HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-10-15, Page 3{^— lumber, \villa a one remove from Wi t the United ty to extend aad merehandhee, In this point rly right, seeing use and annoyance custom -houses and thist be 'kept up s is left out of re - 41, on_ account of e11U1Ot aceet!e to - thereby aditsi ether t n re line, th avin le 0 si of experitte, w-aela be jutst, ea much tie greater. tacit 'of e high contracting part!es couldLflgear. tee, the other aktiost raids frora tit tierdere, and agree to indemnify ail arties injured ley any snub raid, th led expedition elita\Lri411 eecitpe the °a* Ranee of the govertune 't who% rritory it neas. gathered.-- foul -cal tt. The Clouitty Shows. free, -ahilst To the Editor of The Expouitor. SIR " h —The twin aowstoffhe Britieli num"- - " ,,trits of f.,11,41 , (If fin.t.cm, hCount ave eeetaiely hIeell --4 h'''•" -eat 3' t er auecees — the stock exhibit - 1 - !tt .- tn,..n. ,arl. I • • - ed winz ili __ states., It :equal, if not superior, to Some onh" - • 6 ithiu.wouid never claa mownat see. tirn e rovnuard 6heet . t t 11 1 Itzu,li.n ztoe2itinst iathly held in London—the 1- fray a point emne Cana - iii erdce . tilt our y the eie it cprite cer- p ay ou the grounde being a cennmeing Proof of the rapid progress the .County of Rae. on is inakiug in intelligence and wealth, and there is. no doubt hut that the great tmerovernent in the tiath of stock Nig- ing4ia in a great meiteure due t 1.1 not be so ambition created hv the AgricuIthed 1 the arta. Shoes, and should the County ee Btaah v t eir,assent ou con thole to notke the the same vela: tele If Canada s ridesiube Patie3 of improvemeut fur -ontlition of corn- tr th' future as 143s 1"11- dOne fo-r the last ,er -ohoptien net. f etv yertrse it will be Huron's: •dasainv, e`tt teriff should ; and that at no dihtant day, to be rintked mhhhatat_ as pee of the tiret class counties d41c itroirehle loae. Sup. a Brit ieh mann, •1 reunion. The rireetors of the ,South Riding Agieuitural Society of 1.-fueenh are eleettel broadcast over the Ridina per cent, and in order chat full juetice May, be • ea -ten the -reduce done as fee ae poseible, to -11 perts' of lawn ta ao per the Riding there show is conducted aa noiens, pile moveable princh le, laat, year it tan //ed ht, the I mg etel-d in Eec ter, the present year it hlhetatealTas a a • held in the ehow grounds belone- ,E the Canadiap tr to the Tuekersmith Branch, at Sea, •5 per -cent, ,rth. The sale of tiekete at the ettte aft, woeld OPh for enterance to the show ground reit- aah hat _that i1 ed $372-, -which slim is handed over taia alien. to the treasurer of the SocietY, and • la, ftmom forme part of the funds of the So. ietv. Amert,a, The Ditectors of the North Riding Ate ,, she would 1 ri ethane' Society- of the Canhty of h alieged that Huron are ehated by the pea} le in and itutt a Fold- art,und Clinton, and in consequence the t tea - tait North Riding Show is i 1 inirillally held , ...1 The there, 011 a pi 4 of ground containing irites, froth' Bri- • resene- high about seven eteee, the private property of a hue upit-Flit/a: muipany, nuMbering over rely sitztrE7.1(thit WhO have for cogen1 that the last two years i`faliied far tickets tito pewer of seld for entertnee to the show ground, the heretsoree sum of $800 from the exhihintra of the North Riding, and sshih will in a great measure account foe the action teken at the heat general .hat woele tneeting of the Nara] Ridiug Agrictiltu- the lines. ied Society of the County of Huron, :tads of a ;then the Reeve o•f Clinton appointed Ithy- preclamation that day as a puhlie her tariff. orinto the ohlieittioue A 1.