HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-08-27, Page 84 Swell � Swell . I E SEAFORTH Anth'us TIPAE. Two swell weddings have ,larely to-. leen place in London--{tb at Qtt the Mer - q us of Huntley and Miss Amy .brooks was celebrated= at Westminster Abbey. The bridesmaids were attired in robes of white poiilt de soile trimaa d gau- fires of tarletan, with trains -en papier, a wreath of ivy falling over one should- er' and hefting up the train; bonnets of tulle with ivy leaves. They each wore exquisite lockets; gold with coinet monogram of je-Yels, the gifts of the gide-groom- The favors were most pic- turesquely arranged in°fine white and silver corbeilles, and were distributed by the five youngest bridesmaids. The bride were e a dress with corsage and to-` pique Louis XV. of the richest white satin duchesse, trimmed ' -with superb Brussels point lace, forming a train, sur- mounted by wreaths of orrange blossoms. The couronoue was of orange blossoms, over which fell a veil of the same choice lace. She also wore a mngnificient necklece of a single row of diamonds, with ear -rings to ,;or respond, the gift of her father, and as a broach, a remark -- able diamond jewel of great intrinsic and historic ,value. 'The bride was con-. Glu ;ted to the choir by her father,, and WAS there received by the noble bride groom. The ceremony was performed by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Oxford, assisted by the Very. Rev. the Dean- of Westminisfei and the Rev. James Slade. - Their Royal. Highnesses hnesses the Prince and Princess -of Wales, and the Princess Mary . Adelaide, and his Serene Higeness the Prince of Teck. honored the bridal party es ith their presence. t. Pauls, Knightsbridge, was the scene of the xnarriNge of Vis- count Doone and Lady Cecilia Moly- neux. The bridesmaids, twelve in num ber, wore dresses of le hite muslin and lace, looped up with heartsease. The Rev, F. G Hopwood, A. M., uncle` of- the fthe bride, performed theecereniony, as- sisted by the Zion. and Rev. Robert Liddell, A. M , the incumbent of St. Paul's. The religious rite concluded, the bride and bridegroom went to the vestry for the registration of the mar riage. The register was attested by the contracting couple, the Earl of Sefton and Lord Hyde, and was also signed "Albert Edward" by the Prince of Wales, and -George by the Duke. ' of Cambridge Glow it Feels to he Drunk. BIG INJITNO'VERCo)IE BY (C.)TOB WHISKEY. " 3/1r. Dans, is a mei cey tribe of Indians; amongst them, becau is so persistent an a ance •principles. He fiber' of the Mun ind is a great man e, as he says, he i vocate of tem per - now employs him- self in travelling about giving lectures; and while here the other night related his experience of "Scotoh wine," which• beverage was the only tie ebywhich he had ever fallen from reetitud It was a great feast .in New Brunsw'ck to which he had been invited as a represen.,itive Indian. All the great men of the land Were present governors.. generals of members of parliament and the army, all the aristocracy. After dinner, they pressed him to have a social glass, and out of'courtesy he reluctantly consented.. ` But one glass was not enough. He • bad no sooner drained it when he wanted an- other and another, until his blood seem- ed all on fire, and gave him sensations which he never felt before. He -was =ild, gloriously drunk in fact "ii jun all over 1" He whooped, helloed,.:.. sung, danced, and got beside himself. 'He tool more "Scotch wine" and felt very unsteady—his brain whirled—the floor seemed standing up before his eyes, and. to wish to strike him in the face. At last his legs gave out and he remem- bered iio more • until; on waking next morning, he found himself in bed. Isis temples' thumped and thumped as if they would burst, and dark specks like Musical notes swam( through space be- fore him. He tried to rise but fell back exhausted ; he strove to call out, but his tongue cleaved to his mouth. The house seemed to be dancing a hornpipe. By a desperate bffort he arose • in bee, and saw a vision he will never forget; At the fax end of the i. oom appeared a dark and loathsome pis, out of which issued black smoke and tongues of lur- id flame. The bed seemed drawing nearer and nearer towards it. 