HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-10, Page 7Et� mei IT 1 OF THE E sit b caber begs tck inform, the public: that he has just received a great 'variety of Saddles and Which he is prepared to sell }ice ° A i10 !t Unparalleled, o OLLARS 0f every deseription, war- ranted, not to hurt the horse's "neck, o _ Way of Harness) the of AT,T, KINDS, is as heretofore in a position He, ition to 1 give his. customers as gocxl value for their money as any other estaablislarnent in Ontario. Quality of work and material f mployed intlisputaable. fr:,r SHOP OPPOSITE IK IDI)orsil lic.. f l 'LKLVA'. 5th -al urh half yeaar old guFa to 0R Sale, Lot 15, in the 13th. Uonces- inf€kra.aa- X sion of the a of the JOHN CAMPBELL. Seaforth, Feb.: la '69. 63,.t f, PROPERTY FOR SALE. OT .e 't` No.9, S. lk•arlrii� - s Survey ey of Setafortlx with Store. Storehouse, Sta le and Dwelling on it, and Situated on. the (first let North. of t jowney's. Hotel, 2,1 airs; StrEt. For lkacrtieula.3 apply to the proprietor, . N. WATSON, Insurance Agent. - E ii•tf. Seaforth, June 11th. FARM F4 F SALE, r - T �nshi f Stephen, On very easy terms, and at a Moderate Price. This farm is conveniently situated to Saw and Grist Mill, has 30 acres cleared,. and a ',cod well (,f water. For further particulars apply to '4'm.. F. Luxton, -Expositor" t .fbce,. se:aforth. or to E0, W. ROSS, Strathroy. kugust 13th, I o39. SS-tf M 'GREGOR a SON, .._ OO I:%; DErts, IULLET RF prepa><rtci to execute binding in every , 11, style. Persons residing at a trance b ' leaving their books at the Sinal. Book Store, Goderieh, (yr at the FXPOSITOlt" office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon them being well brumes. - AT THE LOWES.; PRICES, --- And returned without dela Seaaforth, June II, 1669 78-tf, SEAFORTH ISPENSARY Anti Fan rn Store. 4 R.LUMSDEN has just received his Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and. Patent Medicines,French, Emglish and American Perfumery ; Hair Dressings, Oils, and Pomades; Hair, Tooth, Nail and"Shay ing Brushes; Dressingend. Fine-tooth Combs, Toilet and. Shaving Soaps, - &c., &e. oi°se c' Cattle Medicines, °Les, - Condition Powders, etc., -DYE > DUFFS r Of very Superior' Quality.. HYSICI ANS' Prescriptions Accurately prepared, R. liTI 'SPE , caforth. April 22. Pharmaceutical Chemist.. _. 5C3-tL GO TO T. J. SI IONS' 'QUIT OYSTER D ? DTZ For Yresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies,. Oakes,; and Sweets of every de,.cription, CALL AND SEE, is Fresh Stock Opposite McCANN'S Old Stand. 63-tf J: Saforth, Feb. 12, 1869. BEArT1 UL 4 SPL vxv[n i' ! is the verdict given by all who use Hunt's Empire Saiz Gloss. It makes dry, harsh, stiff ha rsoft• glossy and beautiful. It cleanses the scalp,. ortrt F ; removes .fee' pimples, strengthens ns the glands ro prevents the hair from falling, and will, cer a tainly make it grow strong, luxuriant anti beautiful, and it is only 25 cents per bot bottlo., ;Ar Sold everywhere. 73 `1 DYSPEPSIA cured by using Dr. Colbyrs Ani crvem ti-t'ostii� e and Tonic Pills They regclata 111' tck the Bowels, correct the Laver, clear the Com- c.ltargc; lexic,n, and renovate the s `st€'m ; they & a composed of aactive ingredients in:` a highLY: I concentrated form. an strike at the root of 'seen, disease, curing almost like magic Thorns= rrz ands testify to their extraordinary curaL1ve 12m. proper ties. SoId by all dealer,. 