HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-10-22, Page 3•
the moral
aeon, see SIM-
irds of eneertrage-
av liberality of sen -
en which h gives
in providing
etriaing centrast
hose elevation to
taittles„, Such a
interest itt the ;al -
and wi(,tarl,
) relax his verse -
to appreciate aLly-
,ation, would etifle
aay firing teaeh-
akrtain extent the
Retitaiitg ev-
raatterof delfars
engage a teaeher
4) ---would retain
it had done (rood
regardless of the
the pupilswould
am, it net aetual
everYthing eete
&len of thm.
ver be ntrusted
ey are an injury
frepkently inffiet
t s of our sub -
t it a trustee
ion—et hat he
tie' f his °thee,
tkabiy intereked
Knee, shoal(' not
ea tions, They
the wealtbieat
ey may licit even
-Rh the Iargest
d e fouud 111
arid stroll enly
trefer voar
ee go to T.
• 81-tf
atelv held at
eating of sworaka
and to bun
'rig, when the
ahem, and
e." By way
end they pro -
II kings and
relation of the
&trope." Atter
t threetening
!iter had been
the rulers of
.11 his most de
be performauce.
be fought t.
Aeal out and a
- the giatuitlatie
What these
this t ign of
f. r tO Ie 1
-.led clergy,
itiontw win he
ery betty will do
[Lured a them
age will be in
Euga tuts devia-
-make ail the
out of the
-veatige of
the most
wurds, When
tfl rave int)
id angels./ aar a
peacee—el deer
pe.OU cettE.
-3Ieser4 11-7.
ern 30tict1hl of
deg. they larafe
a. man, in, the
i'ith of tieterat 1-
I hie betvet n
bout tWe 1115
They at or tar
2,‘IcK falai ,
rge of aad re -
North awe -li-
ma held an
eel in-
WflS a man
trs of age-,
;quest nothing
he wzts. and
irel on Lis per -
pt an envelope
tailleth," „aid
h was, writtea
atoe, June24,
sent- to Went-
sas (ottani-ed.
as between
_ six feet high.
ose dented a
cheek bones,
was bald -head -
_....7_.._...............__ --„_..r_......._„„__,_,__.__: '
oue pair wha
. • 0 oi!e--; aevil
- t. flaw/. • ttraw--""--------,
• :woolen ;soekea hot inn,tolibil,; otte., i:4.
- braven-tray tweed pante: *two
ebee -
fautta y.g
, .. .
d * t - .-i-. /21 "31141
t-eea• mate, mile ,tryny '4'144-
' ' e 04101v
ek e, / v._, Nell i ...e ta • =/
int r t w.6eu with velvet eollar, the (alter -
brown ; a- white ftt-it'.. hat with att 04
thong or -string- paasittV th • z
two, prz,ete3; OM ct/.41-Sin.ilt boots, ‘x jai -1
:- ..1 , ,
• ewed- tag -a -pier with ciPITtas : orie'llat)t-
a sat carte Lit.iceS 000
the heel tar and the ethi-1- leuw w ;
) wore; a piece of the titipe'r portion of: tit*
lea of tateh boot wes cut
had a eotigh hempen Lao"•-
salt ; aa- i H. 6kli1il1.i i'0 -he anq taabeeilk!.
77.: aittr)itii,tia,,i4nait,....,n. .2r.tithoel
hinatiovii, ((,;12,,tiret,
iarealges, /fa iris prop, rt.\ , whieb he saict
;,e, ra tal,en t ront-hLS wan otattie
-#)f thi- 1$alit 1st,)'...•NOiree, a
and being sworn to, were delitaevd
to hint , y the Coroner. -
On hb peraon of tee
ed up tarefally in the inside ot the -ixa.
re r vet, was found *'-2,60.60 in A meek
ean (41,11,11).11ey 01 greenattics, aliti
in silver. There were also found oil.
his person a le)Ither poeket-boek, and,
puree, a razor, a smali lo I ing-talase •
.r, ,
weal ease. a Church of lenge-me pray-
er -book, and a watch mede . by M.:T.
TOIliiitlio, Lver1I001, -woi th probably zi,boulk
k:.1tL A 1.)air of speetaeles v astound ia
the peayer tarok at page 366, prodabl
vidiere he had 1,een last raediaz .
