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The Expositor, 1869-08-20, Page 6
• n Collision on Lake Huron. The Steamer Silver Spray, 'of Goder- ich, was run into on Friday night by the propeller Comet, bound froth Buffalo for Green Bay. The accident happened at ten o'clock p. m. The Spray. left Godorich at three o'clock, and was near the Canada shore. Jug before enter- ing the St. Clair, the Comet had got out of the river, and; when firstseen was running as it were for the Canada Shore and right in the course of the Spray. Capt. Rowan, of they Spray, whistled and then, after a minute or two, seeing that the Comet did ° not change her coarse he _ whistled again, but the Comet held might on and struck the Spray on the larboard side right in front of the paddle -box. The Comet's speed had been greatly slackened, but if she had not struck the Spray's boilers she would have run right through her and sunk her in an instant. Captain Row- an and officers and men of 1 he' Spray and young Mr. Detlor of Goderich, one of the owners, did their duty `well. The boats were got ont and ladies and other passengers got safely off on board the - Comet _ There were about ; 20 passen- gers and eighteen of a crekv, and all were got off safely. The Spray, which was gradually settling in the water, sunk in fi t )en minutes, a porton of her upper deck remained out of the water.. A number of the passengers lost their clothing; and there was scarcely any- thing saved except the boats, books and papers. The Comet, which was injured on the bows by the collision, took the passengers and crew to Port .Bron. No blame is attached to Capt. Rowan or any of the officers of the Spray. The Comet did not answer the Spray's whistle, and sho was entirely off. her ° course when she struck the Spray. There was only a small quantity of freight on the Spray • She . was owned by J. V. Detlor & Co., Goderich, and insured, amonnt unknown. Board of Pupiic Instruction. At the August reetieg of the Board of Public instruction for the County of Ifiu'on the following persons were granted certificates :- FIRST CLASS. George Welsh, James. W. Strait, Joseph M. Wilson, .Elizabeth Wood- man, Catherine J. McCari n, Malcolm Morrison, Andrew Hutson, Ronald McDonald. R. A. Graham, William McIntosh, Finlay S. Scott, Ellen Jane Higgens, _Robert Moir, George Hender- son, Thomas Grey, Hannah Oak, John Coultard, Jonas Woodman, John Must- ard, Charles Riche, Archibald C. Hob - kirk, Robert Scott, Annabella Brown, Henry E Hueston, S. P. Buckland, R. Fowlie, James Scott, John Mundie, H. Cameron, Ellen Mundie, Williafn Shin- ary, Cornelius Bowerman, John Hamil- ton, Elizabeth Dalgety, Ellen English, Malcolm Campbell, Annie McFarlane, Jane Arthur, Patrick F. Somers, James A. Jor.es, Margaret Jane Churchill, Lucinda Hannah, Peter Straith. SECOND CLASS. Albert Spalding, Roderick McKenz- ie, Daviel McConnell, Catherine Smith, Charlotte Spaulding, Walter Campbell, Hector McLean,' James Nichol, Alex- ander Reid, C. J. Hetherington, Marga- ret Ferguson, Rebecca Ste/Tits, James Kestle, Andrew Fribes, _ Hugh Mc- Ewen, Patrick DeCantlon, Susan Mc- Donald, James De Cantlon, Daniel Haden, Duncan McLeod, George C. Wightman, William Jackson, John L. Troy, Henry C. Brown, Jobn Baird, John Hutchison, Thamas Quigly, A. Cowan, Robert Knox, Emily Case, Susan Hill, Annie 'Tribman, iMalcolm Isbister, James iN1gyrison, Walter Al - ander. THIRD CLASS. -Leah Desjarctins. cruet stand, with English cut glass cruets, glued at $Z*. C/wimpionship of Canada Through the kindness of the present champions, the « Young Canadians" of Woodstock, the Committee are enabled to present the Silver Ball and Championship of the Dominion for competition, with a purse of $50, added by the Committee. Open to Canadian clubs only. Special Prizes will be awarded for the best uniform, batting, catching, pitching, thr swing fielding, etc. CONDITIONS OF THE TOURNAMENT. 