The barber was convicted of manslaughter. 0- )oelerhauii & _ Worts distillery, will he rebuilt, forthwith. At the recent meeting of the Grand Divi.. inn of Sons of Temperance Mr. G. W. Ross was elected Grand Worthy Y Patriarch. The Miiiiste •ial crisis is still pending G-eu. Priu► iti nuking stre'.nous efforts The Porkeabon of I868-9. to retain at least one .U1iioniet in tl.e Cabinet. . $. Tlie prospect of a art agreement iii the �C.ot tcs on tI-ie ehoiee of a-l1,.big iwproves It is now kt]o•wn that 14.1 deputies are 1ledg€d to vote for tht.'U tike:: of G-euoa. FRANCE. • 11-11inistet•s hive- decided not to prose- cute a he Press... for any of the recent -viohdaonS of the Press 'Law. rumor got • afloat' that the Em- - 1)erol' h el at rohipse, of Itis -old disease, but it -is strop g 1 y eon ta•adieted. __.. -- RO-ME. - Tile atonal ;n gnvernnierit reserves the right to reject tile de;wisiuns of the Ue .einienciaal Oounril, opposed to the la.wa of the countryand the spirit of the a ge. 1 .7 WVE 1 7s''Diib: S,. Domingo all vit.•esa of October 156,. states tha_tt ,Gen: Babcock is still there gathering statistics s and holding: long interviews with President Baiz, which lead to• the inference among the people that annexation to the United btatess is under consideration. _A tTSTR IA. Despa{itclresfroam the. South state that Dal III atiLila i sairrection is more e for aiid- able an at first reported,. Private letters show that the troui,lc i1) yet prove to be of -a serious anetitre., They are, date mai ned upon ac, cot1111)1ishing toeir indelaeuJeltee - of Austiia, which Power- wil. use her tit most endeavors to i levant any ftirthe loss of ilei territory. It is rumored that Russia is covertly assisting the Dalrnait ans in order to -weaken Aus- tria. RUSSIA.-- St. Petersburgh. Oct.'—The Emperor -of Russia wi;1 spend part of the Winter at; Cowes,, 1.1e -` of Wight, and .Nice, - France. The seasor of 1869 has been remerk- ably enol t lrottg!iotit, nine it seems that the autumn is to he no exception, fol the weat:het of the past t weekluis been uncommonly cold ; lii.eral si'lowets of slow give a certain pro i)E et of an eat), winter. As a cotttieque=n•e - the pork Serteen sill open early. This is fortun- ate, since stocks of pork and pork pro- d as are vervlight bo'tll in this;country and in ttte Unit -+d States ; and ',Ileon- ly '• hope of a, turn iti the markets in f -vor of the consume is an e-trly supply of hogs. Unfoi tuuati 1 this isnot to lee a.t ti''i )'tte' • ,,, y who ought . 1 �e.l. .l n s . vvl c ou�,ltt to know insist that there is a great scarcer. tv offull _gt.own hogs, and that the Et Fe ply of heavy weighs will be of no a:t'- count before the latter part; of the seat - on: Thelateness of the harvest wt 1 mod to (Hay the 'marketing ofhogs to proportionate exteeit. It is a favor. able circnanstauiec that the crops of coarse.greil]s of all kinds, except corn, is abundant ; rotas also have done well, a1►ed all these .aa•t ries selleat a low price, so that &mile,rs could.not possibly Make so prof 61Cl•e -a dispo'. 1 of then' as to feed-ltller out to .the-eir.hogs. There is the usual amount of specula- tion as to the future of prices. On this one si-le there is 1.1•te lightness of stocks, the• p ,rtial fail are of the_ eorn cropftin the. West, . the tig'=tnes- of mune l in the United States, and a falling off .of neatly 400.00 P1Iead in the number of hogs in England. as compared with last year, and over 1,000,000 as conular• ed with 1867 0-n the other ,ide, there is the fact that Litt' ui tuffs very low and pork is very high that there is s. great abundance of cheap food which will be fed out liberally, giving a supply of fait hogs kite in the season ; that prices stile far above the average, and that t-rterefol''e the_ c}.ai,ct.s 'are all favour of,a de^li ue •ill alt, y of the Cin= tinatti packers- have shown their confi denoe in the tum ruliai: of prices for Nove►eeb-r and 1Jece:rnher, by cont►at,t- jog for delivery during these months at $8.50 to $9 gloss. . • A feature in the American trade'is an incr--asing demand for bacon from the Southern States, The negroes },4- fir bacon to pork altogether ; in fact, barrelled pork seer] to be pretty neatly ruled out of the:Soutltern markets. The average price of poi k iu Toronti, for five years has been 1864, $5.611 ; 1865, $ .:tl2 ; 186. $5.75 ; 1867, $5.- 36 , '1.868, $7.40 the season of 1869 opens at $8.-50 to $10.00.