HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-10-15, Page 6• RZY TOWNSHIP . SHOW. Frvn Qtr Rpecial Correspondent. The eighth annual •exhiuition of, Grey Branch Agricultural `ciety, . held' at Airi]eyville I Tue ay. 12th inst. Notwi=frstandiug::t .e w nese of the warping, .and • the ,L d;§ of the ioada, the 'turiss`u� of 1? rale w up to the usual numbe . and the e Lition, in all its depart ants was a dedly in advance of - Vth�'ng forme keen in this 'Ety. 'he entry horses, cattle and s i:- ... S aanti9liaa, large And the; "mark d� rnprovere in the in -door! department was ani proof that the neat and nimble tinge of )'ie iaclies have not been idle sin last show day. • The following is prize.list-:. HORSES. Best brood mare — 1st J elms o ` ud D 11icLaughlin ; Horse colt. -1st f'adzean, 2nd D.McDoniald ; 2 year of 4:lly--lst: A Nicol, 2nd J W Shell ;- year old .gelding ---1st 1, Nicol, 2id .:. icDouald; 2. year : ld filly br gelding-- J elding J Ireland, 2nd J Stretton • _eat iiia tiny or colt--lst A Forsyth, 2nd - :- icLau.chlin, 3rd J il' cL,auchlixa; pa feral horses -1st R Broadfoot; 2ud D cLauchlin pair carriage horses --J k ttretfon ; carriage horse --- J Leckie horse—lst T Hall, 2nd J Lz3cic.e CATTr,1 . Best bull calf --D \Vooclriff; :' heifer c :If—lst G Calder,,. 2nd W ui Mc L ;oc steer calf-1st`G Calder, 2nc1 J� John - e[011 ;_ 4 year old steers— R Den uison .,'v:aar old steers=--;Ist �t' eLeod, 2nd ' = Calder. 2 year old steers -lst Thos l leer, 2n c . W 1VIcLeod; 1 year old— • raa.lker, 2nd W McLeod; pair work ox.en--lst J Ii'elencd, 2nd 1 Burgess . r, a�riI' h cow- -1st 1? Wvodrifi; 2 •.Hobs . ergess; • 2 year old heifer= -=1st J Jolie- ta:ij, .i�icl D .2icLatiehlin; 1' year old -- 1st R Burgess, 2nd R,_Dennison; fa„` ox c.i°sear—lst J \V Sl ed; 2nd �T_W `b:,>1 ; fat cow or heifer.=1st J Johns • 2nd J Johnston. • -SHEEP: Best Leicester ram 2 years old and neer 1st W` Hislop, J W Shell; sheer- ingssiarn__1st J Jc.linstbir, 2nd 1,17 Hats r. irk; ram lamb-e-lst J Johnston. 2nd iii " f.Tislop ; Cotswold ram 2 years and tr rel D Knight; Shear] ins mini. ---1V Hinga;ton; ram laino-lst,;1) VVcod Siff, 2nci tiV G Hingston; sliearling ram -1' Broadfoot; ram laainb -1st G Cal- der, 2nd .11 Govenlock; pair ewes,. hay i=atr: lambs in 1;S69=1st .J. Johnston; ;rid G' Calder ; she:arlin.g •ewes-l•st J Jaalri�ston, 2nd. G Calder:, ` pair ewe .1=Dubs L -1st J Johnston, 2nd 0 Calder; fat :i!ieer-te t J W SheiI, 2nd R Bur- II The following articles. were highl recommended, viz. Plaid, by W Martin ; Berlin woo the needle work, 2 specimens, by Mrs It C v 's Cooper ; Berlin wool flowers, � y Mr he. J:oo Leckie,.; door mat by Mrs Jno et- Shell ; log cabin quilt, by Marion Tay tate for ; boquet of flowers, by Conrad lier- as nath, o' ex I DOMESTIC MAMt3FACTURES. erli Best 1t) 'yards home Made flannel --- y Win Msstin, 2nd Thos Anderson ; .ten ofv;., llv tds drugget fianirr l---RoLalcl Mc- . Naughton, 2nd . da) hor re roads blrank- 1116 et,` undressed--=,Rol)t Lerjk%e Coaanter- 1)le pane --J J Mcl.aughlin, 2nd Bobt rs Dennison ; 10 yards full • cloth ---J no ce `Thornton, 2nd do ; fine shirt — Mrs. lie G 1Villianison ; ernnroidery in in uslin i— M'rs G Williamson ,bead work— Mrs iT Leckie ; crochet work—Mrs. J i, Cookie ; rhised work in Berlin wool— Mrs 0 Copper ; needle work do do cl —Mrs Jun Leckie ; fancy knitting : in 2 weal—Miss Leckie ; do do in era tton--- D Mrs 0 R C000er pair woolen hose -- Mrs Geo Calder ; fancy quilt ---Mrs g Ai mstrong ; specimen of tatting --Mrs D 0 R. Cooper ; ` specimen wax work— lir Jno Leckie ,• patch quilt—Mrs Geo \Catlder ; specimen of braiding ----Mrs 0 EAVO rx,posI o . y j. Timms- - of . A MAOICIAX.--Here is the TVorld'8 sketch of the tricks no w I performed by,Hermann, the well-known prestidigitateur.---He then proceeds to s J shuffle a Pack of cards. They become fluid in his hands; he pours them out in - little cascades; he sets then: sailing about the house;; they become imponderable, they grow in size, they vanish—they set set a ill she -known laws of matter at de - flange. They, in a word, open a new field of possibilities in the old and ex- hausted domain of sleight of hand. The rest of Hermann's tricks are fresh and Wonderful. .`1✓Te° is shot by: three Mur- derous riflemen picked out of tiie audi- ence. lTe gathers a hat full of diver dollars from the back hair of the best looking ladies; he turns on a stream of thein f'i'om the peg of a bass fiddle; he takes vases os gold fish out of his vest pocket ; he draw , a small ' cart -load of mammoth bogurets from his shirt -bosons. He walks down to the sl)eutators and requests them to rise their senses, and hien convinces -them that they ai'e of no use. - 14e defies reason and scrlH.iny alike, with his five fingers,. The disl)e lieving, respectable old gentlemen in the front seats are compelled •to tazCe his cards end money out of their pantaloon pool; e`ts, and the young hien who are busy explaining to their sweethearts how the tricks are all done, have their mouths stopped with kid gloves and handkerchiefs, which this nuc on) :anter pulls ncatly:•iruned from their bowels. Altogether, .Hermann is the Prince of - '( illusion, who baffles the scientific re 'seaarcli of the boxes and the diseerni 27C'llt of the'pl»losophieal gallery in his leer - son proper, withoi:f the vulgar realism and the old chap -trap of the Andersons and such like mecha.nichuic. • PIGS. des boar under 1 year old ---Daniel Woodriff; sow, having littered in 1'369 —1st W G Hingston, 2ndil D Knight, pair spring pigs ---R Dennison. GRAIN. Lest 2 Bush fall wheat (Treadwell). I'st T .. xiclerson, 2nd 1i Slilue; 2 bush prince wi eat -John Sheik; 2 bttsh bar - 'e,7 (2 rowed)= -A Forsyth 2 bosh. bars- ey (4 rowed)—J Sheik ; 2 bush black ets—lstJ McLauctilin, 2nd k 13road-, 'oot; 2 bush white oats --J Sheik. DAIRY PRODUCE. Best 25 . les. .salt butter San -;lernmon, 2nd pRobt Broadfoot, 3r friallser ., 5 lbs. salted butter for t tame—Robt. Leckie, 2nd Geo qt. -alder, EWA Broadfoot ; 5 lbs. unsalted ter.- T Gs'ea,ve 2nd Sa i n'tel Siemm 3rd Robt -Broadfoot ;-.10 lbs Ghees Refit Leckie, 2nd W Grieve. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Best wintar apples, not less than 1�,ist Broadfoot ;. fail apple's, n .1633 3 than five --Hugh Greave ; 2 doz iE.,i:iien era,us—J.fao W .Shell ;'colt i ori of aapples--Robt -Broadfoot ,•, hal seism yes -=-Therms Anderson half d vAde (urni:ps-=Conrad Bernath , .es Belgian carrots ---Duncan. MCL'aug ri,; 1, tuff doz A1'tei'ingham carrots --Ce Lt[' Bern atith ;' half doz blood 'eats i rather Q-ovenlock ; half cloz onions )bt, Broadfoot half doz parsnips Y McOralcken ; :Calf do -z ears of coni ,• half doz mai. gel W-,i'tze --Trio Thornton 4heads caboa4e-- : 2 heads cauliflower—Ronala i1-c3a€ughton; squash Conrad Be eeith ; half dozen large tomatoes, rip `t o quart kidney beans :)nBeTrnaith two: doz plums—Jn ` i o r .i ton ; tivo clusters _grapes - b , Ro- fuel d T able 3rd heti On, e-- I 1 ve 0 en` ec. sh, oz. tit h n- is d r- e 6 t U )oper r ; pair woolen socks --Mrs T ;s 1 n tersr-n ;; wo )lvn °mitts—Mrs J Thorn - =in ; lir°arta rug—Mrs Jno Leckie - )'.j il•,li •doz chairs, beadstead, 'dining 1-1;-- Charlos Al alley ; cooking stove Jr ,i hi=d -=--Q R Wilson collection of 'a eta;,phs :and---aint r'otvl-es -Samuel / 1l is tr' `_ flIPLE;K, N t' . ' 1 3v31i, .,Tr; -as:len axle waggon ---..James ', ei lricl , inti; °ling mill -31 !IoTaggart t `0, iron n, iltgli-G • Williamson n '; ),rias 1 R Wilson ;- air y set,J,;._ _ jr p h usou ; .1i uggy(t)e- 0:r'cat)-1 R 1v 1st,_' ; shod horse. J vVJson�; gra-in ri•': rile--`17rni a`3 :strive cutter an 1 "heat cultiva- -- J orison &a Williese -'S, recom- Ila F't�, 0 TO THE BEST. The British American ti!ND BRYAN, STRATTON & ODEL CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLLEGE. Now the largest, most extensive and com- plete BUSINESS SCE OOL in the country. rt has the largest staff of Teachers, the mo•t practical and befit adapted business forms, and the best arranged and most commodious apartments.. - ons It is under' the management of thorough business men, fully alive to all the require- rnents of all the business community. The advantages and facilities afforded in this institution are :unt€qualled in the coun- try, and no young man should enter a busi- ness c reer without fully availing himself of its benefits We were awarded the FIRST PIUIRE in BUSINESS WRITING at th late Provincial Exhibition at London. As this is the 'Sixth consecutive year that we have taken this prize; we feel confident that there can be but one opinion as -where to go to learn to write . For specimens of uniting, bank notes, cir- culars, & c. , address; ODELL--& TROT: T, Toron Toronto, October 8th, 1869. - 9G-4m�6-4m to. . TAMES ROSS desires to inform the pub- -i) lies that he has opened a New Livery Stable in connection with : his hotel, where parties 'can be accommodated with first-class horses and vehicles, ar reasonable prices, Seaforth, Oct. 15, 1869. 97-tf IF YOU WANT CHEAP PAINTS,0 - TLS,. TU.RPENTINE, t. RAINING COMBS, UTTY, COLORS, erzo., . Go .tr. ROLLS' FOR PURE o-- DRUGS; CHEMICALS, A1,11/ PATE N -T MEDICINE3. 