'He clutched to it with a desperate grasp, and in his delirium called out for assist- ance. He thought that Satan 'had come for him before his time ! He tried to walk, but his legs refused to support hien. • He got down on all fours. out. was still helpless, falling and staggering from side to side. He could not even crawl. • All his faculties seemed to desert him, and he ,vas quite helpless. He resolved to drink no more Scotch wine, and has reltictantly kept his word. It was several days before he re- covered from bis spree. He thinks if all fashonible folks who get drunk on Scotch wine. having a similar experience they, must be -singularly strong in appe- tite or fond of self -torment. Perhaps bis iit',agination is too vivid. The British Teiegrah Bill. The Bill for the purchase of the telegraph lines throtfghoot Great Bri- tain is a measure of great importance. The Governinent purpose extending,. telegraphic communication .to the suburbs of all thielarge towns, tb all the second-rate towns having,' railway sta- tions. It is conteme.1ated to " serve, undler the new arrangement, 3,376 places, instead of 1,882 now,served by telegrapns and railways, and to have 842 branch offices, instead of the 247 existing at presenu. There is now one M EL9DEONS AND Cabinet O%leans Are noted for their many excellencies, over those of all other manufactur- ers, such as T3R.A. 3E3 Iir Thr Q -u1 kness of Articulation, ROUNDNESS, PURITY AND Tone ! -Volume of ELASTICITY AND Evenness of Touc, in the- construction of these inatrunients nothing but tbe best material is used, and. first-class workmen employed ; and as the. manufacturers have had over fifteen years of personal experience, they are able to produce an instrument SECOND TO NONE IN THE WORD ! Melodeons from . S45 00 Cabinet Organs, from . '95 00 Snakes in Para. It is doubtless owing to the proxomity of the forest that the sn;.ke. has domesti Bated himself in Para and lives on telegraph office to every 13,000 of the terms of amity and familarity with its population: the Government will haveinhabitants. Every house has its pet one office to every 6,000 of the imp. snake and tbe monster appears to ocei:- itlation. • They propose, likewise, the, sion to its keepers neither repugnance nor alarm. The Biblical decree of en- mitybetween the serpent and the sons of men appears to hold good everywhere except' in the Amazonian regions, where truce is proclaimed, and serpent and citizen abide together in peace. The snakes are of the boa constrictor species, but, so far as 1 can learn, they generally refrain from constricting or molesting the inhabitants. They catch rats and "gobulate" them, and now and then a monkey gradually dissapears. Perhaps, as Herculean exploits belong to the fabulous `ages, it would not be quite safe to trust small black babies alone with them. But tough and in- digestible adults are perfectly safe. We asked to see "the snake" at a warehouse which we visited. He was haled from his lair in some back room or;closet by a negro, who held hon by gripping his neck just behind liis head. The snake appeared to be fanlilar with his rather ignominous mode of wearing in society, . as he only expressed his em- otions in a aeriesof fatuous, and imbe- cile wriggles, and when released coiled himself deliberately upon the floor and. Proceeded to take "forty winks,"'like -the fat boy of Pickwickian memory:- We stopped a street vendor who had a bar- rel of snakes for sale. Discerning in us possible purchasere be tipped thence upon the pavement and stirred them about with his foot, exhiliitingthe; r fine F you want a Watch that will keep the . correct time, purchase , one of Thomas Russell & Son's celebrated Watches. A arge. stock of them for sale at COUNTR'S Terms • Liberal. For further particulars enquire of WM. F. LUXTON, - • `Expositor" Office, Agenc, Seaforth. Seaforth, Aug. 20th, 1869. 