HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-24, Page 10' olinerteere int camp. with the cCapc The f _..___ ose.' he volume m, seti>ified with their officers, ti. eir iaturd y last at 3 le , five coin- ons and the mans of enjoyment ' optn of the 33rd Battalion of Volun- tis, to them, and appear on the whole. to sothbled, on the Court be. a ' Suis " e PPY family.' Very little dicot- , tinder the command of der of any description has occurred and $�� Col. o,s,. P1eparotar to the a(�. y veryfew indeed., considering the num- Mittal on encamping on the flats ber assembled have � +'Itla d for the annual eight ht � had to be provided. ay $dri7 Mai ' g with lodgings in the guard -room. Our ,For several days previous,two companies deserve special d been threatening appearances dation for 1 colnmen- ri t the heir quiet, orderly, Queen's m n enjoyed Y,d most ee J y gentlemanly behaviour. T}1e hand, t e sky' vas under the able leadership of Mr. Peel - urned out in ham, plays on parade at the officers' e square, foe a mss at 8tn, seated a p. We do not ;bink of r townsmen could spend one of these beau- tiful moonlight evenings n ore pleasant.pleasant- ly than by walking down, at"least as far as the bridge, and listening t� tl,e exquisite music of our land or some j. - vial song strolled out by strenorirn voices. We feel it a duty and a pleasui e to say that .the conduct of the Volun- teers is as orderly in town as in cam; . We are only sorry that we will soon. miss. the pleasant variety they add to our streets, as they are to be dismissed on tho 18th inst. We hope that, till then,�they will spend a happy time, and return to their homes better able, as we know they will be, to protect when necessary the country we. all love.- Signal. TSE SEAFORTFI EXPOSITOR. provi left w Cher our townsmen 'tiers, and tale, has not pre more one. Appopris,te spirit was into thegathering by the inarti- of the }land, which never di -- more stirring music. At this an accident occurred, which might e proven fatal. Our respected wnstnan, A d j l-. Cooke prepared ` to ount the lively -charger, intended for nim by Mr. Polley, and had his left 't in the stirrup. The animal, being °ccustoneed to a steel scabbard on its plunged away from the boy that 'olding it, threw the Adjutant to 'ound and dragged him along sev- ds before he could extricate his Every one admired his cool cour- - yarding off from his head with. :-..the kicks the horse aimed at e hearts of the spectators stood the relief was intense when ,te rose and smilingly assured raid him that he was unhurt. seen affairs, of a mush less seri .aplexion, terminate much more :,sly, and are heartily -thankful that Volunteers have not been deprived van temporarily of the -services of this sbie officer. Atter s'.rne preLiminary nanaenvres, the assembled cow pxiries, gaily headed ny the Band, marched to the Raillway depot to meet the three mpanes, from Clinton, Sea,forthand L - ,Exeter, which arrived on the cars at 4 }p• ,m. --Thence they marched to the , where they were joined by . the 'Gore company, making up the full xeli+rletement of the Battalion, as fo l- wa` Lieut. Col. Ross, 'Commanding. Major Coleman. Major Connor. 'Adjutant Cook. Paymaster Seymour. Quat terrnaster Jordon. ° Paymaster Sera. Mclntosh. Quartermaster Serg. Mci'herson. -• Orderly -boom clerk Serg- Stewart. cox reAN I ES. €- x1e.-ieh Artillery ' Capt. Thompson. `? ' "Rifles, Capt. _ 11ZcMicking 3. Seaforth, Capt, T. P. Bull. 4. Clinton, (.apt. -Murray. 5. I3.1yfhld, Capt. Jackson. 6. Exeter, Lieut. Howard acting Capt. 7. Gor tie, Capt. Keine. -8. Dungannon, (;apt. Mallouugh. Total officers, 34. Non Com. Officers and hien 392. All the companies present a fine; ap- e and some of the country cote- pantea.are fortunate in having in their ranks x lot of as ha.idsonie, stalwart fel- . . Laws as one could wish to see 'The daik blue and green of our own arril- FideAanyssinian Church. Dr. Blanc, in ' an interesting aeries of papers on Abyssinia, in the British Medical Journal. writes :-We were well on our journey towards the Iinper- ial • camp, fast approaching the Tana Sea ; and though we had passed sever- al churches whose Coptic crosses could be seen for many a mile, rising on dis- tant hillocks above the dar c toiiage of the cedars, amidst the green -leaved Guicho and the elegant coffee -free, as yet we ehad visited none. We knew. not whether it would t,e pradent or not, when, however, one Morning perceiving -a ch s;irch on our way, we consulted with the chief of the escort Theodore had sent us, ai.d as he -assured us that we could