HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-10-22, Page 6n t M•, Ditashitratia:,'$/ii i. � ti td•a g` Of we said before,,the cal•amity has f iiHI_ ied `' -dee Ytpbthy for the bereaved in ti ts:Ptt tl- &rn.a • Observer. rtlaiLti v ek•tc t acorcl the loss of ne Bully; cre akhc)f)l � Kateh.ails . 1 )ort, Anti AiVe of her mew, , ia:)e i -on the - eveLiug ' of...i.VIniday, the th i.11s.G. oft X1ciru.scee,, ,x • s m;a'f port on tlhet'east: Shure If•- Lake. .t l ",lli'rit1, iL()()ijt 100 miles north of (strand H§ivetrl th,. cvertt•lidking • tiiicttid teat regret .-n t' it, Meigle borihood,. to winch :several or the •ost,•ueioinged.., 1'.110• Vessel left, port un the tnE•riliug of the 27th ult., -1 , d �vitl�i rail w,ty :ties awl .eel 4n l �tles, -f �t.(.�1,� ago: Notlii,lg ti ti its uitl =oecu ri'ed till tine even= ing'-of Monday., the 4-tit:insc., With _to t• exception : that, the. weather had been pretty' rough, with "a good deal of head tvltid. i1Iouday c Venin; was very ,etol:rrhy, but ho dander. was was h l of)1 eu( et t till about ' half -past eight vt,then Capt: 11 . McGi tsll.(u, who.- was of deck, dis eov4 'ed she- cvs(1 making water r.t- •pidly, evidently— having sprung a leak. a:at on .6 called -up • the: watch wh . were .b )lc)�v, aid -all hands set to \%poric to throw (aver th•e :neck cargo, 'but thea had only -been,. engaged it1~ his aitour lt:ilf an hent` wiled a -squall-sti ue c the. .. essel au l threw -her on her bean' eudk At this time the tiasl< ixi.ite, t eo Cana- da,- was at the wheel,' and -where the :,vessel careened; he wa3`thrown off inti) thewater, and. never.reg.tined the ves= sek: _ The rest of "the: crew, llieluding Mrs. Maria V11}or�,=tvf'O1 tytori, N. Y`, who was eriiplztyed as: cook on board all 'managed to retain their hol vessel, or got ,hold of her aft,' thrown into the water-- with ceptiou; .l u:. Doran' of Kiugsto clung to the: w ''� b hl(,h as .:xy .out of the water. ;.As:the ves itilling heavily, end the season brealcing .over het; the- men end to fasten t1,- nselves to the beha.vi with, roPesLto prevent ,themsel v being swep,.ofl' by- the: sea, one o Mr. Edward Corbett, of Five 1 N.S., getting hold of Mrs.:'Wi-ls assn ting her 'to• -maintain -•her-her • Tfiis he' succeedea . in doing - .fo time; but . he boom• havi�ig struc injured .his arm bulged -to let her go and :.be w after washed off; her screams, found *herself. being -swept in .bpwling: abyss .of..waters, being rendi]ig. Before this, Captain Mc an,• who did not `fasten h rnsefl reek as1 the others :thio, was --also offby the sea, about, . an hour aft vessel was thrown over, while elide iug to enoourigen the men to- ho #rhe .best;: The survivors on the now consisted -of- Edward ward Cor•i:Ht fore referred' to; the+,second mat ,,. Turootte, of Kin �Ps-to-r- l�Ier•ritt L of Moore; Thornts Doran, of Kin John Stone, of i Ioore;' W. Mitcbe Moorerown;. and Charles O'Courn . !bi;?ago. Their position - was b re4ns enc;ouragivg, • however. It dark and very cold, and they were tin•irally-dr-enched by the heavy breaking over. them.. - in this l)c i they~•renia ned-a41 clay • Tuesday, an •1 rirg:thT1-t night kiori ett-anct :stilly Proy1 coke and eacposiIre, their: cowl ions unloosening thy;, ropes by w i thiels_ bodies were fa' ened, and let, them i_uto�the water: 'I hroughout W nesday=dieter still app. aced no hope blie surviv=,rs,' until late in the afturn the a boozier- Black hawk -was &.se baring down upon,..a;,cd about 5 o. tribe reached' and reached diem from th =alert :lropeIess pnsition, `co3vey thein to inlxlhi3tee. Their syiff'eril tdtiring •the forty hours • t,hel"wel•e eked on ° the -wreck.. as: may -well c(rYrecaivett,...were , in tett:. e; the • weath bang -very cold an•cl.i being entirely d ,titaite:•of food any kind. The surviv are fI.