HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-08-06, Page 63
A Murderess l strlwed.
Governor Pollock, of Georgia, repri-
enrieved Harriet Grier, alias Harriet Crit-
tenden, a negro, who was condemned
to..be executed at Macon on Friday last.
for the murder. of Nancy Wright, a
white girl about 17 years of age, near
that city, on the 16th of March last A
reprieve was granted until August 20th
that she -"might have full opportunity
for prayer andPe nitience" On Wed-
nesday last, while anticipating a speedy
death, . she made x the following con-
fession :
My right name is Harriet Crittenden
and not Harriet Grier, as 1 am called
in Macon. W hen a slave I belonged
to Mr. Oliver Crittenden, at Americus,
Ga. My father is named Joy Critten-
don, I came to Macon . from. Ameri-
.mericus, about three. weeks before I com-
mitted the crime for which' I die to-
morrow: I. mete Nancy - Wright and
went home with her and solidall ni h#
She showed me some money thatnight
which she - had made by selling light-
wood, but I slid not intend stye tune
get -"it. or kill hAr - to t"it.- The
to steal it n
next morning, while Nancy" was fixing
about the ho1i se, I went to a . grocery
near by; and a black man who was at
the counter, taking a drink, gave- me
something that made me drunk a little
—don't know . wiiefher it . was beer or
whiskey. -I felt playful and funny_
after drinking it, and returned to
Nancy' house, She asked me to go to
the woods with her and -help. her to get
lightwood; and we could make_some
money by it. We took the axe and
started off Nancy . cut her some wood
first, and came to where I had a Little
pile of light wood and sat down upon it,
telliug rue to Lake th e axe an d cut some,
as she was tired. When she sat down
e she handed me, the axe, and as I threw
it upon my shoulder the thought struck
me 'that I could kill Nancy so easy and
net the money she had, and before f
knew it hardly, I struck her on the
head with the edge of the axe -and she
slowly - fell forward on_ her face. I
struck twice 'more, and while she was
struggling I took the money from her
pocket and gran toward town. Soon
after killing' Nancy I saw her brother.,
who called me and. asked where his sis-
ter. was. I told him I- had left` her
clown yonder, and when 1 got on this'
side o f the railroad, I ran . as fast as I
could to keep him from finding me:
After getting where nobody could see
me I counted the money over. There
was $3.20. I then cam down in
town and bought some toys, cakes and
candy. I killed Nancy on Tuesday
but did not change ray clothing .until
Thursday morning. I went troxn one
place to another, not thinking much of
what I had done ; did not know the
Police were on my track until I was
arrested. Don't know what made one
kill Nancy unless it was whiskey and
the devil. ; I never "dommitted a criine
before. - t know the murder was a
mighty bad crime, the worst I could
commit, but I did not think of it at the
time. When Judge Cole passed sentence
on me I was much frightened, ;and felt
that I was; choking. 1 cool() not pray
or sleep when I returned to -- jail, -but
the good people canoe and *prayed for
me, and learned me how to pray to God
for forgiveness, and .I feel now that be
has forgiven me and that I will go to
Heaven. I have ° no fears - of death ;
have seen -people hung, and know what
is to ba done, but I am not afraid,: - If
I c4ald speak to all of my race I would
tell them never. to touch whiskey, and
never do wrong ; to think over a bad
act before they commit it, If I. had
only stopped to think, I. never would
have. killed. Nancy."
F of Hinted ficial Ass for the County
o uroxi.
Office at Sxa'roarEy-J. S. Pix opposite.
Vice i t GooEn=
icir -- e y
Post Mee.
Goderich, lath 6th, 1868. 134f.
Field writes to the Tribune i egarding
a two -headed girl who* she saw ' in
Boston during the peace jubilee. - .After
bier, the Siamese twins are -a - mere
bagatelle. - Miss Mill talks, sings eats
and drinks with botlt mouths, both
carving for the carne thing at- the sage
time, which is something -expensive,
to say the least, still 0.e can live by
feeding from one month alone. She
walks upon two feet or , four, and - I
heard her sing a duet about the "sweet
rose of color " in two agreeable voices`
Miss Milly, has no- need of a partner-,
in dancing. She is sufficient unto her-
self, and T. B. Aldrich, who, being a
poet, is indisputable authority, declares
that Miss Milly is twice as interesting
as any woman he ever saw—indeed
doubly attractive. He will =reduce his
enthusiasm to a poem in the ".Atlantic
Monthly." Miss Milly is never at a
loss for society, inasmuch as, she can
converse with two .:people at once; and
;v hen alone indulges in playful dialogue.
like the quality of mercy, Miss Milly
is twice; . blessed, for, from beginning,
lwztis it not been asserted, that two
heads are better than -ones
Mr Rebert Gorrie, Ancaster,• is the
happy father of triplets ---two boys and
hr — ne ehibiren aiia doing well,
leering,, Sale!!.
UNG -F& Co's
gots and Slioes
Te 11
Make Room for Fall Goods !
The Sign of the Big
`arm for
siibsertber offers for sale the farm be.in
Lot No. 9, in the 2nd Concession
Township of Tuckermitb, consisting of 80
acres, nearly all. cleared- There is a good.
Frame Hou4n the lot, and a large Barn, a
never failing spring er ck runs through the
fan. For partiAculars. G:VAN applyEt= . OND,
At the Seaforth Carding Mill:
Seaforth, duly 2nd.- 82-2m•
BE prepartd to exec'J e binding in every
A style. Persons residing at a distance
by leaving their books at the Signal 'Book
Store, Goderich, or at the ' ` FXFOSIToa
office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon
them being well bound. -
An'a returned without delay.
Seaforth, June 11, 1x69. 78-tf.
from the premises of the sub- _
scriber, about the middle of May, a
yearling heifer, all red, excepting whiteface.
