HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-08-27, Page 3Ta AND SCRAPS.
Denovan late of Sm .11s,
of the Stratford Bap -
inairla IteW. Dr. Burns
4 -ed in the Towuo Nectopolia
t1. -s7 1mt
perking of 04 Windsor asitt
..Raiitt-qy in Nova Scotia toek
the 18th int.
named Thebe near Port El -
Alert on Monday by falling
of hay and the waggon pas,-
eek the Grantor). Post. Offico
lariousIY erctereri and beth
t and private property lerefronL -
rge Gibson a land 'surveyor
suicide in the township of
on*Tuesday week, by cutting-
-with razor. -_
North Lanark is not
lace till next Novemm
1 will hardly be
L. ober.
hie as cost a million
aud has been nine
tildinAr has jest been com-
ull, England,
med Hunter living iu
into a well on a :dark
as- injured beyoad hope of
edian Net iaation Co. have
y cempensated the sohtieree
d loss by the gtounding of
lynx was killed some few
Im A. W, DroWn, Balsem
Lindsay which wae tit -trays
Es high and measured ever
L length..
treal, George Predham, aged
kt, a clerk in the Post -office,
=witted -for trial at the next
itemes Beneh, for stealing
package containing a gold
le -Murry, the tensperance •
cds establishing a paper at
nd, Ort Lake Heren, nearly
Lorth of Orilla. Its apProp-
be Tit& Yortlorn A (fro -
a stone cutter employ- .
an'S dam at Guelph was
shed by a felling stone
nd died while being con -
home in tewe.
o'clock on Tuesday evg.
chest of the Locomotive
:ached lb -the -steamboat Ex -
(led about a quarter of a
There'd station on Great
acne injured.
eels store in London on the
*Was and Riehmoad streets.
.of goods to the amount of
i hundred dollars, sometime
erday- night and Mondtty
ettraer,. dentist, of Listowel,
y placed a vulcanizer on his
it,. and the steam generated
and caused an: explosion,
*devulcanizer and stove in-
iving to pieces, the ceiline
Ms.. Alm 'Bonner was as-
knding himself itiahrzrt.
ing-machine factory of a
: and the woolen factory of
[ Belleville,- together with
(-, and also tw-o steam en-
kit- ily destroyed IV tire en
ot. Loss estimated at
artialIV. insured.' The ori-
e is unknown.
rin the government default -
:hug a letter, to Ono -of the
)ors, touching Iris. position
'I a raeraorial to the Gov -
pray ing for. an investi-
riease by a committee of
e, to be chosen in a way
mself ! Impudence could
rried further. than this.
(1.1 AsmstanmCommissioner •
'rids, who has been forty-one
public service -a man of ,.
ight character-aud .who,
know, has., al ways-discharg-
faithfnlly- and efficiently,
I to his astonishment rest
Richards that his services., •
car wanted in the office.
ffaris 'with Prince Arthur
weived at Halifax at nine
Unday morning in six and
days frem Q-uetn st ow n , an
assage. The Governor-
euteria ri6 Governer, ard
S reeeived the Prince : t
military guard of Eon-.
evening last in Hamilton
ri °mired between a oip-
el named Fritz Taylor and
Jaksen Fort The for -
the leiter with a pocket
ag an ugly wound in the
just under the ribs'. The
knife, imnotistted between
inc.-4s, but evidently
yam point, as the
a was able to walk some
viol- had not been an -est -
Reap advertisement of Conin‘ercial
Gellege in. itnother cotutnn. 88-3m.
THE C.10p Of barley on the Seafoith
Agrioulttiattlpm 11116 was sold for 446
THE Fall Wheat Show in. connection
*with the Noi bb Ridiog of 1-1,trron is
held at 01 nthu to day °
ceerainsiaemer IN WINdimast.-His
Lordship the Bishop of Huron cbirtii•m-
ed eighty pereons in the newchurch in
,this place on the 28th ult.
