The Expositor, 1869-08-27, Page 2t T1 , THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR. ==-7. _ NOTICE. TO ADVERTISER New advertisements Inuit be giv ir in by Wednesday noon. . Changes of Advertisements, which are pe- oially arranged for weekly changes, by TaesdaY noon. Changes of Advertisements, iwhich are not specially •arranged for Weekly changes, by Saturday night. • We cannot guarantee insertion u este the above be complied with. BUSINESS NOTICE. --41.1 acciemt for ad- vertising and Jobbing Must positiv: y be set- tled Quarterly, on the leth days lelarch, June, September and December. txpOito The Ofilcial Paper of the ounty. FRIDAY, AUGUST 266, 869. TO OUR PATRONS, Without any previous intimation, we this week erdaege the Eposttpr one fourth, making it The Largest Pa er in the County of Huron. Tnis improve- ' ment will be a permanency, or at least it will be eontinued till such time as we enlarge the paper ittelf. We thank tour patrons for coaferring that . support upon (iur efforts, to produce a 'good I Paper, which -warrants us in niaking this , 1110170 aP.(1 p'01111Sillg itS co tinuance, I and ! to -ensure further imijroernent. ask hut the same for the fut e, as we ) - I - hay& received in the past i ii. the time I . _ of aesurning the inaanagem at of the • EXPOSITOR, rfeW _papers ever lived,. againet which such a weight of, preju- dice , existed ; and though we have held I - the position, as yet scarcely nine months, without being ellarged with 'egotisiti, • . we believe we can truthfully- say, few country- papers in the province are moie highly respected, have warmer friends, and, more of them, than this same. Our policy has been,. is, and, will ever be, sat forth ine the inotto, Freedom in Trade, Liberty in Reli- gion, Equality in Civil R•iglits:"` Bee lieving that in seeking the ends, to'the uterrcost, involved in this, will be ac- compliehed, that, which is' the noblest undertaking of !very citizen, we deter- mine to spare nothing coming between us and that, and respect no institution interrupting, the carrying out of a jiist principle, whatever be the honer paid it by other men, or the -prestige- it may have,gained by the prejudics of its vo- etseeaa............. , BANK AM.ALGAMATION- . ' It is well known that the Gore Bank has 4r some time rated about as low as a Bend vary well could. The manage- ment, in itself perhaps was faultless, or , as neatly -so as that Of aan.yother similar institution, but the cpit'al was very limit ii, and the business likewise, 'fol. i I that eaiiin. •. Le, ly, how it could get over its diffi- cultier and take a -position somothing near on a par with other Banks, has se- , riously flIngaged the attention of its A managers. At length an arrangement to amialtiamate with the Bank of Com- merce has been made, subject only to the a probation of the stockholders of each talk. The arraneement is ome- 0 ti..... thing n this wise : The etockholders of the G)ore are to receive shares of the Bank of Commerce fcr a certain per centage of their Gore stock, and that per centage is considerably more than the present market value, of the stock. We hopetto see the union a mutual.- ly ben efieial one. The Gore S toekholders i . will obtain the full.valueof their stock, in thel stock of a Bank at par, that is 1 now at a largepremiuna, and has a rest of $100,000. All the capital of the Gore will remain- in the hannels where it heretofore has, been ei ployed, with much moee added, and the saving ef- fected in expenses of inanagement by - the amalgamation will be a profit of itself. Moreover, the stockholders of the Gore - 4 will have the setisfadtion of being tmit- ed with one of the most prtidently -con- ducted and Most successful Banke in Canada, . The stockholders of the Ban.k of Conainerce, on the other hand, will acquire an excllent body of shatehold- ers and customers who will bring lew strength to their already' prospeeous concern. .1 • PRINCE EDWARD ISLAN.U. ety Sir John A. McDonald has eft for •Pi ince &heard Ldaud, Ieavn nly the Hon. 11..angevin at Ottawa to nanage Government affitirs. a The Ho - S. S. ,Tilley and Mr. Kenney have eeii at Prince) Edward Island for sone time and will; no. doubt, when joined by Sir John A:, at once attempt the pacifiica- don of the plucky isla,nders. From the tone of the leading erten, it would seem that pacification is quite practiceble., True, there are differencis of °pillion which require discussion, and demands which may require some con- sideration, but nevertheless it is quite clear shat a 'ood supply of provincial notes and ai few fat offices: will do a great deal in the way of ppnoiliatiOn. What is the exact price that will bei, paid% we ate not prepared to say. Knowing, however that Nova Scotia re- quired, $2,000,000 and I, seat in the Cabinet to the bargain, we may safely say, that in the, same ratio. P. E. lisland must have somewhere about $1,000,000 and a cozey .place. beside