The Expositor, 1869-09-03, Page 1SIGN Th
ignedbegs to inform the nu -
• the County of H ron,
1 a first class
Irv, in a pesitien. ta pay eash for all
:*ti at his tstaldishment he eau
Pifer superior inducements to any
ty doing business here.
.)LIARS particularly, are acknow...
red by eotepetant judges to be au -
any made in the county, and from
tigh acquaintance with the wants
unity, he is satisfied that all -who
with their patronage will have
to regret doing so.
rsenal supervision being given to all
nufactured at his shop, places him
Lion to warrant all worksold by
:his motto' will be the nimble six-
kare the slaw shilling." Come along
judge for yeurselves. No charge
:nig goods.
I. orposite the Post Office, Seaforth.
June 18, ISO. 80-tf.
3S. BELL has now on hand the
,est stock in Seaferth, of every (les-
t of Furnitnre, from the commonest to
;at, and all at the lowest prices, Qual-
eaterial employed, and workmanship,
ti ed.
ts departments, attendedto in a sags
ry manner. A Hearse for hire.
t constantly on hand, and fitted to any.
:Id. This article is the but and cheap
de, .as attested to by all who have us -
Warranted to give eatisfaction.
Remember the place,,,
.forth, Awe 5, 1869. ST-tf
[work done in First -Class Style.. Or-
tx be left one door North of .Dr. Smith's
!a -o 11.
thSERC1AL....00 -MATHEMPOitk.
(Established Oct. 1st, 1866.)
Connecton will& the Lonclm. Com-
mercial. College.
Te Course of ,Siudy
Ittt Comprehensive,
tirad necessary to complete the course
.ora 4 to 6 months, bat one year is al_
ed, so that all can finish it Neithout extra
the whole courser i72t> in adVarice.
(Books & Stationery ridt included.)
'lease ei close stamp for circular which
tains full information, and address
Goderieh, Ont.
pig 20th, 1889,
#• 4.
- - - - - - - -
"F eedom n Trade.-Libert,y Religton.-EquAttty ti?Csvtl. Atghts.
SHARP'S 11QTEL, Livery Stable, and.
(Amoral stage Office, Alain Street,
It. L. SHARP, Proprietor.
Scaferth, Jan- 8th, 1869 53-tf.
Attarneyat-Law; Goclerieh, Ont.
Dec. 14, 1868., 53-tf.
L. M. C. M., PHYSI11 -
CIAN, Surgeon, etc., Egmontiville.
Eginonaville, Dee. 14, 1868. 53-tf.
OEON, &C. Office, -Opposite Veal's
-Grocery. Residence, -AIain 6treet, -North,
Seaforth,- Dec. 14, 1868. 53-ly
the Comity of Huron OFFICE and
1LEstorlses-0ne door East of the Methodist
Episcopal Church.
Seafortlx, Dec. 14, 1868. 53-ly
Builder. . .celaue, • Specifications and
Details. drawn eoreeer,iy. EVery desenption.
of I3uilding Works measured and valued.
Bills or quantities prepared. • .
.0FEICE. -Next uour _North of Mr, HickOns Old SLOrC,
Seaforth., JUlle
Y. Solieitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, ete„
Paris, Ont. .Money to loan on farm secu-
ity. Terms easy. Office -First flat, Paris
Star Building.
Paris, Dec. 14, 1868. 53-tf
„ Land Surveyors, Cilia .Engineersi &c.
All manner of Conveyancing done with
neatness and dispatch. 'G. McPhillips, Com-
missioner inB. R. Office -Next door south -
of Sharp's Hotel, Segorth.
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. 5"3-ly
and Attorneys at Law, .Solifitors in
Chancery; Notaries Public, Conveyaneers,
&c. Office, --Over Mr. Arehibald's Store,
Crabb's Bleck, Goderich, On. Money to
Lend. W. i'OR/I.ANCE RAYS. 3. Y. ELWOOD.
Seaforth, Dec. 14th 1868. 534f
-r oAMP3rM1t M D.- C. M., (Graduate
e) of McGill University, Montreal) Physi-
cian, Surgeon, cf:c., Seaforth. OFFTOE.--
SCott'SBrick Block Residence -Mr. Stark's
Main street'
Seaforth, July 15th, 1869.
