HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-03, Page 7T R a tT LEN,
the `7th day of August, an e-
Rook, containing several accoillte
•oziiissary .?. otes, payable to Vit.
ane. The payment of the notes
stopped. The finder, by return
Henry Gar1 Aiirleyvrlle, wall:
Au • 16tk. 89-.3in,
Sparling's Survey of Seafortfi,
tore, Storehouse Stable and
it, and situated on the firet Int
ivney's Hotel, Main Street.
dam apply_ to the proprietor,
Insurance Aunt.
e lith. 79. tf..
of Guardianslr
hereby given that at the ex-
-A Twenty Days from date, r
Eication to tae Surrogate Court
of Huron, to be aop>inteal-
eorge and Julia Vogt, infant
euon i, Vogt. late of the Town
R the County of Brant,and
ease for John 13. Vogt.
sth..I th August, IS4i 89-!
:ort 15, m the 13th doncee-
j of -Stephens
terms; and at a Nloderate
onvenient,ly situated to Saw'
has 31 acres cleared, ,and a.
airticulars- apply to Wen. F`E
it 'r" €tihee, Seaforth. (Yr to
,t), W. ROSS, Strethroy. -
1869 88•-tf
n for Sale.
r otters for salethe farm be-
e, in the 2ne1 Concession,
kermitlr, consisting of 84
! cleared- There is a good
the lot, and a large Bad,, a.
ng creek runs through tha:
u ars apply to
the Seaforth Card ng MU.
ts, execute binding is every
ons residing at a distance
ooks at the Si al Book
er at the " Fxr erToa"
Gting style, naay rely upon
A without delay.
1869 78-tL
Nhas just received his
-dimes, Chemicals and
-rench.. English axd
Hair Dressings, Oils,
€ ath, 'ail and Shay-
and ?ine-tooth: Uonibal
g soaps, ex., &c;,
led?. zles,
t Powders,. etc.,
`'S r
:poi Quality..
teriplions accurately
macer€tical C'hemiete
D ' t
`nes, Lobsters, Pim:
eery de4e ription.
a slEE
Stock 1 f
Old Stand
LOT (jF 1g64.
acylvent are no j ..
111 asSibnninei of
the above act, to,
ce, and that they
me within two
th their " c,l`a.iins
iwkl if any, and
stating the fact.
oath, with this
a `euuty of; Hue -
(eel Assignee.
` London, August 26. -The Tim
ferning to the condition of the British
Colonies, say : CanadaLs in all .res-
iectra independent, and she is fitted to
become so. She' has institutions of
great power, and it is a fair subject of
inquiry whether she might not assume
her appropriate position. - •
London, A ngust 30.--TheT &rtes, to-
day, in its Manchester Cotton Trade;
report says :-"It is admitted that the
returns of sales of cotton at Liverpool
were falsified every day last week.. The
figures really amounted fa but little
-more than half those given to the pub-
lic, and as result there it something like
aa, panic at M al ehester, mid for the i,re-
sent all confidence is lost in the tru
of the returns from Liverpool. Thera
is no disposition to do business either
tali the part of the seller or buyer,
Madrid, Aug. 26. -The Government
3n yie.ding to the: pleasure of solicitati
ons from all parties has cohimuted . the
- death sentnences of several Carlist
_clergymet and there will probably be
no more executions. The answers re-
ceived. from six Bishops in regard to
the recent decree of the Regent are un-
zatisfactory said undefiant. No further
steps will be taken against: them until
Gen. Prim returns.
Madrid., August 28. -The Epoca of
to. -day says that the most probable can-
didate for the Spanish Throne is Augus-
tus of. Portugal.,
Paris, Sept. 1. --The Paris Const u -
ion a;l of to -day says, Marshal Serrano
is daily becozir.ng more and more prom-
inent as a candidate for the throne of
Madrid, Sept. 1. -Proceedings will
be commenced immediately, iately against the
seven bishops who were apprehended
fordhobedierice, of Government- ord•
It is sxpected the North-West pro-
clamation. will issue early in November.
In Quebec, on Friday last, two young
lads `were crushed to death underneath
a pile of bricks.
