HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-05, Page 4Is a Man a Feeble Animal. 1 - Gr.ANCING the other day over the Duke of Argyll's essay on "Primeval Man," it struck us, as it hal often struck ns 'before, that a l tL ie to lunch is made' nowadays of man's `'eeblebess as a Mere animal. .We do not believe the ever was one. and the duke's argument that if he was o>: e, he weuld have got stronger, and not weaakei•, is n answer - THE S AFORTH EXPOSITOR. ill any true sense of til`Pat [Lira. Cz1.tt- not be counted, iA- Losse will tig'it a ho. Se bob 110 does not tttaV'k hits per- Si- tentIV er.-Si-tently becvu e he is' at horse'; and the only' aani;l,al believed . to n)aake war on human principles, that is, in cortl'tivaation and fur territory the dog of Constalitinopieo and Alexandria, leaves oft' the- tiibihlel►t his adversary quits the spra=t( cI->>lriuiou hehaat in- vaded; let.;; able buthis feebleness dote riot clic- We rather' doubt if van's weakness prove the theory, of iii :atnirnal origin iS an animal is a sou i.1 iLt urn(' grate so e�aticluSively as civilized wri ;Ir,t tl5t de!ve1(prntnt, and we -d() not tars, who kilo v they could not got thei' see tlhatt it i:3 needed. I t, is far e i' wl•. living if . turned naked in the fields, and more s,ttisfaetor to fight the battle have a tendency to assume. upon higher ground, an(1 (gall for evi- The Duke of Argyll says, that no (lr•o e to explain.npi'n any materialist animal save man ever e�iiploys an in- theory the unique position of man as snrulnent to realize any objec=t,' I-ut the only -being with aaccuinula.tive in- i3 not the case. The only anima,' with telli�•ence. _ Where .and when, if he fa hand, so -to speak, the elephant, will ever wa.s animal, Girl he tart company .break of al brunch o swish hianself' [vial nig kind'? as,i1 i', a`:knowledgtd with when` annoyod by insects,. The b all observes es drat t he has parted coin - idea, 1 idea, again, tha-tt in his eatrly . tti.ug s poly ; and why is there no tiai.ce Of tin _ YY man mast have been liable to a1s5nl It by other. animal who has Made similar aid- inueh bigger antro as than any now 111 vanee if tiot`ui dc�g► e ,, then at least ill existence `m(ty be -true, hut .if :true, is kind -7 The arils au•gtunent against the not germane to the speculation, T= e developennent theory is not the impassi imaginative horrors of that satiation bility of the develo )einem of as mind l would not strike fan anim tl, and the the aad,mittr•d exi:;teilc•e of a chasm he- n asttodon is no hi -ger in proportion r,ween the lowest savage and the highest to man than 'the• elephant in pi opor- brute which even the imagination inaation i. g is tion to tholittle monkeys wha , ilevei unable to cross. theless, live in the.jungle with him o►- ery comfortably. A New Cure for consumption. Then iris at•g'letl that the extreme length of the period of .c;)hildhood Tn a paper published in the Bulletin man must.have'greatty enfeebled him in the •struggle, and no doubt the length I gr.'s, adverts to the therarpeutic effects of that period is of the most cur - and arsenic ,in pnlmunairy comt)laint'i, ions of many .distinctions between man atnd espetally on the Virtue it seems to sad alt other mammals. He is not the possess of stopping spitting of_ blood, a longest lived- of them, but -he takes, quality he has remarked se' eral times, much the longest time t. grow-. But in and of which he quotes two instances. practice, we imagine, conceiving as fax The first is that of aa. stone -mason, a man as one can the position of t'�e human. of herculean' frame, and thirty six years being—without intellect, . the :effect of of age-. Being passionately fond. of that source of weakness would Only be fishing and shooting, he had frequently this,-thiac the female's whole voile in c:rn'ht cold i1 pursuit of • these plea.