HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-08-06, Page 7TAKE NOTICE �F T JOHN HAL DAN, has been ;ed Official Assignee for the County on. e at 5EA}ORT1I,-- . S. PoRTF.it*S.. e at GODERicx,--Directly opposite the face- erich, Mph 5th, 1868. 13-tf. Farm for Salo. 1 subscriber offers for sale the farm be- g Lot No. 9, in the 2znd Concession,. hip of Tuekermitbe consisting of 80 nearly all els‘arcall There is agood House on the lot,said a large: Barn, a failing spring creek, rtuv through the Eor partici lar poly to A. (1 VAN' l tTM OND, \t the Seaforth Carding :Till. oath,; July uEt f � REGQ . SON, )KBINDERS, S, IILTLLLT t;. prepartd to excel to binding in every yle< Persons rk.-siding at a distance wing their boots at the Signal Book Cx derich, or at the " ExoosrroR" Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon .being well bound. ,T THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without ut delay. srth, June 11, labii. %"S-tf. 1-{EIFER STAYED. YFli from the premi.es of the sub- :riber, about the middle of May, a. Tog heifer, all red, excepting white face, person g dna such information as will os her recovery, will be suitably reward JOHN WINTERS. forth, July 7th. . 83-tf solvent Act of 164. e County Court of the Couttbi ofHuron. the matter of JAMES HATT, An. Insolvent. tminion of Canada, , wince of Ontario, County of Huron, To Wit : OTICE is hereby given that on Thursday the Siateennth day of September .next, en o'clock in the forenoou, or as soori as diel can be heard, the undersi`med will ly to the Judge of thy: said t.`ourt for a barge under the said Act. )stet at Seaforth this. 7th clay of July, ist9 JAMES H A.TT, By BENSON & MEYER.. 3-tf. His Attornies ad Litein, 'SOLVENT �A . OF 1864. the Matter of JAMES ELLIOTT, f Seaforth, an Insolvent- 1HE creditors of the Insolvent are notifi- ed that he has made an assignment of estate and effects under the above act, to- the undersigned Assignee& anti that they required to furnish me within two- mths froiu this date with their claims, ecifying the security they hold if any, and_ e value of it, and if none stating the fact, e whole attested under oath,. with the Etnchers in support of such claims. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Hur- 1, this '25th day of June 1869. JOHN HALDAN, Official Assignee. Goderich.. Rine 25. 1869. 82-tf- Insolvent Act of 1864. rz the County Court of the County of Huron - In the matter of EDWARD PENTON. An Insolvent.. Dominion of Canada, 'noF INCE or ONTARIO, County of Huron, To Wit TOTICE is hereby given that on Thursday the Sixteenth day of September next, ,t ten of the, clock in the forenoon, or as soors • Council can be Beard, the undersigned win rpply to the Judge of the said Court for a Eischarge under the said Act.. Dated at Seaforth this 7th day of July, . I. 1869. EDWARDPENTON. By BENSON & MEYER, His Attornies ad Lite1W QO�ERtCK GRAMMAR S°°°" ! IkIIS school will resume business on Mon- day, the 9th of August, when all pupils, are requested to be present_ A thorough training is given in the usual subjects" of a High School Education, including Comms `` Bial .Arithmetic and Book -Keeping ; and pu- pils are prepared for matriculation in the, Universities and for passing the examina- tions of thet;Law Society, etc. For any fur- ther particu ars, application may be made to J. PRES`T'ON,B. A-, Head 1llastarr. 84-3in • Goderich, July, 1869. MR, JOHN THOMPSON T _tHANKS his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receive ice' continuance. He has now on hand a large assortment of Good Sound Green Hemlock ! Which: he warrants will give satisfaction- ALso, 200 >OGO FEET OF PINE! CET FOR. BRUM ARD GENERAL PURPOSES O, dens. Which he offers on liberal terms. will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a large assortment of TELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS . i r To which he calls the attention of his Oki- ; customers, who will find it to thee advert age to retire them. promptly, .. and without- legal ithonvlegal proceedings: Seaforth, July 15th,, 1869. 8 -- THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR. ,LATEST FOREIGN. BRITAIN. 'London, July 31. -Mr. Gladstone, who has been ill for a few clan past, has returned to London. His health is nzucli improved, though he is still weak.' London, Aug 2.