HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-30, Page 6EG 1 el =i . REA.PiNo MA res.--' = e South Huron Agricultural: Society'e a Annual" Reap- ing Match" for the year 1869, will take place on Wednesday, .4th Augu> tRnett, one mile and shilf North from:�i'pen,. `on the London. Read, on; the .. farm of Mr. Copeland, Township of Stanley, County -of Huron, *heli the ibllokiiing prizes ,will be competed, for, vial ; `For tie . ; ag g, either 4ngl101or come bined,iamachine, $6 ; ; 2nd ,do.; .4 i. -3rd dot, 3:.;0 4th do., 2. .An hx.tra Ip"izei of $3 will'; �giYen- to thy' self raking ma a which delivers 'the ineatest shot, ,and -.best out of the ,_way.of :the teamcoming around again.; • R es and Regulations -:-A11 Madhines . cc nwet- ins to be on:the ground and ady to start atthe hour ot. one , o'clock .p. in., precisely.. Eaeh machine shall cut one acre—and . shall cut said_ acre within one hour. All failing to; do so, unless through :accident,. will be .. ruled • out.. Only the driver and one attendant will be allowed to accompany each: machine. Members. of the Society conipe ng sell' .pay an entrance fee of $1 for- each ma; chine; those who are not members, $2. All machines to be entered in .he name of the owner or manufacturer.. All entries to be made to• the'Secretary, either by letter previous to the day of the match, or on the ground up to noon of ,the day of . the .. It is particularly requested-thal entries be made early in the day:" pectaaors and all concerned, are requited to be careful of fences,' anti . not to 1 retard or disturb the _operation of lma inee du k ;the 'match •,' and' to ' ;vo 4 as much as possible; injuring the standing grain or sheaves by .tramping or other- wise. ..-.T., B.—A• 'Binding Match .wail' also take place_ on the sanne day, of which particulars will bee given on the. ground. By order of the committee of MaaLnae hent.: Hugh Lovc, Sear., .pec., `.S. H. A. S., hill's Green P 'Of. S PORT iXPO SITO • • HOWIOK• = From our own Correspondent.: , . • Tlie Rev. Mi. •'Tindale's,re�,ta rk- on• the `:,Second• .� dyent," w.a4:1 de .i retcl last Sabbath evening in the ,Wesleyan' Oburc13;'Leechevil'le The end C=#en- tle. b rl: proved conclicsisiel .';that "the: Views held .. by• • ilfillenartans:on.;the- above] f.pbject,were Myths and fallacies, of the Or> water, and he knocked the prop' from under the».:ir ribeAetifur style; giving -his views in s c-'1earand couci'se a'. manner, supPoia 1 jp- ti re proof as to leave no doubt in the , rrrirzile-',Of Of • the audience' thlWi%lie4Iiil lenarian Doctrine was a delusion and a-'. if e. • The': 1•ecttire, wh i eh' mot" a • very ' cble and �teresting "`one, was at- tentively listened -to by; a large. and - appreciative audience. }. :.-. The `telegraph' oleo' in-Wroxe'ter+is open for business. °•r ' tit will be preaching stn thetTif S ed,:'eechville, next- ii . •ay evening.. in -.-,c. rection with- the hurch. of England. The Arch-Deaco will •con- cluc> the service.. Next onday• the copier stone of the•new Eng ish Oliurch wi13:14e' laid with.Orange a d- Masonic ceremonies, I i.pnclerstand pic-nic-+is also . to • be held in aid of t •buildin g f undrl,but . have .not heard ` stt.t ; ,1ars. Hay: ing is progressing fnely," yield very laze, far ' above the a v:Erage., 0 0 earin that A T TAKE - NOTICE - srsTHAT JoKN HA, u,r, inted Official AssigneeLDANfor thehsconnty 'Mee -at S> of ,-3 S. Fees. Office itG ptni f- I iy #'oat Hifi ei j r� » Goderieb, $gib 5 b,186& 134. Farm :for Sale. fHE °eu giber of%rs for sale the f he.. .Lot- Fo. 9, in the 'mrd .Con p of Nuckermit`h, consisting of so acres, nearly • all clearrd• There is a goon] F`rame Hous on the • lot, and a•large Barn, s' - never failing spring creek runs filmier farm.- Forpartculars ap t A.:G:1'A EGMO?, At the SeafoTth Carding mat Seaforth, July 2nd• 82-2m. FA'QREGOR & SON, BOOKBINDERS; lTLL • • i`$ d ta;4.• afrPOing Oil); tho>>;tght of vex BLUEVAs.,E , .• :.;;, r ,*i eat,- ,.„ !sei�iously.- curbs' ovr, Corr t. :' TAN$T} AD B y BAROpiETEYt , &C.