HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-24, Page 4a PAPgR. Border ,Pai;er, EzilPp6r, WINDOW BUNDS v v Plain .Bae, Plain Green, Plain B1 and Figared.' AT THE TELEGRAPH BOCK STORE. W_ ELLIOTT.; . 54-0. Seaforth, July 22. T‘Pu. LIIBELSKI, SURGEON CHM& Ponis'T; respe0f4liy illforins the publie deaforth and surrounding country that he is preparLd. to cure Corns, Buniops, Ingrowing_ Nails, Large joints, and aa di:seams Of the hunian foot. Guarantees a successful treatment, without pain or sore- ! miss. Office directly opposite Griffith Davis's Dry Gbeds Store, Main Street. . Seaforth, Dec: 14, 1868. • "CANADA WAREHOUSE2" Ji Septt's Brie SEAFORTH MHE subscriber has reoeived his first in- stalinent o.. SPRI OODS .. LADIES & MISSES' Brown, Black,- Colored and White ,SUNDOWNS. gErkitLEMENgS Straw, Canton, Panama, Felt, All -Wool - . andMerino ° Decided Bargains in -Union, All -Wool and BRUSSELS OA PETS. • Alsip some very choice GUnpowder, and 33. .A.. 0 I 'T E..A. S Sugars, Syrups,:Coal.,Oil, CLOVER AND TIMaNTHY SEEDS. A large stock of BOOTS & SHOES ex- pected in a few days_ tkiirHiglaeSt price paid for Butter, Eggs. &c. ARCHICAtD MeDQUG-ALI,J., Seaforth, April, 1869. 53-1y: SH FOR rplIE subscriber having Rh -MOVED* to _L the premises lately occupied by E. Hick- son & Co., is now pr9arred to pay the high es Cash Price for any quantity of good Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main Seaforth.' . r DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, April 22. 72 -ti. -r-f*frl_lq'zfijk":: 3 HRA M COLLIEDAY'es, SOH, IN returning thanks for pa-st favors, have ` the pleasure of announcing to. the mer- e,hants and. business men of Seaforth that they are prepared to receive orders Or all kinds of DRAY WORK. 44 -Goods handled with care, and satisfac- tion guaranteed. January 21st, 1869. 58-ly DERI COMMERCIAL 'AND MATHEMATICAL ACADEMY (Established Oct. 1st, 1866.) In. Connection .with the London Com- , • menial College. The Course; of Study - Is Comprehensive, PRACTICAL AND CII.L.4P.. zz The time necessary to complete the course is from 4 to 6 months but one year is al lowed, so that all can finish it without extra charge. • TERMS: •For,the whole course, $20 in advance. (Books & Stationery not included.) Please etelose stamp for circular whiCh contains full information, and address • J. A. MeKELLAR, Principal, •- Goderich, Ont. 89-0105. Augusi 2Otb, 1869. • TSIMONS, 1. HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER. 411 work done ders to be left. one in First Class Style. Cr - door south of Dr. Finiih's • SIGN OF THE S COTCH COLLAR MHE undersioned begs to inform the farm, ers and. others of the County of Huron, had h3- has opened a iirst class HARNESS & SADDLERY IN . • And being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishinent. he can and will offer superior inducements to any other party doing business here. JJISCOLLARS particularly, are acknow- ledged by cokepetant judges to be su- perior to any made in the county„;,_ and from his thorough s,cquaintance with D the *ants of the community, he is satisfied. that all who favour him with their patronage wil: have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all wok manufactured at hisshop, places him in a position to warrant all work sold. by him, and his motto will he "the nimble six- pence befdre the slow shilling." Come along farmers and judge for yourselves. No charge for showing goods. C•VShop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth, WM. H. OL EVER, Seaforth, June 18, 1869. 