89-tf. creation of offices of deposit every letter- box and every pillar -box being such an office, where messages will be. receivetl and sent to the telegraph office i to he fors ai ded to their rir destination. The wires are to be Lro't into the' money order office in every town and district thereby bringing the telegraph into the centre of a pontdatinon, instead of its re- maining, as it frequently does at nresen t iu_ the outskirts; and they contemplate exterdirrg in many places the number.. of hours during which the telegraph will he accessible to the public. It is proposed also ro have one uniform traiff of le for 20 wordy. _ The terms of the. agreement entered. into, under to Act passed last year, for the 'transfer of tike lin to the Government, was that- a SUM aTOMITI till g to twenty. years' pur- cease of the net profits of the various telegraph eornpanies up to the. '30th of June of last veer should be paid to .the proprietors of those understandings. On this basis, the amounu to be paid to the companies is over $28,506,000 gold but other experses will swell the total cost to $33,500,000. It: is expected thrt the 'Mee will yield a gross revenue close Upon $3,500,000 net profit-- enough rofit—enough to pay tireinterest upon the purchase money _and leave a surplus of folly $50,000. The'nucuber of inland messitges for the year ending last DeeerubeT was 6,000,000. upon which numiter it is reckoned there will be an. increase for the first year. of at least 2,500;t1Q. Much, of this increase` in expected to result,result& from bringing -the tetegTai? h nearer I the centre of the population, experience, both on the EXCELSIOR. T IP TJTOGRAPH GALLERY. W. P. PAGET, — Artist .Continent and in England, having ,shown that wherever telegr iph facilihes sing and bundling b's snakes back into tih;s means placed' within easy he barrel. --T. C. Evaxs, in Harpers are by leach of the people a large increase oli• agaxine for August. .SEAFORTi H. +. He has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, jewellery, Fancy (coos, Toys, &c•,. all' to be sold Cheap for Cask: ear Every ctescr'pt`on o' Watches, Clocks. and Jewellery Repaired on` the Shortest Notice, and Warranted to give satisfaction. - The highest price paid for Old Gold and Silver. M. R. COUNTER. Seaforth, April 27th1869. 53`ly HE undersigned begs to' inform the in- habitants of Seaforth and surrounding country, that he has taken the Gallery for- merly occupied or-merly-occupied by Mr. C. Paltridge, A, Few Doors _North c f Di . Smith's Office, and. Opposite 17 -e'at's Store. Where he Wil, always be ready to please his patrons and give satisfaction to those who favor him with a call. BEURE AND CALL to see his speeimens, they speak for the Artist acid will convince you that he is First -Class. REMEMBER, The place is Opposite Veal's Grocery, Main Street, Seat.;rth. WILLIAM P. PAGET, -:- Photo. Artist. Seaforth, July 22, 1869. - 85 6m. points to the best advantage, acid in- formed us, in Portuguese, that they were much better snakes than usual, and that if -we , missed that chance we were not the men he took us for. On considering we determined to miss that chance, and we left the snake -man bur-. MR. JOHN THOMPSON THANKS his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the fart fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its continuance. He has now on hand a large assortment of Good Sound Green Hemlock 1 Which he warrants will give satisfactiisn. :.ALSO, 200,000 FEET. OF PINE! CII2 FOR BUILDING, AND GENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS I To which he calls the attention of his old 'customers, who will' find it to their advant- age to retire them promptly, and without legal. proceedings. Seaforth, July 15th, 1869. 84-tf- the number _of. messages is certain to It is :noteworthy that, 'contrary follow, to o Sin pn of ix150100P of the most- ex- periencc;(I••engineers, the Governuievt, an the eatitnates, }fare ciilcu1at d the life o, ;,. 4i113k at' fit"teun y exile . and have $ heref ire provided for r epl icic,g all the tablee at the end of During.. the recent freshet in _ Con- necticut; a Waterbury editor telegrap- hed another at the scene of action, end' me full particulars of the flood." Ornamental Work of all kind', taught in The answer aline, " You will find them addition. e 1Seaforth, Aug. 20th. 89-13in. SELECT BOARDING AND D Y SCHOOL ' SEAFORTII, ONT, teso rg* 4F1 orri lege E. Zma p.