HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-09-03, Page 66 'The Horriba a Tragedy near Qttawaf PARTICULARS OF THE SHAW M[TRDER. The Ottawa Citizen of Saturday con- tains the details, as far as the coroner's investigation had -elicited, of :the re- volting tragedy that is now convulsing the usually quiet township of Osgoocle, and whi els for cold-blooded atrocity will long form one of the darkest pages in the annals of crime in that section of country. On Friday morning news was received in the city thatan old pian_ named Shaw had been shot while sitting in his own house early on the previous evening, and that no clue had been found to the • dastardly assassin. THE SCENE OF THE MURDER. was about thirteen miles from the city, in the fourth concession of Osgoode, on the town line between that muni- cipality and Giencester, and about half a mile from the main road leading from Ottawa to Metcalfe. -Shaw here owned a farts of about 200 acres, on which he resided. His house was situated facing the town line, from which it was distant some four hundred `feet. The house is a log one, of which a descrip- tion is ecessary to the proper under- standing of the evidence taken by the coroner. Entering it by the rear, we come into a large " stoup" by which ingress is had to th e'ki tchen, and, pass- ing into that department, a staircase lads to the att'e., which is divided into two rooms, usedas sleeping. apartinents. Orli the west of the house, at a ' short distance from it, are the barnes, stables and other out houses, and on the east gable is a small garden and orchard. The only other cham ber in the house besides those we have mentioned was one on the ground flit, opening directly off the kitchen, and having two wind- ows, one facing the town line anthe other looking out on the garden sp)ken of, and in this the murder was com- mitted. THE VICTIM of the atrocious act was an old man named Thomas Shaw, a native of Scot- land, about 6Oyears of age, and a mem- ber of the Free Kirk, who had been residing on the farm in question for the last eight years, and had previouslyliv- ed in Kenmore. From all that our Reporter could learn in conversation with numerous 1 arties about the place; the old man bore a good character, and was held in high ea:teena byall h neighbors, with whom he lived on t best of terms, and • amongst whom l was always welcome, and a favorit and no mo+,ave for the foul dead cou be found in any ill feeling existing li t ween him and parties in his preee or former place of residence. Indee among all persons in the vicinity u bounded horror at the dark deed pr vails, with astern determination to fe ret out the assassin and bring him t justice. TIIE INMATES OF THE HOUSE, it appears, were on a,he night in que tion, besides the murderer! man, h wife, an aged and feeble woman, Jame Shaw, . his eldest son, a man of abou ;hircy years of age, John Shaw, about b ree and t\% eu ty, his second son, a you ng girl of sesegeen nurlled-Janet Millar, a boy of eleven years old noln- t •:l Wm. Hudson, all resided in the 'to ase; and Duncan McNeil, a elan of Wout fifty, the husband of a step laughter of t.lie deceased, and whose wife we understand was mother of the soy Hudson -and the girl Janet Millar. THE MURDER, THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR. chosen. . The night had set in, the neighbourhood was quiet, but as the moonhad not risen it was so dark that detection in the lonely place seemed unlikely. Litt1 or no effort seems to have been made by the family to search for ` the murderer, an apathy which would seem incredible -if not sworn to by themselves. 1N THE NEIOBOURBOOD, through which the news spread rapidI the strongest feeling of indignati prevails, and during all yesterday large number of the friends of the mu dered man were shout the house. IN THE DEATH CHAMBER . the scene, when our reporter visited was pitiable in the extreme. In " e corner was the bed of the old 'coupl in another a small cupboard containin crockery. bread, &c., against the wa opposite the window, was the table which the party, had been at Suppe the .cups and saucers "still on it, as w also the book from which the unfortaa ate man had been reading, now covere with clots'.of blood and brains, and pa cries of grizzled hair. There, too, w the candle by which he had been read ing, the spectacles which he had ju taken 'off, and in front of the table stoo the chair on which he bad been si ting, while on the floor lay the bod the head in a pool of clotted gore, fro which two streams of blood trickled.to wards the window and the doorway It had not been removed from the spo where it had fallen face downwards the feet under the table, where a por tion of the brains had been scattered the head towards the window. It wa dressed in a coarse shirt and serge smoe jacket, a pair of canvass trouser and stout long boots. In the head two horrid looking holes, one in the back of the skull and the other in the forehead. showed