HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-05, Page 3Colombia, Rupert- OPENI
Vest Territory and.
n the Colonial Seem-
jete. addressed;d.-er,
; Legisktu re epee( d at -r4.4,11 et?elielt?tit
tiepitat urt Wednesday feet let
The third StssiOn -
to Governor .
14th -s se - wet usue., ernia i.ists tut_ (lit I-
ferw Wed to Sir j- I The princiPal feature of ti 'I/ tly-•
, .
Repe'etes Teeledt the I TU. 1Y. CinvERNCR:S SFEtcat.
rorv;ititd EtaliOay %lid i Tile ' 1 ei''' 11 de'at il.10.q1Y- 'with sole;
. . ,. ted I way of fur eshadolviee anytime,.
rarie-cot tieetetiaLsm-
. filet •) -
see to the Onion of was, of ceureet
ortaneo of$uoh t
monplace matters, and vere
• part from the 01 (1 -
if its neine comer). 6 nee
allowing is ia Bum-
f thedeste'ttett tes-
gee to be de-
rnon Earl Gran-,
Alf of her MejeSty'e
5ttaliy, titter ttatit-i-
et a every province
Hes Etetelleney ;tett mate referees,
to the harvest of the pie:Alit
coney, e.latee the - people of._ tskeetet
epee c the prospective, hese tuitAute, _
toe and railwayilte ..improvetue'ett:
arltitratiou, he siti.d, was ptog,otess.'
nig lord he lexped Weuld tOteinete in it
stitiftLtoty and steady ieett •
t'nettice will be more "ell te the e"211"7 1-41 (.1 Leen motet' -
tt she wealth, ereel- teesi,te this year 'then levee etore
i!ifc rtvp:e
herilt,01t7i,:` till:tilleghtsti-llat kiAet3cePeadtetdic
,„on:tilicteel -it Was Very pleasing.te tba; .
etcx pos.-441y -emigranntuleift.
netghbouirMost ts e ere partly eat‘i:
teed -with the country, •Ie alledine to
ie in cases of intent_ the acquisition oe the North Weet'''
.'sident that the esta- Saitt.it w0111(1 he advisable to d '• •
sh hue of co in m unit
Atlantic and Pmacifie
'easible rty the ope-
eernent, reseensi-
c) both sho-res 'Of the
a bargain negoti-
ate, eerhaps,
governments and
; San Francisco of
'mica would, ender
hold a greater
cat position than
the- capital of the
tritish etoltualtia.
neuent are aware
tween Ottawa attd
ertl difficulty in the
ion; oat that very
,without advent
sy controunicatiot
rcee onward _opera
nple.te in ;my. ease
it appears far 1)(4
tempori. 1-y draw
of Anion-, thati to
Les, often more in
'sure toospring u
tnni t The (les.
Governor M us -
with Sir Johri
;1i steps as. can be
for inIntiot lig the
Y -n of the question.
e constitution of
oblige the Go-
•soite le on In an v
Yrtdition of the In -
re positions of the
with whicli, iii
sen two respon-
.wou et not be
tr.re in -feu -a -led the
b he shad not (T-
ot' the Crown of
E' Genoa, if it be
of -tmo thirds of
r, is supported by
and the Cuban
All this cloae,
Seely be cleared,
scend the throne
fete re difficulty.
Spain., however,
€*t tattle claims
-Cr ; besides,
to comply
imeose( by Vic -
enc. to the Hemp -
the Duke of
Itowever, that
Ly be confeirea
e Dukes above
h-ist1e bids fair
has. been
iolated laws.
withie the
a the United
ntheate their
e social crime, 1
ritory, and 0- is
ort the boendary liees between that
countev and this Province as speedily
as possiblh., Iiler remarked that the
Reveeee exceeded the dethandt; that blot
been made_upon it,' awl that the Pete
lie Werke would cost withie the esti-
matee ftriee same.