— anstcvey imes. - UNITED STATES. .The Department, of A rieulture re- ports on the state or the cotton crop attest ample suffi^ eney for all the wttapi., - of the couutrr-, and that the condition. ! before theist of January, 3r, FALEp 7 V m v REVISED TERAS ! r• i- ice./� /� �. /N/1 THE 4 lobe' et 'Expositor FOR atiiN $2:75. ISR. JOHN THOMPON This numerous customers fr their liberal patronage during the 1st fifteen years, -and. trusts he will receive 34 continuance. Ite has now on band a large wtsortmenf Good Sound -Green R emlock ! ! Which he warrants will give satisfaeiof,, ALSO, • • 2001000 FEET : OF PINE. 1 I CUT FOR - BUILDING AND -GENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal term.. -e will be promptly attended to.` He has also on hand a large assortment. M WELL SEASONED, ACCOUNTS 11 To which he calls th 3 attention of his cue omers, who will and it to their advant- .age to rtt're thein promptly, and withoaa t legal roc aed ngs. . .. Seaforth, July 15th, -1869, 8441- New 4-{1 New tiro -eery Stork In connection with the SFAFORTIr MILLS Flour and Seed .Store Opposite Sharp's Hotel, THE subscribers beg tot announce to to u►habitants of Sealorth :.end surroundtag country, that they have just received a Jago stock of Ifitr-eshGroceri-031 Which, for quality and Cheapness, etsn- not be surpassed in the County- .. - They have also on 'hand a lot of 1310 E Treadwell Seed Wheat. The Weekly GLOBE for. 1 y 870, and tale Seaforth. EXPOSI- . FARMERS may exchange wheat for Flour T and Feed at value la -. - t the m thereby avoiding . the necessity of-waiting�1 '. g y t� year free, will be supplied for Two Dollars and Sevens --Y- have it ground. W. A. Shearson & Co Seaforth, Sept. 16th- 52-1y. TOR for the same time, and the remainder of the current Five Gents. Nit Ciubs! Clubs!! C1ubs:!!! In Clubs of ten and over, $2.50 for the Globe and Expositor, or $1.25 for. the Expositor alone. --- + 1"41 4 ♦ — rizes! rizes ! ! "rizcs!!! 'For a Club of� ten'theExpositor. . a copyof �� o�2to� . For a Club of p twenty'• a copyof the Expositor and the Weekly Globe. Fi'ine a Club of thirty the.last mentioned and a handsome copy either of the BTitislli Poets. A Special Prize of a First -Class Patent Lever Watch for the largest club over fifty, reported ed. of. • • Clubs may be made up of either,, names for the Expositor andGlobe t � 2 1 a .5 tle�,� talone U, Expositor or at $1,. amu, or both.- . C]iEDIY. CREDIT. CREDIT. TREASURER'S SALE OF LA. DS FOR, TA ES I COUNTY OF HURON, l Y VIRT To WIT : ; (�1 of a Warr4t. under the.hand of the Vvardcnkof the Com- ty of Huron, and the Seal of ihe said Coua- ty, bearuig date the third day of August A . D21869, to me directed, for the coney -- tion of arrears of taxes due . on the underlie mentioned lands. These are therefore 100 give notice that unless the said taxes, go- gether with all lawful costs and charges las sooner paid, 1 sha.1 on TUESDAY 30th day of November, A. D, 1869, at the hour of Ten o'clock; X,11i„ AT TITS OvT HQ_'LT'S` IN TEE TOWN OF - GODIRIC3, J Proceed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION tits said iandl, oro much thereof as may tas suffi ;lent to discharge such arrear -s of taxte and charges thereon. lvnTE. —In the f liotving list ;`e:11." .eryy• i es Beast ,Division ---"w d." West l)stths' iont,- -"p." Patented—"u.p ►► f,n ratenteri - ' s7' Pail '.'n.t.p." _North ?'own Pita.- - TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Let Coli 4c. Pt, Taxes Gats Too East -t 4. 1 e. d 100 p 77 09 2 78 79 N t 1 3" 100 p 6421 246 6645 tiV 4 4 4' 100 p . 94 91 3 23 9814 On account of .thy late harvest the time for v ill Part 111► 99.3 35 1o2 ; � 2 payment 8 4 100. p 4:3 17'1 93. 46 ip 1 d 8 half 1 6 100 u p 31 86 1 65 ' 33 :81 be extended to the 25th of December. Names should be sent Vv pt s 41 14 49 p. 1:3 44 1 20 1-4 64 � 4wdt•0 p 8205 `290 $49 200 p 123 12 4 78 127 VD N part 2 4 136 p . 65 27 248 67 N 1}a1f 3 8 100 n.p 64 69 248 67 IT N half 4 8 100 tap 33 73 120 14 TA E ]calf l l $ 100 u. p 12 98'1 18 14 76. - '4'1' half 6 9 100 p 72 69 2 s68 75 37 iNWptofN4.. - 6 10 80 p 31 58 1 65 33 24 N half 3 11 100 u. p. 69 38 2.60 71 W half 5 11 100 p 35 77 1 75 37 5' Tf, half 8 11 100 u. p 41 65 1 90 '' 43 5 W half 8.11 100 u. p 31 06 1 63 32 mi S W pt 11 11, 20 p 25 42 1:50. 26 • 6 12 200 p ' 80 02 285 82 87 N part J 13 114 p 45 60 2 00 4'7 el 3 North Town Plot —vim KLY' OBS FOR $1:25 r 153 pI130634231 bipart 34 r►. t.p. 63 p 34 70 1 73 36. 'VILLAGE OF P0RT ALBERT, IN ASHFIELD: 22 E Arthur at. 4 p 2 73 93 - 3 e36 23 do p 2 73 93 3 46 •24 do • 4 p 273 93 3 5 25 ':do 4 p 515 93 6 1-0 - 2a, do • p 11 71 1 15 12 8, 31 do 4 p 11 60 115 12 > 22 do 4 n.p '11 71 1 15 12 46 24 tai xa.p 11 71 1; l5 . )ti 35 do $ u: -D 11 7l 1 1:i 1.2btr on at once, and thepapers will be forwarded the first issue: • ce PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS To the Expositor Will be sup lied for 1870 with the By remitting the amount to us before the 25th .December. Address, ROSS c L UX.TOiV, Seaforth, D. '3