HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-17, Page 8p { .-!4
During the earlypart of the week
we set out Un. .i trip of w observation
through a : part of the Cottn :• Start-
ing ft=..uz this place to Southtlle'we
were, necessarily first in, the Township
In passing : through this fine Town=
strip .we oegatn to feel as though, per-
haps tlrestssertion of mote than .one of
her worthy fithabitants, .that, "Tucker
smith is the fiuest'Township," might
Nell be true, and yet every= other excel-
lent. However be this as it may we
are not about to assert, deny or enquire,
Itis sufficient for as to know that of
the many fu risers With whom we met
we learned in :almost all cases, that
their cans of the present season were.
filly that. of average years. Hairvest
ing appeared to be nearly
heli and there apiece of Spring Wheat
was o'iservableala also an oceasional
field of oats cut.. By the timethis reach-
es the eye of our readers, ' there -tivill be
little of the cereal crop of 'this To ovn-
e2aip exposed to she -Weather.. A. large
area of Fall iVl est is `already again -
cc -n and still wore -land being, prepay-
edfor.t'uat purpose. :On one side of'
this Townships as every body knows
is the village of . -
On which place we :shall give -no
leiigchy remarks. It is almost /the
Seine old two and six -pence as. of for
tier; tunes; hence those : who ever slaw
Ii•ippon,. saw it about as we. did wl
on oar .:CQ�n1try Ralnl;le,'" Pa:ssi
alu a the Lonc1 u Road south_ we. n
reach the Post vintage 'of
VTAhNA. n:
iells10 ei h.
the• v
to foes
1� = h
d f
s �
that reason is dcstiried to lino ion ef•.
We don't know, we only' say -"perhaps."
-Varna has maty respectableand anulus'
trious inhabitant's; not, of course,. say-
ing that it is otherwise with Brucefield.
'. 'he School, under the very, able man-
agement of Mr. Plunkett, ° is_ doubtless
one of the. best in the County, and so for
aa,s we Saw, everything goes "as merrily
as a .marriage bell," Long - may it ring...
The . Tyre of ° Huron, in the days of
yore, is geographically one of the pret-
tiest places possible, and evrden tly it
.was laid out with a view of its being
` A Great Cay" but,' alas ! the rail-
road undone more, than all others could
do fur it, and now it stands as au emb-
lem of disappointed ambition. Bayfield
has at least the consolation o
knowing haat she has yet, lots of room
to grow-. The day of our visit was a
rather important one, inasmuch as it
was that of a loupe's. Not• so large a
craft ea the " Great {'-tstei•n" was com
wi;,teclto the 'tbriny deep ,`'-.but a very
respectab?e schooner was "landed," or
rathered watered in Lake •Huron. In
going to this place' we of course passed
through the Township of
We observe in this I Township many
improvements -,_.in -agriculture In more
tlian one place we saw detaining • opera-
tions, a very- important matter. For
Fruit, Stanley'is ahead of anything we
file have seen this - season. Harvesting
ng here as elsewhere was nearly finished,
c:xt and witheneiall
g y, satisfactory results
we heard. Considerable Fall Wheat
is being sown° We had not rinuch op-
portunity oi seeing the Township- of
of HAY.
But s® far as we did notice, the in -
es habitantks are -not one whit behind their.
25 nn.b
b otlrs in successful industry. We
dr °;idled upon our old friend Hugh Love,
h-. Esq., and found him like a faithful:
s- sh ephard as he is, > watching. his flocks l
Mr. Love has a flock; of sheep the super•
for of which, Ave doubt, whether it is
Y' in the County. A Shearling Ram,
`Y- which he,insends exhibiting at the Pro
1'h vincial Show weighs 325 pounds, and is,
so far as we could see, one of the most
perfect in all particulars. Harvesting
le ` in this Township is about through and
e_ the yield we were given to understand
e was good.
is' - place was . named after .
Matthew Roder, and that section.
country first settled aslon ago,
as 1 b
We have places in. our Minas eye p:a
t'iat have grown to be- larger in
years, but very few. ; having a beatr.
looking 1, t of inhabitants. MBoit
rot, the Prost Master, keeps. a well .a
sorted stock of general - rnee ha.nini
and enjoys the patronage and Icon
dense of a large section of county
There is also in this place another e
tensive stole, a good hotel-, lilacksnli
shops etc: etc.
Though we have often walked tl
streets of the English city, whose nam
sake it is, this was our advent her
&t h a pretty place i3 it, that, adrni
able as we estimate the city above a
lure _to, to be, . we do not consider• t
county seat of our Native Shire` i
1 -
N -CONC LUSI we may say that ON-
1- For this week, so
far we feel satisfied that Huron is one
any way -bemeaned by -this .Canadair(
Village. .Exeter has many important;
places of business, both, commercial and
man ufacturing. In ch'urola es perhaps'
few places of its size equal it. Tire.
