HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-16, Page 8.‘1 =_ _ The -Rose, the Thistle Shamrock.. the ( - Flying Foxes in Australia. A GREAT ENJOYMMT.—The ;Single- ton Times gives the fidlowing account 'of a recent 'externimating expedition. to • thg haunt of the flying foxes at Black's Mountain.:—"Afterhobi trgiour horses with. a stirrup -leather. on some 'good grass on the top of the Mountain, we proceeded down its rather precipitous, sides, and soon our eyes were as much sqrprised as they were gladdened by the sight of many acres of trees literally black with foxes, 1Vlore than half of oar company commenced operations; iiut, after about a quarter of an hour's tremendous'slaughter, we had the mor- tification to see -that nearly every one of the flying foxes were on the wing and a wonderful sight it was. -.Tlfe bush was about a mile and a:half long, and the whole length and breadth of it was nothing but a vast cicud of fox9 wheeling and bobbing ',bobbing round' and reline. At the lowest calculation there eoutd not have been less than fifty thousand, and, I believe, if that number were doubled it would benear- er the truth. Our party had by this time got pretty well spread over the _ground, and for some time, whenever two or three foxes taied to fasten on a tree they quickly came to .griet, and some of the party brought themdown on the wing. This exciting state, of affairs lasted until a little past noon, when the call sounded of " Come to camp,' The call :was quickly comp1iPt1 with, and ample justice was done to the eatibles provided, After half an-horir's rest, away we started,. and now 'the fun grew fast and furiolis.' The foxes were completely tired with their un- usual - exertions of the morning, and would only fly from tree to.tree, and in many instances from one side of the tree to the other, andi all that the sportsman had to do was to load and Chamber's Journal gives ,the right of tbe national emble is, as fol. °Ws :. THE ROE OF E14(4LAND. earlyprtof thezeigu of Han- ky VL about the year 1405, a few noblemen and gentlerheere discus- sing who was the ri$litfin heir a thee English crown. - After' a time they . ad- journed to the Temple Gardens think- ing they would be More free frOin. in- terruption.. Scarcely hOwever, hail they entered when they - perceived Richard Plantagenet approaching. Un willing to continue the conversation, iA his presence a great 6ilence ensued: • He, howe-ver, asked - them what they had been so anxiously taking aboutl when he had joined them, and,whether they espoused -fie cause of his party or that of usurper, Heriery of Lan6agtre, who had filled the- throne. A fal,se and absurd politeness, prevented their -ma- . king any reply. I 'Since you Are so re- luctant to tell your opinion in [words, i11 tell me by signs and let him that is an adherent of the House of Yo'ck • ,pull a white -rose, as I do.' • Then said- the Earl Of Somerset, Let him who hates flattery anti:dares maintain faith in our 1..ightfu1 King in the presence of his' enemies, pull a red rose with me,' . THISTLE IN SCOTLAND.. "/ -la the reign of Malcom 1, in the year 1010, Scptland ; was inyaded by the Danes who made a decent en Aber- deenshire, intending to talee bl storm Skins Castle, A fortress of imp rtance, When -all was ready and there was a reasona,ble hope that the jiimates of the eagle were asleep they comm.enced their niarch. They advanced caiitiously taking off their .shoes to prevent their - their footsteps being heard, They approach the lofty tower,. their hearts beating in joyous antitipation of viatory, nob a : Sound 1 is heard. They can scarcely refain from.,exclama- tians of delight, 'for they had. but to swim across -the -moat. and place scaling ladders a.ncl the castle was their. But in another moment a cry fiori them- selves,.r6-uses the inmates to s use of their danger, the guards fly to their posts and pursue the' new trembling Danes who fly before them. Whence