HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-24, Page 6r A, oohol in Health. (The following is the peroration to a lecture .on the above subject, delivered by Dr. Oanipbel.l, of. Seaforth; in. tae Baptist Olt arch, on. the evening of the 10th inst., which we publish.in extenso, at the request of am -umber of our read- ers who heard it delivered,). " The object of the scientific man is direly not to produce fits and starts of oxci einent which sooner . or later must result in depression, but to maintain an -eauttbility of health and temperature'— iu short, to follow nature's good old plan -v hi ch after all is the best..` We Mould remernber that 'the battle is not' for a day, but for a life time, and should. therefore- scorn to purchase a temporary respite, at the expense, it may -be of fa- t Lire destruction, If • ethis wonderful machine—ate body -=is in good rune-. pug order, we ought not to interfere, remembering' that over stimulation or excitement must; in the nature of things, he f,rllowedby a reaction, which mils prove • pre_judicial, and -nay prove fatal. . The_ injurious effects of the mo- d =tette iajestion of alcojaoliCliquors may 'not be, seen for weeks, :nontlis pr years. The persony imagine that be is Main - t cluing his halth by itis course, and kee )ing malarious diseases at bay, but as. uredly an early exha istion .of the.vi- t•d powerswill be induced which will render the body more susceptible to the influence of morbific ageneies, and he will then learn the truth from that great school master who has in all: ages t.ulght those. who are too obtuse to .be taught is any other school—he will then learn the truth, I say, when too l.tte,strotn experience. I do not meati to say that persons -of temperate habits and ordin-aty- health will be exempt fr. m'attacks from malarious diseases, if they 'reside.in countries in which such diseas are prevalent, .for we frequently see that, as. t'neir• vital . powers decline !with advaneed life snch persons ace li- able to a,ttaclis—but this we do say, that if sueh people hasten that decline and bring on premature old age by the use of alcohol (and ,uch are its effects) the attackwill-beMuch e trill,' and in- finitely More severe, .-while the system weakened by constantdri n- m'n , will be like an old leaky vessel, unable to face the storm` or breast !the billows, -and the poor devotee of rum will be a pain- ful illustration of thetruth ofthe oft .quoted remark, " The wicked will -not live out half his clam's." The exppri - .ence not merely of isolated individuals but of masses of men proves that vigor- ous health may. be maintained in every clime from " Greenland's icy moun- tains to India's. coral strand," under all circumstances, bresting the billows of 3" old ocean," in storm, in calm, in clouds, in sunshine, traversing pestiten 'vial marshes in a tropical clime under a buraing son,, or what is just as try- ing, rying, weltering before: a forge or scorch- ed iii .a "burning fiery furnace," -it has .been proved. I sal.y, that all these hardships can be endured and the Sys- tem supported better under them, with the god olcl "rcup that cheers- but not inebriates," _than with the cup contain- ing' the delated poison of .alcohol:- To- tal abstinence asks of the world a fair. tie]. Will she get Y She conies with aa. timehonored axiom on herlips,— Ttie,heatthy n ar needs Bio medicine." She tells us to eat nutritious food, to keep our stomachs, in order, in short, to be terpei atie in eating as well as in drinking, so that the Waste_ c.f the sys- tem may be properly repaired by_ fresh, rmre blood: She tells us to regulate the circulation by a proper amount of man- uazl exertion, to brkatl e pure fir, so that, the nervous system may have • en o:igh of ()el ;en to enable it to.perform its functions arighu, while Science, the hand -maid of Total Abstinence, informs. us that if the liver,- kidneys and -skin eliminate frton the blood the waste mat- te; aiding the stomal and lungs in their efforts to keel -the blood pure and• the body healthy,—in short, that if the "thousand. strings" of this wonderful ha:••p" are kept in tune by the perform- er, the nzin'l, turning it on, the most ap- •-' p ovec', :scientific, as well as 