HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-17, Page 3....._.................._____e____,
house wa,S ning sayieg thee ara itio:
ne- okl Me1I;it1v'. wee were- both killed.
. .
-lensw 00e1. Know wept to the 0141, Thasoe, t _.
. four vezset before t door, end from there to nise
Other woe a sateen- . my way' I think. jemet Di`=:.
i Reinem'eered the- , earoe aWeas f-, ( in niy- breorn 4
sameler ; 'went! ta-', Mc -Genet End oti,ers ne -iaa o
I day, hut is wzia , Woe ztliteut 3 oe 4 O' 1.k in nig
so he didn't go to :e 04.4.selose r -w.‘,.,„,„, )„
L' .: ,
a -while, and then - ter reittitig a . drink ,1 1-,ts rted c6i,'. 01,
.:0 &et Koine horses. • Mulhaltsis. Int itatis'd _of ts set. thoritt
t to Egmondaille. I went to my fethees, theoce te je,gto-otid'_:
i3O„1,g, and nea wit- sea le.i. ZUKI t711( .11 1,0 1elioe7:,i that eitas,
lt with him, Game I went to bed with Kehoe, het e • ,.,-7
re, and (hank to- . i he eight si, as a.1/e- ''•
7.,std etixtd takIen*.
sd towards bane. -Old Mollsols'e. On Sundoe aleitaiti,
IL in Egraoreiville. New Nicholas pnt something, ' t
-her David's that setove, but do -net know -what it
in 0
'David DC0110Van ' To- the TrisTmer's- Crow,n:w::__A tit ;
! witiseas stayed itt : the gaol; have been theee..,,tatit 4
S Kehoe and wit- ,' Months. „Am chorged -with tieing 'ilii,„
ndville, but hie ; rplicated ..i.1 the Mellady -Murder, •-•- .• -
assiee's, and went :isnot my first evidsre e on the no`ittiiin ete
down to old I gave a depceitien at the ut.
Bowden and That is it, (Leing proco cd by-ote
- Bowden Ieft sel.)- . -Croon being i tool, where -
:ioe w.uit. On a : movements conflieted with those; h
&clock. ciiven in the evidence abin-e. said,
, . ,
- e
back, '.vas not quite correct—(deposition -
hial to go home - so sztys that Nicholas t1 Luh was ile
: aLer they met , out of his sight on the Saturday tiglit,
-anee . freIn, hiS said, " that is not comeet)poeith'
sed to -go 4nwn '-' Didn't meet Mellady -in Egenondvin „
- the framing - but somewhere towardS his fatliestlire
ey all Went, , Ishice. Had beet drink ing, dnringsthe
bats sees', of !day,. but was net drunk. •Rail two
tnight. Ai- - glasses at . Welshes, in Feeforth, .itio
riming for Some two or three at Mrs. Ro'berteen'4,. i_
aeds home and , Earnondeille. Also took a little froio-
ards'the house, a bottle; Kehoe aIso drank from the
wee 1.-Chiie' bottle. Was going to _Kern:tea wife*
noise at the Malady met me. 'knew old It{01144, _
15 minutes = waS reported to be well - off ;ethat le
'Theit got up and , lent money, and kept a go el 'dee in hii• y
ie front deter of ' house. Was in the lialit cf •showing
Ran, in andI hie money when drunk. Will- itet
in there:our; and swear I sew any lights wl - p • ' -
, ... raiong .
through Egmondville. on the eveni4 - -
of the murdta. . It was "right dark",
when we got ta the place whrre-we.'sSt
down, though I could see quite a -(lie- --
tame. It -w-as, about 10 o'clock 'when
they giehoe and Mediady) left me.
.Kehoe started in the direction a home.
When I first heard the noise I took Oft
my hoots, because I -thought it was the .
framers coming out of the house, , 44
I wished to be ready to rcia. (Wei
was stated reluctantly.) The reason I
got ready to run was beet/use I thowtht.
thefi•aruers might think I was doing
mischief there. I don't know w' .ether
I tirepped We boots there or tea thein:.
to Ale door of the house. - Ilad woolen ,
-socks on. Went, perhaps,' a few steps -
eto tbe kitchen. I think there was i- ;
light in the kitchisn. when I Went tof-,
the honse. The door from the hall to
the kitchen was Mot open when I first- .
went, there. When I saw prisoner with
something in his hand he was stantling
by the staircase. - Don't know what it -
was that he had in -his hand. Only
heard one shot, distinctly. Thought it
was either a„ gun Ise pi tol shot, don
kuow which. Was, at e door before
Kehoe came up. 1 saw 110. one in the
house alive but the prisener. Kehoe
might have beeii five or sfxrods flora,
the house at the time that, 'I first sa,*
him. When we left the hone we walk;
ed. In crossing the river T fell ill.
