HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-17, Page 7kam,- y Iie mer - D -F ,he ful -131 es rata! en as OR DYE STUFFS, CAN'T BE BEATEN Either m Price or Quality. sa....—a•as- LAMM CHIMNIES, CHANDALIERS, BURNERS, WICKS-, and 00AL OIL, Go to ROLLS', Opposite Foster's Hotel, •Seaforth. NB —h.eseriptiona carefnlly pre- pared. Seafortla 10th, 1869, y 79. TArt, RS f TAILoRsi A RARE CHANCE. mli.E undersigned ,offera to rent the back 1. shop of a tailoring and clothing establ ment in the thriving village of Airileyville, where there is a business ample for five or six hands. Apply- to & SMA LE . Merchant Tsilor, Dingle P. O. June 25 1889. 1869r. 81-tf. 1869. SPRING 11 PORTATE 0 NS KIDD 84. LIMN RE NOW prRpared to SHOW the Contents of 40 Paelia(res Dr OF MANTLES, MILLINERY, BOOTS & SHOES which ill be spiel at the . Smallest Profisq. Always on Hand A Choice Stook of Gire a Cfl KIDD & MeMULKIN ea:forth. May 7th, 1809: IMPORTANT ruyncE!! LUMBEF?5 LUK1BEF?. Andrew Govenlock TOrLD announce to the public gener ally, that he has on hand at present, at his Saw Mill, M el-CH.10p, over four handred thousand feet of lumber, cut into all the various- lengths and sizes generally used for BLUM% FENCING' AND DRAINING Purposes. Also a large quantity of HARDWOOD LUMBER ! Consisting chiefly of lt,o CREW, ELM, GAK„,. BIRCH AND MAPLE. , And a large and choice quantity of . e B/),SSWOO:a AND: PINE !. AII of which -will be sold at VERY LOW -PRICES I • In order to makeroom forriumerousthous- ands yet to be sawed, during the -summer.. MY SAW MU ANC LUMBER YARD! IS ON TI -IE, ORA:YE', ROAD . Nita MIES. NORTH OF SEAFORTH,-.. Ple..ase remernber thE . name -is -, " ANDBKW GOVE.N.LOCK.," june 18, IS•Gg. '• • „- Valuable Intrention. A NEW INVENTION or PRESERVING THE HUMAN BODY. A correspondent, writing from Naples, eyes Some interesting information res- pecting the mearte eniployed by I:14 fessor :Alkape of that city for. preserv- ing. the human body. He . ;game secret similar to Die Abbate's has existed for a -long time, as all trav- --eilers who have visited_Florence -prob- ably well kiwi,' in the Cabinet of Phy- siological. Anatomy lu Santa Novella, there are iyeparationaIof proportions Qf the hi uaft body . by *vv. Segate. - The Grand _uueal GOverninent refused to stk purchase the -ret whieh died with Se - gate. , Ifis pre aratisus; I repeat were -onlv put -ions of` which is new bein in the ex-cenvent o Nueva, is the entire 17 years of e,:as.who dt bon t the eed of last- Jan( isionthse therefore, it Inas :ration of a very variable The features, the integrity of are perfectly preserved as, they were at the month of death. ;The nails ave a. ioscte line, there is RO odor °ofany kind; and the flesh has the hardness, i most of marule. To tills ..et it be add that the hair adheers -i.si tenasiously ttt tlie bad that itis impossible to move it witliout,vicLnce of coutse. The eter-: e tio-n of embalming or petrifyino. f is af- fly' d'ected in. a few 'hutirs, without ''the ne- -' a feEiity of removing the dress_ indeed an- the ex other body has been petrifies', according eyidenc e answer, th to the same system, without taking (Ai tli:e drest, andeven preserving ththat the boe \ellen totlild giOveS *..11. "We know," says a medi- val gentiethan, not an Italian, to whll fire doctors aso' I am indebted for these details, "that of them testifie some gentlemandescription of th in Naples after havine hi proved what w.e have stated, -hwh.en last eenthpyave rade an alteration in their wills, imposing have died within the it as an obligition.! on their heirs that I'S' the Plantiffi Th thht ' they shall apely the system of Abbate ougthat the state o described was not ,that c to their bodit-Iss in the event of their dy- had been dead seven • days. ing be,fore 4 proffessor." • This discovely has, however, a more mated, however, that the pecu _practical and more important ,phase— of atmosphere in which the b - that is,ink preserving meat fresh. .Asaid to be foundmight arrest b - he body, whereas that exhibited in Naples, 'anta Maria della, dy of a youth of d of pluthi+ try. For ifive reSisted the. mosphere. le form A Gastiy Lawsuit. A. curious