The Fog mor1„44;t4 exautioat ion, wIliea.
as couttut tett by Dr. Mt -Taggart,
•showed that theorgabs were in a gen-
erally trealthy state, exeepl., stnee eon,
, , ,
gestion. There was not hii.tg inthie
atomaeh ext eat some green matter, amok
the iuteatines contained harlf:in,d frecese -
No marks 01 violence. were found On ewe .
lardy, and see jury returued a veruict
that be came to his deeth by exposure
/end want of nourshatent... 111.0). .botle-
vette deeently _arid respeetaLly icaried,
The rein:tinder Of the money, -atter pity -
jag, funt„rai ti x pemses, will I )e-deporeited:
by the eorener in tite saving- baide, tine'. -
LH (.L1111&(( by the 13n.per party 01' par -
dee, tt his is one Of th,. ,Stranpst case*.
we have 1(34. SOine time heard of. It is
likelv that '..efere harp somethieg Inky_
ttnn tifi v!. h1 -J1 WiII sea ,re as :1, dee' to
identify- hind
• Agrie ltural Exhibitiops.
During the whole month of Oetober
ag11t fairs are held ia utaahera
eery week, Almost every townehip
has now its " Society," arid ever- sod-
ety its fall ehoate ',they lave steswered
and zirce aeswering a good pie Time.
We think we can trace a great itepit'ree--
ment lu modes of werLieg in etc. It, in
implements, in filet in everyt hieg
ueeted with farmieg as it prOieseion?
from the well i g of the agri- u t u rai
societiee. And it iS beeatiee WP an
aef- tho e benefits .eet 1/1010 ifteiy ex-
-teutled that, we venture to giv+ t few
11 itch. td'at rd ituprdteire nt 111 sotee
m- details.
-I. The ',judges are gem-"raily. too long
Iti getting - tnrough their, insae lions.,
he consecluenee is that the pu'elie ge
an eXCeediegly limited apace- ed Mile to
examine= the 111 - 4/10r p?...ri et' the oehilii-
tion. if if is replied that _they eetinot,
get through sooner, mt. t1t i ev Of
Juolgee be increased.
z. Let less atteetion be pelt; o those
"pare agricultural kiss. teots ' aIled-
"tarizes •for saddle horses " Fat wzdk-
ug het-ses are 11 aliii Lie for the farreer;.,
let the- prize rather- be given for walk-
ing than trotting.
S. Never n i ad the " a grien I t Ural
dinia-r." If t j udgee must 1 re (hired.
-let ...he Seeretztry givtethere a alip which
will be wail at :my table d'il„.003 towriti, .
notInna else needed in that direetiOn.
The dinner is ()feet' the "i la k 1 est':
in the view c f 11111T1V a farmee's ;), ife, fofe
she fearS (!or her hi/strand -
4. Let the prizes Le punctually
mane towns.hipS there is 6ften a 1- e•It.'
atious delliy in this matter. 11 he prizes
;Ire i/ot 1 trge, and all the plezeetre
reeeiN.-infe them g,uie if they hi/Ye t�
be eeveral times` celled foi.
aeviee the prize list thor ea:glebe,
every time, and let m'w -tea torea fre-
aiiently appeer in it Retie -idly thift-.
(lin be donein tile wa V of nier'il;inioaL
woil ;Ind dOniesti!' nittnlif(iettivea et
111 trades have their -titre" it they e/31-1.
11 )t-; t-11 eneoweaged at ol,ce.-----Landon
DYSPRFSI.t cured try using Dr. Colby'e-,Alta.st
6 -Costive and Tonic Pills Vic
the Bowels, correct the Liver. eatar 11(an- •
plexion. and renovate , the system; -theY° AT,
eornPoSEd of active ingredicilfs in a hikhlY
c•oncentrated formante strike at the root of
disease, curing alanpat like reaeic. Titeus*S
ands teatify to their extraordinary ourle4Y,!'
preperties. Sold by all dealers.
Rii_ErgATism and all other aches and Paios_r_
Lave the body on application of JaeObS
Rheumatic qui d. We -will war ant. it to'
1,tr'e Burns, Frost Bites.- Claillelams, Soru
hioatLame Back or Side, 'Sprains,.
