HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-03, Page 13tt• 11 F 11 The Horrible Tragedy near,Ottawa. _ . • PARTICULARS OF 'TPIE SHAW M6IDER. The Ottawa Citizen of Sattidayn- tuus the details, as far as the corones investigation had elicited, of the re\ 'yoking tragedy that is now convulsing the usually quiet township of Osgoode, and whiah for cold-blooded atrocity long form one of the darkest pages inethe annals of crime in that Section of country. On Friday morning news • was received in the city that an old • man 'mined Shavir had been shot while sitting in his own house early on 'the previous• evering, and that no clue had been found to the dastardly assassin. • THE SCENE OF. THE MURDER. was about thirteen miles from the City, in the fourth concession of Osgoode, OD the town line between that muni- • cipalityand Glencester, and about half a mile from the main road leading from Ottawa to, Metcalfe. Shaw here owned a farm otabont -200 acres, on which he resided. }Tis house was Situated facing thre town lineefrora which it was distant shmefour hundred feet. The house is, a 'log one, of which a dscrip- tion totheproper under- - standing -of the evidence taken by the coroner. ,Entering it by the rear, we come into a largo "stoup" by which ingress is had to the kitchen, and, pass- ing into that department, a staircase -leads to the attics, which is divided into two rooms, used as sleeping apartments. On the west of the house, at a short distance from it, are the barites, stables and other out housos, and on the east gable is asmall garden and orchard. The only other chain ber , in 1 the house besides those we have mentioned was one on the ground flat, opening directly off the kitchen, and having .two wind- ows, one facing the town line and the other looking out on the garden spoken of, and in this the murder was com- mitted. - THE VICTIM of the atrocious i act was an old- man maned Thomas Shaw, a native of Scot- land, about 60years of age, and a mem- ber of the Free. Kirk, who had been residing on the farm in question for the last eight years, and had previously! liv- ed in Keneiore. From all that our Reporter could learn in conversation with numerous.;1 arties about the place the old man bore a good character, and was held in high esteem by all his •neighbors, with whom he lived on the best of terms, and amongst whom he was always, welconie, and a favorite, and no motive for the foul dead could be found in any ill feeling existing be, tween him' and parties in his pretient or former place of • residence. Indeed, among all persons in the vicinity nn - bounded horror at the dark deed pre- vails, with a stern determination to fer- • ret out the assassin and 'bring him to justice. THE INMATES OF THE' HOUSE, it appears, were on the night in ques- tion, besides the murdered man, his wife, an aged and feeble woman, James Shaw; his eldest son, a man of about Thirty years doge, John Shaw, about bree and t Si en ty , his second son, a young girl of seventeen named Janet itlielar, a boy of eleven years old nam- ed Wm. Hudson, all resided in • the house ; and Duncan McNeil, a man of t bout fifty,' the husband of a step daughter of the deceased, and whose • wife we understand was mother . of the boy Hudson and the gir Janet THE MURDER • Reerns to have been planned and exec f.e-3 with the most cold blooded calcu tion. The whole family had. been teark in the fields during the day, an returned heine about sun down, whe alllAritt the exception of Janet Milla eho was away milktegt assembled i ate room looking into the orcUrd, fo 3uppen This was also the _bedrobm o he old eouple. There they 'reentinedti night set in. about eight o'clocl v,ibeir Joh n, the second son, sail he wa going to bed, and left the house to g te the barn, where he had been sleeping for a fca- nights previously. The girl Janet, who had meanedule -come in, and the boy }incisor', • retired shortly .fter to their rooms in the attic, and in a few morrents \tare followed .by - Mc- Neil A.nd Jas. Shim, who slept in the same room as fitidson. The old Couple were then left alone. The old Man • wasecated at a table reading, his back Lel the . windoW. the blind of which was rolled up, when his wife got up from heseat to look after some matters in 'he adjoining kitchen, Scarcely- bad ehteholtbled to the dein., when she was etarticat by the . report of a gun, and tutned round just in time to see the room filled with smoke, the window ;Vase scattered on the floor, and her nusband after one convulsive spring f--11 to theground a lifeless and distig- 4rO1 nizw, with the blood pouling from g g womel in his head. bhe al .il.outed to the. other inmates oi he Infuse who Cao,( dovs-n. Their act ,;iftcrm anis had 4,(j hG