where the fatal bullet had crashed through the old man's brain. A hole in the wooden partition over the table marked where it had sped on, after the death -blow, to the heavy logs in- the west gable of the huilding—a sight so sad—so fearful, we hope, never to see again. Would we could blot it forever from our memory. MOTIVE FORTHE MURDER it seems hard to find. The old man does not seem to have had an enemy among his neighbours, who all speak in the highest and most kindly terms him. The evidencegiven before the Coriner shown that with his family lie had had various disputes, and rumour states thein to have been of a more ser- ious nature than was then stated. With his song John, he 'appears to have been -n anything but good terms, and on more than one occasion report says blows were struck. • ,That the old man was ' inoffensive and badly treated by. his family all ` the neighbours do not hesitate to say, and through the whole day a Sarong s"spicion was felt against the son John, which was not decreased by his manner during the day, nor by 1 the style in which he gave his evi-°I dence. y, en a r- it, ne e, 11, at 1', as n d as st d t- 3') t s k s is of he ie e, ld e- nt d, n- e- r - O s- is s. eeems,to have been planned and execut- sal with the most cold blooded calclrla- ,ion. The whole family had been at erk in the fields during the day, and ."a;`vurried here about sun down, when -Il wit the exception of Janet Millar, -ha was away anlill ieg, assembled in ,he room looking into the orchard, for sipper. This vas also the bedroom of . `ie old couple. 'There they ret natinecltill lre night Net in. about eight O'clock, 'shoe John, the second son, said he was ' �otiig to bed, and left the _house to' go u the barn, where he had been sleeping • a kw nights preyiously.. The girl 1:tnet, who had . meanwhile cornet; in, said the boy Hudson, reared shortly fter to their rooms in the, at*ic, and in few mow encs wc.re followed by Mc - • and Jas:Shaw, wilt) slept in the .:atr.iierooni as Hudson. The old ootiple were then lett alone. The old roan was seated at a rabie reading, his back .-o the window, the blind of which Was t =allied ups when his wife got up from 'der seat"to look after so_ma in Ltters in -1le adjoining kitr-hen. Scarcely had -he lrobbibd to the door, when she •was -:t:rr•tlod 'by the report of a gun, and tirned round' just iii tiare to see the room farness with smoke, . the window aloes- sia tered on the floor, ' and her 'lu."lbantl after one cunveileive. spring !.i to the ground a- lifeless and disfig- fed 1 isnais..s, with the blo.,d pouting_ frons c 7;aping '-011ll11 ata his head. She .at .ri k,l.uuted to the q ber, inmates of THE CORONERS' INQUEST was held by George Patterson Esq., who discharged his duties in a praise- worthy manner. In evidence Mrs. Shaw, wife of cleeeased was examined, who testified that her husband was shot on the evening in question while lie was sitting at a table, and she was in another r•ooxn. There was no gun kept in the house. Deceased and ' his son John had quarrelled about the possess- ion of a sum of money, about ''.5. Oth- er witnesses were a15o examined, whose evidence in f the mail/ coincided with that of Mrs. Shaw. But that of John Shaw, son of deceased was of a suspic- ious nature. THE VERDICT was that the deceased cane to his death by a ler..clen bullet fired from a gun by some person unknossn. ARREST OF JOHN SHAW. Although the verdict returned by the ,jury threw - no blame on any person known, there was considered to be in the evidence enough to warrant the detention of John Shaw until " the mat- ter, was more completely sifted, and by the advice of almost all present,, he was taken in charge and brought to the city by County Constables Arm- strong and Silcox. He came with them quietly for some way, and was not handcuffed; but at one point made an attempt to escape froom them, and in consequence had the irons put on -alis wrists. He was placed last; night in the.lock-rip, and will be removed to gaol to -day. FURTHER DISCLOSURES. In regard tot this d readfuli affair may be confidently looked for before many days, and we lope that such speedy and certain retrilairtioss may overtake the gun;' -v party as will strike terror into other ev:I disposed persons should such in Our midst. hFvai!;€ v,i10 cultic (tutvf. Ther a("t Eiameae Excution• raft( r•\ al.i'ttti Lett! Etat be told i11 tht'1 ti , '1 l'1l ; to the Hvideile'e'Die Siam correspondent of the :;;;New • tirk ti Md.: doser•i i ue5 an OXet'lr t jOrr I r, T:Gon4 the Sala' day, some of our patty made a rush to witness a public execution,: A China- man was to be beheaded for- theft and murder, and the news created no little exei e-nent • The day was fearfully hoz, and they -struggled up a narrow canal, and then footed it across a well -parched field, which radiated heat like an oven. The scene of punishment was a wild near a grove, where a large crowd waited for`=the thrilling spectacle. Two executioners