Some of the cures it has effectea are arme0
oe wonderful for belief, Many have Ye_t#e
wed be it from impending death, and
tared to life and health. No feel -ails 8-
day without it ; hundreds ot
ive 3 and thousancts of utdiars near 1?e,04:!"-
mutually by its use' As a preventive..
mita!! annealseases, nothing ever before 11_1`._
'anted can compare -with it.. We authorofte
11 (lc lera to refuted :the money, _
entire sattailetion. .
73-1 s xfposs a
was wanting
e had on four
-k- and white, C
cotton; silk
ae, around his 1,e
rated drawer a;
6 The Bandt Protest.
the xpoottor.
' .nt \
Roi.)ertsoir has (oinmeneell
• loomltiog and 'is 1)14(-4-Parfid to l';iY
„ ,
the hignt4t+.0 oa.S0 prea, , tar well d..t.esiied
-.I,' Lvii.wescc .01-10 of the' Op-
feci n of Me St ,i,• • Lazarus Min•-ris
et, the stme of their agent
or F!..j:1,:r 1-60, .for the ewe'
rase e-a-istir4t him in fittingdine; it,
tad un.riu:d sice/t4' undeeetind
that the l'erfested S:peetoeles: inanufnetr
tred t,v hi tlerve trained 'firm. are
ly apere-iited by those who have tested
ehein in this vieinity.
IN /).!pstiier colnorit will oe found
13a Lila; for -the isseing of Dehentip.,'S
• 11V tg!li? ..111101..'ili1l11,t1 of' bleltforth, the
ofwhi 'h wili oe `1,spread over-
* hunt• Ali; of yeir-i, on which a p:)11;
will tlaktn.- We commend the e-
IJI ft of it 'by fhoses -ititeiested
it \or 'kr)"110 in mind that those
voteto. it are oniv eueh as
Are. zts it holders or lit 0
11,1 j'- fin' 11! IfsitSt. tV11 ye;t1',4
Friday last a
p rty of p'irtsittefl, i:/cl riding MeSsra
Bolansou of
phaa, •ahet, perhaps). tite . largest deet t
Or;lt, w ever seen 10 thtS s-ec; ion tel
the enuetry: Jt \vele bed 225 pounds,
.11111 W.IS Nr(lry fatits initial's
lierc tl10 most graceful we ever re-
cotk-ot seeing, >Ana Mr. Cresswell hare
ger is e'zanit tztkileg 1 sket,e11 ef then/.
The. doer eels snot ill Ube, NOrtli
earner of tbe..Town Greve-
Satow —T;ie a; )f.ue.vs of this
--awl•a. the grouyd wes (livered with
smow, . in -this vicinity it was et, 110
titne.10.We tinui one inch in depth,
we ere -.old that. in the northern p:tri
of the County, it has 1,36eal well 011 to
si in •hes. The wo:4,- her overliec.d
now vi-ry fine ag-tin, and the p.round
Inth-extrenielv muddy. WI hone
th:it the cold spell ,Nve nave just had, is
an indi ation of a length of tine weather
and Kill ile.
0up-4,11/ NoTroe. - •TIte Right. Rev.
BeirAinin .Croruye D D the Lord of
Diooese • f IT/iron, (1). V.) 'will vis-
it this Perish, and on Stnday yext ad
minister_ai bt ThOrliaS' Church Sea
forth, the saere.1 :di 1 apostoli rite. of
Cenforie ition by laying on of hands
pr Lye/. on th )'40 who are duly
qualified, chat they 111 ly be admitted !to
the holy Saarament of the -Lord's Sip-
).,er and the ft! 11 pri-vileges of Ore
Divate Seevi) e will coin/nerve at, II ze
m. And again az half past 6 O'clock
p. m.
Bazaar in aid of
tie Roman Otthelic Church -building
frl, began Wednesday in Killoian
's new stoi.e, was continyed yes-
terd ty, and twiii be concluded to-d;,,ty.
The ver.y- flue, and the.quaa
tity ut irtiele,s Jarge7 We are .pleased
to noti,..le that it is extensively patr
ized,. dnriug •the eveuings eepe-Jially
at times the pl we is fail ly jaintned.
NS.7 leipe th6=ea.1.1.1 ofthe lediesi who have
been 43- austrunien&il ,in 01;4111 ing it .wh,i,t
it is, be rewarded hy r'e..,lizing a
iu-tgEamount for the uhjeet in view.
