HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-03, Page 12oTh:' Pcf,„. D FOR CIRCULAR LEW.L.IfriS _TAM 0 ESTABLISHED le67, MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6, Hospital Street Montreal. The continued success of this Compart- y is Iy attributable to the quality and. purity thkir Teas. Over a hundred thousand -es ori. e havo been sent to different arts of the Dominion, and upwards of a tOItSUI1 testimonials can be shown, bearing testimony to the quality and purity of the Tea. A great saving can anel effected by pur- chasing direct from us, eattiks of 5 and I2lbs and upwards_ Every package warranted t give sit -detection. Club together and ior four or tis e ilb catties, which w ant carriage free to any Railway Station in the Dominion. The money can be collected on dt-livtry. Try our fresh ground, steam Roasted Coffee, „, n 5 Ned 1OT.b tins and upwards the flavour which is really excellent, andevery pack- age waaTanted, 2Ulbs. Tea ud 5 or Iv lbs. ((dee, sent to any Railway Station carriage , free. Tea and Coffee delivered live times daily in the city. Silver -taken at rah St CK TEA.—EngIish Brea/feat, Broken Leaf, strong Tea, 45e., 50e., ; Fine Flayered - Season, do. 55c., 60c. ard 65.e.; Very cst init klavortd do. 171-.1`c..; Sound eolong. 4",c ; Rich FiaVored do. 60c• Very Fine do. • • fa, ; Japan, Good, 55c., Fine 60c., -V Eine 6t,c., Finest 75c. 'It-RE:EN TEA. Twan-"Y 5ac-, 55-, ouiof h. on 50c 60c 65e 70c • _ • • .erY r nu: boo., Stpertme and Very Choice ; Fine Gunpowder 85c. ; Extra Sur erfine COFFEE 1, '30c ; N4 2, 25p.; No. 4, 15c, per lb. = Notling 'less than a Cattie sold_ by this onipany. j. A YEAR'S TRIAL. The Montreal Tea Company : Montreal, 186S. ENTS --I t is nearly a year since 1 purohas- ed the first chest of Te& from your house - have purchased many since, and 1 ant plc Ised to inform you that the Tea as i11. every ease proved roost satisfactory, as well me -being exceedingly cheap. Yours very truly. . F. DENNTE. Montreal Tea Company : GENT UZI EN —Th e Tea 1 purchased of you ar-11 has given. great satisfaction and. --your of it is v,ry fine. It is ver3r strange, it since1 ha-te been drinking your Tea I been quite free from heart -bum, Whieh Wahld always pain me after bieakfast. I at- tribute this purity of your Tea, and shall co -aurae a custoiner. I ours respectfully. FRANCIST iREEN. • 54, St. -John Street Montreal. Montreal, April 1868.- -To the Montreal Tea Company, 0 Ifoipital Street, Montreal : ---We notice, with pleasure the large amount of 'Tea that we have forewa,rded to you to diffilent parts of the Doniinion, and we are gla.1 to find your business so rapidly nereas- We pre,iiintie your Teas are giving gene- ral satisfactionas out of the large amount orwarded we have only had occasion to re - tint one box, which, we understand, was sent out through a mistake G. CHENEY, Manager Canadian Express Co. -- Honse of Senate, Ottawa. Montreal Tea Company; GENTI EMEN,-1 he Box of English Break- fast and Young Hyson Tea which you sent me gives great satiefaetion. You may ex- - peet ray future orders. Yours, &c. e , I, V SKII4NER. SEAFORTR: FLA NING'.MILL! SASH, DOOR AND Factory- 7. -- r ibscribers beg leave to tender their sinc ere thanks to their nunaerous cus- tomers -xid the pubtie at large, for the verY L- liberal r.atronage received since- commencing d. 1>uSmL in Seaforth.. And as they have 1 now a v rv large stock of Dry Pine Lumber a on hand and havinglately enlarged their . premiseet and added, New Machinery (there - o inereasing their facilities for doing work with despatch), they feel confident of giving - every satisfaction to those who may favor - them with their patronage, as none but first-class worlunen are employed. larticular attention paid to custom plan -- 4 = BROADFOOT & GRAY. An Eight -Horse -Power Engine and oiler for saleall co mplete, of Goldie & IcCulloulfe make. • k Fishing on - the New Jersey Coast. The grandest sport that presents it. . self at Long Branch is shark :fishing. Sharks. like -dogs, are of various breeds and size , but unlike -the canine race, each one adheres, strictly to assoeiat&ni = with its kind. We get this from 'besot- Hand, wlvaknow`C.a goed,. deal of, everything iu natural history, ahdnioie - besidee. n.ews item going the round of the paper says that shaiks in north._ *en ;waters harmless to manwith