=`<:i'.uroc}t;re,-`Grir.. seconr1,; 4V-: M chef], J. Stone, and • 0 O'Connor ; t lost ate,'O.rpt:--H my •L•.•.Glasban, Oe Canada;' first''' mate; ` i I rs. Vilsori, t cook •; Alward .Cturttertr m. Bully al ?Thomas Doran. Captain 11X6- Lsh leaves` a wife Atari five an iitlrehi; rt1; ag fat her amid mother: and o her firends nl aril -hiss loss. - Mho Canada lea vea neign bol'h{)od, but an only ie .regarded as one of those dlispeni*i.tions which no human. forsiglnt can prevent. I raur,,t1dD FABLE— •'I'.H11rERRING AND. -THE FLOUNDER. --.- A oUi•i'eapc•Tt1 rlt'nt of the Invcrraed ° Courier rexates' the following story.: The Highlaudeils- of the Hebrides and West Coast hs,ve story th i;t; wH h Lvti often heard in one, l�c'►h•iloo(1, 8 low,xig how highly esteemed. tLe herring is ; and has always , I (;eiJ lanthigst, them, one (lily, so its f,111{,cl, 'a king herring --the largest_ and i, est are*so .king 'herring fat and fall grown, was leisurely wimu]it it • :long, with hh . sides glistening hied 'burnished sin ver, said his eyes like ,, S pt -e• t.inus jewels in lila head . ^ Lf;lSitl 1 f c.V I winnning along and eorlinnunuig with •lliniself, he gage etre] ante to the re Tnark '•� I ,ti the king of all till fish in the sea.," No‘-' this was true; i d, 1 t t�iiS, Flo mere boast, t'r- the herring had nee), ,o declared, and to- that high dignity leeted, by the uratni1`17l1Us Yokes of all she ti'h.inhaciting the ocean depths be- tween Loc:hlin's farthest ani and the ioottish shores: A flntnidt r, however: ho chrLri ed uo t�vi'i near` file herring "ern' -tris, though] ;1 ' ,?ie fl�','r, i+ic.)'., l ug• that it was l,t'l. (-' an l.ot •t ' e a. s 1 ' .vas filled w'.itch r 11 , site aticl nd rlrochiutily• exclaimed �cith,5 sneer —You king of the fish of the sea 1 ia•;;tty kin, triily;'' '.nil it twisted i.tt. lrnoutl] to the sick, in (derision of the lar'i' ' ring, .. "hulking . Mouths" at him.:. Thi herring knew •t -hat ,'ir wits 'envy, am" vinro- nethint: issee. On 'i r'ie flou � p , but w.7�;r ndei w. u Id take away t -e twist fr Gln its mouth, c' on Id uredo the c:onto, Dion and restore it: t its normal.' Stil tie I it•cntrlcj iwt. The twist .retntt' } ln(d there it became -immovablyfixed, r Xe 1, )tuIislhnhe:�it to tile flounder for harbor :n enviPris and.evil thoughts of th; :1errl11g; and tali the: flo,rn(1et•s, its de -e.eudtnty, 1et,.iin that ugly twist in t':ieit mouths to this 'd y, as'y-m ni.►� -ee for yourself the first flounder VO tome •across-- , lesson observe, stn(* -1 warning to fish in tee' sea and me, it shote to beware .of evdrything lik(- :nrclice, mockery or envy, (' doft..-, r tieing one e?- n ---ands partial set w;1: t° lilUal� , Cil voret. nti p11t. esfrm f thew stands. on ant. 1•Soul( ek hien. he wa• as so()1.. as she. to • tlic he.trt Met to the swep, el the ihvor pe for vrec f• t, be- l�eber" rlily, King 1•l,- of• or, o1. y no, WKS con - seas itiOn du - died hies i tng -ed- ed - for 001: •ved ell' hgs OX� et. es-'. ors it- he t-he o. he an ed to wife and:sr veral chil(:ren and Mr. nor - }Jett) n:. wife and • fam i y, -to, mourn their K. Bony ; • uud . Doran='were •yatrng ,used, ':The vessel: is insured in the Provitt- ci.Ll InstUrteiioe - Con ipaiiy •for'$12;000. and was. IP.O.Pth rabqui. $1$;000.': -A tug . w,as sent• Otyt after her, on Monday or iIu_esd.ry last, b titter; cruising..at)otlt '.for some tune,, f dined to fall in'with her; She will, iii