HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-05, Page 95 • • h An Outrage at Port 'Huron. (.From thg Detroit .Free Pres8.) There occurred .at Port Huron, yes- terday, one .nf •the most extraordinary acts, on: the Part of the collector of cust- oms, we have ever heard of, a'ar.clone which, if not promptly corrected by the Secretary. ot the Treetu •y, prc,ve of incalculable dionatee to the State t)f Mi chigan. The facts aro these ;--A party ot ladies and gentlemen cume from Montreal over the 0raaiid Trunk Rail- way, with the intention of passing over the railway from port llviire)n to this city, midi from thecaee to Chleaago. anct St, Louis. Among the party were Mr. Potter, from England, Presicjput Grand TrunkBrydges, Managing Director, of NOVICE. orS A OR r .. 100 - .k_EWAR THE MI NICIPAI., Off CITE of SEAFORTH Wild -pay a Reward of $100, Fifty to be given.tu the person or persons giving the necessary information that will lead1 to the of the conviction of the Mother of the Child, or the road and 1117•, C, J, person who left the same °lithe premises of road. :The R,ai•ty came over the i GAME) with the'car to Port Timor), c)r), t' ey were e suet by thea- collector, t Neve, a Mr. Sanborn, by name, w1 clan road ill the Director's car, when = Iothe r of the Child or the p�rsoki wh 1 ft ve be - air, A rmitage, Seaforth, on the; morning of lanai And a Reward of Fifty dollars will be paid a;tutl for the neessary information to convict the • tLen.ded, before they coin&& proceed, that ni (if Mr. Brydges :should pate -th sty twelve hundred and fifty ctollars in a;3 the duty on the car. Mr._ Bry stated to this officer that' there wa _iit'ention of'letting- the ,car retrial the United States, land proposed to a mild for its return ; but, this we not satisfy Mr: Sanborn. _ It was Wetted to' him• that it w•as the c practice . to pass balk and forward oir l y the freight cars, -of . the so ca Blue Line. but also the. Penman sl ing cars, over the Great Western ro `- that the officers of the Government repeatedly this summer gone to Cali inL'.cars froom this side, and thaatnot to 13ince .a party of -railway. officials 1 the sa>zae on the preraitses of .Mr Robert.tltrm- strong; Seaforth, on the 13th of June Last. j , P, BULL, Municipal Clerk, Seaforth, Odtober 23rd, 1869, 99. tf NOTICE. EALED TENDERS will be -received by 17) the undersigned . until Wednesday, the 10th November, f r. -the delivery of 150 cords GREEN WOOD At the Gaol in Goderich. long, and d- livered in quantities of not less than 30 cords per month, computing from rile 1st of Janrirry next, (if the contract is taken by,one•patty). Tenders will be takes, from any part- for (0 cords or upwards ; who - do not wish to tender for the whole Two solvent sureties will be required for the due; completion of the contract. The lowest or any tender, may not be - accepted unless -sat: sfactory . PETER, ADAMSON, ` County Clerk's Office County Clerk t The wood od must beall made of hardwood :ober, `r�.e from knots and limbs, four feet the School its -ui]t, amounting to about $100, to Janes Beattie and Samnel Stark, atd which amonnts are in"inded. Irl the estimated amount required 1)y the said School Trustees, to'be Reid to them by the Mnn'i'ipahity of the Vii- lege of Settfcirth, for S 'hoof 1)u rpoeee, and also for the pur•pt'se of tiqui,:L1ting heeean of *50n, due to the Bova] C.1- nrtdiaan. Bank, for the s tid muni ir).jlity, and to carry into effect the said recited objects, it will be tler-e.�saary for aloft Malar Mucci ipaai Council to raise the Sabo of $2,000, itt the' manner hereinafter men tioned. And whereas, it will require the salol of $200 to be raised' aanirt)ally, Ly Spec• c'ial rate, for the payment of the said loan, a tai also hereinafter mentioned.' And wheie.t.s, the _ amount of the whole rateable property of the said ;<lrr-u- nici )slit irrespective v, of l,anyf'ntitte in. 