not do wrong in his sister's eyes should we enter one, we rode up to it ander his escort. ---Except in the province of Tigre, all the churches in nyssinia, are circular, the walls gen- erally of mnt1 and stone, the roof coin• cal, and .thickly covered with straw. The church proper consists of .the three concentric circles ; the first, a kind of verandah, wherein the congregation asse:nl)b-, ; the second, the church itself, where the priests perforin their cere- monies ; the third or iunerinosf circle, the "Hely of Holies." containing the sacred vase and the " Talbot," a small square' piece of wood, having -on one side a cross, on the other three stars, symbols of the Trinity, aiid on which are carved thee naive of the church and that cf the bishop by w nom it was con- seci :steel. Th C • verandah is, for the stranger, the most interesting portion of the edifice. l.0 some like Medical Alum" (Saviour of the World). the church we visited that day,, the paintings that adorn the wall's all consiuering are not badly Madel St. George and the Dia;on in the church of Iviedani A Iuni held a prominent kilo conspicuous place net came the 'Twelve Apostles and i eters d rifles contrast beautifully with the Tiinity, God being represented in e scarlet tunics of the c.trirsi s,' aid a._ the turn of a benevolent -looking old (erd.a pleasing variety and relief -to the gentlemen. Several representations --we of an onluoker, which are very of_ of our Lords.suffeiinsgraced the walls. wanting in similar niilit;ary gather- In the trial by Pontius Pilate,- this one View►•ing the encampnment, from is represented as a villainous -looking this side ofthe river, the appearance of scoundrel, on the point of `dippinit tee the, fiats is very p.ictu elque-=di tted.; n,endously long fingers in a monster wit)% conical white , tents, 'interspersed basin full of water. In the scene of. herd and there with groups of velum- +,heflagellation the Jews are painted #sarin in unitotni Where one used only very black- with red eyes, all a prey to violent contortions (probably hiental torments) evidentlysutrering more than their pale -faced, smiling victim. Fur - eller 'ori, martyrs of an shapes and col- our, some _being _.roasted some toasted ails a stray cow or a silly flock of ;awes, there is a constant bustle of buisi- - new , and excitement. We are only sorry that it will continue for such a ' shit time. The hours of parade are 640 and; 10 a. ID. and 2 p. tn. ; and we'. others ;tortured with ropes,' some be - would. -advise ali our townsmen a ho headed. others crucified. but all with - 'to se a sapleasant sight to run down , out exception, smiling, apparently pleased and happy;; whilst here again the tormentors must, if we credit their„ grimaces,' have undergone at the time excruciating pain. The devil is repre- _seated as a gentleman in 'bl'ack, some- thing between a man and a monkey. Y In his dominions are perceived long lines of black faces, swimming quietly in a red substance, no doubt intended for are ; and whatever .the attitude, rans, The tents of the all endeavouring to have a glimpse at close to the edge of the ' another row of white faces, with large stupid eyes and long curly hair, some distance above them, and no doubt bind. The officer's egress is still further meant to represent the happy dwellers trek at the fool, of, the hill. On this in heaven, as these plain figures were tilde_ of tluat is the Battalion Canteen all framed in rounded white -longing bopt by Harry Reed whu..is jut as I clouds. nsid-humored and obi igiu down th..re, + • "PRINTER'S � PRINTEIi g Copy. -By the Post a>!r be is tip town. The pro v ision de -1 Office regulations at present in force. :ar&inent is. under the able supeuu<tena `Printer's ColrY,�' that is, the copY of ar- awe of Quarter master Jos dam, who has tidies intended for publication in a pub - bred for the wants of the Volunteers ;lie joulrna'l, is allowed.to be transmitted thesatilJaction- of all concerned. Our to the , ublti het, from any- art of the �d friend 'Bob Diett is__king _ of the pots p ' Y P g I . province, at t�e rate of lc. per oz., pro- pane of our artirllety company and riding it containsjno ,private correspon- experience its a Crimean campaign- dente, and is sent [ in ` an envelolie open o; , .1 stand them in good stead. "True at the 'ends. Printer's : rcoas, that is Bill Black holds the same dig-i the-proof sheet, of any book, ipairrphlet, tin a interests of our Rifle Com- or other document, requiring uirin to be'tient tin theywill fare none the worse q g , , s to- the author for. correction. may ��l has had s3onie ae clivainti nce be sent and returned at the salve rate. ooeas oaally. We had the pleasure >tbis morning, to see the whole Battali it tu,der arms.. The soldier - ng of ofcs rs and men . was re - ;ole f for •tyros::it . the ;profes. ion. Rene issued Isis orders, as if he 'had nlweys: si tte;n in a soldier's saddle ; and ehilt Mea, obeyed the word of coutruirnand as if they were not our ordinary store- >teraLscler' s and inechariic;.i, but war- ned ve *snare pitch Rive, and those of the otiicers are situ - the pl steam, reimpee telt' be_ CD E R BOX.. XC E NEW MODE OF DRIVI NG STRAW CARRIERS. , pifitgllUli11R9 lu,.p„, �. l n liar .11011I1111111"111 rNillllll"� t;nlull''' 1BE,i Ili .71 IIlllllllo I' iH�' pili I ] I, • 't 1 I 11' 'if I jt1 _ -" v ��.n MCAK� NEW PATTERN "BERWICa`C"GEAR. MO 9volacte�'` H R E Stl�m� war ER Q FTERE THEE' .Pi/BL/ SEND FOR CIACUI.. R c1° O7"eaa, crianr.PAsriT . ESTABLISHED 1867, THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6, Hospital Street, Montreal. The continued success of this Company is only attributable to the quality and purity of th.3ir Teas. Over a hundred thousand boxes of . Tea have been sent to different parts of the Dominion, and _upwards of a thousand testimonials can be shown, bearing testimony to the quality and purity of the Tea. A great saving can he effected by pur- chasing direct from us, catties of 5 and I2lbs and upwards, Every package warranted t give satisfaction. glut, together and for four or five 51h. catties, which w sent carriage free to any Railway.Station in the Dominion. The money can be collected on delivery. - Try ourfresli ground steam Roasted Coffee, in 5 and 10lb. tins and upwards, the flavour of which is really excellent, and every pack- age warranted. 2Ulbs. Tea and 5 or 10 lbs. Coffee, sent to any Railway Station carriage free. Tea and Ueliee delivered live times daily in the city. 'Silver taken at par. BLACK TEA. -English Breakfast, Broken Leat, strung Tea, 45c.; 50c. ; Fine Flavored New Season do. 55c., 60c. and 65c. ; Very Best Full Flavortd do._75c.;• Sound Oolong. 45c. ; Rich Flavored do. 60c.; Very Fine do. do. 75e. ; Japan, Good, 50c., 55c., Fine 60c,, Very Fine 65c., Finest 75c. GREEN TEA. Twankay SOc., 55:, 6{Lc ; ' Young 1-iyson 50c., 60c., 65c 70c. ; Very Nine 85c., Superfine and Very Choice $;+1 ; Fine Gunpowder 85c. -; Extra Superfine do. S1.. COFFEE. -No- 1,10c ; No. 2, '25c.; No. .i, 20e ; No. 4, 15c, per lb. Nothing less than a Uattie sold by this Company_. A YEAR'S TRIAL. The Montreal Tea Company : Montreal,1864#:. GENTS -It is nearly a year since 1 pu rchn s- . ed the first chest of Tea from your house. I have purchased ' many. since, and 1- am pleased to inform you that the . Tea as in every case proved most satisfactory, as well as being excettliugly cheap. Yours very truly. - . F.DEN NIE. Montreal Tea Company : GENTLEMEN -The Tea 1 -purchased of you in March has given great satisfaction. and flavour of it is very fine. It is very strange, but- since I have been drinking your Tea I have been quite free -from heart -burn,. which would always pain me after b. eakfast. I at- tribute this purity of your Tea, and shall continue' a customer. Y ours respectfully. • FRANCIS T. GREEN. 54, St. John Street?ontreal. Montreal, l, April 1$68. ---•To the Montreal Tea Company, 6 Ho pit�,l Street, Montreal : -We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we have forewarded to you to different parts of the Dominii,:i, - and we are glad to find your business so rapidly ncreas- ing. We.presunie your Teas are giving gene- ral satisfac ' out of the large amount forwarded only had occasion. to re- turn one bo 'ch, we understand, was suit out through a mistake. G. CHENEY, Manager Canadian Express Co. House of Senate; Ottawa. Montreal Tea Company : GENTLEMEN, -The Box of English- Break- :-fast and Young Hyson Tea which you sent. me gives great satisfaetion. You may ex- pect ray future orders. Yours, &c; S. SKINNER. SEFORTH PLANJNG MILL ! SASH,. DOOR AND Blind Faet�ry!! rHE subscribers beg leave to tender their 1 sincere thanks to. their numerous cus- tomers and the public at large, for the very liberal patronage received since commencing business in Seaforth. ` And as they have now a very large stock of Dry Pine Lumber on hand, and having Lately enlarged ed their premises and added Sew Machinery (there- by increasing their facilities for% doing work with despatch), they feel confident of giving every satisfaction to those who may favor them with' their . patronage, as none but, first-class Workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to custom plan- ing. BROADFOOT & GRAY. f, S.