Jain A., to the tune of $5,000 a year., That such tunes tis those will be granted we have every reason to fear. Sir John is im- pressed With the importanee of consoli- dating the Dominion, and he seems prepared to do it at any Cost, and as a matter of course Prince Edward Island must bo paid her price.. We await the restilt with curiosity-, for rwe anticipate that many such violations:of the consti- tution at that by which Nova Scotia, was nominally peacified nit* lead lo serious results,- No man can thus I . wantonly tread on all that is sacred in the institutions�f a, country with impu- nity ----unless the country have lost all respect for their rights. A few weeks at most will decide the question. • For the cheapest Boots in forth according to quality -go to 0 kry's. 87 Sea- oven- tf. WHAT DOES IT -MEAN What does it metn that the Toronto Leader is trying to evtite the Hon. S. Richards out of the Ontario Calenet I What r was the crime that the Co mis- stoners of Crown Lands has been sanity ofD I 1 of that he Ph oul d receive such treat- ment ftom his friends? We know the Leader urges the reason of incempe- tancy, but this is nothing new. Nobody eiier believed Mr. Richards to be quali- -fied for the office he holds) and none of the Acts passed under his manpulations have given any proof that he ever should have received , such an' appointment. From his, first -peerile attempt at fram- ing a " Milling Law"- down to the last moment of his life he has neither done himself or Ontario any honour by his actions. Strange the somnolence of Govern- rrient organs. It is only after a long sleep like that of Rip yan Winkles that they awake to' find that something is wrong. Two years have now elapsed since the Ontario Government was in- stalled into office, and all this time the Lead( r at the seat of Government has been quite unconscious of any defect in the Orown Land Commissioner. Per- haps before another two years elapse it de may be discovered that the whole Cab- inet is equally defective and begin lee advocate and entire change of Govern- ment. Canada certainly needs a change b yen should that change involve the overthrow of the Patent Combination. "Orthogriephici Vanclatlism." VNDER this disparaging title whicte is stupidly used to designate the Spell- ing Reform Movement) _ the tEu ,Signal attempts to discuss the prome. ty of the introdurtion of that philoso: phieal method of representing. the ibrit- ten and printed words of our langea,ge known a phonetic spelling. We say that the -Sigma stupidly misapplies the term "Vandalism ;" for it is no more applicable to the Spelling Reform than it is to those grand discoveries of ,science and improvements in art which have displaced the defunct nstitutions of a previous age, whose at ly utility and importance consist in b Mg relics to iflustratel the progress. of human so- ciety; as that reform contem dates only the stibstitution of a' simple and scien- tifically . correct systeni-. of spelling through which the arts of reading a of the preeent orthography, .and to a FACTS .AND SCRAPS: tense of self-congratulation at having lae.tai able to surmount its difficulties af er 'year e of arduous toil, that we can at ribute that forgetfulness of the ob- st cles which have stalked up before us on our entrance , into the gateway ef knowledgeand have robbed us of the tibia and energies which should have been more profitably spent in acquiring a knowledge of other 'useful bainehes of education.—Coes. The Bank of Montreal has itseed circular :to the effect that it will ad- vance mony to produce buyers at 5 per ri on invesbigasion however it is easily seen that, this will not be done until aftei all risk is .removed, and more than that, not till the money is compar- nd ativeiy ot little use. No doubt this is writing are ,easilyi attainable, for t cumbrous, contradectory and barbarous mud now in use. ;i Hence the use of the good will alBanle should have. the term "Vandalism" to designate t Spelling Reform Movement conveys - us the idea of being nnadulterateu no sense. But the Spelling Reform Mov ment is niot , one that has just Kart into being, as we are led to infer fro the eS'iipiars. article ; but has been existence for about thirty ye 4 Fs, an ha.s during that period, obtained in i favor the unqualified verdict- of tho who rank, aniong the most emine statesmen, philosophers, and me.n lettere, from . whom it has reeeive both aid and encouragement. That ti movement should have arrived at th state wheit_ it 'cart excite the silly fea. for the extinction of our mother tongu entertained by that pedantry which b lieves that a thorough knowledge, an a punctilious observance of a stupi orthography constitute the ne plus ultr of learning and politeness, is a sig that the devoted wish of he SigVa Editor is not likely to be realized. Ou present orthoeraphy, like its predece sors, -is no doubt destined to be draw under the Juggernaut wheel of huina