The more prominent matters for kg,
• e
islation kis Ex( ellen( y timatta
would be, the Gitaturnar and Vian.
mon Sehools ; the laws regarding reel,
regulating the sale (.if laude Le taxes
and the drainage of swamp leucite if
news oft, by money adv -need from tht-
public chs -St .but to be ultimately yet -
covered from- tit e pteperty benefited bet &-
special tax. Besides this abet_ matters
of general importance would, be setae
owe before the ..rionsp:
The readiug of the speech by che
l7.--pea1er watt dis'nensed with, and it tva*
agreed to take it info considerattou
next day. , Atty.-teen. Ma, (Jonah', int •
ti oduced a. Bill for thesadminietreelon
of the oath of effne to- J. Ps. Me
Code the terembet for Lanark. was ittt.
troduced andtook froi-seat. Mr. AI,
atiller041 Uttredtleed a Bill, for
incorpotation of the Toronto, bimccie
Jutd Mu•skolta Railway. 'A.tt Gen.
Macdonald gave notice of introdusieg
a Bill for tire confirming of u.l iici &dee
Me. 0-tmeron gave 'lake Of in-..
troducmg a bill relating to the Grata- •
mar and CoMmeiti do Is. After some
reerael s relative to the non-dietrioetion
of the laRt Sessional- -papers_ and the
statutes the flouse adjourned to the
following day.
you want news very cheap yown,
. .
club for the "Globe" arcd Expoottor."-:
See advertisement.
delay. in starting- the Southern Rail,
way has been the means of starting teve
new. enterprises, h. th with a view of
connecting buffalo ;end Detroit 4y a
shorter- route than any of the eXistine
three. The last projeet is the baileitel
of a road from seme point on. the Greet
Western west of -London, to Buffalo,
via St. Thole: s, nouice ef eppliration
fur a chte ter being given in out advert
'tising col -titer's; The movees keep Ler
bind the scenes, the advertisement tee
jug. sent to us through a sOlisiton
From the fact that the advertisement
Is published iu this county, the Mee
ence is that the point of the proposea
junetion "west cd Londo0'must IC 1
Kent—pi o'. ably at Chatham. By thiff
route, the distauce betweee Detroit and,
Buff do (assuming the junction to beat
()baba ni) watt d be aboet 218 nrilee.
; (watts t 2.'46 1r1, es, th e dist an ce .1)y the.
Great AVe,tern—a Raving of 30 Mlles!
Or about one hour's travel. After the
ehartei is Obi tined it will ¼ tenie en
(nigh to discuss the practicithility of
andertiAking. We have no idea that
either the, Air Line project frem.".S.t,
Thomas to the St. Clair, or the one
1,kaVe just Mentioned, will receive anY
&t1(oltllgenient fi • o ro the Legislaturet
Unless a road is built under the pre -
scut charter, we fear there is little
lope of the Lake Shure TewushiPs 1)8
ng ftvoied with a railway.—Chadgm
• net UnalAraM
hasten the day
knows diem
fur ever" the
o be admitted
'The, cettitin
!,e ote of two -
f the Mornion
the vily.kle
eited tetet of
will_ be, a very
ii the comp' to
*, •
11 you want a paper free- for two
months, get th.e " Expositor." See ad-
TUE (2,!C`I‘IENICAL ObUYell, lately Called
at Rurlitt, is an instance of the golipituclenf
the Catholic E....unroll for the welfare ana
prosperity of her Commimicants. " Lrurge aik
sernolicit*of thiu nature containing represen-
tatives from all parts of the world, -shou
I(1 l8
of .some heuelit to- our race. Vtre hope till$
opinion will lie as harmeniaus and unfair -
/runts as the vcrdiet in favor of the Great
Slio:;lionees Remedy, fur diseased the lungal
bloo(1. stomaeli, liver, etc. Par sale by all
he txpaottor.
. .
Ka. Thomas Rtster of this place; has
recreezd s race hors: which is. doubt
jt "sWeep•stakJ.Is.
Per the e easiest Boots in Sea
• fret •reOrdirig to quality go to Gov--
stery'-si 87-tf.
