HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-16, Page 7TA. _ NOTICE AT JOHN HALDAN, has beat � R Official Assignee for the County :uron. Office at SEAFO� TH,---<T. S. Po1T - Ofee at. Gon ,'nxcH, Directly oppote PostOffiee. the Goderiel , March 5th, 1668. 13: Farxn for S a�q ubscrtber offers for sale the fareassee [lot No. 9, in the 2nd Concession, Tonship of Tiiekermith, consisting of 80 nearly all; cleared- There is a, g ood House on the lot, and a large Barn, a ver failing spring- creek rums through the Eor pardon jar, apply t o A. CT: VAJ EGMOND1 q At the Seaforth Caroli x& Mme. Sea..forths July 2nd* 82-2- P0 Tei' ano. H.F. above sum is put in my hands for bi- g- vestment on good facia property at 14 per cent interest and no charges. J. S. PORTER, . Se iforths une,: 18th 186: WGREGOR & SON BOOKBINDERS, ITU L ET RE prepartd to execute binding izi every style. Persons residing at a &stance leaving their books at the Signal Book t€ire Goderich, o2: at the " Fxr'o fro F' ee, Seaforth, statin; stile, may rel upon them being well bond. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, June 11, 1869. HEIFEril STRAYED TRAYED from the premises of the sub- s; i it=er, about they michlle of May, ,} a Yearling Heifer, all red,..- exceptiii whits face. e.ne- person giving ing such information as will I gad to her recovery, will be suitably'. wad --J. . JOHN WI TF.r Seaforth, : July 7th. 83-tf Insolvent Act of 18 the County Court of the C`aunty of In the matter of JAMES HATT: An Insdlvent. Dominion of Canada. 1'1ovince of Ontario, County of Huron, To Wit r0na.. TOTICE is hexeby given that on Thursday the t 4i�,-e3nth dayof September next, e p x , at.tcn-o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon as (.'ouucil cazi be heard, the_ undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge iiidc-> . the said. Act: Dated at Seaforth this 7th day of July, A. D. I8Ei9- JA IES II ATT, By BENSON & MEYER. His Attoriies ad Litem.: 83-tf. YOLV ENT ACT of Ig. In the Matter of; JAMES ELLIOTT, of Seaforth, an Insolvent: HE creditors of the Insolvent are natio- 1 ed that he has made an assignment of us estate and effects—under the above act, to Ener the undersigned Assignee, and, that they we required to furnish me within two mouths from this date with their claims, §peeify-ing the security they hold. if any, and the value of it, and if none stating the fact,, Eho whole attested under oath, with the . Vouchers in support of such claims. Dated at G vderichr- , uz the County of Flt:. en, this 2.5th day of June 1869: JOHN HALDAN, Official Asee t � Goderich.. June 2 . 1869. tf- r Insolvent Act of 1 S64. n the County Cfcnert of the County of Huron. In the natter of EDWARD PENTON. An Insolvent. Dominion of Canada, 'P €WI:' ee OF ONTARIO,.; County of Huron, To -Wit OTICE is hereby given that on Thursday the Sixteenth day of September next,: ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon Council can beheard, the undersigned will ply to the Judge of the .said Overt:. for a `=charge iuider the said .Act. Datedet Seaforth this 7th day of July, D. 1869. EDWARD PENTON. By BENSON& M e ER, His Attornies ad Liter. r OUSE & $1GN PAINTER., 1\ All werk done in First -Class Style. • Or - re to be left one door Nosh. of Dr, Smith's 1. t 67.3ra - T`EST- FOREIGN BRITAIN. Governor Anthony. Musgrave f Newfoundland, has been appointedo:. succeed Governor. Seymour of BirtiSh Columbia. t • Senor Rances has been appointed. Minister of Spain to Great Britain. Lond`?n, July 8,—In the House of_ Lords to -night, the Bill providing, f+' the creation of life peerage :vas re ec- ted by. a vote of 17 to, 106. Mr; Aytoun called attention to be application of the Government loci to the Canadian Intercoloniai Railway, and moved- a resolution, . that in the Opinion of the House such a,n €ip 'l- ead= of public funds was; contrar to theterrors of the Dominion Act anti ar- ising the road. and that no further gt ar- antees should be given except m su li "form as will insure appiications to its construction. It is -reported that Howder has b en appointed Minister of England to Sp in. London, July, 9.—In the Hous , bf Lords, to -night, the Irish Church . ill came up for report from the commit ee. Ou the motion of Lord Carins, the date 1st of May, 1 87 1, was suustitt ted for 1st January, 1872, throughout the Bill.. Lord... Redesdale moved an. am lid - -meat that tie representations of the Irish CL`-iirch and Catholic - Syn d, in cases_ of ,_‘vacant Bishoprics, nomitiate tl:ireepersons for the Crown to. ;s lett 'from, and that the Cdwn, be ems ow-, Bred . to siinin1on 'one; Arebbishop and, two Bishops from. each. !Church to s t. in Parliament. . .:The Earl of - Gi nand protested on the part of the"Ronian Catholics ag• a.nst the amendment 'which he gee1ar. ed was tteily, inadraissable, and it .was pith - drawn: The Marquis of Cl nricarde m ved that clause 28, giving power to co vey. additional land to t'.ie Church bog, be restored to.its original form. He said that the classes, as now amencle , :re- vived Protestant ascendency i3 its most hopeful forma, giving the '16, be lands to the Church body, but ref sing thein to -Roman Catholics and Pr sby terians. - It was 'certain that the Go'ern- ment ;nd the House of Commons quid never sanction the amend hent. - The Marquis of • Clanaic- role's motion. to restore clause 28, was lost by a vote of ;0' to 91. The amendment, embracing th pro- posal of Earl Granville, to pay half a million= sterling in mono" y instead of hauling over private endowments created before 1661, was agreed td. The rport was then. received-. THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR.- -TEST XPOSIToR.- for the .Catholic and . PieSbyterit.n clergy, and adopting the principle of oiincurrrnt endowment.: The Bill then passed. -1 Earl Derby's protest was . then presenttcl, and the Lords , adjourned after an exciting session. , UNITED STATES S. .New York, July 8.—Wen. . San- ford, Cashier of the `Central National. Bank of this city has absconded .with bonds . 'amounting to about $100,0.00, Which had been placed in his hands for safekeeping. • . New: York, July 10.—Another row of buildings in Jersey City fell yester- day afternoon, beingpoorly built. SPAIN. __ 1113.d rid, July ' 8. -There are fresh complications in re`;ard to the Ministry and it ''s now more than likely that the whole abinet will rosign. int : e Cortes to -day the vote of cen- sure against Senor Herrera, was moved by SeuorCatistillar Martos, which was supported by Gen Prim Admiral To- pete opposed the motion being made a Cabinet question. After further de- bate the motion was rejected by 142 to 94. The Republicans approve of the refusal of Members -of their party to join. the Ministry, and declare that they can afford to wait the triumph of Re- publican principles and policy. Madrid, July 9.—The Press and the people generally c9ndemn ndemn the Ministry. The G9vernor of Catalonia has ween dismissed. for not preventing a republi- can denionstratiun in. Barece_lona. Dis= orders are antidrpatecl here, and troops. are kelt in readiness to suppress any, disturbance. . : Madrid,. July .10.—The resignation of Herrera - as Minister of.- j ustice has .,been accepted. The Earl of .Clancarty gave notice that when the Bill came rip for "a third reading, he would move a postpone nths. d thait n tern - }holies Mr. merit of this reading for three m The Marquis of S alis bt t re plif in moving the amendment he. c� platecl siu,ilar grants to the Ca zing Presbyterians, according t Bright's original proposal,- which; Mr. CTladlhtone .has endorsed. ; but tl ought that the retention of their own glebes s by the Irish Church _was not unf, ir. After further discussion, . The Earl of Denbigh announc the Catholics had decided not w .glebe lands or residences. 'New' York, July 11.—The cage special from Loudon of the states that the agitation in rola the Irish Church Bill; threaten come serious. Preparations are a 6 CUBA. Washington, July 10. --The Cuban partizens have the following advices from Nettvitas and Puerto Principe to the 2Stli ult, and fa om Puerto del Padre and test Tuscas to the 28th ult. They say there Las been no movement of a decicleclcharacter in,A either -district. The Spanish -troops have been rein- forced at Niievitas,` and are thus en- abled' to retain possession of the rail- road from that city to Puerto Principe and give a successor to the governor of the latter city, which is threatened by the Cubans under Qnesada. In the district of Puertodel Padre, there have leen several sk_rimishes. The health ora the Cuban army . is -reported good, and the soldiers well organized, d that abcept �ralrZ'S ;10th ion to to be- t'ively being made for imposing denio».st -ations Mr. Glaustone, who has hither -o hesi tated to encourage the meet: gs, ha- consented to give semi-official alicntios on the .grcun 1 that the Lords atte ipted qualify their opposition osition to the Fill of Government and people on the ountl of a pretended change in public enti- ment It is certain, however, tat the Commons will refuse toyiel to the Lords their . amendments exc p the - three -points not affecting the p •inciple of the Bill: It is expected thfat the open-air meetings will be the la.rgest ever known. , New York, July 1 !. -The rald s special London says: -"At a billet meeting -.weld yesterday -it was resolved that the Government will not j Concur in any of the amendments to the Irish Church Bill that will in any -waly im- pair the principle of total disendow neat. It is rumored that Lords 'laren- don Granville, and Harrington,. winced a disposition to yield, but were firmly overruled by the other members pre- sent. Lc n tion, J my .13. -The debate on the Irish Church Bill in the lIduse of Lords was resumed last night. Earl Glaincaarty moved that its third reading be postponed three.months. - Earl Derby was till opposed to the -Rill, but favored