progress, and assume its station aroma the "fossil history"' and "hidden re ords" of o ur nation's history. .But Wit -etpect to our learned editor's _Geo ogical and Archiological argument, w may say that we have no desire to in errupt the dignity' of his labors i ompany with the reverend clignitar e cites. of disemboweling "the hidden reasure of 'England's Past and Pre- ent,' of Roman Invasion, of Scanda- avian, Saxon and Northern Domina- ion," nor to disturb their devotional every over the _relics of a past age ; ut in the -name of common sense what as all this to do with a phonetic sys- em of representing the words of our anguage, unless upon the assumption hat its introduction would there the iiraculous powet of immediately ex- ertninating evety vestige of the great hoilglits of men of genius—of consign - g Ito litter oblivionthe laugnage, as ell as the typography in which. they -a "fossilized,',' and of obliterating very trace of their record and their eening? Such a stupendous result, hich our learned friend imagines a ening indicating the correct pronoun- ation of a word would introduce, is hat the most radical changes of pre- isting orthographies, modifications of alect, and the extinction of spoken uguage combined, have never been suf- ient to effect. Hence his argument ounts to nothing more than a sysnp- in of the groundless appreheneions hich are ever awakened by the mareh improvement. With respect to lat the, Signa/ means by designating onetic spelling an "artificial inter- rence," and those changes of ortho- a.phy " prOduced be the usoage of in- ential speakers and separate localities," a "natural growth" it is not easy to thrnane, unless it' is to explain the he a move to secure, if possible, a little of he to e.7 ed in in ts se nt of at rs e- cl a s11- 1 11 1 in sp ci ex di la fi„c am to of. wl ph fe )1)7 tau as THE French Emperot is evidently anxious to conciliate his 'subjects. The movements of -recent times point clear- ly in that direction-I—hot the least striking among them being the recent Amnesty Proclamation on the lett an- nitersary of his birthday. By this proclamation all press and political of - tenders are fully pardoned, and per- mitted to enjoy their wonted liberty Napoleon fully understands the French. character. . Whatever may be his faults he is'evidently a close observer of the' signs of the times, and the many ways a . in which he endeavors to to conciliate the people, shows thet he is not by any means uninfluenced by public opinion. fact that the former is really an art based on a scientific analysis of the phonetic elements of speech, whereas the resent orthography is the caprici- ous combination of letters resulting from some natural .power, as if rained accidentally out of the. clends. The free; translation which he gives of Parjson Dale's very wise maxim—"Let well alone because you cannot make better by tinkering" --very aptly ap-' plies to the several changes which have been made on . English orthegraphy, which he believes is a "natural growth;" for those natural agencies of "influen- tial, speakers, etc.," have been at work for ages tinkering, our orthographic defects, and yet• it has not been remov- ed beyond the tiecessity of being again tinkered; Our hope 'is 'that the next time it is tinkered, it will not undergo the repair of Paddy's breeches ; but will have anew dress (body ad sleeves), which art, based on a scientific analysis ofsound, alone can give. With reference to the' orthographic difficulties which the Signal affects to despise, we may observe they are such as cannot escape the moet cursory ob- server, and as have called forth the un- lified condemnation of teachers, of educationalists, and of emi- t scientific men. . It is simply owing lone established habit in the use 6 qua (WIf you want good value for your . 1 money in Boots and Shoes go to T. Jaen Coventry's. 87-tf. to a On111111101111111131111MIMINEMIIIMINIIMINISIIIIM Irishtown. • La.st Sunday Rev. Father Gahan preached ail able sermon against the accursed sere Slander, its evil effects socially, morally, and spiritually; and different modes' of giving scandal ill example direetly and indirectly. Father Murphy ( dilated on the vita ircport- ance of inatructing the youth in the Christian d'octrine, and took advantage Of the occasieon to reprove parents for their supineeess in educational matters.. lie had looked over a school register and noticed some children attended school on average two days out of six, it was impossible for the children to cope with their more punctual com- panions. After a few years parents would complain that the teacher was no good, their children made* no pro- gress under his tuition which was both false and unjust. Besides the disgrace and injustice of raising a family in ig- norance, leaving them liable to (commit sin and crime or fall into grievous errors or indifferentism. Parents were responsi- ble to God. for the smile of their off- spring ; therefore it behoved fathers and mothers to look well to -the spirit- ual and seculor instruction of the e minds go entrusted to their keeping.