HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-08-06, Page 3FACTS AND SCRAPS.
A velocipede rink was open -ed ert
iunday last in Montreal.
Provincial one-doIlar notes, dee
0 fears,
are being passed in loateeeit
The, Tee -onto cabraen arte on a stiike
ni account of a heavy city license._
Reffeestein is staying in New yeek
with his sou whe is a broker in Wall
Mr. P. Chevalier, &farmer, who live
leer Three Rivers, is said to have died
ef Cholera hiet Friday.
The potato dieease has a.ppeeeed
3014 localities near the coast of New
The Rev. John Potts, of Hamilton,
will spend August at the sea -side. The
expense is borne by his congregation.
The Hon. Mr. Rose has returned te,
Ottewit and resmered the discharge d
his official finactions as Minister of Fie
A burglar entered the store of Mie
John Hitisley, of Uxbridge, a few
Lightsince, and careied Off a ch box
containing over $100 in silver.
The meeting of the Dorainion ,Pee..
liaraent is prorogued antil the'27th of
Septemuer and not then to meet for the
despatch of business.
A Pullman bleeping car passed
through, Harailton on Monday last from*
New York for San Francisco, where k
is expected it will arrive tomorrow.
Those -who are well advised from
Washington, conclude that our Minis-
ters are very slow in their Reciprocity
On Monday last, a man named King
of Richmond Hill, was cholecd to death
in Toronto by a piece of meat while
eating hie dinner.
The Dominion notes in circulation
on the 7th of July, amounted to,
791,000, specie, $1,175,0.00, debentures
held by Receiver General $3,000,000. -
The steam &eve and grist mill at Mo -
Kay's Corners, County of Kent,owned
; by Mr. Demetrius Hchnes, was totally
1destroyed by fire on Monday *night
The Rev.. Thomas WhnIrope, of Otta-
wa, has been -unanimously called to be
their pastor by the members of the
cone-regaeion of Chalraer's Church,
Eighteen deaths from yellow fever
have occurred on heard the man-of-war
Eclipse, On the passage freen Rio Grander,
to- Halifax. . A.111011g the victims were
the commander and first lieutenane
Mr. Christian of the Bank of Mon-
treal, arri-ved at Miramiebi, on the
1,4th inst., with the necessary fitedsr.
and the branch of the Bank went into
operation on the following day.
The Rev. Archibald Cross, late of
prsell, was, on Wednesday, the.25th.
inst., inducted to the charge of the Ca-
nada Presbyterian congregations of
Newtenville and Newcastle.
One of the convicts in the Peniten-
tiary was discovered on Monday morn-
;;with apattern key concealed in his
e bosom. If made use of, it would open
four ranges of cella He was punished
for the offefice.
Symers who was convicted for Big-
amy at Hamilton last spring, is getting
a good deal of public sympathy, as -the,
opinion is prevalent that he was the
victim of his first -wife's Machinations,
and a petition for the commutation of t
his tentence is in circulation.
A little boy, the son of Mr. Alex.
Snow, township of Grimsliy, while
playing in a field in which his father
was mowing, got tired and fell asleep -
in the grass. His father did not dis-
cover him until the knives came in con-
tact with him, -whereby he lost one toe,
had a hand nearly cut off and his side
lacerated. He may reeover with the
Joss of the hand. '
New York may very appropriately
be called, the "City of Strikes." At,
the present moment there are "strike&
among the tailors, the plate printers,
the piano forte makers, the hove
thieves, and the. gamblers. The cornet
makers were on a strike but have ref=
turned to their work. Tke"-- same re.'
Mark IS applicable to the cab drivers'
the brick -makers, and the ceipenters,
and several others of the mechanical
A serious aceident happened in the
village of Baden on Friclit, bv which
Mr. Roscow, a miller in the employ of
Beeke.„ Esq., was seriouely
ed It appears that he was alone, in
es_ t the nun, when one af the mill -stones
buret, throwing the pieces in every
ali rection. A small piece struck his dog,
i which ran home and alarmed Mrs. R0g'.
cow, who immecliatel-v suspected some'
thing was wrong She iffejit to tee
mill and found the wheel running, at
- fearfAil rate, but could see nothing of
a.' her husband. She- gave the alarni
on(e, and search was coral:cleric d
raulThey found him in the basement
c.lappears that a large fragment sttuck
esi }UM On the chest, breaking his breast.