'on the most liaatural principles, then no ` alcoholic 'poison or any drugs whatever will be required. Will the young men of oni countr°v listen Co the voice of Temper ince, t1►e voice:of Physiology, the voice ofnature, the voice of nature's God in this n t,tter, and eschew that course Svhiob'is undermining the health, cloud- ier); the intellect, sullying the morals of t`-o,taands on Alii e; our rum -blighted #�l ane•. Let the.,ntedical trumpet give no tine•:► t tin soured on this important 'matter. Let tis be serious.! Let us be iri red hot earne=st! • Even at the ex- per)se of being considered in common parlance, " pt•ofessiozial. let us wound the trumpet on the. mountains, e'3 our voices be heard iii: the valleys, 104 us say in all ,seriousness to the youth. of our country:—Young r_nen of Cana- da anada walk inroad to -day and see the grass. ^owing g,•een or:i- early, sa•1, dishon- or:.'• kr cve,,.,---9,-e those slavering idiots g-it.wing tie iron gratingsof our Ltt- THE SEAFORrH EXPOSITOR. Godforsaken outcasts of our cities who have no place to lay their heads. ---Pass into the " Promi. ed Land" of the drunk- ard and his children, enter the Poor House, read the 'f hand writing„ on :the wall that tells you.in language never to be forgotten that The drunkard shall come to poverty," yes:l and his wife, his children too. --Turn your .eyes above you, gaze upon that trembling wretch as be is being hurled from that Scaf- fold into eternity for the crime of be- ing drunk.—Turn fromthose sad for- sa&en Oyes, graves upon which the ambient, eams of the "Sun of Righte- ousness"e never shines --turn from those mental wrecks on God's green, beauti- ful earth—turn from that scaffold, from that Poor -House, fi um that prison cell, and with an open Bible before you,,_ your finger at the wcrds, "No drunk- ard, shall enter the kingdom of heaven" —turn from the rough, the thorny paths of intemperance,. to the paths of Total Abstinence, the paths of Physiol- ogy, the paths of nature, the ways, the paths of true wisdom, for,1" Her ways are ways of pleasantness; ana all her paths are peace." (Aclve•iisement,) Something Worth Reading. • The success that has attended --the faithful and intelligent solely of Photo- graphy ligs been so great, thatone can gettheir own image perpetuated to pos- te.ity. It is a great privilege to have a good practical Artist, one who thor- oughly understands the business, as al- so one who is stationary in a phtce, to whom you can go with confidence, with the assurance of not getting disappoint- ed in getting a correct, artistic, faithful likeness, and from -w tom you, can: get picture. at any future time from the negatives once taken. • The days are past for those who drop down for a week or tvtro and are off again, having no interest j .at '.stake, . and,caring very little whether their customers are pleas- ed or sot, -they are of; but not so with our. Old Established and thoroughly practical photographer•,Frank Paltridge, wlio stands to -day the acknowledged head and leading Photo i her in this section. of the country. b �p Ile is a real live man, up . tp every wrinkle in the business ; is very obliging ; and has rooms, accommodations and facilities for executing work seldom mot. He has rooms and apartments for every- thing. • Good pictures cannot be made where the fumes of so many different chemicals corne 'Al immediate contact with each other, and producing gasses fatal to making good! 'pictures. - His rooms are in Scott's Brick Block, near -Sharp's Hotel,and under the Exton- Toa Office, cool in sum nt er, w arm in iwnter ; with dressing rooms, so that you can bring your best clothes' in a satchel and change to get your picture taken. • Frank Paltridge also keeps the negative, and no fear of losing the picture of some near and dear friend. His.best work is not -at ,the door, but n? ,fairs, one flight, and turn to the righi hand, where yo'i fill find Frank always at Tome and in good temper. All pictures shown are of-. his own make, and not bought or borrowed to decoy the patulic. He guarantees satis- faction or no pay. Just walk up to Frank Paltridge's Gallery, his speci- mens are worth looking at, and you will be sureto see some person's picture you know, If you don't want your pic- ture, never mind ; just walk up, he will be glad to see you. Remember, it is in a brick building.. 