-Nros. 10 beirninion of holiday, and the consequeTee was the erinscnt of the shops w ere,- clo.sed wed the buei- a abolish, 'It b' for the day suspended, which the inttrcoarse the gr -eat majoriuy of the (lin-• -ad t‘' estabil--41z tonites took adventaee of ov mereinag them, ae if - • lint4 ha -obeli of10 process -ton witn oaniiers trying LO and fislitrioa) Londesborough, for the very laudable purpose of ot Wet ing the itcrriMP-Mai- ,-re4ce at came- lets 'of the North 11i"diag .11-11t it is tor mama` teturcd T- t.t,Inttrics than taglietu t anti:rats of the N ate orth Riding -e fro.) t4 make to say how tong they will allow this pi- a, s tit, but in 1 (twteitacompaary to control there agricuhe 'ditties without taiiateeests„ tit conclusion 14r the natal1 Inetor, it seems to be a matter of dis- 'euttricted, anti pute whether or not tue twin :',hews -Statea' excise will be of any utility to the county, as every n-flective mind must see thatthev and ere elle ',„etate with a very few e-; la ties, keeTtifv, „flu' the wh„fe ceptions, and the consequences reetilt- tea- to pollute,- ing froai the two Snows Leconte rtther nr'es;nclif ittiariums than. *beneficial to the agri- [more than Its it shall pay tilt -nein es- •ea,olleha e. _w s hefure, rather than after the t ken ee it ? Catinty Show'? and there they iaeed only tstke there- prize stock to the County ahowe as at pres,9at, (the one in several inetances eversiue- the detisions ef tee other). Let the Worth aud South unite iireere funds and hove one errand County anti i!zihot.• couditeted on the moveable hrin- o, t Ity th e am algama tio lel of . rthe Funds the prize list could . be t,h g rettiy- ex ten 1ed, (4aSSeS a frev0- iu ed und theresult would be a e aver 1avitter Oise/dilution of prizes w wauda would give more geue,ral satisfaction. ;4; cultur4 tat...Reale'. of he county. Weald t uot be better if it could be so ah-reng- ed that the Branch Soetetvs iiId there weld. he ad Tle tut dangr-r e tueetiens ,to pav lf, it Yours. wreild )MASTrIAle:MICHAEL. Taullett. Oetober 8th 1869. tti fr(q-u 0P0 -un Js imte;rteti ,tl'1 - 1,)4S. t' ir1 sta.!. at- of fair tkL: it Wutt•ti k Neteh 1.7 Tr thee ra !eke., t! f tle• al:t".i(d, • itimgm and all other r &les and pains leave the 1} ),Iy, on application of Jacobs' Rhein°. itic qui (1. We will warrant it to 1;urns, l'rost Rites, Chilbla.ns, Sore f`broat 1 anit! Rack or Side, Sprains, (te- 4..L.tte. *f t1t' •yreei it 11 as effected. are 11,11nost for i f_ Many have -ktil it from impendingd ath, ana re -- fl to Fie aLd health. No family` is at t. dee whieert it ; trandreas of valnelAte lir. 'and rliall..ands doliars may be savea dliiir*'111Y it usu.' As a prevEnti-;5 of husL.F• ere te wet -tint- ever hcfare 't io!rt, with We authorise L: eur,:.:.1.ziO.act:en. tt0es i'sb./A th z000ey, if it J FOSS &Co - .I1('!: e-. , Iineteerete (*IP- et lyv itsing PT. COrny'S An- t. -4- - k -A ? ,•.. corn. c-... tat! ..1N, f.r, r. * t 1 t .1' .ti v'k. '41A T'Itit' rills 1117,5 re,..-iii.late :( ece...i it - • , ..1 1, ' } 1 1- - , 1,..„.r ilie L ow- „ . . . . 11f 1 .. /, : ,11 ,0 '1 -tloz s:c"», -- 4 ; vr h y -f=rn: eeare i'pl, e ! , ,... ,s •• si , ...: et, --e 111.,/..-,T.,,:nr$ in ft. , • , •- -.* - C ,.:.:..t ,. . ii ,....„, „..1,,E, tlft,_ c. f t1,0 rolit of ..! 1 .f . ” if ,,Z P ! 1 ' .''',J: 1""tt. 7. f t 113 . anti :4 tril:e at the 1 ' ,,- ... . , cl, 'At. I SY 1 : I, • ,r, r ' ad` . 4 :r -x-tr:taramary 1..1.27:; _ :..-.,.. 