1sT. All entries must -='be sent to the Secretary of the Committee, on or be- fore the 19th inst. 2rm.s-Captains of competing clubs must 'register their names at the store of Messrs. E. Plum- mer & Co:, 114 Dundas Street, on Monday, 23rd inst. 3RD. ---The order of playing will be decided by lots drawn by a Committee of . two persons appointed by the Captains on Monday, 23rd inst. ,4TH. -Committee reserve .the : right of naming the day for each match, if necessary. 5TH. --Captains will receive proper notice of the time at which their clubs are to play ; and any club not on the ground within half an hour of the time specified, the game will be scored as lost by them. 6TH. Captains of competing clubs. have a right to choose their Umpire. 7TH. The ball (Harvey Ross' regulation) for each ' match will be furnished by the Committee free. 8TH. -Entrance money to be ten per cent on the amount of the first prize in each class, money to accompany the entry. Eor the Champ- ion Match no entrance fee is required. 9TH. -Junior clubs, to enter as such, must be-, composed of young men 18 years of age and under ; ocher classes as stated ix prize list. 10TH. --In all points not. covered by the foregoing rules, the rules of the National Base Ball Association for 1869 will be ap- plied. Stephen Council. -Council met according to adjournment, •all members present. Minutes read and signed. Clerk to write to 0. Mitchill requesting him to settle up with the Council immediately. Inspector of licenses to notify all parties sell- ing liquors-- in the township not having li- cense, that unless they procure license im- mediately they shall be dealt with as the law directs. Moved by II Doyle, sec., by J Mollard That $10 be granted Capt. Hynd- man to aid in procuring a target, as Usborne- has granted a like sum. Moved by J. Moll- ard, sec., by,H Doyle That $10 be . granted to Exeter Agricultural Show. , Moved by H Kuhn, sec,. by D. Coughlan That $20 be ex- pended in improving Crediton side line west of 11th con, Resolved that the Clerk draft By laws to raise $2,000 for township pur- poses " and $4,402.10 for county purposes. Moved -by H Doyle, sec., by D Coughlan That a special grant of $20 be made to open upa road on south side of Crediton Road, In .14th and 15th con. Moved by . H Doyle, sec., by J Mollarcl That the Clerk notify J. Carling respecting some road worknot done in his beat, to have the same done. Moved by H Doyle, sec., by J; Mollard That the Clerk read, the minutes of the meeting last y ear ordering the Reeve to sign two orders, one in favour of I Eilber of $11 for - lumber, and the other in favour of J Finkbiner of $29 for 'work done on Sable con., bridge. Resolved that the Reeve and J Kuhn attend to the repairing of Essary's bridge. Resolv- ed that Mrs Dock receive $2 for saving the bridge near bend of Sable from fire. Resolv- ed. that James Rogers see that the drain on cooncession road; between lots 4 in 2nd. and 3rd con., be so cleared out as to cl rain the east side of road. Resolved that the follow- ing orders be granted : Base Ball Toufriaament. A grand Base Ball Tournament is to lie field at London, open to ail comers, for one week,' • Commencing` Monday, August, 23rd, under the auspices of the Tecumseh Base Ball Club, at -wrliich one thous=and dollars will be given as prizes. The foliowing is the PRITr LIST. First Class -Open to Senior Clubs- First- prize, $150 in gold ; second prize, a magnificent 21 -day, extra fine, gilt French clock-, extra strand, shade, etc., valued at $80 third prize, beautiful English tea set -valued at $50. Seco ldl.Ctass--=Open to Clubs orga- nized within two years, and to Second Nines of Clubs having _First Nines on the ground ---First prize $100 'gold ; "second prize, magnificent silver tea set, valued at $60 ; third pr'izer one of Sing- er's celebrated A. 1 sewing machines, valued_ at $45. 