-A company is organizing here to lay a telegraph cable from. Scotland, by.kway of the Orkney and Faroe Islands to Quebec, When completed, the whole line will prob- ably be purchased by the Post Office Department:, London, Aug. 3. -The Times, this morning, in its money article, says thete are strong rumors that prelimin- aries of agreement between Spain and the United Stas, with respect to"Cuba, have been arranged. A letter from Madrid says thatthe state of affairs in that country is dis- quieting. There is no prospect ahead but gloom and confusion. The Govern- ment has no fears of the success of the Carlists; but the writer does not think that all is lost for the Prince of Austri- UNITED STATES. Rochester, Jul v 20. -Peter Pentlers, of Ontario, Wayne county, was instan- tly killed by lightning while riding on a loan of hay yesterday. New York, July 31. -Rumours of another. Fenian raid on the Canadian frontier are current. Stocks of arms and cases of raw material ""aoout -head- quarters here give a color of probability to the report St. Louis, Aug: 2. -Much excite- ment exists in Pekin, Ill., In regard to the killing of a deputy sheriff " of Taze- o well county, while attempting tb arrest two horse -thieves. A crowd broke in- to the gaol yesterday and tookhe leader and hung him, but not before he had badly cut several of the lynching party -one of whom will probably die. It is believed tuat most of the gang will -be lynched. . New York, July 31. -Wt is stated that the whole line of-bhe Erie Railway is soon to be illuminated at night by the newly discovered E1ectrit Light. INDIA. London, August -`2:-Despatches from Bompay report that the nephew ^f Shere Ali, Anieer of Cabool, had ie - belled on account :=of certain new army regulations. He was captured with his two brothers, and sent to B. itish territory. The Indian Government will keep then at Lahore. SWEDEN. Sto-kliolm,` July 29. -The Prince Rcyal of Denmark was married to the Princess Louise of Swe4len to -day, WEST INDIES., New York, July 29.- The Tribune's Washington special says :-Front San- tiagy De Ouba comes news of a thous- and attrocities - committed -by the fain-, ous Francisco Perez, to whom a govern- ment in that part of the Island had entrusted the direction of matters in Guanatanamo anri. Baracea. Those bad men, waiting in every sentiment of humanity, and of every moral prin- ciple, had' been robbing and assassinat- ing every Cuban- whofwasbelieved to be a liberal. . Whole families in the vicinity of Guanatanamo, had been murdered by this bandit. Young and old persons havelbeen butchered by his knife, and his companions not being satisfied with the villianies committed here, passed on to Baracoa, were aided by a few other assaasians, they went from house to house. Hundreds of persons were in this way murdered, and with the full consent and knowledge of the authorities. Havana, ;July 29. -The insurgents are quite active in the central depart- ments. They have lately burned and destroyed a great deal of property about Trinidad. A conscription will soon be put in force in Cuba. It is popular with all classes, and the newspapers are insisting upon it every day. Havana, July 30.-A. meeting of stockholders of the Havana Railroad is to be held here next week to decide upon the future management of the 'road, Advices from Las Quiras report that the garrison there is suffering from want of provisions, and ..are anxiously looking for the convoy with supplies from I'uuertt. del Padre. The insurgents are committing de- predations in Santiago, Puerto Prin- celte and Trindad jurisdictions. SUICIDE OE AN UNKNOWN MAN NEAR THE SCARLBOR° STATION. --On Wednes- day morning, 28th inst, the body' of a man was found suspended from a tree on Mr. Stobb's farm, near the Scarboro Station. The deceased was ,dressed in a brown frock coat and pants, greyish vest, white cotton shirt, blue woollen socks, Panama hat, a new black si] k neck tie, and a pair of laced shoes. He was apparently about sixty year of age, and had doubt] ess, just come from the States, . as about .$50 American money, and $7 Canadian were found in his pockets ; also,- a pair of spectacles in a tin case, pocket knife and pocket comb and lead pencil. • He was a very stout man, about five feet ten inches in height, grey hair and whiskers, and light complexion. There was a small tumor on the upper part of left side df chest, and a smaller one on the left side near the spine; a mole on the left arm close to the vaccine scar, and a wart on the left temple ; a cicatric of an old cut, evidently produced by an ax, across the r;ght foot. The middle toe of the same foot, had been completely split, as shown by the scar, and the right middle inci- -sor and left lateral teeth gone from decay. Dr. Lapsley, Woburn, opened an inquest at Baird's Railroad Hotel, Scarboro', on the afternoon of the same day, which was adjourned till Friday evening at eight o'clock, in order to give an opportunity for the identifica- tion of the body. -Globe. For several days past a nest of bur- glars have been at work in Chatham Monday night they attempted to rob the safe of Messrs Thomas ]I. Taylor A Co., ; they succeeded in , prying off the padlocks and were well through the door ; they must have been frightened off. With about half -an -hour's work they could have carried off. about $2,- 500. This is the second attempt on Messrs. Taylor cL Co. A few nights ago several private houses were entered and small amounts of money and jewcl- .ery .carred eff. The Carlist rising in S pain has, to all appearance, suffered a sudden and hu- miliating collapse. From first to last it has been a poor, contemptible affair showing neither energy, pluck nor brains;64, thing entered upon without consideration, and