Schtlol under the unan +gement of Mr.
.abet undid, with, two assistants, is one
of the niostforward that we ever h;td
the pleasure of visiting. And as we
consider a place with a good school
tolerably safe, we left Exeter with no
great apprehens1o•1s of a dangerous fu -
tare fir it. Sttiki rg out for the iu-
t•:,irior of caie Township of
We first pulled-up at the School
r:4 Mr. Foley, who by -the way presides
i;t a school house . well • w.orthy the
rn:lgaificient neighborhood, iu which
it is. Not hiving time to make any
minute examination of the pupils of
this sfhool we ficin say nothing on tills
wise, 'but of one thing, We do know,
very few schools are tiler , that are so
tirull traicled is good behavior in the
matter of oilier aiid quietude. Were we a
:•..sident of the. Township of Usborire
doube much if we shouldnot take.
Lime with the filet resident of ,Tucker-
eri ith who would set:Lis Township at
he head - of all those of the County.
siet tncn we are not, -so pa danger need
appreheu_ sled on this score. Still
, e must sey that, for good farming : ° .s
ov imprevemeutsin the way
ex!;ellent fences, bares and dwellings,
vi have yet to kuow that any Toc;n-
. `a ip in Hansa is ahead, at least, of some
}sats of U borne, Calling at the school
At• Mr. Gracy we- found math than one
:nature in his School, which many teach -
era would do well to attain For greee
.olds and beautiful groves we wall.
faud by L borne. In the course of
,i r. rale ble we took the opportunity of
-ailing. upon A Bishop Esq. Reeve of the
'f-I',vnship: Friend B. showed lis speci
tent . of his .Fa il Wheat. Tread well.
whisk he had some thirty bushels to
:ea acre, of a sample that °cine did not
eeect to, see equalled in such a wet
• .non, and Dihel, amost beautiful
l tunp grain, thirty-five bushels off of
'see of seed. Thinking that ourrani b
t- l e any ways near complete must
cd "We came, , we saw," but guess,
U1 t cod per. e In Like wUI'dS it
AtIt ,what It use to
re was a tithe when Lime -
was the came ercial tart o
;Ala u.14 W'.5ci(o ig l.olu} a.go' C]�
of the Counties of the 1'rovince, and
one in which any man may be .proud of
Ontario Bee -Keepers' Oonvention:
Correspondence to the London ` Adver-
SIR : In accordance with the- an-
noMicement in your paper a short time
elites, of Bee -keepers' convenuion to be
held in London, Ontario, during the
week of the approaching Provincial
Fair, I now send you a list of ques-
tions submitted for discussion, with the
manes of the persons proposing them,
which you will please publish in the
Advertiser: .
Will it pay to feed bees in spring, with,
a view to early _ swarm;ng ?—S. H.
Can queens be successfully wintered
at an expense to render it practical?--
ractical?—ni. Paxton.
Is them any clanget of Canada, nor
any district fn 1,Canada, being over-
stocked with bees ?—A. C. Attwood.
What is the beast method of artifi-
cial swarming ?—H. M. Thomas and S.
II. Mitcliel. -
Wiih a fertile queen can ordinary
stocks be profitably divided as early as
the month of µ'Hay ?—Wm. Paxtot..,
}las foul -brood ever made its appear
ince in Canada ?---A. C. A ttwood.
In swarming, why do bele chaster
before leaving for the woods, and when
do they choose the place for their fu-
ture,horne ?---A, C. Attwcod.
What is the' best method for intro -
clueing queens ?-J. H. Thomas,
Can fertile queens b' introduced
early in . spring, with a view to early
swarming ?—W- D. Boca ernian,
Can artificial heat be used profitably
for early hatching? --W. Spence.
Do bees ccina,n w e less, and come out
best, wintered in a unif1- rni cool, or in
a warm temperature ?-
P L. Churchill.
At what time iri the spring should
stimulative feeding, be commenced
and what quantity, and how often
should a stock be fed ?—J. H. Thomas.
What kind of plants will yield hon-
ey the bestf° 1
n excessive y wet weather ?
3. H. Mitchell. '
What is the best size for `bee -hives
in. C cnada ?—G. Ilic.lr:ai daoll.
What is the best method of securing
he i., ost surplus honey after having
uubled yuurswarths?-13. M. Thomas.
is the Centrifugal Comb :Enrpt=yiik;
ia.-trine as useful as it has been
,--- U ..tt wood.
What- plate will Ikea winter besit <
41-).- =,. Afshbourgh. 3Y` - .alp:.