a:1I likelibxrod be recovered howeve1•, 'ridl :ss .slim•'founi ered altoge Aher• At-uhe titne the disaster occur- red, she was-- .i1-►ou. t" fifteen miles from tile/shore `rhe p,lttic.;I..lr G•ause oft he A.Ii steer i i riot; certainly- known, but 'that she mast have sprung i, leak seems �lxnao5t oertain, from the way the water 'w is heard riisliinr into her. She was a ,u.? v- and considered a very st3uneh craft its <,111y . of 0 iru1n t, last t t.ot ler.; wider the '.'u pend t(:11d(;nce 0. r) 1 l::.r ftbi p - builder; ' `- p-` - �� Il� PXp@ClSEa b3ii1! 61)ar..(l�sto °L't,114er her 1a f;ti'trt' af': ;''re r til a cr�, -•abide !sue w...1,) 14i1 (.•viler. 3 ; ?1I (i Il ',ilea tea 1- le 1 i,`1. fila : 1 z,/II i i • t+ t )•t. 1. .!" ,iit; Canal, in taeo tj i.t+St 7'o the Eclitor of the - Expositor. DEAR SIR. —As I -had not intended part tpg ,; ith the Shearlin rr Tam, which I soli for $150, in Gold at the late Prnvincial E:rh1 prornicerlto take in alarge num1)r1 tf Ewes from 1-arties in different parts of th, "Jounty. ' I purchased a Ram aml) from .he stook of said '8ht;..�rling. I found- how. ver, that he was alto=,r,ther road, ctnate t, serve the Ewes pr•,mised and talked of. ?lease allow me, thr+,lip's Stour columns, t' 'nforin all, and sundry.; that to keep ntr .vord good, and dtssapoinil no one, 1 have )urchased, and got home, a two shear -Li- tester Lamb, from as go(� cl stock as is in th Province. He is from itiported stock, hi been very, succes. fun as a pri. e taker, talc end the first prize at the late county of, Yorl• fall- show; There he was sown atralnst tw( Rams imported from England._I am no -v :)repared to take in a numb r•ofEwes to till,' Ra,m•at $3 per gyve; ztid also a very ` ;i nim -iced' 'turns r cf Ewes; to the Ram Lamb, as. me] - Lioried at $2 per 'E Ewe. By inserting the above you will very mue obligr, .Yours, Very 'truly 3 T•TI.r.G I LOVE, S1,NR. `.Iill s Green, p 0.; 3 miles West of Kipper gay, October,, 2(14-12 By•La w .1' o,- .S AF EXPOSITOR. the sum. -of .$5011, due to the n•tdian- Bank,. for the said mu. •fiend to "carry' into effect the sa otjects, it will he necessary fa Murti',ipa1 Council to raise th $2,000, in the•manner herein tinned. And whereas, it will require of .' 2O0 to be raised. annually vial rate; for the payment of loan, as filso hereinafter menti And whet errs, the ainonn whole rateable property oftthe nit finality, irrespective of any fi rea.se of the same, and also r of any income to l)e{derived emporary investment of the and, herefretfter mentioned, Art thereof, ivror(ling to the ised and equalised itssesr:men he said inti]iic'ip,lity, . being ear 1869, was $135,810. And whereas; tnP amount of 4ting debt of the said mlltlicip s follows : Principal, the.sunh 00, without interest. And -v hereas, -for pn.•yying the td creating an equal 'yearly ncl for paying the said slim of d interest, as hereinafter men will require an equal Lnn ual • 6838 tto of 2---.- mills in the. 13581 addition to all' rates to be le eh year: .. - . - Be it therefore Pfoi•(h enacted by the ),,l Council of the VIlagte :o 1. That it- shall be 1,,w ful eve of , the Village of Seafo se by. way of loan from . persons, body o • �b cany bodies earl o may be willing to .advanceth t• n the ,credit of the debentures iter. mentioned, a sum of nhcan� eedi ng °in +hi; whop, the sum ( and to cause the same to h o the h a it cls of the Treasurer, f pose ''and 'with the object abo d, :That it shall be' lawful fo Reeve to muse any number Royal CA- riiripa1]ty, id recited r the saia e sum *of after men- the sum'' F,S'' ape -- the said oned. tof the said inn- ittl t e 'In- Pspecti ve from the sinking or any last re. t roll of for the the ex ality is of $;�; in terett sinking. $2,000, tioned, special dollar. vied in Mlrni- f Sea for the rth, )erson )()nate; e srimE. h ere- ey not )f $2, e pail", oi• the ve re c f v it AT 0 i•c fu =tn it It foi 'te ' tti ,r 111a -100 1)u1 cite aid eritures to be made for. such au t►onPy as -may he required, not h• 13 $100 e,ich, (and not in the a gate to exceed the said sum of. .