1 is 1 bone and knocking hini down stairs'
At last accounts he was very low.
As will be seen by., advertisement,
eleeeihere, Maii-street in Seaforth as to
be gavelled by the County.
JolitisTox Bito...'s of this place, have
la.tely completed an improved - cheese
vat for Mr. Fowler. It has many re-
commendtug qualities.
THE Goderich Stgnal says :—"The
pews in the Wesleyan Church were
sold Monday forenoon to the highest
pidder, seine ot them running np as
high as
txtra; for the neatest delivered sheaf,
and best act of the way of the team
coining ro nd again, Glen & Co.
The da
contest, f�
gone a fe
teat opera
but we
judges we
thus labo
A commimication from our first cor-
respondent on the Banking question;
ia reply to the last article of "'Ontario "
On the same subject is crowded out of
the present issue, but will appear M,
onr next.
A young man, on the evening of the
circus got into a row, and received a
severe blow, making e wound on the
scalp. of &axle three inches.. Dr.
Tracy dressed the wound and thesuf-
• ferer is doing ev-ell.
Levi J. Noneit's °mous visited this
town on Tuesday. The afternoon per-
formance was not very - exetnsively
patroniied, but in the evem
bit- of "room was occupied.
for minces were not so varied'
ly, but were skilful beyond ta oremary.
AnTLEYVILLE.—A young lad. n am ed
Clark, was drowned in the river, Mait-
land, near Ainleyyille, on Sabbath 1-a.st.
It appears that he. in company with
some -other young persons, went in to
bethe and it is supposed. he was seized
With cremps • end sank before any assis-
• tance could be rendered. •
"TEMPERANCE.- --Mr. Thos McMuray,
one of the agents of the "United. Can-
• adian Alliance" for the total supreSsion
• ot the Liquor Traffic, will deliver • a
Lecture on Ternpera.nce, ittlthe Tem-
peran.ce Hail, Seaforth, on Friday, Au-
gust 6. Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock
collection_ will be _taken up at the
close of the meeting. • -
THE Clin' t011 Kew Era of this week
contains the "Valedictory" of its pub-
• lisher, Mr. Holmes, as, also, the "Pros. -
pectus" of its future, under the Manage-
ment of the new proprietor Mr. Mathe-
son. While we regret the departure of
Mr. Relines from the "Newspaper
World," we welcome his successor to
his new field of labor, • who is an old
hand at the businiss, and under whose
direction we hope to see the "New Era"
was a very poor one for a
as soon as tbemachines had
rounds the rain fell a9 hard
ions had to be discontinued,
liev'e that the award of the
e in every way satisfaAory,
riding the disadvantage they
red under, to arrive at a just
conclusion. . It will be seen by the en-
tries that -none but self rakrng ma-
chines were entered, thus indicating
that no, other kind will be tolerated by
the publie in this age. The great curi-
osity of the day appeared to be the
" 1V.farsh Harvieter." This machine is
so constricted that two men can stand
on it -and bind thd grl.in as it is out.
• Notwithstanding the busy season,
some fourior five h undrW spectators were
present, artd a nlosti hearty and well -
g every
Is per-
Ontario Teaclie
The 9th annual Cony
Teachers' Alisociation of
ad in the Temperance Ha
on Tuesday, the succeed
and Saturday, in the T
Normal School Buildings.
ers, with the President,
•Nelles D.. ./ D •Princip
University, in the Chair..
ing, at half -past seven o'c
sident delivered an op
after which the business
tion was prcceeded
proceediege of the Cony
lowing topics will be dis
periled with an. address
member of the associatio
1. What studies shou
our schools
2. On English idiom
sions, and the best, metl
merited ,yote of thanks Was passed by 3. The best method o
them to kr. Copeland for his generouslory
conduct OR the occasibn. 4. Essay on the best
The marked success of all the meet- tivating the voice and. r
ings of the South- Huron . Agricultural pressior.