Mellady was ahead of me. Think
Mellady crossed at one place and I at
another. It was near daylight when
we got to David's. Don't think we
-svere at Mellady's quite an hour. - It
was moonlight when we started from
Alellady's fur- David's. Kehoe might
have gone into the house. Neither ce-
hoe nor I went into the bedroom.
Alm .1.?awden.-1 live in Egniond--•
ville, Xever knew Melladys to have
disputes; heard other people talk of it.
Reniember the day of the murder.
Saw Kehoe and T. Donovan about .
o'clock on that day. They a ere coming;
from the directit n of David
z Dooevall'8,
. some PaP- and they ,Avent taward's.- Kehods,
but I lost Heard no more about it till the next
the river' dav. Had; a good deal Of dealings with
old Mel:lady.' .
, James Ityan.--Live in Egmondville:
KnPriv old Mellady and T. Don/Ivan,
N. Meliady. Kehoe, and D, Dotovan.
house. At -About 9 o'clock saw T. Donovan and
mg the the house - N. Mt -Hedy comieg towards Eginond4
ithe &on It ville. it
got to Da- Thomas Parker. --Never saw - the
Ouse by the prism ee, before the time of the murder,
Got up -in in Eginetelvi.le. Recollect the time of
i horses, and the intu.der. Saw the two men pass
itolas was ill down the road at about sunrise that &Ir.
ier breakfast One of them was Thomas DenoVane
ither David, onlY know that the prisoner's walk
-hulas MO- like that of the other party. Dole.0
ile'gruondville know him by itaything else. -
1 walked to- ' To Prismer's Counsel ---The nle,rt
t had on the were not mere than 14 feet *alp me A
ilie night Le- oue titue. Told, George Sickson
7 gilt have. woidd 'wear the same here as in Sea-
-tit the Seine auesee.
I ' 1 .4
Kell()t., Irre . -itir. Melt:v.1y. lin, bis grawslcechoililde;ct4
ilvt.torie unt. I ' ( ‘(:(gterine 3.feikag- ---P
. . e
'-ht-' 's wife I -1- -1 t lit -died - was livina at -
, .e.oie.i3 ' Z' .,
..11. ' tlY W t.1'('t hoe's. thee, Recollect Nicholas IVielYglYs:
,.) elelega his and T Donlan -an being t h=et e a aUtl
ti ,
11 "" the 10- u' -lo •k (Ai that day. They lay 'oil
oil uroloe Led till Je . -wee Yell e came from church
,. e. ,- a -0 .4.,i
. ("Ili", Mid 1 t.. L., Ad them tt., get up anti they etie
• (1" -1'1- se-, Ici.hohte came to the house on Site!
11"):' al (lay. '4` le:Cal:eat 6 o'clock ; There
- c..une rt:- •e
) (I rantins;.-.1 oarai,e t -)
ek part of the
t his hand ; felt
,ize What was in
= old woman, as
iedroom; turned
.iat when he saw
'road from his
away from the
till he paw him
going to the
ss renal:toles. t
:alas said. Ni -
ace to David's
me. After a
after Kehoe
: ten minutes.
half and hour
a' been an bow.
e out he Went
witness, fol -
when he,. wit -
saw Nichol -
in his pock -et.
ae out of the
to the witness
to say nothing
1. Didn't say
ey got to Da-
, told him to
harm is: dome "
not help it."
