HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-05, Page 5trorm the farm- aty of Huron, DDLERY 1 v cash for all rfleflt, he can nieut to: any e acknow- tees to be su- ar.d from th the -wants hat all who re withave ig en to al/ plaeea him wwk sold h.,‘` ; e nimble six - Come along No charge Bee, Seaforth. 4, , Stj-tf. mporter and mimufacturer of all kinds of HOUSE H 0 LD FU RN ITU R E, Sueh as SOFAS', • LOTTNOES. - CENTRE TABLES, ;NIA TTR A SSES INING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAU'S, CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In (.Zreat Variety. Mr R. has great confident* in offering his goods to the public, as they- are made of Good Seasoned Lumber, and 03.r First -Class Workmen. CO FFEN MADE TO OR DE ri On the Shortest Notice.' WOOD TUR N I NO Done with Neatness ana 14espatch. Warerooms - TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL Main Street. SeAforth. Jan. 6th. 1869. 57-tt GOOD NEWS TO -Farmers and Others. undoet 11EAP. ete the course e year is al without extra in advance. elvded.) [7cular iffhich 4dress -eAtt, rincipal, .trieh, 89:0105. KOVED to -- --- HE undersigned having newly fitted out his mill in a first class style; in whiek he is now grinding for every FIFTEENTII BUSHEL, Or exchanging flour for gool wh at at 43 lbs.: to the bushel, THE HIGHEST PRIDE IN CASH PAID FOR WHEAT. ALFRED BREWER, .Roxburgh reafarth. June 4th, 1869. 78-::),m. SEATTER EXCHANGE BROKER And dealer in Pure BANS,. CHEMICALS & DYE- STUFFS, The Drug Department is under the special care of an, experienced Chemist, it. M. PEARSON. January- Vat,. 1869. iter E. Hick. - ay the high- niture ity of good Main - RNITURE. tIty _of No•-• ,!1gxiled Witt n,iky Goart sii.Se-harge t•ON, Sarney. -2 LL it ASH. '-1 CP!'15,!ir)n :tt' f_t:t k• TWOS, .LL has how on oand the 11: lareest etock in. S..aforth, of every des- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest prices. Qual- ity of material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed. I1N.TC31- In all its departments, attended to in a satie factory manner. A Hearse for. hire. T. BELL'S PATENT SPRING MATTRASS Kept COT1Starltly OD hand, and fitted to z.,,ny bedstead. This article is the best and cheap- est made as attested. to by all who have us- eci it. Warranted to give t-atisfaction. IWReinernber the plaee, 0 1=1 P. CD S I '1' II KIDD 8z. KTMULKIN \ Seaforth, Aug. 5, 1869. 87-tf RMER • Cele Get your Homonades Cut Gut eta With Econofny & taste AT SUTHERLAND BRo.:s, TA ILO -RS, God Street. • GO0j3F S And Wor!zuransbip ffuarantecd. • ARCES ODEEAT NEXT DOOR TO umscien7s Drug Store, - lee r.. • 'GRATIS. ] FALL CAMPAIGN .44 To „ SIT THE SEAFORTH "EXPOSITOR," AND -SUPPLEMENT • The Offigial Paper of the .County, and • the Largest published in Huron. rpHE Etrosrroi is pre-eminently tbe Lecal 1 Paper for every resident of the g tounty of Mum, It ,contains, all the Official An nouncernets 0o y and Towiship 'ounci Proceedings I Reports of County and other Courts .; Reliabb 1i1arket Reports, 1.-leaforth, Clinton, Goderich, and Toronto :Lacal intel- li !,ence Irom an parts of the Comity, suppli- ed by careful reporters and speCial correseioe- cientS ; Editorials on all the qUesiaiens times ;`a, comprehensive digest of Provi:,-1.- Fore,fn and. General News e and a readable, interesting," and inatructiVe ltfiscellay, in which will be found, week, 7; nom .ing suit- able for every member of house - ho d. Everytning of an iminoral . "'dating tendency is most scrupulously a ided in compiling for its coluaiiis, m,aking it a proper and desirable visitor -to all families. Three Months GRATI SEAFORTIII NOV. 5, 1869. f. GRATI Greenland and - - 'lirador. the world where that valuable mineral geeher till my friend mune in, and I re • .which is almre puee s .a—llas been ' ally felt myself beginni :to experience THE REcErcr VISIT Or DR. RATES AND d' • ivered. The anneal production of a very affec 'on& e .-- .pui . towardsher MIL BRA.pPORD. the miee is about 12,000 to. , tte half .....ipposii : , ofcouree, that she was lis w II. States. sh peed to the United :Awe, or eousi or ething of tk t , sort. But in -. e coilr) ot the evening ad- B ide Polar - best our voy .. 