HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-10, Page 5Von SEAFOTH FU}IIilT�RE WARPOOtsi Voun the 1 - dfl e past e the under in ordinary eau in their during the ertstruetion eserve the unneees- la.ey arta amount of InioYedi ichieli the Et spatially hard anie scratched, they two re of the axed per- t preserve rre Cheap mg many rth, at mouths, v. -jug (Hifi- sal by ill be ee riy tetted ES ;e maim ;11-ly 63 -la M. ROBERTSON er and raanufaeturer a au kin. s HousEHoLD FuRnituRE3 . Such ase SOFAS, a ° LOUNGES, CENTRE TABLES, MATTRASSE. S, DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, - CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In, Great Variety. Mr. It has great confidence in offerirtg his good to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber, and by Firet-Class Workmen. C 0 FF IN MADE TO ORDER tve the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING. Drme with Neatness- and Despatela areroonas.: Iv 0 DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HoTra. Main Street. Seeforth, Jane Oth, 1869. 57 -tf, GOOD NEWS TO Farmers and Others. .`rHE undersigned having newly. -fitted out I his mill in a first class . tele, in14--limit hels now grinding fer evry FIFTEENTH BUSIIETJOr , lexohanging floitr for gool wheat at 41 ib& to the bushel. THE HE -CHEST PRICE IN CASH PAID, FOR • AlrFILED BREWER, I Roxburgh Was. eeaforth. Jetne 4th, 1869. 4783iL EXC.-E.-LSI It ItsT ET GA LLERY. W P pAGET; Artist HE undersigned begs to inform the in- habitants of Seaforth and surrounding oirntry, that he has taken the Gallery for- merly oceupied by Mr. C. Paltridge, el Few Doors. ,,i'orth of Dr.' Smitle* Office, and., Opposite •Yeas Store. Where hqwLI always be ready to please his trolls and give sabisfaction to this who avor hirn with a call. BE SURE ARID CALL ±0 sse his speeiniens, ehey speak for the Artist and will convince you that he is First -Class. REMEMBER The place ie Opposite Veal's Grocery, Main Street, &at rth. WILLIAM P. PAGET, Photo. Artist. 85.6ea. -Seafortle, Jiilv 22, 1869. J. SE. ATTE R EXCHANGE tROKER And dealer in Pure BRUS CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS. The Drug Departnient is under the special care of an experienced Chemiet, it M. 13TARSON. ary `41st, 186g. TIME TM EZ. ▪ you want a Watch that will keep the c(rrect time, purchase one of Thom tussell • & Son's celebrated Watches. A ge stock of them for sale at • R.0 INTER SEAFORTK He has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks. Jewellery, Fancy Goos, Toys, &c., ;z1I to be sold Cheap for Cash. ;tee-Eeery aeeciaption of Watches, °hackie A Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest otice, and Warranted to give.satisfactioe. The highest price paid for Old Gold and • M. R. COUNTER. Seaferth, Apilr 27th, 1869. • 53-1y 110rrifele Case 6f! Btaarration. .Cedar _Rapids, Iowa, (Auguet 28) Cor- respondence of tlic Dubuque. We chanced to ccrae leoseession of the facts of a most terrible and unprece- dented case of starving a human being elive. The victim of this inhuman .cruelty is a /ad aleout eeven or eight - Nears of age, and liveg with his parents. In the st purbs of the grdinarily quiet and orderly town of Marioni. . It is as by a number of neighbours that at different times within the last few weeks, they visited -the h ouseoftheboy for the purpose of.a.ecerla lathe; whether the -rep9rtp which their 9 tinualry giv-ing therri Asa pre.ttext for tilts take yvith them some the afflicted boy, as u tug whether, the re Wren were con- . ere true ot not. visits, they would little delicacy for eans of ascertain- orts which their '• children were contiarrlly urging -upon thenawere correct.,•Bu these attempts to a sight of the poor child were -most- ly vam, as hewaskept in on old gar- ret and secured with a • chain around Iris neck. 'Magill° what his sufferings must have been in this conditioa.during the recent hot weather. Stacient eviOncei- however, was gained ia this way to ;Warrant an ex- amination into the Matter by the offi- cers of the ; and accordingly *Sher- iff Hayzlette, with a nuinber of citizens proceeded to the hou.ue -to make itaesti- 1 s pillions., and to see that the parents were properly vanished unless -they would guarantee a more human. course of treatment to, their boy. in 'future. - This visit was made on last Thursday, and altheugh the cliains had been tc- •moved, the boy was found to bei not] 7' lug but akin and uones confessed • -as had been stated by the - ing children -that he was starved. un- til he. was oblieea to eat fleas. He WKS q alSO seen to pick the rags from off his scanty