The Expositor, 1869-10-29, Page 3� moved' highes and (jaiia- paie their tins ?eat ir lot; asking inut:h to thus Renfrew er. tout. - w bitn- with- pt 'Not fot North, LILtht n- Valsh„ 11 1 devotee& splun tremoling be offer- frew, spar, ts tiob1( eon 4tnegation.— e•by's ph of Sat. OP another tesmen and , Lltti Ptt• . unex. ecov morn- nd title was born Lanea- '-ed at Eton rord, where prize, far be N€" of Com, [a eve In Reek of• mere est ettere of SeSKigh , arch, his ,xhibited u Tor, which 41 by the so younw, e M. tfed tiE ttrof ad- •a.d teal sa-1 irpon y of State !nation . of ere offered retaryship- eelectiou defeated oon after -- alit -It he [832.Tt eeeed in re. _ thiel ar4 he high - great Reform 832, his ly called ,fence of ane time asnre ,Mr. .for the re in it, melt :sure for jt; India 6ee-- net•r lor ey had ess Re ponbilities of offiee, and eoesteneted Cabinet, whicif besides other - ire poes twaste es, .earsied the Mini:ere ' to 1411, and the Milita _Bil - l tka , a sl. liyitlithe Emperor of the 'French . est alliance which, sitbsequeet, (sive ' starlets have 1endes-1W or veer, impose tans,e to the Britt'sh Empire, ASterehe. general election iu 1852, the Iiouse of Commoos gave a vote ash et ee• to the tittainialschernes of Earl berby'S Chan,. ckii/or of the__ Ekchequer ; wereupote ,t.e I 1.,.,lii4ee teiwered ids re.qgri4tion to. e Majesey, which 'fiPtiti i 1 bet 'IT then accepted thele ad,T i,f the oppOsitiOn-e-al pOsitiert i;ft.i be held till 1658. Re was .ed the sea -la, ‘,I' office in 1655, tile LB of the Coalition ininistry, bat de(.1ined „Alice, on the urounu that he could not -form a government which woald stet owe its existenee to the ton- beararve et its wietnies. . &ewes, how. 1 ever egaitecalled to the Preiniership in next year, 1859, on a Referm .Biil, amt. 16.58,. on the 'defeat of thi4 Palthei.s.ton , Govein men t, but was defeated the waS egaiusuceeeded ,by Loett Pelmete sten. In the session of 1864, EarLDera by made a serles ef desperate attacks Gli the foreign pidicy of the Geeernniesstl„, being espetially severe on Earl Rua- es'a, the object I- eing to oust Peoneee swill's Government ; but it ended in le/saris laird- Paime,rettai died in 1865* ola wheat the Ritssell-Gladstcnt-.1 Gov- ernment was formed In 181,6, a most pewerfui and coni I iiiied attack was. made. upon a _Reform Bill introduced by the ..Rushell Government, by the. oppoi- tion. It -was successful. - The Rnseell, Gladstone Ministry went out of offi...e. Low iltri- berLy became Premier for the Aral time, and' Isitld that position till 1b61, when he retired -from °ST i.11- centstegerence of &gent and severe at tat ks of the gout which disal,led )-irts om discharging theonerous duties of his poeition. Mie Disraeli siicceed FA, Le the ererolership, and brought le a. Reform Bill, which, -after being se amended hy the t literals as to -hear bat a remote resent:id-ince to the original?, wase/trried iky Liberal. votes. Mr, Disraeli's Government was, however, oeaten on a metiOn made by Mr. Glad- stone having reierence to the disestaG- lishinent of the laiele Church, and a general. OAT:it'll ha ving subsequently tal,ee place, Mii Gladstone and his _ friends carried the election by an ovt'r- whelnang mai,-rity. Mr. Disraeli r- eigned nefore Parliament was called to - ether and Mr. Gladstone's Govern. - merit bareceedeil. The.-Disesteldieh- ments?ill was carried tn the Howe of „ . Commens, but -the influence c,Earl Derby, who was bitterly opitosed to it, united with that of e new leader Of the Conservative Peers, Lord Cairns, 1. , • • k. was ,sitifieient to defeat the hill bv car - tying Ruch amendments its the-Conimone could blot possibly assent to. The /tweed- tnents added by the Hou ee of Lord3. were stricken Out, with two or eases linimporteut exeeptions, and the bill was finally carzied, and is now the law of the laud. It was oil the Churth question the great Earl became a • Con- servative in 1834, and on the Irish Clotreh qiiestiiel, he fought his lest. battle ape was defeated. That Earl Derby was as honest end eini ere as he was great as a debater tied as a --Lratestrian, no man van doubt; and though for more than thirty •years of his life opposed to those pi int iples and: l& lot when his eietnitry demends ed, ye': all the world ad inireS his gen- - ins and geeat abilitiee, his brillient. onitos•y and his pkendid powers in de- eate, end all will 'deeply repret his seeer,o. lathed, he hae 'eft lathier; him tt a 11 1) 11 niankilld will not Ord !thtiish t'Ler Jew -es pin walit goed salute for your. neShey -Roetstd Shoes go to T, clatnetse wiliije v li t die." Ifis tan, the lete, Lord tiiJi v, iu e ds him es the fif- teenth 1,;:i I if Lerbv. -....----.. Covelitry'a I• 87-tf tratioa s _ linnet Council. afterl• The Municipal Council of the Township of IhaIlef met at Londsborough :4atui (fay 11,st thecio sb18 Moiiow, " • \Varner and lv.:oneeith present Al iritV es of foraareteting ae.re real and confirmed_ It was moved, by Mr. A, Monteith, seconded by h. znell, that this ToNinship be divided in. ro five Eltetoria.1 :::111-d.\-,,,t.onE, pursuant te the "Election Law of 11-08," and that a By. 4. iteie iwiti 1/ i yelire. rk"I'lq't Law be prepared and paescd to confirm the: ti zG sana—Carrnd. Moved by Mr. W. NA arner, 1 pia, secorded by .Mr. A. Minieith, that the bum itiht oftk,- be amp/h.(' to w am Voddin to as- sist hiin in thfra.y ing the funeral expc n se 8 lif I eel's lidward Ward, his hirt.d nuin---t il Tried, I Bic -k- ",'S ovid by Air Mtnteitia. seconded by IV:r.; , vii,.. ,,nell, that the Trtastrcr he instrucittl 10 r eed pt Y an account et rt'fie: hy the Cot:mint 1p, for weal( done in this MunicipalitN. as f., in, t re as t1 lire are funds in the lreastiry-----Caiiii a, i. Fr .--. Moved by Mr. Warntr, st.condtd by A- r11 , the snell. that the account of E. Dolrac E.=, *1:: 57 anti far pr;nti.ng and advertisinrf, be paid ---,C ar- il ' ri( d. Moved- hy Mr. Al on?eith, S€C( ndtl 1)1 Iit1 ..v t )Zr. \Vanier. that a. Bs Law be pre -pared rug- ' anti plssed at the next meeting of Council, , one, i to d' tach Lot No ,5, Maitland. Block, film - i Union SclIoni Section ",To - Wee. aro4-b al a a, , . I i . 0, ( I • 3 -- ir ; attach sad lot to N..hool Section No. -9, Elul- iit ,re : • . let, and that the Chris notify all parties in- v'eu ' t 1---C ' d TI C ' *1 then ad -- t t. res. ee arm .„ ic °tin ci 0 re miry, feur- F„e re - yawned to meet ruzain at Londsborough. 'Monday. the 13th" December •next, at ten o'docli a.- m. JAMES BRAITHWAITE, Townzhip Clerk. Bullet, Oct 26, ,lEC9. 1 C_Lfic Itxpoiitor, ICT IVEATTtR,S. VAra.,TA PLoUGHING The abeve m /telt W1l1 teke. plv.e Wed- neol.; v i<t, O1 tlift firm of .Mr, John: stna E , one mile west of Varun - \ h tve Ise -doe bsi but. thA the fie tele el' Mel-- Of. IV. Cline :.plete\ted tn heir thatt. he intends sherds, retor ting to. Sea,forth end riff -milting perrn krfltlV..: • Loyal (h.;Ingt!• Lenge No. 932, Sea- ford), roei,ts Werinesdny evening next, whm. 1;a full attendanceis par- tieulaely requeeted. As will' seee by advertisement, John Walsh has returned to See - forth iiI opened rill) in the store lately otempied by- Archibald MeDoit gall.: Ho eeills tome •his old friends 'for H.T. renewal of their patronage, Meelosoc.--On Wedneelay evening Pe W. Bro. Thoe Metheson, ijf Mitlie11, 1) D. G. M. of Huron DiS- trii.t iV A. IV. met the Mawr Fr.i.- ternity of !lin ton, Bro. Sharp, of 6t. Ma'y's. W. M., in the chair. Phe feel- ing in is:Ivor cf re organizing the lodge •as very strong, atm energetie efforts will 'oe at mete taken to accomplisri the e bjee New gra. Tilt; Or Inge Soiree in Goderieh ou the 5.h •Kee., is to lee one of the grand- est Ulange detnonetratiens that ever took pleee, in this County. Some of the leididg Brethren of- the 'Province are to addrees the g itnering.: Arrange- eu nts have Leen made with the G.T.R. for.the issee of return ti •kers front be th Chiron, at a trifle over one fare, :hit; ;Hording the fralids around those pi.wes a fine opportunity fin. being. IH resent.' Tickets for the Si'i'ireft 5ths AT a eongregationel ineetines, of •the Pres, ,yteri a I/ ph:licit, of • tliis niarfe, held on the •20W1 inst., ReV. Mt. Odder receis•-ed n ine iiinems call to be enne the eel, -cisme e have to eongeL tilee t,he Rev. gentleman upon the positunt lie tzr, n v More, 110Wever, than tht-.3 pnlgregation nisei, their S( u) g ge„tleman of so lintel' real emility end nesell ;IS is the man. of their • • Ale f'retay, 'I eeesteer of ihe 8 Attli FlurOu ALP:ri."•uluier.11 SOnietV will be ii Seifert:1i at the is'aesoeitor Oise on.7„afrirclay the 6111Prox, els° on thi etieceeding siaturday from 12.30-o'eloe1 to j) 1)7 prieve, awarded at the meat Show, Ile -will feel oblifsel if a2 Nylu have net. yet reeeived their prize et ney vill ertke It'oonvellient to Coll on no of those d Lys.. AIA.suour APPLES. ---:A few weeks ago Y -e h id the pleaeiug ietoasion to art know le Igo a. preseut from M r.11. Ode of a loto very Liege upplee; witi 41 tools the (fiat prize ill two places. We agile /ewe o ?Okitowledge asitui lar Cr h C thieve ji. - •N1'11-) %sill pie:tee-a-ON-1A; • Our thalik81 fO• Haul ity Of Wint6r„Pippitis-," SOLue or vttt it ei t /Stir 1 fouls:owl ineltes .circutuferew e. THE SEAFORTH ..tXPOSITOM • TH W -,-Stra Passing strange,is the Weather jiih.t now. Fur a week past, the ground, is far as the C%0 can reaele hae been covered with enow, end every night there has been severe feist. with° t any thawing drir- ingethe day, Whieb now leaves the srsound fieezen herd to a depth of !tome ittehee. Ainige quantity •of roots ere in ,he •-•round, indeed we eelieve nf,a-1_0, the whole °I;Op, mid some of out forntere are "I of ik li g "Idae" at the stttt of things Still wi . eerenot- hut hope forii t w weeas, at leaet, of fine we;itli. er vet. The oldeet eettlere ten its 1kt Winter' neV'er -sets in -.withont sot e length of °Indien Stentner----we haee none thiq qo •=ti rfo- • From our Sp' ecial Correspondent. Nuw Beentrik.' The new Bridge over the Maitland inthisplace is now tiitished and is a good, Pelbstiantial job. Mr. E. Lindall is the contractor. To Menstoar, Mset.—The village of Illuevale, would be a good epEning - for a.sloctor .who • would be moderate . in his chthges as at present there is Do VOCtOr tuthe village,. . READINGS.est'e-T. e S .hool Teachers , . and others in , and i.u•ouud Blnevale have determined to supply* the public with cheap and innoneut etausement during the winter in the torn' of Pen:, ity Readings. The first, whieh will . be fredi to a 1 w el he held on Tnesday 1pig. Nov. 2ild and if it is well Ipat- rntervals through the winter. The temized the.y will be continued at regu- •tai programme will consist of dr ince/tic and comic pieces, selected from the best • writers. Nothing will he • allowed whieh world offend the most fastidous. We hope the public will see • the benefit ohe e re p dal amusemen s and aft ee cordingly. :SHINGLE FassTti ItY. —Stu trt *St . a). have just got in the in whihery for . their new Single FActorv which 'will DREADFUL, -1.4 Tuesday emitting lest it Was discovered that the 1 g house of Ronald 111cDo141d, living n lot 9, 14th conee-eien, E est Wil - hauls, was smouldering heap of rui and the hoe v ofthe ilofortunate pro:. , . pru-tor watolying charred, burned, and disfigiired ii the ruins. A.s yet, there is .no clue to the cause of the floe. The Unfortnnote Man waS ah0, t 55 or 60 years of ege, who was living alone wit,' his W e, who heppetied to las at a friend's honse ou the 12th con, on the night or- the wend tragedy: The f lilily are all grown tip and gOue froth t P paiattfoll retif. The ale all the u1rtiulii 8 that vont'reporter has yet been able to glea»-of this fearfel tregedy,—,31ratItro9 imes. • MECHANICS' 'N3111.'111E. --'- At rauge- meets ate oei g tele for a series ef Leetures during the present Fell _and eolaieg Winter, under the auspices of this institirtioe. We Shall prohahly *at fir,,,f favored with • one from Alex. ilIclienzle, Eel., M. P. for Lanoton, whieli will he at • en early date. 'The high fateeni iu whiell this gentleman's leilieies and honesty are held will, ae tre sure, 'Aims out one of the lergesi, atalielices that ever stia, tender a Spealier in this -place. We also •itielerstet d, -lett closely following ...pin] thi8; vi inn' exPect ejanwS Yonng, Esq., At P. es• tet 10 Mr. Young is mit se - old a 1)1it.i.cian as the first mentiened "sentient:in, but- he is already eensidered to be seeene. to but very few men in t lietise of Commoneticli lecrairts eel] make the teeatorth ille.eletniss' In dreite "s pcwerin :Att . lend." A. NOTIltIt " WA IF, 7-7 -.int* coreora- lion •liiiS been faviirod (1) 1,eith auotnee i!li-ilil._. (..)ii Fii :ay mer.eieg lak, alamt 4 o'cloek, some buret/1.0ns fudivedtel „ ltiftsienewly' born . /nide child at the Hoor or Alt. A/snit:Igo '.Phe helplese li ttle. s ttanger • leid Sio7. re lei ved the rir,,t efli•es ef a 17111 S(' and wae suppos- ed w.i,e,not wore tit in a f ea hours old. t Mr. A esitagel,e oel the . e -iiit le lying the ehild' hurried to ties (t)ols and saw - - •i -1. 01 111 seeping through a garden ou the oppi site hide or the. street. Our Cohn il have pliteed it under the cafe of a nurse, and offer a .rel,varil of one huildreill(lol_lars, for tle, conviction ef pirties ,.,,:ptili,y or those two reeent, cases of shild ili-lsesti el, sir fifty doll tree each. .itit• fintieziri liopcii-i th Itstub e7ne1- 11,0aitedness am l8 (winced in le..lvi g• in tai.t.A es !)-8ed to .the severity of the weethee• will be sine:slily visited by 8evare eliastisenetot. • Aut.:ORDIN.; b annoaa.;eint•int a meet- ing w o held ita the Biptist Clefr!h on KI ealay erening`...elest, to Org-WiZe u4s Prospeas are g 1011 for a tfirsr r Oe °lass. All wietiiiig to • join are re petered' te be presteit at the MAXI, 1117 1'1g. .04 [ .1) irdeet giving the filst le s 'led they ar6toe v./betide to la 10i; .0,7 ;Inv the chs. Our next . meeriite Wei he hold in the same pl tee heet Monday, t 7.30 P 111. tit3TT.' , 11.`if-?, Ai ile,vville in -den be It, on the. farm of Air. John flie- lee, tall 14, Lce-, 1, Toevuellie of Ce're.Ys N 3e-ei to all yee'et litors, foll.eving plLLf' WL11 be, a a eV 1 •3.1.•mil (J1 1.14.-4‘it DriZa, a plo lei etleel sixreee-dolliirs e2w1 tis; "tel, .15 ; 4th, 84-; 5th 33. &eye' CI-4,-1A•prize $'6 , 2011, $5 ; 3rd t4 , 4re, 3; .5E11, 2. Rules. --let. A,.. cit.:- .1.0 fee of $1 will oe eh/reed fir ..1111;.(1. 2,11. Diptil of furrow, 6 te a ; One f) Ira). Of tat a -re ti) be pl ).0:11,1 • Lialu 5- hours. Ploughs to be a eoe ti1 1 at 9 Vielo-,1c, an I start at I t•.e.s ;it 3 o'el • ; : .:r1 t; f:Li.—V3 meter: The Ca'shoile Bazaar. • --- Tue Bizaaa• only cathe to a. real termination 011 0(1710 da es -elude last, whieli wris (Julie oy Au -hot:leering. off all the eel -pro -4 SGuek froin the fctir VS ty3,11Sill:.1.)118 .) 1.ist eei, 1. L. oafs, Eakiipt; the •I•• stump," whioli by the way we 11107$t (10 him Gn,3 credit of saying lie uoutiliieci Inuch Cc the prosit of tee entsteei 'se foto. days of last wee, .vhile it was -tieing carried on in Kalman Ryan'slIe store, veru alloustle and liLe. 1()l0V-L11kitIg, tootigle the Leery oujeet, was J106 the wily Otte, for enjoyment apeeered to be realized oy all who alitenuedi •of whoin there were n in all, tees then some thousand . roedispl iy ef val tiaple art Isles was tnag 1liheI1 t,, espeoial y running in Suvh ar t -les handsome, Oil ()edit -8, .0r-se)[e/es, Quilts, Cat (lren's clothing, teal needle work. geeterally. The, thew won& of the Isaililieg was fitted up as a inning atel refre•seatent.h.,11, whieli ad- ded k1 little zest t) the occasion; Tee leemoadvIlle 81i.L8$ Bend- we meats- farnished untete gratuitously. eath eve-iiig, for whites we are sure tile iiitenoe,re - inaV at!. Opt the 0.;iirule,:it St:f 1.0.1:)Ii_ :t-: 1.1166t1 llg t ,W1: • •a-lil iit (.11.intp:u Ou tho e‘;‘-ning: of .' i‘y 511.1iler the aus*es: of a I irs of the Town, to 0 w'e 1.1 weseeik bitizsai Ds. Cm) v he:. 1.1 Mr (Iris are %riled. We 1 . , le trd w 'ether. Mr. Gray can &Lt • 1 ir not; 1),it we understaed that n OJP•r•ii,ii I Dr, Campbell with his .us - 11 LI • i for the Teill,p'.mti •e R !ferrite -sas. aetoitaid, •intless detained C professioull duties) to h p ruu 11.11:1 deliver a lecture on the h Ica ) sin.; End 1)1;6 w's a_le<Anrer we promise the t; Ciato.nione a treat upon !Tuesday n eeeuieg. /ties ef rates fair. prejec Airs 01 •the )tear, whieli after All not reninne, - Lion to La-. deipLied. White - speaking f Lttues, we mi.)? just inentiO4, con- ictimi that forees' itself 0 ifl -oar Mind. Iu-811_;0„88, we helieVe, is, dite,solely to he ladies. - If any ninnoer • of gentle - lei', think they (Nail -11i lye re ilized one undred and ,f)r4,9- du'larq fur a chaiir,. audsom- though it was, we pity. their piteeit. More thau one persou did we ear confess thatthe pretty girl's faces ad a relaaeing effect upou their purse ring'. We are iliformed hv the' sere- try,- Mr. -Ryan, that Cee enterprise haa ettexl to the bailding fund V.UJt.11 1,42.J • soon be in operation. • BIRTHS. Biterrime:—On Tuesday last the -wife af Mr. Jaanes Brydon, Hullet of a son. DEATH At his residence, in McKillop, on the 22nd inst, Dennis Downie, Esq, J 13 •Aged 67 years THE IVEARKEMS. ' SEAFORTH, Oct. 29 ,1869. Wheat, (Fall) Ig bushel. 065 to Wheat (Spring) DY bushel, 0:75 to Barley- to bushel, 0:50 to Oats tg bushel, _ , 0:27 to Peas: iti bushel, . •0:55 to Potatoes lif bushel, ' 0:50 to Hay i le ton, , . 9:00 to Egg's if? dozen, • 0:15 „to Butter, 11? ib. 0:19 to 0:85 0:91 0:65 0.214 0:60 0:55 0:10 0:15 0:21 CLINTON, Sept. .27. 1869. (New Era Report) 0:70 to 0:80 0:83 to 0:86 - 0:25 to 0:00 0:45 to 0:56 0:50 to 0:55 - 4:50 to 5:27 • 0:20 to 0:20 • 0:30 to 0;50 0:12 to 0:12 7:00 to 8:00 Fall Wheat, new, Spring do Oats, Barley, Peas, Flour, Butter, Potatoes, Eggs, Hay per ton, 8hootinglVlatch. Fall Wheat, The annual shooting match of the Seatorth Volunteer Company, Ca pt. T. .P. Bull, took place on the 14th inst., and , hougn this report wms pre -1 pared for htsr week's issue, the COW- OVerlt 0: bti .r.n.t perhaps "it IS better late than never " and it's° it is RS follows. Five shots being tired at each range the result is as follows : Q0)eds..400 yds Total Prize Ensign Lei13 12 22000 :eve J Sperling 10' 13.....25.. ,900 Lieut Wilson . . .15 . 22.. _7.00 Sergt W i 'son ...14 10 ..... 22 ...5. 76 G Weeks. .8 . 12.....20,...4.12 do 2.25 The pi ize. for the worst, shut was won iey Private Denim MesLeod, viz., 1 bot- tle of ()tette- - inhabitants of See forth• deserve credit, for their Iiberel eontriteitiolts towinds the 1 rue Itst. Whene4er a subscription for volunteee purposesiS mon d there -in rio one found to say " No." Mr Comae-, Jeweler, 'InntiiiiCellt 777 evrr, gave a magnifieent gold In•east pin valued at $10, and. 11.11.. A. .MeDotigall, insui twee agent, leive a life ce poliey for 'one year $5.000, both of . whieh weie won by our highly esteemed townsman. • Eesiini 1 eis • GODERICH, Oct 19, 1869. ( Signal Report.) $0:80 to 0:75 0:140 to 0:85 • 0:25 to 0:25 0:30 to 0;00 0-18 to 0:18 0:12 to ,0:00 8.00 to 10:00 Spring Wheat, Oat, Potatoes Butter, Eggs, Hay, per ton, TORONTO, Oet,28, -1869. (By I'elegraph. Wheat (Fall) ig bushel. 0;95 to 0;95 dd. (Spring). bushel, 0:90 to0 :90 Oats !g bushel, 0:30 to 0:r3 Barley bushel, 0:65 to 0:G8 Peas Ut bushel, - 0;65 to 0;65 COW WANTED. TilE" subscriber Wants to purchase a good Milch Cow, (young), A. cow about to calve prderred. Apply to FRANK PA LTR1DGE. Pho.ographer. Scott's Brick Block. Seaforth, Oct. 21, 1869. 98-tf. Goods 1)elivcred, 0 South Ilurtee. eafesicultural Society. THE SliOw OF ROOT CROPS. • .rie J1.1418 f the root cr -p have re tut eed after their tour through the Rifling, They remark, that in ,gener al they -fia4u1 -root crops weil cultivat ('(141117(1 the gi (mita clean. That carts/Is we, e . ma: y eats too. thick, :fuel re- thimug out to four in lies 171 11 Tilinipm, below ail' average crop.. Pi :tat .i's, below an averagte and 111 LngleS, H :ewe not . average, in fa very N,,perior. • Old varieties. of pita- - rotteu bedly--new varieties com• pi. raj Vel y 1,(-'e All the priZe potatoes wftr0 of the Yerietv kieoen as. " (leas - soh." They mention Robe G iveillock, of Me Ktilop ab Faving a fine lot of the best and latest va ietiee of petatoes PRIZE'LIST. any part of the Village, •viler' bought At SCOTT _ROBERTSON'S. STRAYED STEER. TRAYED, on to the premises of the sub- • scriber. Lot 5, Con. 3, }Juliet, about the middle of last month. a two or three -rear old steer, red and white. The owncr is re- quested to,prove property, pay charges, and • take tl.e same away.. THOMAS FOWLER,- - Hullet, October 22. . SWL,DISH TUIZNIP prize, R. • Reining, Stephen ; 2ed Jane;s• Dick- - 8 )11., ; 3rd, Sitne Cantor:1a ens June • • id A NG fiE IV RT.ZI,E. 1St • prize, R. Manning, S-tepheo ; 2ne, J. Pic-eirde LT:borne ; 3rd, Alex. Uroadfoot, Tu k ersmitie CeettoTs.--, 1st prize, R. Mennieg, Steelien ; .2tal, Alex. Broadfoot, k- eietnith; 3td, jaMei 'Carnocleto, Tuck- s et., with. - • „ yoTeleiss.—Ist 1)riZe, R. Govenlockp 2nd James Dicloeni, 3rd NV. 0. Fowler. OUR present Inipressionf, is, • that 1-1 ii' ks. iv 11 eerie, the day in, North °Renfrew. 'Whew we find 'a man like urray, wile two days ago, sp ,ke with intlignatiOn of the attempted p1t-117a56. of the liiI1ig, Dow boldly iw isle -being that -lie is one of the pins. ised Inenself, .what bo1 e cau e 00 lert•oili. There lias been_ an utter shanieleseinteeill. the seliole matter, e determination to laty 01 the pert ef the • Govern went, and a cletermina Lion . - to sell on thee pert f the leading. cm..- stituents, ial both t.o ovetely• avowee that it would be rue e folly to lo•ik for asi honest expressiou of ()pinion. The onleowon(1el is thet hab tekeu on himself the trouble of a personal canvas at all. - Wily did he not send en agent stfh a hag of money, and buy she Renfrewites ,n the market place. They would have been willing to sell in that, as well ateie sally ota' se• wee srfeee,.7.1ae6 POOR COPY •NEW VALEN1IA Raisins ct Currants At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. AGENTS WANTED. okknl TO $75 per month, .clear of all ex-. Veit/ penses, guaranteed to all industrious agents who will take up the work, which is very light. `1,8 well as profitable.. For circu- lar and patticulars, address BOX 32, Seaforth, Ont, October 22, 1869. - 98 OAT AND CORN MEAL At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S CHOICE FAMILY At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S DAIRY and FACTORY IfICE SE At SCOTT ROBERT -SON'S. BOOK JSTORE 'BOOKS, STATIONERY, ALBUMS, • wan Papers.Newspapers, CONCERTINAS. rar:48‘.. PIPE -STEAM TOBACCOr 1CIGARS Wholesale and Retail. Window Sheet Music, Musical Instruement--0, • Fan-ey Goods, -etc., CHEAP FORCASH Any person wishing to purchase Melodi, alas, Organs, or rianoes, leave orders with C. -Arnastrong who will promptly attend to: them. C. Armitrong would respectfully -solicit Share of the patronage of the inhabitants d Seaforth and vicinity. Don't forget the Vplace, one door south of the Exchange Ofike. Seaforth, Oelob r, Nth. - 98-8in WHITE PIM (Fall Catch ) FoR, SAI At S. ROBERTSON'S. $1 Canada Tweed for 80 ets. AT :The New York HOUS6'. all Stock NOWCOMPLETE At the Newyork House.. A Large Stock of - W 00 E AND READY-MADE CLOTRNCT W. CaglijkeiL TEACHER WANTQ. FEMALE TEACHER for the Junior Division .1 the tforth amnion School to commence teachin on the. 1. t day of January, 18:0. Salary $200 per annum, payable .half -yearly. • Applicants will please t:end Ccrtificates of qualification -and tesdnionia's of charactiz, s o D., D.- WILSON, 8ecretary. , Or te\S. G. McCAUGHE Y, Chairman. Seaforth,.0ot. 22, 1869. • Labrador Herrings AND ra31:31,r,, irezio tgiti 41.6P tkirt At SCOTT RJBERTSO.N14. SUPERIOR Black and Green! TEAS! At SCOTT ROBE1, TFON'S. _ MST ---BRANDS OF Chewing and Smoking: TOBACCO!, At SCOTT RoBERTaJtv:. -