V: went across
e road to his
e river on a
sl the river it
rom old Mal -
it time it was
Ley were go -
ie about 3
this route.
e. The boote
ose 1 wore, 'al -
ie one I took
roux Seaforth,
, the ones I
bat. Nichel-
poioted out
th of ee Kleist
uignt. Next
road to Ke -
)t have been
=tatee, but the
At the time
Bealteadvertimernent of, ern mei•eizi-
Colleee in an -Other no:-Innto. 88-3m
= . _
ON Wednekday Of..1aSt 'v('(k 8.bey
-.about .12-,yearg._ofage.,,Sett Mi.. Dli
Can pane -roe; Bsueelieltl, fell
fr-on tree_brealsioe his skull, and (lied
;of his i1!ti'. ies on
'Ti notiee Wet a LI in Is..) me street
Lirrip has been put up at R. L. Shuip's
new livery efeele... • - \
se Du rai•nt tee nisetiug takes 'place
wider the auspises of the Jv1 4. Church
Varaa 'op. Taesday,ev'g. 21st inst.
n I ali)er of pe p u ler speakeit are
T1K1;,t:'N---•:sso nt we to - Joker
(sto'es orthe Toweship of Studies-, fr .t
fine present 01 501110 bandeome eabbages
and bitien:01 rrabS.
As will be soon by adv., in anoeser
rofinn •&. haVe
addi-d!Grileeries te their :elour.alid Feed
!alone:Ss. 1
D1iqus3EL.—The Marit'et Clerk,
Nii1MoutgoUl Cry, waS. diernisted bythe
Council on ifriday ses'g. last for v iol a tion
or the Market _ James Hatt is
stroitsed to receive the fee, on the part
• of the corporation. =
AMID LINT. ---31-1.. ici)61,, u1tiff of Seaf_
tote while engageid in his -usual occti-
m aocidently cut his -knee with an
a kite, _causing pain atid stiffness of the
islets. The wound .was riressed by Dr.
ceapbell and is now doirig w-elli
A.UOTION Si-Ifi!.- T. p. Brine,
Ire; received instructionS to sell by tine-
tiun, on Saturday, Sept. 25th on loi 12,
sse 5, KleKillop, a qoaritity of Fe' m
Ste:kJ linpf eat -eats, ac„ th,-; property of
21th on lot 12 eon 6, .McKillop, the
Als. Win. ..R. -sde14ho, on .. Sale to commence.
as -1 o'elosk -. Monday, Sept.
peoperty of i r. 1). Rollins, consisting
ofifas-in Stoe --, Ina pletilent,Household
Furniture, & Sale to commence . at
11 o'clock..
ROW.= La uRAL.----The 'annual Show
Pf the Goderich Horticultural Society
took place DI Wednesday last. The
quality. of th artieles on exhibition was
itad in every case, and in some very
.excellent, es -iecially, -taking the ;in,
favonible yeat into consideraticn. In
the evening- t e Hall was illuminated,
and the Batt- lion Band played at inter-
RuliwAy A eeinesess_epr Tuesday
evighost, the Goderieh Mail, West,
tame in eorita4t with a herd of cattle a
fsw miles below Mitchell,ihat had been
lst out of' :t ti4.1 by the c irelessness of
the proprietor in nealecting to close
railway g.itts The result was that -
t ha c tv-eateb et, tender, and bi% ggage car,
were throw') from the track, and the
train detained in rep 111 etc-, till
Tassqtv ma. rniing. 1, Six of the cattle
S% ere killed, flut no perSon vas injured.,
8o prom! tahtwevtr, were the dam-
nges to the track made right, that the
ooderieh Elaet, on Tuesday met
nieg- made its ti Me' through.
Tri ILMILTON ioen.irg Times. —
'This paper, if ;not th,e best `‘,Daily." of
Ontario, at least, one of diem1. was last
week eular„0-ed to the size of the Globe,
sss one column. its tybographical nt in by the la-
pearance is now very, fine. The Pro
prietors of the Tinteslut ve proven the
selves to be real ties neWspap,er me
and truly wen thy- of the brightest esti
ation or the. professson. The prese
improvement in their' paper, will e
eure an ex (eneien of its usefuluess.
(Fr pm, our own Correspondent.)
BASE BALL—Another gen' e- of Bo
came otr on last Sato rday betwee
tl eachers and the Mechanics into-
HO .Vvitet.
ur -
From oSpecia Correspondent.
Business is exceedingly dull tlerough-
out the township, therie is less Money
in circulation than there bas been for
• Hugh Walker, 9th . Cone' had his
left foot badly jammed in a threshing
inachine.a few slays age, winch will peo-
bably lay him up for a week or's°.