told i» ti)( i• t_wn Ai eo 111 the ei-idence I o 11(3. hoiti'. fin 14,11g le- la - at d n 1-, n • ° THE 8AFORTH, EXPOSITOR. chosen. The night had aet inn the neighbourhood was quiet, but as the moon had not risen it was so dark that detection in the lonely place seemed • unlikely. Little or no effort seems to have been made by the family to search \for the murderer, an apathy which would seem incredible if not sworn to \ themselves. b.Y IN THE NEIGBOURHOODI throng which the news spread rapidly, the stro `est feeling of indignation prevails, and during all yesterday a large- numbs nurnbrof the friends of the mur- dered man we\e about the house. IN THE TH CHAMBER the scene,, when o�r reporter visi was pitiable in the extreme T corner was the bed o the old c in another a small cupb rd conta crockery. bread, &c., agar st the opposite the window, was t e tab which the party had been a BU the cups and saucers still on it, as also the book from which the un ate man had beeii reading, now co with clots of blood and brains, an ches of grizzled hair. There, too, the candle by which he had been r ing, the spectacles which he had taken off, and in front of the table the chair on which he had been ting, while on the floor lay the b the head in apool of clotted gore, which two streams of blood trickle wards the window and the door It had not been removed from the where it had fallen face downw the feet under the table, where a tion of the 'brains had been scatte the head towards the window. It dressed in coarse shirt and serge sm jacket, a pair of canvass trou and stout long boots. In the 1 two horrid looking' holes, one in back of the skull and the other in forehead. showed where the fatal bu had crashed through the old man's br A hole in the wooden partition o the table marked where it had sped after the death -blow, to the heavy 1 in tie west gable of the huilding sight so sad -so fearful, we hope, ne to see again. Would we could , blot forever from our memory. MOTIVE FOR THE MURDER day, some of our patty made a rush to witness a public execution. A China- man was to be beheaded for theft and murder, and the news created no little exci anent The day was fearfully hol, and they struggled up a narrow canal, and then footed it across a well -parched 'field, which radiated beat like an oven. The scene of punishment was a wild r - grove, where a large 'crowd ted for the thrilling spectacle. Two ne wa ex cutioners were in_service and each struck the victim's neck with his sword. The first skilfully avoided a complete decapitation, leaving this for bis as- sociate. They never separate the head at a eingle blow because of the -sup- ted it, erstitious fear that insanity would be " their penalty. Indeed, their is a holy ouple, ming wall, le at pper, wag rtrtn- red d was ead- just stood sit- ody, from d to - way. spot ards; por- red ; sees s lead the the llet ain. ver on, ogs ver it an my ak' Tfl S he he ur er- th en on ys n ot, esitate to say, and through the who ay a strong sesplcion was felt against e son John, which was not decrease y his manner during the day, • nor b e style in which he gave his ev D ce. it seems hard to find. The oid m does not seem to have had an ene among his neighbours, who all spe in the highest and most kindly te Aim. The evidence given before t Coriner shown that with his family had had various disputes, and nano states them to have been of a more s ious naturethan was then stated. Wi his son, John, he appears to have be en anything but good terms, and more than one occasion ,report bioWs were struck. That the old ma was inoffensive and badly treated b his family all the neighhours do n h d th b th de horror connected with the death penalty and after it has been enforced the ex- ecutioners immediately repair to some temple, and are not only shrived, but are sprinkled with 1holy water to pre- vent the dead frorq haunting them." • DEPARTURE OF BRIG GS. -The gentle- man, who has been justly termed a "famous chiropoidst," leaves this morning for New York city, where prior engagements demand his immediate presence. His stay in the city has indeed been short, but in that period he has made a host of friends, and has him- self been so kindly treated that he requests us to express to his many kind patrons his gratitude for the courtesy extended to him during bis stay. In fact no one could come in contact with the Doctor except to meet him as a gentleman; kind, social and affable in his manners, possessing a genialnature and warm heart, and in his profession skilful beyond a doubt. He became so enamored of his success, and the frietaiship shown that he has resolved as soon as his business engagements will permit, to z eturn about the latter part of themonth, when he