Elseap-Peat.e pa: )iisli a,000imain i
cation -ft mu, Hugh J.. re, re,lating
to a nun lama. When this saftep ti
T1\ ed at the tit.tioTi Jiei P, ve improved
the opportunity of seciogiit.
,a0. perhaps. be la-tteei told hy sity-
lug mat We- heat'd coinpetant otthoiity
• prom:nape it to he eery superior in all
:lieteiractive points w htch mark
'the breed to which it belongs The
import:Ilion. into our cohnty of seperi-
or st ick. does ;.unmeaSurable 13;Ood ,for
, alI f u tore time,_ and a remark f'hat we
the other day beard drop from the
Preiident of the South 1.1:ntm Agri-
cult:m31 Associatioo, we believe to be
very blue, which, was to tile effect, that
the importers of sueli animals ,were gen-
erally POOSers,*frOni a: tinan4ial point 'of
view, while the general agricultural
conitivnity were the gaihere.
• a
ON Satp:day laet Mr. W. Scott Rob:-
• ertson, of this p.itce,., closed his cheese
factorY, -.The quantity of
...cheese uatuutactured during the present
seasou was: sourfithinz like seventeen
.to1.,. fc must -be borne in iniedtlott .Mr.
'Re ertson lwas Lite, comthencing, and
has shut d4wn fully two weeks in ad.
Yaflr.:. of th.0 usu 11 time. _Fieerything
tonsidered, the business at this iltetory
hasbeen. very'coueiderable. - The cheese
is all dispesetl of that he does not r'e-
uixe for hie.° will trade. - We tan d e
atand that his milk patrons aro exceed -
WC -1,1 Pleased ii Ith the manner•in
whi .11 they -have beendealt with. The
plan- primal -was, that of buiing the
Milk- at a etipuinted cash price, and
paying, 01) every week. We are pleased
to know that the undertaking hes paid
To ge Editor of t:e—ExpOsi. torbit —in .
regard to an article
.;hieh appeared in your last issue gead-
ed'. "Tile Bzind Protest."', allow me
rhe privil ,ge of shoving the ,real state
of affairs. - :The 1Jirectors of the South
1-1.ttion Agticultarral A'ssociatit,m in dis-
posine of said pr„test, 'kerits' to clause
6 in the atlyertised rulestart do not see
the sl igh test necessi ty, _far COLUplyiIIg
with the rules. laid down, for the Mid-
a,..1.110- of hands jute/1/611g to Compet-/ :
two of' • which were, fit•stly : Thet 11
lanee in tendiug to Compete shall give
,e ‘:.•ecietaly tioli e ote or before the
1et of eentem e and, se ondly ; That
they shall give, the Seeretztry hotice of
the p:eees to be played and the ;ember
of players at least 8 dliv.g. 1,efore the
6110 w. A i.d yet tnere, was no net)), esi, y
t; ndoing so, 1 t least e may infer Is
inte:11 from their -conduct foethey by
their ewn aakaoWledgement ehow that,
the Clinton Band ha Ye not c rnplted
with Way of the said rules in, the vety
f Let of whieh 110 Inen With the elight-
est gaan of Justice or ceminon Sew e
could have dinie other,,ise than a ward
the 1)1 l/(. to the only BAriu1 wlich has
se ill !died with tile. rules laid down.
13111, those WOr are not content
'NItit disinissiog our •y rotest hut pro:-
. eed te commeut upon it and endeavour
t ) mislead- tlie public and
eive them anything but .a..lfavottrable
iinpressit.,n of the Egniondville Band.
.Chey at tu., of lying idle, and at the
aaane time sa y that, we iateaded doing
anything: . but our hest- towards 'fur-
nishing the SoFiety wtth IDUSIP, whivli
f it Cr '4in of-rittg L Wre :t, for we felt in
duty hound to :mile Thrward and da
our best, 110 ITt ItteL what opposition
tlit,re Was Or whiat onSta•-les presented
themselves,.. for the prize* waS 1.101;
4,ffered by the Se /iety out oy a gentle
Mate t.iE tila; f01' a t WO fold purpose
v:z. That it spu, our zurayeer
performg Ds: tow .r.d ini rovei, e it,
and slinky 41le,111 that he appreciated
,heir endeavm•s, as well -AS ti secure
011 the day of. the 8linw. 6'110
tJeilerosity-"on'his part compares favor:
ahly wit 11 that of a.)ove Dire:ttors who
011 ').eing questioned as to the , ereerion
fa baled ' t ind; &cid they eid
any thij g out the Egtnondville .band
and thought, it tinue..:esstry to add 1
or 2 dollars in their opinion extrti, ex,
wnse on the society and letiving Bands
0 suit thernsetves which waS nO easy
matter, f-ollowed by an eager and noisy
Remaining Tonis.