(fence showed that the reason that she
*did not, .complate the earangement at
the time, was that she : heard that
Thornasilnda lawful wifein some part
of the 'Country, but, awe she received
the money in good faithto be married
to *Thomas, She would carry 'dirt her
part of the contract there and then ; now
this was where Thomas was most de-
cidedly "bluffed", he had sold the furni-
ture" he said, "did not and could not
had lived alone three
ould do so now, for the
his life," he thought,
his affections should be
vested in his`mhildren."
What a poserwas this. for the magis-
trate ?--Charlotte could not give baek
Thomas his money as she had none, but
expressed her willingneSs to marry him,
but Thomas would . net do diito with
Charlotte, hence, technically Charlotte
was free, inasmuch as she was willing
to coniplete her contract of marriage.
Still the Magistrate ruled that she must
refund the money, and as she had not
.got it he must sieze her trunk, sending
the constable for the same, accordinly ;
'sut when it came it was a trunk only 'the
contents not being in it' In this case
the next order was that -Charlotte ay
oue dollar a nionth till Thomas - is pt id
the amount which caused the •action,
and Thomas pay the costs of the \court
amounting to $4.70. The probelities
of Charlotte's monthly payments are not
the brightest, at the time of going I to
press, so likely Thomas' infatuation
will cost him in all about $15. !
P. S. Thomas is, perhaps, on the
shady ,side of fifty, and Charlotte on
the sunny side of eighteen.
• The members of the Seaferth Pres -
1)3 terian_Sabbath School to the number
cifSOIlle two hundred had a plesant pic-*
nit in Payne's groVe yesterday.
THE Assizes for this County com-
mence on the 13th. inst, at the Court
I-fouse in Goderich,....Chief Justice Hag-
garty presiding -
AT Nile near Goderieh a man named
Jackman was killed by x11ing across
a saw in a. steam mill. - He lwas cut
nearly in two and died install ly. •
James Taylor's ,ce'ebrated " Burlesque
Troupe," will give one of 'their "side-
splitting" entertainments m Shares
Hall on Saturday evg. next See mam-
moth poste's around town:
love her nd
years, and
remaiuder to
" henceforth
Fon THE E4ITIBITION.-We observe
that Mr. Graham Williamson, c)f this
place, is constructing a. very fine "stem
plow, of the Mahatty pattern, 14 the
Provincial Fair.
In accordance with a numerously
signed petition, the Reeve has proclaim-
ed Monday uext a public holiday in
Seaforth. The Grand Trunk will issue
return tiekets at single fare, to Toronto,
Guelph,`Buffahi, and London, good for
three days.
DANIEL Moran eharged Mrs. Graham
with using indecent languege tol his
daughter, befere Squire Sills. Mrs Gra-
ham denied the charge. The Justice
. allowed tee case to be, se tied tsefore the
the plaintiff arrived, ::141r. Graham pay-
ing a fine of $1 and costs, as he ackno-4,=
ledged the Charge prefented against
his wife.
POTATOES :AHEAD. -Mr.. Lusby of
Viis place planted .one pound of the
" Earl. Rose" potatoe. While growing he
took 'up one thirteenth of the whole
crop, and. upon -digging the remainder
had one hundred and twenty-five
pounds. Can this he beaten '? The
seed was purchased of Mr. Hill of this
• FAREWELL OONCERT.-Our talented
young townsmen Mr. Geo. W. Cline
being about removing from Seaforth, he
will give a farewell concert in Sharp's
Hall on Tuesday evgnext, assisted by
the Ameteurs of the place. We count
on a bumper home, as We are sure
that ourtownspeopte wid not allow Mr.
Cline to lave them without taking ad-
vantage of so favorable an opportunity
of manifesting their appreciation of, his
ability, and the personal' respect in
which he is deservedly held.