'retire of the wane, and:aalso irreepe;,-five of any income to be derived- from elle ernporar�v investment of .the sinking fund, hereinafter mentioned, or ally curt thereof, act•ordieg �to the last re - iced end' equalised aasse;s-nrea)t roll of . he said municip••lit.v,t being for the ear 1569, was x$135,51;0. And whereas, the anorl:rt of, the a x • ting d cart of the said unieip,alit is s follow ; Principal, the suin of. • 2,- 00, without interest. And vc het ea s, liar 'paying the interest Goderich, 25th October, 1869. 99;2in fold l i 1 die s 1•'�:'; 1: 1 v 8 110 11' ori i gree w be at give is 11 ESWANTED THE undersigned. will Loyd's Hotel, Seaforth, ern: 15th & -16th. Leonard's Hotel; Ainle '-ills .1 ' ;s 7th & lothr ----y Clinton Motel, L' M ton, 19th and 20tH, Hotel,. Mite hell,' 22nd and 23rd. - n Loyd's hotel, Seaforth, 24th and 2:3tit lied teeesi0 - Of ovenibee _I 09, to buy horses for the American Market. None wanted but those fn` ee'p t� that are from u to S years old, s••und and an ix l ; 't- true ;. and alt that are offered must be tried •- Iliad. +" ' 'iR' in double harness, 1t aria .� :�;,;Lk-9! 99-tin JAMES. ..H. SHALL. n I8TMTN -- solei the! 0 gaily 1a:d -gone from Detroit tU: Portland in on of : the cars: of the Michigan •Centr41, and retulug any d ned without! y - , )aa •,r.t n Canadatatl or >ii. the States all this produced no e'ect-upon the f Bial, and he not onlfr persisted in demand, but'actually collected t wel hundred and fifty dollars in gold ,,n t car. 'If` sueh arbitrary acts ou-the of petty o$a ails, who' have iasis d creating arra equal -yearly sinking I tioned. special dollar. ied in nd for paying the said emu of. d interest, as hereinafter risen will recluir,ean equal annual r. 683-8 to of 2--- trills -in the. 13581 addition to all rates to be ler each .year. • Be it therefore; enaa.etete 1)y the Muni - . Council of t1'e Village- of Sea. 1. That u sh.t11 be 1 �.�>ful for the eve of the VVill ge' of Seaforth, to se by way of loan, from gamyy person peFsons, body • or bodies ctrlpte;• J } o may be willing to ltcivaance iihe same n the credit of the debea tures, he re- nt } Pip ofll.. lr �- fur 111`;��; s .h' Re ve a c a� y expense in he first-class ass i ]} r'ui lit,'—� goods we: beg to re- mind or mend the merchants 1 wh +;►• 21 • HAV1NG incurred heavy procuring ' ' 1 1e'p •ing Drays for the safe conveyance of goods, , , - and business hien of We �holcl oursel es responsible for the safe carriage of goods entralste:d to our care. HI. AIVI- OOLLIDAY & SON, U 29th, t• Vele) brains nor sense, are sustained in W:ai ria �e•aforth that -they are in a mannerin duty Was bound to patronize ' po in after mentioned, a Simi -of money not ington, it will damage the business i tweet.; of the Michigan to the =oilof millions. • If the pleasure car of t Grand. Trunk Raili*ay`cannnt be allo ed to come into the United States without paying duty, . thele all the • freight cess of_ throtlgh freight; as well as the Pullman sleeping ears must at one cease. runi.ing. Nay, more. No man can .eross with his carriage or hoe -s es from Canada -to the United. States, or horn Vie States to Canada, without, paying railties. - The whole policy_ of the two Governments, which has prevailed fur fifty; ;years,. is set at naught by this action c f a tretty official.