One of the Egmondville amid.
ED. NOTE. -L -We Inive taken the
lie tarty. of a:ridging the above of
parer, that we n mei. unneessary,
. ,
in diecussing the question at. issue.
Tuckerernith Counoil.
The Coueicil met this day altis 1f VI.
at the Aril:age of Brueefield in We Hot 1
at the hoer of 10 o'clock a, in, p wint to-
adj o u runiLit t. i'reseu t Mr. t; at, es Mc L,ean
Deputy iteeve and .Niessrs Jack. n - . a
and. Unts.os Coaneillers the _tapasy Reeve
having occupied the &lair, the m uu f
1 Ler. meeting were read and. approved Of.
Xloved by balias sec, by eer. Jacksoe
that liober6 e.,1:4ee be let the, job of turnaig
the creek. bit tb;exicleline betwe.eu 10..8 20 11111
21 ;., iej S Wnich was to be done' by J eacl-
more deceased, with the addit:en. of eamot
Lii,.g he catty oat of the ditch to ,a • low par
of the road west of the br'dge NO ,,1 for .4th
SUM of t•:`,4). 1-artied, Moved. lw Mr .reel
sell' a.; by Mr. Coui;ne that Mr. McLe
and Mr, Dal Ps beempowered to examine th
load a r. Sootts and if they consider
. r have aethority to expend a m Laraee ban
to dig a (l.tch. on the saieroad. aud aieer ,
cuivirt, and •a... e , e, t 11.ceeteb ti roe
add rf eck see be. empowered' bi) tie:amine; th
sideline at Dtvid. Moores and if rueetire
let tin.: building of a stone Culvert to re
lieve this road of ' sbagnant wafer, t -.1 rited
Moved by -Mr- Jaaksen sec. by Me. Co isin
thas the following accounts be. paid 'v L : W
lt. Cox: for printing and publis -nig tee:Law
;No. e amounting te e;11:b0. T •• v 8 '.. 011
for; :geavel . as certiii..0. by 3 ' Townsen
amoim Sing to $2. 30. Also that Doe aid 'Mc
Einnon be paid the SUM Of ;:)8 for 111.1....s t ....., .
.culaertion &he 10th Concession as eerti.lie,
.by .M.essrs. eMcLean and Dallas, Carried
Moved by Mr. Dallas see:. by Mr Cousin
that Mr. McKay ecceive the bum of .$a.
bein‘a person in hidignant cirsumstfinces.
Cab( el: `eioved by Ica Dallas Ac. -by Mr.
near liennede 'a 2nd con. line L R S Carried.
CatiS ns that Duneana2Kinnon lbe paid the
sum f -three dollars, for repairink a culvert
'Moved by Mr. Jackson sec. by: Mr. Dallas
that the elerfi be 6,utliorized to. raise fir
school purposes in Union School section No.
1 eleKillop the sum of one hundred. anti
eleven dollataana 0 cents on the ratable
prooerty in the Tackersinith portion of said
school section, as now culla hilted and -,aek-
nowiedg,ecl by the council: t &tried. 11>foved
1) e S‘le, Daelas, sec by Mr, Jackson that the
fo'rowing'sums be raised 1e id and collected
on the a,sssssed value of 'all the reteable
read a al per4onal property in tho Muaici-
p ility of Tackersinith list le to taxation for
the year 1t69 viz: For aeneral and special
County rates, $4230,54 v hieh will require Ei
rate of 7 nulls in the do lar, Legisiatives
School ecniivident.e431.8 ac. at a -rate - of one
1 mill in elle dollar, for Township purposes
viz f, , Road&and. Bridges, Counciilors fees
indigent and all other expenditures $1400.
at a rate of 2 mills in the dollar, and that in
compliance with the requisitions of the
Truetcee of the several school sections. with -
n the Township the following sums be le-
ied and. collected at a rate in accordance
vith the assessed Valuation of each of such
chool sections viz. School sec No 1 S357
s .-Is.Zo 2 $350 No 3 $410 No 4 $300 No 6
275 NO 7 $220 No 8 $425 No 9 $2'-'0
s No 11 $348, and Union Section .No 1
McKillop $111.59, and that the clerk be dir-
eeted to prepare a By-law to be passed next
meeting of Coimoil imboclying the foregoing
sums and authorizing the collection of the
same. Carried, Moved by Mr Jackson sec
kr Mr. Dallas that the bond given by Dan -
lel Clark as security for the performance of
his claty as Collector of taxes for the present
year be accepted. t:larried. Moved by Mr.