+ 1111 • tzu cdfq j t SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. E undersigned begs to inform the firm- TH ers and others of the County of =1-h n'on, hat h3 has opened a first class HARNESS & SADDLERY IN ,And beingin a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment. he e:en and will offer superior inducements to any other party doing business here. TirIS COLLARS particularly, are aeknow- ledged by cox•'petant judges to he sn- perior to any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the_communitY, he is satisf ed'that all who favour him with their patronage . will have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being gn to hima ll work manufactured at his shop, places in a position -to warrant allwork sold by him, and his motto will be tbe ire nimble .six- ence before tbe siow shilling." Come along farmers and judge for yourselves: No charge for showing goods. Shop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth. WM. H. OLIVER, Seaforth, June .18, 18G . . 80-tf. Fur it FURNITURE. M -RS. J A R V IS begs to give notice that she intends opening a Select Boardingand Day'School,, for the instruction of Youg Ladies, at her residence, Seaforth, on the .2 27th of September, under the super- intendence of competent teachers. TERMS: Board, with English Branches and Fancy Work, per annum, - $120 00 Music, per quarter, • - - 6 00 French, do 4 00 German, do 4 00 Drawing, do 400 ui Genesis." LISTEN!! WHILE TiH0s. BELL has now on hand the largest stock in Seaforth, of every des- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest prices. Qual- ity of material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed. I In all its departments, attended to in a satis factory manner. A Hearse for hire. OGAN SPEAKS. For his Stock of SPRINGC001) WAS Nevi' Excelled In this Market. T. BELL'S_ PATENT SPI SPRin MATTRASS hafitted constantly onil , fitd to any Y Kept y , � bedstead. This article is the best ��.nd cheap est made, as attested to by all who have us- ed it. Warranted to give satisfaction. . Remember the place, 0I P0S1T KIDD &, M'M LKIN'S:. Seaforth, Aug. 5, 1869. 87-tf T $& MO>NS,. HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER. I- ow/ The ManchesteY House Then is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. - _ =•fir • ,l Igeeeser ,ter:1111k- All work done yin First -Class Style. Or- ders to be left one door North of Dr,' Smith's office. • 67 -32n - ,COMMERCIAL .AN4 MATflEMO1k ACADEMY! (Established Oct. 1st, 18664 ) In Connection ,keit_ the London Con e erci e4 College. The 'Course of Studd: Iu Comprehensive, PRACTICAL AN1) CHEAP, The time necessary to complete the course is from 4 to 6 months ; but one year is al. lowed so that all can finish it without extra charge. _.. Seaforth, May 4th, 1869. 61-tt. TERMS: TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHN ;HA LDAN, has been appointed Official Assignee for the County of Huron, Office at SEAvoRTn,--J. S. PORTER'S. Office at GoDERicH,--Directly opposite the Post Office. Goderich, March 5th, 1868. 13-tf. For the whole _course, $20 in advance. (Books & Stationery not included.) Please ei_close _stamp for circular which contains full information, and address J. A. McKELLAR, Principal, Goderieli, Ont. 89•o105. August 20th, 1869, Iv OL Si 1-GL':.:'I'lltePra.S1Sitlal. &raforth, . Attoriv L.'Blc CL tom, neNi ,l� 4 roeer0E05, y. ill. , Seaforth, TRACY, the C ouu E$1sNCE—O• iscop :i Chur Seaforth, 11e TE i�W Lucbler. lk tails drawn of Building W Bilis of quantrt Omen.—.N6 sons old store, Seatorth, Jut Mc1, `c. S H,1 Solicitor 3'aris, Ont. ?� Terms eat 'tar Building Paris, Dec. 1 G. Land So All manner o neatness and di missianefinJ of Sharp's Hot .Seaforth, AYS anfl Atto hancery, Nott Vic. Oihee,--O Crabb's Block,' Lend. w. toui Seaforth, Dec. CAMIPL IT of Sur ;eon,' Scott'sBrick Bc. Main street. _Seaforth, Jul; EA teres his,ttcd r venients. 1 the pr::sorvitio Teeth extractet Collier % Store. ' 'Seaforth, D • H;AZL1'J1 for the (l t)ut.Particul; of Bankrupt St tandem on Lib ed. Mortgages rants Executed Court for -tarp Goderich, J T R. ROSS „, tel,..be: forth and the t ly, that he .kms in every thin good stable ali hand. Ile^+alas necessary atter Seaforth, /CAUG n ery an and (onveyai Bank, Seaford Assur{ nce i:'� S %. Farths, Seaforth, D' MAIL &, c Plans and. arperitees, 1.' ueasuredand v Auction Mark: rich, � Gode'ric..c, A cr MMEIi vide, Jam: class aceoniod The larder and the best Nth - stabling in .c . .inleyvxtIe, EN;SON and At €fiance * ani Notaries Publi Wroxeer. A - Co. of Upper L'urities (Jo of $ per omit.; n JAS. H. ni;;,so), Seaforth, TOTICE �- yi ratting want a glad or Shampoon- €' ',hilt: NI Hotel, Mi in Rooms in. col. • p+delle on Ap nuking the h-.1.! ciu;alg {int, ' ii glial -s at