VERY RIGHT. -The New Era' de-
seryes the thanks of 'those int -rested
• in either Clinton or Seaforth, • for the
very outspoken manner in. which it
has come down ou the Gorlerich papers
for their misquotations of the naarket
prices ranging in those two -villages.
The Couniy seat . papers. better try
"writing up" their town in Some oilier
way than this, if they want it to take.
The fact that Clinton and Seaforth al-
ways pay more than Goderish for pro-
duce, is. too well known by the farmers
of this County -for such a disreputasole
movement as the one the New Era has
callerl in question, to avail them Any -
t mg.
I •
tieRead H. Smith's advertisement.
THE New Era says: Last year Fthe
amount rived by the Grand Trank
for exports from Clinton station was
over $50,000 and $14,000 for imports,
•which together with about $10,000 for
passenger traffic, makes. a total of re-
ceipts for 1868 of 74,000 and this Year
the business is expected to exceed. by
considerable that of last year, owi.4 to
the great amount of produce to. be mov-
ed. to market. In order to meet the
demand for cars eo move westernpro-
duce, the Grand Trunk is setting its•
house in order, and no complaint can
be made her at present for the, want
of accommodation to move the present
crop. On Tuesday night we observed
forty empty cars lying idle at the sta-
tion, and we are told that no room
could be spared for additional cars, that
the Company were anxious tq send on,
ar d all alone the line empty ones were
crowded along the sidings.
IN many places we hear that the crops
are not turning out so well as wcas an-
ticiprted. We hear hal, there are cases
of fall Wheat not , yielding more than
thirtecn bushels, though of course
there are othersgoing over thirty. It
appears that the rust injured the crop
very much. On the the whole however
we are *inclined to , believe that Fall
• wheat will average oVer twenty bushels
in this county. • Pease will be generally
an inferior crop. Oats will be very
heavy but the last rains kroeked it
dowu badly tied it is to he feared
that a good deal will rot in -consequence.
Spring Wheat is not an average crop
taking the midge into acccuu.sts.
Barley • is likely • considera,bly over
the usual crop Potatoes give strong
ind'..cations of rotting, but the yield is
heavy. .
Baaa Ball,
The Seaforth Base Ball •Club played
a match with the " WiHows," of St.
Marys, on the grounds of the latter, on
-Friday hest - Nine innings were play-
ed, resulting in a score of 66 for Sea -
forth and 31 for St Mary's, the fennel -
being ths victors by 25%-uns.
• For some reasons, -the Seaforth Club
complains bitterly at the treatment the
meObers received at the hands of.the
'"iirillows,"eveu going so far, we are
told, as driving them ,out of their little
"Stone Town." We hope our boys
did not deserve castigation. ifmo, next
time they are permitted to go frout
home we will have to send their -guar-
dians with them. The Argus will con-
fer a favor by giving a word. on the
matter rext week.
The following is the score:
Love in High Life,
• Thomas Adams, an important portion
of the population of Seaforth, who as
eveiybody- knows is, or has been, -a
widower in his day and is now living
alone with his children, became ena-
mored of a fair young damsel named
.Charlotte, whom, according to accounts
he visited three or four times daily..
In anticipation of taking Pto himself
another Wife said Thomas refured.hed his
house at a cost of sixty dollars, and
• moreover gave unto Charlotte aforesaid
niu,e dollars in cash to go to ' Canon -
brook to get the "fixins." But lo tend
behold, dharlotte did not appear again,
on the stage of action till brought
tliither by the constabte some three
weeks after, at the instigatibe. of
Thomas, and tl:en to answer upon
a• charge of obtaining money tinder
false pretences, before his • worship the
R mve. Here is where life in earn-
est" began 'Jhoiius set in his plea in
accordance with the above recittal, and
thought that he should have his money
back, more esp3cially, -Considering the
fact, as he avoweicl, that a pert of the
• sum belonged io oue of his aildren
IA' Lich be bad om•rowed to get the child
W, J. Sills
Hugh Carnero-n
W. McCulloch
William Strong
John McCulloch
John Malone
Jain Lamb
Levi Latimer.