• We hope that Mr. Borrtwell will not only order 'motley paid! to tee refunded at once, butffi - will prompt] remove the officer who htis ctirnrnitted the. outrage. rt is tog Serious a matter to trifle with. - If you waist two Brat-claafsr newspapers free, vie for a year and the outer for fourteen months get `up a dub for the a` U'1obe", a•)acl •t Expoeztar " dee adver- ti. n- llt lie 000 October 1`s )9 111L0 w- 5�-1 � (lll cite said t eut won than gate and e:at• esditig.in, the whole the Surra of ,$2, , and to cause the same to be paid the hands of the Treasurer, for the pose - and with the object above re- d. - .. That it shall* be T..wfial' for the Reeve to cause any number - of d e ur•es to be made. for such sums of ley .!s may be required, not leas 100 each, (and noir- in the aggro toexceedthe said sum of $2,000;) - tbat the wird dehentnres sli =l1 be d with the 8e -tit of the llnl)icipal and be signed • by the said e. The Paraguayan 4iitzr. Gleraorel : McMahon, the A mer' A an-.tassador to Paraguay, has retu from his nnssio►a, and is now in War ingtor ` He confirms the feet of a allies tieing upon his party when retu ei g under a Paraguayan flag of true rind ' eft their perversion of despatch pa.r?u. to and from his Gove;rnme virile.' was with Lopez. .He also Se. th Ji eat position of Lopez is scror 'er-the--a . � was at Ascurr,t, and det;lar --that the anbouncernent made by allies, that the war wag ended, w false—Hiatt it was a mere pretext . • the withdrawal of their troops. Lope lio says,,posgesses fine adrniuietraati tfiil ties, and is not more cruel in wa the most compla:nina_of tlie.a:allie Gene 'ale. General McMahon says ' th 3:i�ragtuayan: conduct their war withou nione _make their owP cannon and povtd r, and t tier hostile al ;lrerrces-- whiletthe women plant and gather•_ in the erope; . The Ur lguayaes scarcely aontri oete a regiment to the allied army, vAile•.he-Argenth]e Rep ubile coutri but - ed 4.t1Q0'or 5,000, and the Brazilians 22,001 to 24,000 more. Therdevotjon of•the' people to their chief is without a . parallel in 11;story. - They are not only obedient, but always r:,jacly to'ilecur any riek,-or ma;J;e anv sacrifice that rnuy be demanded tided o thein.-=--Ifanzilf,Jn -Tunes. scan rued sh- the. ro- e; es nt ays b •es the a.s for; z, �Te; a1' (1 e t Itst,ualent.* and all other aches and pains leave the body oia application of Jacobs' R:Ileu nitic qui dl, i\Ve will warrantit two surd ()urns, Frost Bites. C.nl'elaui,• t '' uor�• `'hroarit; Lane Back or Side, `�prai1is, &t- u,)•o of the curry it has effected are alnros: tea wonderful for belief. any, .hada beer - Hva d' by i t iron) irai 3indln e dead!, a-lct rt r. t)c d `(, haft; and health.. ;;ro fel-au, to -ear a 'day wt ,bout if, ; fit g ur- t-. lar. vaa,at:�.ti; r,z1t:..,"r)L8ti1tt'i.!sr t1i),[ai!'., in .s oe save. ac .a:l t9f.t;ry v ir,3 [ia:i' Lis a t)1t)l :'ch'af'e t tck ti.iti:=4.tt_.3,. u-) i i:; tier t llr•rt; as Vo) t; 1 • -.L4 . ,irrlt..%•t•. it';[la . • w ,rG:. u i t: t - ► .L ry till 11,,c it! : ,i r i r, .a.k? . • r eee •Et e 5) exiONft Let Zift sed lin"- TIME' THWE' IF you want a Watch that will keep the ,4 correct time, purchase one of Thomas .Russell & Son's celebrated Watches. A arge stock of them for Sale at MR.c UNTER' S EAFORTH, He has also on hand' a large assortment of Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Coos, Toys, &c., all to be sold Cheap for Cash. - - 411'Every description of Watches, - Clocks, and' Jewellery Repaired on the. Shortes. Notice, and Warranted to give - satisiactioti The highest price paid for Old Gold. arca Silver. M. R. UOUNTkit. Seaforth, Apilr 27th, IShy. . 53-lv 'NOTICE. ICE. 'TINTS is r . ;i ';v. thst 1, henry Sh;uart, 1.. of the 1't; ;a � .. p of flay, in the County of Huron, Province of Ontario, have applied for and obtained Letters Patent for the Pro. vinces of QuehecQan.d. Ontario, ft'ir- a machine for - boring holes in the geound for fenct ports, styled J "Shuart's Feuds Post -1161e darer," and this is to forbid any person 0) )e) eoes vending or using the saline, -withora >udaiiing a right or t e same flam me ''lel ail per..one so sending or using the s.:nl ill be dealt with ,is the latw directs. N. r. --(•'curl' y and Tt-u•nsl!