Society, we believe is no ?mall degree 5. Our text -books in
the result of the untireing energy of
the Secretary.
Mr. Copeland desires to return his
thanks to the large numbers who carne
to the reaping match armed with rakes
for the purpose of binding the geain
had the day been fine.
'Ilion of the
$ tar* open -
1 3 Toronto
ng t o days,
eatre ef the
The m mb-
e Rev. S. .
1 of Victori
Itt the even-
ock, the Pre-
ning address,
f the Associa-
During the
ution, the fol-
ussed, accom-
r essay by a
d be taught in
tical expres-
od of analysis.
teaching hist-
tethod of cul -
tiding with ex-
abopted to in
roper course of
• During the day, ata meeting of the
Directors of the Society, it as resolved
to combine the Fall Seed Show -with the
annual show at Seaforth, on the 30th
of Septernber and lst of October next,
and to 'offer the Canada Company's
prize of $30 fot' the hest ten bushels of
-wheat as a first prize, and five and three
dollars respectively- for the second and for the Heaviest Bal
third prizes. The winner of the Canada age of 2 and 3 years.
Company's prize to give his wheat to Handsome Picture an
Society. Neatest Dressed Boy;
*• years,—Sixth Prize—
• the Neatest Dressed
age of "2 and 4 years.
decilion of three Lady
_continue in prosperity,
• ROWDYISM.—On Wednesday last a
lad of about J6, named Dixon, was
brought before D. L. -SillsEsq., J, P.,
6. What means can b
duce pupils to pursue a
reading after leaving se
Hamilton had a "Ba
5th inst./ arid awarded
First Prize --Splendid
for the Brightest a.nil
Looking Baby, bet ---e
and 12 neehtlis. —Seco
Chair, for the -Heavies
the age of 9 and TI
Prize—High Chair, fo
Baby, between the a<
months, --Fourth Priz
by W. N. Watson, for using insult-
ing language to the coroplainent .on the
streets, and, was fined one dollar with
• costs, amounting to something over five
dollars. The presiding magistrate gave
the young rowdy a most righteous lecture.
on the impropriety of "street corner
loafing," which cOntainpd ritmerous
hints; that we hope will be acted up-
on, not only by young, but by older
individuals; of the Same class.
DURING the past week./ we passed
through a goocl part of ther counties of
Huron, Perth, and Middlesex, and our
observations everywhere, lead es to the
• conclusion that the crops are generally.
alteve those ofaverageyears. Through
Middlesex haying is nearly completed,
and in some parts, rite so. A good
deal of fall* Wheat is also harvested in
•F�w own Correspondent.)
• The 1ord Bishop of Huron was in.
Wingh4m last week for confirmation.
The new* beidge at Bluevale will be
erected as soon as the water is low
to adtatt of operations• . •
Ceoes.—The farmers have taken ad-
vantage. of the few cla,vs of fine Weathea-
with Which we have been favoured to
secure as much of their hay as possible,
but there ere still large quantities out.
The .fall wheat harvest will soon com-
mence !if the weather continnes favour-
ACCOENT. —Robert Duff, a young
man imployed with Mr. George Young,
framer, cut his foot very severely last
weeks He was " score.hecking," and
his axe* having glanced it inflicted a,
wour4 fohr or five inches in length and
so deep that the foot is cut completely
through for about three inches. He is
linden/the care of Dr. Sraale.
good order, as well r barieY. •
•-So far
as the wet weather is concerned we do
not think the crops have suffered by it,
excepting peas on heavy,' flat, and un-
drained soils, whereltn many ceses they
are half ruined, and, in. this, section
large • quantities of hay were spoiled.