80-tf. FURNIT'UFLE„ THOS. E LL has no on hand the largest 8 -tock in Seaforth, of everydes- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest prices._ Qual- ity of material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed. - I.7-1\TD In all its departments, attended to in a• Wig iactory manner. A Hearse for hire. PATENT ariPI BELL'S ATTRASS Kept constantly- on hand., ancl litted.to any bedstead. This article is the best and.'cheap est made as attested to by all who liwste us- ed it. Warranted to give 8atisfaction. :1----r-Remernber_ the plae,e, P0 S _KIDD Seaforth Aug. 5, 1869. • 87-'tf MR, JOHN THOMPON rrill.A.NKS his numerous . customers for I their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its continuance. He has now on hand a large assortment of G-ood Sound Green Hemlock 1! Which he Warrants will give satisfaction, ALSO, INS() INENT ACT 1864.j 200,000 FEET OF PINE! • CUT FOR In the --Matter of WILLIAM FER- GUSON'1 An Insolvent. ---, (1' N. gaturda3r the sixth dy of No- ki vember next, Ile undersigned will apply to tne o tinge of tae uounty COMA He has also on hand a large asstirtment of , , . , _, , , ,.„ or the_County of Huron, for!a. discharge WELLSEASONED ACCOUNTS ! I nneter the said Act, f . . WILLIAM FERalf SON, 1 To which he calls the atten.tion of his old customers, who will ilnd it to their advant- By m. 0:CAMERON, t age to tetire them promptly, and without His Attoi ney. legal proceedings. doderieh 20th Aug. A. I). 1869. 91-2.1 Seaforth, July 15th- 1869. . 8441 - BUILDING AND CENERAL PURP OHS Which he offers on liberal terms. --Ordets will be promptly attended to. . 'HFURNitilitINVAitEROatiit 1 off. After she leaves the prison she keeps up the disguise, writing in Lon- don, mailing the lettas wishing gini good health, thankiog t jailor and sending the Prisoner a ki . . - A Judas 'Itisz," ib hurnan _Leah at sucks. his Wood, and betrays his Li Is tit e e videnee of an accom plice sat isfactoi7 3 Is the evidence ufa found Detective satistaaory A_ pretty fie and a dishonest woman. I have shov, n you how unreliable •the positive evi dence is, I v.ili also show you how un relia b :0 the. circumsta• nces evi ex ce 0°1.11—dt:is ."-----'----:---:".-----iFmt'thAel:lesaeite:y4)21: n e heir coiifdet he unirderer is brought to. justise, Illany It t8iv161: phieirivisebtinheengi lryzilinoeiti;tot'ofl t4,:itecestpixi-.elva::.. 0, punish .guilt amt. pr,,tet t sollet. T , - of the GraWn i$ to fietTiVe evifienee to ' 7 anti of tobberii 1 3:11311:111 i::::::ii:ilkairlitil wouldof• rteit),littt r i liz ts ti :i t541'13.1,i011 (3)f ititith.:3:. Lst us 114 at the ...-1 1 'i -1-e tat: euoi;dA.914e in the *afiniinis- eiridt.nee. There is MI 8 •Co.i,k. Art; civeelliei(:),? i 11,-Teilit.:Ilidiunoit.ee:ei:.:ti;Jghttli:trc t;;.ii.: Nicholas Mellady for a confession. He, right to place her there to entijap him ; but When he conies to bpi., disconrie, so unexpeeted unit i)k-1,1 for, to occur ; we do not think it Would ee it: DOG look like uod's Pi oJititi!nee3, ;I commenced the correspondel 3 I. :1,.. i li, 11):: ' commenced it, shousl we net aeceet it 1 Wonld my le:mied friend tell ,V;ai, his seat in Parliainent, to do away with - the Detective system 1 If there is one system_ better than at.lotintr, it is the em- ployment of Detectives. YOU 11111St be oareful and cautious •_ in ieceiving her evio.ence, w (tether six.; i$ tin hoiiest ivo- . man or not. theletters arz.: tilts e no one can dt,ny them, and if You (ism' a wrong inference,. on you, rtists the. rcs- ceive Donovan's coufe ponsibility. , No tiou;:tioly, Nzvnlitbrir,nasiitti:nc,- If we (behave' accomplices,.that jr: ant, we discourage crini.noto in davu1ng . , tlie secret history of theie -ejnitederates. in crime. The fear -of es lids ure keeps them in dread of each other. No od4. a huw vie despise the infoillier, Kilii 16;01. h is occupation we must retAti v d Iii. elri. dente, when corrobotated by o0wr Cit.