HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-30, Page 5AOT RN TOE WAlEilOOI RORRTON, orter and: manufacturer of all kinds of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Such as .AS, LOUNGES- CENTRE TABLES, ATTRASSES, -INC-G"& BREAKFAST TABT.F.S, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, and PEDSTEADS, In Great Variety.. Er,R. has great confidence in offering his is to the public, as they are nrade o€ d Seasoned Limber, and by First -Class f;kmen. FF IN MADE TO".ORDER On the Shortest .Notice. WOOD TURNING to with Neatness and Despatch. Wa.reroo S DOGRS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL Main Street. forth. Jan, lith. 1869. 57-11. t#.: D- R Y IN. E IJJMB ER. HE undersigned have on Band at their Mill:,: one half mile FORTH OF AINLEYVILLE, ,000 feet of dry inch pine over 20,000 f of dry inch flooring, 11 and 1 inches 1k, Also about 30,060 feet of board and. P Lath ,. a lot of Siding'. two-inch Plank E- green lumber, Pine and Hemlock, all of ich will be sold AT VERY LOW PRICES 1 . order to make room for piling the many usands yet to be cut. lrders from a distance will be promptly` ended to. M. & T. SMITH. day 12th, 1869.: 75-3m. MILLINERY aRe-E1SS IRS.. G UTHRIE & MISS CLEGG RE now prepared to execute all .orders L in Millinery, Dress and Mantle' Mak- a. in the Latest Style and Fashion. Par - alar attention devoted to Straw Goods, rders left at the house of Mrs, Guthrie, Lin Street, will receive immediate atter- re- 70-tf. Seaforth, April 9th, 1869:, SUTHERLAND BRO.'S `AILORS t LAVH removed to their new premises, en xO ERICr STREET, NEXT DOOR TO , n sden's Drug Store, E CRTTINC DEPARTMENT attended to by MR, CHAS. SLITHER- D from London England. Or Style,. fit, and workmanship,, guaran- Fed, CHARGES MODERATE. R F. SUTHERLAND CHAS. SuTBSztrAND. Seaforth, June 41869,. 46-1y. . SEATTE.R IXCHANGE BROKER 1 And dealer in Pure RUCS, CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS. The Drug Department is "under the special are of an experienced Chemist, R. M. PEARSON. a uary 21st, 1869`. THOS. BELL AINE T GRAD MAKER UNDERTAKER SCG. A Large Stock • or LL kinds of furniture kept constaartIyoet hanel¢ consisting of the best varieties. -1•ughruff's Spring Mattrasses, Children's arriages. eoifina kept constantly on hand. Work made on the premises. C-,10. A Hearse for hire, \Vareroom op- osits; Kidd & Me i.ulkins. TWOS. BELLp. March U .t14.L. GLEANINGS.' (Front ate OttoTio rtner) >; Prof Graves ret owends 1,1 pul- verized alumn in a quant o -strong de - notion of oak 4 bark roo4 wash. for galls on horses. • R A caerrespondent- advises ,the, appli- cation of pie not coal—tar to a biit- tle hcof. Used once or twioe a month it heals and softens. .At a recent discussion by the Her- kimer Co.,, N. Y..,. Farmer's Club the very beneficial results of carding cows were referred to by -different speakers. A cow belonging to Mr. "Holland a farmer at H4tford,Creshire,`:.l as for the last two months, . says the It, armer (Scottish) of June 9th. been sucking i. bree lambs, of which she, appears to be very fond. W. Delap, of Decatur Co., Iowa, has h; sheep with four horns,—two on the i ight•side of the head, side by side, one ®n the left, and one from the top of the bead, standing "upright about eight inches. 9 Horx1lal,a1ittorpt--A YoungWom- _:.eo�uiied Alive. The rather extraordinary- cure for jumping habits in cattle, 'of elipp:nr Y �n their lower eyelashes, is pronounced effectual by a. - correspondent of the Jfassachussetta Ploughman who gives the details of a trial made by him. r ' Abont a month ago, the lower porti- on of Second Division of New Orleans was thrown into a state of excitement. about the mysterious circumstances un- der_ which a yoq.g lady of that locality)- and ,ve well -}connected had. been buried, ' 4 yet nd definite'im fora ation cot ld ^ ai'bend to authorise p'ablicar- oar in - tlie° papers: Since that time, however, we have been enabled to obtain the following facts.: -,The young lady, whose name it is unnecssary to mention, upon return- iLg fro early mass on Sunday morn- ing was suddenly taken iii of disease of the east, and_,as was supposed at the tiro; , was suffocated to death, owing - to wing to hei.u� usual fleshiness: A physician, her owl uncle, attended her in her last momen s, and pronounced her dead. The death of this young lady, in the bloom of .life (at the age of twenty) caus- ed much, sympathy in the neighbour- hood, and her funeral, which took place in the . vening of the day of het death, attracted'a large concourse of people. She died about one o'clock in the morn- ing, and the funeral occurred about five in theevening. - So far there