were in service and each struck the victun's neck with his sword. The first skilfully avoided a complete decapitation, leaving -this for his as- sociate. They never separate the head at a single blow because of the sup- erstitious fear tha+, insanity would be their penalty. Indeed, their is a - holy horror connected with the death penalty and after it has been enforced the e-- ecutioners immediately repair to some temple, and are not only shrived, but are sprinkled with holy water to pre- vent' the dead from flaunting them." DEPARTI;RE OF DR. BaraoS. —Th ege itle- man, who; has been justly termed a "romans chirtpoidst," leaves this morning_ for New York city, where prior engagements demand his iimmediat! presence. His stay in the city has indeed been short, blit in that period he has made a host of friends, and has him- self been so kindly treated that he requests us to express to his many kind patrons his gratitude for the courtesy extended to hixn during his stay. fn fact no one could come in contact. with the Doctor except to meet him as a gentleman; kind, social and affable in his manners, possessing a genialnature and warm heart, and in his profession skilful .beyond a doubt. He became so enamored of his success, and the friendship shown that he has resolved as soon as his business engagements will permit, to return about the latter part of therponth, when he will again take rooms with !the most ex&ellent host of tho "Russel. "—Ottawa Dr J. Briggs has opened a branch office at No 6 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada. where he will treat all diseases of the feet, in - the most skilful manner. His Modern Cur- ative is sold by all Druggists and c:,iintry merchants. J. Scatter agent, Seaforth. SEAFORTH MILLS! SEED STORE! THE undersigned have just received IMPORTED DIRECT, 1,000 LBS. SKIRMING'S IMPROVED PURPLEoTOP SWEDE, A. quantity of Early GOODERICH POTATOES, Also a fresh stock of GARDEN AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Will have constantly on hand a choice se- lection of Flower and other , BEDDING PLANTS. GRANULATED WHEAT OSBOR-NE'S possesses all the qualities of Farina and Oatmeal, for Porridge. W.A. Shearson & Co. Seaforth, May 21. 52-1v. NOTICE. vCREDITORS of Nath mien Middlesmis are requested to fyle their" claims with the undersigned at once, in order to be adjusted. MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Solicitors for Administrator. Seaforth, Aug. 24. 90-3in TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHN HA LDAN, has been appointed Official Assignee for the County of Huron. Office at SEAFORTH,—J. S. PORTER'S. Office at GoDERICH,--Directly opposite the Post Office. Goderich, March 5th, 1868. 13-tf. LISTEN III WHILE OGAN SPEAKS. For his Stock SPRIMt GOOPS WAS Never Excelled In this Market. The Manchester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction inDealing. ctfc, 1 1 4t1 , lag. `61-tx. POOR COPY TO REl\TT.. TN the best business portion of Seaforth, a I Frame Shop 22x34, suitable for a aro- eery, Book Store, &o. immediate possession given. For particulars address Wm. ROBERTSON & Co., Box 34, Seaforth, Ont. 8 7 -tf. } PZ Cf) ,gooneh cit• v -SP tit CIO ice+• ommui— $50 REWA.R,D_ HOT, on Sunday night, the 25th ult,, 0 betweenl2 and 1 o'clock, on. South half Lot 20, Con. 12, McKillop, a two-year-old Steer. The above reward will be riven to. any person or persons giving such informa- tion as will lead to the conviction of the party who comnfitted the deed. nal- MICHA.EL RYAN. McKillop, August 87 0 to) ta to 0 a 0-414 al.ta 0 •o+ 04 d ri4 O •a+ 0 tin •o+ Insolvent Act of 1864. Province of Ontario, In the County Court of County of Huron, the County of Huron. Td Wit : Iu the matter of HENRY W MCCANN, An Insol vent. N Tuesday, t1e sixteenth day of Novem 1.‘ J ber_next, th undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said court for a ,ascharge under the said A et. H. W. MICA NN, By MCOAUGHEY & HOLMMESTED, his Soiit'rtors ud liter.. Seaforth, A lig. 25, 1869. 90.2m. i LOST OR STOLEN. BOUT the .7th day of August, an Ac- count Book, containing several accounts and Two Promissory Notes, payable to Wil- liam Vanstone. The payment of the notes are hereby stopped. The finder, by returns ing them to Garbe, Ainleyville, rill be rewarded. Henry, Ainleyville, Aug. 16th. 81-.3in. PROPERTY -Foe SALE. T,{OT No. 9. Spariing's Survey of ;Seaforth, with Store, Storehouse, Stable and Dwelling on it, and situated on the first lot North or Downey's Hotel, Main Street. For particulars apply to the proprietor, Wit. N. WATSON, Insurance Agent. ":9- tf. Seaforth, June 11th. Notice of Guardianship. OTICE is heresy given that at the ex- piration of Twenty Days from date, I will make application to ti,e Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, to be appointed. - guardian of George and Julia Vogt, infant children of. Zigmond Vogt, late of the Town of Brantford, in -the County of Brant, and Province of Ontario. JOHN B. VOGT, By BENSON & MEYER, Solicitors for John 13, Vogt. Dated at Seaforth,19th August, 1869. 