14o to R OLLS% R. LUBELSKI, SURGEON OIiIR0. PODIST, respectfully informs the public of S'eaforth and surrounding country . that • he is prepar;.:1 to cure Corns, - Bunions, Chil- blains, Ina rowing Nails, Large Joints, and all diseases of the human foot.. Guarantees a successful treatment,without pain or sore_ -mess. Office directly opposite Griffith Davis's iDry Goods Store, Main Street. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. 534f BEA.IITiFUL ! SPLENDID ! ! is the verdict given by all who use Hunt's Empire • Hair Gloss. It makes dry, harsh, stiff hair soft glossy and beautiful. It cleanses` the scalp, removes , pimples, strengthens the glands, prevents the hair from falling, and will' cer- airily make it grow strong, luxuriant and I beautiful, and it is only 25 - cents per bottle Sold everywhere. 72 it'- RArJD TRUNK RAILWAY.. S217• 111nne7 ` lA-movements. Trains will leave the Seaforth Station, as follows:--. • GoING EAST. 14.511 A. ,.• 1 A.M. 4;10 P.M. .6' coring WEST: 2:21) p.m. - 3:0'8 P.M. b ; r P.M. Andrus rtIELODE AND o � Calaimet 'gars Y Are noted for their rnany,excellencies, over those of all other manufactur- ers, such as Quicknes8 of Articulation, ROUNDNESS, .PURITY • AND Volume of Tone ! ELASTICITY AND Evenness, of Touch Tn the construction of these instruments nothing but tJie best material' is used; and first-class workmen employed; and as the manufacturers have had over fifteen years of personal experience, they are able toproduce an instr;naent ECCND TO EINE IN THE Wa RD • Melodeons, from . . $,45 00 Cabinet Organs, from . 95' 00 Terms :Liberal. For further particulars„enquire of WM. to. LUATON, 'Expositor” Office, digertei, Seaforth. Seaforth, .Aug. 20th, 1869. 894f eote toSe )51510 r.cols issmi Mot ecio F L (.!,t THE SEAFORTH FALL SHOW 15 NOT TO BE COMPA aFD TO Seott Robertson's -OF FIRST CLASS• ' AND • vit ovisioNA OF THE FOLLO ,°TNG CONSISTINU OF Black & Gree Teas, IN -DS Refined and Raw Sugars, Rice,_ Whole Ground, Raisins; Currants,Figs, Spices, Pickles, Wines ttr, Brander: Guiness' and Bloods' Por -ter. owes and Molson's Ales. No. 1: Labrac'or Herrings, Round and Split, FINE TABLE CODFISH & HADDOCK'S. A FINE ,LOT 01' FACTORY CHEESE. aanadiav and Liverpool Salt in Barrrels c ; Bags & Bags C, BUY YOUR GROCERIES GOOD &. CHEAP, At TT TRACY : Scott a i-� ' 1 -El ' M. „ D. CORONER FOR ; ► � � ; the -County of Huron. € moil and I 1 RE i'`:vnF--One door East of the Methodist I; piscopal Church. Si aforth PLEAD advertisement of Comma �' Dec. 14, 1868: i'i al ., 53-iy .Culc;be > aaiioaher I MIAMOT Indian Concert By Genuine Native Indians, the most complete exhibition ever offered to the public. CRAND GORGEOUS, ANp DAZZLING' COSTUMES INDIAN N SCENIC PARAPHERNALIA • Exhibiting a 'lz'r3e of splendoalr .and daring Bever be fore sate rn )fc;d in any Hall Entertaiiiml nt. WILL EXHIBIT AT v .Y9 1 ge e! J SSE AI ORT i, on Wednesday, Oct. 20th. l 'TICKETS c 5 cents Chil lr n timi r 11?,. o cents, ��esc ted Seats, z.11 e i)ts, Door a CJpc�n at 7 o'clock p, im.-, 'Q=oncert COMMA /1.. e at 8:30, OJIIE {' Af EN A� :�lKA 3'Xiin mer. October 15th, 1869. 