garments and eat them. He had been kept in. this way secre- ted, and until recently unknown to even the nearest neighbors. For over six months they have kept him'in this .condition, and allege, as an excuse, for tatir brutal treatment, that' he was stile jeep to fits, and that &hey' were ,afraid' he would get away- and annoy his neigh- bors. But those wire saw and talked with him were convinced that the cause ,of these fits (if the parent:3 story is cor- • rect) is the consequence of the treatment he received at their.hands. His entire person .showed aiunistaaable evidences of cruel beating, as well as starvation, until he was al1110SG gone. A few days or weeks of similar treat- ment would hztve put an en.d to ex- istence, and the aim of the parents woUlt1 doubtless have been .accOmpligh- ed, - the sheriff ordered that the boy be provided for. and was to go unchained in the future.. The man. no. sooner discharged the piece.. than throwing:it on the ground exclai4ed. "114 Chat can give no mercy, no mercy let him r 14 eceive, . ow, I- submit, had rather die this hour for that man's death, thanlive thonsand years and take -away the Iife of wy brother. No one seemed to be sorry for this ,unftpet.ited justice on the inhuman Ma- jor, and, Many gentlemen present, who had been witnesses to the -whole affair, Pined .to entreat the officers to defer the execution of the other brother un- til the Queen'pleasure should be known. The request being complied with, the City Chamber that very night drew up a *very feeling and pathetic address to her lkiajesty,setting forth the rinperalel- ed cruelty of the deceased officer, and humbly entreated her Majesty's pardon for.00th brothers. The brothers were pardoned and dischated from the army. • RED RAIN. -Prodigy iovers wtll gratified by the intelligence that a fat of whin ether days have been call bloody rain ha.s-been. lately witnesse A few, weeks back the Neapolitia found, Once a Week says, their stre stained with red, and their garmen spotted with sanguinary looking dro Exariained closely, the coloring matt of this shower was found to tionsist mall red grains, sensibly round THE be all ed d. us ets ts ps. er of nd moving from the two hundreth to.the four htindreth,inch in diameter. When the mysterious .element of this fall was dispelled, - it was clear that the rusty particles'were1 really dust specks drawn by the wind from African deserts and borne With it across the Mediterranean. This is not an unexpected phenomenon. Twenty years ago a French philosopher collected a large quantity of the same malty, and probably from the same source, frum a hoese top at Valen,ce ; and, again, a German found the pecu- liar African grit in Berlin. These faets show how pests and plagues, and the Zerms of -diseases may be carried from country to countey by the tiansporting power of the wind ; it is not ialways in- animate dust that is thus wafted to im- ineihe distan.cee. A shower of insects fell at Araches, in Savoy, last Januaty, which, uuon examination, proved to be a species peculiar to the foiests of Cen- tral France; and a few yeacs back, Tur- in was visited by millions of fly found nowhere burin the Island of Sardinia. Tnose are recent and %Yell proved cases, many more striking instances might be collected from chronicles of things curi- o u s. -Public Opinion. • For obvious reaons we suppress the names of the parents in this article. • • The City of tionfficius. •We have no sages among us, says the Pall Mall Gazette, but if any example is needed to show what a 'lucrative business it is, it may be fcund in the sccount given by Consul Markham of s visit to Kitt foo, the city of Confue-__ 8, Which has been4printad with other pores of Consuls in China and pan. Mr. Markham states that iu-foo is at city of no. importance, t it may be called the hietorical city China. Here Confucius wag educe- , lived, taught, and finally died and s beiried. bythplace, a cave, is the Ne-shan Hills, some 2,e) Iniles to hi , Brotherly Affection iu re In the reign of Queen Anne, a soldi- .Ta er, belonging to the marching regitnent K 1 which was quartered in the,city Of bu Worcester, WaS taken Up for-t'desertion, of arid, being tried by a court martial, was ted 1,1r4 ill sentenced to be °shot, The Colbne and Lieuteant Colonel being at the tim in. London, the Command of the regi meat decended to the 'Major, a mos • cruel aim iiihtifean Man. The day oi whici the prisoner was to be executed haying arrived, tne regiinerit as is ustta on such occasions, 'was 'drawn out Ogee the execution. It is the c tstorn on these occasions. to draw 1 ts