77uz:'d Class ---Opera to Junior Clubs; and Clubs formed within one year- Frst prize, ,µ;,it) gold ; second prize, a b� atiliful silver and English cut glass liquor stand, valued at 3:5 ; third l raze. <rn elegant breakfast st-,t o silver; and ;Bohemian ware, valued at $25. ' Cla.s-Op n to cl ohs couipOS- e 1 of colored citizens of the United *;tates anal Dolriini,an of Canada, -Fist p'ize, f•5O gold ; sepoucl j rize, silver I To sundry parties for work on roads Loaned tc Trustees Charity , Capt, Hyndman to aid. in procuring Target Agricultural show $591 45 32 00 40 00 • 10 00 10 00 Resolved that the Council now adjourn to meet again on the second Saturday in Sep- tember. C. PROUTY, Th. Glerk. Insolvent Act of 1864. ROBERT TURNER, JAMES o0 Plaintiff v8. YOUNG, the Elder, Defendant. lWRIT of Attachment has been issued in this cause. J,. MACDONALD, Sheriff. Per A. FRASER, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Goclerich, Aug. 12, 1869. 89-3in, Insolvent Act of 1864. In the Cownty Iluron. In the matter of THOMAS KNOX, An Insolvent. Court of the County of TENDERS will be received for the pur- chase of the whole of the stock of the above named Insolvent, until the Twenty - Third clay of August, instant. The Stock Book will be open for inspectiou at the office of Mr. J. S. Porter, Seaforth, with whom tenders may be left ; also at the office c.f the undersigned, Goderich. The stock consists of .Groceries and Liqu- ors of the best quality. JOHN HALDAN, JR., Official Assignee. Goderieh., Ang. 11, 1869., b9 -lin. J f1. VF, LUL -)E, M. D.. C. ., PHYSI- CYAN. Sur"eon, etc., E niondville. EDWARD CASH. E�wozacl3-:l , Dee. 14, 1668.53-tf. I Scaforth, April 14, 1869. S A:FORTH EXPOSITOR..._ • SIGN OF THE SCOTCII COLLAR. THE undersigned begs to inform the farm - ere and others of the County of Huron, hat he has opened a first class HARNESS & SADDLERY I•N. SEAFORTI 1 And being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment. he can and will offer superior inducements to any other party doing business here. `[TIS COLLARS particularly, are acknow- ledged by caupetant judges to be su- perior to any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the community, he is satisfied that all who favour him with their patronage will have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all work manufactured at' his shop, places him in a position to warrant all work sold by him, and his motto will be " the nimble six- pence before the slow shilling." Come along farmers and judge for yourselves. No charge for showing goods. . tirShop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth. WM. H. OL [VER, Seaforth, June 18, 1869. 80-tf. LOST OR STOLEN. ABOUT the 7th day of August, an Ac- count Book, containing several accounts and Two Promissory Notes, payable to Wil- liam Vanstone. The payment of the notes are hereby stopped. • The finder, by return- ing them to Henry Garbe, Ainleyville, will be rewarded. Ainleyville, Aug. 16th. 89-3in. '69St `tilzu ZSIlf 1V Q.0 'mg O 0 0:1 mid z1; 11-% (f) mo- t, o tit" s4a CD` hml v Olt PI (It -• oft,r t:i 171,0 r -J N ` trio Cfad Ft; CD '' ,c1 N le5* U1 e 2 1 mei m r m ,9 ONTARIO HOUSE 7 EDWARD CASH, rApoRTH DISPENSARY Ana Family Drug Store. LU MSDEN has just received his R. Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, French, English and American Perfumery ; Hair Dressings, Oils, and Pomades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and 4hav- ing Brushes ; Dressing and Fine-tooth Combs; Toilet and Shaving Soaps, (tc., &c. Horse 8s Cattle Medicines, Condition Powders, etc., DYF .STUFFS ! ! Of very Superior Quality. HYSIC I ANS' Prescriptions accurately P prepared, HAS just received a fine lot of HAY AND HARVEST TOOLS, - Of all kinds. The oily genuine Morgan -CRADLES AND CYTHES In town. Best Linseed oils extraordinary cheap GODERICH STREET SEAFORTH. 53-1y. R. LUMSDEN, Pharmaceutical Chemist. eaforth. April 22. 53-tf. Furnituro FURNITURE. THOS. BELL has now on hand the largest stock in Seaforth, of every des- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest prices. 