84 -Ly
W. HARR,IS, L. D. S.
. Artificial Den-
tures inserted with all the latest
impro4ements. . The greatest core taken for
theepp,..-serva&n. of decayed and tender teeth.
Teeth extracted without pain. Items over
Collier's Store.
-Setiforth, Dec. 14; 1868.
llA ZL H Ulte3T, Licensed AUCtioneer
• for the Coun.ty- of Huron, Goclerich,
Ont. Particular attention paid to the sa,le
of Bankrupt Stock. Farm Stock. Sales 'at-
tended on Liberal Terms'. Goods Apprais-
ed. 1Vlortgages Foreclosed, Landlord's War-
rants Executed. Also, Bailiff First Division
Court for Ilirron. •
Goclerich, Jane 9th. 79-tf.
T R. R0.l8, Proprietor New Dominion
„. Hotel, begs to inform the peoplenf Sea -
forth and:ft:tie travelling community general-
ly, that he keeps irsteclass accommodation
in every thing required by travellers. A
good stable and willing*hostler always on
hand. Receilar Boarders will receive every
necessary a7ttentiole
Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 1369. 63- ly
ArcAficalEy & HotimsTEAD, BAR
_LUL ErISTERS,. A.ttOrileyS-at-Law, Solicitors
in Chancery and Insolvency,. Notaries Pubhc
and Conveyancers, Soliciters for the R C.
Bonk, Seaforth, Agents for the Canada Life
Assurance Ce ii.B..-$30,000 to lend... at
S %. Fa/, -Houses and Lots for sole.
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. - 53-tf,
Plans and Specifications drawncorrectly1
(;arpenter's, Plasterer's, and Mason's .wiwk,
measuredand valued., -0ffiee-over0-oclerich
.A.uetion Market,, Qourt-flonee Square,
rrih '
GoderiCli, Apri' 23, 81869. 70-1y.
kei vine, James Laird proprietor, affoids first
class ace-omodation,for the travellinubpublic.,
The larder are always supplied With
the best 'the markets -afford. " Excellent
stabling in commotion.
Ainleyville, April 23 1869.
awl Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in
Chancery and_ Insolvency, Conveyaficer;,
Notaries Public, &c, Offices, -,Seaforth and
1ATroxeter. Agents- for. the Trait 4 ,Loan.
Co. of Upper Oanada, • and the Colonial Se-
curities 00. of London, England. Mone:y at
S per cent.; no commission charged. -
4.-.4E- H. BENSON, R. W.; C. MEYER.
Seaforth; Dec, 10t1i 1868. 53-1y.
IN 0 utting and Shaving Saloon. If you
want a good Shave, or your hair cut,
or S-hampoorted, as it ought to be; go to
the "Little Wonders" South _side of Sharp's
Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. The Bath -
Rooms in connection will be opened to the
peblic on. April 1st. Lubelski's tonic for
making 'the hair..&.;row and. preventing it from
oomatg out, was never known to fail. Sold
inbetties at $1 each. Come and.bny it..
JSeafolth, 'Deo. 14,1.868: 53tf S, Lesusiti.
We cannot boast of high green hills,
Of proud bold cliff's where eagles gather,
Of moorland glens and mountain rills,
That echo to the red belled heather. .
We cannot boast of mouldering towers,
Where joy clasps the hoary, turret,
Of chivalry in ladies bowers,
Of warlike game and knights who wore it,
But had we minstrel harp to wake,
We well might sing "our own broad lake."
And we have streams that run as clear.
O'er slielvy. rocks and pebbles rushing,
And meads as green and nyMps as dear,
14 rosy beauty sweetly. bluehing;
.A.eid. we have trees as tall as to-wers,
< And. older than the fendai mansion,
And. hanks besprent with gorgeous flowers,
'1And_ glens and woVs With fireflies glanc-
But prouder, loftier boast we make,
The 'beauties ,of " our own broad lake."
The lochs and lakes of other lands,
Like gems may grace a landscape painting
Or where the lordly castle . stands,
May lend -a charm when charms are want-
But ours is broad a‘ncl deep and wide,
With steamships oqr its wave- careering,
While far upon. its ample tide;
The hark its ,devious course is steering,
While hoarse and loud the billows break
On islands of "iur own_ broadlake."
Immense bright lakes .1 1 trace in thee
Steer, 3, 2nd 2, 3rd, 1; best fatted_Cow
or Heifer, 3, 2nd 2, 3rd .1 s„ best yoke
of working oxen, 3, 2nd 2, 3rd 1. Age
of Devons or their gra' to date frOm
January to. .January.