Lakelet is making rapid progress this
season. Some seven or eight Ispilaings
are being erected, amoug them a very
fine hotel, wile+ is bedly needed.
Hervesting is prog,ressing but slowly,
want of help being the main cause.
L ite sown spring wheat promsies a
large yield. Fall whetii, with Very few
exceptiohs, is a total failure. Oat and
barley ;are about the average. • Potatoes
are -.clothe well, very little' rot as yet.
The Rev. W. Tiedale is- carry:1)g on
a way sacceSsfui protracted meeting in
the b, ick church, Gorrie, and -thus far,
between fifty and sixty have been con-
verted. In the Wesleyan church, al-
tliough , no special meetings are held,
aboot twenty have found the Savior.,
iliay the Lord revive his work.
0.-- !
Pram, Our Special Correspondent.
5 moor, Pie-Nic--On Friday last
(10th inst) the pitinls of the &boot in
Section No. 10 enjoyed a glorious day's
. pic-uic-ing tri Mi Love's Grove, which
preyed a deli& tful spot for such a pute
pose. In . the morn:ng the children
ga h "red at the School honse and in:trott-
ed theeca.
. To the woods awa,y,
•7 o the ve -dent, v rdent-wood ,
-Where several swings and , osinr
means of aunts:meet had been in Ovid -
eel; tvhieh engaged their attention whol-
)ly for a long mine. Bat about 2 'o'clock
a long tab:e, erected as pic-nicers so
well . know how, and ;ilentifully laden
with "the good things
dies, seemed to be t centre of at -
traction for an hour or so, not only to
the children brit also to their oldei•
frit nds, a large num bet-, of whom had
gaehered toguher notwithstanding the
easy season. After t I:e table dainties
P- had been discussed to the entire satis-
faction of al f present, a sort of pi t
111- form was erected and one of th
Sons of Temperance
On Friday evening last One of the
meet stideessfiit Temperance._ ineelikgse
evee held in .Seafortlf t.00k place ifr-{th
Baptist Oiler*. • o:Mr. McDatigal
dy gave the Baptist church' for the
Occasion, aridwasappOinted ,Ohairman.
j-fe''spo!te of the object of the. meeting,t
saying "the organization of a Division -
f 8,03y.; Of Temperance, was not designed
as an oppOsition to existing I organiz-
talons, but to Work °fowl in hand, as
tb ere: was plenty, work for all." Dr.
ciam p1 1011 delivered AD j instructive,sei-
entitle- discourse (see elsewhere). Mr.
Jobti Gray, as usual, the eudi-
(ince with flaShes of eloquence seldom
eqnolled. Mr. Ross explained cursorily
the distinctive features of the. oreanii-
Hawn, atter which a Di visten of eighteen
members was formed, withthe fol-
lowing office bearers :—
Jno Gray, W, 13; W. Ballentine
John Lettitnet, P. W.. P.; II. Smith
R. S.; D. Moran, Jr., A. R. S.; -Wan.
Lee Snr , Tr • R. Tait F. S.' Rev: East-
man, Chaplain ; Robest Willis, 0.,; D.
Moran Sm.., I S.; R. 'Tones, O. S.
m -
n t
village. The teachers who played
8aturday 'NI ere 1be same as played a
wevious geme, with the addition
I. Lobe Dulmage. , The six wh
lased on the side of the mechain
&insisted of three fresh bands alone
With th see who' played before. The fol-
lowing is the score for seven innings :—
Geo. 0.tpt, 27 G. Brown, Capt. 19
Trustees, A, Bishop, Esq., Reeve ell
the Township, called the company to
order; and several of „the children
recited in capital style some pieces
minitted to memory
which they had
ftr the occasio
• The. B. C. M
asseou bled, tail
ster addressed those
g for this subject
Diligence," in connection with which
e he made softie excellent practical re -
is marks He Was d t
Very near the s course. resem-
bled, as has I•een said, a very brilliant
streak Of the Northern Light -; and on
both occasions when it was noticed
the Nori hern • Lights 4'were active
operations. t 3)th ibited h wever s e
of the wavering dancing character oi
fLhttt phenomenon,' • It en -mined in
sight fer mote' than an bour, and was
extremely grand:
Step -nen Connell.
September 110, 1869.