The Sons. of Tet%i�rtnce �kls�ril, o�
Richt/Wild-Ittr'eetbear the Tecumseh
O1�A :
H e, .h has .
s � een sc,cured by �1.r, {_
°.A .
4tliwtood, at which place the Ccinvei P1
tion will Inlet"b i ttescla,v evenia ' 'kt'
six `o'clock, sharp ; ou Wedinesdil?annul
Thursday evenings at half -past seven
o'clock, .for they: oonsideration- of the
above questions.
We hope there will be a general at-
tendance of all interested in bee cul-
J. 11. THolf. s aapiarian,
Brooklin, Ontario.
THE Montreal Herald, of yesterday,
believes it will be found, in spite of the
coy denials of Sir Francis. Hincks a. d
his friends, that we are oi.'Ce more to
have that gentleman for our Finance
Minister. The Lion. gentleman,who
was so recently, as he told the pe0l;l(
of Oxford, wan: ing to see whether his
Sovereign would 'not once more need
his services as a ColonialIGovernor•, has
very rapidily givee up 'the expectant
attitudea'nd is (the ' Herald believes)
today virtually the Finance Minister.
of the Dominion. When 'the Time*
first suggested, so -me weeks ago• that
the object of . Hincks' visit to Canada
was -to become a..Finance Minister, the
idea was pronounced absurd by the
Ministerial tress, and we think that
even the Montreal Herald took ground
against it. It,>seems, however, to -be
growing into . sit ry . general belief.-
-Hamilton Times.
(Advertisement. )
Something Worth -Reading.
The success that has attended the
faithful and intelligent study of Photo-
graphy:has been so great, that one can
get their own imae. perpetuated to os-
b 1P
te.ity. It is a great privilege to have
a good practical Artist, one who thor-
oughly understands the business, as al-
soone who is stationary in a tllace, to
whom you can go with confidence, with
the assurance of not getting disappoint-
ed in getting a correct, artistic, faithful
likeness, and from whom you can get
picturee at any future, lime frons the
negatives once taken. The days are
past for those who drop down for a
week or two and are off drain, having
no interest at stake, and caring very
little whether their customers aie pleas-
ed or aot, they are off'; but not so with
our Old Established. and thoroughly
poetical pnotographer,Frank Paltridge,
who stands to -day the acknowleuged
head and: leading Photographer in this
section of the country. he is a ical.
live man, up to every' wrinkle in the
business ; is very obliging ; and has
rooms, accommodations and facilities
or executing work seldom met. He
ias rooms and apartments for every-
ing, Good pictures cannot be made
where the funs of -so many different
chemicals come in immediate contact
with each other, and producing gasses
fatal to makin good pictures. His
°outs are in Scott's Brick. Block, near
harp's Hotel, and under the Ex o,sl-
OR Office, coal in summer, a arm in
winter ; with dressing ro'ms, so that
ou can bringyour best clothes in a
atchel. and change to get your picture
iken. Frank Paltridge also keeps
re negative, nd no fear of losing the
icture of sooi
.e near and dear friend.
is best work � is not at the door, but -
p stairs, one flight, and turn to the
ght hand, where yo'.i will find Frank
ways at home- and in good temper.
11 pictures shown are of his own
ake, and not bought or borrowed to
ecoy the par 1,lic. He guarantees setis-
ction or no pay. Just walk up to
rank Paltridge's'' Gallery, his ..peci-
ens are -worth looking at, and you
ill be sure to see some person's picture
al know. II you don't want your pic-
re, never mind ; Just want up, he will
glad to see you. - Remember, it is in
85 tf
a br Lk building.
Private Boarding.
TWo or three respectable gentlemen can
be accommodated with private board.
For particulars enquire at this office.
Seafoi th, Sept. 3. 91-tf.
Farm for Sale.
ONSISTING of 132 acnes, 112
cleared, siterated six m les from
Clinton. and 3 from Bayfield. Theme
are good buildings and an orchard on
the fai°rn. Apply on the pr'eniises, to
Sept. 2, 1869. 91-3m
,._ ''O -..
N the best b,�uslne s o ion of Seaf ortlh, .
F 8suitable for a Gro:
- 3
. .
'eety,~Book Store, ��.�.; `. linzizedate posseasnoi
°given- . -For particulars address
- . Wit, ROBERTSON & Co,,
- 87-tf Box 34, Seaforth, Ont.
lewd •
twit -
1.1E sash Briber begs to infirm Vie pi�b is
that he Iris just reeeivcd <-� great variety
of Saddles al;d.
rt ti.
Which he is prepare to sell
A t .Th -ices . 11ma ost -1.1iJ) ' - '1�� 117'� 1..