The Star says Brydges could he re-
turned without opposition in Rose's
constituen. y. ,
On Tuesday last Mr. Seven, Reeve
of Yorkville, had his ankle nearly serv-
ed by a reaper.
Ottawa has received 612 emigrants
this season, 205 from England, 122
from Ireland, 20 frons Scotland, 155
from Germany, and 2 from Sweden.
The "Maple Leaf" Base Ball Club of
Guelph beat the `a Young Canadians"tb of Woodstock at the late tournament:.
in London.
Fed RRiver;Settdement
Mr. McArthur, one of the enterplis=
ing young merchants of this city, for-
merly in the service of the Hudson Bay
dAornpany, has just arrived from a tour
to the Red River .'S'ettlement. He
-wens by way o4 St.. Paul, and so .to
Breckenridge, ascending from that point
the fled River Valley to Fort Garry.
He found that the Americans interested°
in the construction of the Pacific Rail-
road, were busily pushing forward their
work, and that next yearthe road
would be completed from J St. Paul to
Breckeiaridge. There is a steamboat
running upon the river, andimaking'rhe
passage in about five days,R--a very
long time, considering that the distance
iiy the road, if road it can be called
when there is no such thing,- is but
route two hundred acid fifty miles. But
the river is one of the most sinuous
known to geographers, so that frequent-
ly a at ,the end of one long reach, the tra-
veller finds himself onty a very short
distance from the corresponding place
in the preceding reach. This is best
illustrated by the fact that,. by land the
route from Breekenridge is nearly due
north, and the ox carts strikethe bends
sof the Red River with great regularity
.$!tjd-istances of about twelve miles apart.
From one bend to another is consider -
.ed a -day's journey for the ox carts.
.Buggies go 24 miles, or the distance of
-two beads during' one day. In either
ease the travellers camp out at night.
-The passage by land is by no means an
.easy one, and travellers who make it
have to be provided with every thing
they, want for their temporary house -
..keeping. Mr. McArthur was like the
wan who went to Jericho ; the result
being that be lost a ham, and baying
very little other food,,had to' live for
two or three days on salt pork, without
the relief of any kind of bread or vege-
_tables. At Red River he found the
crops looking magnificent, though the
.pest of grasshoppers was showing itself.
`These incects, .however, wee not
thought likely to work any serious mis-
chief. Mr. McArthur met with con-
. tliderable encouragement in his mercan-
tile objects, and believes that the' break -
lug up of the Hudson Bay Company's
monopoly will throw a large part of the
business of the territory into this city,
which be thinks will become the great
snail for funs, that have hitherto been
sold chiefly in London and Leipsic.
Tie St: Paul people, are, however, very
taiergetic, and will, doubtless. push fur-
iyard to the North as well as the West.
The steamboat now running on the
Red River ;s too long for the work, in-
asrtuch as she is incapable of inking
with rapidity the short turns required
-in passing from one to another reach.
She is also clumsy. in otherways, and
act the speed at which she is propelled,
throws up se large a wavein advance
as to reduce the draught of water _iun-
n.iediately below her. Another steam-
er will prababiy be put upon the river
in the coming spring, which will draw
0111y sixteen inches. Montreal Herald.
Four acres -of land near Bowmanville
yielded 210 bushels of Barley this year.
The " Oxfords" iwat the " Harvards"
at the recent International Boat Race
and all _England is nearly gone crazy on
account of it.
Prince Arthur is having a gay time
in the Martivae Provinces. Every lit-
tle fishing station has an address of
welcome to°get off on. him.
There were no -less than thirty coffins
waiting for interment at the Catholic
cemetery in Montreal on Monday morn-
ing last.
Wood is becoming scarce and high
in Vermont. All the engines of the
Rutland and Washington railroad are
to be changed to coal -burners.
A farm situated about two miles -from
Oshawa was sold by Mr. Thos. Hoskins
to Mr. J. D. Could, the other day, for
$2, 300, or at the rate of $100 per acre.
On Tuesday evening at Belle River,
a man named Anrill, while feeding a
thrashing machine, got caught in the
gearing, and had his hand torn off.
On the 1 lth, James Reid was found
lying on the IN orthern Railway track
near Allandale, fearfully mutilated,
four trains having passed over him dur-
ing the night.