- toinstames. If we disbeiive accraa- plices, that moment we di4courage those who would give infornebttyio:41;:eiltzt would at once ruin the po6 Iwer 1sm% over criminals; it is the meanN the greatest ,ritues on -reiAiril are dis- - covered. , We find that wit nu six 1 months before the murder the deceased r In..d Itiw with the prisoner, in Stratford, I about and About two months before - that sad.occurance took place, ti.e old man bound bis on to die.peace. Would the prisoner sne the old man for assault to please him 1 He lived on the wor:t 0:.? terms with. his family-. We.are not inquiring. now, whether D9novan is guilty -or not, whether he told the whole truth or not at the Inquest. 14 is, an undoubted fact that Donovan wIls there. There are Donovan's boot tracks, and the nails in his boot track.. If they were .uoth there that morning,-land-tne orisoner cannot plove other wise, consistent with probaoility, that Done - van has told the -truth. I shall 'not use eloquence, for the Crown need not res - to find a case against the priso ier, or ort to such means seek to n–clue i eVerity ifluence -a j ury. J ust the same right as a person has to receive a faik trill; itI85 the same right has the public'to be protected. I have listened in vain froiu the prisoner's 11efence to explktin his eivn WilereabOlith, On that Szi.. turday night. Do you think it possible that Donovan was there and the prisoner not to explain his .whereabouts,A:vitlip0 enlas*ing on the fact, and if . you can acquit; him consistent with ev,idence, give him the benefit of your doubt, if not, painful as it is, you must find him "gudty." My learned friend, tdlli you he finds the "prisorier by his letter, can- did honorable, just," can it be I said a man who would bribe 'or subuiln -wit- nessess is honorable ; candid, or jut .WoUld not au honorable man go down. to his grava with his • innocence, lin fact. his soul unsullied rather than ..arnisli his reputation by bribery 7 Myllearnea friend says tne fabrication . of evidente and admission. of guilt has been drawn from him, and portrays him . PS limo- cence itself, 'do you think , that is- tIrs character i?f the prisoner at tLe bar 7 (The prisoner remained quite indiffer- ent during the address as if drON sy but - now Wakes up and is more att ntivt), Your position, gentlemen, is one of res- ponsiidlity, but yoi cannot shir* that responsibility. There are cases wh e rrn-; have suffered wrong (citing an e ample in Hamilton). Men have been ianged on the suspicion of murder, Viilipla 00 - supposed murdered man aftervfaids re- turned, but we know Mellady is dead, Examine the evidence carefully and if you have reasaiable doubt acquit him. 1± Donoviin was there on the ekening of the -6th. of June, where was...the pris, oner 9 The Crown has spared nO pshn4. to ferec otit the 'criminal. The piamtu has offered no reward, held out no- ; ducement, but used 01 legitimateimeana through an ,efficienr Detective tof bring ' the guilty to j stice, if we have I failed the Crown h s failed honoralb. I ask you; gentl men of the Jury, fina out a verdict as will justifyyour conci- teetepi netsatii;foYulehr7 Publ'ic/ and do iliStiCti THE -Xi:Ma-EIS CIIARME. His Lordship then tharged theJury, reading the evidence and expaciating on. the st: Gag and weak points ofipro.r- cution, and defence, amid profound si- lence- Among -other things his Lordship s':Ii‘c4td----entlerneir,of the jury .---Tho i , d • ROtERTSON Importer and in nidacturer- of an kinds or '51:13e •Prisoner bears a gocd character, HOUSEHOLD FURNITIME2 •• 1,...;ueh as SOFAS, LOUNGES. _ • CENTRE TABLES, - • .1VI A' (IRAS SES, DINING &a3REARFAST TABLES, • UREAUS, •CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In Great Variety. Mr. R. has great confidence in offering his goods to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned. Lumber, and by - First -Glass Workmen, CO FFEN MADE TO ORDazi. On the Shortest Notice. • VVOOD TURNING Done with Neatness • and Despateh. , • Warerooms :- TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL Main Street SE4aforth, Jan. 6th, 1869. 