HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-03, Page 14LOST OR STOLEN. ROUT the 7th day of August, an Ao. . count Boob, containing several account* and Two- Promissory Notes, val-,ie todila Iii anstorre The payment Aof the are hereby tetopped. he finder,by return,. notes u ing them to Henry Garbe, A vet -eau be rewarded. will Aindeyvili , :.Aug. 16th. -3 PROPERTYFOR SALE. OT No 9, Sparing s Surrey of Seafortli , with Storehonse, Stable and Being on it, and situated. on `n the first lot rth or ow'ney's Hotel, Main Street. r particular apply to the praprietot, Wim. N. WATSON, Insurance Agent,, l9-tf. Seaforth, June lith.. Notice of Guardianship.. -N -4T. GTICE herebyzven that at the exp 1 piration of Twenty Days from date, r will make application to tie Surrogate Coarl of the County of Huron, to be aopointect iarditm of George and Julia Vogt, _infant Wren of Zi mond Vogt, late of the Town sf Brantford, in the County of Brant, and Provinnce of Ontario. d OIC B. VOGT, By BENSON & MEYER, Solicitors for John B, Vogt.. Dated at Seaforth, 19th Auaust, 1869. $9.2 FARM FOR SALE. tratOPS Sale, Lot 15, in the 13th -Conces- sion of the Township of Stephen On very easy terms, and at a Moderato Price. This farm is conveniently situated to Save and Griat Mili, has 30 acres cleared, and a. good well of water; For further particulars apply to Wm. Fs Luxton.,-TExpositor" Office, aeaforf . or to GEO. W. ROSS, Str throy. August 13th, 18t 9. 8a-tf . Farm for Sale. HE subscriber offers for sale the farm be- mg Lot No. 9, in the 2nd Concession,, Township of Tnckermith, consisting of 86 acres, nearly all eleared • There is a good. Frame House on the lot, and a large Barn, ar. neverf ai1in spring creek runs through the farm. Eor partiaulars apply to A. G- : VAN EGMOND, At the Seaforth Carding MilI. Seaforth, Jnty 2nd. 8.2 -2m - TW REGD-R a so , BOOKBINDERS, HITLLET RE prepartd to execute binding in ever style. Persons residing at a c3,istanca by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, Goderielr, or at the " Fxaosiaola" office, Seaforth, stating, style, may rely upon them being well bound. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without dr1ay, Seaforth, June 11, 1S 78-tf, SEA FORTH DISPENSARY And F I i y DrugSt9re; • LUIVMDEN has just received his saes Spring Importations f%f Pure Drags and Medicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines-, French, English aid American Perfumery , Hair Dressings, Oils, and Pomades • Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shav- ing Brushes; DDressing and Fine-tooth t`omba Toilet and Shaving Soaps, tae., Etc. Haase Cattle 1lled ieines Condition Powders, etc., DYE STUFFS r Of very Superior Quality. PHY"SICIANS' Prescriptions accurately - prepared, I�. IiUMSI)EN, Pharmaceutical Chemist, eaforth. April 22. 53 - GO TO T. J. SIMONS' FRUJT e OYSTEI P QTI For Fresh Oysters, Sardines,; Lojbsters, Pi+t Cakes, and Sweets of every description. CALL AND tE His Fresh .Shock Opposite McCANN'S Old Stand. aforth, Feb. 12, 1869 63-tf J' NI5OLVENT A (T OF 1864. n the Matter of JAMES ELLIOTT, of Seaforth, an Insolvent. HE creditors of the Insolvent t are: not e- ed that he haF made an assignment' tat is estate and effects under the above act, t e, the undersigned Assignee, and that they e required to furnish. me within two ontha from this date with their claims; )ecifring the security they hold if any, and e value of it, and if none etat}ng the fact, whole attested under oath, with al14 ditchers: in support of such claims. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Hnie this 25th day of June l b6 3 JOHN HALDAN, Ofoi 1 Ag$igre. c_ri n. June 25. 1869. 8:44, - , Loudon, August 26.—The Tins. , re- ferring to the con 'tion of the British* on es sayC nada, is in +Col t � all res- pects independent,, and she is fitted to become so. She hat; institutions of great power, and it is a fair subject, of inquiry whether she thight not' assume her appropriate positihn. Loudon. August 30 --Ther Imes, to- day, in its Manchester .Cotton Trade report says —"It: is admitted that the returns of sales of cotton at Liverpool were falsified every day hist week. The figures really amounted to but little .more than half those given to the. _pub- lie, and as result there is something like a panic at Manchester, and for the pre "sent all confidence is lost iu the truth of the returns from Liverpool. There els no.disposition to do business either en the part of the seller or buyer. 'SPAIN Madrid, Aug. 26.