04.1 TEST .L` .POREIGN. BRITAIN. London, Sept..Lee-The victim of the Ist agrarian to tragewee named Hunt- es, not Mayo: -He was a Scotehiman who had settled as iifarmer at New- port, County Mayo, ,where .lie was ,kiil- e-d. The assassin has not yet been ar- ested. The Times; commenting on the e h prune, regards It as a national m isfor- tune. It shows that. savage lawlessness i . extenclimg beyond the narrow limits to v'-h:ich it has hitherto been confined The county - of Mayo is now stained with the a atrocities; which hzve di,sgra,c- ed Tipperary. and West Meath. Dublin, Sept: 3 —The funeral of the Fenian. Dalton took place to -day. at Glasnevin. A procession of about two hundred men wearing green emblems followed the . remains tog the cemetery. Armagh,- Sept. 6. -The work of re- organizing the Church is progressing sa- tisfactorily.. if a:s A requisition F• axi . . } sltlon has been prepared to ask the Primate to Convene a lay conference,. - _ - Ratifications of convention rt ft�r lay- ing a telegraph cable between Europe olid South America have been exchang- ed. SPAIN. Madrid, Sept. 1 —The Carlin chief- tains have surrendered on promise that their lives shall be spared. The govern-. n lent organs baps say, trete the reinforce - Merits a .bot rt to sail, will be sufficient to extingulslr the insurrection in Cuba. Havana, Sept. 2.—Col: Carizol's forces have had an engagement with tile' insurgents netr tee Oontraix aesto, ,,fuel killed 16 of thein Madrid, September 7 Espartus, at the heed of a bud cif thirty . Carlists, was yesterday defeated by a "body of tire national troops, near ;the city of Gerona. Espaal•tus hire self fled to the - mountains,, but manly of his' men was captured. _Lag is the last Carlist band known to be oxi Spanish soil: It is re-: ported there •axe 400 Ca rlists at Perpig- nan n ]. o t e French ench 1>+srcler•, ready to enter Spain. The Government has tale- e_i measures to prevent such entry. - - UINTED STATE. . Bangor, Sept. 2.--A terrllle accident -occurred yestarday on the Bangor e Piscatagars Relit oad. W hile backing over Black Island Bridge, f'ur miles above t' ie olt"iown, a whole train, con- ststing of two caa.r•s, engine and tender, broke through, plunging -all on board into . the river below. The co►duc�or, Woodruff, was instantly- .killed, the en- gineer, Lader, was . badly - scalded, - it is supposed-fat.a..11y, and several,-- others badly -wounded- , .Two are missing. In : adei ion to ;the e. inciu :tor being killed, the engineer and one other will proriably die. : 'even or eightothers are more or, less:�nJuretx„ , Oswe' o, Sept. 3.--A horrible trage dy 'occu •red in the town of : Garw ll yes terday ,aft�i noon. A farmer Named Reynolds was stabbed several tini.es- by a. neighbour -named Russell: Woolver. Reynolds expired almost immediately. The trouble arose from alleged trespass- es -and other land troubles. Woolver is undo going judicial examination to 'day. Macon, Ga., Sept. 2. ---To-day a large party. of men, enlisted in all parts of the country f.ar the Cuban' army, gathered . at anu near Fort James, Georgia, and 'took possession of the place. .Despatoh- es have been sent- to General Terry asking for soldiers. - . GER MANY. Berlin, Sep. 3.—Advices were re- ceived here to -day from the German Arctic Expedition. The first lee was encountered un the 12th of July, in sat• itude 74, longitude 10 west. The coast or Greenland . was 'sighted ses-enueen days afterwards. ' The. expedition had experienced -adverse winds and much mist. The, weather was` colder than in 1868. All on board were well; The Red Indians .of Ire`wfoundiand. The Baeothicks, or.Red India;ns, of Newfoundland painted themselves with red ochre, hence they Neste called Red Indians. When Cabot discovered New- foundland, in 1497, he held intercourse with the red men, who'were dressed- in skins, and din ted with red. ochre. He carried three of them ;away on. his voy- age to the American coast, Jacquet -Cartier, who visited Newfoundland in 1534: describes. the native as "of good size, wearing their hair -in a bunch on ,the top of their heads and adorned with feaather•s. In 1574 Martin 1't bisher, the celebrated mariner, visited Labra- dor, when probably - forced by the ice, he touched at Newfoundland, Ort that 'occasion, some of the Red Indians went oil board his ship, and, on their return to land, he sent five sailors ashore' with there; the . men did not return: but he took one Indian to England) where he lived but a short time. It has been