HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-24, Page 7f TI M F E COLS at Fn Co., rth, Ont. =1 ` B▪ utte Tiber begs to inform the public he has just received a'great varlet of Saddles and y Which he is prep fired to sell At Prices t 3r°r.el l _ o LL.A S of every description, vs . { ar. ranted not: to hurt the horse's neck. e I the way of Harness, x oF ALL KIND'S, He is, as heretofore, in -a , positierrt to give . his (- :•{._st 1 ::2 as go( v 1 f as their •:c1 F l[ V4 Cf vrs: aa good k 1. .: 4 t .. a tet f.a, -F erz r -. nckz..y as any other eitablislunent in Ontario. -t Quality of work and material employed radia putable, ) r OPPOSTIR I IDDD tt I CLJ SS JOHN CAMPBELL.. B ET L.. ortb, Fela 12, 'GO,. e. -+.f. PROPERTY FOR SALE. OT No. 9. Spar h g' s. 8trvey of Seaforth, T with Store, Storehouse, Stable and Dwelling on it, and situated on the first lot North of 'Downey Hotel, Ma in S`reet. For particula 's apply to the props -i. tor, Wm. N.\.ANUN, insurance Agent... f9.tf, f Seaforth, June 11th. at. -ult., ath half. eget r -oleo given to rnforma- n of the .mf_ A t 8Z a men an e board. 5,. 1. FOR. SALE. 1OR Sale, Lot 15, in, the 13th Conces- x stun of the Township of Stephen On very easy terns,and at a 'i ' berate • ['r=ice. t This Luta „r is conveni:•ta`l« situated to ,Saw and twist_ .411, has ;IOai r es cleared,and a good Iv -eV a water. For further particulars apply to Win_ F.' Luxton, ``E .pular' (:fliee, eaforth. or to 0 E(`); W. ROSS, Stir athroy. l-tf. August 13th, . 1i3f>'.1. S8-tf 11' RE prepartcl to execute binding in every E ,a 'from style. Persons re°sidrna at a distance There by lea' nng their books a the Sid, nal Book :tail"d on k Store, Goderich, or at the " 1 X.l'e}SIToR'J . - Mike, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon. to I them being well bound A.T THE LOWEST PRICES' PREQO_ SON, BOOKBINDERS, HULLET ,cion of ie good. s.aforth, Fitzger- _92-tf. to then aanclMg. a large con - of pure eat for mill, . r GO TO rtrxcg to And returned withant delay. Seaforth, June 1I, 1b69:. 8-t.. aaa SEAFORTH I ST SA. And Air riig Store. R.LIJ MSD Eilki has just received his- Spring Importations f )f Pure T}rn s and Medicines, Cheraicals and I'a$ent Medicines, French, English md. meriean Perfumery ;. Hair Pressings,- Oils, 4 and: Pomades ; hair, Tooth, Nail and Shave rug Brushes ; Dressing and Fine-tooth Combs; Toilet and Shavi gSoaps, &c., &c. .se Si tattle 1Iledieznes, anditior Powders,, etc;, DYE STUFIfS Of very Superior Quality. HYSICI ANS' Prescriptions accurately prepared, R. LUMST)EN,r Fharrnaceutical Chemist., eaforth.., Awl 22 5 3-th C aste Ta ;>- tf. T. J. SI ONS' FRLJT OYST1 > ` Q a f ,For Fresh Oysters, .Sardines, Lobsters, Pies, Cakes, and Sweets of .every description. CALL AND SEE. His _Fresh Stock I p Opposite Mef`ANN S Old Stand. Satorth, Feb. 12, 1869:. 63 -ti 3 Insolvent Act of. 1864. Province of Ontario, in the County Court of County of Huron, the County of Huron. To Wit : In the matter of H•HExC.tt'Y 'Sr. MCCANN',: An Insolvent. - 4 Tuesday. the sixteenth clad; of Novena- taer next, the undersigned will apply. to the Judge of the said court for a aiseharge under the said Act. - II. W. Ile0ANN, By Moe... an & Ile] fEsTED, his Solicitors ad litein. Seatlortl1, Aug. 25, 1009, 90 2m. THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR Fresentmont or the Grand Jury The Jurors ; tor cur Lady the Qu beg to peen-nt' that they have dispo cif all the lursiness,i:ac:fore there ie, ti r apect,-then' duties not bang oilero We coincide with the opinion expr. ed at the opening of the Court, that vld ettcr<,aiished and,ti:ne honored in tutioar of the Grand Jur. is