without adequate provisiop to make it even respectable, and carried on as if, from the begin- ning, thoseengaged in it believed it to oe absurd. Don Cados has, .so far as accounts go, shown that he is not the "man for Galway," by faith- fully illust"ating the conduct of him who variously marched up a hill and then marched down again. It is to be hoped, now that the affair is over, the Government will show its ' magnan- imity by treating the foolish, infat- uated people engaged in it very len- iently. It can afford to do so; and by such conduct it would make itself still stronger than it is -strong thought it has shown itself to be, -Globe. (Advertisement.) . Sorrething Worth Reading. Furniture FURNIT'URE. • The success that has. attended the faithful and intelligent study of Photo- graphy has been so great, that one can get their own image perpetuated to pos: teLity. It is a great privilege to have a good practical Artist, one who thor- oughly understands the business; as al- so one who is stationary in a place, to whom you can go with confidence,,with the.assuranceof not getting disappoint- ed in getting a correct, artistic, faithful likeness, and from whom you .can get pietures at any future'L time from the negatives once taken. The days are past for those who drop down for a - week or two and are off again, having no interest at stake, and caring very little whether their customers are pleas- ed or aot, they are off; but not so with our Old Established and thoroughly practical photographer, Frank Paltridge, who stands to -day the acknowledged head and leading Photographer in this section of the country. He is a real live man, up to every wrinkle in the business ; is very obliging ; and has rooms, accommodations and facilities for executing work seldom met. He has" rooms and apartments for every- thing. Good pictures cannot be made where the fumes of so many different chemicals come in immediate contact with each other, and producing gasses fatal to making good pictures. His rooms are in Scott's Brick Block, near Sharp's Hotel, and under the ExPosl- TOR Office; cool in summer, warm in winter ; with dressing rooms, so that you -can bring your best clothes in a satchel and change to get your picture taken. Frank Paltridge also keeps the negative, and Ro fear of losing the picture of some near and dear friend, His best work is not at the door, but up stairs, one flight, and turn to the right hand, where -you will- find Frank always at home and in good temper. All pictures shown are of his own make, and not bought or borrowed to decoy the public. He guarantees satis- faction or no pay. Just walk up to Frank Paltridge's Gallery, his peci- mus are worth looking at, and you will be sure to see some person's picture you"know. Ii you don't want your pic- ture, never mind ; just walk up, he will be glad to see you, Remember, it is in a bi i„ k building. • 85 tf HOS. BELL has now on hand the largest stock in Seaforth, of every des- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, and all at the lowest prices. Qual- ity of material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed. 1J N'SDERTAKINGI-. Inlall its departments, attended to in a satis-- factory manner. A Hearse for hire. T. BELL'S PATENT SPRING MATTRASS Kept constantly on hand, and fitted to any bedstead. This article is the beat and cheap est made, as attested to by all who have us- ed it. Warranted to give satisfaction. Remember the place, OPPOSITE KIDD & IVI'MULKIN'S. Seaforth, Aug. 5, 1869. 87-tf CCARTWR1GHT, Surgeon Dentist. Stratford, Ontario, begs most respect- fully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has opened a DENTAL OFFICE over MR. Il.1C.(- SON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Sea - forth, and has procured the assistance of Mr. J. A. Ellis, Surgeon Dentist to take charge of the same. Mr. Cartwright will continue to visit Seaforth the second week of every month. All work warranted to give perfect. satisfaction. Teeth extracted withlittle or no pain by the use of the Narcotic Spray, which produces local an- asthesia, (want of pain.) Charges Moder- ate Terms Cash. REFERENCES :-Dr. Smith, Seaforth ; Dr. Shaver, Stratford ; J. Dutton, Chemist Stratford ;P. R. Jarvis. Esq.; Stratford ; Dr. Whiting. Berlin ; Dr. Rowans, Drumbo; Dr. Bray, Chatham, Mr. C. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, the third week of every month. Seaforth, Dec. 17th, 1868. 53-1y, BEAUTIFUL- HAIR, NATURE'S CROWN. You ?use Cultivate it. GRAY HAIR Is a certain indication o! Deoxy at the Roots. NIRS. S. A. ALLEN'S Hair Restorer Restores gray hair to its natural color and beauty and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the hair i beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance. Manufactory and Sales Offices, 35 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACE, N. Y. nxn 266 HIGH HOLBORN, London, Eng. fiii-Seatter and Rolls, Druggists, agents oa Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. January 28th. 1869. 