- -An Eight -Horse -Power Engine and Boiler for sale, all co suplete, of .Goldie & oc s make. 70-3i11, THE "cfrafortit 1` B. Ztox," AND SUPPLEMENT. THE largest paper publishedin the Conn- ty of Huron. I8 PRINTED AND ]•UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. ROSS & LUXTON EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS. MALI! STREET, SEAFORTJJ. 1. TERMS. -$1.50 per annum, in advance. If not so paid, $2.00 will invariably be charged.. RATES OF ADVERTISING. YEARLY AGREEMENTS. • The following rates will be charged to mer- chants and others who advertise by the year, and in ne case will exceptions be made: Oiie column for twelve months, - - $60 00 for six months, ' - - - 45 00 • " ' for three mouths, - - 20 00 Ralf -column for twelve months, - 35 00 " - for six, months, - - - 20 00 for three months, - 12 00 Quarter of a column fortwelve months, 20 00 " for six months, .. - 12 00 " for three months, - - 9 00 For each line over ten, first insertion, 0 08 Each subsequent insertion, - - • - 0 02 The number of lines to tine reckoned by the ;pace- occupied, measured by a scale of solid Brevier. Advertisements without spacific directions will be published till forbid, and charged ac- cordingly. t if GEO. W. ROSS, Proprietor. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. MESSRS YOUNG & CHAMBERLIN,-S rs, I feel it a duty I owe to you, as well as to the public to inform you of the most° wonderful cure of Consumption, accomplished in my person, by the use of °the Great Shoshonees i{emedy and Pills. 1 coughed a great deal day and night, - expectorating a great quanti- • ty of matter, and had a great pain about my left lung. I had cold chills every day, and severe night sweats every night, and between the racking cough and great sweating, I was almost deprived of sleep ; by these miseries as well as the loss of appetites- I was so re- duced that I could hardly stand alone. I was under the care l of a physician for a length of time, an4. finding no relief, I tried different receipes, but all without any good effect. Squire Peterson of Bath, re- commended nie to use the Great Shoshonees Remedy ; I procured three bottles at once, with the Pills. so soon as 1 commenced using; it I began to get better, and when I had`fin- ished this complement, the cough, expectora- ti)n of matter, pain about the lung, chills, sweating, &c., left me ; and by continuing its use I became strong and healthy. It is now over two months since I quit the reme- dy, and there have been no symptoms of the disease returning, and I have been, and am now, healthier and.better than I have been for years. 1 trust you will make this known to the public, that they may be aware of the peculiar virtues of this truly wonderful In- dian Remedy. PETER C. V. MILLER. Ernestown, CountyofLennox and Addington, Ontario. To all to whom it may come. -This is to certify that I have been acquainted with the above mentioned gentleman, Peter C. V. Miller, Esq.,. for many years, and have known him always to be of the very high- est respectability and a very candid and creditable person, and I am confident that I can safely vouch for the truth of the above, or any other statement made by him. REV. W. F. 8, HARPER, 44- l y Rector of Bath, Ontario. $3,000 TO LENTO_ THEabove sum ie_put in my handsfor in - vestmenton ood farm property p petty at 1 per cent interest, and no charge. . T S PORTER, Seaforth. 80-tt June, 18th 1869. l FOR DYE STUFFS, ROLL'S CAN'T BE BEATEN, Either in Price or Quality. FOR LAMPS, C��.i'yi MMES, IT.ANDALIERS, BURNERS, - WICKS. and CO.A L OIL, Go to ROLLS', Opposite Foster's Hotel, Seaforth, N.B.---Prescription$ ertrefnily pre. pared. Seaforth, June 10th, I869. 79: TAILORS ! TAILORS A RARE CHANCE. T"E undersigned offers to rent the beet& shop of a tailoring and clothinggestablish- ment in the thriving village of Ainley , where there is a business ample for five or sift hands. Apply to- 8. SMA LE, Merchant Tailor, Ainleyvilie, Julie 251869, Ihnele P. 0. 81 -tai 1869. rem. SP ING IMPORTATIONS KIDD & M'MULKIN • RE NOW prepared' to SHOW ibis Conteints of 40 Packages OF: Dry Good MANTLES, MILLINERY, BOOT$& SHOES dre., &c., which will be sold at the Smallest Pr�listl! Always on Hand A Choice Stock of Fanily Groceries,. Gkre us a Call. KIDD & Mc ULKIh1. Seaforth. May 7th. 1869. LISTE tIj 'WHILE OC.A SPEAKS. For his Stock of SPRING GOODS WAS Never Exeelled In this Market. The Manchester House Is the place for. Satisfaction in Dealing.` Sealer*. May 4tb, 11110. • qg • • • ,4