Council met according to axijonruient
all In emliers present. Resolved, the
the petition for the re-election of INN'
Carling for nath-Master for 1870 b
611ed. . Moved by D. Coughlan sec, 1 y
J. IVIollard, thatJ. ldollard receive $5
to expend on first road betweed 21
22.eon.—atrried. Moved by D. Cough-
lan sec. by J. Mollarcl, that the town-
ship be subdi:vided for Logi dative elec-
tion perposes into three s thclivisions,
tnis subdivisorofitst to be com-posed of
eonoesoions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,. and 6, 7, P,
and 9,- L. B. con, and lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
ami 9 in N. R. cost: Subdivision No 2
to be composed of Ceti 6,7, 8, 9,10, 11,
and 12, and lots in the Boundary eor-
CPssions N. B. and S..B., 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, commencing with
lots 10, ending with lots '23. Sobelivisi-
ou No :3--shal llbe all lots west° of the sec-
cond Divisiorr. C. Mitchell having re-
`qnested. lenger time to pay oyer his in-
debtedness to the council, -Resolved
that.he give the council joint notes for
the arnotint. 1. payable in 12 months,
the ether in 16 months. Orders were
granted to the ansorint of $262,32.
Council adjourned to meet again sec-
cond Saturday in Nevember.
.0, POITTRY, Coanst.
SEAFORTH, Sept. 17, 1869. -
. Wheat, (Fail) .11/ bushel, 0:65 to a0:95,
Wheat (Spring) 19 bushel, 1:00 to. 1:04
Barley it? bushel, 0:55 to 060
Oats 10 bushel, 0:30 to 0:3..
Peas 0 bushel,
, .
Potatoes tit .bushel,
•Nay -11? ton, -
0:60 to 0:65
0:40 to 0:50
8:00 to 10:00
Eggs dozen, 0:11 to 012.
.Rutter, lb. • OT to 0:18
CLINTON, Sept. 15, 1869,
(New Era Report. )
Fall Wheat, new, 070 to 0:95
c Spring do,
O Oats,
Hay per ton,
Comtng astound to Issue
From the London Freo Press.
Though a studious misitepresentation
of the views held in Etight'ud .what
is known there as the "colonial ques-
tion" has been atterni ted in Canada by
the politidal laggards of the day, yet it
is no longer possible to presrune upon
popular credality. For, not only has
6ir. John Yoling, the London- Times,
Telegraph, St'andard, Globe, and other
.ournais F.ven us to understa,nd that an
tiuportant change in relations is in oon-
ieraplation, a "new alliance," under
consideration-Lbut the attention of "in-
fluential colonists" in England has been
awakened to what is in progress. These
helo a. meeting, recentiyeat the Palace
Hotel, Westonioister, the principal ob-
ject of which was to bring the different
colonial governments into consultation;
a step held to be necessary, owing to
the new policy which ",seems to poiet
as an ulterior result to a serverance
"of the cornexion betWeen tha,Colon-
." ies and the Mother country " That
is how it is understood by the "influen-
tial colonists" in England, however
much some people here may affect to
wisundei stand it. The London Times
publishes the ciacular „adentjd by this
'reefing, and devofies a comprehensive
editorial to the consideration of the
question, in the course of _which, Aeg-
ust 29th, the following arguement is
'We are quAewill'rg .lryt Ihere was a duty
on the part of 00 eves and of our fathers to
shield these pioneers from external danger,
and that. duty was honorably observed. I'he
question now before us is totally different. Eng-
lislimenhavE increased azni multiplied bey-
ond the seas. They are nutnbered by hun-
dreds of thousands, even by millions. Ev-
ery comniunity among theni possesssing a dis-
tinct uniny of its own has rece.ved the
gift of complete self-government. They pos-
sess representative institutiona. They tax
th.emselves. They pals their own laws.