conjunctured that the obi gginies, of Newfouliland were decendants of the Northrnen or Sea -Kings, who were sup- posed to have visited that island in the .19 t f THE SE FORT EXP6S i TOR. tenth century..: A discovery,ort an is- land near the shores of Maine, U. S. gives additional plausiuilit. to. the the- ory - that the coasts of North .Arne ica were visited py Northren some cen- turies before the English, French, and Spaniards. In 1868 . ,a gentleman in Bath, Maine, cornriiuhicatedto the Rev. Dr. Jenks, well known as an a4com-. plished oriental scholar, it sketchax f' some_ =singular characters found on the side of a ledge of pantie rocks, near the middle of a small island. At the annu- al- meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in May . 1851, _ Dr. Jenks made a statement respecting' the chazacters refeired to, Since that time no accurate Transcript has been made of the inscription. The characters are eighteen in number, and Dr. Jenks asys no don bt they are Runic in their oligixr. He say, : "It might possibly counten- ance the hYlothe is, which has of late been entertained -lith so much appro- bation and interest; Ly the Danish anti- quarians, that Arnei ca was visited by the Scandinavians, or Icelanders, long before Columbus. " The universal col- onization of the continents and islands of the sea has not been satisfactorily ac-. counted for: t Previous to the invention of the mariner's compass, -the ancients steered their shins at nights by the moon and stars. The peopling of the wor2ld was probbly the result of acci- lent cor disaster. Sailing cautiously a- ong lona the faanrlla}° shore in their lucre boats or Canoes, perhaps th 'venture a P �- ew miles beyo,id the sight of land ; uddenly they become enveloped v lth fog the freshning breeze drives them urther and further from the shore into an unknown sea. .A t length, the moon and the stars once more silver the even ng sky,- but their appearance is now too ate to be of seryice to the bewildered mariners, for whether their home lies n the right band or on the left they know not; They .try one coarse, then pother; finaaly they put their boat be - ore the wind, when, after a few days, hey descry, -in the dim distances, lofty mountains ; gradually, green slopes and orests are seen, tiler ou ded in primeval ilence; untrodden by the foot of man. ere they land, and make their future ome, andbecome thefoundersof a ti ice r cation. - For three centuries the red men were anted like beasts, alike by Europeans, icmas, and Esquimaux, until net one the race has been seen for forty years 11 are supposed to have been eater- inated.--From ani article. in the "New °minion Monthly" for September. - (Advertisement.) s i i 0 a t fo s H b 0 M of A in b Something Worth Reading. The success -that has attended the faithful and intelligent study of Photo- graphy hes been so great, that pne can get their own image perpetuated to pos- te,ity. It is a great privilege to have a good practical Artiste, one . who ()uglilythor- understands the`1Misiness, as , al- so one who is stationary in a place,,7to whom you can go with confidence, wih the assurance of not getting disappoint- ed ed in getting a correct, artistic, faithfbl likeness, and from wirom you can get picture. at any future litre from the negatives once. taken. The days are past forthose who drop down for a two or and are off again, having no interest at stake, and caring very little whetherr their customers are pleas- ed or Jot, they are 'off , but not so with our Old Established and thoroughly practical pnotographer,Frarik Paltridge, who - stands to -clay the acknowleuged head and leading Photographer in this section of the country. Re is a real live man, up to every wrinkle in the balsiuess ; is very obliging ; and has rooms, accommodations and facilities for executing work seldom met. He has rooms and apartments for every- thing. Good pictures cannot be made- where the fumes of so many different. chemicals