$ 2, rid that the stud debentures riles • e•aled with the ser,:1F of the Mtltll �orrncil, and be signed by the Reeve. - - - 3. That the s: id .debentures sha 'aide payable in ten ' ea1:s from the •rereinafter• mentioned for thin by, o take effect;, at the oicc of the Ti mer of the said m 7nicipality, and s Jove attached to them coupons for ) lVlne1It of intere..'t filet eon. •' 4. T'h it • the said debentures s teem• interest at and after the rate •`even per cent. per annum from • late thereof, wl;ich interest shell t.,yablA.ion' the .Twenty-third days Way aiid Naveit,l)el in e. cls veal ' P,�l l he office of the Tre�isnrer a fore ;,i 6, That for thepurposeof fore in .inking fund for; the p'i.yinent of aid debentures, And the interest at "ate af()resaid," to 'become "due't1,P,•,,., n equal speciSil , rate of 2—• -- r _3-. r the of de Ms of 1 est; 000ggr(:) lb, be cipal said 1] he� day law -eras hall the hal- of the Cie of , at ga the thr on, 38 <8I tt. (1) . te- e he of :tills in the 1;�;) dollar, shall, in addition 11 other rates, be raised leviedand-,• e�r•ted, in ea' h Yt'ar, aipon s11 the is tune 'property in the said ninnieipal1 urih g the c'o 7tinir�tnce of the said d entures. or .Zrry of thein. . 6. Tliat this by -1 -v shall take teff'( del come 11] to operation upon t weuty-third (lay of:Noveml,e ,-"1869 7. That. - vote' of the riateli•i ver s he said Village of -Seaforth, shall t -'tken on chis bylaw, - At the Town Hall, - IN THE VILLAGE i 1 F'SEAFORTII, ON Monday, 15th November, �1F 39 at the hour of Nino of the clock, in the forenoon; and that the pc -11 shall remain open until five o';;lo,.;'•k! in 'the tfiernoon of the wade day ; tu](1 that •1'hoteas Porter Bull- act as i ettlrllii;g :fficer'on the said oee4si:,n. - Take notice that the above is a trait, .;npy of a proposed by-law wlii°17 a 1 `te' taken into COuq`iderd-fion "1)y slit• of this Municipality, aft',i- OI](• 0r17 the first pit:lis .ttion in fist, r, the ate of whi{•11 tit s;..1111bli- as Friday, the Twenty. second (tOlrer•, A. 7}. 1869 ; and that of the eleetot's of the said lity y: ill. be taken thereon, at Hall, in the Vi11.taat of Sea - e, y (,in ,,r, • Dr Chalk' ch.- y, fifteen tit day of teased, from ,whom money' was bor�•ow November, A. D 1869, at Nine of the clock in the fori�oun. ed- by said Ti�list(.e:,, to e1i�Llllt; them to T. P. BULL- By-Law ULL: f 2 By -Law to Incise by way o Loan, the sum of $2,000, the pui pose the i''ira - men- tioned. �HEREAS, the r`tfunicip:ll.COU cil- of the Village of Seaforth have resolved -0 raise. by way of loan, the sum of $2,000, f'or the purpose of enat)ling them to, p9y for the lnakinc' of certain necessary- i m pi ovenle , tri` which- f Gou i►(;i l have been and are to be made:, withi], (! ftontb fr the s.]icl Village, %) � the construction ut ''ix osi:,o sidewalks and -the gravelling of street:;, c'sticot and also for the payment of $540 re day of te qa red by the School Ti ustee.c of the the votes said Village, to pay sin i esti, anent of ah: e il: pi•incip--1 n_oney and interest; dae on a t.l](> Town Band a'i�'ei7 b them- fort 11. on -lMoilda slim � )tiild the tSciiool-house