The weather now is most auspicious for
harvesting, and farmers aretaking
• every advantage of the ame. The
spring wheat in most places, we under-
stand, is badly damaged -with the
midge; happily. however, the area of
this crop i., smiL Rust has struck
the wheat in some sections though this
is not at a4 general.
A s
the V
ccial meeting of Council was held at
age of Egniondville, in the house of
rits, on Friday the 16th July, at the
hour of three o'clock. p.m., pursuant to
noticif from the Reeve. All the members
present. The Reeve having taken the chair
the minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved of. , Letter from the County
Clerki, stating the amount of County rates
requliredirom the Township of Tuckersraith,
for the currt-nt year, viz :--for general and
special County purposes, $4230.54, for Leg-
islstive School equivalent, $358.00, ordered
to be, filed. Report of the Board of 'Health
Offie xi was laid before the Council and a,p-
prov d of • The minutes of a meeting of the
Reeves andSchool Superintendants of
McKillop and Hilbert, held at Carronbrook
24th Dec., 1868, was,la.id before the council
wheiiA was moved by Mr. Jackson, sec. by
Mr, Da11311, that the alterations*.in Union
School, Section No. -1, McKillop. by the
Reeves of McKillop and Hibbert and Local
School Superintendants, Johnston. and Rath,
so Or as related to the ,Tuckersraith portion
of said -Union School Sectibn be not recog-
nized. by the Council, and that the Clerk be
instructed to make no alterations in the as-
sessment of the Tackersmith portion of
Unibn School Section No. 1, nor in School
Section, No. 11, inekersmith,--Carried.
Account of Messrs. Ross and Luxton, for
printing, amounting to five dollars, ordered
to be paid. Moved by Mr. Dallas, secby
Jackson, that widow Ochlborn receive
sum of four dollars, charity. being in
gent circumstances, —Carried. Moved
Ir- Dallas, sec. by, Mr. Jackson, that
Oremusi receive the sum of five dollars
on acount of indigency,—Carriecl. Moved
Ir. Cousins, sed. by Mr. Jackson. _ that
es McLean and James Dallas, be author
and instrueted by this Council, to let by
y Show" on the
rizes as follows:
hild's Carriage,
lost Intelligent
n the age of 6
d Prize—Cane
Baby, between
the Hea-viest
e. of 18 and 21
,,-High Chair,
y, between the
Fifth Prize—
Frame, for the
ietween 2 and 4
ilver Basket, for
irl, between the
(Subject to the
Sealed Tenders
ILL be received by the County
veyor on the part of the Municipal
-Council for the County of Huron,.
til Saturday 21st inst.
Fo Repairing the Gravel Road North
of Clinton. '
lst.— Tom Clinton tie Londsboro Bridge.
• 2nd.—From Londsboro Bridge to the
Bridge at Blyth. •,
Tenders to state the price per co:d. of 128
cubic feet, for clean and coarse Gravel deliv-
ered on the road, and carefully spread. and,
The work to be finally completed' on the
10th October next.
(Signed), ,A.. BAY,
County Surveyor.
County Surveyor's Office, •
Clinton August 4th, 1869. 87-A
Tile HOUSE OP Lon S,—The London
Star exhumes the urec rd of the House
of Lords for the last forty years, during
which time, on almost every important
queetion, it has pursued 'a constantly
illiberal and retrograde course. The
Lords opposed the Reform Bill.; Ro-
man Catholic Ernancipition ; the Irish
Church Bill ol 1833; the Corporation-
• and Tests Acts; the throwing off of
Jewish Disabilities; the Bill of 1834,
removina the disqualification which bar -
fed the l'iniversities against Dissenters,
Sir John Trelawney's Bill of 1868, for
the abolition of church rates ; the Muni-
cipal Reform Bill of 1865 ; the Corn
Taws; Melbourne's • Educational Bill;
of 183.9 ; Life Peerages' Bill of .4859 ;
Peper Duties' of 1869.