° Ocr If you wieti,Tt got -id vatuelor your.
eioney in Boots awl Shoes go to T.
ooventry's. 87-tf • -
AN a meetings of the Seaforth Coen,
wtis :de .ided to iaimetlit‘tely. c(4 --
the side,ivalks in the Village, pre -
oratory to 'Winter. The one leading
toEemondYille will very. pro
odrou ‘lor A clue :tr
-+Ite of attentio _
, rly
FRON.incorro,2t in Co e'tion furnIshed
us, we teade an eller in last I week's
'issue, ill sziyil?g. tint the ,Presbyteritin
esueteeetion of this 'piece hadgiveu a
wwirnous c.all to Ree. Mr. Calder,. as it.
it apeedrS the meeting was not quite
eeeivided au the matter.
,SUMMER —That bee utifre
eiessoe of all the year ,in Canadao—in-
dian SumeoetHis now upon us. For
the pest few .Weeks it has been most
earneStl:y loekedfor, not however With-
outdoubt by seine For a Whole Week
everything loOked ,s muelt , old
grim Virter earneet, that many ho -
gen to thinkthat perhaps _this chsrm-
mg spell had, bedtime. e matter of the
oast. Not -so however, for no emote
propitione weather could be than now
fee gathering in the Jest retie tieing
eropS, and preperniteifor the coming le-
vier -eine season. FartnerS. about -hese
itect _very properly working erre-nest,
!for they. Well know thee when the next
I change come'S it will be permanent-.
The ‘duretion Of uhis season is very nel-
cierteise, exueeding frem.three :or four
d ors to as many weeks, mo lificd by
ether circumstances. -This y.e,ar, hew -
ever, thorigh it cermot be very long -on
:teem -int of, the letenese of -its setting in;
we ionset,itte on the Other hand thet, we
reity at least eepest a week or two, be-
beuSe of the cohr seep that preceded
. .1
Tu.& Tei:edcope isa 14 ew- jout-nal
1)1.1‘1.A.Ifi1ier is M1.
Ouii ii ae old iriind. The 7, eleschee
13 VtI-Y finely printed, and its enti e
get -tip iTedit to the. proprietor. The
people of Du lILV: ei1.11 WC11 afford to sup-
pose such a popes-, as it promises to oe.
C );.‘1311TTED.--Pittri,.,.k Tr:liner was
chastted by Ww. Lees. I ef•Os 1-%
titeit; with h lying stelen a hog.
The eirs:t wilith WitS averred Wits
made {i 'in the stolen animal, wits 1)1'9-
chrtod, court, rind upontheevideece
eddiusel the pliers .es. wets cominitted,
te stand his triel at --the itexttcourt.
Bail ef t34-00 e ouht have been accepted,
but fiii gto obtairr it, he was remov-
ed to tire jeie
Row AND TIII.4"7.—Six or seven inch:.
-tido:tie get into qiiite a l'ow the .othei
drty on tho street. One if thein was.
arrEiz-tted end 1,1aced in the loek-up for
dit night. sefelr being discharg6d it
tv-as round that he had stoleu. a Water')
jn th sipiaottle, ,he. inimediately
Rohl toz *4.50 and euele off.- 'The 'last
'wee. of Lim he was ti ivelting on the
T d.! w y Ld 1., as the I go lie o d eeu
sent f 1 IkIB ptuoleuter 'of the watch
has, of course, lost ey, the ievesearent.
lioted .dav, .an'd
witu Whi-th the 1 e are asteociatcd
many allei t %1st:milli., appears tO..10-
gettino s;toly degenerated. The hou.ely
and innoceet eustonis of 'nut-burniug
and reptesecti-sowieg have, around this
pia of the Country at least, been suie
Stir...ted by eueli inischthVOLIS pi abkS as
carrying a \tett, ,ge tee, changing sigus,
etc., and ou the whole, instead of :Hal-
loween :low being a season to be antiri-
pated with .pleasti re, it is ejee. that Is
.only to oe leoked for with a species oi
rn di dread; save to street-loraers and
bad bore
• A pEBATE.hetweeli Mem here ofthe Me
Cheeise Institute: will take elace oii
Wesieeedey evgnext, at the 'reading.