- a natural -state waulcl_ ...be the care of wires, and in'the Bend became cousum p- 1 her porins, a necessity not iml,owed on rive, `. He consulted Dr. Ulersoy in any other ariinral, and accompanied ap Mav, 1867, when he had already been parently by this peculia=rity, that u1 st1ffeiiug ,for upwards of a� year from a man almost alone—not quite alone—i5 bad ebugu; accompanied with blood the'female.dec .decidedly the inferior of the stainecl e3, rpectorattioils. At times he male in-: strength and cuuraage.e had spit p1re blood in rather large Suppose our friends `of a. the worr►en's quantities. Frani the, beginning he rights movement will allow that, even had been treated with ecd-lived oil, though they may think the inc;ylial t = iron, bark, and lastly, with .perchloride durable; but at all events, that is fousd to be the fact 10 all extremely. savage muses,- with the possible, and nilly possi- bite, exception of a single clan. t It would almost seem, therefore, as if this `l he Harvest in Europe. 13y mail from Europe we take the following resume of the harvest prof- pects prevailing at the great food sup- ply centres, on the 1st of October as repotted ed in Palle - The accounts of the hat vest in Ger- many are very unequal, varying in dif- ferent districts from good to far below the aver ge yield, Un the v hole, the, grain harvest of middle • Germany- was nt below the avar►age; t' at of the South- ern States was far. better. Frani Aus- tria. we hear that the yield of corn is considerably smaller than iu the last two years ; the same in true of Rot ma- r' ia. The Russian harvest is said to have been good, and the crops have no- where fast so completely .as ir� some places last year. The fodder is every where poor, with the 'exception of a fear .nlountaainotas districts. There has been very . little clover, and both the hay and surrogate have been Much in- jured by the unfavorable weather. O e. the ether hand there has beena good dna! of straw. 1otli potatoes and beets pave suffered from the heat and drought of July and tne rain of August. The disease has also appeared with more "o less virulence in sone paa'ts Tlie hopes entertained for the potato harvest are not therefol•e high ; but it is said that the beet is improving. The - hops are said to be its. -a very poor condition, partly on a acc=ount of. the weather and partly from the insects and the disease, which have appeared in many gardens. J de Therapeutique, Dr. Giersoy, of Lan - of iron, in order to stop haaernophthisis, which had become alarmingly frequent. This treatment'haavirl ' led to no favor- able result,, Dr. Clersory at length daily (administered 6 nilligm ►. of arseniate of kind of weakness had been met by a, soda for twenty dap consecntively , t provision which counteracted it at the then intel•1•upted it to give cod-liver oil 'cost of a certain diminution of the de for the following sixteen days, and so fensive .power, the female being corn- on alternately for three -months, the paratively useless in combat, a diuhinu- patient taking at the same, time infus- tion, However, true of at least one oth- er species Which has lived—the stag. Thos similar weakness -at the other ex- tremity of life is not .peculiar to Oran, and would make but little diffei ence in the struggle, being equivalent, in fact, at the worst to a universal deduction from natural longevity. The human race would diel 4t: fifty ir.stea 1 of seventy and . Weald even then be among the longestli =fed of the mare, tied iaa,. :The want of cicthea or Qat' fi'ting food, which seems to4the civilized wi iter so dreadful d is apparently no reason for xtinc�tiori. • ot a young man of twenty-nine, who for An immensely large section of hunette 'the last two years hal been spitting ity. probably y a clew' half, does riot b ood, and was: in a very bad - state. ° In. wear clothes in any -way a conducive this ca=e also arseniate of soda, has hith= either to health or pr'otction. The erto produced excellent effects, but it waist c{oth (;f, he Indian. pe `s int is not is uncertain. whether the cure will oe axsstined fiom motives of cadency,, nor . quit" complete:" of hygiene ; the naked castes, fa q u i rs A Diamond of Eight Ounces. muhunts, &., i o not suffer in -haaltlh anc4 the negro who wears .nothing. is supptsecl by many observers to be ex- ceptionally long lived. Two races at least, the Tasinani4rts