J. D. Sills
Jos. Turner
J. Clyde.
J. S.,Glarner
Bios. Corey
P. Ford.
yr. Adams
J. Todd
Alex. McCallons
W. Cook
On Friday last while Mr. Dupee was
engaged mowing on the "Burnside
Farm," McKillop, some unknow,n ani -
11)4 sprang frbm the grass, and began
to ascend his leg at a rapid rate, which
caused our frien:d to hop and yell, as if
he was performing a war or nigger
daptc;e°, while both hands were emplcyed
to stop the ambitious animal's higher at-
tain merit; bus all was of no a.vail,ejacula
tions T'rench and English, yells and
hands' could not stay his progress,
which was upward and onward, till his
fecgship,seated himself majettie;dly in
the seat of his unmentionables. A -vio-
lent shaking of that region soon displam
ed him from his posterior 'throne, and
down -the other leg -he tumble,d, , but his
frogship was not to be dethroned in
this mariner, and he began to ascend,
and soon regained his old, exalted, yet
hemble position. Findin.g his efforts
umtvailing to disengage himself from his
intruder-, and being excited -almost to
syncope, and fearing mutilation he di.
vested himself of his un.mentionables,
and by the time assistance arrived he
was standing in the ,field in pretty
-much the same state as. our primeval
pareots were !vhen they discovered that
they were human. After 'few
carions, and the use of some po-erful
adjectives, he again got inside of his
pantaloons, after having givelimo srnalr
amusement to bystanders. and distant
spectators, and having perspired and
6•-'0 TO
• S M T.H
Opposite S. Robertson's,
8 Aug. 27th 1869. 90-tf.
Sharp's Hall, Seaforth.
For rOne Night Only!
6 Saturday Evening, August 29.
4 •k 'Series of Popular Personation Con -
1 1.1. cert, by
3 ( a la Sam Cowell)
1 k.,'"hampion Comique of Great Britain and Am-
_ erica, (wearing the Prince of Wale., Medal,
31 studded with 108 diamonds, ) assisted by his
attractive Musical Olio Troupe.
Mr. J. Spackman, • Business Manager.
• Mr. G. R. Barton, Director.
Tickets 25c.; Reserved Seats 50c.
(From our own Correspondent.)
A elti CULTUAL SHOW. -The annual snow
of the _Bluevale and Wingham Society
will be held in Wingnam on the 8th of
• LECTURE -S. W. Casey Esq., of Nap-
anee delivered a temperence lecture in
the Temperance Hall Bluevale on Mon-
day 9th. August. The Hall was filled
to overflowing with an attentive aud-
ence and althou,eh his speech was very
lengthy hewas listened _to. throughout
with the greatest attention. We would
advise those who are under the imprer-
sion that Temperance is a- worn out
subject to give M. Casey a hearing be-
fore passing this judgement. -His
handling of the subject was truly .mas-
terly ;he did not follow the plan of
many lecturers by filling his speech
with a number of stale jokes but pres-
ented it in a new aspect by showing
the financial injeries that Intemper-
ance was -inflicting on the public. A
number of clergyman were present and
Mr. Ha,stie being called on tosaya
few words, remarked thatit would be a
vain attemPt-for him or any person
present to tny- to improve the lecture
and that the best plan was for all
present to think of the facts brought..
before them: by Mr. Casey. • He moved
a vote of thanks to thei lecturer second
ed by Rev. Mr. HaSsand who also
praised his handling of the subject
SEArrEn. -In Seaforth on the twenty-third.
hist, infant son of John Seatter.
`rpHE members of number 3 Company, 33rd
•Battalion, will meet at the Drill Shed,
Seaforth, on. Wednesday next, at 7 o'clock,
p, m.. when every -man must attend.