—The Government in yie.dir g to the pleasure of solicitati- ons from all parties has commuted the 'death sentnences of several Carlist _clergymen, and there will probably be tto wore executions. The answers re- ceived from six Bishops in regard to the recent decree of the Regent are un- satisfactory and nndefiant. No further -iateps will be taken against them until en. Prim returns. Madrid, August ,25. ---The Epoca cf trrday says that the most probable can-' "didate for the Spanish Throne is Augus- tus of Portugal Paris, Sept: 1.---Tlae. Paris Constitu- ion ael of -to-day says, Marshal Serrano is daily becctuing n,ore.d more prom- inent as a, caudidate for the throne of Spain. ;c Mrul, Sept. 1. -=Proceedings will be commenced immediately against the .seven bishops who were apprehended for disobedience of Governne ent ord- 1 ers. Red River ttlernent Mr. McArthur, one tef the enterpris- ing young merchants of this city, ,for - _n eerly in the service of the Hudson Bay ciompauy, leis just arrived from a. tour to the Red River Settlement. He went by way of 8t. Paul, and so to Breckenridge, ascending from that point e R to ..the River Valley to Fort Garry. He found that the Americansinterested ire the construction of. the Pacific Rail- road, were busily pushing forward their work, and that next year the road evoinld becompleted from. St. Paul to Breckenridge. . There is a . steamboat running upon the river, and making the passage in about -five days, --a very long time, considering that the distance by the road, it road it can be called when there is no such thing, is but siotne two hundred and fifty miles. But the river is ove of the most sinuous 'known to geographers? so that frec ent- 1y at the end of one ling reach, the tra- veller finds himself on ty .a very short instance from the corresponding. place .in the preceding reach. This is best -Illustrated by the fact that, -by, land .the route from Breekenridge is nearly 'due .north, and the ox carts strike the bends of the Reil River with great ,regularity stt jddistances of about twelve miles apart. !From cue bend to another is consider - :ed a day's journey for the ox carne. Buggies go 24 miles, or the distance 'f two bends during one day. In either Rase the travellers camp out at night. 'The passage by land is by no means an easy one, and travellers who make it have to be provided with every thing they want ,for their temporary house- 1eeping. Mr. McArthur was like the man who went to Jericho ; the result being that be lost a.hanm, and having very, little other. food, . had to live for two or three days on salt pork, without -the relief of any kind of bread or vege- tables. At Red River :he found the ,crops looking magnificent, though the pest of grasshoppers was showing itself. These incects, however, were not thought likely to work any serious mis- chief. Mr. McArthur met with con- siderable encouragement in his mercan- tile objects, and believes that the break - jug ul, of the Hudson Bay Company's monopoly will throw a large part of the _business of the territory into this city, which he thinks will become the great wart for furs, that have . hitherto been sold chiefly in London and Leipsic. -Tire St. Paul people, are, however, very energetic, and will, doubtless. push for- -ward to the North as well as the West. The steaiuboat now running on the Red River ;s too long for the work, in- asw►lch as she is incapable of making with rapidity the short turas required iu passing from one to another reach. She is also clumsy in other ways, and at the speed at which she is propelled, throws up so large a wave in advance as to reduce the draught of water im- mediately below her. Another steam- er wills prabably be put upon the river in the ,k;orning spring, which will draw- enly sixteen inches.—.Montreal Herald. Four acres of yielded 210 bushels of Barley this year. } with the result. I a bl Lk building,. Runs ' n scRA • SEAJ.OR1'T4 EXPOSITOR, P13. This Pr+opoa®d KIn�► of �paiYt. t a expected the North-West pro- clacu�ttion wi.11,issueiearlyin November. In Quebec, on Friday last, twooun Y g lads were crushed to death underneath a pile of bricks. The Star says Brydges could he re- turned without opposition in Rose's constituency. On Tuesday last Mr. Seven, Reeve of Yorkville, had his ankle nearly serv- ecl by a reaper. Ottawa has received 612 emigrants this season, 205 from England, 122 from Ireland, 20 from Scotland, 155 -from Germany, and 2 from Sweden. ' The "Maple Leaf' .Base Ball Club of Guelph beat the " Young Canadians" of. Woodstock at the late tournament in London.' The " Oxfords" beat the " Harvards" at' the recent International Boat Race, and all England is uearly gone crazy on acconnt of it. Prince Arthur is having a gay time in the Martime Provinces. Every lit- tle fishing station has an address of welcome to get off on him. There were `no less than thirty coffins waiting for interment at the Catholic cemetery in Montreal on Monday morn- ing last. Wood is becoming :scarce and high in Vermont. All the engines of the Rutland and Washington railroad are to be changed to coal -burners. A farm situated about two miles from Oshawa was sold by Mr. Thos. Hoskins to Mr. J. D. Could, the other day, for $2,300, or at the rate of $100 per acre. On Tuesday evening at Belle Rives•, a man named Antill, while feeding a thrashing machine, got caught in the gearing, and had his hand torn off. On the 11th, James Reid was found lying on the • Is orthern Railway track near Allancl ale, fearfully mutilated, four trains h• having passed over him dur- ing the night.. In Gloucester, N. H., there is a pear tree more than one hundred an fifty years old. ht 1716 it was brought to America in a flower pot by Captain S. Harrison. It has a fine crop of fruit his year. ` A serious accident happened' in St. ,Marys on Monday to a man named 'James Gibh, anoemployee of the Grand Trunk Railway, who was cleaning his rifle, when it accidentally discharged, the ball . passing through his thigh. ;There is tittle hopes of his recovery. Mr. Morrison,' the school teacher, 'who was cora rnitted for trial in the Cannington ;manslaughter case was ad- mitted on bail on Wednesday by Jridge Barnum, to appear at the next assizes for the aotinty of Ontario. At Woodstock,' a destructive - fire took place on Sunday morning last, about ten o'clock, in the large frame grist mill, owned by Parker & Hays, at the west end of the town. Nothing but the`account books were saved.• Mine. Anna Bishop was one of ` the passengers on the steamship Id4/w, from Liverpool. ` She has been abseni for four years, and has visited during that time China, India, Australia, Egypt and other far off places. It is reported that Prince Art`r will accompany the Governor General on his visit to the Provincial Exhibi- tion at London. Ontario is seen at its best at the great annual gathering of its agriculturists, and there. is no better place for the show than the Forest City. The fashionable drinks in Boston just now are root beer, New England root beer, old fashioned root beer, Ot- tawa beer, Chicasaw beer, Choctaw beer, Chippewa 'beer, and several other kinds of beer. Lager beer is prohibited by the prohibitory law. It is said that the head waiter of one of the leading betels at Newport coasts that his fees from guests, average $100 per day. These subsidies are for choice seats at the table, and special service there in the way of attention and estables. At six o'clock on Sunday morning, a man named Putnam, living three miles 'east of St. Thomas, coinrnitted suicide, by hanging himself with a rope attached to a beam in his barn. 1.1., is reported that deceased bad frequently stated that he would put an end to himself. He was about 7U years of age and was well respected. ' The American Government thinks of building 10 wooden vessels which can employ either wind or steam as propelling power, with the purpose 'of ,using wind only when it is to be bad, and so saving the expense of fuer—ex- cept in cases where speed is a point. John Snelling, of Jasper County Ind., who had been "deaf as an adder'. for nearly, twenty years, was suddenly cured the other day by an accidental fall of twenty feet from a hay -mow. He broke an arm, but found his hear - land near Bowmanville mg as good es the best, and is satisfied be glad to see you. Remember, it is in 85 tf Ening Louis of Portugal, is Prim's candidate for the Spanish throne. King Louis is not quite thirty-one years of age, but has exhibited talents for public affairs, and a manly vigor not always found in royal families. His wife is Pia., the youngest daughter of King Victor Emanuel, of Italy, of which marriage there had been born, at last accounts, two sons. The difference of language between Spain and Portugal is not radical, but the people of Portu- gal have an antipathy to Spain, which, among many of the common people, amounts almost to ferocity. The ori- ginal cause of this antipathy, was the annexation of Portugal to Spain through the power and treacherry of Philip I1. of atrocious memory, in 1850. Spanish domination continued about sixty years during which period the colonial em- pire of Portugal was