Sealed Tenders
• 2000000. FEET
LI! -U.-. NI ft.
• Jr. BE
THE undersigned begs to M. ate to Far-
mers and others, that he has a large
stock of Lumber in his yard, ad)oinino•
Messrs Shearson & Co, 's Mill, Seaforth:
comprising all the Varieties necessary for
building purposes, which he is determined
to sell at -very low rates for Cash Those
intending to build, would do well to call and
examine the stock before purchasing else-
where. •
ILL be received by the County Sur-
veyor on the part of the Municipal
Council for the County of Huron, .
a . le
Until Satrday 21st inst
. -1.
For Repairing, -with clean and. coarse Grav-
el, the London and Mill Roads. in the Com-.
ty of Huron, viz :
Section No. 1.—From McGillivray Tow -a-
line to 'rancistown.
• 'ectin No. 2- —From Francistown to Toll-
gate No. 3.
Section No. 3.—From Toll -gate :No. 3 to
Sectio -n. No. 4.—From Brubefield to Clinton
Section No. 5.—From Bruceiield to Eg-
mondville. - -
Tenders to state the price per cord. for
Gravel, when spread on the road. and broken
small enough to drop through a 2 finch ring.
The work to be completed before the 15th
of October next.
(Signed)/ A. BAY, -
County -Surveyor.
County Surveyor's Office,
Clinton, Aug. 4, 1869. 87-3in
P.'S..—He is also prepared to furnish Bill
Stuff, Lath, ancl all kinds of Dressed Lum-
ber. • - • THOMAS LEE.
• Seaforth, May Srd. • 74-32n.
Farmers and Others.
iinder,signed having neeely fitted out
„ ns mill in a first class style, in winch
he is now grinding for every
Or exchanging -flour for gool wheat at 41
lbs. te the bushel.
• , South Huron Reaping Match.
This match came off on Wednesday
on the farm of Mr. Copeland, Lokidon.
Road, near Kippen.
There were six entries of machines as
follows:• John Jackson, Lucan, J. Long,/
agent, Ball's Ohio, Dodge St Steven-
s=, Self Rake.) • Verify & Ross, -Fran-
cistown, Ball's • Ohio, Johnston's Self
Rake; Glen & Co., Oshawa, C. McLeod
and W„ IF. Broadfoot, agents, Bali'
Ohio, Drek's Self Rake ; Paxton
Tate & Co., Port Perry, Marsh Harvest-
• er ; Joseph Sharman & Co., Stratford,
Ohio Buckeye, Johnston's Self Rake,
L.• D. Sawyer & Co., Bamilton, T.
Cooper, agent, Ball's Ohio, Dodge &
Stevenson's Self Ra,ke.
• Acting Judges : W. Arbuckle, B.
Smilie, and W. Chesney.
The prizes were as follows : lst.
Sharman; 2nd. Verity & Ross; 3rd.
L. D. Sawyer; 4th. Paton & Tate
Me0A141FTON.— A.t Fgmondville, on the 4th
inst., the wife of 'N/r. McOmpton of a -son
ArrenisoN.---McKENziE—By the Rev. Wm.
Graham, on 3rd of August Mr. Wil-
liaralAitchison to and. Miss Isabella Mc-
Kenzie. Both of the Township of Me-
Killop. •
' SEAVORTH, Aug. 6, 1869. For Gravelling the line of road fr im 1,g- i
•Office, and Opposite Veat's Store.
Wheat, (Fall) f bushel, 90 (`-'19,5, mondville Bridge, through. the Village of I
Wheat (Spring) JP' bushel, $ 190 ® 9' Seaforth, to Williams' Pump Factory, 1/ Where he wilt always be ready to -please his
Barley f bushel, °' 50 @ 55 mile. ' - :.1 . patrims• and give satisfaction to those who
favor him With a call.- .
Oats tfi' bushel, 2 2 . (10 The Gravel must be of the best qnalitr,
65 clean and coarse; perfectly free from monk, ,
Peas f bushel, .