7 . .4 .. .t.,, , 4. • ' : Ly...... sAt: alt..,r. fly DISTIV.GT. 1ER& NI, Grieves will please:accipt the Editor's thanks for the haridsoine present pf prize applee. Tii Winghitin pieze list came to hand too late for this- issue; it will ap- -pear next week. • Our special correepondente Will please teeth ye our obligations for theie eitir s furnishipg us with such careftilly prepared reports of the agricultural shoe'. • WE would call the attention of our readers to the advertieement of the fn - than enh..ratinteent, in deathee column. htee programme promises to be oLle well worthy Of a good atteedrince. • FROM CXperiell e, we th111. c.ertify to the effieacy of 1 ubelaki's Hair Tonic. Its mei its We le lieve; -are -well known • thie Conn ey, and it ie for saie at all the •arineioll th-tig Stores. AV" .E C. at J t • • friend „ • A reilibeld 11e1)ouga4 1 is leaving Out village for Palely. Mr. McDouge km has many ,sineere frienns nSeaforth, who: wisii him every success in his new home: Jg vieof his' early deperture :from Seale' tin &mealier of the frieuds of Dr. Metherell entettetiued him at a so del supperat harh'e Hated on MOriday. .eve ui-1114. Thee vetting . was •pleasantly sd.ent.ia the usual way. . - MR. Jitmes Laidlaw has opened that neat store ite the hew Post ()fn Block as e greetery •Hen,lots purehased "a most chei--e stock of freelt good, and the wet -thy stylP in widish he haS things arrayed, coupled with his personal po- ', pahiritv will, WO.am sure, secure him a good-custoni. Soo":`rill'.)11"Xt 'Week. t. • Ditowaatt --- e • 't egret: learm. of pithal ease of drownieg, whieh took plitee• ie MoKil lop (10 Monday leet. A thie mid sprightly (drill, a year old, of re G N. erd ff:11, i„tr.) a, well near the_house, and thongh itwas not dead when, adten out of .-wa ..he ter, it whs OS past rec-oery and - expired in a few minutes therenfter. rw Skayokrill riCi?(),SiirOn. THE ROVE AND CA*LEFAIR.---1114 fair, the firet of a seriestto he held in this Village, took- plaee yesterclate The number of animals of all classes en the ground must have been 250 or 300. and we noticed amongst the cattle some thitaspecimens of fat oxen, cows and steers. The horses were not nnf perous, but good Some sheep were also op tne- ground. At the time o'' Or visit the buyers had not commenced operations, and we heard of only one or t we tr-an.sactions; the prices, however, were god. We'have no doubt that a large number. if not all of the stock on the gre0d will have changed hands before the close ef thee fair. - We a ere. surprised to see silich a large tarn oill or oek it 8.1 sbwit a, noti e as had beet given, and doubt not that if" when the net fair is to he held here,' there is more eatended notice ralloa edWe shell see event a larger mun 'teat. than tl:ere wits yesterday. • The presence of about 100 farmers and others made eho scene . a busy one—A ela Pra. - ss A SAD CASE o -F 1)..,k),Y.Ni ...\ Gr . —On Fri- day last, about noon, Mr. Armstrong, et Inunfrieis, arriyed in town, with his Wife and child, 'p (a fine boy about 18 Mouths Olcl) on a vieit to his brother who is a painjenaler. That afternobe Miest Armstrong,. while Washing 4 few pieces of • clothing, sat the child on theplaeform of WI old Well. Ileareet . . a Splaeh a few moments . afterwards, she saw to her horror that the poor little fellow had falleu through a ,,hole cut for a 'stint p into the. well, which was only about, 8 feet'from top to bot- tom, and Centained Less than 2 feet of .water, the meji beiugt all -away, the. two wonien f 'mild ie impossible to tear up the tt-ilatform. •A neighbour_ was summoned, hut when he had got up the boarde, he ha.c.1 not common sense eu- ough to rescue the little creature, al- though the means were at huhd. At lest- he did -go clOwn, bat too late, for the, child Was beyond hej e ere medical aid cost ld ee called in. The',urelancholy eirtutustalice called out hetet-felt sym- pathy for :the distracted patente.