In Gloucester, N. H., there is a pear
tree more than one hundred an fifty
years old. In 171 G it was brought to
America in a flower pot by Caa,Ptain S.
Harrison. It has a fine crop of fruit
this year.
A serious accident happened in St.
Marys on Monday to a man named
James Gibb, an employee of the Grand
Trunk Railway, wbq was cleaning bis
rifle, when it accidentally discharged,
the -ball passing through his thigh.
There is htcle hopes of his recovery.
Mr. Morrison, the school teacher,
who was cowmitted for trial in the
Cann.ngton manslaughter case was ad-
mitted on bail on Wednesday by Judge
Barnum, to appear at the next assizes
for the county of Ontario.
At Woodstock, a destructive . fire
took place on Sunday morning last,
about ten o'clock, in the large frame
grist mill, owned by Parker & Hays, at
the west end of the town. Nothing
but the account books were saved.
Mme. Anna Bishop 'was one of the
passengers on the steamship Idaho, from
Liverpool. She has been absent for
four years, and has visited during that
time China, India, Australia, Egypt
and other far off places.
- It is reported that Prince Arthur
will accompany the Governor General
on his visit to the Provincial Exhibi-
tion at London. " Ontario is seen at its
best at the great anneal gathering of
its agriculturists, and there is no better
place for the show than the Forest
The fashionable ' drinks in Boston
just now are root beer, New England
root beer, old fashioned root beer, Ot-
tawabeer, Chicasaw beer, Choctaw beer,
Chippewa beer, and several other kinds
of beer. Lager beer is prohibitedby
the prohibitory law. -
It is said that the head 'waiter of one
of the leading hotels at Newport coasts
that his fees from, guests, average $100
per day. These subsidies are for choice
seats at the talk, and special service
there m the way of attention and
At six O'clock on Sunday morning; a
man named Putnam, living three miles
east of St. l Thomas, comrnitted suicide,
by hangin
to a bean
that decea
that he we
He was aI
well respei
hinrself with a rope attached
iu his bairn.' T.5 is reported -
sed had frequently stated
quid put an end to himself.
cut 70 years of age. and was
The: 'American Government thinks
of building 10 wooden vessels which
can employ either wind or steam as
propelling power, with the purpose of
using wind only when it is to be - -had,
and so saving the expense of fuel -ex-
cept in cases where speed is a . point.
John Snelling, of Jasper , County,'
Ind., who had been "deaf as an adder'
for nearly twenty years, was suddenly
cured the other day by in accidental
fall of twenty feet from a hay -mow.
He broke an arm but fou}rd his hear:
ing as good as the best, and is satisfied
w.th the result. -
The Proposed King of Spain.
King Louis of Portugal, is Prim's
candidate for the Spanish throne, King
Louis is not quite thirty-one years of
age, but has exhibited talents for public
affairs, and a manly vigor not always
found in royal families. His wife is
Pia, the youngest daughter- of King
Victor Emanuel, of Italy, of which
marriage there had been born, at last -
accounts, two sons. The difference of
language between Spain and Portugal
is not radical, but the people of Portia i
gal have an antipathy to Stain, which,1
among many of the common people,
amounts almost to ferocity. f The ori-
ginal cause of this antipathy was the
annexation of Portugal to Spain through
the power and treacherry of Philip I1.
of atrocious memory, in 1850. Spanish
domination continued about sixty years
during which period the colonial em-
pire of Portugal.was essentially ruined.
Her colonies became the prey of the
enemies of Spain, or throwing off their
allegiance, became indejiendent powers.
The empire of Brazil, an original col-
ony of Portugal, is the most remark-
able instance, showing how the colonial
growth surpassed and overshadowed
that of the home government. Portu-
gal. has planted much more than she ever
harvested. Theie is not now, however
and has not been for many years,
any existing reason for the antipathy
of the Portuguese for the Spanish.