Jackson sec. by. Me Dallas that Hugh Mc-
Millian be paid the sum of fivedollarsatm-,
pensation-for care taking; and the support of
an indigent and siak woman who accidently
came to his place, and also that D Minim be
paid the sum of two dollars and fifty cents
for attending the said woman when side
Carried. Move by Mr. Dallas see. by Mr;
Cousins that this Coutioil do now adjourn to
111- ee aea;zi at Mie . Rol i ism Hotel VilJaQe
of Eamond.ville, said meeting to be called by
the ileeve L -Carried.
• •The Ottawa correspondont, of the
Y'qlegrophisends word tliat.the election
excitement in North Lanark is prerna-
t tire. -"Mr. Macdougall," it.'„iays,,"has
not vacated the office of Public Works,
nor formally vacated his seat for North
Lanark, and it is not known when ht.
will do so. Be is not yet constituted
taman t-Covernor of the Nor th West
nor-ean! be be 'Until- the Queen's order
in Council conveys that territory to tile
Dominion. Mr. Mieedeugall, of eout.se;
has gone to theNortlaWest, but thereis.
nothing to prevent bis returning to his
seat .here.". if this be the ease, what a
pleasant farce the government is earry-
ing Macdougell took all- the
trouble to visit Lanark and bid his con-
sti tants' a solemn and affe-ting fare-
well. in the agitation produced by the
event he seetus to have forgotten the
sli;lit formality of se.ndieg in an official
form of resignation, in (onseqn-ence
• .
‘‘ hereof he may now be. said to be car-
rzing North •Lanark breeches
c.f..3t to Red igcr. In additiOn to
niS it is announced that isnot known
when be will resign, so that rintil be
makea up his Lienteneni-gubernatoriai
mind, his conetituenis mast -remain in
doubt as to whether they a,.e. to e re-
',resented- at 'Ottawa or Saskatchewan.
We learn -also that Mr. -Macdougall has
not only not given up his seat in the
House, but ie es -till a member of the
Cabinet, and Minister of Public Works.
There is no need,,however, to complain
of this, for as none of the minister'
seem to think it -necessary topass much
of their time in theil offices, the fact ot
Mr. Macdougall being half wily to the
Pacifin need not injure his usefulness as
a member of the Government. Still it
mest eoufessed that the' position is
rether a peculiar one. To,make it 'com-
plete.; Mr. Rose should retain the re-
presentation of Huntingdon, so that
vvhile Macdougall represents Lanark;
among the Indian.s, Rose may represent
Huntingdon in London
-YonvoL---On the 13th'inst., the wife of Mr.
Henry Yeunc of McKillop, of twin daugh-
ters., ,
Wheat, (Fall) bushel.
Wheat (Spring).. titY bushel,
Batley ft bushel,
Oats i.; bushel,
.'eas 1.1 bushel,"
itotatoes lr? bushel,
Tay ton,
Butter, b7 lb.
Fall Wheat,
Spring do
Bari ,y,
Pea e"..
Plan -
, Butter,
Zags, -
- Hay per ton,
0a,te, -
Potatoes, j
Hay, per ton,
• 8
the enterprising proprietor SO well, that
110 intorvis o'oitift intothe busin.ess still
„ .
narre extensivOli next season.
Oct. 22, 1869..
0:65 to 0:85
0:75 to 0:96
to 0:60
to 0113
to 0:21
- 0:55
• 9:00
0:: 9
(.1:5) Seacortb,
0:00 .
Min subserib,er wants to purchase a good
Milch Cow, (young), A cow about to
calve preferred. Apply to e
-Photographer. Scott's Brick" Block.
Seafortb. Oct. 21, 180. 98-tf.