85 tf EXCELSIOR. AIT PHOG:PJJ GALLERY. W. P. PAGET, -- Artist HE undersigned begs to inform the in- habitants of Seaforth and aurrounding country, that he has taken the Gallery for- merly occupied by Mr. C. Paltridge, .if Few Doors ' North of Dr: Smith's C bee, and Opposite feat's Store. FACTORY CHEESE. THE SEAFORTH FALL SHOW IS NOT TO BE COMP A aFD TO cott Robertson's • OF FIRST CLASS - AND PROVISIONS OF THE FOLLOWING KINDS CON SISTINU OF Black & Green Teas, A Refined and. Raw Sugars, Rice, Whole 4- Ground, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Spices; Pickles, Wines & Brandies, Guiness' and Bloods' Porter. Dow's and Mol`son's Ales.. No. 1: Labrador Herrings, - Round and'Splitr FINE TABLE, CODFISH & HADDOCK'S A FINE LOT OF 1 Where he wilt always he ready to please his patrons and give satisfaction to those who favor him with a call. E SURE AND CALL to see his spoeiniens,'they speak for the Artist and will convince you that he is. First -Class. REMEMBER 411.4 7 The lace is Opposite Veal's Grocery, Main Street, Seat,;rth: ' 1 LLL4.111 P. PAGET, Photo: Artist. Seaforth_ July 22, 1869. 85.6m. LUBELSKI, SURGEON CHIRO- 1 . i wisT, respectfully informs the public of •ieaforth and surrounding country that he is prepared to cure -Corns, Bunions, Chi:' Mains, Ingrowing Nails, Large Joints, and all diseases of the human foot. Guarantees it t tic: A:syI,itnra=.hUltl `th t forlorn • a successful ;re_ttment, without pain or sore- [less. Unice-•1irec`Te opposite G-riffth Ltavis's , e‘ i'i ehai tecl to t:lei clump fluor• of, his , U<<- f.=cao.Is store, Street. E�1 g t.co'used, Seatorth; Dee. [-I, 186.o( • 63-tf Canadian and Liverpool Salt in Barrrels & Bags &c: BUY YOUR GROCERIES GOOD & CHEAP, At SCOttbertsoll ?tom 1=1:El\TT.. N the bestbustness portion of Seaforth, a Frame Shop 22x34. suitable for a Gr, eery, Book Store, &e. Immediate possession given. For particulars address Wm. ROBERTSON & Co., 87-tf. Box 34, Seaforth, Oast. wad C 19P eriL COD P54 led axt tag( Imrat Cacti - $50 R E CTA_TROD _ °HOT, on Sunday night, the 25th ult., betweenl2 and 1 o'clock, on South half Lot 20, Con. 12, McKillop. a two-year-old Steer: The above reward will be given �to any person or persons giving such inforina- tion as will lead to the conviction of the party Who committed the deed. auY- MICHAEL RYAN, McKillop, August . • 87 Private Boarding. TWOor three respectable gentlemen can be accommodated with private board. For particulars enquire at this office. • " Seafoi th, Sept: 3. 91-tf, Farm for Sale. ONSISTING of '132 acres, 112 �Jcleared, sit - h ted six m les from Clinton and 3 from -Bayfield. There are good buildings and, an orchard ou the farm:. Ap'piy on the premises, to ALFRED STONEHOTTSE, •Sept. 2, 1869. 91-3m FOR SALE OT No. 20, in the kith Concession of 4 Stephen: Term;, liberal, Title good, Apply to Messrs Benson & Meyer, Seaforth, or to Messrs Cameron, ,McMichael, Fitzger- ald & Hoskin, Solicitors, Toronto. Sept. 10th, 1869. • 92-tf. • New Grocery Store In connection with. the SEAFORTH MILLS Flour and Seed Store, Opposite Sharp's Hotel, • HE subscribers beg to- announce to !the inhabitants of Seatorth and. surrounding country, thatthey shave just received. a large stock- of Gro ri s.� o Which, hich fox quality:and Cheapstess; con-. not be surpassed in the County. • They have. 'also on hand a lot of pure Treadwell Seed Wheat. FARMERS may exchange wheat for Flour and Feed at full value at the mill, thereby avoiding, the necessity of waiting to have it ground_ W A. Shearson& Co. Seaforth, Sept. 16th. 59-1y FARM ER • Get your Homemacles' Cut Out X43 with Economy & Taste AT SUTIrnANPBRO.'S, TAILORS, Goderich, Street. - O Op p.slrT And Workmanship Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE NEXT DOOR TO 1 .Lu:msd en's Drug Store, 1 Seaforth, Wept, 10th. 52-tf. • THE TiKcoi.614 HE srtfticriber begs to inform. the •, lb!ic that he hiss just received, a great t#ariety of Saddles and Which- he is I►rel) Wired to sell { A t Prices Al• o. t Unintrallded., 0 OLt) every de; ripti ii, war - In to hurt the; horse's neck 0 In the way of Harness, O,F ALL KINDS, He is, as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value fe ..oeii in >7ti;y ' asi any other establishment in (3ntasio, Quality of work and material employed indisputable, . *f 'SIJOP 'OPPOSITE EIDD � M1c31 ULJ(JI.A7S. JOHN 01IPx1LL.. Seaforth, Feb. 12, '69. PROPERTY FOR SALE, TOT No. 9. Sparling's Survey of ,Se lforth, with, Store, Storehouse, a.t aile( and *Dwelling on it, and situated. anIi-,; first lot North of Dowiiey's Hotel, 'Alain Streetl. For particulars apply to the prol,riitor, W3-1* Y M {STA .'