arose tIlis sudden change. Froni a very simple cause. It appears that the first moat -instead of being fillecl with water was in reality dried up and over- grown with this -ties, which pierced the foot of the assailants who with pain, for - •got their caution's Silence, and -uttered the ery which alarmed the !sleeping in -- mates of the castle 'SHAMROCK OF IRELAND One -day St. PatriCk was preaching at Tara. He was anxibus to explain the doctrine of the Holy Trinity: The. people failed to '-u.ndertsand and refused to believe t1:4 -it there could he three persons, and yet but one God. The holy. man paused a imoment, absorbed in thought, and seeing h sliramrock peeping through .the green turf ex- claimed t 4, `Do you see this .simple Wild flower how -three leaves :are unitad in one stalk r , • His auclienae understood without diffieulty this simple yet s illus- tration to the. inexpresEdble delight Of St. Patrick, "• From that day tile Sham- rock e?ecame the national e4b1em of FOR DYE STUFFS, • European Armies:. In the April number of Blackwood, there appeared an article on theymnies of Europe, from •which it appcars that the population of the tinitedaingclom is about 30,000,000, while the army e ; 34, - reserve ond ar- pension- ish mili- 10 vol - 00 retire eaate of consists of 92,002 men. at ho 000 in the colonies; -firSt arm for general service, 2,000 ; se my res'erve for home service, ers; ete.,•23,000 ; 'untrained 1 tia, 23,000: ; yeomanary, 1.1,0 rmteers, i10,0; besides 62,. jars in India; making an agg 420,000 men of all cla ses.. The population -of F4iille0 I 37,000,- 000.. Her regular embodied army is 400,000 Inen ,; first reerve to regular arm,y, 100,000,.second do, 228,000 Garde Nationale _NI 0 bile, making, a total of 1,058,-000. Prussia hs a population 30 000,000 ; yqguIar4arrny gular arniy, 000.; making • „ a population "of 36,000, GOO' has the 'ollowing artily force.: Regular .9.1111V egiboiied, 25,000, frontier troops) 52;000 ; Diserve to i emi hit army, -1 . 5 45,000 ; Landwehr, 2676,006 ; giving- an agg-egate of 1,- 152,060. ' • • The following is the 0(4 of those armies : England, - $71,000, 00:0 ; France $10.000,000 ; Prussia, $48,000,000 ; .A.ustria, $41,000;000. - It' will ,be seen. from thee figui.es hos immensely more .costl is tht Pritish army than those of he othel niens ; GU& 1,1111LI the men ar4 far nio( (-Li i , .:1 . , t o tat Ifor in; I. n , fo r -li g itiiig pn r ii s '• .ii ally its'eer aiact • ja -Oa fire, which they did as fast guns would allow thein, many having tb apply wet handkei their guns which they rubbed cool, being afraid they would blow the powder off' whibi they were loadipg ; but it would be impossible to give you an idea of the shooting done &.or the next few hours, ,or of the wild enthusi- asm winch was felt by fiearly all the party ; but, like every other enjoyment and excitement, even that must come to an end, and shortiy befoi.e live o'clock, knowing, the distan'3e We had to return home, and the darkness of the night,Vithone accord we turned homeward." The attack oh the "foxes," we observe 'from the New South Wales papers was continued for several days. reserve to the r Land welly, 370 1?. 020 000. - lAustria., with ROLL'S; CAN'T. BE BEATEN, Either in Price or Quality. 0 FOR LAMPS, CHIMNIES, CRANDALIERS, BURNERS, WICKS, and COAL OIL, Go to ROLLS, Oppo,pite Foster's Hotel, Seaforth. carefnlly pre as their pf them chiefs to to keep N.B.—Prescriptions pared. . Seaforth, June 10th 1869. 79. TAILORS! TAILORS A RARE CHANCE. M E imdersigned. offers to rent the back I shop of a tailoring -and clothing establish- ment in the thriving village of Ainleyville, where thoae is a business ample for five or six hands. Apply to S. SMA LE, Merchant Tailor, 332,000. en. of about 00,000- ; 350,000; a total of • Dingle P. 0. Ainleyville, Juue 251869. 