one t Y hal served a useful purpose, and h twat as t'ae safeguard of the liberties the suhiect-it May still. be upheld a maintains d; It is a -matter of than fubless-that. since the Dist a.s.:ize cases serous crime in.tlais County. have be few -it is uatuse of regret, •howe Cera irlaari taking a wider sirr•revl a cl of crimes . such :sts burglary and ti raising Etre so frequent.g 4 , It is a pro tem not easy of oluLion why it hall?l1e that as the aunt litie5 and comforts civil zati_on adv nee, vice and chin g) hal d irz ban 1 with it, extendi now even to our _rural and seclud distrr°•tc: The first Mentioned of the crimes, viz :—burglary, may be owl. in part to the cessation of the terrib convulsion, that so .Unhappily took j,la in tt:e neigh boring Republic a few yea ago, letting loose .so many to who habits of int€usrry and application ha more terrors than . alt'' of the La, .we believe, is o vang more loose. nuticns as to the rights of pr g perty than. to malice We would r een sed stat Ur. ess t sti- hTat ho of rid k en ver•, ass re - ns of n11 ed se, n: le• ce. rs ve w. to 0 •e - e e w,. 11 s it if commend that all sac') cases should b treated. when 1 rough home to .th guilty by tile` administrators of the la with the f toll penall.ty thereof•. Mort suasion seems - powerless — measure more repressi ae .if not coercive in the naattare, 'night with benefit have a tria We think the changes lately made b our Legislttme whereby the nttmlber o our Courts are lessened, with the sum mary trial accorded to delinquents .theyele t, an inprovement not only in an economic light, but also in the inter- -est of morality.. The change made in our B. n?tr°uptdy Lava carne none too soon, as Ia & artcl iiregulaar notions were becoming alai niangly prevalent as to -the c•onti-acting and payment of Debt owing, in a great measure, to the easy action of the late Insolvent Act. Many ' triersg advantage of it for whom it . was nct iutended,, having a- demoralizing effect upon tete corrmmuni.ty, it is hued that the proper medium. between sever- ity and leniency will soon b l a.rrived • as The sitirors visited- the gaol and; found the different cells in. good order, the prisoners all expressing tlreyrselves well satisfied with their treatment. `If ice we1'e to express- an. opinion - npon prison treatment, it Would be,- notwith- standing, .,the hig'_ly c:lored descrij- :tions of Occasional "casuals," als," who ina different mode obtained access to pi - sons th.€n' ail C -1 -rand Jury does ; than it errs on the side of comfort and good treatment since the Time of Howard and • other philanthropists, whose benevolent and .self-denying labors. were so mach Weeded. in 'the natter 6`f ventilation and diet. It - is to be .feared the oth ar extreme of comfort and good fare has „been exceeded; restrain being 8:11 the punishment. None will dis- pute that the laws of health physically . and morally, should be acted on. The 'conviction, hove ever•, is growing' that our prisons to some extent have ceased -to be a terror to evil doers, from the too lenient treatment of those who are -expiating therein offences against socie- ty. The Jurors found in gaol One Henry Ireland ho had been conimitted .on account of Insanity, he has now re- -covered, and would recommend that he be discharged. When the Asylum "hick is. being built near London is finished for that unfortunate class of • our fellow subjects, they will then at „once receive accomodaation more especi- ally }darted to their wants and necessi- ties.' The Jurors wonld further recom- 1r mend that the County Council of this County would :take steps to >rertain how Houses. of