__ Cot. • Rev. J. Denovan late of Smith Fills, has become pastor of the Stratford Bap- ti8theCh:lePro'bu: Tins of the Rev. Dr, Burns I were intered in the Toronto Neeioyolis °.11Saturday - TheI ieliinla'ts gsof the Windsor and Amapolis Rail wily in Nova Scotia, took piece on the lath inst. Aman named Thebe near Port El- gin was killed OP s Ailouday by falling off a load of hay and the waggon peas- e* oveiehis body. Last week the Granton Post Office was burglariously entered and both government and private property ex. tracted therefrom. . Mr. George Gibson a land .snrveyor committed suicide in the tost-nship. of Grantham on Tuesday, week, by cutting his throat with a razor. The election in North Lanerk is not expected -to take place till next Novem- ber. Mr. McDougall will hardly be appointed till October. A dock which has cost a million poll/Ida sterling, and bas been niue years in building, has just been com- pleted at Hull, England., A. nein named Hunter living in Garafraxa fell into a well on a dark night and was injured beyond hope of recovery. The Canadian Navigation Co. have hendsomely compensated the $01 d lent, who suffered loss by the gtounding of the steamer' ,Grecttan. A large lynx was killed eonie few clays ago, by Mr. A. W. Brown, Belson Lake near Lindsay which. WAS twenty- nine inches high and measured over five fee6 length. • In Montreal, George Predham, aired twenty-eight, a clerk in the Post -office, has be- n committed for trial at the next Court of Queen's Bench, for stealing a • poet -office package containing a gold watch, - Thos. AlcAlurry, the temperance orator intends establishing a paper_ at Parry Sound, on Lake Huron, nearly 100 -miles north of Orilla. Its approp- riate title will be The, Northern Advo- tte. • THE Signal denominates the action of George Sprcae Esq., Reeve of Tuck- ersmith, "rath4 small" in excluding military bands from competition for a prize of $20, "'hich he generously gives at the cerning South Huron Show. If the Signal has env idea of what should be the chief aim of competitive exhie bitions.of thip kind, it very well knows that it is to foster and stimulate inde- pendent action. If the "Goderieh Battalion Band" has not vet received any government money, it -ultimately will, and it is a very unlikely story that AIr. Sproat should give his private fundS for government benefit. If the Goderich Band was desirous of parti- cipating in private perquisites, it should have dispensed with "hifilutin" nipmes ; that's what we think. So apart from the common sense fact, that Mr. Sproat has a perfect, right to give his prizes' for just what he sees fit, with e+ being ques- tioned, we hold that in the present in- stance, he has taken the most advisable course no to defeat the object sought, viz., seeking to incite an auctbition to excel, amongst the mange It is unrea- sonable to "pit" institutions depending soley upon private funds, against those nurtured by public "pap." B -it this is the saMe old Goderieh story, "We want all." Cricket. , To the Editor. Sir,—can you give the publie any Information of the cricket club, fer the equipment of which ccn- sicleeable money was collected last Spring ? I was one of the subscribers, expectieg that those soliciting funds were doing it With an honorable pur- pose, but T must say that I now hold an - opposite opinion. Yours eta , (Remark by' Eilitot.—Our personal ii experience is very smlar to your own, and our Own -present opinion of things in that coueection is. but a very slight modification of yours also, that's 'all we know about +-WI ar The Lontton Advertiser says: the ene tries in horses, eattle, sheep, swine and poultry, for the coming Exhibition, at London are considerably in. excess of list year's. a. The Base Ball Tournament a Lon- don has been a very happy time thus far, a large number of clubs being pre- sent. The attendance, however, is not very great. Mr. E. Marshall, residing on the 4th concession, London Township, killed a wo It, measured over five feet in length. ed Georee Moir, a stone cutter employ ed 011 Air. Allan's dam at Guelph was accidently crushed by a falling stone on Tuesday, and died while being con- veyed to his home in town. About ten o'clock on Tuesda,y evg. the steams' chest of the Locomotive " Stag," ettached to the steamboat Ex- press, exploded about a quarter of a mile east of Thorald station. on Great Western, .no one injured. A Dry goods store in Londen on the corner of Dundas and Riehmond streets was robbed of goods to the amount of four el- five hundred dollars sometime between Saturday night and Monday morning last. • Mr. J. Bonner, dentist, of Listowel, the other day placed a vulcanizer on his stove to heat, and the steam generated too mutch, and caused am explosion, which smashed vulcanizer and stove in- to MOMS. driving to esieces, the ceiling and partitions. Mr. Bonner was as- tonished at finding himself inahert. The Sewing -machine factory of C. Irwin & Co. and the woolen factory of S. 