81-tf. 1869. Suicide of a Family. - The shop of an umbrellamaker named Antignace, at Beauvais: France,. was noticed three mornings back to oe unopened. As on knocking. no 'reply could be obtained the door was broken open and.the family were dead, suffo- cated by the fumes of charcoal. ' The husband was sitting on a sofa, his wife ny his side reelining her head on his shoulder, and their daughter. a widow, aged 30, lying -4n the bed. The cause of .uhis tiple suicide appears to be con- nected- with he following cireunistanceS: bix months ago a railway gua,rd ent- ered" the shop to Make a. purchase, and dropped there two coupens of 25f, .each. A iorthight back Mine. Antig- nape presented these two securities at their bank, but payment was refused, as notice of the loss had been given. An ininiediate in(Iuii.y ensued, and Antig- &mace,' who is considered to be -worth 200,000f, -paid the 50f., bnt as the p u bile prosecu tor a ad inter v ened the cast was was abeut to de carried befoi e the "Correctional Tril)unal, . , aflair seemed to have preyed.upon the mind of tne deceased ;Ind the other members of the family, and in ordee to avoid the scandal of a trial they ° commited suicide. • D. Pashunce -ov • Job. 1869. SPRING PORT TIONS KIDD 84. IlVi'MULKIN 44 tgottit AND lirilltON ADmInsra, O 0oufnV largest papers puislished in the IS PRINTED AND YUBLISRED EVERY FRIDAY IVIORNINC, ROSS 40d. , LUXTON EDITORS 'AND PUBLISHERS. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIL TERMS.—$1.50 per annual, ist. advance. If not so paid, $2. 00 Will invariably- be -charged. RATES 011 ADVERT-ISING. YEARLY AG TtEtMENTS. The follo-wing rates will be charged to raer- chants and others who advertise by the year, andin no case will exdeptions be made.: 3ne column for twelve months, t - - $60 00 for six months, - - ,35 00 for three months, - - 20 00 tialf-colernn for twelve months, - - 35 00 " for six months, - - - - 20 00 for three months, - - 12 00 Quarter of a column for twelve months, 20 00 " for six months, - - - .12 00 for three months, - 9 00 For each line over ten," first insertions 0 08 Each subsequent insertion, - - 02 - The number of lines to oe reckonedby the 3pace occupied, measured. by a scale of- solid. Brevier. Ad-vertisementa -without specific directions trill be published. till forbid., and charged ac- cordingly. RE NOW prepared to SHOW the a Contents of 40 Packages OF g MANTLES, MILLINERY, 130 TS & SHOES Everybody has had :the habit ov bragging on Job, and Job did have considerable bile paShunce, that's a fac, bat did he ever tea:,..h a distrik skille for 8 dollars a month and bourdround, or run a kountree n.00spaper 7 Did he ever reap lodged oats , down hill on a hot day, and hev all his gallus buttons bust oph at once? •- Did he eve & hev thejumnin teethake and be made to tend the baby while his wife was over ParkihseS in a tea squall. Did he ever get up ill the morning awful dri, and fut it three milesbefore breakfast to get a think, and find that , the man kept a teruPerance house 7 Did lie ever set onto a litter ov- kitt- ens in the old rockin ehaie, ' witli his sunnier pantaloons on? Did , he ever undertake to milk a _ kicking heler.with a bushy tail, in flitime, out in the lot?---7--Josh'Billings.. -.0.- A Scotel-man having hired himself to a farmer, had a cheese set before him rhat he ;light help hiniself,. The mas- er said to thin : "Sandy, you take 'a _ Ong time to breakfast." "'In trnth nater," answered he, " a cheese o' this Iize is nae sae soon easel" as May ye &c., &c., which will he sold at the Smallest Profits • Always on Hand A Choice Stock of aOly Groceries. wilTS 113 of; KIDD & MeAVULICIN. Seaforth, May 7th, 1869. GEO. W. ROSS, Proprietor. ESTABLISHED i861, THE IVIONTREAL TEA COMPANY 6, Hospital, Street, !Montreal. The continued success of this COMpany only attributable to the quality and purity of thqir Teas. Over a hundrel thousand boxes 'of Tea have been sent 'to different parts of the DOIIIimi033, and. upwards of a thousand:testimanials can beshown'bearit testimony to the quality and purity of the Tett. A great savina can "i* effected by pur- chasing direct from us, eatties Of 5 an 121bs and upwards. Every pas$sage warranted to give satisfaction. "Club together and send for four or five 61bcatties, which will be sent carriage free- to any Railway Station in, the Dominion. The money ,can hie collected .on- delivery. Try our fresh ground steam Roasted Coffee, in 5 and 101btins and upwards, the flavour of which is really excelleat, and every pack- age warranted. 