_ romn, conireencing at,i, 30. Proposition,
ress)leed that, e country life is': more
conducive to happlues's than pity or
t{) .t' u Athlete! aye, .D.r. Campbell,
-leader.; supported Ly Messrs Eolin• sted
z LIIY.t(!ii,.
,le;Itior,.. supported ,liy Dr: Vet Coe tote
He. hunter. .1.Jrnpire; Mr. Heys; It
is 'hoped Ott as many of the -Members.
of the Lite as possible will uounte
the effort „1-;y their presence, and
to in.ike;'• arrangements for further de-
bates,. et:.
Tu busieess' !bell have gotten ep 'ae
exteeeively sigued mentoriel • to C. J.
Br Meets, .ffee, set tine forth their desis e
tii; r., Moodie, at . preseet. clerk et
the std Gin, Ire uppointed. tS sticcessor
te Mr. Broughton. While, we think
;the U i peny, eourd get no setter ,niate
to look after .Llit u tTiteestIs, • we ere sure
they emed IllaKe no appointment mote
g to bilf; propip. mr. - ixtou.oio
het long-Oesupi A a position heee, which
ha givtutelihn Let', and we believe
th..it every wan: wiLh 'whom he 'has
cerne•in ((Melee while there would - be
higil Y- 1,1e4sEiti to know that the Direc-
tors their w'ay clear ill appointing'
him to the position of Station Agtt»e_ ,
Il'ates3teathroy Times is the mune of
n'e•ti p iper recently lauuched-festh.
- that- vi11.ig, ft is thelargest of ehe
three polite's tehiele that plaee now-
.spertst Tho out and outTory,
lint is honest cee se h to own it. The
editorials are eery vigorous, andthe
selp eione gtod. Its typographiral ate
pearenee. is clearand good, Luc we can-.
not .say neat, as we certainly think
whiele poster uype- and cuts ruin
aro', p Jper's claitn• to this quality. The
Tint 8, howeveresie but ve:•y little worse
pal tieular then both its village
tete:freers have grown t..! be; The pup-
lither. Mr. _R. Meginn is. a man .of ex-
p !tire) t the -business and will littflit-
leer. :ado. peper•" go." -.One tilting
471/4:07, it IS III) IP /18 for throe
pteese to live.. id •-•::kri-ithl"'y.
The pany 'friends of 'Mr. E. P..
Broughton, 0. T. R. Agent,et thiS
-Station, hear t itn a mixture of 0e/1,-
st/1'f/ and leg/1-g; thnt he is to , tiro -
Muted to the. seine positioe et Brant-
ford. They 'are pleesed, beeauee a Man
so wbrthy ae they believe him to be,
to be rewarded by those whom ,he lias
so faithfully'strved'; and because he is
_so deserving of public est ern, ehey vet
erethis removal. In our intercourse
Wit)] the brieiness men of the place, we
[wove never heerd him spoken of; but
in the highest terms as an eilieer of the
Cofripany iici if business' mail. That
the Grand Trunk Estilttely Offieiele are
awsre of hiteworte, uncoestion-
:tidy maeifested by the high position
to Seidel' they It IVP pr.enoted him, sec
mid .9 bet one on this district. Whet
ever Mr. Broughton may go, or tO.
'xiizitever• position he may attain, the
Inst Wishes of this community will ac•
Last week we celled attention to the
dc 1111 oi Leisnis Downev,„
of MeKillope 1..thic.11 took plai:e 'on -the
28th .*DoCeaSed Wa.8 -one of the
.Cioneet s of the :II Uron. itr4ct, 'and as
such was noted "for I41S geneimis and
hospitable' conduct to, all the early .sets,
tiere. 1. hough _not, at the time of- his
death, -wleit Might teraied are (Ail
mere lie.had by tii;i 'unflagging 'enters'
priee, ineristry and .nprightness, amps
ed .considerable wealth and won ,
en via I de and wide -spread reputation..