Refuge in our country now in operations and. possibly in the neighboring States, are conducted, v whether self-sus-taining or otherwise, with any other information necessary to form au opinion as' to the ,propriety and aa: .t`_'ulness of erecting such a build - in this County for those who require its assistance. We would give ft as our opinion that the most of the evils and crimes that prevail amongsl us arise from the drinking usages; we hope that our Legislature who make; and our ma- gistracy 1 ` gistracy who administer, wi11 no relax any of the provisions which regulate the ' liquor traffic,: .Our labors have been by the ittontioi and diili- Bence of the Crown Attorney. And in conclusion we would only say that it is a matter of sin fere congratulation that our laws are administered so faithfully by a judiciary so irreproachable, ma;intaein- ing an even balance between pi eroga- tit e and privilege; hoping that the con- nection between the parent country. froni -'whenc our institutions draw their inspirations n itwithatanding the ten- dency and conduct of a small minority here and in Britain may still -continue and .flourish, All of which iso respect- fi}lly submitted, THOM .S GIBSON; Foreman. Grand Jury Room, Septi lith 1869. AGENTS WANTED. GENTS -wanted to sell :one of the best paying invention's in the Province.. A liberal discount will be given to travelling agents, Apply at the e,xpositor Office, Seaforth, Sept. 24th 1689• 42-tf, - TRAYS D ! LAME into the premises of James Dorsey, on 4atnlsy, the 13th Sept, lot 5, gravel Road 11 miles Ea t of Seaforth, a red and white Cow, the owner'is required ta prove property, pay e.harges and take it away, JA AILS DORSEY. Seaforth, Sept, •l4th 186'9. 43-tf: FOR SALE. TOT No. 24, in the 8th Con. of Grey, and . Lot No. 30 in the 14th Con, of .Grey, in the County of Huron. Also—Lots, Nos. 1.5 & 16 in the 14th. Con, of tho Township of =Elma, in the County of .Perth.. Terms, liberal,= -Title Good,—For particulars 'apply to MESSRS. BENSON & MEYER, Barristers Seaforth . Seaforth, Sept, 24, 1869, ,) 42-tf. Farm for Sale. HAT•splendid farm situated in the 10th Con. of the Towrship of.. Tuekersmith . County of Huron, being composed of Lot Nc, 8. There are# 75• acres cleared, 60 -of which are clear of stumps. There are 25 ao,res still under bush. The whole farm is well fenced and under the best cultivation.. • There is on the premises a w w barn, 60 x 36 feet, with a stone basement underneath • also a `good bearing orchard. The subscriber also offers for sale 50 acres of land, being composed of Lot 9, Con. 10, on. which there- are 20 acres cleared. For further ' particulars apply to tee proprietor, on the premises, . JOHN CAMERON, . Seaforth P. 0. September 24th, I869. - 94•4in IT EY, N returning his sincere thanks to the a public forthe very liberal patronage 1c hasreceivedsince coming to Seaforth, 'begs to -say that he has on hand another large; lot of ANDERSON'S: 'HEAVY PLATE STOVES ! Box, Parlor a ahcl Cooking, all of which he willsell as cheap as other people sell an in- ferior article. Everybody knows that the BEST COAL OIL.IN THE COUNTY is at Whitney's. - Lamps, C:himinies, Wieks, etc , in abundance. - .A large stock of _ ALL KINDS OF TINWARE always on hand, Rave -Troughing, .Tiniand Sheet Iron Roofing clone in first-class style. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to. CISTERN PUMPS AND LEAD PIPING. Old Iron and Copper. Cotton Fags, Wool and Wool Pickens taken in exchange. . - Seaforth, -Sept. 24th, 1869. 