201bs. Tea and "5 or 10 lbs.. . Coffee, sent to any Railway Station carriage free. Tea and. Coffee delivered five Mint daily in the city. Silver taken at par. —English Breakfast, 'Broken BLACK TEA. Leaf, strong Tea, 45e., 56c.; line a -layered New Season do. 55c., 60c. wild 65e.; Very Best Full Flavortd do, 15a.; Sound aolonx 45c.; Rich Flavor -6d do. We. ; Very Fine (lot do. 75a; Japan, Good, 60c., 55c., Fine 60c., VeGryRFinEeE65Ne.,7A Fienest25.0T-wankay• 50c,, 55, 65c, Young Islyson 50e., 60c., 65c 70 Very inc 85c., Superfine and "Vei..y Chlnes $1 • Fine Gunpowder 85e. ; Extra Superfine. COFFEE. ---No- 1, 30c ; No. 2, 215e..; No. a, 20c. •' No. 4, 15c, per lb. . Nothing less than a Cattie sold this Company. ANOTHER WONDERRA. CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. MESSRS YOUNG .& CHAMBERLIN,—S rs, -I feel it a -duty I owe to you, as„ -well as to the public to inform you of the most wouderful cure of Consumption, accoraplished in my person, by the use of the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. 1. coughed a great deal day and night, expectorating a great quanti- ty of matter, and had a great pain about my • left limg. I had cold chills every day, and severe night sweats everynight, and between the racking cough and great.sweating„ I was almost deprived of sleep, by: these miseries as -well as the loss of appetite, I was so i e- duced that 1 could hardly stand alone. 1 was uncler the care of a , physician for a length of time, ' and finding no relief, I tried different receipes, but all without any good effect. Squire Peterson of Bath,- re- commended me to use the Great Shoshonees Remedy; 1 proeured three bottles- at mice, with the Pills,. so soon as I commenced. using it I beg:an to get better, and when I had fin- ished this complement, the cough, expectora- tien of matter, pain about the lung, chills, - sweating, &c., left Me ; and by continuing its use I becaine strong and healthy. It is now over two months since 1 quatabhe reme- dy, and there have been -no syreptonas of the disease returning, and I have been, -and am now, healthier and better than: I have been for years. 1 trust you will make this known to the public, that they may be aware of the peculiar virtues of this truly wonderful ln- dian Remedy. i . PETER C. Y. MILLER• . Ernestown, County of Lennox i and Addington, Ontario. i . ... To all to whom. it may come.—.This is to certify that I have 'been acquainted. With the above mentioned gentleman, Peter C. V. Miller, Esq., for many years, and have kno wn him always to be Of the very Eigh- esb respectability and a very candid and creditable person. and I am confident phut I eau safely vouch 'for the truth of the above, or any other statement made by him. - REV, W. F. 8. HARPER, 44-17 Bader of Bath, Ontario. GRA$alE . • ' Desires to inform his old customers and the public generally, that he has re- built Shops on the OLD„ PREMISES On a raore extensive scale than ever, and is consequently prepared to execute all orders for everything in the way of LUMBER & DEMOCRAT WAGGONS, 33T3C4-0-IS, • cSzO_ and first - None but the best material used, class workmen employed. BLACKSMITITIN G A YEAR'S TRIAL. TheMontreal Tea CompAny : Montreal, 186t, Gataire—It is nearly a year since I purchas- ed the 'first chest of Tea from your house I have purchased _many since, and 1 am pleased. to inform you. that -the Tea as in every case proved most satisfactory, as well as being exceedingly cheap. Yours very truly. F. DENNIE. -- Montreal Tea Company ; GENTLE.W.:N--114e Tea I purchased of you in March has given great satisfaction and. flivlour Of it is very fine . It is very strange, but since I have been drinking . your Teal have been. quite free from heart -burn which wOuld always pain nee after htealsfast: I at. this pmity of your Tea, and shall centime a customer. Y ours respectfally, FRANCIS T. GREEN. 