:Best aged ram, 3, 2nd 2;3rd 1; best
yearling ram, 3, , 2nd 2, 3rd 1 ; best
1T1 lamb, 2, 2ac1 150, 3rd 1 ; hest pair
'of eWes ha-virig raisedlambs in 1869, 3,
2nd 2, :;rd ! 1; best pair of yearling
ewes, 3, 2nd 2; 3rd, 1; best pair ere
lambs, 2.,, 2nd 150, 3rd 1.
Best aged ram 37 2nd 2, 3rd 1; best
yearling ram, 3 ,:`2nd 2, 3rd 1; best ram
lamb; 2, 2nd, 150, 3rd le beet pair of
ewes having raised lambs in 1869,: 3,
2nd 2. 3rd 1; best flair yearling 'ewes,
3, 2nd 2, 3rd 1; best pair esvelambs,' 2,
2nd ‘150, 3rd 1; best pair of fatted' ewes
or wethers, 2, 2nd 1; special 1,rize by
M. 0. Cameren, Esq., M. P., for the
best ram of any age or breed 10 00..
Best aged boar, large breed, 3 2nd 2;
best boar pig large breed, littered
in 1869, 2, 2nd 1;best aged boar, small
breed, 2, 2nd 1 ; best boar pig, small
baeed, littered in 1869, 2, 2nd 1; best
sow ; large breed, 3, 2nd 2.
best sow small Iiireed, 3, 2ud
2. The above sows must have had pigs
in 1869; one or mere pigs to be shown
vithsow---. Best sow pig large breed,.
littered in. 1869, '2, 2,ud 1; best sow pig
sMall-treed, litteredin 1869, 2, 2nd 1-:
An emblem of the mighty ocean ; POULTARY.
And in thy restless waves I see
Nature's eternaLlaw of motion.
And Fancy sees the Huron Chief
Of -the dim past, kneel to -implore thee
With Indian awe he seeks relief
In pouring homage out before -thee.
And 1 too feel my reverence wake
While gazing on " our own broad lake," -.
I cannot feel as I have felt
VY hen life with fire and youth was teem-
, .
Nor 'kneel as I have often knelt,
At beauty's shrine devoutly.- dreaming
6(znne younger hand mist touch the
To tell Of Huron's awful grkndeur,
Her cal and moonlight.slumberingi
Her tem est voicIMOucl as thunder,
Some 10 tier lyre; thlin, -mine must wake
• To sing 'oure own-Ooad glecritimg lake."
urn County Fall Shew
The South li.ur9n AgricAltural So-
eiety's 2nd 'Ai ans-d Fa.11 Ealdbition, for
t.te year A. D. 1869, will 'lie held in
the -Village of Sertforth, on Thursday,
;30th of Sept., and Friday lst Oct. For
Farm Stock,Domestic Mama.' ctu res,
Dairy Produce, etc., when thefollowing
prizes wilr be awarded :---
- Best Brood, Mare and Foal, $4 00,
2nd 3,.3rd. 2,e-eSpecical Prizes for Foals,
for whia Special _Entries must be made.
, Foal, the get of • "Rob Roy,"
Special 'Prize,,by James Johnstone 3 00,
2nd 2 00, Bost Foal, got by "Bay Wal.-
laa,". Special Prize , by Thomas Dins -
dale, 3-00, by the Society for the best
Foal, 2 00,- 2iid 1 50, 3rd •I 00 ; hest
tw year.old Filly, 2 00, 2nd 1 00, 3rd.
1 00;• best tw4f Year old .Geldling, 2 00,
2nel 150, -3rd' 1 00 '- deg yeariieg Stud
er Geldinge 2 00, 2nd 1.5Q, 3rd 1 00,
best 'yearling Filly, 2 00, 2nd 1 50, 3rd
1 00, best pair Draught lIorses,.4 00,
2•nd3 00; 3rd200; best Carriage, Horses
Sadie,prizes as (Naught. .
. Best thorough bred Durham Milch
Cow having raised a calf in 1869, $6 00,
2rid 5, 3rd 4 ; bet two year old- Dur-
bain 5, 210 4, 3rd 3, best one
year:old Durham Heifer'4,. 2nd 3, 3rd
2 ; best Durham Heiser Calf, 2, 2nd 1..