insurance case has been tried in San FranOisCO. T116Xorth Am- erican Insurance 'Company declines- to pay the amount cf a policy.due thewid- dow of CharlesGeggus, It appeared by the evidence that Geggus left San Francisco upon the 22nd of August,1868 in a state bf, mental and bodily pros- tration boidering upon, if not actu- ally within the region of, absolute in- sanity. On the 3rd of September fol- lowing, his remainsi in an advanced stage of deconitosition, were found in the monntains of Joaquim County. The poliey of iustiqtnce expited on the 27th of A.ugust, 1868—just one week beforehis remains were found. Hence arose the defence, the Company denying that when found he had been dead se- ven days, and upan that point they went to trial. For the plantiff,- a certi- ficate was produced, signed by it Jus- tice of the Peace, declaring that 14e had held an investigation touching the death. of Osiarles Geggus upon tae oc- casion of his reraains being discovered on &he 3rd of September, 1868, and that he found that the said Charless Geggus died frem exhaustion aud exposure, and had eeen dead a,t least ten days when found. Six doctors testified that from the condition of Geggus wheu last seen, Aug,: 23—he not having then eaten any - bins; Ler over two days—he must have di d within a period ranging from 12 8 hours tl.ereafter, thus fixing his at &alma au least two days prior to irieg of the policy. Upon this the lantifrs case rested. In o onspany,,soiiht to shOw had not been dead a week icI for this purpose called medical expert'. . Two that haVing heard a state Geggus was in greed that he must ieriod mentioned three others decomposition a body that They ad - a yoramiw. pons deoy_ few ng tate kisser 'There arE plication themselv man boos ts he hassucceeded completely. sition, The Juryretired, and m difficulties in this special ap- minutes returned with the folio\ f it which would not present verdict, viz. : "We, the jury„ find ti s in the pt ifieatiOn I hu - the late Charles Geggus died preVio , uch as the danser of - us t ( to the 27th day of August, 1868, ana, ssintro therefore, find for the plantiff, Eliza- beth G ggus, in the sum of $9,776,78, with interest, $437;97 : total,' $10 - 214,75." • • du:dug s bstances injnrious ;to health, Or affecting the taste, the appearance of the nutritive qualities of the meat. All these dirtculties A bbate dt C. -arcs he has overcome, and i is a known fact that a: fi t r„te house in Italy,. whise commersial relatiens with the Ameri- cans are considerable, has already made offers to Abbate sin. the subject. Should it be proved by experience that the wholesonae food oPrnan-- 'which tis now „thrown away in vast distilsts as utter- -ally unavailable, or is o lily me.t id. do wn for the sake of the fats --can by siini te .and inexpensiste'means be exported Ito Europe flesh ansigoode an inestima le boon will have ben conforrecl on hu- manity. This out).- pmffessor asserts can do; as he hastiready none so mucb, surely his systei s. deserves the careful attention of all scientific men. During his life Abbate has no intention of nil - king known the -secret of his discovery, but lie is prepared to -visit any part of -the world Which he may be requested to visits and show the results of his inven- tion. A Precious Thief. JererniahlFa'veylProvidence R. a ' L., boy a..;out tea years old, was arrest- ed last week for stealing some money from a greeery. At Police Headquar- ters hesadmitted his guilt, and profess- ed himself anxious to have an officer sent with him. to Salisbury's, coal -yard, where hesaidthat he had hidden it, sthat he might -restore it. The Chief -of Police and. -Detective Swan yielded to his wish. Arrived there Jeremiah led Detective Swan out to the end Of one of the elevated shoots, used in discharg- ing coal: There they fOund a hole just ;large enough to allow the young shyp- er to crawl through. He said the mon- ey was in the hole, and -the officer, not suspecting thatthe youth OS playiug any !game upon him to escape, directed Lin to " go in." He did, go in; and came out at the "large end of the horn." Ofrice,r'S wan heard something drop on the ground below, and