come in immediate - contact with each other, and producing gasses fatal to making good pictures. His rooms are in Scott's Brick Block, near Sharp's Hotel, and under the ExPOsi- 'TOR Office, cool in summer, a arm in winter ;' with dressing rooms, so that. you can bring your best clothes in a satchel and change to get your picture taken. Frank Paltridge also keeps the negative, and no fear of losing the picture of 'some near _ and dear'friend. His beat work is not at the door, but tip starts,' one flight, andturn to the right hand, where yob will find Frank always at home -and in good temper. All pictures shown are of his own snke, and not bought - or borrowed to "coy the public. He guarantees satis- faction of no :pay-, Just walk up to Frank ` Paltrid e's Gallery, hip eci- menti are worth looking at, and you will be sure to see some person's picture you know. - If you dont want your pic- ture, never mina ;,lust walk up, he will be glad to see you. k{.emenlbei'y it is in a brisk building. - 85 tf LOST OR STOLEN, BOUT the 7th day, of August, an Ac- A count Boole, containing several aecounts ra accounts and Two .'romissory Notes, payable to Wil: liam Vanstone, The payment of the notes are hereby stopped, The finder, by return- ing them to Henry Gabe, Ainleyville, wdl be rewarded. Ainley, ville, Aug. 16th. " 89-3in. 0 411 a, 5; M• Alk to ifft NE vide H h Opposite Seott• Robertson's. Andrus Bro„'s' MELODEON:S AND Cabinet Oga$T Are noted for their many excellencies, over those of, all other manufactur- ers, such as �TTRABIL1TY1 Quicknes8. of Articulation, ROUNDNESS,PURITY AND Volume- of Tone ELASTICITY AND Evenne s s of Touch .. 'In the construction of these instruments nothing but the best material is used, and first-class workmen employed ; and as the manufacturers have had over fifteen years of personal experience, they are able to produce an instrument SECOND TO NONE IN THE WORD ! Melodeons, from . $45 00 'Cabinet Organs, from ` Ob 00 Terms Liberal. For further particulars enquire of f. - LUXTON, "Exl,ositor" Ofiltte, Agen4, SeafO?'t Seaforth, Aug. 20th, 1869. 89-tf. Private Boarding. OFFIOS TO LET. 1. WO or three respectable gentlemen can OUR excellent Offices to be accommodated ' T let in Scott's modatecl with private board. For l , , IO ew Brick Block. Apply at li o particulars enquire at this office. ( Seaforth Sept.. 91-tf. I Mc(; UGH]�Y & HULMSTED'S. P Seafor �,7 •i ! th,. bU- DR. J ROLPH INIALCOL:Ms • s LATEDRS. HUNTER rt MALCOLM,) Of 18 Adelade Street,. West, Toronto, will be at SHARP'S HOTEL SEAFORTH On Friday July 2, August 6, Se tember3, and Oqtober 1, for consultation. Dr. M., can be consulted rani all forms of chronic diseases, including Bronchitis, Consumption, asthma, Rheumatlsn and Neuralgic affections, af- fections of females, etc. Consultation and advice free. Toronto, Jund 28, 1869. 82 -in. ONTARIO HOUSE, EDWARD- CASH, just received a fine lot of1[JAS HAY AND HARVEST TOOLS, Of all kinds; The only genuine Morgan CRADLES AND CYTHES In town. Best Linseed oils extraordinary cheap: GODERICH STREET SEAFO.RTH. - EDWARD . CASH. Seaforth, April 14, 4:869.' 53-1y. Insolvent Act of 1.864. ROBERT TURNER, Plaint,: W. •- JAMES YOUNG, the Elder, .Dafen -lint. AWRIT of At rt has been issued in this cause. J. MACDONA LD, She• riff. Per A. FRASER, Deputy S era Sheriff's Office, ) Goderich, Aug. 12, 1869. i 89- in. i`° till c'D r. 01 : ‘t-.4 M CA co ow* • ct 3 0. Eads. r - E-4 O%. E.r. : Q C nem OM ts4 ti o. g = 5 ~•1 r (It )10001 CO ®-• 2 X ktd �1Pod M N ti 0;1;1=1°1 El Xi ta/ C 4 a) 0 tt c 0. . . .11V CI . . tl 21)111*. 1 . ;- " lit 1 . ' 1 - - d)2 I ' r N in 1 51;1 I v- Id 5• 0.4.Fes+ 0 C i (it) -I . ad', 1 pm., m 4 o' TE z; t -d m - -Puta m v .., BE4U IUL it It, . . .ffirarsCAOWN. Inst Cultivate GRA ' HAIR Is a certain indication o Decay at the Roots.. MRS. 8, A, ALLEN'S:, Hair Restorer Restores gray bair to its natural - color and hearty and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the hair a beautifur gluks and delightful fragranaee. Manufactory and Sales 0Mees, . - 35 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACE, .1I, 266 NIGH HOLBORN, Landon,.. Eng. a y I. G Seatter and Rolls, Druggists, agent oa Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. January 28th. 1869. 