HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-05, Page 8he, Cann 00 HE a nkcesi kgs to inform• the public nes he t reeeisedt > t e idles• in r Ilanare. to sen t Prices Alimest Unparalleled. OLLRs. of every description . Tsnted not t h t Ino _ war. ay of Harness, ALL KINDS,. afore,. in a position for give -fastheir money t Ontario. employed ti JOHN CAMPBELL. PROPERTY FOR SALE. TXa-T ,f r p`srling'-•.0 P-aMof SeWortlf with Store, Storehouse, Stable and Dwelling on it,, and »ituated• on the ffi'at lot. North cif Po4vi evak - Maine Street. For kartie sis apply te-a proprietor, Wm N.. WATSON, Insurance nt. Seaforth, June lith. t9-tf-tf. of ging f the pus-- t ugt ed seek- t ibs. Mme aken Dred r viry MO!. do. e. )c ;, cite to R tle:r Let in the . 13th Concert, 'on of the. Township of. Stephens On very easy terms, and at a ,Moderate Price. This faun is conveniently situated to Saw- a/id Grist Mill,. has. 30acres cleared, and se good well . of water. For further pticulars apply to Wm. Y.. Lutton, •`Exppsrtor Office, 8eaforth> •onto CEO, W. ROSS, Strathroy. August lath, ISM 83-tf aG Oaf BOOKBINDERS, HULLT RE prepay to execute binding in every- style.- Persons residing- at a. cyst by eying their books at tree Signal Book xore, Goderich, ur a the " Fxrosrrox' office, Reaforth, stet:ink style, may rely upon them being 'well bound. AT THE, IO. igEST PRICES, And returned )without cicala v. Seaforhh, Juni 1I, 1 6c0- . .fi8Gi1 •e .. •�Y^ SEAFORTH DISPEISARY And r. : l T g -.S or : all th-.. re LUMS D EN has just received his Spring I r. portation s. tf Pure—Drupa and. Mer1icii s, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, Frenelr, English and American Perfumery ; l a-ir Dressings, Oils,. id Po ad€s ; Fair, Tocith, f ail and Shav- ing Brushes ; Dressinganst Fine-tooth Combs:- Toilet and Shaving Soaps, sec.., &c r Horse 85 Cattle Medicine:, Ca ii jon•Powders, etc., . STUP PS Of very Superior ,Quality. TT SICI ANS' Prescriptions~ accurately Itt prepared., e-.- R.LIMDEN, Pharmaceutical Chemist eafortT-t April' 22. 5.3-t€.: GO TO y T. J. SIMONS' LJT - G.--YSTER i�EPox� Far Fresh Oyyters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies, Cakes, . and Sweets of every de;!cription. GALL AND gg His Fresh / I 1'' O p—osii e Me vA v. &'S; Old Stand. Saforth. Eels, 12; 1869s - &3-tt J (( I sgIvent Act of 1.864. rF. i " } Province of Ontario, In the County Court- of County of Huron„ the County of Huron. Itt the matter or Tiny w. MCCANN, An Insolvent. - n Tuesday. the sixteenth day of Novem- ker ber next -,-the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said court for a ,ischarg3 under the said Act. H. W. McCANN,. By cCjrernjy & Ho TED, his. Solicitors ad litem. Aug. 2 , 1 S69. 90-2rit. �Y• A Perilous; Adventure. :(From the Saginaw, Mich., E rterpr8e .) On the - o.casion of Prof. La Mcun- tain's recent baloori aseengtou fio,ni Bay Cr -Dy be met with a terrible riadveuturc,. ,and Very:uarz•owly escaped derrztli, Thi baloonl was tilled before starting to its utmost. tension, but owing to re- cent repairs leaked badly, Io that after one; of two uusucce,:rf�ai attempts Mr. Veadiey, was to aeconpany Prof.• La Mountain,. was obliged to get out of the car. Mr. 11. had the eatables, in- strurr1ennts ?f`oitser•\ration a;:td tissue pa- per used to aster twin the asce=nding and desc:eudrng forge of the bdloon,- and he stepped out of the •cfir, t:efoi.e he could transfer the articles named, those who had stolid .9f the car let g , and the balo,m shot up with a rapidity that car' r•ied it to an all. rude of two miles with- -in a few . rininut s. A perfect gate of wind was blowing at the time, and a jn„ anent it ter rain and sleet Commenced fallii g. '[.'he ba loon w:i.., still as eliding when lost to sight iiia cloud, Prof. La Mountain, rays that it became all at once intensely cold. The cloud he ent- ered ntered was olid , swimming mass of snow flakes, intersperse -d with run, },vhirrin formed a frust work on the netting Of the-,611loor>,. The earth wits 1o4c to view:-" 13y tearing up his .liandkerchief and throwing out sl;reds he. 1pecanre cou- sautls that be -wa passing upward with wont erfn[ r.tl.idity,-a,nd along with the air, eastward toward the lake. 