Inferred direct- - ly -what, the youngatsr was at. He youldait be fooled in that way, and so he immediately dreppeds not through the hole, but over the :ide of the shoot. He found to his surprise that he and Jeremiak had gone to very different placea. He was in the bottom of a coalbins and nobody within hearing to help him ort. Ile succeeded in clam- bering up the side ef the bin, without injuisy, except to. hisclothes, in which, when he came out, he might have been mistaken fp- a coal -heaver. When he reached the ground Jererniab had teen gone for some time and the Akers were compelled to retinal v it hout or the' money°, whieh they firmly 1.. not in the hole. A Lake Superior Legend. In the summei uf 1864, while in the Lake.Superior country, I took a no- tion one dav to have a swim. So clea- ning a tight bathing dress, -I dropp-ed into the water. The plunge almest 'took my breath away. I had an- ticipated coldness, but I had not anti- cipated Such icy coldness as this. The Lake Superior Unctions never bathe • the reastu tney assign is, that the water of the Iake is never warm. A great many xsars ago the waters of the mighty lahe were warin in the summer season, The Indians were the sole inhabitants of the land in those days. Mana- bozhowas a great (pod spirit,) and the Lake Superior tribes were his fat - orite children. But sometimes Mana- bezho Used to put ora his seven league boots, and stride away over the moun- tams on a visit to his brother of the setting sun. He had goie on such a journey, one melting day in July, and the Indians lay in their forts, dream- ing dreams about thesfairy lands. of the E A bacherer in commenting upon the large amount which Queen Victoria sa,ves annually from her salary, remark- ed that "there was a widdow worth b crOillb fbr." bl Many people thin x themselves- per- tectly virtuous, becktuse, being well-fed they have no temptation to vice. They don't distingeish netween yiitue and victuals. The Lords' blunder; ---Said an lrith lunatic to an Irish rector, "The lords must have mistaken you for I when they were transferring 'the surplus -to the surplice" An Oxford -street firm, in.' London display in their window - the following remarkable annour4ment: "Immove- able tooth-brushes."—±tather dead stpck we should imagine. A friend asked a little -girl : " Which do you love best, your cat or your doll The lita Lirl thought some time before answering, and then whispered in the ear of the 'questioner : "1 love my cat btest, but please don't tell dolly." Insinuating:—"Why don't you get married 1" said a young lady, the other day, to a rather elderly batchelor friend. " f have been trying for the last ten years to find some one who would be silly enough to have me," was' the reply. "I should -think you haven't been our way," was the insin- uating rejoinder. ast. . There , was a Ipad spirit who hathd the Indians fiercely. This bad spirit was a. monStroes snake. He was very ni uch. afraid of the good manitou, Mana- bozho, aid whe4 Manabotho was at honie the bad spia\it stayed in his fiery lake, away back. into the forest. • • ,But now Manabozho wasi gone on 4 joiiruey,, so the bad • spirit resol‘ el to tax() advantage of his absence to des- troy the tribes whom he hated. He had a large number . of demons in his Service who were teady/for any work he might set them._ - despatched an army of these demons te annihilate the Indians. For hiS part he set him- self to watch for Manabozhe, in ease that good manitou should return unes.- PeeTtleiceillY. ndians -saw tb e' army of klenions coming, and knowing that in .the ab- sence of their chief t! ey were power- less to fight against them, they gather- ed their won en and children together, • and paddled away iii their, canoes across the lake. The demons could not swim, and had a great dislike to the water, and N.vbenthey saw the Indians paddling away they howled in their rage, and belched forth great clouds of flame and smoke.; But as soon_ as. the LIIJLLUS had Safely reaciied an island, a (thick covering of ice suddenly ever- ' spread the .1aLe, and the demons yell- ing with joy ict,3hed upon it. When they were ail safely upon the ice -bridge, ; it parted s sadati,13' as it liad aparod ;aid eessene . and 1ioate:,1 sAlooRs_r_H EXPOSITOR. in great distress, being unable to get (Adler shore....And.now the forak of Manabozho rose to view. Mimalxmlio understood the situation at onceand str4ching out bus mighty arM, larger 414 a pine tree, roared with a voice louder than thunde14, "Sink, sink, and. rise no more r And the l'aft sunk, the demons perished, and the 'Indians came and worshipped Manabozho. And this is why the waters of Lake Superior are se cold. Wit and Humour. The bored of eduction—schoolboys on a summer afternoon. Babies are the coupons attached to the bonds of matrimony. The interest is due at random., Why was Phoroah's daughter like a broker 1 Because she got a little prop- het froin the rushes on the , banks. Fashiunable Follet, thia month announces that : Open bodies are very fashianable." This is a heal- thy fashion, at any rate. "Them 'soldiers mast. be an awf. 1 dishonest set," said an old lady, "for nota night seems to pass that some sen - i try s not relieved of his watch." A golden Thought—Children in their ciadles are sometimes said to be "as good as gold." but Australian diggers generally prefer the gold in their crad- las. HOW TO LEARN THE PIANO KEYS. All the .G and A _keys Are between the black•threes, And tweet). the twos are all the D's Then on the right side of the threes Will be found the Rs And O's, But on tk left side or the threes Are all the F's ond all the E's. A gentleman standing on'the street observed a lady who was gotten up re- gardless of expense, an.d turning to his friend, said, "By Jove, Charley, isn't she splendidly upholstered.' A ticket -of -leave man recently run .aww with the jailor's daughter. His defence was that he was so accustom- ed to penal servitude that he could not live without a wife. An, editor, alluding to tho demand for female suffrage, female doctors, and female_clergymen, remarks that anoth- er want presents itself—that of female women DICTATED TO THE HOWLER OF THE " Anion." One " Crispino" fell in love with a maid; . Each night 'neath the window he stood, And their, -will his "soft" serenade, He wakened the whole neighboL. hood ! Bat -vainly he tried to arouse Her sleegoting with; his strains w While he played in front ot the house, She slept in the little back kitchen '1_ JOSH BILLINGS' SAYINGS. The foil/owing "bits of wisdom" are from a recently published batch ofJosh .1.- Billings" apera : Cotinciling with fear iz the way cow-- ards are inade ; con ncilino• with hopo iz the way heroes are mare; couneiling with faith is the way Christians are made. I ODE COMMERCIAL AND. MATHEMATICAL ACADEMY! - (Established Qct. 1641856.) In Connection with the London Com- - Inercial College. The Course of Study Is Comprehensive, PRACTICAL A.ATD CHEAP. The time necessary to' complete the course is from 4 to 6 months; but one year is al lowed, so that all can finish it without extra charge. TERMS: For the whole course, $20 in advance. 1(Books & Stationery not included.) Please eLclose stamp for circular which contains full information, and. address J. MeKELLAR, Principal, Goderich, Ont. 89-olOr. August 20th, 1869. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. THE undersigned begs --eo inform the farm- ers and others of the County of Huron, hat ha has opened. a first class H.A.RNESS & SADDLERY IN' SM.A.TIOMMTIT 1 And being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment. he can and will offer superior inducements to any other,party doing business here. TTIS COLLA.RS particularly, are acknow- ledged11 by. coe.petint judges to be su- perior to any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the community, he, is satisfied -that all -who fa-vo-ur him with their patronage - -will have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all work manufactured at his shop, places him in a position -to warrant all work sold by him, and his motto will be " the nimble six- pence before the slow shilling." Come along farmers and judge for yourselves. - No charge for showing goou.s. tak*Shop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth, WM. H. OLIVER, Seaforth, ,Tnne 18, 1869. 