54, St John Street Montreal Montreal, April 1868. --To the Montreal Tea (Jompany, 6 Hoepital Street, Montreal - —We notice with pleasure the` large amount of Tea that we have forewarded to you to different parts Of the DOrainif);), and we are glad to find your business so rapidly nor -eas- ing. We presurEe your Teas are giving genee ral satisfaction, as out of 4he large aanouatts forwarded -we have only had occasion to re- turn one box, which, we 'index -stand, was sent out through a mistake_ CHENEY, ) Manager Canadian Express Co. House of Senate, Ottawa. - Montreal Tea Company ; GENTLEMEN,---Zehe Box of English Break- fast and Young Hyson Tea -whieh you aent me gives great eatisfaetionYou may.tex- peet iny future orders. Yours, &e., S. SKINNER. _ In all its branches, attendedto in a satis- ' factory manner, 44VA FIRST-CLASS KORSHIICER4e0 Pmployed specially for this branch of the :lsusiness. WM. GRASSIE. p—Two G-oocl Village Lots for sale, . k . one of which has a Dwelling House and other improvements thereon. Seaforth, May 21st. 76-3m POOR COPY 0 rr Agents Wanted_ LA Z ARLTS,'M ORRIS, & coi Practical Opticians & Oculists, London, Great _Britain ; Ho ti U. S.; and Montreal,. .1) 1 itGENTS wanted to canvass every Towne ship m the County of Huron, for ROBERTS' PATENT . HORSE HAY FORK,• ' Price $6 00. Liberal Commission Allowed. Township Rights for. Sale. Having secured the exclusive right for the County- of Huron far the above invention,5 any person or persons making or vending the same wid be prosecuted. Da -cording to law. • JAMES PURVIS, • Seaforp. 60-3m. Searorth, April 2,1.869. JJatas sa appointed Mr. M. la k,-ounter, Watchmaker, Jeweller and -Optician, sole agent for Seaforth and vicinity, for the sale of their Celebrated Perfected Spectacles, whilb have been extensively,used in Greet Britain, and the United. States, the past eijht years, and for which they ,claim the nu et- - mentioned advantages over those in ordinal use, the proof of -which may be seen in their constantly increasing :business during We past eight years. ist That from the perfect constratti0s. of the lenses, they assist and preserve the sight, rendering frequent-- changes unneces- sary. 2nd. That they confer a brilliancy distinctness of vision, with an amount 01 • ease and comfort not hitherto enjoyed 4- , spectacle Wearers. a 3rd. That the material- froth whiell'ate Lenses are ground is manufactured special - or optic purposes, and. is pure, ,haaal - brilliant, and not liable to become scratched, 4i1r. That the frames in which they ate set, whether gald, silver or eteel, are of tlie finest quality and finish, and guaranteed pq-, feet in every respeet. They are the only Spectacles that piase.14. as well as assist the sight. And are Chea est, because the best, al -ways lasting many years without change being necessary. „ One of the firth. will :visit at Seafortla..gi the store of their Agent, every six mone4 for the purpose of fitting those havitt tiont cult sightswhen any spectaelest ;sold • their agent during the Mist:rya' will its - changed free of -charge if not properiyAttO WE EMPLOY NO PEDLE.10, Seaforth. May 2 Igt, 1862. Tiv*Y IMPROVED solvent Act of 18, In the Cownty Co2/11 of the County of IMOfl. In tho matter of EDWARD l'ENT, , - a rpHE subseriher offers for sale • his farm, 1 consisting. of 160 acres of land, of fix class panty, being lot No. 26, Con. It Ilibbera county of Perth, 60 acres clearea and. in a good state of cultivation. There is an excellent frame barn; log stable and 1. dwelling upon. the