The . auther of that item our reporter respectfully takes leave to differ; If 'creature twelve feet in. -length, with -a jaw opening eighte,len inches Wide, ob- jects to a lauich'from the calf of a swini- merl.s limb, we should _like to examine Jet° the circumstances of the caeeon z.ecord. We ehould, like also to ieehirn .leap from. the bow of our little sloop upon the -back of a shark that crossed it, and- into wlvav body, Mr. :11.' Smith fired a pistol bullet, as we eailed 41011/11 the bay en. our homeward route. The Manner of shark flslung on the day, that we participated was this Bon.d's people had killed lamb theday previous: Upon an iron ee.hinehoi)k, about &x inches long the lteaete and lunge of the lamb- were ien- paled, The hook is faetened by a short chain to a cotton cord about the thick- ness of a chithes line—it la: ef cotton, because a •hempen. line would tangle too much. The Linda are big .juelcs of .flat - ed pine wood. Within a few hundred ,yards of the hotel, on the bay side; the iloat put out with Capt. J. Driscoli in command-, and the hold made ready to receive the game. une line was thrown out over the st,ern and another ,over the side. The suichor WilS drop- ped, and the party consisting of three .gentleutn and two ladies, :awaited "bite" It was hot long until the pin' floateda-about the size of , feyee pest _went under. The gentleman. took the line, braced them se] v es against the .gunwale, nd permitted 1ii sharkship to splash as long as it suited him. The rine was in the hands' of our lady when the ocean wolf seiied. its pointed end, and great was her exultation thereet. Not to Make a long story of the mat- ter, in about a quarter of an hour the fish was _dragged to the side of the beat It is usual to provide a ° harpoon, • with which to dispatch the captured merle ters, but in. this case the beaemanhad forgotten to take ore on board. bullets froth a revolaer gave Mr. Shark his fired quietus. Fle.ttirned belly up- permost and .gave up the. ghost. He -was far too, ponderous to be taken over the side. He . was_ towed to the beach. and Capt. Bond's Mules dragged him 1/0 the platform scales. The capacity of this apt araaus was . but 250 pounds. The estimated weight of the &I:a was five hundred po Inds. Its length, me.aSured by pacing—for there was no graduated measure there—was _ nine feet two inches. When evincerated, there were taken from its inside--fiee baby shark's, each about two feet M. length.: The gentlemen dissected out its jaw, and preserved for craYaarings a -numb- er of its vertebre. The careass was then hauled to the manure heap and covered with a mass of comiiost. .Mr. Shark will at last serve a useful purpose ,for in the sand of .Long BOach. CNA; Bond has three acres of garden in which .1) ve- getation runs riot, and in which...it would almost seem as if the corn, on- iona, tomatoes and cuctunbere, rather than the- product of a normal growth, were the redults of ;an agricidturel de- bauch.—Cor. . Philadelphia North American. TH Ritualism. 'Mad tithieilis. -7" Ai the arimid. Meeting o1 0,1 =ife e043.4-ehe1ogie'd Afisio'eiafioh; -,lierat -Fe-, .cently at ,Yoi-k, under the, Presidency' of Prosesser I.Jaycookl of - ,Edimbutgh, Dr; Sebbeu. Sto1e. Newington, read a somewhat remarkable paper on Rau*- , lism with reference to its influence on the human mind. He said the daily spreading inflnence of Ritualism aild its:injurious eacts on _,Society, called for --sOrne obsOvations, which he feite autte they Wioulif not be out of place' at4 this , tneetiyg, ,Ritualism at thepres- ent time waS eviclency one of the most prominent -ca`uses of insanity in the mid- dle othf1iVjthin the last two years he had wider his dareseveral cases of thentat derangement ca,used by and lie had seleoea tbeinOst ina0ortant tor the purpdse Of bringing before the mertibers.