—Mr. Jo a ewer` is :agent i is< vicinity f+ c nstead's Barometers and Ther- mometers. They nay be seen in his RESIGNATION. -Rey. Jaines Haatie,, Presbyterian Minister, late y resigned the charge of Eadie's -Stati' , •so 'tkit B1oevale- and .'.'Kingham - are _ - now the stations ;u ide>r :.hint care.` . - ' s`•i +►pg.� Lai . It .i..: s e -spotted thatxthe tegratph line- through .Bhhie- vale and W.�inghaapn, , in con 'ectin with the .:WroPxeter -.fare; will'soon be. in of tieh, -=with• offices: in t cn' village. .—On account account, the late rain, haying opetations not pro- ressinit .very, rapidly ere.... , , Fail Wheat Et ipening • fast, td altliougli` orge ' farms `'are cotnplas' `g of the 'nage and smut, we bell + ;,_the .yield. will be. beyond the ave ;Spring . Wneatt Oats, . Peas &c., ,a :r also look - ell -c .root .-crops, . particularly .. 1 . Ave '4,•splendia a appearance. '' CUi FACTonT;--It is expected ;h t Mr ?John Leech wilt start...' ghee 'aactory in this place, shouthe obtain rhe ln�ec_e ry suliport•f. om the, f iers. 'V4.•,3441,1441109_, ;t of .:.this . inW d ould ece d welin auris vicuuty, and. if th e sanies °roneerned swill: y0• act:liberal ?, i : the matter •-fs a ma expect '- to see t tion a ore ;Ins '' ;1- - , • r. - BRAMIA71.1 e•rverdi'dt .d by I inahee mre Hair dry,`haraih s�Stifi hairsoft. ossy and. beautiful:::.It,.clean es the scalp, 'cove , pimples, strengthens; ` the • glands, . veufie circ haa4..froxu 4114.4, and wits cer- uly e it gi:ow sti on , luxuriant awl lutifu1; :and it`Ls= o1;11cents'iler battle. 1 verywh ere. --1 73 J y .• .f� REDUC CO f.= • :r= • . PRICES .1":" '9 A.;;;: C F. e Room for Fall Goods:! • • • 3. • o Contirdie for Rernem. „_- , The Sign r..;s • ... L,A .l 1 •,• • ...I ,EL.,. 1t.,,;- 111 x 4314.... ! f.ix :- t!..5 f t z,• •3 t xt.; . door -to ` Scott • i r.. • AUEL. prepartd toexecuiebinding ink ety e. ,.Persons residing ata dicta ' bSleaving their books at the Signal Book ore, G€oderich, 'or at 'the '' Fxposrnon'• office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. • 'ic AT THE LOWEST ' PRICES, - And returned witl,ont delay. Seaforth, June 11, 1869 18-tf H1`Elf ER ' STRAYED. STRAYED from :the premises• of the sub scriber, about the • middle of May, it yearling heifer, all red, excepting white face. Any person -giving such} information as mill. lead to her recovery, will -be suitably reward= ed. - ....• JOHN WINTERS. Seaforth, July 7th. • 83 t Insoivelit Act of 1.864 • Iii the Count y=.Oovzurt ;of .the County.of Htt71971. = In the matter •of JAMES -Ii A'I:T; - • An Insolvent., Dominion. . of Canada, Province of Ontario, - - : • County -of Huron, To Wit tJTICE is' hereby given thaton Thursday the Sixteenth clay of. September next, `at ten o'clock in the forenoon, or as sogn.as> Council can be .heard",. the uiddersin ed w apply to the ,fudge' of the acid Court for ,diseharge under the sald Act. • . �•, flatdt at Seaforth "this 7th' day' of Jrdyr, 1869.. • JAMES HATT, By BENSON & ME YETI His Attornies ac ,Lit • •4 �3-af.• - 1 SOLVENT A Chi' o ° 1i . alk:the Matter of JAMES` ELLIc3Tl' of Seaforth, an Insolvent • •TIIE �creditors of the Insolvent are na edthat he haE-,made ran .,ass snot 4 his estate said effects ander the,above act, me, thee u ndcrsigued Assignee, and tl at they are -'required" to " furnish me within tw months-- from this' :date .with their claim speoifying the security they hold if any, and the valae of it, and if none 'stating.the foe the Whole attested under oath, with vouchers in support of such claims. ' . ti•. Date] a t,bderich, ;in: the County of Har:` ao ttlis.Atkidayof:?uu 18{f9: Official Assigns • C oderic`h' Tmle, 25 '1169. ' 0 g%•_ , SEAFr ORTHH, July 22nd, -1869;=• X3 - • ;: • n Insolvent Act of - 86 - In the County Cozua-t of the County • of Efureal In the natter of EDWARD ,YENTION, - - , : , , - • An, Insolvei t Oommioi of Canada, ' Pmovi row or ONTARIO, p `•O in ty of :Huron, t:.,. TO Wit. • OTICE is hereby giyeu. that on ThuniaT to Sixte,ent c day of S•epterbex ne a ten of the clock in the forenoon, oras EDT air d i&cil can be heard,,tlie itiideraigitid applertod said' Coustrfota dschargeuxderhe said Act •1 _` Dattel, at Seaforth this, 7th day of J'l' A. D. 1869: ` - • EDWARD PENTON: - By BENSON & MEYER. His Attorniestsd t h,: QODER 1 CH GRAMMAR S schooI will resume business on`cn day, -the 9th of -August, When all-ps are: requested to • Im : present. A training is given in the usual subject'''. High School Education, including Co er- ci 't rit inetie'and Book Keeping; an pulse °are ,prdpa'red 'far matricarltitiui mt• he Universities, and' for ' pawing the exp tions; of the Lav Society, etc I�t1t' thei particular,, inppliCabt011 may, bem to PRESTON; •P }1��/j�`{La�[ Coderich, July, 1869 *Heaa' ' 4 R. 4flW P S his numerous •cus1� their liberal,patronaa�ge 'during, fift0,en years, and trusts he ' will recti continuance. . He has now on hand a liase or at er Gam, Sound • - Green Hemlock s,* Whichhhe warrants will givo sats • - ALSO, _.. 200,000 FEET f . ter Fon.. !!D1NCAND GENERAL fit P�irch,•: he offers an h'beral terms. -1 will be promptly attended to. : , • {.lie has also liana: a larie Ur WELL SEASONED AUCOU 'Po'which he cans 'the attention "of customers, -whee=l ° find it'to their sage -to retire them promptly, VI P roceedings, , - "orth, Jttiy inch,, 180. .3 • • 1 ig' e L� L tae, nem wt y neo; =3n,tba+e onee 'of Commons itic a pray' g for the rejects cads1. nt of ;the Irish lni wS pprnted and received Mr; �irtk, nrembcr' g khirfe, wan it was TomYorpe snt orthiswin d u apology. fiyAn the peers .for language used by ships insolent to the Premier ;along to the :duty of they e Speaker e�clared that tion was neither a' point of o one of privelege- This HO ,eogn;talt of what pin t -of Lo, and he decided that tion could not be entertained. London, July 22, ---In the .: .Lords; to night there was a f 'donde of Peers and spectators, s€anem1ts of the House of were present,andtheeonside Iran Ghurch Bill was refill Earl Granville opened the :stating thatller Majesty's rded the vote of Tuesday f very grave character; but unwilling to prevent the :eo of the other an endurents to and 'were anxious to condu cupsion in a spirit of peace ;*.tion. He proposed that th ttioo of the original date of 4nent_, namely,. lst Jamia -would not insist on a di House. If the motion was the feeling of the Hoc witlrrlrawt. Lard Cairns; said since ;anent, he had . had a eon tri (;,ranville, . thought the,amendments rem] and tapable of solution. , H to fi d.,that Bari taovdle w• by a similar spirit. Igoth n more culpable. on either aid. - encbnrage or protract eontro meksure of the kind where for .a olution were at hand. vie and d that sentiment which took place at the accorded. He agreed that:° of date wasof secondary and decleaed that he w accept t the original date. the or ds not to insist on meats in regard to cora: tical{{ �residences, or.the tom ann'1iities, if this quarters were wling. to commute have 12 instead of 7 The question, with res position of the surplrus, over but power sho Parliament to apply fund to the alleviation o; calamity. Lord Cairns t o admitting that he still had jeCtions to the Bill but pais at all, it was not for t { of the country or the C long the struggle on minor The Marquis efh. eel, and other leading Pee the € ompromise, and proms duet of Lord Cairnsin the Bucy. ... The motion for the rester original date of_ 4iseStablifi agreed to, fid. the er . wets disposed, .of, othrtia tens of the compromisese._ Clause 68 -aa altered so of the earplug; shah be app the tepee acid disstinet d ti:IeT ame-r1 " The Earl, of 3andoi . of Tt m protested ' promise, Earl Grans thanked` for the f nth mitred €1ental'co with the Government smooth down the difficult* oftth�e Be eh i - 22.—The g London, July 2a Thar on the Irish Church Bill offered on the part of the con ehr :ten . of the two ueu U Houma of Par] L ight the Tory Lords held big nt a private residence, to repud ate the Ma uis aged put thely nnde3 Lord Cam: The iatt;r ized to :make peace with and expressed the wiles Peers to yield. To -day • ht an interv; w wits vine, and gave rn the sub rs, wh reunon :eh e to the prom a ot> The prompt expo=cn indignation ten-il ed th+ tgirds has fin ppon tbx tenets ag t t =n, Edon, dnly 22.--- There tn? of ienir an= the House of Cumin • • V }