'Ostrom at Belleville, together with the contents, and *O.se two Amu en- gines, were totally' destroyed by fire en Tuesday night. Loss estimated at $20,000. Partially insured. The ori- gin of the fire is unknown. Reiffeitsterin the government .default- er since sending a letter, to one of the Ottawa papers, touching his position has addressed a memorial to the Gov- ernor G-4nera1 praying for an investi- gation into. his case by a committee of three persons, to be chosen in a way dictated by himself ! Impudence could hardly be carried further than this. , • • Mr. Russell Assistant -Commissioner of Crown Lands, who has been fee ty-one years in the public service—a maia of the most upright character ---and who, so far as we know, has always discharg- ed his duty. faithfully and efficiently, was informed to his astonishment last week by Mr. .Richairds that his services were no longer wanted in the office. The City of with Prince Arthur on board, arrie-fed at 'Halifax at nine o'clock, on Sunday morning in six and one-qtutrter days from Qneenstown, an unrivalled passege. The Goveinor- Geueral, Lieutenant Governer,, at d other efficials received the Prince t tle warf. A military guard of hon - was in a ttenetance. On Friday evening last in Hamilton an altercation °mired between a c pled vagabond vagabond named Fritz Taylor and a negro named Jackson Fort. The for- mer • stabbed the latter with a pocket . knife, Meting an ugly wound in the negro's side just under the rtbs. The blade of the knife penetrated betwea. three and four inehea but evidently did not reacli a vital point, as the monster rattle -snake on the 16th -inst. die raided man was able to walk some hence. Taylor had not been arrest.; at last account. • DISTRICT MAT itEAT) advertisement of C Oellege in another column. THE caop af barley on Agri(inttlialli Gee unde wee se tretE Fall Wheat Showin -with the North Riding or, bad at 01 uton to -day.. 00247; RMATI ON IN WING:. Loaelehip the Bishop of Huse ed eighty pereons in the new this place on the 28th ult. The memben of the Seafi be terieri Sabbath School to -,of Some two 'hundred had a I nie in Payne's grove yesteitli THE Assizes for this Co menee on the `136. int, at House in Goderiche Chief Ji gutty presiding - :AT Nile near Goderith Jackman. WAS killed by tal a saw in a steam mill. Ire nearly in two and clied inet -James Taylor's celebrated' Troupe," will give one of t1 splitting" entertainments , Hall on Saturday ens neXt. moth poste's around town. , FOR THE FIIHIliM0k. th-at Mr. Graham Williams place, is eonstruct* a very plow, of the Mahatty pat Provincial Fait% - Tn aceordance- with a signed petition; the,Reeveli ed Monday next a' publi ,Seaforth. The Qrand Trim ieturn. tickets at siT.Igle fare, anelph:, Bnffalo, and Lone' three days. Moran zhargeel A with mine indecent langi daughter, riefeire Squire Sil ham denied the charge. allowed the case to be se tie the plaintiff arrived, lir. ing fine of$I and oas ledged the charge prefer• his wife. P°T fbis place planted A t-aullteRdA:13_Mt. o-ne p Earl Rose" potatee. WhiU • took up one thirteenth 0 "crop, and -upon 'digging th had_ one hundred and pounds. Can this he be eeed was purchased of Ali; plaee. FAREWELL. CO CERT. young toWneinen Mr. Ge being about removing from will give a farewell. concert on Tuesday evg next the Ameteues of the place. on a bumper boute, as that our eotsaiseeopie wisi Cline to leave them withe vantage of so favorable ait of manifesting their .appr ability, _mid. the personal: *1iich he is -deservedly h VERY Biome—the serves the thanks of thos in either Clinton or Seafo -eery ontspoken manner has come down Otr the God for their misquotations of prices ranging in thoee t The Counzy seat papers-- . "writing up" their town tio: way than this, if they wan The fact that Clinton aied ways pay more than Goder duce, is too well known b3 - of this County for such ,a moveuient as the oie the called in_ question, to a thing. Love in High Thome. Adams, an impo of the population of Setif evelybody knows . is, or wideseset in his day arid is alone with his children, mered of a fair yonng sd. .Charlotte, whom, accordin he visited three or four In anticipation of takin another wife said Thomas re house at a cost of sixty moreover gave.unto Marls niue dollars in cash to g brook to get the iifixins." behold, Cherlotte did not on the stage of actien thither by the constalite weeks atter, at the i Thomas, and then - to a charge of obtaining' flee pretenees, before hie .. 13, -eve. Here is where 41 est" began Thomas set etecordaame with the above thought that he should ha Lack, more especially, co Let, as he avowed, that a, sum belongo- el ione 0 whieh he bad oerrowed to A step inetliers Charlotte