---eFiem his, own observatior, and eefax as he ,hacl been -able to ascer-, tain, it appears- that the young were, more attracted by it than, those:of inee tore age. In a church he attended a feW days age, among.a congregation of about 500' chiefly Consisting of b( ys and giris ana Only one grey bead 4a.C,' to b' Poen. The places of worship had also So largely increased in numbers in - seine parts ,of London they were to be found withiu.a 'stones throw of each otheierendCringi both-ehoice and poeie tion agreeable to its followers. It was not bis li tendon to ''enter upon what would approach a philosophical diseuss- son on the relieious bearings of Rittile- lisml, but simply to 'Confine himself to its morbid influence, as shown in the &seewhirl had been brought under his notice. , From the cases he Was led to make the. following Tema,/ ks, .Viz.'e that ritna- lisni appearedeo entirely to engross the attention of the individual that there was little 017-.110. desire to dwell, upon matters beyord• the noun& of its own bearing ; the train of thought was nat- urally unaltered, laying the first stone 'towards disease ethelength and manner of conducting the services, and the time spent in public iid private player (oc- cupying, in some cases, nem ly the whole .day,) combined .with the most rigid Prules for fasting, could scarcely fail to aestroy the strongest coastitution both physically -and mentaliy, and that it wat the younger of society, their in- tellects being the in cst sensitive to in3- ,; pressions, who becan3e its- victims. Where- thei e wts AO hereditary tet den- , cy to insanity, a or whei.e mental de- ficiency existed the, individnal was sure to fall a pi!ey.- He asked Whether it wesneu possipe for some steps to be telken to prevent the inci.easing' evil of ritualism, .and to sake others from its sad consequents? Napoleon the FirEit improvement in ,p -rain. _ dIVIMERCIAL::11 D MATHEMATICAL 14 (Eptablished Oet. lsb, 18660 bonneation with the Bandon Com- : :Anereial Stu y .Ts Comprehensiveai PRAOTIOABcffiW- The time neeetisary to Complete the.course is frornA4 to 6 months ; but one y6ar is al. lowed, kbhat all eau finish it without extra charge. . T E R F'a;r•the w!lble Cotirsei $20 in advance. (Books lc Stationery iidt included. Please eeeloee`starai -fOr circular which contains_ full information, and address J: A. M.eKELLAit, Prhieipal, Goderich, Ont. ' • 89-0105. August 20th, 1869, SIGN OF THE. SCOTCH COLLAR. • THE undersigned begs to inform, the farm- ers and others of the County of Huron bat he has opened. a first class • HARNESS & SADDLERY '8rn..A..17(DIR,2111 I Arid being in' &position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment 1i eat and will offer superior indueements to any other party doinglbusinessytere.: ITIS COLI,A,B.SparticularlY, are acknowt ledged by cotapetant judges to be su- perior toanymade inthe c,oinity,' and.-frona- his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the community, he Is satisfied that All who favour him with their patronage" will have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision:being given to all work inanufgetured: afhis . places him in a posAion to warrant tnwork -sold by him, and his motto will be "the nimble six- pence beforethe:slir*:sliilling.," Cone farmers and judge for yourselv-es. No eharge for showing goods. i • - - ttev.Shop opposite the Post.Office, Seaforth, • • Experiments _have cletxionatrated,, aad anaaoay has s' hown, that the -1.3est , b • , - r , . Saira) eS of Se(ge, d 11 tin aea - tor ypars1: will -1m prove the quality ,-and quantity' ofthe product. aa better wheat is thus raised, even a vatiety may be esta,b13.s1i- ed.- -On this principle, in- farm stock,--, we have the short -horn, the blood hors- es, and the different breeds 'of sheep, swine, poultry,. &c. E x perim cuts hay& ,been made on the - leurnan epecies, but the same, no doubt, ho1dgg6od there. We- plant and sow "as it comes," We take the seed- ofi the same grain that we use in the aggregate, and sow it . not' this the case althost always? COrn is an exception to some extent—bu, Why do we exeept corn ? Because it is hanciy to eelect. But why select at 4117 Because it is understood to be good. -Analogically, then, it 18 good to do the eame with whea, oats, barley, 4--e. But ,hie is less easily done, tiler fo..'ene- gleet it. How long will it take a farm 4r. to go through. his Wheat and secur the finest and ripest heads sufficient to; show an acre, or a quarter—or even pint of seed? This pint Sowed will bf- sufficient to ferm a best stock. The best heads taken from this again,, .and aoWed, will yield another test •crop, from Which . Should be taken as before ‘; and so on for 6, number of yea's, say half a dozen—still better. • Bu t three or four years will work a decided differ ence. But the thing should be c( rain- ued from select wheat every time; Li