'Qual- ity of material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed. TTNI)ERTAKING- In all its departments, attended to in a satin factory manner. A Hearse for hire. T. BELL'S PATENT SPRING MATTRASS Kept constantly on hand, and fitted to any bedstead. This article is the best and cheap est made, as attested to by all who have us- ed it. Warranted to give satisfaction. 6:0 -Remember the place, OPP©S:1TE KIDD &M'MULKIN'S. Seaforth, Aug. 5, 1869. 87-tf LISTEN IIII WHILE LOGAN SPEAKS. For his Stock of SPRING GOOPS WAS Never Excelled In this Market. The Manchester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. Seaforth, May .4th, 1869. IT SIMONS, ■ HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER. TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHN • HALDAN, has been appointed Official Assignee for the County of Huron. Office at SEAFORTH,-J. S. PORTER'S. Office at GODERzc H,--DirectIy opposite ihs Post Office, Goderich, March 5th, 1868. 13-tf. All work clone in First -Glass Style. Or- ders to be Ief c one door North of Dr. Smith's ! - office. 67-3m. S+-tf. Farm for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale the farm be.. in;g Lot No. 9, in the 2nd Concession,. Township of Tuckermitli, consisting of 841 acres, mbarly all cleared- There is a good Frame House on the lot, and a large Barn, a never failing spring creek rums through the farin. Eor particulars apply to A. G: VAN EGMOND, At the Seaforth Carding Mile. Seaforth, July 2nd- 82.2ma M'GREGOR & SON, BOOKBINDERS, HULLET AREprepartd to execute binding in every style. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, Goderich, or at the FxPoSIToR" office, Seaforth, stating style,- may rely upon them being well bound. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, June 11, 1869. 78-tf, Insolvent Act of 1864 In the County Court of the County of Huron. In the matter of JAMES HATT, An Insolvent. Dominion; of Cada, Province ,of Ontario, County of Huron, To Wit : NOTICE is hereby given that on Thursday' the Sixteenth day of September next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon as Council can be heard, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dated at Seaforth this 7th day of July, A. D. 1869. JAMES H,ATT, By BENSON & MEYER. 83-tf. His Attornies ad Litent. INSOLVENT ACT of 1864.. In the Matter of JAMES ELLIOTT,. of. Seaforth, an Insolvent. THE creditors of the Insolvent are notic- ed that he has made an assignment of his estate and effects under the above act, too me, the undersigned Assignee, and that they are required to furnish me within two' months from this date with their claims, specifying the security they hold if any, and the value of it, and if none stating the fact, the whole attested under oath, with the vouchers in support of such claims. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Hur on, this 25th day of June 1869. JOHN HALDAN, Official Assignee. Goderich. June 25. 1869 82-tf- Insolvent Act of 1864. 1 In the County Court of the County of Huron, In 'the matter of EDWARD PENTON. An Insolvent.. Dominion of Canada, - PAovINCE of ` ONTAIiio, County of Huron, To Wit : -OTICE is hereby given thaton Thursday IA the Sixteenth day ofSeptember next,. at ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon as Council can be heard, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dattd at Seaforth this i th day of July, A. D, 1869. 'EDWARD PENTON. By BENSON & MEYER, His Attornies ad Liter. MR. JOHN THOMPSON THANKS his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receit; e its continuance. He has now onhand a large assortment of Good Sound . Green Hemlock ! T. Which .he warrants will give satisfaction_ ALSO, 2.00,0.00 FEET OF PINE! CUT FOR BUILDING- AND GENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal terra. Orders will be promptly attended to. • He. has also en hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS 4 To which he calls the attention of his old customers, who will find it to their advant- age to retire them- - promptly, and without -. legal proceedings. Seaforth, July 15th,. 