Special Prize by M. C. Cameron, Esq.,
M. P., for ,the best therough bred
Milch Cow, of any ege or breed, baying
had a. calf in 1869. $10 Ped gree of thea-
bove cattre must be 'produced. -Age of
thorough bred.cattle to date from show
to sho we Best Devon, or 0 -rade Milch
Cow, having raised a calf in 1869, 3rd
2, 2nd 2,.3rd 1 ; best two year old, De -
,von, or -Grade Heifer, 3, 2nd 2, 3rd 1 ;
best one year old Devon or Grade Heif-
er, 3, 2nd 2, 3rd -1; best Devon, or
Grade Heifer Calf; ,2nd 1 ; best two
year old Steer, 3, 2nd 2; best one yaar
old Steer, 2, 2nd 1 ; best fatted Ox or -
Best pair game fowls, 75c., 2nd 50c,,
best pair -barnyard fowls, 75c., 2nd 50c.e
best pair large breed fowls, 75c., 2nd -50c,
best pair b'an tame, .75 a. , 2n d 60c. , best pear
black Sparaish fowls, 75c., 2nd 50c., best
pair geese, 75a, 2nd 50c., best pair
dtidks,""75c; 2nd 50a, best pair guinea
fowls, 75c., 2nd 50c., best pair of pea
fowls, 75e, 2nd 50c., hest pair turkeys;
75c 2nd 50c
Best two acres sweedieli WI nips
$4 00, 2nd 3, 3rd 2; best half acre po-
tatoes,.3, 2nd 2, 3rd 1; best quarter acte
of carrots 3, 2nd 2 3rd 1 ; Best quarter
acre Mangel Wurzel, 3,•2ncl 2, 3rd 1,
Parties .entering for any or all. of the
above root ci-ops Will be required to pay
an entr4,nce fee of $1.00 additional.
Best iron axeltree lumber waggon, 3,
2nd 2; best wooden axel tree, 3, 2 -nu 2;.
best double carriage or buggy, 3, 2nd 2;
-best single buggy,, 8, 2nd 2; best iron
plough, 2, 2nd best weodeo. plough,
2, 2nd I; best 'double mould board
plough, 2; „best subsoil plough, 2; best
horse hoe, 2; best fanning mill 2, 2nd
1; best twe 'spree cultivator, 2; . best
gang plough, -2; best pai, irOn barrows,
2; best pair wooden harrows, 2; best field
roller,- 2; best horse hay rake, 2; best
turnip seed drill, 2; best turaip cotter.
2; best .theeshing machine, 4; best
clover seed thrashing machine, 4; best
set. horse shoes, 1.
The Canada Company's Prize of $30
for the best ten bushels of Fall 'wheat
to which the Society will add $5 00 for
a 2nd prize, 4nd $3 00 for the 30
prize The Wheat taking the firet
prize to become the property of the
Society. Said ten bushels to be divi-
ded amongst tee,BranCh Societies, who
will.ple-ase,have some person ready te
take it on their behalf at the close of
the exhibiticin, otherwise it will be sold
on the ground and the proceeds there-
of zo intothe funds of the Sobiety. Best
two bushels Spring Wheat, $2 00 2nd
1; best two bushels barley, 2, 2nd 1;
best two bushels common oats, 150, 2nd
1, beat two bushels large peas. 150,
2rvi 1; best two bushels small pees. 150,
2nd 1; beat bushel of timothy seed
150, 2iid 75c., best half bushel flax
seed, 150, 2nd 75e.
HoR,Proursrultat, PRODUCTS.
Best four named varieties af -Win-
ter apPIes, 5 of each, 2, 2nd -150 3rd 1;
Best four named varieties of fall apples
'5 of ea,ch, 2, 2nd 150, 3rd .1; best three
named vu,rities of winter pears, 5 of
each, 2, 2nd 150; best three named
varieties of fall pears, 5' of each, 2, 2nd
150. best three named varieties of
plums. named, 160, 2nd 1 best named
collection of ripe grapes, three clueters
of each, grown in open air, 150; nest
named- collection of ripe grapes, three
clusteas of each, grown _under glass, I,-
50; best plate Crab apples, yellow, 50C,
best plate crab apples, red, 50c., best
three named varieties of peaches, 6 of
of each, 150,.2nd 1.