and the Fu ?,gia1is, fate severe cold without clothes, and it must not be forgotten that in ti ojpii ai climates cold seems to strike as severely as in the temperate zone.. " The fall in the thermometer is c:omnaraatively as 'great'and the suffering aO acute. The •guestionof food is more puzzl'irg, but is not quite " insuperable. Half the dif3'i'culty woli'd disappear 'if man < ha`l ions of quassia and wine of Jesuit's bark. Atte end of the first week all spitting'of blood ceased, and by degrees all the digestive functions got into or- der again,, tl.e appetite r9turned, dys- phoea disappeared, but there still re nlained general weakness and the cough. The same alternate treatment as above was resumed, with a slight variation for four months more, at the end of which a complete cure was ob- tanned, and no relapse has bean observ- ed since. The other ii,stance was that ,A PRECIOUS STONE AS BIG AS A LEMON. The discovery of a diamond:weighing three-quarters e -f a pound, and worth at a moderate estimate twenty millions of money, would be an event calculated to' leave a mark -even on this ago of sen- sations: We only regret that we can- not •quite annorai•ce toat it is a fact. " A stone, however, assumed to be lir cious and defined - in ssuccesive telt •a rat as. a diamond, g n ..ld, a topaz surd' a . nondescript, has actually been found in no diigaists, which as all animal' he the Ausitralianen. -s would not have. If we stippo a him ;isour correspon 4 ent irt'evently calls"it, remaaining in the mild climates a s' long•<, . t+ � to a, big (� b1„ as a li =ge lemon, it weighs as- he could,"he wo'ald have 6 h, and between sever and eight: ounce in the the -flesh ot small animalsand birds, scale and it might =" ° :, ahs rile people say.. and berries 'and fruit and Some leaves, he anything fur all that could be told. and may be credited with instinct To enable the reader to speculate on egnal ,to that:..of the dormouse, which thepappreciate ossible marvel :ind to bays in a stuck against bad weather, , l hc,nonomon at .its properworth, we That he co-ald multiply enormously -un will d =st explain what it means,s__ or -der su.h conditions is of course -not .pos- warder man if atitually. realized. Di a sible but then, it- isnot a .'hick pope- lnonds are n eaasnred by their weight in laat.i•'n but aL popnlatiou which sc1Hly-e cart. t i •a.- ca .rat IIeing cr •• ' . r T ,� fort. grsins. The desires to prove. It woul.dnot. it must largeat diamond which we :i1 this he remembered, on this Hypothesis, be countryhave any- practical knowledge diminished by ciseaase .�ny more than of v p <i1 lrnowlecl�t, of i.5 the famous Koh i poor, which in anina-•• l popattaitior ; it might not be its hist:rival shape,as:shown at the ex seriously menaced by att ick, far there hibitiou of 1851. weighed 186,-carats,1� al'e? [Vl)I►7e T'f'n1`)i.S like Australia, 744grains Th new o , or ,gAnsa:diarn diaa- tivit1iotlt. wild 4nin1•i1q, which—ss we rhiond ,vould, wei Ii_ ata gab 900 cara � tis PI see by th'' e<•unpie of Palestine, or : ,600 grains ja at at)ont five times t i c t d• do not m•;lt:, ly,.. "me•'ely l:e arise its the Doli i rtc,:i1• a; tutu ili'.ed la, h g n enient to 1n1r rov 1 to e of tEte� sthsedtee' of men ; and is [v���rlcl to the see 1 ` tdV tot ' f �1 ' right • 6!GN OF THE 1OO CH COLLAR. - H1+' undersigned begs to inform the farm- ers and others of the County of Huron, hat 13 has opened a first class HARNESS & SADDLERY IN And being in a position to pay -cash for all material used at his establishment. he can and will offer superior inducements to any other party doing business here. COLLARS particularly, are aacknow- �JI$ led cel b co•�• etant judges to be su- perior to any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the community, he is satisfied that all who favour him with their patronage wil have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all woi k manufactured at his shop, places him in a position to warrant all work, sold by him, and his motto will be " the nimble six pence before the slow shilling." Come along farmers and judge for yourselves. No charge 1 for showing goods. ° Shop opposite the Post Office; Seaforth. WPI.. H. OI, CVER, ,Seaforth, Jane 18, 1869. 