5744. • GOOD NEWS TO Farmers and Others. THE iildersigned having neWly fitted out his mill in a first class style, in winch he is now grinding for every FIFTEENTH BUSHEL,. Or exchanging flour for gool what at 41 lbs. to the bushel. . THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH PAID, FOE ' WHEAT. ALFRED BREWER, • Roxburgh Mills, Peaforth. June 4th, 1869. 78-3m. CELSIO XNT•P — EfEOTOG-Rk[ GALLE.RY. P. PAGET, Artist rpHE undersigned begs to inform the in- habitants of Seaforth and. surrounding country, that he has taken the Gallery .for- merly occupied by Mr. C; raltridge, A. Few Doors iliorth of Dr. Smith's Office, and Opposite Feat's Store. Where his:wily always be ready to -please his patrons and give satisfaction to those who favor him -With a call. • - • .BE SURE AND CALL. to see hi S speeiniens, they speak for the Artist and will convince you that he is First -Class. REMEMBER The place is Opposite Vears Grocery, Main. _treet, SiNtl rilh. WILLIAM P. PA_GET, Photo, Artist. Seaforth. Jury 22, 1869. •85 .(31).1, J. SEATTER EXCHANGE BROKER • And dealer in Pure DRUCS CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS. • The Drug Departinerit is under thd special care of an experienced Chemist, It M. PEARSON. January 2184 1869. • TIME. TIME. TIME. IF you want a Watcl that will keep the correct time, purchase one of Thomas Russell & Son's celebrated Watches. A arge stock of them for sale at • IVIS.COUNTER'S SEAFORTH. He has also on hand a large as ortme4 of Clocks, Jewellery,.-F-ancy Goos, Toys, &c., fr. all to be sold Cheap for Cash. 1,• 4VEvery description of _Watches, Clocks. and Jewellery Itepaired on the Shortest b•Lt Notice, and Warranted to give fiatisfaction. 1 If •The highest price paid for Old • Gold and c't not likely to commit so heinousa crune We have heard of threats; may a threa is made as idle wind, no sooner made then forgotten 4 A threat must be a cent one a persistant and con.,inuous one. W:hat is the threat the Pi isonei is charged with I? lle.said the Father should. _riot bring another woman over him. A very common and natural thing, for grown up persons to object to their aged parent, marryng. The witness _Nigh said- be would do the same thing1 dont like, ti) say any- thing oad of the old LIME. N o betty said anything good of . him. After giving this 'boy a lease he thought to de,friy it. The Magistrate Mr. !Jays thought there was nothing in the bind- ing 1,i,n to the Peace. The Prisoner said "Do it to please the old man." The 'man who swore to . the burnt stockings, cant sware whether they be- lenged to a child or a man. The Coroner has abandoned the . ciretpastances of finding the book which was handed by Gummi/ to OTrantfirst and to Dr. Ver- coefirst and. after travelling around ouarter of an hour was handed to Dr, Coleman first., It is perfeetly conse ent with innoceiaze, that the shot was put in the pocket by one interested, a Detective. - The Coroner is a great man, greatly to he feared, who, had, no great, love far the prisoner. Re search- ed the trousers on Monday, and be found a pipe! Mrs. Keho searched the pock et on Monday, aad she lind3 a pipe! No shot there. Constable Traine comes on Tuesday and finds a pipe ! 1 Pipes, grows in that pocket. Every body tlmt searches it finds a piipe !