4,3 I staked him whether hie wife wee at aa found abundeu• e , 'I' 4ame, in the shape home and if ite ween he proposed to b. dieds, teeny ofoshr . were ote es- let me . .e her. . ee peeially eie , ducks. • The Greenland To my astonishment he replied, re coastelike that Of Labrador, &boo, ds • Tlis lady is Mrs. De Vorse l. I thought as in birdAfe, duriee • the summer, many ii wete already awere of the act.' or- vie; tt ies of waterfowl naferating there Of . urse I bleared and ....eh 1. or. ribly le to breed. • uncomfortable, ard id that I was not le Among the most interesting places aware that he had lost Emil a_ visited was Upernavick in latitude 'Oh,' e..id he 'Emily is very well, a 72. 50, the most northern point of and has married a 0 ner of mine, we nt Christian Occupation on the lobe. At were diyor d, you trow, about six g. an outpost of that place they fell in months ago, and I married my present m with Dr. Reyes' old interpreter and -wife ht week.' • d, dog manager, Peter -Jenson, who . was Well, 1 .diA feel quite so affection, te the onlywhite man in the settl Anent, ate towards her after that, for I had le and has now for many yearaJ lived, been warraly attachad te Emily, but 1 d hunted ano prospered with. 1,000 we said no more about the matter, and . s . a e miles of ee Pole. I went away voyring to never get my - e The party meu with no serious , lied- self into such a scrape again asking aft - 0, denteAt the duek Islandtheir ves- er arryboy's wifeI did not semy g sel rem upon a sunken rock; but eseap- friend's new wife for about a month ed without any very serious injury, -afterwards, until 1 one day met her in ✓ and at Cape. Desolation during a gale the house of a mutual acquaintance, and 0 wind they wile in some peril from in the course of conversation said toiler : e: . ick we her, and hed anehirrage. The 'By -the -way might I ask you to say to your husband that I want him to come to my office some day next week?' 'I don't think you know my husb- and ' she replied sniilingly. ' What do you mean I said I, getting rather nervous. 'Why, my new husband is named Smith, she answered. 1 was separated Porn Mr. De Vose yestet day morning and married Mr. Smith last night. I left that house pretty rapidly, and registered a eecoud vow to he effi et' that .1 would never, to My dyrng day, ask a Chicago lady about her husband again. Tile two mistakes 1 had already made, as to Chicago wives and husb- ands. made inc decidedly:shy of them. But the very next day 1 went to De Vorse's b or* (corn, pork and provisions) wed friend him engaged in conversation vith a. zerribly /inguLr female who Prom,. the Boston Vranseript, Oet. The visit of Dr. Hayes and Mr. Br o Gee land and Lab dor 1:en a grea auccees. The party reac cd Boston las Frif?ey evening,* mu elaled at fi gfernse1vts ooemo in a e'vil'-' J nd. Hayes h made exte e. 2csiations of hith to w visited placet, ane has made a range ts fo another season. M 13ree d has 400 photographic rieg tiv and inn • erable sketches, en their companki e,hid pleney of adve tures e • an abundance of shootin Tie party went out in a c'iartereelstea er fr .1 St. John's Newfouncllan lee -ing there July 3, and return' g the same place S•elt. 28. M.e.,artwhi Sit0a 000 miles, go ng coming and v" 'ted, both.coastig of Bath Bay. They leached as far north as th middle of Melville By, lattitede 75 and enceuntered eome rough handlin in the "Middle Pe ..k." The sea...on has been Unfavorable fo ice na on in the upper water.s o 13 n ay, and several whalephips ar repoeted as unsucce,sfel in finding passage in the quarter w iere our -party had there hardes.; ee iunters witi tb "thi eiebbed ire." • One -vessel, ' Alexander was 1 t, but her ,wew : • • In Melville Bay marry • - were seen, and they were, eeough to shod, six. The ars were literally ran riown by ttle**.r powerfn se,eamer, plowing throughand tearing lup the ice,. driving ehe gam- e from i • fie'd to icefield, 'until they were finally brought to bay. A curious iecident o: this novel chase was that while puree- ing the bears the photographers, (M NS. Dunmore eit Critehegto "s) see' heaect on the top -gallant -fore -castle. , took the portraits of the bears while 1they ran, a feat in • Vie ph egrephic ari; probably quiet new, and net likely to be • n re ted 111 tb- at ki plate called the. Devil's Th 17- • as well a:: at- kukpadlartok, near- Uper- rsteik, at Jacobsboon, iu Disko Bay, and at Kraksineent. So Ali Greenl,.nd, e party vlsited,. 