in the said Vil- 1:(gre:; and also to pati an instalment of I1 the purchase money .of the lot on which (he �5chool is built, amountinwto about '100, 'to - ,1l. „hi7es Beattie and SP nniel !t,jtk, and �vhicii alrl(tctntS a1•e included the ](- kt•iln;itecl Amount required by —I -N si11 1 School t , ti rl'i•(l:it}# (;,, to --be paid (� ,{'n1 b t,;:ik" .i lura( ) i'i`i' of the V t- i];t1 gaol' i�(attot ill, for `'14(d -tool 1111 I'p(}sf s, act tt.ka. t:.'i' ttit; purp:r,.ut;. of 11(jui(1atl-3r�` LIVERY STABLE. TAMES ROBS' desires to inform the nub- i!,) ub- T) lie that he has opened a New Liver. s :$table in connection. with his hotel. where parties can be accommodated with first-ela,ss horses and vehicles, az reasonable price, Seaforth, Oet, 15, 1869, 97-tf JF- YOU WANT CHEr�� NTS, OILS; TURPENTINE, F RAINING-Ct7MBS, r 9 PUTTy,_ 0OLORS, &c., Go tr. ROLLS' --o-oma OR PURE DR1JQ3, C,l•1iE6'n91CAL5, ANJ; PATENT MEDICINES. to Ratip-'. LOST. THREE YEAR OLD STEER, of ,li"ght red color, ,1 A with white streak :ilolig the .iaek, and white star on the face. Any per - :o)1 giving such infonnatidu-'as will lead. to ais recovery, will be 'suitably rewarded by Wm. GARDNE . Lot 21, Con: .14, McKillop. October 13th, 1869- 6'1 869 6-1•r�YED. T' ROM the premises of the subscriber, Lot .No, 13, Con. 2, A.R. 8., . yearling -)teen and Heifer_,• also from Lot'2, (.'on. 12, .'uekersniith, H. R: 8., three Heifers two: ,rears old. Any person giving such illforna- -ion as may- lead to the recovery of said cat - ;ie will be suitably rewarde(1, and any per- son detaining thein after this notice will be prosecuted as the 1 i.w directs. P c'T i'R RAIWSAY'. Tuckersmith, October 13th. 97.2in IDT'FOR SA SALE. LE. FOR SALE, that desirably situated pro- perty on North Main -street, in Seaforth, occupied by Mrs. Dunn, Terms easy, - For particulars apply at Paltridge's Photo- graph Gallery. seaforth, Oct, 15th, ,1869. ` 97-tf, OOW STRAYED. C TRAYED from the premises of the sub- �7 scriber, Seaforth, about the 7th st., a ,ilroe.year old Red Cow, with horns lrather ':straight. ()n one of the front leas just below ,he knee, there; is a mark like a splint. The, Bund of the tail is a little lighter than the body. Any person giving such information as will leat to her recovery will he suitably rewarded. A. CARD' NO, 'eq forth, Oet. 14th. �( 1I3• 1 iso.cvexit Act of 1869. j1t the matter (ye James Vouvq, senior, of the ;1 own.-ltip of illcl>ra'llop ; . the The imdersigned has' been ap‘pointed As l•tignce in the abovema, ter aid requires claims Dated at Geder..ch; 7th October, 1869. liCELqlop 177 GALLERY. W. P. AG T, .rtjs d ITE undersigned bogs to rift.:rn1 tile•i)1.. - habitants .,. a s.f�c;a T fort: �"/ and `{tI�'i*i 13:t1lljli eonntry, that he has taken the t;,.t_;ery 1air_ inerly occupied by Mr. U. Palr-ridge, - A _Few Dor,'r? .& oral i ,f i) . sail%a'r-- Of} cc, and Opposite l {'�z�'s St/ire, where he -wii always be ready to 311f:ase leis. patrons and give satisfa,cti1,ll to . those .who favor him -`with a call. f awl A •,i D Io ries iris>`I)'-' 37speak- a1.. ,� Mins, they for a.•lc• ..:;'tltft and will convince you that he is lir -4;la,s_ REMEMBER s - • The place is Opposite Veal's roe(r . Mei Street, Seal rth. n �t J I.LIAM P.A I, ;', Photo. Artist. Seaforth..Iuly 22', 1869; yw, ' -HIRA CG .W AY M.