Colin:landing Company.
Seaforth, Aug. 25. •
• SEAFORTH, Aug. 27, , 1869.
Wheat, (Fall) bushel, • 95 @ • 1 00
Wheat (Spring) bushel, • 0 95 @ 1 03
Barley ° bushel, . 0 60 @• • 60
Oats te bushel, 53 (4 - 60
Peas 10 bushel, • 65 ® • 75
Potatoes ip bushel, (new•) 0 38 @ 0 50
Hay 45 ton, • 9 00 @ 10 00
9 •@• 10
Eggs dozen,
• 15 g, 16
Butter, 1,/
TORONTO, Aug. 26, 1869.
-(By Telegraph)
Wheat (Fall) bushel, 1 00 to 1 06
do (Spring) 4-/ bushel, 1 00 ito 1 06
Oats tri bushel, • 52 to 53
Barley bushel, • 7050 too 0 0800
Peas ip bushel.
Summer Arrangements:
Trains will leave the Seaforth Station,
follows :---
6:50 A. M. • 2:20 P.M.
• 10:30 A. M. • 3:08 P.M.
4:10 rem 8:42 P.M.
undersigned. offers, for sale Cheap,
and on reasonable terms, his holise and
park lot, consisting of four 'acres of land,
with a young orchard of bearing\trees. The
property is pleasantly situated oxiC.Main-st.
1sTorth, just outside the corpoitetion\hmits.
There is a barn on the premises; also; side-
walk to the gate•. _
Aug. 27, 1869. 90-4in.
A BOUT the 7th of August, an Ac -
Count Book, containing several accounts
said T'i'vo Promissory Notes, payable to Wil-
liam Vamitone. The .payment of the notes
are hereby- stopped.. The finder, by return-
ing them to Henry Garbe, Ainleyville, will
be rewarded.
Ainleyville, Aug. 16th.• S9 -&n.
T40? No. 9, Sperling's Survey of Seaforth,
I with Store,. Storehouse, Stable and
Dwelling on it, and situated on the first lot
North of Downey's Hotel, Main Street
For particulars apply to the proprietor,
Insurance Agent.'
Seaforth, June llth. 94f.
Insolvent Act of 1864:
Notice of Guardianship.
iv-oncE is hereby given that at the ex-
piration of Twenty Days from date, I -
will make application to tie Surrogate Court
of the County of Huron, to be appointed
guardian of George and Julia Vogt, infant
children of Zigmond Vogt, late of the Town
of Brantford, in the County of Brant, and
Province of Ontario.
Solicitors for John B. Vogt.
Dated at Seaforth, 19th August, 1869. 89-2
Province of Ontario, In the Cotertty Court of
County of Huron, the County of Efuron.
•' To Wit :
Iu the matter of HENRY W. MCCANN,
An Insolvent. •
(An Tuesday, the sixteenth da yl of Novem-
k. J ber next, the undersigned will apply to
the Judge of the said court for a ciischarge
under the said Act. • . .
, H. W. McCANN,
his Solicitors ad litem.
Seaforth, Aug,. 25, 1869. 90-2m.
• .STA -G1 -MS
Leave for Ainleyville, Wroxeter, Leech -
vine, Bayfield and Exeter, on the arrival of
Trains in the afternoon.,
of Nath kniel Ivriddlesmis are
rquested to fyle their claims with the
undersig,ned at once, in order to be adjusted.
Solicisors for Administrator.
TIOR Sale, Lot 15, in the 13th Conces-
11 slop. of the
Township of Stephen,
On very easy :berms, and at a Moderate
This farm is conveniently situated to Saw
and Grist has 30 acres cleared, and a
good well of water.
For further particulars apply to Wm. F.
Luximu, "Expositor" Office,- Seaforth. or to
GEO. W. ROSS, StrAhroy.