Best named collection of Dahlias not
less than 6 varieties, $1 00; best named
collection of roes (blooms), 1; best col-
lectibn of Verbenas, named, not less
than 6 varieties, I; best collection. of
phloxes, not less thin 4 v-aaieties, 1;
best named collection of gladiolus, not
less thaw 5 varieties, 1 ; best and largest
collection of Annuals, named, 1.
Best two kinds of potatoes, named,
half bushel dead), 75a, 2rad. 50c., best
four heads of -winter 'cabbage, named,
50c.. 2nd 25c., best nine Lloyd beets,
5oc, 2nd -25ce, best nine long mange's,
50e, 2nd 25c., best nine gl'ooe mangels,
50c., 2nd'25c., best nine seeeetlish
nips, _ 50c.e 2nd 25c., best nine long
orange or red carrots, 50c., 2nd 25c,
best nine early horn carrots, 50c.,, 2nd
25c., best nine white belgian carrots,
500 , 2ud 25c., best 12 ears of corn,
50c.. 2nd 25c., best three water melons,
60c., 2nd 26c., best 3 musk metope
51c., 2nd 25o, best four heads caulie
flowers -50c., 2nd 25a, best peck torna-
tees, 50c., 2nd 25e.
Best 5Tbs of butter, sufficiently salted
for table use, I, 2nd 75c., best '511)8 of'
blister' withoot salt, 1, 2nd 75a, best
keg ofsalt butter,- not less than 501bs,
3; 2nd 2, 3rd 1; best cheese, not less
Sijibs,tfactory made; 3; 2nd 2, 3rd I;
bestcheese, not less than 151los dairy
made, 2, 2nd I, 3rd 00c.
Best woven home.made quilt, 150.1
2nd I; best ten yards domestic cloth' ;
2nd 150, ard 1, best' 2 yards Flannel, 23
2nd 150, 3rd 1;- best Pair of blankets,.2;
2nd 150, 3rd. 1. • The ,'above cloth,
flannel and blankets, must be all -sool
aod home spun, and ma.nufactored in
1869. Best set of Single harneas, 2;
best double set of farm harness, 2; best
gentleman's saddle, 150;ebes; pani gen-
tleman's ,boots, I;. best pair lady's boot,
. Best painting in wiater colors, 3. -2nd
75c., best painting in eV, 1, 2nd 75c.,
best crayon, 1, 2ad 75c.; best peed]
sketch, or drawing, 1, 2nd 75c., 1.est,
collection ot photographs, 1,- 2nd. 75a
Best loaf °Thome made bre d, 1, best
patched. quilt 150, _ 2nd 1; best quilt
raised, or sewed- on ground work, 150,
2nd 1; best tatting 1, 2nd 75c, pest croehet
work, 1, 2nd, 75c., best embroidery in
muslin, 1, 2nd 75c., best embroidery
in silk, 1, 2nd 750., best embroider -y rn
crape arid chenille, 1,, 2nd 75a,:: best
worsted work, raised, 1, 2nd 75a, best
<braiding, 1, -2nd 75c., best fancy knit-
ting, 1, 2nd 75a, best two pair woolen
sodlts 1, 2nd 75a, best two pair woolen
'stockings, 1, 2ad.75a, best pair woolen
mits, 75a, best pair woolen gloves, 75c,
best shirt, gentleman's, 1, 2nd 75c.,
best wax fruit, I, -2nd 750.,
best wax ffowers, 1 2nd 75e, best pa -
pep flowers, 1, 2nd -75c.
A. prize of $20, gian by, George
Sproat, 'Esq., Reeve of IlYckersnsith, to
theitAvaateur Band of Music, belonging
to -the County of Huron, who will play
the best selection of mueio, at Seaforth
on the second day of the exhibition.
Bands intending to compete, to give the
Seeratary notice atsleast one week pre:
vious io the exhibition. Prize of $10
by J as Dixon, Esq.; Prestdent of the
Society, for the best essay on tnrnip cul -
tare, embracing the pi eperation of the
soil, and the sowing, .cultivating, stor-
ing, and feeding to farm stock, and the
benefit to be derived by the farmers of
Huron, from a system ofturnip husban-
dry. Erize or $5 by W. T. Coi, Esq.,
of the Signa office for the best original
essay on fruits and fruit culture in the
County of. Huron. The above essays
to be open to the whole County, essays
to be forwarded.postpaid to the Secre-
tary, on or before the 20th day of Sep-
tember next, the Judges not to award
the. prizes unless the essays merit it.