-They determine the forms, of their several
orga,nizauions. With derfa.in exceptions.
which we shall mention, they treat English-
men and Engliahmen treat thun as Ftrailers
e treated. We make no discriminations
in favor of their commodities. They 'impose
import -duties on English as on any other
goods. The only privilege which English-
) owe ty Mr. men at home retain lathe priveileze ox ser.
n Gratey, Presbyterian Minister, who vice Our - Ea-ecutive Government selects
spoke of "Our superior educational the persons to fill the anomolus office of Go
vernor, and occasionally lwhen especially re-
of, advantages as cons rested with those of
c the past." Both speakers were lthened til lately, also, Englishmen at home com,in-.
es to With Marked attention, A I ter ued to charge themselves with the defence
quested, has selected their Chief Judges, Un -
o• the addresses and the votes of thanks and protection of Englishmen in the Colon -
usual on such occasions; the emPallY few years though great diffieulty has been
but it has been understood for some
broke up, some going to their homes, experienced in acti,:g upon the principle, that
but most of the young people remain_ the taxpayers in England would restrict
nig for another houes pleasant diver- theruselves te warding off frotheir kins-
Men such dangers as migt threaten them
awls \A r:ght
A 35 Alex. McGee 5
ntlxvw Cowan 13 John Baird 1
Asher FOroW 12 Chas. Stuart 3
Alex . Thkra2 9 Alex. Jones
Reht. Dithniee 25 Daniel Diamond 1
r- 121 Total, 14
Najority'for Mechanics,
After the game was over. the - player,
psrtook of a eupper at Brown's Hotel
wl.riidchwz.kts. very acceptable after their
RARVE ,:T. —The Spring wheat har-
vest is /as greasing well irrthis vicinity,
ud should the weather continue fav -or -
able it will soon be safely h msed.
its,,it.).:A.rtinspiNA'Prosr.—A. school examinati-
. ud pie -me va I be held on the 23rd
.1.11,,c1lii-e,:,ses3cliool, tang', by mr.
LkitO.E YIELF —From one stalk of
e ,
Piss erowu in Ain teltem's garden there
) tit taken G45. grains.
6 Shm IOn.
in consequence of their association With the
7 This School during the past year fortunes af Englishmen, We cannot but
has been under the direction of Mr. think that the bare statement of relations
Bolton, a young map of excellent such as these must provoke reflection, Every
7 one must sm. that they iudicate a period of
tran eon; There is no ground for surprise,
still.le £ for indignation, if itwould be asked
whetber it would not be bette” forboth Eng-
parts and who by his diligence and
7 good conduct has won the esteem of
6 interessed in the School.
WHAT WAS IT7—One nieht last hshmen and Australians if the independenc
. zn ;
week a, seranee.luminous belt was Seen the fatter have vnfact should receive a; yne.
. .
b Goderich Street
, '
The' Dominion of Canada is in all reects
between. ten and eleven- &chick stretch- independent. It is fitted to become,—it has
Fall Wheat,
Spring Whea
Hay, per ten,
6 •-
NTS is to certiry that 1, Henry Shuare,
Of the- Township of Hay, in the- County
(,)1 _Huron; Province of OntAriot have applied
for and obtamed Letters Patent for the Pro-
vinces of Quebec and Ontario, for a machine
for boring -holes in the giound. fenee
posts, styled "Shuart's Fence Post-Ilat'..e.
aiorer," and this is to forbid any person or
persons vending or using the same, without
obiaam—zig a rignt for the same from me ;
and all iiersons so vaidina. or u * the same
will be dealt with as th law dire s
,. N. Ba. --County and Township Rights can
be obtained from the patentee, by applying
to him in the said Township of Ray, Zurich
(1st Office!
- 0:95 to 1:00 August
0:35 to 0:00
..0:60 to 0:62
0:60 to 0:65
.4:50 to 5:00
0:15 _to 0;17
0:30 to 0:50
0:10 to 0:00
7:00 to 800
GODERICH, Sept. 14, 1869. 72
( 1?eport. )
$0:80 to p:90
0:80 to 0490
,9:30 to 0:35
0,35 to 0:40
0-15 to 0:16
0:121 to 0:00
7:00 to 9:00
TORONTO; Sept. 16, 1869.
(By Telegraph. )
Wheat (Fall) Os bushel, 1:08
do (Spring) tp' bushel, 1:00
Oats t9 bushel, 0:40
Barley '01 bushel, 0:7-5
Peas 1, bushel. 0:70
RHEUMATISM anit all other aches and pains
leave the body on application of Jacobs'
Rheunaatic qui d. We• will warrant it to
cure Burns, Frost Bites, Chilbla,ns, Sore
Throat, Lame Back or Side Sprains, &c.