•p )lights ea 0 y .a.,:eed Irian the pa't•rr►t•t•, by • al,r)l :sir •hiu:ar,..-a•t ;toot.... i,J Stray Cattle. OAMEinto he prcanses of the subscriber, Lot 31, f ou 4, Mill load on the , • of August last„ two Yearling , 2nd Hcifrr3, and one YearlingSteer: Tile steer is all white,. One of the Heifers nearly all white; an I the - other reel and w rite. The owner is request- ed to prove property, pay cha ges, and se tI the same away. take e •TOrAT' TAN -PEACOCK. IRe(e)elitn Tnckersmith, Oct, 4Jth. 99-4in STRAYED TR,AYED, from The premises• of the ern- C_. &I -signed, Lot 3:) Con. 3, 'I`nckersmith, one Heifer two years old, of a Tight grey col- or ; and I Ste- r one year old, of a lightcolor, brownish about the m ck. Ant? -person; giv- ing such information as will lead. to their re- covery will be suitably rewarded,. ROB + RT Me0A.RTNEY. Tuckersmith, Oct, 9. 99-4in 6TRAYED• CAME into the premises of the _onbscriber, Lot 23, Con. 3, McKillop, 'teer,• on -or about, he 1st of l a tem � year old owner is requested to prove jproperty, Ier The ecpenses. and take him away. pas WILLIAM CL.0 . McKillop, Oct, '31-th - 99-4in •lz G. a<rr �'''QF OF SEp� By -I aw 0 �1 By -Law to _noi�'e t,, way lGf.�l, O .Loan, the sum q $2,000, for the pui poses Melvin men- tioned. 777 7HEREA t the ;fi1i1ieipe1 'oiri;i- cil of the tri•; ,r . 1.. _, t}f StJafnr�i 1, have a•esol gyred to raise by waa y of 1f) [.:r, aIle sura; of $2,000, for tli - pure • t - erlaelilrg them to l) iti' for the Maki, • Certain ne'e•ets$a.ry ir),proveneets whictl liavee• been and a are to i,e.wa:Jt' with the said Village, by the eau:.itrtu_tion of sidewalks and the grr.tvelling of ,Street and a also for• the payment of $~ ` 5, 1 0�o.�-f) re- guir:ed by the School Trusteed of they ~laid ViJl.1 e. to / y ! of i {)a�y a r';tete., went of t inirlc�ip.1 !Lone and int,e:rest � 1 �, , y ,dale 011 a ' 3wid .given I, there .tr') lit, , 'eased, front. w ht)m choosy' iv 5Irborrow-1 ,said Tt'ustta �-, -to ens, )le them to ,till[! the Selioel-too, e in the staid Vil- t1 a .. s$i, ..amici tJ - r.trt.. j )• tf: +. 1-eee ; and ;dila tc, f aaY sal) its .t, .1 11 t cf 1 -a-P ala a ii:+r i.i 1,t -LL vr+r 3, Imide ales ei to tal ur'err have pa_yn1 4. 1)e ;.-art Seven elate pityab May the off 5. I siulin said rl. rate aa, am eq That the s id debentures shall ie payable in ten yet -u s from the <I y nefter men ciened for this by law :e effect, at the oft cc; of the Treats. of the said lntanlei)jaJity,,aand shell attached to then] coupons for the end of interest therec)ti, :!'haat the said de�ientni•es shah nterest at and after the rate - of per cent. per aanituln from the thereof, which interest' sl -all ue le on the Twenty-tlii d days of and Noveatl)et in end feat, at tee of the Treasurer afore,a,,id, 'trot for the purpose of forming a g fund for the payment of the ebentnres, and the interest at th - foresaid, to become due thereon, aril special rate of 6838 2---- 13581b Mills in the dollar, shall, in addition to .111 other rates, be raised levier! and col l�ac'ted, in each year, upon all the late - able property in tiie said rn nlicipality dual} g the continuance of the said de- bentures. or any of tl)ern, - 6. 'haat this by-law shelf take elect 'and rome into operation u}x,n the Twenty-third day of NovecxiLer, 1869. 