this way grain can be imptoved andi crops enlarged. There will be laegel ,grains, earlier Maturity and bettel •'There died recently at Paris, a man who had a certain amount of celebrity t,• far algh the empire for Ins'deve-tion to Napoleon the First. He was Called La Chaise and had been a page of. the Eraperer. They tell a very singular anecdote of something which .happened during -.his youth. The page, though but fifteen, was sha,ped-litke the Emper- or, and his motions Nye -re very simihue On account of tnis resemblance; his com- radecalled him the Emperor, whose • gestiire and walk he often amused him- self by imitaangto the great pleaeure of his companiOnS. One, day,' during Napoleon's absence, he took his clothes, put them on, Went to the 'page's chamb- er, and gave tlienrso perfect a .represa entation that they .were enraptured. Ent suddenly the mock ,Emperor felt some One pulling hie ear sharply'. HE, turned round with all tue fury of ma leafy, and it was the Emperor himself, wlio tole him in his sterneet voice to, ' . • p pack up awl rejoin the Second Re-. ment of the line\ in which he wab Seeond Lieutenant.—There it is, „gen- tlemen,' said be, that you must imitate. me.' The page departed, and the -EnEe -eeror laughed outrageously, and de- clared that the, young fellow imiiated him so well that he had to feel rtim- self, as Amphytrion did, to make sure that he really was himself.' The feature of the period—Cheek. WM. H OLIVER Seaforth, June 18; 1869. " '` ' Inspivent Act of 18,6 rn ad County Court oj the County of Huro»&. 1i b1i matter of EDWARD PENTON. * An Insolvent Dominion of Cainicliv Pli.OV-121:0B 'o ONTAIR/O, Qounty of Huron o Wit : ) 1r ()TICE is hereby given that on. Thursday the _Sixteenth day of September next; *at ten of the oloek in the forenow, a as seen as Council canlae heard, the undersigned. will apply to the Judgeof the said Court for a discharge under the said Ad.. Dattd. at Seaforth this -7th day of July, D. 1869. urni nre FURNITURE. EDWARD PENTON, By ,BENSoN & 'MEYER, ' Ills Attornies ad Lite WALL' PAPER. Bawler Paper, Hall Paper, wiNDow BLINDS, Plain Blue, Plain Green, Plain 134and Figuied. AT THE TELECRAPR ROOK STORE. . W. ELLIOTT, Seaforth, July' 22. 54-tf. 1 LTJBELSK1, SURGEON CHIRO-... PODIST, respectfully informs the _pubhe of Seaforth and. surrounding country that, he is preparod. to .ciire Corns, Wales, -Ingrowing Nails, Large Joints, and. all diseases of the human foot- Guarantees a euccessi al treatment, • without pain or sore- ness; Office directly opposite G-riffitli Davis's Dry Goods S;;ore, Main, Street. • Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. • "CANADA WAREHOUSE," In Scott's Brick Block, sEAFORTH, , HE. subscriber has received his first in- stalment at • PRING GOOl) LADIES- & MISSES' Brown, Black, Colored and- White SUNDOWNS. GENTLEMEN'S Straw, Canton, Panam, Felt, All -Wool ,r• • dzicl Merino Fri A T S Decided*Bargaiiis in Union, Ail-Weol 'and' , BRUSSELS OARPETS., •Also seine-yery• choice UnnpoWder,. and. 13 S.p.A.0 1-M 1 0 Sugar, Syrups,.Coal Oil, &C. CLOVER AND .TIMONTRY.SIEDSI • A large stock of BOOTS & SHOES ex- , peeted in a few days. `4erliligliest.price paid for Butter, ARCM, CALD MeD01:7•GALL. eSeaforth, 53-1Y • C AS'H Foe A wag, seeing a door nearly off its • hinges, in. whi.4 ch condition it had beei 80tnetin,10, ,observed that, when it had fallen And vied 'some -One, it INV 0111 (.; probably be. 7.3 ung. A returned Australian found the baby he had left at home a mins of five aurranera. One do he offended her, aridshe fretfully exclainte,d-e-'" I von had neve] married into the family,", A littlefour-year-old child told hi: 'father he was a. foolbn b*:ing repri- manded by his mother,.and required te say be was sorry, he toddled up to the insulted parent and exclaimed - 1 Palm, I'm sorry you's a fool," ?t'stoackti"SLeafhoasitlin,°*ofs6en-theraytteelle- rt9e cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the- finest, and all at the lowest.pricea Qual- ity of material emplbyed. , and workmanship, guaranteed. "-E.T.L\TtDMI:t In all its. departments, attended to -in a „satis factory manner. A Hearse for hire. T. BELL'S PATENT SPRING MATTRASS Kept constantly -on. hand, aird fitted to- any bedstead. This article is the best and cheap est made, as attested to by all Who have us- ed it. Warranted to give eatisfaction. 