August 13th, 1869. - 88-tf
Insolvent Act of 1864,
Pro-vince of Ontario, ) In the _County
°empty of Huron Court qf the Po.
To Wit ) of lIuron.
In the matter of JOHN McNA:LIGETT,
An Insolvent.
TueSday, the 16th day of No-
vember next, the undersigned will
apply to the judge Of the said Court
for a discharge under the said Act.
• `J 01IN M.eNAUGHT,
• his Attornies ad Wien
Seaforth, Aug. 25, 1869. • 90-2m
Insolvent Act of 1864.
Farm for Sale.
subscriber offers for sale the farm be-
ing Lot No. 9, in the 2nd Concession,
Township of Tuckermitb, consisting of40
acres, nearly all cleared- There is a good
Frame House On the lot, and a large DAM. a
never failing spring creek runstthrough the
farm. Eor particulars apply to
• -. A. G: VAN EGMOND,
At the Seaforth Carding Mill
Seaforth, July 2n1•
A RE prepartd to execute binding in every
11_ style. - Persons residing at a distance
by leaving their hooks at the Signal 13ook
Store, Goclerich, or at the - " Fx.rosiToU"
office, Seaforth, stating style; may rely upon
them being well bound.
j, And returned' without delay.
Sea‘th, June 11, 1869.• • 784f,
In the County Court of the County of Huron.
In the matter of JAMES HA.TT,
An Insolvent.
Dominion of Canada,
Province of Ontario,
• County of Huron,
• To Wit :
ATOTICE is hereby given thaton Thursday
III• the Sixteenth day of September next,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon. as
Coubcil can be heard, the undersigned will
apply to the Judge of the said Court_ for
-thscharge.under the said Act.
• Dated at Seaforth this 7th day of July,
D. 1869.
834f.• Attornies ad Litem.
FamilyDing Store.
R,LUMSDEN has just received his
RHEUMATISlIti and all other aches and pains
leave the body on application of Jacobs'
• Rheumatic Liquid. We will warrant it to
cure Burns, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Sore
Throat, Lame Bak or Side, Sprains, i&c.
stored to life and. health. No family is safe
a day without it; hundreds of valuable
lives and thousands of doliars may be saved.
annually by its use. As a preventive of
contageous diseases, nothing ever before in-
vented can compare with it We authorize
all dealers to refund the money, if it does
not give entire satisfaction. ,
• 73- ly • S J FOSS &Co.
• • a step •tl -lotte in her de- irri ated freel -Com Seaforth Aug 24 • 90-3in I
p Lel . tar g. - • •
4 •
Spring Importations
Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and
Patent Medicines, French, English and
American Perfumery, Hair Dressings, Oils,
and Pomades, Hair, Tooth, Nail and.8hav-
ing Brush's, Dressing and Fine-tooth Combs;
Toilet and Shaving Soaps, cto" &e
Horse 85 Cattle Medicines, •
• ConditiOn Powders,rtc2
Of very Superior Quality.
prepared, .
Prescriptions ace, urately
P rmaceutical Chemist.
eaforth. April 22.
rr 1
For Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pits,
• Cakes, and Sweets of every dezcription.
Hz's Fresh Sio°4
Opposite McCANN'S Old Stand. •
Saforth, Feb. 12, l869, 63-tl 3 I
In the Matter of JAMES :ELLIOTT,
• Of Sedoxth, att Insolvent.-
miTE creditors of the Insolvent ECM motif,
1 ett that he has made an assignment of
his estate and. effects under the above act, to
me, the nndersigriid Assignee, and that they
are required. ,to furnish me -within two
months from this date -with _ their claims, -
specifying the security they hold if any, and
the value of it, .aanl if none stating the fact,
the whole attested under oath, with the
vouchers in support of such claims.
Dated nt Goderich, m the County of Hur-
on, this 25th day of June 1869.
I - • Official Assignee.
• Goderieh, June 25. 1£69. 82-tf-