essentially ruined. Her colonies became the prey of the enemies of Spain, or throwing off their allegiance, became independent powers. The empire of Brazil, an original col- ony of Portugal, is the most remark- able instance, showing how the colonial growth surpassed and overshadowed that of the home government. Portu- gal has planted much more than she ever harvested. Mete is not now, however and has not been for many years, any existing reason for the antipathy of the Portuguese for the Spanish. Neither do we think there is so marked a difference of language as to amount to a difference of nationality. If Spain must have a King; at al:, we see not why Louis, with his young and healthy wife, would not suit quite as well as any person whose name has been men- tioned in the connection, while it would appear that the whole peninsula, now known to Spain and Portugal, embrac- es the natural frontiers or but a single nationality. Father McMahon, now a guest of the Bishop of Buffalo, N. Y., is about to make application, by the advise of a legal gentleman, for compensation for falseimprisonment in Canada. It is not possible for the. American Uoj: ern- ment to entertain the application, inas- much as Father McMahon was fairly tried and convicted of an offense, the penalty of which is death. He was highly favoured by the commutation of his sentence to imprisonment for twen- ty years ; and again he was still more favoured when he was pardoned sixteen years before the expiration of his term of imprisonment. Instead of complain- ing of the Canadian Govornment he ought to feel profo.;ndly grateful for its clemency.— Hamilton Tinges. ' (Advertisement.) Something Worth Reading. The success that has attended the faithful and intelligent study of Photo- graphy hers been so great, that one can get their own image perpetuated to pos- tetityr It is a great privilege to have a good practical Artist. one who thor- oughly understands the business, as al- so one who is stationary in a place, to whom you can go with confidence, with the assurance of not getting disappoint- ed in getting a correct, artistic, faithful likeness, and from whom you can get picture, at any future lime from the negatives once taken. The days are past for those who drop down for a week or two and are off again, having no interest at stake, and caring very little whether their customers are pleas- ed or sot, they are off; but not so with our Old Established and thoroughly .praclical pnotographer,Frank Paltridge, who stands to -day .the acknowledged bead and leading Photographer in this section of the country. Re is a real live man, up' to every wrinkle in the business ; is very obliging ; and has rooms, accommodations and facilities for executing work seldom met, He has rooms and apartments for every- thing. Good pictures cannot be made where the fumes of so many different chemicals come in immediate contact with each other, and producing gasses fatal to making good pictures. Hie rooms are in Scott's Brick Block; near Sharp's Hotel, and under the EXPOSI- TOR Office, cool in summer, *arm in winter ; with dressing rooms, so that you can bring your best clothes in a satchel and change to get your picture taken.- Frank Paltridge also keeps the negative, and no fear of losing the picture of some near and dear friend. His best work is not at the door, but NI stairs, one flight, and turn to the right hand, where yo'i will find Frank always at home and in good temper. All pictures shown are of i1 T own make, and not bought or borrowed to decoy the pu alit. He guarantees satis- faction or no pay. Just walk up to Frank Paltridge's Gallery, his epeci- meus are worth looking at, aid you will be sure to see some person's picture you know. II you don't want your pic- ture, never munch ; a tisk walk up, he will • f DR. J. ROLPH MALCOLM, DRS. EIINTER do MALCOLM) 011.8 AdeLATE �►de st reef, West, Toronto, will be at SHARP'S, HOTEL SEAFORTHI On Friday July 2, August 6, September3, and consulted on all forme of chronic including Rheumatism fectiona of females. Cohsultation and Toronto, Jund 28, October 1, for consultation. M., can be diseases, asthma, af- Bronchitis, Consumption, and Neuralgic affections, etc. advice 1869. free. 82 -in. I. ard Og Q � tg Q gig 57d P "`4' Fag 1:1 15' Pio g,e4 am - =4 a; M hi '3 tel *ad 0 titt) (st Re) eD Q p )mit tZ> *.a Q• CD ,r. Fes+• HSI1ON3 .S3IA1Vr 0 C Z m r m V ONTARIO HOUSE,. EDWARD CASH, JJAS just received a fine lot of HAY AND HARVEST TOOLS, Of all kinds, The only genuine Morgan CRADLES AND GYTHES In town. Best Linseed oils extraordinary cheap 0ODERICH STREET SEAFORTH. EDWARD CASH. Seaforth. April 14, 1869. 