1869. 14-tf- GO. TO T. 5. SIMONS' FRUIT < OYSTER EP©`I'1 For Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies, Cakes, and Sweets of every description. CALL AND 8EE His _Fresh Stock 1 Opposite McCANN'S Old Stand. Saforth, Feb. 12, 1869. 63-tt t TO BumzsTrr.. IN the best business portion of Seaforth, a Frame Shop 22x34, suitable for a Gro- cery, Book Store, &e. Immediate possession given. For particulars address WM. ROBERTSON & Co., Box 34, Seaforth, Out. • LATEST FOREI BRITAIN London, Aug, 12. -Tire €i port of -the Bank -of England, tie this afternoon, shows that; oont of specie in the vault ha £190,000 since the: last report The Times to -day publishes froni Madrid, the following' tract ;---Spain-cannot be in state. A. change must oorne, rulers are prepared for Their treasuary is empty. possible to collect taxes, and popular discontenu even ywher and his colleagues have no. ahead.• - Glasgow, Aug, 1 ? --Jeff Charles Mackay are in this mil London, midnight, Aug. miners held a meeting at Sh day to devise measures for k the strike. After er the meetili ber amen who had been -lir attaeaed the houses of some.n ists and sacked them. ; A followed, but it was fi miry stfl the police, who succeeded in the mob. At last accounts was quiet. SPAIN London, August 12, --The l' stipnlated by martial l:a. v, p April 17, 1821., which reguir sembling of a Counicil of 1172 ,insurgents, are not now being in Spain=. The troous shoot .1 uais suspected of Cariisan, wig kind of trial. Nine persons l summarily shot in the vicinity celon.ia, which has created' a impression among the people,. It is reported that Gen.;Prit offering the Crown of Spain Louis of Portugal, in which and Portugal would be govern similar manner to Austria Bary, and the King would residence between the head Madel, August 16.-Encou tinue :between the troops an; Carp `ts. Up to the presen the Carlists have been unfort- featcl-., Madrid, Aug, 18 Thi Bish denies the jurisdiction of t Government, and appeals to Sea. Some of the Bishops hs the decree of the Regent, of to warntheir clergy againstins Others still maintain silence. semblipg of the Cortes has 11 monied to meet on the 13th S in consequence of the urgency UINTED STA1'S1 New York, Aug. 14 ---Th moble will be opened to the IRO/TOW for messages betwee and Europe. The tariff to til ons message betvemn New '! Boston, - Duxbury and int stations and France and ere and )relaud will be $7 50 ten words and 75 cents j each additional weld. Richmond, Va., August 16. -on the south side of the rai1r~ the track, 12 miles from Pe this a. in. instantly killing conductor, and Rev. Wm. M oured preacher. NEW YOAK;' Aug. 1 --- Spragne was arrested here o on a charge of fraud. On he fled from Ogdensburg,Itsv 20,000 by fraudulent repre 411,000 whereof was from. Prescott, Canada, and taaki the wife of a citizen o canis to this city and eta Vera Cruz en the Ship White there he was seized w fever.. After his recovery h here under an assumed -nasi ,captured and sent back to Sprague was a broker an successful business at the ti flight. CUBA. avana,, Aug. 12. -The and the unsystemi?ed prevents Spanish tr ;off king any . movement at pr Insuigent-forces are held same ea.uses,_ and suer from sickness than the Spa' who have medical waggons sal attendaenoe. Havana, Aug. 14.-A pi disclosed iii Matarza to bread intended for the err'' place. There is a rumen Quires had attacked the,1' Sitio and killed 99. Havana, Aug. 18. -Capt_ eentlJ attacked, near A force of rebels 200 strong, from the jurisdiction of After a short fright the rem persial with a loss of ten kiil tach-ment oftroops a m of provisions* along the so; Crego Avila was attacked e by insurgents and compel back, suffering some loss, the train.. Reinforcemen the troops again advance the insurgents, and succeed.: ing Crego with their cony