Neither do we think there is so marked
a difference of language as to amount
to a difference of nationality. If Spain
must have a King, at al:, we see not
why Louis, with his young and healthy
wife, would not suit quite as well as
any person whose name has been men-
tioned in the connection, while it would
appear that the whole peninsula, now
known to Spain and Portugal, embrac-
es the natural frontiers or but a single
Father McMahon, now a guest of the
Bishop of Buffalo, N. Y., is about to
make application, by the advise of a
legal gentleman, for compensation for
false imprisonment in Canada. It is
not possible for the American Go:•ern-
ment to entertain the application, inas-
much as Father McMahon was fairly
tried and convicted of an offense, the
penalty of which is death. He was
highly favoured by the commutation of
his sentence to imprisonment for twen-
ty years ; and again he was still more
favoured when he was pardoned sixteen
years before the expiration of his term
of imprisonment. Instead of complain-
ing of the Canadian Govornment he
ought to feel profoundly grateful for
its clemency.- Hamilton Times.
(A dverti.senent. )
Something Worth Reading.
The success that has attended the
faithful and intelligtnt study of Photo-
graphy has been so great, that ' one can
get their own image perpetuated to pos-
te.ity. It is a great privilege to have
a good practical Artist, one who thor-
oughly understands the business, as al-
so one who is stationary in a place, to
whom you can go with confidence, with
the assurance of not getting disal.►point:,
ed in getting a correct, artistic, faithful
likeness, and from whom you can -get
picture. at any future time from the
negatives once taken. The days are
past for those •who drop down for a
week or two and are off again, having
no interest at stake, and caring very
little whether their customers are pleas-
ed or .lot, they are off; but not so with
our Old Established and thoroughly
piaci ical pn otograph er, Frank Pa ltridge,
who stands to -day the acknowledged
bead and leading'hotogiapher in this
section of the country. He is a real
live man, up to every wrinkle in the
.business ; is very obliging ; and has
rooms, accommodations and facilities
for executing work seldom met. He
has rooms and apartments for every-
thing. Good pictures cannot be made
where the fumes of so many different
chemicals come. in immediate contact
with each other, and producing gasses
fatal to making good pictures. His
rooms are in Scott's Brick Block, near
Sharp's Hotel, and under the EXPOSI-
TOR Office, cool in surramer, sit arm in
winter ; with dressing rooms, so that
you can bring your beat clothes' in. a
satchel and change to get your picture
taken. Frank Paltridge also keeps
the negative, and no fear of losing the
picture of some near and de. r friend.
His best work is not at the . oor, but
up stairs, one flight, and turn to the
right hand, where yoga will find, Frank
always at home and in good temper.
All pictures shown are of his own
Make; and not bought or, borrowed to
decoy the puolic. , He guarantees sr.tis-
faction or no pay, Just walk up to
Frank Paltridge's Gallery, his speci-
mens are worth looking at, and you
will be sure to see some person's picture
you know. II you don't want your pic-
ture, never Hind ;,lust walk up, he will
be glad to see you, Remember,t is in
I a bi Lk building. 85 its
J Of 18 Adelade Street, eWest, . Toronto,
will be at
On Friday July 2, August 6, September3, and
October 1, for consultation. Dr. M., can be
consulted on all forms of chronic diseases,
including Bronchitis, Consumption, asthma,
Rheumatism and Neuralgic affections, of
fections of females. etc.
Consultation and advice free.
Toronto, - Jund 28, 1869.
Ism 5'
ZIOr Ir+
HAS just received a fine lot of
Of all kinds, The only -genuine Morgan
In town. Best Linseed oils extraordinary
Seaforth. April 14, 1869. 53-1y.
Insolvent Act of 1864.
JAMES YOUNG, the Elder,
- Defendant.
AWRIT of Attachment has been issued
in this cause.
J. MACDONALD, Sheriff.
Per A. FRASER, Deputy Sheriff.
Sheriff 's Office,
Goderich. Aug. 12, 1869. 89-3in.
Insolvent Act of 1864.
In the County Court of the County of
In the matter of THOMAS K NOX,
An Insolvent.
TENDERS will be received for the pur-
1 of the whole of the stock of the
above named Insolvent, until the Twenty-
Third day of August, instant.
The Stock Book will be open for inspection
at the office of Mr. J. S. Porter, Seaforth,
with whom tenders may be left ; also at the
office of the undersigned, Goderich.
The stock consists of Groceries and Liqu-
ors of the best qual.ty.
Official Assignee.
Goderich, Aug. 11, 1869. b9-liu
You last Cultivate it.