60-ly. IF YOU WANT A PLOUCH'! GET A. "Victor" or Improved "Yocum." Steel Mouldboard, From JOHNSON BRo's. SIGN OF THE OLLAR. SCOTCH mHE undersigned begs to inform the farm- ers and others of the County of Huron, hat he has opened a first class HARNESS & SADDLERY IN SEAM-'ORT1i 1 Aud being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment. he can and will offer superior inducements to any other party doing business here. 11IS COLLARS particularly, are acknow- ledged by co,w.petant judges to he su- perior to any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the 'community, he is satisfied that all who favour him ,with their patronage will have no cause to' regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all work manufactured at his shop, places him in a position to warrant all work sold by him, and his motto will 'se " the nimble six- pence before the slow shilling." Come along farmers and judge for yourselves. No charge for showing goods. GShop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth. WM. H. OL IVER, . Seaforth, June 18, 1869. 80-tf. Cd Porn ONE PRICE ONLY, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PARASOLS,. NEW MANTLES, NEW SHAWLS, NEW HATS, NEW BONNETS. NEW FLOWERS. New V V CHEAP COTTONS, CHEAP SHIRTINGS, CHEAP PRINTS, CHEAP CLOTHS, CHEAP TWEEDS, CHEAP HOSIERY, CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES. FRESH GROCERIES. PRODUCE I,N EXCHANGE AT CASH RATES.. Immw N r• a Rd CD TD 7 7 o A ;It.1 � N ac cij C � 144 ctz c4 i cNt ftt N. •suos}sago}= ;;oag C�. kat- ;Itt CD V NOTICE. To all whom these presents shall Com , Greeting : JOHN PAPPLE, of the Township of • Tuckersmith, Yeoman, do hereby apolo- gize for making the following statement, made to Hugh McKay, in the presence of Alexander Pane, "that Hugh McKay gave a house to a thief and a robber," meaning William Papple, "that he, William P,apple, had robbed my barn," and 1 regret and apol- ogize for making the said statement; and that said statement was not true ; and that Ann Mathewson endorses the above. Given under our hands and seals this 23rd day of June, A. 1). 1869. JOHN PAPPLE. her ANN MATHEWSON, mark. Signed and sealed in the presence of Thomas Stephens. And I, Mary Papple, wife of .7o n Dapple, never said anything about William Papple, and believe him to be a good boy, and that II. never saw him steal any thing. her MARY ; PAPPLE. mark. Signed in presence of Thomas Stephens. 86-2in EXAMINATION OL` School Teachers ! HE Board of Public Instruction for the • County of Huron, will meet in the Cen- tral School House, Goderieh, on Wednesday and Thursday, the IITH AND 12TH DAYS OF AUGUST, Next, both days at 10 o'clock a. in. Appli- cants.for certificates -will then have an oppor- tunity of being -examined ; those wishing First -Class on Wednesday and continued or Thursday ; those wanting Third -Class, on Wednesday, and Second on Thursday. Candidates, before being admitted to an examination, are required to furnish certifi- cates of good moral .haracter, signed by a Clergyman or aJustice of the Peace: D. H. RITCHIE, Secretary. Bayfield, July 19th. 86-2inn. Insolvent Act of 1864. In the County Court of the County of _, Huron. In the matter of LAWRENCE PIER..SON CU LLODE N, An Insolvent. Dominion of Canada, Province of Ontario, County of Huron, To Wit ; AOT10E is hereby given that 'on Tuesday, the Fifth day of October next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon as coun- sel can be heard, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a dischara e under the said Act. Dated at Seaforth this 28th day of July, A. D. 1869. By BENSON & MEYER, 86-9i . . His Attornies, ad Litem . Mortgage Sale. UNDER a power of sale contained in by mortgage made by James McCracken,, of the Village of Seaforth, County of Huron, and Mary Jane McCracken, his wife(being• a party thereto for the purpose of batting her•: dower), default having been made in the due payment thereof, and due notice having been given to all parties interested, the re will be - sold BY PUBLIC ° AUCTION, ON Monday, 9th of August. Next, at 12 :o'clock, noon, At Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth, The following property,„, namely : Yi�lage,. Lot Number Seventy ve, on the North side of Railway -street, in the said Village f` Seaforth, withvaluablebuildings thereon. TERMS nnade known at sale, Deed ten- der power of sales in the mortgage. BENSON & MEYER, Solicitors for Assignee of Mortgagee Seaforth, July 27th, 1869; 86-2in SEA FORTH - DISPENSARY' And Family Drug Stare* RLII i1rlS D N has just received lits ■ Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, French, English Oa American Perfumery ; Hair Dressings, {lilt;, and Pomades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shav- ing Brushes ; Dressing and Fine-tooth Conml , Toilet and Shaving Soaps, &c., &c. Horse 8s Cattle Medicines, Condition Powders, etee, ! D YF STUFFS ! I " Of very Superior Quality, TIOIlYSIC ANS' Prescriptions accuratc:ly prepared, R. LUMSDEN, Pharmaceutical C'he rikt, eaforth. April 22. 5- f,