OLL i p of every it eier'ption,. war-
ranted not to hurt the lanr e': neek:
In the. way of Harness
Hie is, as here=tofore, in p,,.iition to ave
his -cusfomeis as good t°:},'1x;? fort their WWI( y
as any other e;stabli:ihmentt in int;>rr u•
Quality of work and material errplgyect
it di;puta,,�e.
510 Z'
r• r
t1e U L.IiII ,S
JOIL CA rl?a E1.,L.
Se'aferth, Fob. 12, 'a0� 0:14 -,_
OT No, 9. Spaa'ing':I Survey of Seafo t11,
Li withstore?r .1
t1 . C} { i}. � Thi
yI Z
Dwelling MI it, and sit,I'!c-41 M1 t?rc nrst,"lot
North of Downey's Hotel, lain ;acr=e t.
For parti� uta: ,s apply to the in opridor$
Wm. N. WATT O1i,
Insurance Agent -
,<1 tf.
$50 t,-NAT.AR,D Seaforth, June lith.
HOT, on Sunday night, the 25tli ult,,
. between12 d
1 an o'clock, ►� c Ick
South half
Lot 20, Con. 12, 11IcKillop, a two-year-old'
Steer. The above reward will be given to
auy person or persons giving such informa-
tion as.. will lead to the conviction of'the
party yho committed the deed._mi.
McKillop, August 87
ACT 1864. Insolvent . Act of 1864.
In the Matter of WILLIAM FER- Province- of Ontario,
GUS'ON Countyof In the County Cozurt of
An Insolvent.Huron, the County of Huron.
To Vit :
N Saturday, the sixth- clay of I� o-
-r Ilt the matter of HENRY W. 11Ic;CANN,
.vemlTer next, •she undersigned will An Ineelyent.
}Ipply to the Judge of the Conncy Court
ox the County of Huron for a discharge
under the .said Act. °
Ills Attorney.
(Jodexickk ;sail Aug. A. I). lo69. 91-2m.
(AN Tuesday, the sixteenth day of Novena
ber next, the undersigned win apply to
the Judge of the said court for a t ischarge
under the maid Act.
H. W. McO.ANN,
his Solieitors ad lite rs.
Seaforth, Aug. 25, 11` 69. 90.2m.
TOOst- 3Sale, I.at 15, in the 13tl1 (..on rs-
sign of the
Township of SteDhe
On very easy terms, and ata Mtdcrat .
This -farm is conveniently situated to SK w
and Grist Mil:, , l.,as SO acres cleared, ain a
good well of water.
For particulars apply to Wm, F.
Luxton, ''Expositor" (fiie.`e, - eaforth. (mt.?
GEO. W. ROSS,_ Stra,tliroy
August 18th, 1869. ti6-if
_e RE prepartd to exec) t-� binding in every.
style. Persons residin at a distan o
by leaving their books at i he Sigial Bolik-
Stnre, Goderich, or at tale } _ Brea I•rolt"
office, - Seaforth, statin4 style, may rely uphn
them being well bound.
And returned without delac-. f
Seaforth, June 11, 149. 78-tf.•
r .oi :ores,
L DENhas just received hila
Spring Importations
cuuf Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chenaieals an
Patent Medicines, French, English and
American Perfumery ; Hair Dressings, (lilsl
and Pomades ; }fair, Tooth, Nail and A hati-i-
ing Brushes; Dressing and Fine-tooth Combs
Toilet and Shaving Soaps, &c., &c.
Horse Cattle Medicines,
Condition Powders, etc .j
DY ` >S -TUFF t
Of very Superior Quality.
HY I0I ANS' Prescriptions accurately
• 1 prepared, R. LUMEN,
Pharmaceutical Chemist. -
eaforth. April 22. 53-tf.-,
10- GO TO
Foi Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies,
Cakes, and Sweets of every description.
His' is - Fresh Stock
Opposite McCANN'S Old Stand. -
Saforth, Feb. 12, 1869. . 63 -ti
BEATITIFUL ! SPLENDID f ! is the verdict
given by all who use Hunt's Empire Hair
Gloss. It makesdry, harsh, stiff hair soft.
glossy and beautiful. It cleansesthe scalp,.
removes pimples, strengthens the glands,
prevents the hair from falling, and will cer-
tainly make it grow strong, luxuriant an,,.
beautiful, and it is only 25 cents per bottle,'
Solei everywhere. 72
DYSPEPSIA cured by using Dr. Colby's An
ti -Costive and Tonic Pills They regul€tte.
the Bewels,, correct the Liver, clear the Com-
plexion, and renovate the system ; they are
composed of active ingredients in a highly
concentrated form, ano-striks at the root ( f
disease, Burin g almost like magic. Tho.is-
ands testify t., their extraordinary curac;tve
properties. Sold b3• all dealers.
s'1 �.tY>�
- togw
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