Ile MCLS for _many yea re a Justice of -the
Peace, and had, ‘‘,.e id [eve, 'tilled all
the revonsible Municipal offices, with
credit to Himself and batistiv-tion
puolic. • Inc - was a native of Ireland,
and an earriustl. and devout Rowan
Catholic.. flis deini.,e is greeted, with
sorrow, not only by his -family, out by
tee entire _circle of his acquaintances.
un --Satin day las- reinains wei'e inters
ed n- the Cetholic Oemetery, in ;la-
`uoydunce with the sol 011111 lite* of th.
chereh, followed thither by a II itutilethie,
COD C0111 Se offt ittude, all desis•ous ut
making 'the last triuute to departed
*The notice in last week's issue, came to
hand so lace, that the proof was not read,
consequently an error of the compositor,
making the date "nd" insz-,ead. of "286h,"
passed clircps0 theenOre edition.
*of Gra.-
llie Editor ot the Expositor.
iSIR.—There is considerable disieutis-
faction in this tOv•uship with reSpea
to the responsibility. t,f the', person 'who
is collecting the taxes. wOuld etsk
our fathers, if it hi legel 'for
a "colleetor tO Ctepute. anv. s, hool
to collect. iu his stead, ;oil: Wiiklier:le
gal or not. it wiil not allet intethe peo-
ples' fees .1 n the ,-isitfeby Id* -the funds;
and if thf- mantle of the parent be- a
Lulu's -tart 1. they have giesirreits-
on to fear and t1e111 i1. Le u-tr,; w hat
sity yoiiA R ATE PA,- YE.R.
Ott. 27th 18q9., •
• I.
)17i oar own Correspondent.
FIRE. -011 Thursdtty, ulq.'t at
110011, Mr. P. Gardiner put scree water
on imelecked lime which was in hi,
barn, and afterwards Weet out" to the
woods Upon looking around he. be-
held Iris betel and staules in fftenes, and
ran back, bet it. was too late, the pro-
ceeds of his summer's work -vas in
ruins ; wheat, oats, • pt hay,imple-
ments. end sadder then all, a splendid
span ef horses whieh had taken the
iirize the preceding day at the Kirkton
Agricultural Show. The building M RS
insured but whether Mr. Oerdiner
will Seellre the iaeuranse money, is not
• f
. trom our own Correspondent.
ACCIDENT.—A little bey, -gen of Mr.
,Semuel Andersen, Township of; Teen -
berry, aged about two years and a -half;
fell backwards into. e pail of boiling
weter, seal ding .11 im so severely the' -deeth.
reetilted about one week atter the
accident. - • ,
MATRIMONIAL BLISS.if--A hepny wed-
ding party elrivingthrough our Village
at a rather fest ratethe othei/ day; hap
peeing to go; rather too close to a dieeh
bythe-side of the road, €31.-e suddenly,
bet gently, - "Spilt out," and as the
roads at the time -.were not very dry,
we believe the effect -wee not only to
danip their spirits,' but' also 'their ;feel -
day elothee, whichno doubt- they weee
on theeeceasien.. We are 1i:split/ to say
that tione- of i hem were hurt, and,
the itSsiettmce of sundry piece,s of tope
their broken harness _was mended, ;eel
elte.y went on their way, po- (toilet! re
fleeting On the shortnesstof Sublimate'
bliss.. -
hope tir :Villagers
will'not forget the public lieteliegein
the d-ecid Templars'- 11:::(11 this whiter:
'EVe4 :Eudeavor_ will be made to Make
them -worthy of patronnge .by all.
F,rom our oumt'orrespondeA.i.
The ar tronorner who predicted that
." greet at niospuru u, d.istIlibances" mould
OCCUrs frotn the ;first to the third
of the present month, is greatly
etetsay, as those three days have been -
the finest fur some time, and the only
disturbatice was thetinterruetioe in the
way oi hail, rain,"wirid,- and snow, whi
have been so In evident lately. Owint
to the lateness of the seaton and the
constant wet weather the ifarinei-s an
far behind with their fall work', and
any person who can e•ull a- root is bet
to work the last three fine ditys.