43-tf. Insolvent Act of 1864, Province of Ontario, In the County County of ITnron Court of the Co. To Wit : ' of Huron,. In the matter of JOHN 11IcNAUGHT, An Insolvent. N -Tuesday, the 1Gth day . of No- vember next, the uncibrsigned will apply to the judge of the said - Court for a discharge 'grader the said Act. - JOHN IMIeNAUCl11T, By MCC'AL`CHEY & I10141E: TED. ni.8 .At tornies ad liter?, Seaforth, Aug. 25, 1869. 90-2tn ONTARIO HOUSE, EDWAtl CASH, AS just received a fine lot of HAY AND NA.RVST TOOLS 7 Of all kinds. The only genuine Morgan CRADLES AND CYTIHES ! In town. Best Linseed oils extraordinary cheap'• GODERICH ,STREET SEAFORTH. EDWARD CASH. - Seaforth, April 14, 1869. 53-1y. IF. YOU WANT CHEAP AINTS, OILS,: TURPENTINE, GRAINING COMBS, puTTY, 0OLORS, 'Sic., Go to ROLLS' 0 FOR PURE DRUGS, ;HEIVIiCALS. AN ) PATENT MEDICINES. Go to ROLLS'. 0 OFFJCES TO LET. 1 OUR excellent offices to let in Scott's New "Brick Block. .Apply at McCAUOEEY & IIOLMS` +;D'S. eaforth, Jan. 27..186 9. b0 - NOTICE IZEDITORS of Nath tniel M ddlesmis are ki requested to fyle their claims with the wade/signed at once, in order to be adjusted. ACOauoxEy t.C5. HOLMESTED, Solicitors for Administrator.. Seaforth.Aug. 24.' 90-3in - LOST OR STOLEN. / BOUT the 7th day of August, an Ac- count Book containing several accounts and Two Pomissory Notes, payable to Wil- liam Vaustone. The payrnent.of the notes are hereby stopped: The finder, 1,5y return- ing them to Henry Garbe, Ainleyvi 1e, will be rewarded. - Ainleyville, Aug. 16th.- - 89-3in. Insolvent Act of 1864. .In the County Court of the C-ou'ty of 11-7.14' 9111. In the .matter of THOMAS KNOX, -_ An tnsoIvent. TfiNDEB;,S will be received for the p ur• chase of the whole of the stock of t he above named. Insolvent, until the Twenty - Third day of August, instant. . The Stock Book .will be open for •inspection at the office of Mr. J. S. Porter, Seaforth, 'with whore tenders may be left ; also at the office of the undersigned, Goderich. • -The stock consists of Groceries and Liqu- ors of the best qua ,ty. JOHN HALDAN, Official Assignee: Goderich, Aug 11, 1869. 2519 -lin, 4, ti 044 MR, JOHN TNONMPON HANKS his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its continuance. He has now on hand a large assortment of Good Sound Green Hemlock r Which he warrants will give satisfaction) ALSO, 200,000 FEET OF PINE ! CUT FOR - - BUILDING AND GENERAL PORP OSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a. large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS!! To which•he calls tb3 attention of his old customers, who will find it to their advant- age to retire them promptly, and without 1 legal proceedings. Seaforth, July 15th, 1869. Andrus Bro.'s' MELODEOPJS AND 0 Oga 011 C Are noted for their excellencies, many . llencies, over those of all other manufactur- ers, such as U R .A.13 Zia I Quickness . of Articulation, ROUNDNESS,; PURITY AND Volume of - Tone ! . ELASTICITY AND veni;2css of a ucl. In the construction of these instruments nothing but the best material is used, and first-class workmen -employed; and s the manufacturers have had over fifteen years of personal experience, they are able to produce an instrument SECOND TO- NONE IN THE WO D . : Melodeons, from -. . $45 00 Cabinet Organs, from . 95 00 Vy ! a terms Liberal. For further particulars enquire of - - WM. F. LUXTON, • `Expositor" Office, Age it, Secttorth. Seaforth, Aug. '20th, 1869. - 89-tf.- • ctq '40x L.4 -z 1' Fn+• 0 afQ gag CD Pad n tit *8624 Pod Owl voe i rn 0o 3AIHM aNnoID r V Insolvent .Act of 1864. ROBERT TURNER, • Plaint,:: VS. JAMES YOUNG, the Elder, Defendant. AWRIT of Attachmer t has - been issued in -this cause. - J. MACD ONAA LD, Sheriff. Per A. Fn sER. Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 34-tf- Goderich, Aug. 12, 1869. 