Any person giving such information as will
lead to her recovery, will be suitably -reward -
JOHN rc�-
eci , -
Seaforth, July 7th, 88-tf
Insolvent Act of 1884
In the County Court of the County of-Haron.
in the matter of JAMES HATT,
An Insolvent;
Dominion of Canada,
Province of- Ontado,
County of 'Huron,
To- Wit :
TOTICE is hereby given that on Thrirsday
the Sixteenth day of September next,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon as
Council can be heard, the undersigned will
apply to the Judge of the said Court for a
discharge under the said Act.
Dated at Seaforth this ; th day of July,
A. D. 1869.
83-tf. His Attornies «d Lite=
INSOLVENT A (1' °V 1864. -
Iu the Matter of JAMES ELLIOTT,
of Seaforth, an Insolvent. '
mHE creditors of the Insolvent are noti .-
ed that he has made an assignment of
'his estate and effects . under the above act, to
me, the undersigned Assignee, and that they
are required to furnish me within two
months from this date with their claims,'
specifying the security they hold if any, and..
T the value of it, and if none stating the fact,.
the whole attested under oath, with the
`vouchers in support of such claims.
Dated at Goderich, in the County of Hur-
on, this 25th dayof June 1869.
Official Assignee.
Goderich. June 25. 1869. -tf- -
Insolvent Act of 1864.
In the County Court of the County of Huron.
In the matter of EDWARD :PENTON.
An Insolvent..
Dominion of Canada,
County of Huron,
To Wit
is hereby given that on ursday
e Sixteenth day of Septem r next,
at teal of the clock in the forenoon, o : as soozx
,as Co ncil can be)eard, the undersigned will
apply:to the Judge -of the said Court for A.
discharge under the said Aet.
Daft d" at Seaforth this Pith day of July,
A. D; 1569.
His Attornies ad Litems.
Next door to Scott Robertson's.
SE A EORTII, AUGUST 5th, 1869,
sHIS se'hool will resume business on Mon-
day, the 9th of August, when all pupils
are requested to be present, A thorough
training is given in the usual subjects of a
High School Education, including, Commer-
cial Arithmetic and Book -Keeping ; and pu-
pils are prepared for matriculation in the
Universities, and for passing the examina-
tions of the Law Society, etc, For inyf -
then particulars, application may be made to
Head Master,
Goderich, July, 1869. ' 84-3in. .
THANKS his numerous customers for
their liberal patronage duringl the last
fifteen years, and trusts he- will receive its
continuance. - He has now on hand a large assortment of
Good Sound.
Green lienaldck I 1
Which: he warts will give satisfaction„
200,000 FEET OF MEI
which be offers on.liberal ter, Orders,
willbe promptly attended- to.
He has also on hand a large assortment of
To which he nails the• attention of his -el&.
customers, who will findit to their advant=-
age to retire .them promptly, and without
legal proceedings. '
Seaforth, July 1511 1869. - -.
,London, July
who has been ill for a fey
has returned to London:
is WWII improved, thong]
London, Aug .---, A
organizing here to lay a to
from Scotland, by way o,
and Faroe Islands to Qui
completed., the whole lig
ably be purchased by th
London, Aug..3. —The
morning, m its t money
then;, -are strong rumor
.arises of agreement b 'twe
the United States, -with re
have been .arranged,
A letter from Madrid
state of affairs in that es
quieting: There is no pri
bat gloom and eontfusions
ent has no fears of the
Gal lists; but the writer :doh
°that all is lost for the Pri
Rochester, July 20.
of Ontario, Wayne count
tly killed by lightning w1
e loan of hay yesterday.
New York, ' July al
another Fenian. raid on
frontierre current. St
and eases of Law-nateral
quarters here give a color
to the report.
St. Louis, Aug. .
moat exists in Pekin,
the killer of a deputy s
well Bounty,: while attem
two horse -thieves. A ei
to the gaol yesterday
leader and hung him, but_
had badly ' cut several e
party—one of whom will
it is believed teat .most o
be lynched,`
New York, July '_3-1
that the whole line 'of the
is soon to be illuminated
the newly `discovered El
London; Aug
from Bompay report that
f Sh.ere Ali, Ameer of
belled -on account of e
regulations, : He was
his two brothers, .and se
erritoryy. The Indian:
will keep them at Lahore;
Seo: khol a, JJy 29.
Royal of Denmark was
Pr ineess Louise of Sweed
York, uIy 20
PNewa;.shington. special says
tiagy De Cuba comes n
and attrocities committe
sous Francisc Perez,
went in that - part of i
entrusted the direction
G anatanamo 1.I Ba
bad men, wanting in ev`:
of humanity, and of eve
eiple, had been robbing
ing everyuban who
be a liberal. Whole
vicinity of Guanatana
murdered by this bandit,
old persons haveebeen
knife, and his comport'
satisfied with the viliia
Here,. p s&I on to Banc'•.
by a 'few ether assays
fronn house to bow.
persons were in lois way`
with the full evnbent an
the authorities.
Havana, July 29.
are quite active in the
mentis; They have gat
destroyed a great deal
Trinidad. A conscrip
be put in force in Cuba.
with all classes, and the
insisting upon it every
Havana; July
stockholders of the Hay
to be held here next
upon the f rtur : tea:
road, Advies frim
that the garrison there
want of- provisions, an
looking for the conv0
from Puerto del Padre.
The insurgents are
predations in Santiago
cele and Trindad ju
For several days past
glars have been, at wor
Monday night they i
the safe of Messrs 14h
Co., they succeed£
the padlocks and were
door ; they in ust have
off With about half
they could have carni
500. This _is the s
Messrs. Taylor Co.
ago several private hous
and small amounts of in
.ery carried at