Ie a certain indication of
Decay at the Roots.
lli��S• S. A. ALLEN'S
Hair Restorer
• Restores gray hair to its natural color and -beauty
and produces 'luxuriant growth. It gives the hair t
beautiful glow and delightful fragrance. _
Manufactory and Sales Offices,
266 HIGH HOLBORN, 'London, Eng.
iarSeatter and Rolls, Druggists, agents
oa Seaforth. For Sale everywhere.
January 28th. 1869. 60-1i
Insolvent Act of 1864.
In the County Court of the .County of
In the matter of LAWRENCE P1ERSON
CULLODEN, An Insolvent.
Dominion of Canada,
Province of Ontario,
County of Huron, e
To Wit :
�TO, ICE is hereby given that on Tuesday,
\ the Fifth day of October next, at teal of
the clock in the forenoon, or ea soon as coun-
sel can be heard, the undersigned will apply
to the Judge of the said Court tor a dischar e
under the said Act.
Dated at Seaforth this 28th day of July,
A. D.1869.
86-9i His Attornies, ad Litene.
In great variety,
Carter and Walkden's Inks,
Blue and Red Inks,
Bibles, Prayer Books,
Hymn ,Books,
Blanks Notes,
Blank Account Books, 41/..
Globe and Daily Teiegraah.
William Elliott,
Seaforth. July 22, 1869. tee ee
To WIT : Ai of a Warrant
under the hand of the Warden of the Coun-
ty of Huron, and the Seal of the said Cohan,
ty, bearing date the third day of August.
A. D. 1869, to me directed, for the eollee-
tion of arrear of taxes due on the under-
mentioned lands. These are therefore to
give notice - that unless the said taxes,
gether with all lawful costw and charges be
sumer paid, I shall on TUESDAY
30th day of November)
A. D. 1869, at the hour of Ten o'clock A. hl.
CO` .TRT I30T.TS ,
Proceed to Well by PUBLIC AUCTION the
said lands, or so much thereof as may be
sufficient to discharge inch arrears of taxes
and chargee thereon.
.NC1 TE. -In the following li. t "e. a.- errs-
nii/zee Bast Division --"w. d." JV.°st Division
Patented--' 'u. p." Unpatented -4 ,p*"
Pari---' n.t.p," North Town Plot.
Lot Con. _de. Pt. Taxes Costs 't'oio4
East 4 4 ' 1 e.d 100 p '77 09 2 78 79 87
N`�� 4 1 3" 100 p 64 21 2 45 6t+ 66T 4 4 4 100 p 94 91 3 23 98 1
E part 5 4 111 ye 99 55 3 35 102',0
E 4 8 4 100 p ;4;317 1 93 45 TO
Shalf 1 6 I00up:31 86 165 33 e
Wpt84.1 13 49 p' 1344 120 14t:.4
1 3 wd 2€'{) p, 82 05 290 84 fn
2 4 200 p 123 12 4 78 127 ;
N part 3 4 136 p 65 27 2 48 6i 1
N half 3 8 100 u.p 64 69 248 67 17
N half 4 8 100 u.p td 73 120 14 1(3
E half 11. - 8 100 u.p' 12 98 1 18 14 L
W half 6 9 100 p 72 69 2 68 7.* 37
{N WptofN
6 10 80 p 3I 58 1 65 33"73
N half 3 11 100 u.p 69 38 2 60 71 144
W half 5 11 100 p 35 77 1 75 37 fl2
E half 8 11 ]00 u.p 41 65 1 .90 43.e
W half 8 11 " 100 u, p 31 06 1 63 32 tt9
S W pt 11 11 20 p 25 42 150 26 f)2
,6 12 -200 p 80 02 '2 85 82 8-7
N part 7 13 - 114 p 45 66 200 47 Gtl
3 North Town Plot
153 p1 063423 10416
N part 34 r. t.p. 63 p .34 70 1 73 36 43
22 E Arthur st.,
73 93
23 do 4 I 2 73 93
24 do ;i p 2 73 93
25 do p 15 1 5 98
do Y p 11 71 1 15
31 do p 1160 115
32 do -4 u.p 1171115
34 do 4 u.p 11 71 1 15
35 do t, u.p 11 71 1 15
3 66
1s 86
12 6
1'2.8 6