189-tf. Scarcely a quarter of the usual yield is expected, But little fruit has been gathered, and even what was is poor in quality. This is particularly the case with apples and plums. Disestablishment in Wales. A petition to the Prime Minister, praying, that steps may be taken for the disestablishment anti disendowment ox the Established Church in Wales is being numerously: signed in various parts of the principality. The memo- rialists state that of the 'present five `bishops, one—the Bishop of St. Asph is wholly ignorant of the Welsh tongue and has never been able in such tongue to discharge any 'function, priestl v oa episco,,al, towards the souls of the l�elsh people, and that nevertheless he hags. received . since hisappointment above £90,000 sterling, in addition to patronage exceeding that vested in the, four English bishoprics of . Cal lisle, Hereford, Lichfield and Chichester. The petitioners state that. .another of their bishops is a Scotchman, and that since the accession of the Hanoverian family nei Welshman has ever been ad- vanced to a --bishopric in `his native land. The Irish Land Question. The land question in Ireland has re- ceived additional complications. The tenants of house property are commenc- ing to agitate for fixity of tenure in their .holdings ; and. the masses v#' farm labor- ers have begun a movement, which, is. st)reading with great rapidity,. for the establishment of their rights on the soil they till. While the tenant farmer de- mands to be inalienably fixed on the soil, the laborers turn his own argument against him as•a landlord, and require in their .turn a house built to live in and one plantation acre of land attach- ed thereto for each farm laborer, at the farmer's rent, or at a fair rent. At one -of the meetings at which the'reso- lution to req nice this was adopted g man get a comfortable homestead and one acre of land attached, 'and all secret societies will c irappear. fom the coun- try, and the Government can remove the solcliei•s from Ireland If this as- sertion is well founded, the chief cause of dissatisfaction in Ire'and is not the land question, as it affects tenants, but the caw] act of those tenants towards the laboring class employed by theta. Re- cent'utfefnnres of members of the Im- perial Government forbid the S11ppGSll-a tion that they intend to propose td Par liaament any scheme that will he genet.- ly acceptable to the Irish- tenantry, whose expectationsl'aand demands ha ve unfortunately increal;ed with their. re cognitionf'of the desi••e to do them jus- tice. The extent of the Govern men t measure will probably be the ('onver cion of the customary tenant right of Ulster into 1 law_, and :its 'extension tc all Ireland, with some provision for ong leases, on: a new valuation, and their ultimate renewal. Although this 8" much lest, than demanded; yet it. is all the legislature ought to grant, unless it s prepared ed to decline that the, crisis ustifies a revolutionary measure, and 7 )rivatd; right must be saa1�rifi:'ed to OT No. 20, in the 13th Concession of is expediency. • 2 1 .. Stephen.. Term.. liberal, Title ood Such aa-meaasiire would A l t l .good, G O D- E R I- C H COMMERCIAL AND MATHEMATICAL ACADEMY! (Established Oct. rat, 1866.) In Connection with the London Com- mercial om- merci al College. The Course of Study Is Comprehensive, PRACTICAL ANI) CHEAP''. The time necessary to complete the course is from 4 to 6 months; but one.year is al lowed, so that all can finish it without extra charge. TERMS: For the w'^ole course, $20 in advance, (Books & Stationery not included.) . Please ei.cloase stamp for circular which contains full information, and address J. A. Me}}ELLAR, Principal, Goderich, Ont. 89-o100. August 20th. 1869. CASH FOR THE subscriber having RJMOVED to the premises lately occupied by E. Hick- son & Co,, is now prepared topaythe high- est P F $ est Cash Price for any quantity of good Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main St, Seaforth. 