'Remember the plaeel• ' Co 17' o s rrn .KIDD & M'MULKIN'S. Seaforth, Aug. 5 1869. 874f SitilONS, HOUSE & _SIGN,PAINITER. • _A 11 work done in First -Class Style. Or d3rs to be left one t or North of Dr. Smith - ()Mee.. • 67-3m. 's 5 ndrus Bro.'s' MELODEO • AND •inst. Ii ems I Are noted; for their many excellencies, • over those of all other manufactur- ers, such as TJ'" izt .Ae 7.12 Quickness of Articulation, -RpUNDNESS, -PURITY AND., Volume* of 'Tone! , 8LASTIC1TY AND EvenNess of Touch In the constriction of these instruments nothing but the best material is used, and. first-class -workinen employed; and is the manufacturershave had over fifteen years of perf3onal experience, they, are able to produce an instrument • SECOND, TO NONEON TNE WORD! Melodeons, from $45 00 CabipLet Organs,_ from . 95 00 • HE subseriber having BXMOVED to the *Mises lately occupied -lay E. Rick - son 'St CO:, is now prepared to pay the high- est Cash Price for any quantity of good Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main St, .Seaforth. DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, April 22. 72-tf, • Terms ,Liberal. For further particulars enquire of "WM. `11. TaliXTON, • 'Expositor" Office, _Agenc, „Seaforth. Seaforth, Aug. 2�t1, 1869. • 89-tf. HIRAM COLLIDAY & SON, TN returning thanks for past favors, have. the,pleasure 'of announcing to the mer- chants and business menof Seaforththatthey -are prepared to receive order-s,for, all kinds of DRAY WORK. dry -Goods handled with care and satisfac- tion guaranteed. •• January 21st, 1869. • 88-ly EXCELSIOR. l`sTE W GALL -ERY; P. PA6-ET, Artist rnHE undersigned begs to .inform the -in-, babitants„of Seaforth and surrounding country, that he .has taken the aller9- for- Merly occupied by Mi. C. Paltridge, ' 4 Few Doors ,ltrortA of. Dr. „Smith's Office; and Opposite Storiv.- rWilere lie will. alvagys be ready to please hia oatrona and give satisfaction to those -who favor h.i'm call; - gig SURE AND CALL to Bet" ,Es speeimens, they Speak for the _Artist and. will eonyince you that he is Ft Class. • MBER; The place is Opposite Veal's Greeery, Man Street, Seahrth. ; ' • WILLIAM P. PAGET, Photo. Artist. Seaforth. July 22 1869. 85.6m. ri CARTWRIGHT. Surgeon Dentist V). $;zatford, Ontario, begs most respect- fully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding,eountry_that he has opened. DENTA OFFICE Aver MR. HICK - SON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Sea - forth, and has procured the assistance of Mr J. A. Ellis,Surgeon Dentist to take charge of the .same.Mr. Cartwright -will continue to visit Seaforth the second' v.reek of every month. All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction, Teeth extracted with little or no pain by the use of the _Narcotic Spray, which 'moth -ices. local an- esthesia, (want of pain.) Charges Moder- ate Terros Cash. • • REFERENCES Smith, Seaforth; Dr. Shaver, Stratford; 5. Dutton, Chemist Stra,tford ; P. R.,:Jarvis, Esq., Stratford., Dr. Whiting, Berlin, Dr. Rowans, Drumbo; Dr. Bray, Chatham. • Mr. C. will be at the aotrurtercial Hotel, Clinton, the third week pf every month. - Seaforth, Dee. 17th, 1868, 534y. .MR. JOHN; THOMPSON: • rplIANIKS his numerous customers tor their liberal patronage during the afteen years, and trusts he win receive its =tin -name. He his now on hand a la,rge assortment of Good Sound. Green Hemlock 1 Md.& he warrants will - give _satisfaciaora , ALSO, 200,000 FEET OF PINE! CUT AI: BUILDING AND GENERAL PURPOSES Which. he offers on liberal terms. Oirlerl' will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a large assort lent of .WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS t t• To which he callsthe attention of his eidr customers, who will find it to their advai,te age to retire them promptly and Withoret legal proceeding,s. - * Seaforth, July 15th, 1863. SELECT B3AnDi. AND DAY SC H 0 ! • -SEA:FORTH, ONT. MRS. JARVIS ins to give notiva that she intends opertinv. f4.ele. Boardiog and Pay School, for -.-hc instructioz of Young Ladies, at her residence. Seafortf„, , on the 21-th of September, untitn• the: , mtendenee of competent tea.-herl. •" . TERMS; Board, with English Bra)iff.ive ilid Fancy -Work, per annum. • Music; per quarter, - ...•-. - • French, do 1Crerrnan, do Drawing. do Ornamental Work of all addition. Seaforth, An. eGth. _ - 1`.