Goods Delivered
Inany part of the Village,
when boughtfr•
ciTRAYED, on to the premises of -the sub-.
1,.„73 scriber, Lot 5, Con. 3, Bullet, about the
middle of last Month, a two or three year
old steer, red and white. The owner ia re-
quested to prove property, pay charges, and
take the same away.
linnet, October 22. 98-4in.
Raisins ft; Currants
TO $75 per month, clear of all ex-
JJj pentes, guaranteed to allindustrous
,agents who will take up the work, which is
very light, as Well as profitable, - For circue
larand ,patticulars, address '
130X 32, Seaforth, Ont.
,October 22..1869. 98
Notice of Dismissal.
VETE hereliy certify that an 'information
V V• preferred.by Alexander Papple against-
-Mary Papple and Ann -Mathieson, charged
with perjury, was this day considered by us,
two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace
in and for the County of Huron, and was by
usdismissed, Plaintiff paying costa,
Dated at Seaferth, this 17th July, 1869s
F 11 OU R
it CHnior
,FEMA LE TEA ("11 for the Ju
11, Division ef the Ste:forth Common School
to commence tcachina on the let day of
January, 18,0. Salary $200 per annum,
payable half -yearltr.
Applicants will please send Certificates of
qualification aid testimonials of character, to
D. D. WILSON, Secretary. '
Or to 8.' G. McCAUGHEy,
• Chaim:till).
Oct. 22, 1869.
CLINTON, Sept. 20. 1869.
(New 1?ii -aReport.)
new; 0:60 to 0:82
0:80 , to 0:88
0:25 to . 0:00
0450 to 0;60
0:.55 to '0:60
4:50 to 5:00
' .0:20 'to 0:20
0:30 to 0:50
0:12 to e0:12
7:00 to 8:00
GODERICII, Oct 19, 1869.,
. (Signal Report )
pring Wheat, 0:70
8.00 to 10:00
*- to
TORONTO, Oct,21, 1869.
(Bq Telegraph.).
\V -eat (Fall) IP bushel, " 0:95 to 0:95
de_ (Spring) 14/ bushel, 0:*99 to0 ;92
Oets ti bushel, • 0:S0 to 0:30
Berley tg bushel, , 0:60 to '110:74
Peas t? bushel, 0;70 to 0;70
Farm Stock—John, Walsh, McKillop, on
23rd October.
•Farm Stock—Isaac Johnston, Millet,
Oct 29th °
Farm Stock—John Cochrane, Hay, Oct
Farm Stock—John Thomson, Grey, No-
vember 2.
Farm Stock—Meguinigle & Johnson, Me-
Killop Nov,,
"(arm Stock—D. lecintosh—Tuokeranaith
Novenaber 4.
Labrador Herrings
tocq I Coaltura,
TB: D. MOTT takes pleasure in inform -
...Y.1_ ing the inhabitants of 13e:1forth and
vicinity that he proposes opening a Vocal
Cass for the study of ',Music, Development
of the Lungs, etc., and to this end aaneeting-
will be held in the Baptist Chapel, on Mon-
day evening, October 2r,th, at 7;30, when Mr.
Trott will give explanationa of his method of
tnition. .
Mr. tott has taken a through course w th.
some of the. First -Class Professors in Arner)-
ca, in studying the development of the
Lungs, expansion of the Chest, &e., for the
pupoose df teaching the Sall:10 in corn it otion
with music 1 hoee exercises have a won-
derful effect in strengthening the vnease.pow-
era, and in promoting health All are invit-
ed to attend the meeting. 1 -in.
• '425-7*.
Black and Green
Chewing and Smoking
• Wall Papers, Newspapers,
Wholesale and Retail.
Window Blinds,
Sheet. Music,
Musical Instruments,
Raney 'Goods,. etc.,
Any person wishing to purchase Melodi-
ans, Organs, or Pianoes, leaye orders with
C-Arsmtrong who will promptlyIttend to
C. Armstrong would respectfully solicit
share of the patronage of the inhabitants' of
Seaforth and vicinity. Don't forget the'
place,. one door south of the Exch urge Office.
Seaforth, October, 18C-1. - 9 -
(Fall Catch, )
$1 Canada Tweeds
for 80 ets.
-The New York House,
Fall Slice
At the New York House,
A Large Stock of
W. Campbell.
fli=) -Java Coffee,