The Ploutshi: g.Matelt 111 cennexion
with the Stanley Brandt et. 8:; too.
place toolay, Wednesday the 3rdeoe
the farmt of Mr. Thomas Bolls, not op
Jelmsen's a.e advertieed who did 'riot
want his field ploughed. The' days Was
all that could be desired, but themum
ber of -both ploughere and visiters
smallowing to press .of wor-lo, The
field was not so good as could be desir
ed, it was weigh aed uneven: Tie
Judges were Messrs John McEwen and
Ketehen, of Stanley and Curtis ol
Goderich Township. 'The decisien
the Judges g.4Ye general satisfaetion.
Phe plongleing was considered vei y
good considering she rough field. The
ploughieg of ..the boy Johp kVi) tt
gi•eatlY• praised. The following is the
prize list :--te
lst prize, Alex. Thompson, of Stan
ley —.McTavish plough ; 2nd, Peter
MeD meet 1, Q of Godern h tow uship—Lee
plough ; 3rd, Leslie Herbison, of Gode
rich township—McTavish plough.
'1st, •Stewart Merougell, Goderich
townehip—MeTevish plough; 2nd D.
Ross, Tuckersmith—Mtifavish plough .
3rd Thos. MeClymot,..8taljley—Sitrip
son plough, Varna, ; 4th, Thos MeAsh,
Stan.14--tSisoption pleught Varna.
. BOYS.'
.st,, John Watt, Stanley ;Sim Issue
plough,. Varna ; ugh Thompson-,
Stariley--Simpson plough.
. •
WE ARE pained to hear that the of --.
-erday, Rev. Mr. McNaiOate ot this
piece, while on his road to MonoMills.
was thtowe from his buggy and is not
expected to recover.
SE.AFORTII„ Nov.5,1869.
Wheat, (Fall) bushel:
Wheat (6pring) 1:9' bushel,.
Barley tr bushel,
Oats 'Cl/ bushel,
te.as 0 bushel,
Potatoes 14 bushel, -
Hay ton,'
1.341 ttt r, it; Ib.
Turkeys, .
0:80 to 0:90
0:55 to 0:91
0:50 to 0:4
0:28 to 0:30
0:55 to . 0:60
9:00 to
0d5 to
0:35 to
06 (010to
0 to
0.4 t
120 too.
00 25Q I to
(ODERICII, Nov. 2, 1869.
( Signal Report. )
$0:80 to
0:)40 to
0:25 to
000. to
0:47 to
0:30 to
047 to 0:18
0:13 to 0:00
8.00 to 10:00
• r:.,\ Wheat,
'1 -ring Wheat,.
Hay,. per ton,
(MINTON, Oct. 27.1869.
(Arno Bra Report. )
Fa.11 Wheat, n;w, •0:70 to
Stpring -0:83 •Jto
Oats. : 0:25 to
Barley,„ _045 to
Peas, d:50 to
Flour, 4:50. to
Witter, 0:20 to
Eggs, '
llay per torr„
0 :F6
0:30 ,to - 0:50
0:12' to 0:12
700 to 8:00
Tfill.OM the premise i of the subscriber,
Lot No. 4, Tiii-clicrsmith, about 1 417,
miles from: Seaforth, on the night of *loll
tali of OctOber, a BroNvii -Horse with a strip
in his face, and one white bind foot. and 0-,e
front white foot; also a mark of a ringbone
on tine of the horses feet. '
Any .perSon giving Oitch information as
willlcadtohis recovery will be suitably re-
warded. 1/4
Tuckersin.ib, Oct, 29th. 09-4in
e •
Bea& to inform .his custom -
ITS and the public generally,
that he has
Returned to Seaforth
• With the
Stock of
C R E R 14E
W I E -S
Ever OffiTecl in this part
of the country,
Which lie has ()p-
etted Out in the
store lately occupi-
ed by Archibald
Seott's Block.
'To Hotel and Country Store
Keepers he ,oaers .special in-
Sea.forth, 0 t. 29th. •99-tf.
Goods Delivered
In any .part of the Village,
when • 'bought
At scoff _ROBERTSON'S:.