will again take rooms with the most excellent host of tho "Russel. "-Ottawa Time& Dr J. Briggs has opened a branch office at No 6 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada. where he will treat all diseases of the feet, in the most skilful manner. His Modern Cur- ative is aold by all Druggists and country merchants. J.. Seatter agent, Seaforth. SEAFORTH MILLS! SEED STORE! THE undersigned have just received IMPORTED DIRECT, 1,000 LBS. SKIRMINC'S IMPROVED PURPLE -TOP SWEDE, A quantity of Early GOODERICH POTATOES, Also a fresh stock of • GARDEN AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Will have constantly on hand a choice se- lection of Flower and other le BEDDING PLANTS. d SBORNE'S CRANULATED WHEAT Nor possesses all the qualities of Farina and Y Oatmeal, for Porridge. '1 WA. Shearson &Co THE CORONERS' INQUEST was held -on. by George Patters' Esq., who discharged his duties in a praise- worthy manner. In evidence Mrs. Shaw, wife oi deceased was examined, who testified that her husband was shot on the evening in questiOn while he was sitting at a table, and she was in another room. There was no gun kept in the house. Deceased and his son John had quarrelled about the possess- ion of a sum of moneyeabout £5. Oth- er witnesses were also examined, whose evidence in the main coincided with that of Mts. Shaw. But that of John Shaw, son of deceased was of a suspic- ious nature. THE VERDICT was that the deceased came to his death r1 by a lesden bullet fired from a gun by f some person unknown. 111 s 0 • ...- .. • 4.43 " • qr ARREST OF JOHN SHAW. .Although the verdict returned by the jury threw no . blame on any person known, there Ni:ras considered to be in the evidence enough. to warrant the detention of. John. Shaw until the mat - tor, was more completely sifted, and by the advice of atmost all present, he was taken in charge and brought to the city by County Constables Arm- strong -and Silcox. He came with them quietly for some way, and was not handcuffed ; but at one point made an • attempt to escape from them, and in consequence had, the irons put on his wrists. , He was placed last night in the leckenp, and will be rernoved to gaol to -day. •• FURTHER DISCLOSURES. In regard to this dreadful affair may be confidently looked for before many days, and we hope that such speedy and certain retributions may overtake the guilty party as will strike terror into other evil disposed persons should -such exis. 11] our midst • . Siaaneae. Exoution. rie Siaxn correspondent of the New Yreelt i;eses rieserioes an execiiiion„ %Ai -out _»Gon4 ale- same Seaforth, May 21. 52-1v. NOTICE.. CREDITORS of Nath iniel Middlesmis are requested to fyle their claims -with the undersigned at once, in order to be adjusted. MCCAUGHEY & HOIXESTEDI Solicitors for Administrator. Seaforth, Aug. 24. 90-3in TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHN HALDAN, has been appointed Official Assignee for the County of Officefiu r 0 t SEAPORTH,-4. S. PORTER!S. Office at Goaaarcn,--Directly opposite the Post Office. Goderiela March 5th, 1868. 13-tf. LISTEN!!-! WHILE GAN SPEAKS. For his Stock 'of SPRINGGOODS WAS Never Excelled In this Market. Tie Manchester Then, is the place. for Satisfaction in Dealing. ;, all , lte9. TO ItMl\TT. N the best business portion of Seaforth, a Frame Shop 22x34. suitable for a Gro- cery, Book Store, Ito. Immediate possession given. For particulars address Wm. ROBERTSON & Co., 87-tf. Box 34, Seaforth, Ont. LOST 011 sTpLEtki. ABOUT the 7th day of August an lea. count Book, containing several account* and Two Promissory Note, payable toliuni Wil4 Vanstone. The payment -of the noted are hereby stopped. The finder, by retares ing them to Henry Garbo, Ainley, van be rewarded. Ainleyville, Aug. 16th. 89-31.te- PROPERTY FOR SALE., .5.5a5555.4•55 -1F-OT No. 9, Sparling's Survey of ASeaforde I with Store, Storehouse, Stable and Dwelling on it, and situated on the lint let North of Downey's Hotel, .Main Street. For particulars ,apply to the proprietot, t, 1V17thm.. N. WArr6ON Insurance Agen• Seaforth, June tf, • Notice of Guardianshila. $0 Ii.MWA3_ •15414/11140 HOT, on Sunday night, the 25th ult., between12 and 1 o'clock, on South half Lot 20, Con, 12, McKillop, a two-year-old Ster. The above reward will be given to any person or persons giving such informa- tion as will lead to the conviction of the party who committed the deed. tut - MICHAEL RYAN. McKillop, Augatst 87 Insolvent Act of 1864. Province of Ontario, In the County Court of County of Huron, the County of Huron. To Wit: In the matter of HENRY W. MeCsaat, I An insolvent. ca,N Tuesday, the sixteenth day of Novena oose tyeder ber eu th said Att. next, the undersigned will apply to I By; McCAuGHEY Judge of the said court for a aischarge II W. McCANN, & ROLMESTED, 61-tt:.Seaforthl A ng.h2.455‘'7°181junit°. 