Zrorn the several corp.. rals for this. dis greeable bitce e and wilen every one txpected to se P these lots they were- surprised to fi id tin t the elajor had given orders that the prieoner should die by the hands of his owntbrother, whe was only a private in the sante company, and Wild, when the cruel order -arrived, .was taken leave of 1 - the northeast. His representative, a t Kungyth, or Duke of the Empire, dwellin the city, the whole of the north and west of which is taken up with the grounds of a ducal palace and temple to Confucious, spacio-us and splendidly -wooded. The temple is a buildiug on afar more megrnificent scale than any Mr. Markham saw in China. Here are numerous. relics of the sage, some of the bronze censors, &c, bearing Lite B. C. 2,300 which is composed • chiefly of descendents of • Confucius, eight Out of ten families hearing his Sur - mime. The office of Che-shien or meg- , istrate is hereditai y in the family, as are also the official appointments. When the rebels occupied the surround- ing country they spared the mandarine, declaring that they only wished toi des- troy the uninst and corrupt rulers, but that Confucius's descendants could not be so. Except the ' fact of so many families bearing the sage's surname, which re- quires soule little explanation, nothing could beenore satisfactory. his unhappy brother, and with. tears fast -flowing, ilatt expreesed the anguish of his soul, was hanging for the last tame abc ut his Del. On hij kw that he ni;g• brothers-deat. forgetting .for to Heaven, b than -those of lenting officer, however, tioulcl by no moans be -prevailed on to revoke his cruel seut(4-4.e, th-ugh entreated to do so by every officer in the reginvnt ; on the contrary, he 5wore teat the brother and he ouly, should be the executiouer, i it were only for example sake, tofl'. ake justice appear more teriible. When- machm time had been wasted in fruitless andea,vors to soften the rigor of this in- human sentence, Ile prisoner prepared ttiocndlie.:,. and the brother to be the execu- The Major, strict to themaxim of4 crae4y, stands close to see that . the , piece was properly -loaded, which being. don0, he directs that the third motion of his cane Shall be the signal te fire. Ac- ccalingly, at the third motion, the Ma- jor, instead of the prisoner, received the bullet through his own head, and fell helpless to the ground. es the boor fellow begged t not have a hand in his ; and the poor prisoner, the moment his petitions gged to die by any hands his brother.- The mire - The Arctic Expedition. • Dr Mayes, engaged in an expedition, for purposes of discovery to the A meri.M - fort can regions; writes as follows, trout IV1- OD gild. South tireenhind, under date of bud merly,of Upernavik), acte guide and we crowded into a wom seal ;kin boat. That is to say Art .ak,. which was thirty-six feet long, was propelled by six stout native.w en. The temperature was 65 deg., ar the seenery, and many the novelties we passed a most delightful clay, b ered only by mosquitoes, which more unmerous here ana more viol I verily belie -Ye, that in any part of known world. How old the ruins are nobody kno but oertainly not less than eight c turi9s; and as I wandered through ch-u.rchyard and about the once m sife walls of the homes of the ha Vikings and sons of 'Vikings, who lo ago peopled this coast, the story of th •wonderful deeds seemed written in very stones. The church reins (f cathedrals). stands as much .as wh Green visited it some forty years a One gable iS yet eighteen feat high; t three doorways are perfect, and some the windows are in the same conclitio The walls are almost five feet thic and in places still very firm. Wh Bradford was busy with his latish, a Dunmore and Uhrictersod with '0 camera, I made careful plot of t ruins, which are nine in number. Julialashaap, where, by t way, I must not forget to mention, had some fine freeh Gteenland beef a any quantity of milk, we steamed o to a sub -colony called Krassiment, wla directed by an ancient Dane, Motsfel by name, (the only white man in t place), we went on a fiord to the fro of a great glacier; -aud there we lay _anchor four days, on the most amicab term § with the monstrous body instreara -photographing it, and, in short, do- ing noteing that was not agreeabie as well as useful. The photographs from it are really supurb-are taken froin every possible point of view -and are everything the heart could wish for. The weather was warm as an early Autumn day at home, and was enjoyed by all. There was 4thing to inteifere with us but the aforesaid moequitoes, fertun- ately, did