7. That a„vote of the re tep.tyers. (e , the said Vill.tge of Seaforth, shall: oe Itaken on this bylaw, -At the, Town Hall, .IN THE - VILLAGE OF SEAFO RTHr (N Monday, 15th November, -1869 at the hour of Nine of tile -clock, l in the; forenoon; and that the pc:ll shall remain open until five o';:1o�'k in the afternoon rnoonr of the seine day ; and that `�t teas Porter Bull act es returra.ln, officer on the a'aId OecaaSit:n. Take notice that the a.t-ove-is a true ropy of a proposed by-law which will taken out,) consideration b tlouias_iI of this 'Iarnicipaalit�.. , after one month from the first polineation , one tie l.:ap: si.trr, the date o#' whi=.;h Lim u bh- cation, t. ats- Friday, theTwenty-second I3t day -of October, A. I7. 1869 ; and that the votes of the elect;oes ?)f th r� '9.111 be taken thereon, 0' firalcl rntinrr1p•.1 Hall, the of Sea. Mezelay, the fifteenth day or clock. hi tire foreoon. Novomber, A. D -1869, at -Nine uf the LIVE Y ST r- A.MES ROSS desires to inferno /he pub - 0,1 - lie that lie has opened a ;'t w Livery Stable it' connection with his hotel, where parties can be acconnnotica,tet ,, i horses and vehicles, �,t rt_asr,ia �},,c I,.•ie;( 4, Seaforth, Oct. 1.5, 18e9. 97-tf F YOU- WANT eg AINTS, -. ILS, f7'RPEN T l NE, GRAINING CC1.1BS, 1uTTy, .3LliS,c G O t( Rc. L L ' OR PURE DRUGS, CHEfe ole . L.S. s, A!, 11 PATENT OEEW' EN • .4) Co nal 1. LOST. ATHREE YEAR OLD iiTEER, of light - reel color, with wine '.iit._tk ;.130")- the baek, and white star on the face. Ariy per- son giving such information as will It ad ter his recovery, -will be suita,J,�' rt.-ci tarr,kd by W311. (IA Lot 21, L"on.44, doKil1op,. 0 tober 13th, 1869- • i )-4ir . • C in the mal a - lot number 1 l �i; ( eor tlr r l g 'Survey' ieVillage f s forth, in the Conn. ty of- Huron. OTICE is hereby given that William J. Watson. of the Village of Seaforth, :` the County -of Huron, Gentleman, ha.' ac . au application to the (.'ourt, of t:ba,nccry for. a certificate of title to the above mentioned. property under''rhe Act for Quieting Titles- to heal Estate in Upper Canada,' ae cl ha produced evidence whereby he appears to be the owner thereof hi fee free from all ineum- brance.r, except a mortgage' thereon to the Royal l Canadian ;Bank ; therefore "1'wy other. person having or .pretending to have, any title to or interest n the za;i land, or any, part thereof, is required; on or before Wed- nesday the Seventeenth day of J oveniber- now next Qnsuing, to file a statement of his claim in myOhc, at Os;oode I -!all, in the City of Toronto•, and to serve a copy on the said William N. Watson or on .a1I t;ssrs Mc- 'Uaughey and Holrnested, of the Village of Seaforth, his Solicitors, and in default every - -- such claim will he barred and the title of the siaid William N. Watson become absolut and indefeasible at law, and in equity subject. only to the reservations nientioirt tl in the, 17th section of the said Act, and therein numbered one. two, three and four, Dated this 13th char of October, 1869. Signed), T. W. TAYLOR, Referee of T itl-e&. 99 -tin, HE 7\7r-"i. T 'WA R E H 8E1 -HEW p:asT.'OFFICE.BLO-tA- The fact that the subscriber make3 tFig. article a speciality, should lead all ini-ending purchasers who• like the best thu market af- fords, to, at least, try his stoek. _ile 14 'nest And a select stock of StaP1.0 and Pacy Groceries, always on hand. Jet MEN 0. LAILL t. Cletla 1869, Je:tefereh ednvet tlien, la, year PO Of the 0 many s) tains elifferen tame pre ets to them bt plies of him ; some ti written - Dr. Liv fsooi..o.s.ntehi: :L3:,i re 19 .-.13:e'lio,,iscrie, t .1ciselicii:1:,1c.le 1 toi at iri;ei.ltiart, Cottes e: cute peror but ie The 1 right 4:E 31111#1 the age. states gather intervi lead to tinit al. is unde 117:7 elble Privet moolousitieliiisl Austria ID: n:fa. trthia.at Ru St. Pt of Rues at Cow Fiance - attest at of the