Potatoes f bushel, (n
Hay f ton,
Sealed Tenders
. Roxburgh Mills ,
E.1.e,aforth. June 4th, 1869. - 78-3m.
CflAME into the premises of the subscribsr,
Lot 21, 4th con., Tuckersmith, H. R. S.
about the middle of the inontikof May last,
a, two year old. Steer. The owner ' is re-
quested to prove property, pay charges, and
take it away. •
July 15th, 1869.
CrEAME into +aie-premises' of e subscriber,
on the 6th_ -inst. a bay horse. The
owner- is requested to prove- property, pay
• charges and take Irini away. -
• Seaforth, July 16 1869. -•
NATILL be received by the County Sur-
VVveyor on the part of the Municipal
• Councillor the County of ;Huron,
Until..Sat'rday 14th inst.
son giving Such information as will lead to
TRAYED from'Sealorth, about the 24th,
• of May last, a two year old }Leifer, all
white excepting inside the ears. Any per -
For Repairing with Gravel, the line of her recovery, -Will be suitably rewarded.
road from the Maitland Bridge, 11 mile south'
from IVIorrisbank Post Offile, to where the I Seaforth, July:15th, 1869. •84-3M.
said road. intersects the boundary line of
Ilowick Township.
The Gravel used on that part of the road
passing through the pine swamps, must be of
the very best quality, and hauled from the
Wroxeter Pit.
• Tenders to state the price per cord. for de-
• livering, spreading aud breaking the gravel.
• (Signed), A. BAY,
County ,Surveyor.
County Surveyor's Office,
Clinton, Aug. 3, 186v.• 87-2M.
Sealed Tenders
XGE LS 1 0 R.
INT -sv-
W. P -PAGET, Artist
THE lirglersagned begs to. inform the in-
' habitants- of Seaforth and surrounding
ILL be received. by the County Sur -
country, that he has taken the Gallery ler-
veyor on the part of the
inerly occupied by Mr. C; Paltridge,
Council for the County �f Huron,
Until Sat'rday,14th Few Doors flora of Dr. Smitit's
ANDCALL to see
1 40 ® 1 50 loath and all other earthy particles ; and the E SURE ,
9 ® 10 through a 2f Mob ring. and will convince you that he is First -Class.
f furnishin the Gravel, and for
9 00 ® 11 00 I larger tone broken small enough to diop his specimens, they speak for the Artist
15 ® 16 Tenders to state the 'nice per cord. of 128
TORONTO. Aug. 5, 1869. cubic feet, or g
(By Telegraph.)
Royal Canadian Bills
Wheat (Fall) f bushel,
do (Spring) ijbushcI,
Oats f_ bushel,
Barley ID bushel,
Peas f bushel.
tender or otherwise, turnpikmg opposite
Lot No. 1, on the 10th con. line as soon as
possible, alsoto assist if necessary with turn-
piking opposite lot No. 9. same line,-
6/Tied. • Moved by Mr. Dallas, sec. by Mr.
McLean. that the Reeve and George Jackson
be .authorized by this COURCii. LO let by
tender or otheiwise, turnpiking opposite lot
No. 2, on the 6th con. line; H R. S., as soon
possible, also clearing a ditch tan. the 2nd.
to line near Mrs. McLeary's,--Carrried.
spreadingbreaking the same. • -• The place is •Opposite Veal's Grocery, Main
The work to be finished on or before the Street, Seafart
" 15th September next. -----"'• WILLIAM P. PAGET,
1 09 to 1 00 (Signed), A. BY,
1 09 to 1 00
5'2 to 57
00 to 0 00
70 to 90
• IR,1\TT...
N the best business portion of Seaforth, a
•I Frame • Sholp 22x34, suitable for a Gro-
cery, Book Store, &c. immediate possession
given:• For particulars address
• Wm. -ROBERTSON & Co.,
87 -tf. Box 34, Seaforth,. Ont.