804f. Furniture FURNITURE. -T THOS. -BELL has now on hand the largest stock in Seaforth, of every des- cription of Furniture, from the -commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest piices. ity of material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed. In all its departinents, attended to in a satis tactory manner. A Hearse for hire. T. BELL'S I PATENT SPRING MATTRASS Kept constantly on hand, and fitted to any bedstead. This article is the best and cheap est made, as attested. to by all who have us- ed it. Warranted to give satisfaction. Qr Remember the place, CDPPOSIT KIDD & MMULKIN'S Seaforth, Aug. 5, 1869. 87-tf T. simords, HbusE & SIGN so be - The tnost dangerous diameters in the aworld tires -those %silo live in the suburbs of kirtew—thyare rotten ice. • - LaZirrleS8 iz a gcod deal like mOney —the more a lean has of it -the more he want.;. , There iz no- such thing as inhiri-,! I ting yirtew ; money and titles and fey, - e;• sores may be in.berited. I Life iz like a mountain—after climb- I (int= U1) 'on side. and lawn- the utile-L.,1(1f,we uut up the POOR COPY f. PAINTER. All wt 4.1 First -Clan Style. dovr 'Corti, of lar. , C ;4`ax:- "8 Cederie ALL PAPER. Bereler Paper, Hall Paper, WINDOW 131.1 DS, Plain Blue, Plain Green, Fain Batif and _Figured. AT THE TELEORAPH BOOK STORE. W.. ELLIOTT. 44-tf. Seaforth, July 22. -FIR. LUBELSKI; SURGEON C IIRO- _1 j FODIST, respectfully informs the ' publio of Seaforth and surrounding country that he is preparod to cure Corns, Ennion , Chil- blains, Ingrowing Nails, Large Join s, and all diseases of the human foot. Guanntete a succe6sfu1 treatment, without pain or sore- ness. Office directly opposite Griffith 1.)avis's Dry Goods Store, Main Stieet. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. 153-tf "CANADA WAREHO In Scott's Brick Block, SEAFORTH, MILE subscriber has received his first in- stahnent or. LADIES & MISSE Brown, Black, Colored aud. White SUNDOWNS. GENTLEMEN'S Straw, Canton, Panatela, Felt, A114% G 1 and Merino HATS! Decided Bargains in Union, All-NITeeI and BRUSSELt CARPET. Also some very choice Gunpowder, Ana c alm Sugars, Syrups, Coal Oil, &c. CLOVER AND TIMONTHY A large stock of BOOTS & SH pected in a few days. Or -Highest price paid for Builter, Eg EDS .&c. ARCHICALD ItcDOITGALL Seaforth, 1809. 5-X fly CASH E G FOR. rpHE subscriber having RI;MOVED to 1 the premises lately occupied by R son & Co., is now prepared to pay the high- est Cash Price for any -quantity Of good. Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main St., Seaforth. DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, April 22. HIRAIV1 CO-L.1.1E3AV 81..C.4re, TN returning thanks for past favors, have 1 the pleasure of announcing to the mer- chants and business men of Seaforth tiatbney are prepared to receive orders for nil of DRAY WORK. terGoods handled with care,- and tion guaranteed - Jannary 21st, 1869., 58-1y MR. JOHN TH-OMPOI) 91HANKS his: numerous custonlers kw, their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will re4eive its continuance. - He has now en hand a large assortment of Good Sound Green Hemlock Which he 'warrants will give satisfaction. • ALSO, 2005000 FEET OF PIKE! CurFon. BUILDING AND GENERAL, PURPOSES, Which 11;.e offers on literal terms. Ordk r-5 will be promptly attended to. Be has also on hand a large assortment A f WELL SEAMED ACCOUNTS t To which he calls the attention of, his old customers, who wili iind it to -their advant- age to retire thein premptly, and With, legal proceedings. Seaforth, July ]lith, 1809. INSOLVENT ACT °F i; 111 the Matter of JAMES 1,1441u , of Seaforth, UR Insolvent. ' rilIJE creditors of the Iiisolvent alre no ed that he has Inii414.1 4111 aszipi.int ill; 4 f his estate and effects under tht. able ,,t '4) me, the undersitnied Asignee; and that tiji, are rt (.1 iVittiD mouths from this (bite with their ela,:a.s, tpecifying the security they hold if !tai., tke value of it, lone stv.ting the fa. , the whole attested under tiath, -1"rith roil eller,' in se -14 rrt ! Dated at ,.kre1i, in the u4 t.f oe tli' da,- of Tin- •, 0.0 4,1L, OrJUB. .1!AL1)4."1, A *tiigliee: tine 41