.ON,, ` din:itira lice .�.gent: Seaforth, ,Tune i lth; _ . t FARM FOR e?Ati,tE. T10 R. Sale, Lot 15, ' in sion of the Township of the 13th C' nces- Step%.en, On. very easy teringand at a �13dc,rate Prick'. This farm is conveniently- situated tO Saw and Grist ��Til', has 30 acres cleared, d, ,and a. good well of water. For farther particulars apply to- Wn. '. Luxton, • • `E .positoi ' (;-rice, ;-TtAlferth. or to GEO. W. FOSS, Sfri.thijoy. August 13th, 1869. 3$-tf p i 'CR GOR �: O !! 1 OOKBINDE 1.S, HULLET ARE prepartd to execute b,.ntl lug in every style. Persons residing at a distance by caving their books at the Signal Book Store, Godcru,h, or at th " I'xeosirol f' ofice, Seaforth, stating style, may rel 'upon. them being well bound. - AT "THE ound.-AT'THE LOWEST P RICES' And returned without do lays Seaforth, June 11, 1b6g:.. 78-tf. ti? DDISPENSMIY.J Family And 'ug Store. LU M SD E N has just received his Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, French, English and American Perfumery Hair Dressings, Oils, and.. Pomades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail -and Shav- ing Brushes ; Dressing and. Fine-tooth C-onibs : Toilet and Shaving Soaps, &e., &c. Horse 8s Cattle Medicines, Condition Powder's, etc., DYE STUFFS Of very Superior Quality. PJflTSICI ANS' Prescriptions accurately prepared, R. LUMSDE'. Pharmaceutical Chemist;., cafortb. April 22. 53-tt CY GO TO FRIT lOYSTE MPO TI For Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies, Cakes, and Sweets of every deecriptioz CALL AND REE. His- Fresh Stock 11 Opposite MeC'A I�. N. �� � Old Stand Sa€orth, Feb. 12, 1869.. 6341.3 - Insolvent Act of 1864. Province of Ontario, County of Huron, the County of ; fui a. To Wit : Iu the matter of .HENRY W. 111-OCANs, An Insolvent. iii the Couiztyr Court of ON Tuesday. the sixteenth day of Novem- ber next, the undersigned will apply to' the Judge of the said court for a uischarge under the said Act. II. . Me0ANN, By AlcCerrOHEY & Hozin srp,. his Solicitors ad iiifv4 Seaforth, Aug. 25, 1869.. 90 2m., Tliv Jr beg to lir4 4 f ;all the r pec. , th \V'e fc�in ell tt, +tic, c, tutif ft of i iiia. i S�-r ; e(l tL itt r s t the 5ti.)t'.t' ii; i.ntairi fii): ' fi teat se;'so�'S ftw it i1 ti a'L ti oil ox cyy73•ir9i{'�, rais 14--!- -n ,t tee tirtt fas t-ls d ei'l'.�ta tit);t gi lou d iiow e /a . crimes, viz in. part tO ooit-u1 iott, in hive na`ig ago, let:tio ltaliits of it� more- term ren, .e: loose not, lr►erty flus-- treated.. w! guilty iy if', suasion bore rriire. :atltre, tut g \Ve thii;k. t. oiii egtsi<a our Courts mar ; tris .hey cele t,' stn econon est of mora1 our B n.:t-t soon, as - Ian becoming o the contract action, of th tniting advta: net intend( effect itzion thea the ir`o tyanile a. clic ,I u foiinu the .di • t1 liriys i.iei� well <ttis1ki we %,bee to sprion t•eatt f -ding, tl -tialit of caeca clereiit ons -than xa errs oa the treatment sit other p'til:n .aid self;lei neede& i f1 diet. It - „ extreme of bas been a:� i the pu pate that tri ,and -nort 11> 'oonvetiol#- ,1 our prison to be a terrc too lenient -expiating tib ty. The 3 -iii Ty:Ireland .on account of cov;cl, t.nil be - drireS tal'g wrli ich is lief ;wished w for -our fello once receive 1 ally adThuteeJtii d i.I tieg mend that tl County wool.: stow .moot -es nom in opera: neighboring whether' sel with any otl. to form au o and w45.1.1n in. this count assistance. opinion that crimes that frons the dri ctLeglatu - gtracy who ayur of the l the - l nor - beenfaciiitate: gerce of the ' t conclusion. w matter of slnc L3.W5_are adni-" di e �0 lag'.n oven I sand pi iv neetion. betw< from whence inspirations dency and eon; here, and in B an[ Hoarier-. Fully su.brinit THAM Grand J1117_