— Trainer searches ihe pocket, so' ofte searched, and out comes the shot. Once a man took- out a 'Aura pudding out of my hat. I • could not tell' how it was done. I suppose the shot was got in the "luta pudding principle. As for the boots, they shew you, they are Donot an', boots. Theiii the barefoot tracks, there is no _pecularit3r about them, for in many million men, may not many -resemble'? The tracks of the same feet did not agree, as the want of painting material (wised, .the tracks to oecome hunter: Oh 7 but they say. "Professor Crcf:; 13roved blood on the hat." Does any one prove it was Niel - lady's ° blood? Detective's male and femae, may say it was,. Professor Croft does net distinguish it from an ox's blood. - The prisoner had a fight with O'Brien. Its consistent with evidence that it was O'Brien,'s blood. Pedectly consif,,t-nt with tvidence that it was the bloed of Kehoe's child. Perfectly corsist- ent with evidence it wastheolood of a calf. Suspicion rests on the prisoner. If a handkrehief is found with blood, it is Mellady's blood. I do my best at al times for iny client but with you yests the responsibility; I have shown you how the evidence is unreliable. I have shown you how he is stirounded with enemies, suspicious, and detecting I would rathm! be MelLd3r, a. prisoner in that . box, than Dom). an a free man. Mellady says "1am a young man, a world before me, Dont send me so soon after my father, _if in after time the real murderer who may have inn away, 8hou1d return, vhat would your, concitmce say T' Gentlemen of the Jury, Pause, before yd‘i, send this young man to eternity, on the evidence of a fe- male detective, or a peduered accom. .plice." .God gave him his lite, you eau take it way, but dont take it away with a doubt on your mind. CROWN COUNSEL'S DDRESS. a This was a calm deliberate speech de- fending the Detective system, and plac- ing the evideuce before the Jury in a plain, explicit style. Among other things he said. :— "My Lord and Gentlemen of the Jury; It is a isatisfartien that the prisoner has had sue& an able Defence,- so strongly and forciblp..put. I ask you with my learned friend to clear your minds of all you have ever heard or read on this subject, for a gross injustice hs :eon done the prisoner. Whoever published these articles (handling Cie Globe in which this was published after the previous assizes) deserves the severest punish- ment, desei'ves thg censure of every man. have impliet confidence in your inStice and rest the c -ase with you COACi0U8 that judgement will be done - 4 n one iespect front my learned iend, he said it was muially wrong to se 8erotDectectives. On inc rests e responsibility of using sti..a reins we are to meet the murderer with-, it asking him, is he guilty ; few would the .murderers detected. Crime is nerally done in secret. And seeiecy Silier. I) • e COUNTER. ige Seaforth, Apilr 27th 1869, )63-ly m ust be used to bring them to justiee. ,k ajj • crime 18 t the invest Thomas waif. Dote •-z-ould bre. no shut on oaday, tbt • a..out it.. J.$ taken thkm prk.oner's- gu Alence Wtr -oubt.Tb evidence of oro -00ra s " •:1Deouncoe.v:;iituKiliit: would De fr • s.ni wor ZIOIL h te,e*go se,r1::::rn, WL 18 • Jatten case ciss,oLlyt-orslu3o'l; atio-v-ti hg 3riigh • ;ie di.1 Tice;i 14 stat ovan's Tbe - Coupled Detective and.tweive" raost favor); • tween 11 .311 shown 10 be • Qbacueek )aeis,o*Exivtid you have dont an1011.11 • spoke sevei -Robinson 1112 itcouidbe of seret Mt go - -1 glarnrsingal"ien 4 ta.1 mu:uh daersila punishe,.1. wo warrant for • ad presents •you think h •irisoner ha -d tirors of the believe her 0 • g*ihveese prisoner If this manin • it IeSSeSS; it guili.y.-- lb611111eis*tuneTo)rn ni his I.Ny'ntiotnuo evideuL • to prove - tryingthe pi you behve ne omair, as •'Whatever ti -er neist SaV A • Every burna 1,,d to- to find -of 41h.oiSiljti:11.1111:::::g1,:gib'eit: 1 eh „stands- before nal e •37:Stio. fgWe iV verdicts, ug Scotch verdie liiilvdeedThthombyasb al-drourleom4 yon , -doubt give th ifyou feel the jlsur3ry°tuhteniiilirt: The Que' e:Nicho Twenty Jil the prisoner t:!VPL-ke8se Iarm ing of the last wit47:191e8:Ps Aw the abo uig-the eroiin Pethk./ vit rise wayrovj 1 h i : veasektslibeftoixne re t. g..Tani'ill:y:49ttlinhidelln. co llut it was •;Psi ere put te .was