Some of the cures it has effec'ted are almost
too wonderful for belief. Many have been
saved by it from impending death, and re-
stored to life and health. No family is safe
a day without it; hundreds of vithiable
live 3 and thousands of doliars may be saved
annually by its use As a preventive of
coutageous diseases, nothing ever befere in-
vented can coinpare with it. We authorize
all dealers to refund the mortey;•-if it does
not give entire satisfaction.
73- lv S FOSS 4to.
New Grocery Store
In connection with the
SkAFORTII MILLSFlomr and Seed Store,
Opposite Sharp's Hotel.
subscribers beg to announce •t the
1 inhabitants of Seatorth and: surrounding
country, that they have just received a large
stock of
Which, for quality and Cheapness, can-
not be surpassed in the County.
They have also on hand a lot of pure
Treadweli Seed Wheat. •
FARMERS nriy exclringe wheat for
Flour and Feed at full value at the mill,
thereby avoiding the necessity of waiting to
ha,ve it ground.
W.A. Shearson & Co.
Seaforth, Sept. 16th
*LF OT No. 20, in the 13th Concession of
I Stephen. Term., liberal, Title good,
Apply to Messrs Benson & Meyer, Seaforth,
or to Messrs Cameron Malichael, Fitzger-
ald .& Hoskin Solicit'ors., Toronto.
Sept. 10th, '1869. 92-tf,
Saddle Found
on Sunday Morning the 29th Aug.
in Ainleyville, a riding saddle. The
owner can have the same by proving proper-
ty and paying expenses, by applying to
Ainkyville, Sept 3rd 1869. 91-3in.
sr Get your Homemades Out Out
With Economy & Taste
sky. - Sprin ()ince OUU of the Western ly a fair sudject forenquiry whether it might •
like the tail of a comet a rosthe t1 e nstit
:" iuti-ns of a great Power. It is sure- G C) 0 ID -C S
r, And Workmanship Guaranteed.
horizon like a ray of the Aorortt izot assume its appropricete position. Although
we do not %forget our own warning against ,CHARGES MODERATE.
Borehs, extended across the heavens the use of inetaphorsi he must still ask
till the eiid of it was lost in the light -whether the einanci ation of the adult is net
e'd the moon on the eastern side of a-8 deszrablf to complete the manhood of the
the meridian on as it is necessaay from the inability of
the father to understand the peculiar eir.
Again on the night of Friday- the curnstances of his son's life."
3rd instant • the same pheonornenon
was seen; but on this second appear -'For For the cheapest Boots in Sea-
ance it swept the whole heavens from f
horizon according to quality go to Coven-
• , to ,horizon. Its position ,iets try's.
Lumsden's Drug Store,
Seaforth, Sept. 10th. 52-tf.
otoar, &c. Office,—Opposite VeaPs
Grocery. Residenee,--Main Street, North,
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. 53-ly
6th, 1809,
Surgeon Dentist, member of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, may
be found at his office, over the Beacon"
Book 8tore, Stratford, every lawful day. ex-
cept the first week of each month. He will
visit Staforth the 6rst Monday 'of every
month and remain three days, and Clinton
the following ThurSday, remaining three
PAINLESS operations daily performed,
by the use of the Nitrous Oxide Gas.
Seaforth, Nept. 10, 1869 92-tf.
undersigned offers for sale Cheap:
t_ and on reasonable terms, his 'house and
park lot; tonsisting of Tour acres of lard, .
with a young orchard of beating trees. The
property is pleasantly situated -on Main-st.
North, just outside the corporation hmits
There is a barn on tlie premises ; also, side-
walk to the gate.
Aug. 27, 1869. • 90-4in.
Insolvent..Act, of 1864,
Province of Ontario, .afee the County
County of Fluron dour/ of the Co.
To Wit O of 1120,Wil.
In 'the matter of JOHN McNATIGHT,
*N Tuesday, the 16th day of No-
vember next, the entlersigned-Will
apfily to the Judge of the said Court
tor aedischi"erge under- the said Act.
0.11N McNAITGIft,
By Mcatuo-Hav & }-10LitETED.
his Attornies ad iitem.
Seaforth, Aug. 25, 1869. 9O-2in
DRUGS, CI-1E119119AL%
o0 -to ROLLS'
For his Stock of
Never Excelled
In this Market.
The Afanchester House
Then. is the place for Satisfaction
in Dealing.
Seaforth, May 4th, 1869. 61 -at