'Iveyed and pi•obo- gic‘phed ittmense glaciers ; and In one instance made a considerable journey ui-on the great ice- or.mer de g . which cove es the interim of Clreenlemt *From o e of the glaciers they had n ,rrow esc. pfe Anchoring near is front, which rose more than 200 fee: high in apt p• edicnber well, tliev a stocks of both their anehors were Car- ried away the Vein end -vor to hold e on in a most dreary and forbidding e ritiee'where nobody has probably ever 8 been before, or ever will b•e, or perhaps ✓ wish to be again.- Of course they bad their edventures with ice -burgs and ieeflofee which were. quite. legitimate 1 and to be teen ed. They -were once badly "beset." and their vessel *as sadly "nipped," while the young ice (in August?) WaS forming at an 011etall fortably‘ rapid rate, and every thing be tokened a Winter in the drifting "paite" But from this they were •naer- eifully spared by a champ of wind: The party was most hospitably re- ceived everywhere by the Danish ,oili- t • a1s and people in Grecirhaml. That country it is known, is oWued ly Den - mar k, and trading. stittions, Much after the mauner of the II eflsOn's Bay (OM - piny, are the nurnerons along coast. • • It is oneeif the most singular fee - tures Of this summer voyuge, taut wont: of it was eerforned in constant day - .g For ten successive days they s w the suu at midnight, and &wire t wo months they never once liehted :,heir Jarvp8. The temperature was at no time very - old, though fires were generally ne- cessary in the cabin. On one occasion the tem pef are rose seventy de- - • Thisas t be Southern Greer.- od, where Ail? found many pleasant 1 p ple., a-4 as a set off to it, an im- mense quantity of musquitoes and tor- '1 I - X MITE ExrosrroR will b.) vipp-- -•1 tor- the 1_ 1st of October t- oj. 1 'it), for on years $ celp.:o • • - • : )), Lo those Fubscrit;*ng on or bete., e . t her and to those Who subscri.'.* et.:4at • - and before the 1st of ;January, 1' 0.time - rubsciri • . Thoee terms e -e , in either the case of Clubs or Single Sultecribe CLUBS CLIJ13 in the ao i surveying rnd photograph- . big it when -they Were soddenly startled by loud and deafening r fats wh;61 were followed by the dischilege of sev- will receivet A copy of Or YaPoSTTOft eral mon-mile ieebe S. This disrup- fiat.) c the waters rolling in gigantte FOR a chit) of Ten membAra,- the getter -up fi.1870. the .time of completion, till -the end of 1 es :.wnward, andit seetued st a r 'tacle t ett in the fear.. il cr- d disturbance whichfollowet, th- not di.c hed ee pieces. The photo- eurty was on the shore, and • :Ay escaped by climbing -tee rocks, while all the'r implements were crusle- d- to atoms by the forCe of the waves, • ,e of which is represent4 to have .en thirty :eet high. Those Green - and glaciers are the source- of all the eberge which conte down into the PMZES PRIZES 1. r 0 persona gettine! up large clubs, tne 1)1- . lowmg prizes wal be ve : Fer a c .ub ' of rwanty, a,copy of .'.e.i.POerrOft from the time ten-gre reperted, till the end of 1870, and- on the comp e ion of the c'tib a hand- ( some copy of e;thar of the Britieh aet. For 1; a club of Thirty, all. the last mentioned, with a copy of the WEEKLY "GLOBE" for one year, on the coropletion of the club. For a lub of Forty, all the last mentioned and an tt • •ftemommom•E4 his wife the whole time I lived in York, but here I havegot into awkward places and had more. than I can count, just becmise no or woman stays married mere th month at furthest?' We drank weak kmonade tog in solemn thoughtfulness, arra &Om him with a feeling that, 'Ad is to be indiesolubly connected wit unplea.