0 rs ad ii:7 ..2. in. ek-OTICE is hereby given that at the ex- • piration of Wit/Ay Days frona °data, will make application to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, to be aopointed guardian of George and Julia Vogt, infant children of Zigmond Vogt, late of the To -w .of Brantford, in the County of Brant, and Province of Ontario, JOHN B. VOGT, By BENSON & MEYER, Solicitors Tor John B. Vogt. Dated at Seaforth, 19th August, 1869. 89-2 FARM FOR sALL. rOR Sale, Lot 15, in the lath Concea- sion of the Township of' Stephe//, On very easy terms, and at a Aloderate Price. • This farm is tonveniently situated to Saar and Grist Mill, has 30 acres cleared, and a, good well of water. For further particulars apply to Wm. F. Luxton, -4Expo2itor" Office, aeafortlaor tie GEO. W. ROSS, Strathrey:A August 13th, 1869. S-tf Farm for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale the farm be- ing Lot No. 9, in the 2nd Col ncession, Township of Tuckernaitb, consisting of 84 acres, nearly all cleared- There is a good Frame House on the lot, and a large Barn a never failing spring creek runs through tho farm. Eor particulars applyto A,. Ca- VAN7EGMOND, At the Seaforth Carding Seaforth, July 2nd• 80.2m M'GREGOR ai SON, BOOKBINDERS, IITILLErt RE prepartd to execute binding &every - 1 --1 style. Persons residing at a distanea by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, G-oderioh, or at the " FXPOSITon" office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, June 11, 169. 78tf, Family Drug Store. RLUMSDEN has just received hies Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chenatcals and - Patent Medicines, French, English aka American Perfumery; Hair Dressings, Oils, and Pomades • Bair, Tooth, Nail and Shay- ing Brushes; pressing anal Fine-tooth Combs; Toilet and Shaving Soaps, &c., &e. Horse 85 Cattle illedicies, Condiin. Powders, etc, 1. DYE STUFFS Of very Superior Quality. - -iliouysicIANS' Prescriptions aecurte1y prepared, R LUMSDENI Pharmaceutical Chemist. • eaforth. April 2. 53-tt ittV: GO TO T. J. SIMONS' FRUIT OYSTER ") For Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, rim Cakes, and Sweets of every decriptio. CALL AND SEE His Fresh Stock ! Opposite /vIcCANN'S Old Stand. Saforth, Feb. 12, 1869. 63-tt INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. In the Matter of JAMES ELLIOTT, of Seaforth, an Insolvent. mITE creditors of the Insolvent are notif- ed that he has made an assignment, of his estate and effects under the above act, a" ane, the undersigned Assignee, and that they are required to furnish me within two months from this date with their elairare specifying the security they hold if any, a.na the value of it, and if none stating the fct, the whole attested under oath, with trh4 vouchers in support of such claims. Dated at foderich, in the County of Bale on, this 25th day of June 1869. JO ITN HA LD A N, Official Assine. Goderich. Jame 25. 1869. T. Loudon, feeling to th • Cloines, sa, peas nide become m great posse fiesuiry whe her appteP London. tte..y, in its reportsays t•-1 se returns ot were falsified figures realli anore than lei lie, and as re apanic at M sent all mit of the returnl is no dispositi ion the parte Madrid, A yieding ons from all elea s en ti.3‹ clergy men, an no moreexec -ceived from the recent del taatisfactory steps will be ..Geri. Prim re Madid, At ttday says th "ddate for the ttus of Portug Paris, Sept ion -1 of to -da is daily beech inent as a CAI) Madrid, Se be commenced seven biahops for diebedi0 -ars. McAr' 3 snerite yhin to thtede • ciompany, la • went by way, Breckehatigvee, tbeRed He found that ii the constru oad were bah work, d t •qcuid. be cow rBureningu kenzidpon ge. .ttassage in a tlong time, con by the road, when there t 1 It )in w6r nit vwetobun or :eo; Iy th.e end < yeller fid_s h •tlistance from the preced Illustr-ated by route- frotn Br tiorth and the 9f the Re'd Ri Attflistanisas of tFrom one ben -ed a day's Jon 13uggiee go 24 two bends elur -ease the travel The paasage avow one, and Jaave to be pro they wnt. for • ite•imaettpi wio :ei being that hYery e litttlhee hth • .the relief af an, -,tables. At strops looking • pest of grassho These ineect, thought Iikely iticlerable encou tie objects in ding up of the • monopoly .will business of -the which he think mart for fur, t sold chiefly in Tne St Paul lel wiergetic, and o ward to the No ,The steamboat Red River ;_a to asintich as she with asrsaPigditiromtl i She js also clut At the sped at 'throws up seIa ae to reduce the raediately beltts er will pr./battle, UI the cemning only sixteen tne • Fonr aer1 bue'.° yieidcd 2l