'Fearful that bemight be carried into the lake, and without, a pound of -ballast to regii- late his discen t, he reached for the valve rope, with the intention of lr•wering himself gi•c-Equally. To his , unwise. the valve would not open. The rain and sleet had frozen the valve so tight, as to resist the plessuie from` blow. • Put- ting his whole stren;;tu to the task, he gave a strong pull on tee :tope. 'pulling out the iron staples attaching the rope to the valve, the rope • fa.ling down into the car. The hnloori was mount- ing u p faster . than ever. It passed the Storrs!. cleud, which was a •mile below, and .t6 heav'rns a'.ove were: as clear, and- the suit shining as bright _as a mid dart' in June. But litt;e time was lost in $peculation. He had at- tained a lleiahrof over thr.•e milse5 The baloon cold ..itotburst, fur when the exseiaisionebtane too g1•e.Lt, the gas would escape 4t•orrr the flue or valve be`- low, whit whien •was.!operr ; blit he was fear- •ful of being parried into or over the lake without 11avi lig'` ni Ade preparations for such an event. Mounting the buoy. overheid, he leached for his knife, only to Lind ghat he had left it on the ground. - Clingiug to the ropes With one band, with the other and his teeth, after some exertion, he succeeded in tearing a, relit in the balloon from the bo to t ten or fifteen feet upwards. Then serving the opposite side the same way he descend ed to the card eto watch the progress. Por a few minutes the balloon kept ascend- ing, sce tding, and then as the OS escaped, it reached an equi1.oise, and a morne rt after commenced grad ual y to descend to the earth. Every inscarttncreaseu its downward speed. The professor says that lie heard the cloth tearing, the rents enla: ging, until with a crash that sounded like a death -knell, the cloth gave way to the pr•eesilre, ,opening a seam on both sides from the bottom to the top. Trie `gas eeea•ued instal►tly,: leaving not a thousand cubic feet, while the eir rushed in, filling up the viscum,. the ter►lloon acting all a per:tcuute.. The clods, 1 ellying out, formed a Strong R e-' si,tanice to the atmosphere, and retard: descent. He rennenibe s distinet- ly passing thiough a .rend, and the sensation on regaining sigh tofthe earth. He has 'arsalmost indistinct- recollec- tion of approaching the earth's surface. A dulz meaniug like the -surging of the waves greeting his earls, the flapping of the cloth crone louder, and a moment afterwards he became tin':_ouscious. On regaitling his sensed he found himself lyiug itn the woods. .aud his hltll„on was soriie, yards distant. •Several per'ons who had seen the balloon. descc•ircl h. d come to the scene, and were standing near.. They afterwards es;isted him His arms and legs 'were badly i'r1LSe�r, and ni.ria elf stunite d, but no bot.les were broken or internal injury sustain-• ed. 'The spot where he fell is 4evNrt miles fi rn B•+y City. - The time that ; ii that side:of the earth nextthe linitis.' sss- • 8 THE SEAFORTHEXPOSITOR lie . ih the great belt of country whits IBOOK STO R E I the Canadian and the Imperial explor lug parties describe as generally fertile land of the best quality. The North .Branch, for five hundred anti twenty miles up from the Forks, and the _Battle River, for, ius whole • course of four hundred and fifty miles, (excepting a short Elbow of it,) tra- verse a rich prairie country more or less interspersed with woods. The rem lining two hundred and - .eighty-tv o miles 01 the upper course of the North Branch be in tine thick wood country, which se the commencement of the mountains, about two hundred miles, is represented as abouirdirg in marshes with patches of land in parts. In this distance the banks of the river display beds of lignete coal. Beyond it the remaining course of the river lies in the vasaeys of the mountains, to the glaciers of its source.. - . - 'I'he Battle River enters the North ' Bralch about a hundred and seven'y mill- above the Inain Forks It drains a large part of the North and South ' Branches. It has its siiut•cee about ten •miles from the North Branch, thirty miles above Edmonton,. but they are doltl t a hundred and thirty miles taprt.rt :at the middle of its source, and between