-mt mother-in4aviiit is. than to be constantly bothered hange of wife.. William!. Ewart. Gi A London weekly paper publ the Man Of thdrHour in these wor There is a portrait which, from shop window stares you ii thrr lac the midst of vewy ordinary400khog al highnesses, serene dukes, an nent preaohese,e and elieits front town man to his country eons* There's Gladeeciae! It is a heavy, gloomy feeee rce mai e, seamed with age and -we nese of feeling. The faultitef ph grabby ale just those which exagge• the prominent characteristics of face ; but at Ore ,avects these an de vte, as such portraits are f9elit called,—no sane mane no gentler ever having used owe .for a isit card— w ill reproduce its leading ter s at its most unfavorable asp As von look into it you save Abri that. men has achieved the highest bition ; he is de facto a constitutio kink, reach m re powerful than dent (emelt, of esmeriett, over a sixtfa part of the globe, eight million six hundred thotesand sqvare miles of tfhe ritory, ; eed -whet he does,or eays, care matelially effect the millions of people, actually one-tifbn part of the. human. race'? He is the chief Minister of the - Crown . of tte most ancient nmvarchy in Europe, the' leader of the meta liril- li t libd eloquent assembly of the ThOidler .1)f Pailiiients, and of the freest people in Mi€ world t kfe etart- lonked eke a efenieeene of e New Eng -led 311 he e§:. a Lis'orpool lade the son of.. field ole e 4:•• tel'Il woman's inereiptnt of that town_ fie was a lectut.er, iend Alternele squet- tthoei fellow with Chtilet Even/ the' tee'e wife. teeter, who feettfel his little life away of „muse pitied one ereed paint and setaegles, end- eow lies - when the terrible femele left, 1 reel:11:e -1!eizill,biafigEeetionsiex.taty.,a; trnn, his dub1e fist at O. !Ord, hiehtek, pilule, his undowbt- eft hard wtrk, ise abont the same sage, the most popular Minister that wit have known for years,- most powerful, (hard)) excepting Cm Wit Bismark), who, will pull down the Irish Church, and, in a contest wita the Route of Lords, will beat that historic- and august as- sembly. It is worth while being Prime Minister. - Some such reflection the face must, - call up. Scored and scared as it is, we " see in it extinct passions—yet not so extinct but that the underlying fires may burst feith. The head is large ed, "1 congretulete you en yeer et• tine ; thet horrible woman would have ex- hausted any man's patienee in ten leo- merits con versationY ' What was my horror when he replied: "1 must re- quest you to speak more respectfully of that lady; she at present my wife— a fact of which you are of course rot aware, as we were married. very private, y 1, 1 night." - I never said a word, but fled abrupt - y from his presence. Once more .1 wore—and I went before a not ey.• meriting fliee, by which Dr. Hayes wi ; 8 who had the biggest kind of a Bible, . s to make tilt, oath more binding— once driven from the shore to the ship ....tile in the act of surveying a .glacier, a hat never, ne 'er would I speak dispa- red Mr. Bradford had the same fate t sk h r•i,:. Alotogether the success of the jour- ney has been remarkable, and the amount of aitistic and scientific meter - i s collected during the short voyage has well repaid the *Cost. • Marriage in Chicago. raginetty of any Chicago woman to any land very fine; the ear love but too man. After that I felt better, and for large ; brain Power from hack tie two weeks avoided making any more front, enormou3;, the hair thin, arra At the end of that time, however / which justifies tie novelliseiii adjective iron gray, is worn from th& forehead, met the new and angular Mrs. De Vat- Of lignatiiVe ; the eyes aret dee an 1 .; ee whom I le in tee ete,.teeteee gleam -from 'trailer sitroeig, thick eye - been introilucee, having the hveliest brows/ so deer *Alit '1°1" elle laid— kind of a qutirrel with e big prize- but Ti must have been sspoony'—thatt Nort t Atlantic, to the great peril fr of The Rey, York correepondene ot the fiehting looking orPow, who was apple.