— Sigma/. • • • Seautus Aouineera—On Saturday last six boys (aged 13 to .15 years each) beiug the two young Reynold's, two m swis-of AT the eeting dt- the InMr, Treiber's, one of iVir. e.rgu- rectors of • - e ziotith 'Huron Atgrioultural Society,: ltreeeer8 Sproat, Hotalerrioe and - N‘ ere- a ppoin ted Judges enf root • crops aud they propose. commeac'dg :9,1ft:rations nW ext ednesday. The funds - Of the zith.dety, 'wire asnertainecl to be. &- low it is doubted whether tberi .will be a Matta -114V, Match thie Fall: son, 8) and one of iv Carcy's, left towu with a horse and light waggon he get eutteruats near Manchester, 12 miles distant. On' their return, while com lug down Cousin's Hillin high glee, the horse . became uninanageaule and ran. away. The animal dashed against fen:Ce near the bottom, throwing, all the boys oak, shine of -thein fell out he-- hind, bat three, sitting in front . were t brown - tor ward. The eldest . of the .13.eynk---iiri's had a , wrist epeaiued badiy, the youngest, Trainer WAS SCraLChal • SuMeWilat, While Jas llraiuer was so seriouSly hurt that be ay as if dead for two hotire. His jaw aud the side of his head were badly ceushed, his tongue was cut through, and several severe bruises • inflicted no his body. lie was removed to theh011EC of Mr. Wm. Watt, (lobe by; and a young (11411 gsnloped itite town fcr the r paeets id a Doctor. Very- early in • the e r., and Mi.s. Teainer; 1)r. and Mr. Giobone weTe on the spot, all that skill and •affection could (10 to alleviate the lacl's sufferings waS resorted to, it Was feared without oyail; but he radlied sufficiently to be conveyed to town nex-A morning...There. are strong hopes in? w of his; ultimate. -ecovery. - Noehingt could have surpass- ed the kindness g1ibv9i by Mr. l'h,te and hi el good-hearted- neighbours to wards the Stlfreilng boys. This should prove a salutary warhing to lacla who undertake the inauagement of fractious 120!"SeS.—Sig - Martheadna---In the ueual column, wethis week puelieh the marriKge of onr citizen; james H. Ben- - son, Eelhe ., to taccomplisned Miss Mai Magaret Gouinioek. MT1811 r. Se0'S nru-iyolu friends will be none the less nomerotas end 'earnest in bis neW eisie state, and he has ,their waetnest contratulations on the eVellit The uuitersal h hit pe is, tiv tite lives. of the happy couple may be long and tirosperj • eus, and cloud never shadow their petit way. CAaELLsi DitivING.—On Wednesday last, 14tdi un,t , Isaiah Hall, of the toa ship of Grey, wai.s charged by Mr. W. N. • Watson • hmore D. L. Siliti; Esq,, Witu damaging his bugty by .pegteeting to - give one half of the road. when passing, -an • after a patient hearing, the case be- ing chair!), proven, tne Justice imposed a fine of one dooar and ,30 47 costs and damages We trust that thie de- cisiou will 'move a warning to otners, whee e:r.vieg on the peblic., highway net to "disi egard 1 he la w. * • 5rit oveii neat:— understand that the leretheren of Goderich and the vicinity, intend holding a gland Orand - Soiree on the approachin4 5th of No eat in Crabli's Elan, and with a view of utakingeit a success have secur- ed the services of the Iro. nJ U. Caro- etaia, Eeq.„ M. P. and Grand Master of • t3titis1i Nerth Anierica, also of the E., Provineiel (-i inRaster of Westera Canada. Every effort is be- ing put.: forth by the committee to Mahe ite tatiair worthy the pateoneae of the pu'ilic. Arrangements Are be - to -,de for the purpose 'fcarrVing arties oe.T v.r the G. . R., at a reline - ed ra tee riekets for soiree, 50ets. The a 133 Ili. Baud will be preseht. • - Gran.d. Bezaar. The laigest bazaar ever got nja in this. - part of the countryl_will be held in Sea 1)1, et Mr. :Ryan's new store; on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd- insts. Alaige 'lumber of tieeful and feney articles, sad_ its chairs, ottomaes, oil paintings, _pieturtee: bouks,": toys, cushions; wen's, .woreen'e' auct children's clothing,- thee nto he disposed of by raffle and private - sale The proceeds to be applied to the new Q ttliolic Church now buildingin 122erifortha Doors Open e eery afternoon •and eveuinge A band 0.7. mosic Will he ill attendance. The zeal' ma. eifeated by the ladieein getting, up ,this enterprise, 'tide been most assiduous, and w e ex - The .Band Protest. At the meeting of the Directors of the. South Huron Agricultural Society, uhe °following is their action in thie inatter, which we publish by reetrest : ." In disposing Of the protest of the Egmonciville Bend, it was moved, by W. I3eil, secoeded by James. elirtel That the third objection of the said pretest, viz., "Teat the deeiziOL1 of the Judge was unfair," is unworthy of notice. 