thecae die pasturage is described as be- ing very rich. (foal presents -itself there •I u the bauks of Lh e stream, two hundred_ and fifty smiles from its mouth. The rich pisiisie country which cover the course of the Battle River and the northerly part•of:the Red 'Deer River, and includes the North Branch front_ forks, up to thirty miles ahove Ednion- tonhtt s a breadth eadtlt of about a hundred :nniles, at the forks seventy miles feet the mouth of the .battle River, a hundr- ed an -t fifty miles at its middle coiiree, and about seventy atits source; beyond which the telt of fertile country be- comes gradually narrower, and turning to the fkouthw.trd, up the cutu•se of the Red Deer River, becomes', merged in the fertile region i.n the; skiit of the mountains below Bow . For on the South- Branch. It is bounded ou the north by the line of thick woods, which sweeps northerly parallel to the course of the North Braneh at the distance of forty to twenty miles beyond it, then curving to the southward crosses it about thirty miles a,bcve Edmonton and continuing in that direction strikes the mountains; near Bow Port, snaking a circuit from the forks of about seven hundred miles. This ci`uit of the Thick Woods is the present houndaly.of theprogressof 8)100essive fires which are gradually -en- croachiug. on the forests, or partly wood- ed country, and converting it into tree- less prairie, unless where clubs of young aspen and poplar, growing - up, escape the ravages of succeeding fres. Without entering into particulars stere as to climate, we may observe that Capt. Palliser, who with Doctor Hector explored a greate• extent of the Sas- katchewan than had been previously visited by any other scientific niers Says that the climate of the Scothern - and 'Western Frau, of it is decidedly milder than that of Rect River. Prophecy. The recent storms, which have swept along the A tlantic coast and even , far inland!; unt outing houses, prostrating telegraph poles, inundating large tracts of country, cliscroyiug the lives of hund- rids' of hutnan 1 -rings and stock, and causing unusually high tides to prevail, Were foretold by Lieutenant Si xby, of the Royal NLvy, in 1.868. ft might be suppo led that hitt 1pri,gnostigation might be only a guess, the saree as a fortune teller would do. Such however, is not the, ease, for the warning. was basad on. seientifle principles, and so'conv- hc.:d were uavigetot•s of the strong DIV abe:i- ty of its corning to pass that every pre- vention., and 1.)reca Jtior:l a et a taken to 17refi, i e -for it .:t rich thus many lives and much valu;ab:e pi•ohel•ty, loth in . u:'ope :ind America, •••as saved, How were she C0uclusio 15 s.1 rived al.. 11t_7 a. ut oil tine 6th of the present month the( ninon was at. its nearest approach to the earth; its attraction of the tides was then; at its greatest, .a position wlric•h al prodi;es great ttter:s,tle;r'ie dice rleeni.t as well as uuaSu.ti t levatiau of the sell he was iu the air was -less than thirty. minutes, and the reason that he ua not .►nin cfurther was on afili, f .pissing through different "currents i f air. The I ort -h We3t Territory. - THE NORTII 13 t.ANCH OF THE SASKATCHE- WAN._ Tie country drained i,y :the North Braneh of the Saskatchewan, and its extensive tributary and Battle River, though ittcnft)p haul r' m - re valualtle thait t.lr-i country traver•$ed by th g0trtll Bran -b, clots. not. reipliire to 1)e dv,crib- ea s;) !lith -1i .at length, .owing- .to its Innr)rr' Illlllelr'tll char•actor., • T°lc' North Branch for the greater part of its cot'1. C, andtrue Battle Pcvt t', A t 2 0,- s o k p. ri,. on the same r:;;1tt lirres,ctra wn through the ten t. e e,f the eearth would pese through tlie, sun a.licl Moon in or e line that is, 11,eill! ee b.nliess Wel theii aIIng;t in aspire, or to u' -e mot e pr-'aci:-e •Lug Cage, , the i i_ lit line; «vou1i1 cut Shin allt1 moon ill :Jai S -1LIe :ti Ol -right :LSC'e-!IISi )i1. 111 (tiler words the 111•)0n was on. the r e I.tl equator When in perigee. The int- iterd tittr.ti tiuu of 1,otin sun .ind nn:,oti ill one dire;_trun was so puwerf,il as to pro dude these tempests- and fluters~. tit 1.063 th • same o: currence.::ook place but as -the- moon was at that time in. the, extreme `sollthern declination, the -d.j. iuotlstratioonto.J.k 1 place -ill the s uth- . ern ii her•e, e1 - i:.11y Austrlia. and the (.'