53-ly. Insolvent Act of 1864 ROBERT TURNER, Plaint; es. J1.MES YOUNG, the Elder, Defendant. /A WRIT of Attachment has been issued lie in this cause. - J. MACDONALD, Sheriff. Per A. FRASER, Deputy Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Godericli, Aug.. 12, 1869. 89-3in. Insolvent Act. of 1864. In the County Court of the County of Huron. In the matter of TH(MAS KNOX, An Insolvent. ENDERS will be received for the pur- l_ chase of the whole of the stock of the above named Insolvent, until the Twenty - Third day of August, instant. The Stock Book will be open for inspectiou at the office of Mr. J. S. Porter, Seaforth, with whom tenders may be left ; also at the office of the undersigned, Goderich. The stock consists of Groceries and Liqu- ors of the best qual.ty. JOHN ' HALDAN, JB., Official Assignee. Godericle, Aug. 11, 1869. e9 -lie. BEMJTIFUL B NATU'RE'S AWN_ You dist fultivaik it. GRAY - -HAIR Ir a certain indication of Z)eooy at the Roots. M1ts. S A. ALLEN/ Hair Restorer Sonores gray hair to its natural color and ‘eauty and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the hair. t beautiful gi.,s,t and delightful fragrance. Manufactory and Sales Odrees, 33 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACE, N. X. 266 HIGH HOLBORN, London, Eng. Seatter and Rolls, Druggists, agents ea Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. January 28th. 1869. 60.1y Insolvent Act of 1864. In the County • Court vj the Coun.,4 #; Hwron. In the matter of LAWRENCE PIER ON CULLODEN, An Insolvent. Dominion of Canada, Province of Ontario, County of Huron, To Wit NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, the Fifth day of October next,at ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon as coun- sel can be heard, . the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a dischart e under the said Act. Dated at Seaforth this 28th day of Jule A. D. 1869. By BENSON & MEYER, ' 86-91 His Attornies, ad Li€ Ala 13 T M 1 FANCY NOTE PAPER, PLAIN STATIONERY 1 In great variety, SCHOOL BOOKS, Carter and Walkden's Inks, Blue and Red Inks, Bibles, Prayer Books, - Hymn Books, Blank 1%'ptes, Blank Account .. o.oks,(ke. AGENT FOR THE firSEAFORTII "EXPOSITOR." Globe and Daily Telegraph, William Elliott, Seaforth, Julv 22. 1869. o, -Daily , TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAX] 5 COUNTY OF HURON' l DY' VIRTUE To WIT : l) of a Warrant under the hand of the Warden of the Coun- ty of Huron, and the Seal of the said Coma. ty, 'bearing date the third day of August, A. D. 1869, to 'me directed, for the collet. - tion of arreara of taxes due on the under- mentioned lands. These are therefore to give notice that unless the said taxes, to- gether with 311 lawful costs and charges be sooner paid, 1 shall on TUESDAY 34th day of November A. D. 1869, at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M., AT THE CQTTRfr 11OtTSM , IN THE TOWN OF GODERTC, Proceed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION the said lands, or so much thereof, as may be sufficknt todischarge such arrears of taxies and charges thereon. 1iOTE In the following list "e.11." ai#, Me8.-East Divisum—"w. tl." West Divisiow -- "p." Patented --"u. p." Unpatented--`-p'lf' ?ar-tk—"n.t.p." North Town Plot. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. Lot Con. Ac. Pt. Taxes Costs Fo til East 4 1 e. d 100 p 77 09 2 78 79 37 N 4 1 3 "` 100 p 64 21 2.45 66 6t W 1 .4 4 100 p 94 91 323 98 14 E part 5 4 111 p 99 55 3 35 102 90 E # . 8 4 100 p 43 17 1 93 45 10 8 half 1 6 100 u p 31 86 1 65 33211' W pt S l l 13 49 p 13 44 120 14 4A 1 3 wd 2e0 p 82 05 290 84'91 2 4 200 p 123 12 4 78 127 N part 3 4 1,36- p 65 27 248 67 h N half 3 8 300 u.p 64 69 248 67 N half 4 8 100 u.p 13 73 1 20 14A1 E half 11 8 100 u: p 12 98 i 18 14 166 W half 6 9 100 p 72 69 268 7531` INWptofN 6 10 80 p 31 58 1 65 33,23 N half 3 11 100 u.p 69 3$ 2 60 71 98 W. half 5 11 100 p . 35 77 1 75 37 -52 E half 8 11 100 u. p 41 65 1 90 43 55 W half . 811 100 u. p 31 06 1 63 32 8p S W pt 11 11 20 p 25 42 1 50 26 92 6 12 200 p 80 02 2 85 82 87 N part 7-13 114 p 45 66 2 00 47 66 3 North Town Plot 153 p 100 63 4 23 104 86 N part 34 n.t.p. 63 p 34 70 1 7.3 36 43 VILLAGE OF PORT ALI3ERTa IST HIELD. 22 E ArthurASsFt. 23 do 4 p p 22 7733 9393 3 tib 36S 24 do Y p 2 73 93 333116:6 fr 25 do 1 p 5 15 98 -fi 1,°4 26 do 1 p .11 71 1 15 i 2 31 do 1 p 11 60 1 15 12 78t5; 32 do z lap 11 71 1 15 12 34 iso u.p ] 1 71 1 15 i2 t 35 do 4 u.p 11 71 1 -1J 12,