2adthat the objection " That only one Judge atted,"" we refer tin members of the said Egwondyille Band, to chaise 6, in the advertised "Rules, of the Banos," which says, "The decision of the Judge or Judges shfi all be nal." And lashly, That we, do. acknowledge _that therhh.ihtsorne for .e in the objection set forth, in the first of the said objec- tion.. of said protest, 'That the Clinton Band did not enter in time;" but while admittinge this, we wasider that the in- ferences drawn from sale objection by the Egmoiadville Band, completely de - St;( oys and neutralises any benefit which, said objeetion might aave efface:led them: The Egarondville- Band hpeohle tay, That if they had been aware of corn- ptition, they couldhave seenred 'the serv,ces of (ere of their beet playees, wao was absent, and that they would - have practiced more earnestly if they peet that thou effoets will be handsome- * had been tt-PLire of competition." We ly rewarded by a liecral patroirage. . think this shelties for iteelf, • and that, cotereent is unnecessary. It is very evident, that the EgtnonclYille Band people, thinking there evonld be no competition, did not intend to furnish the Soeiety with the best music they coold afferd, for the generous prize of $20 offerei. , And, mereover, as the great'tobaect of offering a prize at all, was t seetire music on the day of the Show; and seeing, previoue to the day Of the Show, that there was to be no competition ; and that the EgmondvilJe Band, taking advantage of this, were • comparatively lying idle. A special in- vitetion was sent to the Clinton Bane three days previous to the Show day, to come On and play. They came, play ed, were awarded the prize—we think justly and righteously.. We conclude that the Egniondville Band has no goad cauee of complaint, and "therefore dis msss it ;e- Carried." UEBORNE.. From ovr Special Correspondont. San ACCIDENT.—We leern that one day hat week Itir.*W. j. Gracey hi -tying borrowed a sickle, began to cut his crop of Bubk wheat, a piece containiug we woeid not say as nuich as two SqUar( tods. Ile got on very well -till lielad cut nearly a sheaf, but theti, haying tak- en • a very laage handful, and oeiiig rather awkward with that 'thole, the sickle slipped° off the grain, and coming in contact with the finger of the left „hand, it made an incision in it be tween the tirst aud second joints, quite thro gh theepiderinie causing the blood. immediately- to follow the wound. Buie With an intrepidity, we aright almost gay with a, tenerity one wonld not ex- pect from his appearance, Mr. G. went on with his' work. He had not how- ever reaped another sheaf till the crook- ed instrument was again in rather close proximity with his left band ; thie time cleaving the nail and piercing through the crittcle of the net finger. ,M.te made another atternpt to finish his woek, but his Courage failing he was desist We are happy however to loam that he is •h-ec,overiug rapidly And was al& to resume his em- ployment on Monday without beabg much inconeenieuced by` this sad dis- L6tAeI.N.NIVERSARY.—The anniversary ser- vices of the Union Sunday School, Elm :were held at elaat place on .Sun - 'day, the 10th iust. 