-, «. ^aO N returning thanks for pant 4,r.,, have I the .leases u ' announcing + s J[,.pleasure-of ;3?3IIoiII1 -chants and. business men of ,�eifif- tb rll:a,(=they are prepared to receive orders kir aii kinds of DRAY WORIs, oo is handled with - cap and , t-isfa , - tion guaranteed. d:aa1uary 21st, 1869. - Andrus MELO %Ls 1,321sr elt ,s Are noted. for thar many exceilencies*, over those of other manufaetur- ers, such as Quickness e _ROUNDNESS, PURITY AND Volume: of Ton.e.,: ELASTICITY ANp Evenness of Touch I Tn the construction of these instruments. nothing but the hest material is usi.d, and - first-class workmen employed-; and as the mantif;Icturers have had over fifteen yeal-s of personal experience, they are able to produce an instrument 97,2 Melocleonsl from f+-'45 00 Cabinet Organ's, from. 95 00 Official Assignee, County of Huron. Terms Liberal. For further particulars emjuire of WM. Lo. LUXTON, AME into the premises of the subscriper, 'Ex.positor'' Lot 14, Con. 6, Morlis, on' or abirat the 2 ith of September last, a Cow. 'The ownei .can have the same by provMg property and . • t. Seaforth Ana -90th 1869. paying charges. Morris, October 13th. 97-3in. THE • (ECUMENICAL COU.N'CIL lately called at Rome, is an instance of the solicitude of the Catholic; Church for -the welfare and: pronxrity of her Communicants. Large as- .emblies of this.,,nature containing represen- tatives from all parts of the -world, h uf some benefit to our race. We h p opfinon will be as hvmonious and unani- mous as the' verdict in faVor of the Great .4.1,0Aionees Remedy., for dis,lase of the lungs, Wood, stomach, liver, etc. For sale by all THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY-. af .f.Ords ui pkasure to ag lin direct ,the atten- tion of oar readtrs to the adv t. Grit of ,ne above well-known Company. ,The Coin- pany has been est ablished over two years - and the very high position they have attain - td in the estimation of the public as 11.‘a Merchants, furnishes unmistakea,ble-evidence of the Inc( 8si by of such institutions as t.he in ,;wenty or tWeilty:thre Dm, 01 tea. Clerk., not flil to bring them such or-ll,:rs as they Seafoith, OctoLer 19th, 1869. reall).• deserve. Any of Oar friends sending very iia!;isfaution, and they get their eas far below the ufual prices. BEAUTIF U-1,! SPLENDID ! is the verdict t given by all who use Hunt's Empire Hair It'makes drA harsh, stiff hair soft. glossy and beautiful. It cleanses the scalp, , n ens the glands, previents the hair from fa:lling, and will cer- .ANTED, a good activ - 1 tainfr-make it removes pimples stre gth Apprentice Wanted. Sold everywhere. beautiful, and it is only 25 cents per bottle. 1 IVIeN 'A.T T.E.BPLE. Siar Buddir& CO TO THE BEST. Tbe British American plete BUSINESS SCItOOL in the country. It has the largeet staff of Teachers, the .mor.t practical and best adapted business forMs, ' - and -the best 1.1:ranged. and =fist coniniodious It is und.er the -management of thorough business Men. fully a,live to all the require- Ihe advantages and facilities aif(irded in this institution- are uragnalled in the coup- , As this is the Rixth ct ils'ectitive year fliaL; I try, and no yOung mall should enter a busi- ness c.,reer without fully aN.;ailing himself of • - i its -bene4-ts We Were awarded the FIR'SX.PPIRE in BUSINESS WRITING I at th? late Provincial Exhibition at London-, t at bne-i•e eau be but Ono 4 pinion as wher3 etakaorrs,s,tpeznnadeititsrtosfs, writing., bank notes, eir- • MeCOSIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - grow strong, luxuriant and )037' to learn i'aris, Ont. Money to loan on farm sem- 534 Tho The — 31:1733 <NI v1: itt',1-4)1Iisi aet: mantis k • the 16t1 name • 1,11e o jog% Til leoi)s 42-1. A 41:11)1 11,111St be -any- irract hi won Pontiff. °tart::: 1:1:0111:t: • r. Pur '14j3.0 lyrt e013 .11-4 ;cot troll ve-w )11i1 tiwni work? slightly of tile rrys proi xleix