.ripe -i of Coal fro! e. TIo w many ic'c,x iical,ll'• tllillc�rli 4110 opening up to tr_.•e: ♦;xulurcr, lox l- 'BOOKS, - STATIONERY, '==ALBUMS, Wall Papers, Newspapers, CONCERTINAS. PIPES, PIPE -STEMS, TOBACCO, CIGARS Wholesale and Retail. ' - Window Blinds, - SheetM. Music, Musical Instruernen ts, FOR DYE STUFFS, - ROLL'S CANT .:BE BEATEN, Either- in Price or Quality. 0 0 FOR LAMPS, - OHIMNIES, - CHANDALTERS, BURNERS, - - WICKS, and COAL OIL, Go to ROLLS', Opposite Foster's Hotel, Seaforth. N.B.-Prescriptions carefully pre Fancy y Goods, etc., Paereod _CHEAP FOR CASH Se forth. Any person wishing to. purchase Melodi- ans, Organs, or . Pianoes, leave orders with C. Armstrong who will promptly attend to them. - - - C. Armstrong would respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the inhabitants of Seaforth and vicinity. Don't forget the place, one door south of the Exchange Office. Seaforth, Octob Jr, 18th. 98-3in' WHITE FISH, ( Fall Catch, ) FOR SALE At S. ROBERTSON'S. c�- a S.OJL iOsllqOf Pug M M 0 fano- ONO CD tami rmmi Ciq e l...r. •O )••••i )••••i P7I o•i• 0.? •O cit taliN • imt A raZCD • 4. gld � CD t115 O ;Id Para •�D *a• • S m 1 m TEACHER WANTD. FEMALE TEACHER- fororthe Division „f the Seaforth common School to commence teaching on the 1..t day of January, 18-70; Salary $200 per annum, payable half -yearly. Applicants wall please rend Ccrtifi, ates of vilification and testirnonia's of character, -o D. D. WILSON,Secretary. • Onto S. G, McCAUGHE Chairman. Seaforth, Oat. 22, 1869. •98 Biu. • .: °.r - - June 10th, 1869. - 79 LISTEN � EIV WHILE LAGAN SPEAKS. For his Stock -of SP-RLYG GOQDS WAS Never Excelled In this Market. The Manchester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. New SPRING Goods. ••- DRESS GOODS. MITSLINS, TICKINGS, • - CHEAP PR'4INTS, SHIRIN G - - GS, LADIES' STRAW HATS GENTS GENTS FELT - Ready -.-Made Clothing, BOOTS SCSH E S. Also a Nlc ' Stock of Fr ,. esh& Greeerie To be had at J. Bonthron :St Sons, Opposite Hickson. s Old Stand. • Seaford). Mar 7 .52-tf Labrador H . . AND 01519 7-4 At SCOT ROBERTSON'S. Money! Money T ' "IE. subscriber has receiv,id another lar t. -m i reto ttalice of money Car investment on good farin proikrty. at 8 1,£r -cent ; -or 10 1 per cent,, and no charttes. JOHN S. PORTER. r t Se -t. )th. z tf vK� 1 Canada Tweeds for 80 ets. AT The New ew York House. Fall Sf�c NOW COMPLETE At the New York .douse. A .Large -Stock of WOOLENS AND READY-MADE 6L�T#�li W. Campkelt WALL PAPER. Border Paper, - Hall Paper, i W N DOW BLINDS Plain Blue, Plain Green, Plain Buf and Figured. AT THE TELEGRAPH BOOK STORE,, W. ELLIOTT Seaforth, July 22. - .. 54 -ti. WAGGONS, ,BUGGlE . • AND all implements for farm Mae ={ factured- by M'NAUCHT & TEEPLE, Good and Cheap. Remember the stand. - NORTH. ROAD SEAFORTH. Seaforth,Feb. 0, 1868. - . - - 11-1 • BLACKSMITH=SH-OP . THOMAS WATSON - Begs to inform the public generally. that tic still carries on general Blacksmithing at his Old Stand. NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S MOTEL AINLEYV1LLE Specia itten ion paid to gorse -Shoeing. Ainleyville, Feb. 9th, '69, =11 EIli.TISTR • CCARTWRIGHT, L.D.S. Surgeon Dentist, member the�'Ro College of Dental Su-rgeona of Ontario, may be found at his office, over the ' Beaconti' Book Store, Stratford. evfry :laicful day, e sept the first week of each month. "H wild visit Seaforth the first Monday of month and remain three days,- and Olintop ' - the, following, Thursday, remaining tlrr+ t days, y, PAINLE,S operations daily ppeerformer`,• + a by'the use of the INitrons'Oxide Gas. Seaforth, ,,ept. 10, 18C9. 9..: - Insolvent Act of - 1864, Province of Onta c•io, 1 in, the Count Oouu f.. of H n -on ' Court the Co. To• Wit . ) '.� ylu(•ron. • to the matter of JO HN . I,NAITGHT, • Au Insolvent 0 i'' Tue{d<iy, the 1 6th day cif No- venil.enext, the urrc-l N►1 will apply to thin Ai utile ,of the raid oui,t . tor :a di.vla;trge antler the said - Act. - JvIiN li3t:•NATJGHT, By Mc CAUGUEY A 1-101.31E- TED. J'is _1tto hies. ad Haws ti,.a lf.ii•t ?, .ug. 25, 1869. 13` • .51