'Sertnoes -were preached - by Rev. Mr. Cocknion, W. l\f„ and Rev. Mr. Turner, Baptist Min- . isthr. On Mondayafternoon' thei-e waS it pleasant Tea-Meetiug in. conneetion with the S. S., in order to raise funds to carry it on. Speeches were deliver, ed in the. afternoon hy Rev. Mew's. Keys, Turner, Cookman and others, and • on in examination of the Bible Class the pupils acquitted themselves , very creditably. T.he bill announced that Rev.e. Mr. relwards, W. M.-, Exeter, weuld deliver -a lecture in the eveeing, after the tea" ; but • he: being -unable to. fulfil his appointment, Mr. Turner preached a very eloquent aud effective Sermon from the text "Never Irvin smite like this man," • which WaA, we think, a very good substitute for the expected lectiere, though M. Ed- wards does seem to be lather a favorite. speaker in this section- The proceedi of the soiree amounted to somewhat more than $50. A collection taken un after Mr. Turners sermon and the pr-O- ceeds of a " Social" held on •Wadnes- day evening to consume the fragments that siothing might be lost, have con- siderably swelled this amount, so that for another year those engaged in the S. S.. can go on with their work re- . joicing. HOWIC1K- _From our Special Correspondent. • The Annual Fall Show lield.ou the lith inst., is said to exeeed • anything of the kind ever held he, e, both as re- -gards quantity and quality. - A young man was very severely in- jured, in Wroxeter, a•few days ago at the • shdw, byone of the arms of the California Swine striking him on the bead and shoulders. • Mr. R. Donglas has bought the old Ashery in Gorrie, and has already got the building down. and a cellar dug pre- parstory to putting up a house. T le members ofth-e- M. N. Church Gorrie, are about erecting a shed, above which they ihteud,haviug a, Hall,to be ueed foe the Sabbath School, Tea Meet- ings, Lectures' thc. The B. A. •O. of G. T. Lodge. intend assisting in the getting up of the- Hall for whieh they wl have the free use of ib as ,long as they wish. The Pie-Nic 10 G-orrie on Tuesday last, under the auspices of the I. 0. of G. T. Lodge was quite a success Their being aboutY two hundred present, whieh coneidering the state of the weather and roads was very well. The Rev. A. Re'., Bro-wn, and Rev W: Tindall were the sneakers who did their ETHEL. r, Vo the Editor oithe. Expositor. Sir—Not havieg as yet, seeu Any ecrrespondence from this part of the Dominion, in the ecln mos of the Jx posor it, and believing that we are en- titled to a little occasional recognition) send you this biief communication • ;The Sabbath 'School whieh has been lately orgiteised in this place, and con- ducted under the superintendenceoi Mr. Jacob Keeffer, heICI piceie on the eta inst. in the Grove, a short distance east of .the Village. And, although -thP weather -looked rather like rein in the morning, yet about ten o'cloek it clear ed off, -turd became fine, but a little cold. At 1030 the. children assenal led in the sehool-heuse, and were addressed by tin Superinteudent, on toe good resulting 'rom Sabbath &hoot education. •Ane •iliortly, after twelve o'clock, they were marched in procession to the grounds) where they sat down to a repast. Most efficiently and tastefully ptepared foi them by the ladies; and the elegance and abundance of these preparazione, reflect the highest credit .on the taste and liber- ality of the ladies who thole part • Nor was -the tea wanting tthe good things ,tuder which the table groaned. There was a large attendance of parents oil the eronnds, and the whole n umber that partook of dinner must have been over three bemired. After dinner, several of the school children entertained the company with some dialogues and reci halm s --the proceedipas 1 eing inteie eeereed with some *tee music by the hildren, in. a gredit dile- manner, both to themselves and their teacher, Mr. Wm. Spence, whose musical instructieljs they had Creeil :under for a shalt time before the occasion. The