is. nothing remarkable in this account, - except ptobao1y the short lapse of time from the time.uf the lady's "death to the -interment in one of the Catholic cemeteries of the Second district. But the report goes on to say that, on that same evening, the sexton of the graveyard, having some business to at- tend to in town, left his son of mature age, in charge of the keys, with the in- structions to close the gates at the use- -al hour, after ma .ng his round through the ee netaxy, in order that no visitor might be .accinently- confined -insscic. About dusk, the sexton's son, while go- ing his round, passing near thee.. tomb in which the young lady had -been .buri- ed scarcely au hour before, heard low and heart. -rending meanings coming from behind the marble slab. Los his self-possession, and overcome with fear, he hurriedly left the scene, and closing the main gate of the cemetarv, went house, and it was not until morning that he relat- ed the circumstance to his horror-stciek- en. family. Information of the fact was immediately sent to the bereaved par- ents of the deceased, and .- workmen were soon engaged in opening the tomb and breaking open the coffin enclosing the remains of the young lady. - The spectacle was to horrible to des- cribe, Her face and body weie in r horrible state of distortion, and her hair torn from the roots. In the terrible convulsions which had preceded her death, she had liter- ally harrowed her beautiful face with her nails, and her clenched fists in con- tact with her foaming lips : showed the traces of her teeth. It is unnecessary to 'say that life •'was entirely extinct.— N, 0., Times. A man in Pensylvania preparing rheubarb stalks for market, threw the leaves to his pigs. The next. morning live oat of nine were dead, three appear - convalescent, and one looked 'doubt- ful, they exhibited every syrnpton of poision, _ - • Mr. Allen, of the American Farm Book, says Mr. Percival mentions a. Horsey that died at 67 years of age ; and adds that a Mr. Marrion, of New York -had a gig anal saddle horse which was •.sound,spirited, and 'playful-' when. in -his forty-fifth year. A young cow, only two and a half years old, belonging to -Mr. Samuel Col- lins, Cobourg, :gave birth last week tv. three calves. - They all lived and are in good health. The bopys have named the three itlustrious triplets, which are all of male -persuasion Shen;, ,Ham and Japhet. The noted Short Horn hull. Fourth Duke ,cif Thorndale, bred by M. Throne and exported to England a few years since, died very suddenly recently, When (eight years old, he was bought by CaptainGunter, for 500 guineas. He is said to have been the last pure Bates bull of the Duchess tribe in Eng- land. A Masschussetts corresponden : oc the Country Gentleman ,is warm in his praises of the Dutch cattle. He has a cow that has given 49 pounds • of. milk per day for a week, and another that gave 53i pounds per day = for a week. Each had a calf about two weeks old. They ' had no -deed but what they , got in the ptsture. `The Globe says We noticed in the rattle market yesterday a very fine and unusnallf'fat calf It was fed by Mr. Uriah Young, of Pickering, on eggs and milk, with a view of selling it ata fancy price In this he has succeeded; for it was bought yesterday by Mr: James Britt )n, butcher, of the Arcade, at the very high price of $30. lt'wiIl weigh about 60 lbs per quarter. ' Farrner3 who sell milk, and care noth- ing for quality, are partial to shorthorn grades out of good milking common cows. Those who make cheese or But- ter, prefer Ayrshires or- Ayrshire grad- es. Those who make fancy butter the chief thing or who wish milk of great richness for their owl; tables, select the Jerseys. Great milkers occur_in all breeds occasionaly. The Deyons give avzood quantity of rich milk, and the Holstein or Dutch cows are great milk- ers. " LARGE Four --Mr. J. M. .Davis, of Richmond ill, has been showing round a he 's egg of extraordinary size, the produc of a hen of mixed Cochin and Br -aha breed. The egg weighed 4i ounces ; its circumferance in the direction of the long diameter 8 inch- es, and in the opposite direction 6' inches. The Globehaving had a sight of this wonderful egg, captiously ob- serves :—"This is, perhaps, the largest that we have ever seen." A correspondent of the Cincinnati. Times says that the following receipt will preserve all kinds of grain and gar- den seeds from the ravages of cu-wornms birds, etc : One pond sulphate f iron, one pound aloes. Dissolve i water heated to 90 95°, and pour o ea one bushel of grain and in a"similar 'pro- portion for a greater or lesser quantity. Mr. W, A. Gibbs, the winner of the