69-1y. lnsolveit Act of 1864. In the County Court o, f the County of .l uron. . In the matter of LAWRENCE PIERSON CULL©DEN, An Insolvent. Dominion of Canada, ; Province of Ontario, - County of Huron, To Wit;- NTOT10E is hereby given that on Tuesday, ...._,11 the Fifth day of October next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon as coun- sel can be heard, the undersigned will apply to the Jud eof the e sai d Court lor a discharge under the said Act. ' Dated at Seaforth this 28th day of July, A. D. 1869. • 'By BENSON & MEYER, 86-91 . - His Attornies, ad Litem. . FANCY N OTE PAPER, PLAIN STATIONERY In great variety, SCHOOL BOOKS, Carter and Walkden's Inks, Blue and Red Inks, - Bibles, ,Prayer Books, Hymn .Books, T Blank Totes, 3 :).Blank Account Bodes, rte, AGENT FOR VIE - fSEAFORTH "EXPOSITOR." Daily Globe and Daily Telegraph. Witham Elliott, Seaforth, July 22, 1869. o4Atf. TREASURER'S SAL --1: LANDS TAXES COUNTY OF HURON,Y VIRTUETo WIT j of a Warran-t under the hand of the Warden of the Coun- ty of Huron; and the Seal of the said Conn- ty,_ :bearing date the third day of August, A, D. 1869, to me -directed, for the collec- tion of arrears of taxes due on the under- mentioned lands. These are therefore " to give notice that unless the said taxes, to- gether with all lawful costs and charges be sooner paid, I shall on TUESDAY 30th day of Novembers A. D. 1869; at the hour of Ten o'clock A. AT THE - OQTTRT : 0T-Dr"s..E, IN THE TOWN OF GODETOT, Proceed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION the said lands, or so much thereof as may be su#ficknt to discharge snch arrears of taxes and charges thereon. f OTE --In the following list "e.d." safes East Division—"w. d." West Division -- "p " Patented—"u.p." Unpatented -..'.pt,» Part—''n. t. p." North Town Plot. - TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. - .Lot Con. Ac. Pt. Taxes Costs Total East 4 1 e.d 100 p 77 09 2 78 7987 N 1 3 " 100 p 6421 245 66 66 W 4 4 100 p 9491.323- 9814 Epart 5 4 111 - la 9955 335 10290 E 8 4 100 " p 43 17 1 93 45 10 Shalf 1 - 100up 3186 1 65 3351 WptS&113 49 p 1344120 1464 • 1 3 wd2t'0 p 82 05 2 90 84 95 2 4 200 p12312478 127 90' N part 3 4 - 136 p (5 27 248 67 r N half 3 810 100 u. 64 . 7 ' P 69 2 48 6 2 e 7 N half, . 4 8 lOO u.p 13 73 1 20 14'93 E half 11 8 100 u.p 12 98 1, 18 34 16 W half 6 9 100 p 72 69 2 fib 75 37 iNWptofNi' l 6 10 80 p -31 58 165 ,33 2 3 N half 3 11 100 u.p 69 3t 260 71 98 Insolvent ActW half 5 • 7 7. . . of 1864.. E half 11�. Too 1? �� � � �� �� � 8 11 140 u.p 41 65 190 43 55 W half 8 11 100 u.p 31 06 1 iia 32 69 In the County Court of f the County of S W pt II 1.1 20 p 25 42 150• 26 92 Huron. 6 12 200 p 80 02 2 8582 8: p bi In the matter of THOMAS KNOX, Pad 7 I3 114 45_66200 47 66 3 North Town Plot An Insolvent. 153 p .. 100 63 4 23 '104 86 - ENDERS will be received for the purer chase of has the MENDERS h 1 wolen of the stock of the above named 'Insolvent; until the Twenty - Third day of August, instant. The Stock Book will be open for inspection at the office of Mr. J. S. _Porter, Seaforth, with whom tenders may be left ; also at the office of the undersigned, Goderich. The stock consists of Groceries and Liqu- ors of the best quality. J01:11C HALDAN, JR., Official Assignee. Godcrich, Aug. 11, 1869. a9 -lin. N part 34 n. t p 63 p 34 70 1 73 36 43 i VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, IN nASHFIELD. 22 E Arthur st. p 2 7 3 93 3 66 23 do p 2 73 03 3 66 24 do p - 2 73 93 3.6t 25 do. p 515 9$ 613 26 do ,4 p 11 71 1 15 12 86 31 49 p 11 60 l 15 12 75 32 49,, 4 u.p 11 71 1 15 . _12.83 34 cion l u.p 11 71 -15' 1 S 35 do i . 11,p 11 71 1 15 ;# 131