Rev. Mr. Ha- zett,:. of Aiuleyville; briefly • addressed the childet In When, after the national itethem being sung, a, number of athle- tic sports were got up, such as jumping pitchieg quoits, etc. • This elided the entertaiumene of the dey a -and ad who were pre,'...ent seemed to have enjoyed e •Very pleaeant Mae' ho &withstanding the cclinees of the elate - South tet..t • LeatONV. , For several reasous, the prize list of this show, ass puelisheti by all the Chrunty pa -pert, colitaihed numerous er- rors; and ia consequence, both the tli- reutord and newspapers have come, in for; uumeas_ured ceneu,--e from twee pat - •ties. - Now, it so happens, that though b tli of t: o e ire responsible in a de- gree for the discrepauciee, far the great- er -fault lies With the exhibitors themlves 1i fact,. the only errors of any iio p or tance, whatever, came about by the careleeaneas Of exhibitors iu attach, nig their entry tickets, in some cases not doing so at all, and lir others actu ally puttiug them on other people's ar- tittles. -The newspaper errors were, we believe, -not more than the average in eueli al ticli s, most y in the spelling of names, while out a very iew were com- mitted by the directors; and those were occasioned by the culpable net of exhieitors, eiu not na.lking their en- tries till the last minute of the prescrie- bed time. • The following alterations and correc- ions of the list as published last week, will, we believe, m tke it as nearly cor- rect as noesiole.—Yokee of Oaci4o-1st Jae. McLean, 2nd. Oaa-zochau, 3rd j. Dicks tin• Pah- of fatted Ewes or weth- ers—lst ' Dinney, 2nd J. Cowan. Two year old geldieg— 211d J. McMi- chael. Pei r ntams-2nd J. McDow- ell. • Pair Pea Fowls—J. McDowelh Wooden texletree Weggon-1st Runi tell} tir. Leslie, .2nd Rudd- & Felten. Globe Mangles—lst R. Maiming, 2nd A. Bi.oadfoot. Five Ism I3utter witli out ealt—lst Peter Ramsey, 2nd -.Nils. R. McLeap. Ten yards Doine.stie Cloth —1st Rehecca Lawrence, 2nd R. Spar - ling, 3rd J. Cameron. Paper Flo -vers —Susan Paine. Essay en Turnip Cul. ture—James Dickson's Prize—Hugh Love. The (ECUMENICAL COUNCIL lately called. at Rome, is an in..,tance of the solicitude of the -Catholic Church for the welfare and - prosperity Of her Communicants. Large as- semblies of this nature containing represen- tatives from all plats of the world, should be of some benefit to our ra3e. We hope this opinion will be as harmonious and unani- mous as the verdict in favor of the Great Shoshonees Remedy, for disease of the lungs,. brood, stomach, liver, etc. For &delay ail, druggists.-• 97-4M THE MONTREAL TEA. COMPANY.—It af fords as :pleasure to again direct the atten- tien of our readers to the gdvert4emeixt of the above well-known Company. The -Com- pany has •been established over two years2 and the very- high position they have attain - d in the estimation of the public as Tea lerchants, frnishes umnistakeable evideriee the necessity of such institutions as the ontreal Tea Oonapany. We are satisfied Mt the great inducements held out by them sending twenty or twenty-five lbs. of tea any Railway Station --carriage paid—can ot fait to bring them such orders as they. ally deserve. Any f our friends sending ‘ders may thoroughly 'depend upon receiving -ery- satisfaction, and they will get their as far below the ufual prices. of in te re duty well.—The choir though few in te number were strong iti music, and per- formed their part creditaltly and ap- - parently to the entire satiefaction tof the audience. • Saccess to "Life Boat" Temple and, all -kindred Lodges. aud gen iza tions. • Apprentice Wanted. TXTANTED, a good active boy to learn V the -lat. tsmithing. .Apply to 2treNAUGAT & TLE. Seaforth Oct 1;th. •41.. 4 BIRTHS. :RANT -..At Ainleyville, ou tie Ilth the wife of Wra. Grant, Postmaster, of daughter. MARRIED. Bensoit—Gortiereoctte-At the residince of Dr. Coleman, Seaforth, stepfather of the bride', on Saturday Oct 9th, by the Itcv. C 0 joluistone James H Benson, Esq, of Seaforth, to thar aret, eldest daughter of the late George Guiiiloei, Esq, J, P. BRIN.E'S SALE REGISTER,. Farm Stock—John Walsh, tMcKillop, on 23rd October. - Farm Stock—John O'Connell McKillop, Oct. 18th. Parm Stock—Isaac- Johnston, Millet, • Oct 29th•• • - TT -1E NrAtans. SEAPOI-1TH, Wheat, (Pall) ig bushel. .Wheat (Spring) Di bushel, Barley -le bushel, Oats 139 bushel, Peas tt bushel, Potatoes 0 bushel, Hay 111` ton, Eggs tY dozen, • Butter, III lb. Oct. 15, 1869. 0:65 to 0:85 0:75 to 0:90 0;50 to 0:60 0:25 to 0:27 • 0:55 to 0:58 030 to•0;35 • 9:00 to 0:6,0 0:12 to C2 0:i8 to (.:20 • CLINTON, Sept, 13. 1869. (Hew Era, Report. )' Fall Wheat, new, •0:60 Spring. do 480 Oats, •0:25 Barlett,: 0:55 Peas, Flour, Butter, Potatoes, Eggs, Hay per ton, 0:55 • 4:505 0:20 0:30 01.10 7:00 to to to to to 0:€2 0:88 0:00 0:60 0:60 to 5:00 to 0,20 to .9:50 to 0:12 to , 8:00 GODERICH, Oct, 12; 1809. ( rSnat Pepcort. ) Fall Wheat, •; Spring Wheat, Oats, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Hay, per -ton, 0:75 0:25 0:40 0-18 0:12 8 -00 to OM to 0:82 to 0:25 to 0:00 to 0:18 to 0:00 to 10:00 TORONTO, OCt, 14, 1869. (.73y Telegraph.) Wheat (Fall) tit bushel, 085 to 1:95 do (Spring) 44' bushel, 0:80 to0 :85 Oats tp bushel,• • 03) to 0:Z-0 Barley 1it bushel, 0:60 to • 0:79 Pea bushel, 0;73 to 0;73 , STRAYED. CmE into the premises of the subscriper, y•.Lot 14, Om 6, Mori* on or about the 2,;th of September last, a Cow. The owner can have the same by proving property and • paying charges, , • JOHN lkfoCALLAM. Morris, October 13th. • 97-3in. Notice of Dismissal. VjE hereby certify that an information prderred by Alexander Papple aan ary 1 pple and Ann 'Math., 0,e charged with pet., eay, was ibis day coi.b.utzed by us, - two of lier Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Huron, and WS by us:dismissed with costs, G., McCAUGHEY, DANIEL L. SILLS. Dated at Seafarth, this 17th july, 1869, - - COW STRAYED. STRAYED from the premises of the sub- scriber, Seaforth, about the 7th inst., a• three year old Red Cow,with horns rather s raight On 'One of front legs just below bh.ekuee, there is a mark like -a splint. The end of the tail is a little lighter than the, body. Any person giving such information. as will leat to her recoyery will be suitably rewarded: A. CARDs NO; Seaforth, Oct. 14th. - insolvent Act of 1869.., In the matter of James kowaq, senior, of the Townk hip of licKillop, in the - County cf Huron, an Insolvent. • . The untlersilgned has been•appointed As • signee in theabevr ma terand r quires claixne, to be fy.:ed tw m n f nal thi d Dated at uod.tricp. 7i it Ue oiier 1869. • JonthriNeialliAALB.r.A.e.e,, .. 97-2 County of Huron, LOST: A THREE YFAR OLD STEE14 I -X. red co or, Niith white -streak 'along the baek, aud white star on the face. ,Any per- son giving such information !as will lead to his recovery, will be suitably rewarded by War. GARDNER. Lot 21, Uon. 14, McKillop. Oetober 13th, 1869: • STRAYED. ROM the premises of the subscriber, Lot No, 13, Con. 2, li 11 St, a yearling Steer and Heifer, also from Lot 2, Con. 12; Tuckersraith, li ILS., three Ileifeis tvi years old. Any pereeh giving such inferma- - titan as may lead to the recovery of said eat- . tie will be suitably rev. arded, and any per- son detaining them after this notice will be prosk.ente(1 as the riw directs. PETLR ItAMSAY. Tuckersmith, October 13th. 972ia • HOUSE ANWICT FOR A Et. E110R SALE, that desirably situated pro- - .11 perty on North Main -street, inStafortli, occupied by Mrs. Dunn, '1' elms easy. Ir'raoiri tpi ;asi-tiiteri;1.ars apply at fa: tairlae'e Photo- gkta,forili, Oct. little ISO., 4