not renal the ship, nor yet the summit of the glacier. I believe nothing could possibly be finer than the ,photographs obtained. Unhappily for our complete sense of comfort, the glacier was less disposed to be neighborly than we, for he set up a, terrnle fusilane the moment we got there; and besides some thousands of tons of ice whicli, at intervals, broke from the ice, seven icebergs, one after another, rolled their unwieldy forms in- to the sea, and set the waves upon us at such a terrible rate_ that we were glad enough to get to a safer plaee of refuge. cf. a,s an's nate and .0m - d. an , 80 001- are 01.18 the ws; en - the as- rdy ng eir the 131.11 en go. he of n; k, ile nd eir he he we nd ut en dt he nt at le • But few persons' lia-v-e ever, seen an iceberg break off. We -can rejoice in !teeing both seen and felt them. We ditty rhapsodize about Niagara -its roar, its va-tness : out one knows not where to berein with a discharging, glaci- er; so I will r not attempt it. From the glacier we came to.meet hearty welcome from the Corriptreller of the Mimes, Mr. Sexturi; tho Direc- torNr. Fritz, and the ag,ent for the American Company, Captain Iteynolde. One is quite amazed at the apparently inexhatistible supply of Keyolite in the bed whith they have opened. The mine is in fact a quarry, the bot- tom of whieh is sOme forty feet below the level of the sea, t and is perhaps fifty vares across, and as many up from -the beach. It hes upon the north side of the deep fiord of Areuk; which runs back many milth es into e interior, and, like most of the Greenland fii-a.ds is terminated by a glacier. A hundred b miners eet out about &even thousand tons of the mineral .per annum. The mineral is immer- isly rich -six fo ninety-nine per cent, of soda and alum and although not eufficient in quality tie ply for working, the bed is prolific in. other ores In Pa.1 half-hour's walk a- bout the works I picked up specimens of iron, silver, lead, tin, coppr and am- nia Strange it eeems that this miner- al, so precious and so valuable, should be found here alone. - To -morrow we put to sea, and then northward ho, beneath :the midnight sea, Thus far all has been novel to me; but herieeforth shall be among fami- iar scenes. We got, du finely. Every- body is in the best of spirits and the very beet of health The ship coula riot oe improved for either strength or corn- , and pl. ase God, in a 'couple of ths T will fetch, itt person, my next get of news." July. 26 :- a'After leaving Newfoundland we made our first landfall at Cape Desolation, where, the weather being dirty, and there being on this coast neither light- house nor pilot. we were forced to get an anchor down and hold on three days before we could steam to the Jelians- talah, the best of the Greenland col% nien. There vee arrived July 15. A ft. /7 items of our doings,, since that date may inter- est you. • First; on the 17th, we went up to the old Norse ruins of Kraktorak, the finest on the coast, and in novel. fashion. My old friend) Rev. Mr. Anthon (for- EtrertraTism and all other aches and pains leave the body on application of Jacobs' Rheumatic Liquid. We will warrant it to cure Burns, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Sere Throat, Lame Back or Side, Sprains, &c. Some of the cures it has effected. are almoet too wonderful for belief. Many have been saved by it from impeeding death, and re- stored to life and health. No family is safe h day without it; hundreds of valnable live 3 and thousands of dollars ma.v be saved anenally by its use AS a preventive of contageouFi dieeases, nothing ever before in - 1 vented can compare with it. We authorize all dealers to refuncl the money, if it does not give entire satisfaction. ; 73-ly 53 FOSS COMMERCIAL AND MATIIEIVIATIGAL ACADEMY! (Established Oct. 1st, 1866.) In Connection with, the London COM- mercial College. The Course of Sla4 Is Comprehensive, PRACTICAL AND CHEAP. The time necessary to complete' the course is from 4 to 6 Months; but one year is al. loWed, so that all can finish it without extra, charge. T E R PA'S .1 For the whole course, $20 in advance. (Books & Stationery not included.) Please eeelose stamp for circular which contains full information, and:address J. A. lieKELLAR, • Principal, Godericle, Ont. 89-olOr. August 20th„ 1869. S\IGN OF THE SCOTCH 3 COLLAR,: Tundersigneand others of the County of HeL;s d begs to inform the farm - hat he has opened. a first class HARNESS & SADDLERY IN SM.A.P'C'1"1-71 .1 . And being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishmenthe can ancliwill offer superior inducements to any other party doing business here. TTIS COLLARS particularly, are acknew- ledged by competent judges to be sue perior to any made in the county, and from his thormegh acquaintance with the wants of the community, he is satisfied that all who favour him with their patronage will have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all work manufactured at his shop, places him in a position to warrant ail work sold by him, andhis motto will be " the nimble six- pence before the slow shilling.' Come along farmers and judge for yourielves. No charge for showing goods. tierShop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth, WM. IL* 'OLCVER, Seaforth, june l' 8 1869. 