pre essay on drying horn in . wet weather' has lately, it is stated, intro- duced improvements in the construction of his air-stove,eso that without a steam- engine the desiccating process can be easily carried on by the help of common horse works driving a fan. Grass can be converted into hay w'thoe t sun- shine by this desiccator which dries grain in the sheaf, and desiecator beet and mangold. b:1i'0R.Tki4. to r - 4 , . a. ..,. P -o S I ro . • BLACKSMITH SHOP. THOMAS WATSON Begs to inform the public generally that he still carries on general Blacksmithing at his Old Stand, NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL AINLEYVILLE Slieeta,: attentioj paid -to Hoise•:$l ing. Ainleyville, Feb. 9th, '69, 63-ly HIRAM COLLIDAY & SON, TN returning thanks for past favors, have 1 the pleasure' of a i iounemg to the . mere chants and business men of Seaforth that they are prepared to receive orders for all kinds of DRAY WORK. IN -Goods handled with care and satisfac- 5S-l"y tion guaranteed. January 2lst, 1869. ' A. C. YAH t ECMOND's Woolen Factory ! SEAFORTH, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Tinny. MEP: 5 'cM ° IMPORTANT NOTICE I IF you want ray ; Watch that will keep the 1 correct Mime, i purchase one of Thomas Russell & ` Son'il celebrated Watches. A Targe stock of them for sale at IVI.R.CC.UNTER'S THE subscriber, thankful ai kfil fo rpast P atron- ae, would inform his numerous custom- ers that he has greatly enlarged and irnprori- ed the above mill, and added considerable more machinery, so that he is now prepared to turn out better work than he has ever been able to do before. He would also in- form those wanting carding clone, that he now has Four Carding Machines, so that all parties froru a distance can have their WOOL LARDED AND HOME S€AEORTHX He has also on hand a large assortment. of Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Goos all to be sold Cheap for Cash. •Every description c Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and Warranted to give satisfaction. The highest price paid for Old Gold and Silver. M. R. COUNTER. Seaforth, April 27th, 1869; 53-1y WITH THEM THE SAME DAY. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Coloring, Cloth Fulling and Dressing, will receive special attention. Owing to the large outlay for machinery, he is compelled to make his Terms Cash. All work not' so paid, will be charged. 20 per cent extra: ' A. G. VAN EGMOND. Seaforth; April 29th, 1869. 73-3m THE JAPANESE AT HOME.— Arriving as we did from China, the land of pug - noses and yellow skins, we ° were at once struck with the fresh ruddy com- plections, and in many instances well cut features, of the Japanese. Besides the' difference in their' personal appear- ance, they offer a marked contrast to the Chinese in manner and bearing. In place of the cringing abject demean- our of the latter, they carry themselves as becomes men, fearlesly and upright- ly, look you straight in the face, and consider themselves inferior to none. The . better class are a fine bold set of men. Like knights of old, they are ever ready to avenge a wrong, or even to provoke a quarrel ; and with their teri ible , two-handed "swords would be any thing but contemptible antagonist iii hand-to-hand fighting. Their man- ners are polished -in the extreme. As a rule they are exceedingly good-natured, and; have a keen sense of the ridiculous —rather too much so ; for we believe i1 the most duietful son; possessed of the greatest filialpiety,''were to see his father dying, he could not repress a laugh if the old gentleman were, to ao so in at all a comical way. The Japan- ese ladies are almost as fair -sinned as their sisters of the . West. Small but neat—nay, sometimes faultlessly-- shaped; their flowing robes displaying in its own gracefulness the model that nature has adopted, and which none of the rneretticious deceptions of civiliz- ation can improve' upon; with pretty captivating. manners, and a language musical. and soft as Italian, the laugh- ter -loving nymphs of the, Rising Sun have many and powerful charms. No one; wno has been. in Japan deny their their claim to b auty—LYMAN ABBGTT, in. Ilarper'e t ragazine for August. New York paper says Torn Thumb drinks. , If he does his wife has- at least one consolation: he dosen't hold much. E CASH FOR 1N -ALL PAPER. - Border .Paper, Hall .Paper, WINDOW BLINDS, Plain Blue, Plain Green, Plain .134r and Figured. AT THE TELEGRAPH BOOK STORE. W. ELLIOTT. Seaforth, July 22. 54-tf. THE subscriber having REMOVED to the premises lately occupied by E. Hick- son & Co., is now prepared to pay the high- est Cash Price for any quantity of good Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main St., Seaforth.., DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, April 22. 