0 DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, April 22. 1 NSO t ,VENT AOT o ' 1864. In- the Matter of WILLIAM FER- GUSON An Insolvent: . N Saturday. the 5sixth day of No- vember next, she undersigned will. apply to the Judge of the County Court or the County of Huron for a discharge under' the said Act. WILLIAM FERGUSON, • By M,- C..CAMERO N: His Attorney. Goderich 20thA1 g. A: D. 1669. 9I-2 ONTARIO HOUSE FALL & WINTER Very Complete, and selliugat - p � greatly Reduced Prices ! • CLOTHS, . 'LANNELS, SHAWLS and HOODS, In great- variety. c 3D3hroce s. (s � JW+ t�i1��Si/ Arid . Crocketr' EDWARD CASH. Seaforth, Sept, 29, 1869. 52-1y_ FOR SALE. PP y o i essrs Benson "& Meyer., Seaforth, ive the tenant cert,ti-•tv of lenure,, and ; or to Messrs Cameron, McMichael i+'it4g he strongest • •1. improve aid & Hoskin, Solicitors, Toronto der %voal'th, is holding, by sec:. ung to hien the full 1 Sept. lt)th, 1869, 92-tf•. AGENTS WANTED.D GENTS wanted to sell one of the Desi . at .nc uta a sages (, his outlay, and the t he thinned Off t11'l�ai 13V [v ll. �`�!alh' -+, not • scale of prices, s nae2,.000,U„t}, the to receive at. the era of This tern, if he is s:i.l t,-) he a ni.tnl tl sttte, ut if a e Australian- stone avonid lug' rill uetl 1,y decided not to accept a renewal of his art, to at►7l)080 m tri met ,,lv •a gr e_ 11 o is rhe Jew eller at tar in pre than tive time, lease fi•c,rri his suceesdor, the remaining atr:lnvd, t['H mast assign him the 111- that alliouhlt.— Times t' 1['(1 ` ► Lclluo:l 1 zr,tc� Gt.. tic;- worth -.o. bis iul)1•o+eu:calits.— �lo,t�,•eul stIUCts of l-.3 kind, among which ws,l tjbet :' • paying iiiv€ntinns in the Province AN) iberal discount will be given to travelling a?eu ts. cl ii 1 at the Expositor 13 d xf ,iter , ►.;.:::ioI t11, iJr_ �; �. .i ,•, Bila l CL, 'Importer and mnnufaaeturer f 11 ki HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Such as SOFAS,r 7 ]� ,LO �iNG1:7)S. CENTRE TABLE,, :M T`l'1 ASSES DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADf, 1'il Great variety. Mr R. has great confidein,t� in offering his goods to the public, as they are mage of (Mod Seasoned Lumber, and by First -glass Workmen., • GoF 1 MADE TOO DUI On 'the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and Desp<teh. Warerooms TWO DOORS -SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL Main Street. Seaforth, Jan. 6th. 1869, GOOD NEWS ( TO r�arm ers an Others. TE undersigned having newly fitted out his mill in a first class style, i,3 whar=f he is now grinding for every FIFTEENTH BUSHEL, Or exchanging flour for- good. what at 4, Ms. to the bushel. THE RICHEST PRICE I CASH. PAID FOR WIIEAT. ALFRED BREWER, Roxburgh Milbk reaforth. June 4th, 1869. . SEATTER EXCHANGE BROkER And dealer in Pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS. The Drug Departm nt is under the sped care of an experienced Chemist, J3.M..PEA1t;oN. January gist, 1869. ov-t urniture FuRNITUREs Li• has -now o3- nand, the T'0 $. i. . largest stock in 'Saforth, of ever'y des- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest prices: Qual- ity ara.ofpmateriteed.al employed, and workmanship,. 'CTN'D�R��'AKIN In all its departments, attended to in a satis factory manner. A Hearse for hire. T. BEL'S - PATENT SPRINR LMATTRASS Kept constantly on hal d, and fitted to any - bedstead. This article is the best and cheap- est made, as attested to by all who have us- ed it. Warranted to give-atisfaction, VD—Remember the plane, d1P1:)•OS=T K I DD 84. M'MULKN'S Seaforth, A t ;. 5, 1869, 87-tf FARMERS! d.ir Get your Hnmmmades Cut Cut # With Economy & Taste AT S}LA ND :. O.:Ss. TAI LOP S, GEx r' C iGb, Street. C4-OO]J QTS And Workmanship Guarantc'cd. CHARGES MODERATE, NEXT DOOR TO Lu s en'S Drug Store. :Stahfurth, &pt. iC ,n. • P Court Clink) 11'?euce avid" by"" dents''; times Fore_ hieh ,able fru �ho tends compil for or thoseen t 'ova - Qat 10, terms r Single w from • th TFOPe i.4w 'of fw-.cot time .tela ', and on some co a, Chili with .a no year, on club of Ii Album, SPE Heir: . M R,. Co, est club e let of 'Salk uiub reported TERM with all For Seaftlr WO or be t or pari Seafot t