1:n 0111 - - GALLERY, W. P. PAGET, — .Artjsty THHE undersigned legs to inform the in-. habitants =)f Seaforth `�c afar. h aricl qrroatnding country, that he has taken the Gallery fel merly occupied by Air. G. Paltridge, A Fev, Dorms 2.i'ortli of Dr_ Smith's Office, and Opposite I e l's Store, Where he wil always be ready to ukase his patrons and give satisfaction to those who favor Nairn with a call. { • S AND CAL to see his speeirntn s, they speak for the _-stilt and will convince 3 ou flat he is First -Class. REMEMBER, The place is Opposite Veal's Grooti• ', Main' btreet, Seal rth. . WILLIAM P. PAC ET, Photo: Artist. Seaforth_ J alv 22, 1869. 8 3 Ern. FiRe JOHN T rpB ANS his numerous customers for their- liberal patronage during tLe last fifteen rears, and trusts he will ic;cri•ce its COD tin trance. lie has now on hand a large assortment of Good Sound Green Hemlock!' Which he warrants- will give satisfaction._ ALSO, 2003600 FEET OF MEI CI:T FOR BUILDING AND. GENERAL r E cEES Which he offers on liberal term Orders^ will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a large assortment of WELL SEAMED ACCOUNTS ! I. To which he calls tl- e attention of his -old customers, who will find it to their :advant- age to retire them promptly, and without legal proceedings. . Seaforth, July 1Sth, 1869.- • 84-#- Tew urocery Store In connection with the . SEAFORTII MILLS Flour ad Seed Store,� Opposite Sharp's- Hotel, T $E subscribers beg to announce to -the inhabitants of Seaiorth ,,nd surrounding country, that they have just received a larg stock of 4 res rt L Dceries, Which, for quality and Cheapness, eon - not be surpassed in the County.. They have also on hand a lot . of pure 1 Treadwell Seed Wheat. FARMERS may exchange wheat for Flour and;Feed at full value b therebyavoiding at.the mill, g the necessity of waiting to have it ground. W. A. Shea.rson Co. Seaforth, Sept. 16th: b2 -1.y.. Hr AM-GOLLIDAY & SON,,. .1 JNreturning th nks fr past favors, have the pleasure of awnouncing to the chants and business hien of Seaforththattbey are prepared to receive orders for all kinds of 1 Or - DRAY WORK,. Goods handled with care, and satisfae- tion guaran*eed. POOR COPY January 21st, 1869. 4Y :.rns; m Zan intelligetr ed qel on opl t risen - :that the eeed Orr reai.1X cel' ..peoi -St less viola they c' here l'v flim - Spain i.. make 111ia: but it places than Rated -t he s 'li. 1_, .publican from Sar with as, i.s' k1 Rep tr�riz;:: i ed by lii:3 p Ft name The Govt :seente the ati tee., rIl.irn tended to the Mr t E.x..i r c:si da, v last. between a ei =anti (, abaane. an`,org. use11 At- -there n e, the pr3=lai, whi'h 0;1:5:1 hies iiy (i asi Oii Mon:l;_ s %V01fl Iii i iia o se Burs iris .luestii)xia 1e A ed ric-aary Ill sen Friday sal Ort Stems' ass killed liim. Wil l:..a.r e- i L -diseovca• 1 t comprising grain, i.esi(h, const,iai;.l, on=gra on the be wee; <� the work sof The . :311i,.i' Lo'i(l,)ir own' ke1', -was from to I sairkfd f}i. �1'lir :igrr Bra:i•-b, So "ed v ;t )te rte H F The lel)c) day et the II able: turtle, 4 " va l Vit, R . 'of taSit.� illa,i,., ;•,iii 1'ii': T :ee Thu put veere. :er-s *r , .good sl-ic a 1' l.• tl ' ee) 1 i L ( r. Pro iai.il a.li then) tt3.i>1 a U:3ia i ae Eho , ti). )i) Zv i>r f yyr��1�yy y j4 � 'iC7 .i'46.:43' ✓ artisesee 1 tot: : 3