72-tf. A man died suddenly from intempe- rance, and a Westei n found that de- ceased; .came. to his death by drinking -beteeen drinks,' LISTEN !!! WHILE D R. LUBELS l SURGEON CHIRO- 1 POD#ST, respec fully informs the public of Seaforth and su ounding country that he is prepared to cure - Corns, Bunions, Chil- blains, Ingrowing Nails, Large Joints, and all diseases of the human foot. Guarantees a successful treatment, without pain or sore- ness. Office directly opposite Griffith Davis's Dry Goods Store, Main Street. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. 53-tf °GAN SPEAKS. • For his Stock of SPRING G000S WAS Neveiii Excelled In this Market. "CANADA WAREHOUSE," In Scott's Brick Block, SEAFORTH, HE subscriber has received his first in- stalment o. SPRINGGQODS The Manch ester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. Seaforth, May 4th; 1869. 61-tt T. SI MONS, HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER. ir XIV LADIES &. MISSES' Brown, Black, Colored and White SUNDOWNS. GENTLEMEN'S Straw, Canton, Panama, Felt, All -Wool and Merino HATS! Decided Bargains in Union,. All -Wool and .BRUSSELS CARPETS. LUMBERR LUMBER. Andrew Gove loc . OULD 'announce to the public gener ally, that he has on hand at present, athis Saw Mill,. McKillop, over four hundred thousand feet of lumber, cut` into all the various lengths and sizes generally used for BUILDING, FENCING AND -DRAWING Purposes.. Also a Targe quantity of HARDWOOD LUMBER 1 Consisting chiefly of CHERRY, ELM, OAK, BIRCH AND MAPLE, And a large and choice quantity of BASSWOOD AND PINE ! 1 All of which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES Also some very choice Gunpowder, and PI 0 i TEAS i Sugars, Syrups, Coal Oil, &c. In order to make room forniuneroirs thous- ands yet to be sawed durilig the summer. MY SAW MILLAND LUMBER YARD 1 IS ON THE GRA EL ROAD FOUR MILES NORTH OF. SEAFORTH, CLOVER AND TIMONTHY SEEDS. A large stock of BOOTS & SHOES ex. - petted in a few days. • g -Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs. &c. ARCHICALD McDOUGALL. Seaforth, April, 1869. 53-1y 300 KiEGS J4ME8' P. S. —Please remeniber the name is ` .ANDREW GOVENLOCK." McKillop, June 18, 1869. 80-3m. SLEEP KASY!! IN order to do this, get one of THOS. BELLS PATENT SPRING BEP BOTTOMS! Warranted to give satisfaction. . I 411 A: FEW COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. Seaforth, June 18, 1869. - S0-tf. P OFFICES TO LET. XOUR excellent offices to let in Scott's New Brick Block. Apply at McCAUGHEY & HOLMSTED'S. Seaforth. Jan. 27. 1869. • b0- M'55 WATKINSON Begs to inform the -Ladies of .Seaforth and its "Vicinity, that she intends opening A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Also a Class for Little Boys, on Monday next, the 26th'inst., at the house occupied' by Mr. Henry Watkinsou, next the Presby- terian Church, Jarvis -street. She will also give Music Lessons, either at her bwn. resi. dente, or the pupils' houses. For terms, apply to the above address. Seaforth, July 22. 85-2in. THE SIGH COLDER OF THE A II� t ,I THE subscriber begs to inform the public that he has just received a great variety of Saddles and ` All work done in First -Class Style. Or- ders to be left one door North of Dr. Smith's office, 67-3m. NO.. I, AND GENUINE. BEST QUALITY LINSEED OIL! BOILED AND RAW. TURPENTINE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, &c„ At Johnson Bros. Seaforth, April 9th. 70 SEAFORTN MILLS 1 SEED STORE 1 TE undersigned have just received IMPORTED DIRECT, 1,000 LBS. SKIRMING'S IMPROVED PURPLE -TOP SWEDE, A quantity of Early GOODERICH POTATOES; Also a fresh stock of GARDEN AND AGRICULTURAL. SEEDS. Will have constantly on hand a choice se- lection of Flower and other BEDDING PLANTS. OSBORNE'S GRANULATED WHEAT possesses all the qualities of Farina and Oatmeal, for Porridge. _ W. �. Shearson & Co. Seaforth; May 21. 52-ly. Which he is •prepared to sell At Prices A lniost Unparalleled. COLLARS of every. description, -war- ranted wearranted not to hurt the horses neck. O In the away of Harness; 6F• ALL KINDS, , He is, 'as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value for their money as any other establishment in Ontario. Quality of work and material. employed indisputable. - SHOP OPPOSITE _KIDD at McMULKILAT,S. JOHN CAMPBELL. Seaforth, Feb. 12, '69. 63-tf. IF YOU WANT CHEAP pAINTS.O_ ILS; TVRPENTTI\ E, RAINING COMBS, • pUTTY , COLORS, 4:c., Go to ROLLS' 0 0 llOR PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, IABD PATENT MEICIIES,i Go ta; ROLLS'; €r: a • • 1