Especial enteies must be made by all
intending to compete for the especial
saizes kiver by M. C. Cameron, 11,4$q..
AI. P..
1 Entries must be made on. or before
the lst September, 1869 2 No band
to exceed 18 in number, and shall con-
sist entirely of aroatenrs with the ex-
ception of the bandmaster, who may be
a professional musician. 3 Bach band
shall perform 3 piecies of music selected
by themselves, one of whien shall be a
quick step. . No small amine, cymbals,
or triangles allowed in tie competition.
4The bandsmaeter of. 'each band Vial'
forward _three days before the dale of
competition, a note of tlez number of
performers in his band, an the pieces
of music to be-. performed.. 6; Bands
must be forward by 12." o'clock on the
day of competition. 6, The order of
each band to perform, shall be decided
by ballot 7 The decision Ofthe Judge
or Judges shall be final. Entries to be
made with, and communications on. the
subject to be addressed` io'llte-Seoretary
of the Society.
I, All subscriptions -to bepaid an cr
before the 25th day of Serkember net.. _
2, The payment of $1 will constitnte a
membership to the Society, and will en-
title the person so paying to compete,
in any or _all of ih.e departments. 3..'
All parties having paid their, Subscrip:
tions ,and only such will be entitled'to
compete. 4 All stock and irti.les ex-
hibited mist bebona fide property of -
the eXhibitor. 5. All i.,,rain exhibited
must be the' growth' of 1869 6.nd pro-
duced an the farm of the exhibitor. All
fruits, flowers, and -vegetables, muet.
have .been produced on the farm (Jr
garden of the exhibiteir, .. 7. No, com-
paitor will be entitled -06 *more /than
one prize fOr butter-, cheese, roots fruits,
or grain of.the,same ItMcl. 8. No ani -
Mal can he shown. for two prizes in the
same year. .5 Competitera • to give
the Secretary netice of the-artiOles to be
exhibited not later than 12 o'clock noon
cf Wednesday, the 30th of September
next. 10: All articles for competition
in' the Indoor Department to _he sent
forward to the ShowitOoin .by 12 o'clock
noon of the 6rsi day. Of the exhibition,
and all stock and implements to be on
the Show Ground by 10- O'clock A. -M. of
the -Second . day thereof. • 11.. The
Judgits will be particularly , requeAed
to have regard to me,it in all the stock
and articles exhibited for competition
and'. to withold any premium, if they
censider the stock - or articles as unde-
serving.. 12. All mares, fillies, and
geldings to beheld on the Show Ground
with halter 01' bridle. 12. .No article
to be removed from the Show .Rocer bee
fore 4 o'eloele the second day of the ex-
hibition. 14. No person allowed in the
ring -except the Judges and Managers,
and, no person allowed to speak to the
Judges while en duty. 15. No person
shall' act as a Judge in any Department
in which he is an exhibitor. . 16. Any
person infringing on rales 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
or 8 shall be deprived of any premium
whatever that they might otherwise be
entitled to. 17, All parties competing
for root crops must give the Secretary
notice before the 2nd day of Octobt r
next and pay the Treasurer or Secretary
an entrance fee of on ,dollar. .
A red ticket to deign -ate the lst
prize , Blue the 2nd prize; White the
3rd prize.
A dangerous &exacter -A. wan 1140
"takes life" ' cheerfully. ' . ,
ieIf a young lady. bitis you -trite I r
heart: does it mean that yen can take
hors? e
Don't sleep -with your coat oh, or its
nap and years will he e taken toðer.
If you wife is pod, kiss her for re -
:ward. If she isn't kiss her for punish-
It is said that "fortune knorks once
at least, at every man's door; but alas !
it is often,a runaway one. ,
Fright -A term employed by WOIDeil
lon:tSiolast:Ivailes. ycne Of theii sex better
" With all thy faults I love the
still," as the Man said to his wife when
She waagiving him a curtaiie lecture.
"Did yon know I ws a there 7 said
the bellows tw the the 4 Oh, yes I al-
ways contrive e,0 get wind of you," Was
HOW is it when a wife is master, s se
and her, husband compese the /minim.
ton 7 -Bemuse sh9*issawber elm, and.
he is a cipher, -