Cf ',PRAYED, o to the premises of the sub-
scriber. 14 /5, Con. 3; Hullet, about the
middle of last month, a two Orthree year
old steer, red. and white. The owner is re-
quested ti p ove property, pay charges; and
take tl:e Bartle away. -
Hullet; October 22. 98-41n.
&r.A TO .:375 per month, clear of all ex -
Tot, penses, guaranteed to all industrious
agents who will take up the 'work, which is
very light. as well as nrofitable. For piicii-
lar ancLpatticulars, address
130X 32, Seafortli, Ont.,
October 22, 1869. 98
TORONTO, Nov, 4, .1869:
( By Telegraph.)
Wheat (Fail) bushel, 0:95 to 0:00 •
do .(Spring) bushel. 0:88 to0
Oats bushel, 0:34 to
Barley 1,3 bushel, 0:60 to
Peas el bushel, 0;!...5 ti
'9° RaiSillS if -2; Curran
0.00 -
Property for Sale.
OT, 1./2 Jarvis Slily:1y.
zieafort,h,, on -whicl; there is, a story aria -
a -half Frame Tiouse 3S1:26, well and
will be well finished. The proprietor is
o.esiroui of selling on account of Mk, leaving
for Roe; River-. - Cheap for Cash, Apply to
Hugh Grant, Brneelield. or
Seaforth, N,oV., 5th
- 100i-tf.
4-1.1N t. 01\11: °RT.
T. CF PErfat.„k
Tnere is nothing Fiifvalnab?.e, as -Perfect
Sight, and l'erfect Iiight can only be obtained
by using Perfect 6pectatIes, the &faculty
of procuring which is well known.
Mes:4s., Lazarus k Morris, Oculist's &
Opi;icians, liar ford, Conn., Manufacturers
of the Cekbrited Perfected Speciacles, have
aP•er years of 1 xper:krce, and -tle erection:
oteest:y machinery, been enabled tb prochix.e
ti a (Jr: -ii atit) 'Atm, Perfect Spectacle,
w 11 h ha e ')'ee Sold with un!imit.ed sati-
fuc, na to the wearers in the United . St att s
Prince Lthvard's Island, and Dominion -of
Canada, during the past Mine, years those
celebrated Ietrfectol teteesaeles newer teee •
the eye, and lastmairv years without Change.
OiC.Ag•;iit for .8ealortli, M. R. Counter, '
from whom only they can be procured.
8eaforth, Nov 5. 76-ly
WR KMPLOY 0 PEDLE,1•11.1'.
TN returning hiimere thanks to the
for the very liberal patronage he
has reueived since coming to &4eriforth, ,begs
to say that he has on hand another large
lot of
'ex,. Par:or and. Cooking, all of which he
ill s al as cheap as other people sell an in-
lerrur tr,rticle. Everybody knows that the
is at Whitney's. Lamps, Chiminies; Wicks,
etc , 111 abundance. A large stock of
always oil hand. Lave -Troughing, Tin'and
Sheet Iron Roofing done in tirst-class. style.
All kinds or Jobbing promptly attended to.
f• Old. Iron and Copper. Cotton Rags, Wool
a,nd Wool Pickens taken in 'exchange.
Seaforth, Sept. 24th, 1809. 43 -if.
ir: FRESIii
V: L.31qt 4
- ---- — T E A SI
_..., a
Black and Gwen
E)( E LS I C) R.
W P. PAGET Artist_
Mill; undersigned beis to inform the in -
•I habitants of Seaforth' and sun-midi/1g
country, that he has taken the Clallery for- •
merly occupied by r. -C. PaRridgei
A licw Doors ..17 (44 of Di. Snlit74T
Office, and Opposite Veat's,Store.
Where he wil Always he ready to nkase
.patrons and give satisfaction to time who
favor him with a call.
IJ bis speeimens, they speak for the Art t
and will convince you that he is First-Clase.
The plat% is Opposite V.eaPs Grocery, Main
- Street, Seat rth.
Photo. Artist-
Seaforth. July 22, 1869. 85 6m.
Chewing and Smoking
• .t
. • . . a