- 'looking into these was like yookine in- • shipii and for the wonder of voya- Mobile Rvieter siva : I once met a Chi- ently in the, act Of kuocking her down, eaeolewyer who advocated marriage. and UM. tO the universe? The node cogitive go • . Of couree I flew to he re cue, and tle- the mouth stern', (21141 a Da vindictive They visited numerous places of in- who explained his reason to me for 80 Manded to know of the fellow what he the chin square; the jaw shuts eftel; terest on the Greenland Cast, begin- doing. For such a man to .do such a meant, aaea, also if whoflrewatiher awarehmbwanhcot 'that vulpine mvuelosep4;pinewexepr.ressiOnTheface igaremarkable- -.eatdexhibitsi- ning of julianashaah in the South and thing, w ' say the :east, surprisinglad' w the -ice working North. They have I listened witlareathlees interest while To which he briell re lied T1 A ' face its rSPECIAL pain! ASPECIAL prize of a first-class Patent _ Lever Watch, Which may be seen _at R Counter's will be given for the larg- est club exceeding Fifty, eeported before the lst of January, 1870. club names with the cash, should be re- reported weekly. TERMS :—Positively. cash in advance, with all arrearages paid up. farFor Specimen Copies, etc, address ROSS & LtXTON. Seaforth, Sept. 17th, 1869. been entirely ,ccess al ire et:r objec ; he gave me it brief history of his 1 paid no further at ention to hem 'handsome Gladseone.ret It is perhaps' of their vogage, and have been singe- experie.iee, during the fh ten years Out turning to Mts. De Vorse said, as 'handsome as veer - but it was never lady favored with ood w th of his residence in.that celebrated city. So' he : - "I first came to Chicago / / attractive. Two historical faces are- goot ot une. , • tromehow called- up by it when you look N • . terest visited by the party was the old here whom I Cad known while lie had slapped my face, arid: sail, ' I111 teach in their day ---the one is Strafted, who ,.9 Norse ruin. at Krakatok, or Gardar, in res'ded in New Y. -IE, and conducted , . you to interfere between man an-dirife. -1 lost his head through Laud anell-Charlese Madam, permit me to protect you rom that r tffain's insolence.' et !east among the objects of in - 1 yearsago -E had a frie d living Instead of thankino me, she actually at it—two faces, set against track other himself like a cevilized man T a civilized community. As he m had written to me to Nis; himself, th and his wife when I came to Chicago, I ; to remember -Act the invi tion when i did so v. le the city, apd irreueclietely on my it arrival proceeded to his house. He was] not at home just at the. moment; and so : S th Greenland, at -which place there. L, the other "I.; Oliver Cromwell, who. once flott• 'shed an • extensive colony, was at the back of that pewter who f eded in the year 6, a son of the took all their heads away.. litut Glad - founder 'named Thorwald being, in 1001 stone has DOE that singular, fraud -imam bat's my hueband, and we've been arried three days He a pretty hard ing if a wife can't stop in, the street speak to her husband without having me idiot come and make a muss:about the first diecoverer of Newfoundland. Alarm . of Stratford, nor,. Alio' more ., A mo' the rnins of this anc'er t col, than the age, has he the warm. tender - %.37 (which oy all account was a very -mess and sweet affection which shines; prosperons one) the party discovered out of the best portraits of rogged, war -- the wall-. of old cathedral' in a Lole - I asked to see his wife, whom I had example of the continued trouble that worn Oliver Cromwell. But dives up able state df pre•ervat' n. They pro- known onlva year before in New York. ' a wan gets lift° who lives in Chimp Gladstone in, a buff suit, a lace CAlarlo 4 "Now," ccntinued the lawyer,. "this not only a true story, but it is al fair Private 'Boarding. mwo or three respectable gentlemen can L be accommoci with. private board. For particulars enquire at this office,' Seafoi th, Sept. 3. 91-tf. dace many evidences that the climate Jin answer to my enquiry for Mrs. De : and dosen't know how toholidi hes an& the sibgethtr• Itrrt hialdBaltle Wain 1 d o eieen an , since the Norse occupationi orste a pretty, black-eyed girt came ongue. You now underetaed why I I into the drawing -room, and receivea hatetChi&-ege euetome, ere) why I go le dress- of Puritan reader, and you would be ;earned back to the eleven - has grown muck eolde . • They paid a visit :o the famous kryo- me quite warmly. • for indissoluble Marriage. T never teenth ceneury, sects is the shape ef bi ite mine at Ivigtut, the only place in1 Well, we chatted very' pleasantly toe ntade a mistake in asking, man abo t fiteee POOR COPY