80-tf. V Furimiture FURNITURE, THiUS. tag,ILL bas now on band the lareest stock in Seaforth, of every des- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest prices. Qual- ity of material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed, - T.T1\7"DIVT..A.K.11\TO- In all its *Aliments, attended to in a satis factory manner. A.. Hearse for hire. T. BELL'S PATENT SPR INC MATTRASS Kept constantly on hand, and fitted to any bedstead. This article is the best and cheap est naade, as attested to by all who have us- ed it. Warranted to give satisfaction. QTRemember the plaee, POST -TM KIDD 81. MIVIULKIN'S • Seaforth, Aug. 5, 1 869. 8 7-tf simoNs, 11 • HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER. All work done in First -Class Style. Or ders to be left one cloor Nortb of Dr. Smith- , office. 674in. 's a • WALL PAPER. Border Paper, Hall Paper, INDOW BLINDS, Plain Blue; Plain Green, kain Buf and Iligured. AT THE TELEGRAPH BOOK STOREI, W. ELLIOTT. Seaforth, J-uly 22. 54-tf. DR.LITEELSKI, SURGEON CHIRO- PODXST, respectfully informs tie 'Publee. of Seaforth and surrounding country that he is prepared to cure Corns, Bunions, Chil- blains, Ingrowing Nails, Large Joints, and all diseases of the human foot Guarantees a successful treatment, without pain or soie- ness. Office directly opposite Griffith Davis'e Dry Goods Store, Min Street, Seaforth, Dec: 14, 1868. 63-tf ''.`DANADIL:WAREHOUSC hz :Scoffs Brick .Block,. SEAFORTH! MITE 'subscriber. has received his fir,st - stalment oe. f SP]JNGGOO ,s LADIES & MISSES! Brown, Black, Colored gild White 1 . SUNDOWN, GENTLEMEN'S Straw, Canton, Panama, Felt, Ail -Wool and Merino HATS! • Decided Bargains in Union, All -Wool and BRUSSELS CARPETS. Also some very choice Gunpowder, and . . 111M.A..S1. • Sugars, Syrups, Coal Oil, &c. CLOVER AND TIMENTHY SEEM A large stock of BOOTS & SHOES tie- pected in a few days Highest price paid for Ihriter, Eggs. &c.. ARCM AID McDOUGALL. Seaforth, Apni, 1&39. • • 53 -Ty C S FOR MHE subscriber having ItleMOVED to 1 the premises lately occupied by E. Hick- son & Co., is now prepared to pay the high- est Cash Price for any quantity of good -Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main' St, Seaforth. •• 1 DAVID D WILSON. Seaforth, April 22.- 72-tr. _______..,_„r ...., , . , HIRAM COLLIDAY & SON IN returning than* for* past favors, lia-ve the pleasure of announcing to the mer- chants and business men of Seaforththat they are prepared. to receive orders for all kinds of DRAY, WORK. tleieGoo e handled with care, andeatisfac- Januar 21st, 1869. 58-ly tion guar nteed. i MR, JOHli THOMPSON rpHANKS his numerous customers for 1 their liberal patronage during the latt fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its continuance. • • • He has now on hanci a large assortment of Good Sound Green _Henalock.! IVIiich he warrants will give satisfaction. • ..ALSO, 200 COO Fr -FT OF PUE 3 CUT FOR BUILDING AND GENERALPIMPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Ordere will be promptly attended. to. He has also on hand a lame azeortnient ct WELL SEASOKED ACCOUNTS!! To which he calls tlee attention of his o'et customers, who will find it to their advant- age to eetire them promptly, and without legal proceedings. Seaforth, July 15th, 1869. 84-tf- INSOLVENT ACT " 1864. In the Matter ok JAMES ELLIOTT, of Seaforth, an Insolvent. TJIIIE creditors of the Insolvent are notifi- 1. that he hoe made an assignment of his estate and effects under the above act, to me, the- undersigned Assignee, and that they are required to furnieli me within two months from this date with their claims, ripecifying the security they leAd. if any, rani the value of it, and if none stating the faet., the wile attested under 'oath, with the vouchers in support of such claim& • Dated at Goderieh„ in the reueey icf Uur- on, this 25th day of June 124re'.. j0.1-12‹ Goderich, June 25. Avegui„,. te„, • el-