premises. Ample supply of water. " About 7 miles from a good. mar- ket. Plice awl terms liberal. - GEORGE THOMSON, Cromarty P. O., Or, J. S. PORT1qt, Globe will please • publish Seaforth.EtaB. twice a -week for two weeks and. send account to this office. — Dominion of Canada, PROVINCE OP ONTARIO, -County of Huron, • To Wit ; OTICE is hereby given that on Wedas* daY' the Eighth day of ,September neX at ten of the. clock in the forenoon, or as soola- as Carmen can be heard, the undersigned apply to the Judge of the said Court for 2. divehaage under the said Act. see; Dated Soafortb_ this 7th day of OWP A. D, 1869. EDWARD PENTON. By BENSON & MEYBX His Attornies ad Literit. seteatta.,, .8- Stiii.XTON,..EDi ON SIIGAenlielr)a'Sl af:rerru(7)-11.cies,';i:N{AVIealipt.7111S), IC1'18:111130I 1:6:BARIZ:":. -8--jf ---e4f"tA:TChttorincy.--ateLaw,i;odttrix IVL. L. VEflCOE, NI. D.. C. . L. Szltze14 o.n,e,,t,C8Epa i It. W. B SMITH, PHYSI-C OE0-.N ad. oince,—Opp Grocery, ksesidenee,—Main Seaforth, Dee. 14, 1868, TRACY, M. D., CO,W, the Comity of Huron.. ILIPIDBNCE---Clne door East of tl E iseemafgiratliC,1Dmrec,14, 1868. McCOSIL ATTORNEY J. Solicitor inChattery,-00111 Paris, Ont Money to loan Or, fety. Terns eass Oftice—lass Star Baihling. Paris, Dee. 14, 1868. .& W M-ePHILLIPS, „ Lana surve-,ors, All. manner" ef Conveatmeing: neatness and dispatch. raitssioaicr ni 13 f Office—Nexi of; Shalpis Hotel, Seaf. iSeaforth, Dec. 14, AYS 4 ELWOOD, and Attorneys at. taw, f,_)hancery., Notaries Public,. C hke. Office,—Over Mr, Areltil Block,Goderich, Ont. 'Lend. NV. To4n.A.N4,1., HAvs. ,Seaforth, Dec. 14th 1808. CA'AIPB.ELL. M MeGill 'University, Mot :C;an, Snrgeon, te,Seaforth. Cott's ck Residence - Main street. Seaforth, .7nly 15th, 1869, /71 W. liAltILIS, L. -a1ahciu1 Dem?. tures inserted with allthe latest iniprovemcnts. The givatest the preservation of decayed and Teeth extractei1 without pain. CoTh&s;Store,. iScaforth, Dee. 14, 1888. 11AZLEHURST, License for the County f of:Huro Out Particular attention pai of Binkrupt Stock. -Farm! Ste teitieled on: Liberal. Terms. Mortgages Foreclosed, Lan:, rants Execaed,. Alto, Bathff 1 Oburt for Thiron. I Goderich June -911. 1r R. ROSS, Proprietor 1iT*4 -„ Hotel, begs to inform the; ferth and the travelling, comms ly, that 4e keeps irA-Class ac in every- thug required by t, good stable and willing hostli hand, Regular Boarders will necessary !attention. ; Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 1S61. ?02UGHEY HOLNIS1 RISTERS, Attorneys -at -1A iu chancery ana Insolvency, x and Conveyancers, Solicitors Bank, Seaforth, Asrents for Assurance (-1/' Ncf.B.--$30,00i %. Farms, Houses and Lob, Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1888. - MAIL h., CROOK.E ARCH1 KD Plans and SpecificatiOns tin 'Carpenter's, Plasterer's, and. Al measuredand valued, Office. Auction Market, Court -House rich. Goderieh, April 23, $1860. OMMERCIAL vine, JarnesLairdpropriet elass accomodation for tlio traN The larder and bar -are alwa3, the best th4 markets affvr stabling in cormection.- Ainleyville, April 2,3 1861 ENSON & MEYER, ) and AttorneS7s at Law, ciliandery and Insolveney„ A NotAxies Public, Ae. Offieese, Wroxeter. Agents for the 1 t CO. of Upper ,Cansda, and the e ritiej Co. of London, lan 8 per cent.; no -commission s 4..., Z .. 4. BP.ItS0.1; . i Seafprth, Dee, 10th MS. --1-- W LLTBELSK1, SURGli :Foram', respectfully inforl of Seakrth and. surrounding h018 prepara to cure _Corns, blains, Ingrowing Nails, Lar. all diseases of the human foo a successful. tro.,atinent, -with nes& Offieo directly opposite Dry Ci.voode Store, Main Street,. Se4forth,lliec, 14, 1868. N—OTICL—LI*1.E WON 0 lath* and Shaving S want a good.,Sbate., . or y or Shampooped, s3i onght the "Littic Wondet," Soma 1-lotel, Main Street, Seaforti Rooms in tonnection will be poblic cn April 1st. Lubel., inakinalhe ha grow and pre «flnng1 ut, was never known in bottles at '?.1 each. Com Seafor 1i, De. 14.1868. 5: