HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-10-22, Page 7E EXCEL -0R rp A 1.1. R inform the puh- a. `a New LivEry his hotel. whert .t1 with 1rst-clas6 lnable prices,. 97-tf P BS, ROLLS'' r HE unclersioed bogs to inforithjr tt hahitaws f:Seaforth and surtumitdinx ntry, thai; he has taken -the (-4illery for_ lerly occupied by Palti-iclge, A Fru, Doe;rs Gra t!f D). Offie.-4•and Opposite eat, 6- &ere, Where he wii always be ready to please bie atrons and give satisfaction to tly.):4e who vor him wti a call. VIZ SJ AND C to see Lo his zp-...eattots, they sp;a1; for the Artist and will convince you that he is Filit.cdasa. REMEIVIBER, e pjaoe is opposite Vears Croocry, 6treet, Scea WILLIAM P. AGET, illtote. Artist. rt ulv 1869. ea. "-•••••4*. • •- : Ei A 41 C3UJy TN rettuning thanks for is have • J[' 1.the pleasure- of anuouricimf to the _ _.. chants and business men o -f .,•-eafort h th at they are prepared to retvive -orders fur all k-inds.of [TER,of Jight oods handled with cal and satisfac- reak- z-Leug the tie') guaranteed. tee- -ABY Per- „fttinarv- 21st. isa Ls wilt lead to - rewarded by DRAY WORK_ C kat, 14. AftliCiflop. 99-411. -scriber. Lot • a yearling A 2. Con 12, Tit ifers -such informa- l- y said. cat - Rd any per - notice will be 17 2in _ SALE. -ituated pro- Seaforth, easy. Photo- 97-tf, D. A.11(111118 58 -4 - LODE AN.D. a r •,r_74,, .14 4 Are noted for their many ekcef1e:1-;cies, over those of all other manufactur- ers, such as ID IT R, 13 I 1.1 I '11-7:7" .of the _sub- QuickneSs. ef Articulation, ;tit at ROUNDNESS PURITY AND ane rather I • 1117e Volume of Tone than the formation P.1‘4.-S_STIO1T17 AND tr suitably NO, 869. senzor, •_euf. _venness of,Toucli In the cor,stritatiem of these instrumentg nothing but the besti matsriai -is- ukttd, and first-class -workmen employed ; and. as the mantzfalq;urers havc had, OVt.:1""tifcc7cal years of personal expeyience, they are able, to protium theaIxtnstrument SETIOND tt:::NE HI THE WIRD ointed As irt el.time I NI elodeons, from . . 4 00. thdte r2 1869. abinet Organs, from . .95 00 -=„ritee, _Huron. 1.1 eriper, ut the e owitet erty and Terms Liberal. For firther particulars enquire of WM. F. LIT„K'FON, .` 'Expositor" Office,. Agent, Seaford, Seaforth,Aug. 20th, 1869. ,ANT_ CO To mg BEST. - calk d tude of The Eritish American zn and AD , ;.41.e 1L8- RRYANT, STRATTON & ODEL .PPesell" CONSOLIDATED UMESS COLLEGE. ul:pnciktiliIil • NOW the largest, moat eitv ensive and cora- unani- plete .13L ESS ••_-..e.l-i0OL in the country. • ar,atz It haa the largest staff of Teachers, the moat e lungs, practical :Ind- beat adapted business forms, e 11.1 an and the best arrangul an(i most commodious apArtments. It is under the management of thorough af bus:ness rnen‘ fully alive to all the require, - atLen- ments of all ',lie business- Communit ir y. r of t he advantages and facilities afforded In this institution are unequalled in the coun-- ttZ.16, try. and no young msud en an oulter a bosi- s rt er without- fully availing himself of its 1 nettta -were awarded the `FLINT VrUIIL in WRITI-NG as t 01: hat! Prim:Tie:al Exhibition at banlon.. As s the Sixth ef nsecutive year that; tem 1=te !Lave taken this e, -we feel contiden; : n Lttre be bat, wie pinion as whera Et) 111.ra to Writ( oY bre t if itingbank notes, eir- • - - mars, c.. addrtss, t it, ir ObELL & Tpronto, ort ATTORNEY AT LAW,. so 1 0I in ( 'lian,-,:ry,Conveyztu2er, etc.,. • "Am 'at (In,. :V 0110.1 tn loan on farm sem- i T, `ns (1L-47., 0111CO--Firat flat, Paris = _r„e , , -4- 1 ants, 1 -t -A,. 14, 1868, 53-tf News of the Week,. BRITA A great fire tor )kJ plat:a in,-GlaFgew on the 156, destrc_)ying-- the- Vulcan oil orks., and :Eagle Tren iyorks:: A telegram received on rthe 18th instw-t-is to the effect that Lord Derby 7sf'n'sse ti44li'r'.11!lit. 0oagita.t. iOn p*revails re- . Lave to' the Fen-ial. Prisoners. ... • FR A NOE. , The ;Emperor is -convalescent. He -went hlinting it few .days ago. in .Paris the merchantsclerks :are on strike. - The Opposittion Deputies at •the Lif:gislatif held a meeting on. the. -: 18th tit Wiliob tb#117 dreAr- Up and signed a manifesto. They.declare that they will not go to the Legislati,e Chamber in the 26Llt iost,-.:As has been proposed bec,use they do not wish to pi•ovoke 41ernonstratration and imperil returning paciae revolution, the re - 1b of witieh„i•4,„(leily le!-oniing clearer, having commenced, they must not 4e - cone the instruments of or furnish a pretext for disorder. The members of the opposition will await the meeting s of the Cerps Legislatif n the e.ay to Which it has been pOStponed by the Government, when they will demai:d to know thereason for this new wrong; and will steadily pursue the work of iwging the denlecratio and radical 'de- mands of thr. cot: n Iry. - SPAIN. The Republican difficulties are rot yet wholly got oyt;r though tt-e reiulfn; by the insuretenth of Valencia on the 16th inst, xsecuisi:lered by the goy- 111p:in-pp to Jractically dispel all fur- - tiler trouble. Irl'ort) fi 1-st to lAgt a great deal- of blood has been shed between 'the tv o forces. EGYPT: • Th .1"el A.-11 ttioe tf t!),) Nile i ultsitl- ing. The lo:ei to the cotton crop ni cousequence of -this disaster is not so -serious As was feAlred it, worthl be. A dam on the Suez Canal gave wav,, but did 00 gi-e:it harm to the works, though a 1:trg() quantity of matei•ial was destroved. It is ft,ared that the canal must, be deepened before it COI: be of any practied use. RUIVI • The pivitta Cattolita says the Bishops have b(ttn SUI111111)11ed to the .Coun- • - not to deliLerate aril decide gifestions by a vote Of majOrity, but to _ratify; the decisitms till`PatiV resolved yapon by the Severeign and Infalli,ble Pontiff. 'VT EST N I) Letters flout //avrAni stte. that,oil ti:h inst. a letttle was fenglit neetr Gielinlart,Iletween the PalliSh fOrt*e§ 'anti 't diviNions of at; insurgents r .T( ano Qeosedavhn1i res- 1.11ree-in ef the '•=`.1)an1n1ds. •et) sides ver: .1, teen.. u 01 itlie dtetili of f;en. Cas, tele (it fli iid tivi:.,ion th, • lif.11)1“(1. CeIt("". I i Ottl.:i lit( 1V Se14.1 • irvIti doh: itf'• tn t 0 1\1:ich-1(1 Gp‘e'ee. telt f‘w ,c.'"'2,000.900. - P 1; .1.epiv iiptt the sp:tvi,h, thlt he (J the nieney be for military :tre-1 p- Utica] pu-r II JTED ATE3 ee te ins ) the Bevil ngtt »A ;111(1 Pi.11ided 1)1..1 T1ile pea v D,a., eFt°11, died. Th • eeerxo eived fittn1 Al)(1 a. 1 .tiv )1u1111 (1e1.14.4-11 t I t por-, :•1 etten ri-vvive-ii tileren:it-inn, slirVf-nting. Ne! .01 puiel.eriste• 12 1110t,, %Vete vet.: :it., eit *50 *•ifilitis if F0 'I0 ;iS.5:z1111.'EtVillg illSt111111elltc t001:;:. •t1;d I portion. of tile rplitp -ago till. party Wq.re found. •0 The :eets flIO(11Xi,:itied but :111C1C011 14 • r 1111.e r,111i i0na. State Seminary was 1;eireed on Tuesday night. Loa's $140,000., 1 the T-Tve,i,itlitt, arrived in New 'loll 117-o Idev last. Pe is -It the - Fif•h Aver ue Hotel, -where 118 main fcn -10 d evs, when. he will visit Bork -on :eel Withingt9re- teestle work connected with the new r.tver bridge at Louisville •was defnoliAed 1)v a locomotive on Monday-, and six nren preeipitated 96 feet into the water belOw. Four of then -i were killed and the other two :slightly- injured. The U. S. Comn)isioner, Collector of the port, and prosecuting AtLerney have in) doubt that the. ifornet will be etnelernned ancl dismantled. Tiie preptietor, of a cotton factory near Stotlholan Sweden, has purelised, 4 TH_E SEA.FORTH EXPOSITOR. la large track of land in South-east wl)ere -he intends establishing colonieo of hiti cetietiymen,- a,nd to build factories; &c. CANADA. . On Frida3c last an accident hailpened on the Grand ,Trank: near Kinston, whereby nine cars were destrcyed; but no lives lost. - It is nneterstoOd that the . Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment is to be dis- banded, _ . Dut•rnis' mill near Lindsay was burnt on Friday last. Loss about 85,000. . A man named Harris at Port -Bill- housie committed 'suicide on Friday hist On. Saturday last Prince Arthur - cone] tided his tour thronc,rh the Province and is now.to statimied with his regiment itcliontreal. _ • The Peoples' Telegraph line from Qeebee was opened on the 15th inst. On the 15th hist 4 the Ref.' liners of - Wentworth held a, grand Pic-Nic, at. which Messrs. McKenzie,'yotirg Ry- nial and other M .P's delivered addres- ses. At the same time Mr. Somerville Editor of the. Dundas Banner was presented with a handsome gold watch worth $280 for his consistent political eoncluct. ' The mon ninent to the memory of the Canadian Volunteel who fell at Ridge- way is commenced in the i'<ueen's Park Tordnto.. The first sod of the _Nipissing mak was cut on Monday last in the Township of Canington, by John Sard- field MeDouald amid great dernenstra- tion. . A farmer named Laidla'e c 0111111 itted snicide on Tuesday last_ at Lynden by st bbing himself. Great dissatification is being mani- fested on the line of the building of the Inl-,ercolonial by the contr,ctors, they have contracted too low. and they are doing the leasiest.. and leaving un- done the, most &filet -lit parts. ' The Rolf lan Oath olie Bishop of Kingston left the city for Rome on. Monday last.. ea+. (=) opaa ev+- cif) ei+- e+ 61) r05, • X rg7717 V2-4311 €14 - raft seal lorTat resX10121 BEAUTIFUL HAIR, A.TURE'S CROWN. Yon Yu t Cultivate 11.41a.cAvrv.t-iiil indication ol 1)00i -ix Itt 1 -toot r3. RIBS., S. A. ALL1EN S - Hair Re6torer Restores gray hair to its nattirai color and beauty sad prodttoes luxuriant growth. It gives the hair beautiful. g[.. ani deligti•fulfragratiee. . Manufactory mid Sales 35 BARCLAY SlREET and 40 PARK' PLAr.E, N Y 266 HIGH HOLBORN, London, Eng. WSeatter ;," 1-t 0; ls, Druggists, agen oa -aforth. For ale eVtryWiscre. January. 28th. 1869. 60-1v, 1 FANCY NOTE PAPER, - PLA114 STATIONERY!!° En great variety, SCHOOL 1100E-8, . barter and Wullalen'sInks, Blue av.d'Red Inks, Prayet Books, _Hymn Books, • B!,ank Notes, Blank A coo•unt Books, etc. AGENT FOR TAB ST2AFO P.m ,LE:tPOSITOR." Daily Globe and Daily Telerate. Seaforth, July 21. RAW. 4 riverifseniiiitZt '1,§omeihing Worth 'lie' The success that ;has :attended•th graph), hi been so great, that o ne can faithful and intelligent 'study of Phoio:1 get their oWn image tiernetuated to pos- Cerity. It is a greaterivilege.toliave a good praCtical Artist, °fie who thor- eoughlyunderstands the business, as al- so one who -is stationary in a Mace, to whom youctin go with confidence, with the assurance of not getting disappoint ed in getting a correct, artistic, faithful -likeneSs, and from wnom you Call get picture., 'at any future time from the negatives once taken. The days ai•e past fir those who drop doWn for a. week or two and are off again, having no interest at stake, and, caring very little whether their customers aa e :1)1815 ed or .10t7 they are oft ; but not SO, with our Old Established and thoroughly pradtical Reotographer,Frank Paltridge, who tands to day the acknowlettged head and leading Photographer in this section of the country. lie is a real live man, up to every wrinkle in the business ; is very obliging ; and haA rooms, accommodations and facilities for executing work seldom. mot. • He has rooms and apartments for every- thing. Good- pictures cannot be madf where the fumes of -so i many different chemicals come in immediate contact With each other, -and prod-ucing gasses fatal to making good pictures. rooms are in Scott's Brick Block, -near ;Sharp's Hotel, and under. the EX, POSI- TOR UffiCe, cool in summer, w arm in iwnter ; with dressing rooms, so that you can bring your best clothes in a satchel and change to get your picture. taken. Frank Paltridg,e also keeps the negative, ajid no fear of losing the picture of so e near and dear friend: His best wo • is not at the door, but up stairs, one fli▪ ght, and turn to the right ham where yon will find Frank always a,t home and in good temper. Al] pi tales shown are of, his own make, and not bought or borrowed to deco „the puulic. He guarantees .se tis - faction or no pay. Just walk np to •Frank. Paltridge's Gallery, his speci. mees are worth looking at, and .you will be sure to see some person's picture you know. It you don't munt your pic- ture, never mina ;just walk up, he will be glad to see you. kterlielllotir, it iS ill .a biLk buliding 85 tf s.g•-• t.0 - ca. c) 0.0.1a ME) tid4. a pad 0.aia OM" CC • PVT/ 74 -fir fsak; 42EN paiad Sura' Cr/ )0311Z Davi moo *as ilood Paid p 'e7a," X Pa" " fik_t (11 mod tti 401 •amov Fad lated • 1"1 owe gr74 �:1 tiL15!QtL.(.L.V C� .L. 0:)S 0E4 liz263 inzmo gato 'r gotc, t'SPRZI 0-Egie 16.11 144.4431.., EDW. WHITNEY, TN returning his sincere thanks to the 1 public for 1he very liberal patronage he has received since coming to -Seaforth: begs to say that he has on hand another large lot of ANDERSON'S HEAVY PLATE •STOVES Box, Parlor and Cooking-, all of which he wilt sell as cheap as other people sell an In- ferior %Aide. Everybody knows that the. ti BEST COAL OIL 11\1 THECOUNTY is at Whitney's. Lamps, iThiminies, Wicks, etc' , in abundance. A large stock of ALL KINDS OF TINWARE al -ways -on hand. Eave-Troughing, Tin and Sheet Iron Roofing done in first-class style. All kinds 0i Jobbing promptly attended to. CISTERN PUMPS AND LEAD PIPING. • Old Iron and Copper. Cotton Bags, Wool and Wool eickells taken in exchange. Seaforth, Scjt. 240, 1869. 43-tf. NOTICE. 7: IrrillANIS his nuireerout cuatoiners their liberal patronage during the last fifteen:years; and trusts he will receive its continuatee. - - Good de hasnowon band a large ..assortment Green Hemlock!! Which. he warrants -will give satisfaction. Also, • 2003000 FEET OF MEI BUILDING AND GENPAL FURPESES Which be offer- on liberal terms Ordere he promptly _attencled to. He has alt.() on hand a large assortnient t - WELL SEASONED UN ACCOTS ! ! To which he calls attention of his 014 thstomers, -who will iind it to ilea' advant- • age to retire them promptly, and without legal proceedings. • ' " • ' Seaforth, July 15th, 1869. 84-tf- New --rocery Store "ex In connection with the SEAFORTH RILLS Flour and Seed 5t6re, Opposite Sharp's Hotel. Tsubscriberb beg to aimounee to thtit inhabitants of Seatorth ,d,nd surrounding country, that they have just received a large - stock of resh ri:TC13 %BS 'Which, for quality and Cheapness, ecu - not be surpassed in the County-. They havealso on hand a lot of pure . Treadwell Seed Wheat. • • 1 _FARMERS may exchange Nvheiti. for Flour and Feed._ at fill value at the mill, therebylavoiding. the necessity of waiting to' have it ground. rTIHTS is to certily that I, Henry &mart,. of the Townsh;p of Hay, intthe County of Huron, Province of Ontario, have aoplied., For and obtained. Letters Patent -for the Pro-- ,' W.A. Shearson St CO. Seaforth, Sept. 16th 524y2 '17.REAVR,ER'!5.„.„ SALE OF -LAND' FOR ' COD -MT OF -HURON, TopY vIRT.uk.' -- TO WIT : . _1.) of a Warrait. under the hantl of the Warden of tte Copn- ty of Huron-, and the Seal of the said C611,71:- ty, bearinc, date. the third day of Airben#..; 1869: to nae directed, for the c.oilees-- -1„ tion of arrears of taxes due on the unde)t- . mentioned lands. , These are therefore to give notice .that unless the said taxes, 'Co-' gethcr with all lawful costs and charge S 'be sooner paid, shad on TUESDAY • .30f11-aa17. of Nov -em, - A. D. 1869, at the hourof Ten o'clock•A: AT TEE o -17-10T.31"-J, IN THE _ rfowg OF GODkRICH, • , • ,4 Proceed to sell by PtiBtra..a.ljgrION the 'said lands,. or so much thereof as may be. suffici‘nt to discharge snch arrears of ta,r4s And -charges thereon. BOT'. -in the followiwg list l'e.d." -rti.fie-s Ala lf;v;si..on-4‘*..d." West Diviel-Of2,-- :‘p." •Pa,tented-‘t..p." linpatented-41A1' Part---‘:n.t.p." North :Town Plot: ..t TOWNSHIP, OF AsqviELp. 7. .itt, Con. jo. PL Taxes cots 'foto East 4 4- 1 e.d 100 p 77 09 2 78 70 81 for bor.ne- holes in the \pound for fence, .-svgi. • vinces of Quebec and Ont4riu, for a, inacidi e N a 1 3" 100 v 64 21 2 45 66 63 4 4 100 p 94 91' 323 98 14 , posts, stye:led "shuart's Fence Post -:fol. 2 ;art 5 4 _ 111 p 00 .55...-305 102 lio Borer," and this is to forbid, any . person or 2 8 4 100 p 43 17 1193: 4.b ID per -0E8 vending or us ng the fiarne. without s 13.2aif . 1. 6 100 u p s1 66 1115 23 til 0 ota'ning a rkeit for uie same from me ; w pi s i 1: 13 • 49 p 1 3 44.1,20 )4 (34 and all persona so v nding or ming tile same . 71 1 „ :3 wd 2 ,,0 p . 82 0412,0 • a 0 will be dealt with as the law directs. N part • . -60 : ! - 2 4- 200 p123 12418 127 19 N. B. -County and Township Rights can • N - be obtained from . the patentee 1:)y a,p tyilithalf 3 8 100 itp 64 69 21,18 67 17 iY N., 3 4 .„, 136 p 65 21 2 48- to him in the said Township_ of liav half4 8 r..et t E half 11 8 '100 u.p 12,9t1 1 18- 14 VI 100 u.p i,- 73 1'20 /4 93 Post Office! - `• W half- 6-9-100 p 72 692.68, 757 August. 6th, 186 .924f 9, N pt of N 1.• . 6. 10 • 80 p 31 5.8 1 65 33 23 ME. TIME. N -half ..3 11 100 u.p. 69 38 .2430 7t° W half 5 11 10/ p' 3577 .117#i 37 .12 'E half 8 11 100 -a.p 41 6'5,,1e00 43 ti EFe youre wantot tim ea, Ipiur aiteohha 8 h aotia e: willofkTepThomas asi sWwh ay] 11 8,61.13121, ,210270i 1_ I pil): 382051. 04036 2t46035 s32.62.61 Russell i& Son's celebiltted -Watches. A N put 7 13 114 p 45 Ott.; 2 GO 47 GS are stock of them for sale at. - 3 North.Town. Plot , p 100-0-4f23?104 43 N.part 24 ;e.t.-p.;6& p. 34 70,1 73 46 -.T6 * 440 OP_PORT AABERT., A.SHFIElit). 22 E Arthur st. 3(16 '23 do A p n 413 , 3f 24 (10 p 2 93 2 elt 25 do A p 515 cri 613 26 do p 11171 1 15 12 16 31 do - p /1 69 1 15 12 32 do. n.14, 11 71 33-5 .34, do itt, 11.t 11*71.1 YPt. Si; & j n.p 11 71 1 15 1.2 44:1 T lin.R.COUNTER.'S sEAFQRTH. . Ile has also on hand a large assortment a Clocks. jewellery, _Fancy Goos, Toys,. &Q., - all to be sold Cheap for Cash. , Every itescription of Watches, 01001.7.2. OFFICES TO LET. and Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and Warranted to give satisfa.ctioa. OUR exec -Bent offices to let in Scottie The highest pie° paid for Old Gold and New Brick Bleck. Anriv ii Silver. MeCAUG HEY & 1-101411:9,7`.ED'S. M. 11- CT-FEY- Seaforth. Jan, 27. .1.-86U. Seaforth, Apar 27t12,1418tikk 53-17 POOR COPY