• Moved. by Mr. Jackson, sec: by Mr. Dallas,
th t Mr. Cousins be authorized to employ
parties to clear a tree out of the river. sp.k
tbe railway and put props under Broadfoots
b dge as soon! as possible, —Carried. Moved
b Mr. Jaek.Son, sec- by Mr. Cousins that
this Goancil do now adjourn to mee
title to be appointed by . the Reeve, said
meting to be held at the liotel_ of Mr. John
Daly, Vfflage of Egmondville.—Carried.
„ the County of Ruron. OFFICE and
RESIDENCE --011e door East of the Methodist
'Episcopal Cb_urch. County SurveYor's Office,
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. • 53-ly
• Sealed. Tenders
ELL be received by the County Sur-
veyor on the 'part of the Municipal
Council for the County of Huron,
Until Sat'rday, 21st inst.
For Repairing four sections of the- Gravel
Road, North of Seaforth, viz:
No. 1—Fron Seaforth to Ballibay..
NO. 2, -From. Ballibay to Walton; both of
these sections to be repaired with screened
gravel. ,
No. 3 --From Walton to Ainle3rville.
Photo. Artist.
County Surveyor.
-Seafortb; July- 22, 1869. 85-6in.
COunty Surveyor's Office,
Clinton, Aug. :3, 1869. - 87 2m La T.)" S
N . 4—From Ainle ville to the long bridge
near Douglas's Tavern. These last twO
tions to be repaired with unscreened gravel
of od qualitY.
Sealed Tenders
AAT1LL be received by the County Sur -
V Y veyor on the part of the Municipal
• Council for the County of Huron,
Until 6 p. In., on Saturday, the
14th instant,
d. rs to state the price per •cord for
- - In great variety,
Carter and ,Walkden's Inks,
Blue awl, :Red Inks, •
13ibles,Prayer Books,
Hyntn .Books;
-73rank Notes,
Blank Account Books, ttc.
Globe and. Daily Tdegr,b. •-
Seaforth, -July 22, 1869. 54-tf.
For Gravelling the line of road through
Clinton Village, from the Railway to. Fair's
• The Gravel must be of the best quality,
clean and. coarse; perfectly free from mould,
loam, and all other earthy particles ; and
the larger stone broken small enough to drop
through a n inch ring:
Tenders to state the price per cord for de-
livering, spreading and breaking the Gravel.
The work to be finished on or before' the,
15th Septembe(Singenxet.do A. BAY,
• County Svirveyor.
County Surveyor's Office, •
• $50 It MW.A.1R,1387-2:11
Clinton, Aug. 3, 1869.
110T, on Sunday night,
between 12 an
mall enough to drop through a 2i inch lint Lot 20, Cott. 12, McKillop, . a g
a.d. d. broken S a I o'clock
1 Gravel, vvhen spread on the ro an
The work to be completed before the 10t Steer. The abo-ve rewazd will be given to
of October next.. any person or persons giving such infornia-1
25th ult.,.
South half
a two-year-old
• BEAUTHriiii! SPIpThin ! is the verdict
given! by all who use Hunt's Empire }Lair
GJoss It Makes dry, harsh, OW hair soft.
gloss3r and beautiful It cleanses the scalp,
removes piniples, Strengthens the glands,.
prevents the, hail' from falling* and will. cer-
tainly ma ko it grow strong, luiciriant and
beautiful, and. it is only eenta pee bottle.
Sold everywhere.•• 73, ly
DXSPE.PSik eured:by using Dr. Colby's An-
ti -Costive and. Tonic Pills. They regub.te
the Bowels, correct.the Liver, blear the Com-
exion, and renovate the system ; they are
eoncentrated form, and strike at the root of
(Signed), .A. BAY, tion a‘s will lead to the conviction of the
1Clinton, August 4th, 1869. - f37-3 McKillop, August 4th. 87-1m.
• County Surveyor.1 party who eommitted the deed.
eonaposea of active _ingredients in
disease, enring almost • like magic, Thous-
ands to their extraordinary curative
propertiee, Sold by all dealers.