89-3in. BEAUTIFUL HAIR; NATURE'S MORN. ' Yout}_t Cilltiyate i GRAY HAIL is a certaixi indieation oi' Decay at the Roots. MRS, S. A.. AL L E 'S Hair Restorer Restores e torer- Restores gray hair to its natural color and beauty and produces lnxnriant growth. it gives the L:ar beautiful glv,ss and c1erig1z,ful fragrance. Manufactory and Sales olfees, 35 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACE, N, Y. ANT) .,.266 HIGH HOLBORN, -London, tng. - Seatter and Rolls, ,Drugcisto, agents oa Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. January -28th.. 1869. - 60 -le. Insolvent Act of 1864 In, the County Court o, f the County - of Huron. In the matter. of LAIVIRENCE PIED..: C`N CULLODEN, An Insolvent. Dominion: of Canada, Province- of Ontario, County of Huron, To Wit .; OTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, eal the Fifth day of October next, at ten al the clock in the forenoon, or as soon aa coun- sel can be heard, the undersigned will apply 1 Y to the Judge of the said. Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dated at Seaforth this 28th day of July, 'A..7) 1869. By BENSON & MEYER, 86-9i His Attornies, gd LBUMS FANCY N OTE PAPER, PLAIN STATIONERY I !; In great. variety, ° SCHOOL BOOKS, Carter and Walkdez's Inks, Blue and Red Inks,'. Bibles, Prayer Books, J1Jrnn J3oolcs, Blank Notes,- . 'lank 4ecourzt Book s, d -c. AGENT POR THE 01-SEAFORTH "EXPOSITOR," Daily Globe and Daily Telegraph. William Elliott, Seaforth, July 22, .8t,9. - os-rrl, TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS T FOR COUNTY OF HURON, i DY 'VIRTUE To WIT : j of a Warrant under the hand of the Warden of the Conn- ,ty .of Huron, and the Seal of the said Con- ty, bearing date• the third day of Aangust, A. D. 1869, to me directed, for the collec- tion of arrears of taxes due on the under- mentioned lands. These are therefore to give notice that unless the said taxes., to- gether with. all ;lawful costs and charges be sooner paid, I shad on TUESDAY - 3Oth day of November, A. D. 1869, at the hour of Ten o'clock' A. M. AT TH Lq- '111E TOWN YY N OF - GODERICIL Proceed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION the said lands, or so much thereof as may 'be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon: ° 'OTE In - the following list "cil," :•q des Bust Division,---"w.d.." West Di2..inion•--- "p." Fagot el-"u.p." Unpatented ',p)t," Part—"n, t. p. " Nord'. Town Piot, TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD: .pct Con. Ac, East 4 1 e.(I 100 N 1 3" 100 W A 4 4 100 5 E part . 4 111 Shalf 1- 6- 100 Wpt-S 113 49 1 3 wd 2a'O 2 a4 200 N 3 -4 136 N ` alf 3 • 8 100 N half .- • 4 8 100 E half 11 8 - - 100 W half 6 9 100 hi WptofNi 6 10 80 half 311 100 W half 5 11 - 100 E half 8 11 100 W half 8 11 100 S W pt 11 11 20 6 12 200 N part 7 13 '114 3 North T 153 N part 34 n.t, p.. 63 Pt. Tates Costs Tota p 77 09 2 78 9 87 p 64 21 245 66 66 p 94 91 3 23 98 14 p 99 55 -3 35 1132 SO p • 43 17 1 93 45 10 up 3186 165 33;,1 • p 13 44 120 14 64 p 8205 290 8491 p 123 12 4 78 127 90 p 65 27 248 67 75 u.p 64 69 248. 67 17 tap i3 73 120 14 93 tap 12 98 1 18 1416 p 72 69 2.68 75 37 p 31 58 165 lap -69 38 2 60 p 35 77 175 u, p41 65 1 90 lap 31 06.1 63 p 2542150 p 8002 283 p 45 66 2 MDQ Te PIot p 10 63 4 23 10/43 p 347018 36 E6 7198 37 52 43 5.5 32 (ill 26 92 8287 47 66 VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, IN ;ASHFIELD. " E Arthur st. -p 23 do ,4 33 22i3 73 993 :3 24 do 44 pp 52 i315 9:3 eiu 22 22 do 4 p 1171 1 15 31 do 4 p 11.60115 34 (to t u, n 11 71 115 35 do f, u, li 11 71 1 15 366 3 66 366 6 13 121,6 12 , 12 86 12' 12 ati