813-? FARM FOR SALE: FOR Sale, Lot 15, in the 13th Coutes-- cion of the Township of Stephen, On very easy terms, and at a Moderate Price. This farm is conveniently situated to Saw• and Grist Mill, has 30 acres cleared, and a good well of water. - For further particulars apply to Wm. F. Luxton, .`Expositor" Office, Seaforth. or to GEO. W. ROSS, Stri,throy. Augiist 13th, 1869. 8S_tf • Farm for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale the farm be- ing Lot No. 9, in the 2nd Concession, Township- of --Tnckermith, consisting of 801 acres, nearly all cleared • There is a good Frame House on the lot, and a large Barn, a never failing spring creek runs through tha farm. Eor particulars apply to A. G- VAN EGMOND, At the Seaforth Carding Seaforth, July 2nd • 8 2m- iVI'G R EGOR & SON, BOOKBINDERS HULLLT APSE prepartd to execute binding in every style. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, Goderich, or at the FTPosITOR" office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon them being w:;11 bound. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, Julie 11, 1869. 78-t f, SE .FORTH DISPENSARY And Family Drug Store. LUIVI$E3N has just received his • Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, French, English and American Perfumery ; Hair Dressings, Oils, and Pomades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shav- ing Brushes ; Dressing and Fine-tooth t'oinbs; Toilet and Shaving Soaps, cc., &c. Horse Ss Cattle Medicines, Condition Powders, e(e , DY I? STUFFS ! 1 Of very Superior Quality. I3YSICI ANS' Prescription's I_ prepared, accurately R. I.iT.TM SDEN, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 53-tf, caforth. April 22. "GO TO T. J. SIMONS' FRUITa OYSTF;ft n EroxT For Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies, Oakes, and Sweetst of every description. CALL AND slEE His .Fyes:Vi .-! .f t stork . Opposite McCANN'S Old Stand. Saforth, Feb. 12, 1869. 63-tt 4 INSOLVENT A CT OF 1864. In the Matter of JAMES ELLIOTT, of Seaforth, an Insolvent. THE creditors of the Insolvent are notu- ed that he has made an assignment ott his estate and effects under the above act, to 'me, the undersigned Assignee, and that they are required to furnish :me: within two months from this date with -their claim specifying the" security they hold if any, and the value of it, and if none stating the fact, the Whole attested under oath, with tlx4 vouchers in support of such claims.. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Hur- ons this 25th day of June 18ti9. JOHN HA LDAN, Official Assignee. GGodorith, June 25. 8€69_ 82 -if - LATEST London, August ferring to the cord Colonies, say a C{ pects independent become so. She great power, and inquiry whetherei her appropriate Te London, A ' a-gus`t day, in. its Mandl 1 report says :—"It returns of sales of Iwere falsified ever figures r•eafly arra ' more than half the lie, and as result t' .a panic at Manehe' sent all cenudene of the returns fro ti is no disposition tt on the part of the S Madrid, Aug, e n yie.ding tri the. ons from all pa.rti death sentneiic vlergynen, and th u no more executiora cei ved from six the recent decree, satisfactory Revd ill steps will. 1,e take Gen." Prim return_. Madrid, August tar -day say's that th sli.date for the Spa tus of Portugal. Paris, Sept. L Vona/ of to -day saes is daily-becomingY' inent as a caudida -pail Madrid, Sept. be commenced - seven bishops wh for diaobediente ers. Red Rive Mr. McArthur, ing young nierch :"erly in the servi 4ompany, has in to the Red R -wens, by way of reckenridge, awe the Red River - Vi He fnnnd that the in the construetio road, were busily -- work, wind . that would be complet Breckenridge, 1 running upon the passage in about hong time, eonside by the road, it when there is n some two hnndre the river is arae known to geograp 1y at the -enol oto Yeller finds aims Mance from the iEn the preceding Illustrated by the route from .Breek north, and. the ox atf the Red River atklistances ofabo From one bend .013 .a -day's journe Buggies go 24 mil two bends during ease the travellers -The passage by 1.' easy one, and t have to be prow dy they want for t ' .keeping ler.' n n who went dieing that he 1:€ very little ether t,wo or three days the relief af any tabs. At Red crops looking m pest of grasshoppe -These insects, l thought likely to chief. Mr. McA iderable enccurag -tile objects, and.be mg zip of the Hind monopoly :will thr business of the tei -which be thinks s -t.taart for flues,_ tlnu refold chiefly 1n l' The St. Paul Peon; t aerge#ic, anis w 13 'card to the N drtl' The steamboat n Red River s o I asinuch as she is with rapidity the -in passing from .( She is also claims, t the speed at wl throws up se neat g us to reduce the di mediately belo 4v 'r-, will probably in the veining epri only sixteen inch.e Four acres of ] -ielded 210 bushel