the amendments. :orci Clancarty's motion- waswith- irawn. Lord Derby gave notice that' be should offer a I p roteet against the Bill. The Bill was then read a third,time, An amendment was then adopted by 80 to 82 omitting the clause permitting B`ishors to . retain their seats. A pro- viso was adopted, by 121 to 114, tiro- vidit?g furnished residences, and glebes .. A SEAFORTH PLANIKG MIL'L ! SASH, DOOR AND Blind Factor t TsHE subscribers beg leave to tender their i ieere thanks to their numerous cus- at for the very and the tv public large, li&r 1' patronage receiver.. since commencing business in Seaforth: And as they have not r a, very large stock of.Dry Pine Lumber on hand, and -"hawing lately enlarged their premises and added. New Machinery (there- by mcreasrng their facilities for doing work -with despatch), they feel confident of giving every satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are. employed. Particular attention paid to custom plan- ing. lan-ing ; BRLOADFOOT & GRAY. P, S.-= -An Eight -Horse -Power Engine and Boiler for sale, all complete, of Goldie &. McCulloch's make. "r 0-3 m. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH 0OLLAR. (40 0 mai •134 7a O co GEA O F .-r •=mom ••�— Woe S e of orth.--- 4) Zit Pir 47 opal elk Owia 1 CCArTSVR1GHT, Surgeon Dentist. , Stratford, Ontario, begs most respect- fully to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has opened. -DENTA L . OFFICE over MR. HICK �O 'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Sea- £clrth, and has procured the assistanee of totake Surgeon Dentist : A. Ellis,S 1•r.J lI g charge of the same.. Mr. Cartwright will continue to visit Seaforth the second. week of every month. All work warranted . to give perfect satisfaction. Teeth extracted with little or no pain by the use of the Narcotic Spray, which produces local an- asthesia, (want of pain.) Charges • Moder- ate, Terms Cash. RREZ'ERENCES :—Dr. Smith, Seaforth ; Dr. Shaver, Stratford ; J. Dutton, Chemist Stratford P: R. Jarvis. Esq., Stratford Dr. Whiting Berlin ; Dr. Rowans, Drumbo; Dr. Bray, Chatham. Hotel, ' 1 IIo Commercial Mr. C. will be at� the Co , Clinton, the third week of every month. Seaforth, Dec. 17th, '1868. 53-1y. THE undersigned begs to inform the farm- ers and others of the County of Huron; hat he has opened a first class HARNESS & SADDLERY IN SEA'ORTI3 1 , And being in a position to paycash for all material used at his. establishment, he eau .arid will offer superior 'inducements to any other party doing business here. IS COLLARS particularly,'are acknoW- ledged by competent judges to he su- perior to any made in the county, and from hie thorough acquaintance: with the wants of the community, he is satisfied that all who favour biro with their patronage will have. no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all work manufactured at -his shop, places him ` position to warrant all work - sold by 200,000 FEET OF LUMBER! TO BE Sold Without Reserve ONE !RICE0NLY. NEW, DRESS GOODS, NEW PARASOLS, NEW MANTLES, NEW SHAWLS, NEW HATS, ' NEW BONNETS. NEW FLOWERS. New V CHEAP COTTONS, CHEAP' SHIRPINGS, CHEAP PRINTS, CHEAP CLOTHS, CHEAP: TWEEDS, CHEAP HOSIERY, CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES. FRESH GROCERIES, PROQUCE IN EXCHANGE AT CASH RATES. IF YOU WANT A PL.O:UCH! GETA "Victor" or Improved "Yocum." Steel Mouldboard, From JOHNSON . BRo's. SRARF'S :HALL SATURDAY VC., JUlt ITTH; Farewell Tour of the favorite 'Allighanians' and. S las Bell Ringers.- _ Will appear . with New Specialties, New Songs, New Quartetts, NEW BELL PIECES, &c.—Tickets, 25 cts. Alm- Reserved Seats 25 cts. extra, for sale on the day of Concert at the "Telegraph B000k More.' •ee Prof. Geo- G a z.LOW f, Director. On rin D. G. WALDRON', Agent, as Seaforth, July 9th, 1869. 83=2ins. r eat- J face , Sealed Tenders. enders. Will be re eised bythe County Surveyor o r cn the part of the 'Municipal Council for tne County of Huron, until Saturday, 17th it st„ y� EA.FORTH DISPENSARY And Family Drug Stone. For re building the superstructure to the Gravel ].toad THE undersigned begs to intimate to Far- mers and others, that he has as large stock- of Lumber in bis yard, adjoining Messrs. Shearson & Co.'s Mrll,' .Seaforth, comprising all the veriet_ ies necessary for. l)iulding purposes, which he is'determined to sell at very low rates ,for Cash. Those intending to build, would do well to call and examine the stock before purchasing else- where. P. S. -He is also prepared to furnish Bill Stuff, Lath, and all kinds of Dressed Lum- ber. • THOMAS LEE. Seaforth, May 3rd, 74-3m. GOOD NEWS TO Farmers' and Others. undersigned having newly THE his mill in a first class style, he is now grinding for every FIFTEENTH BUSHEL, Or exchanging flour for poi wheat at 41 lbs. to the bushel. • ' THE HIGHEST PRICE IH CASH PAID 1 RLUMSDEN'has just received his ■ Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, French, English and American Perfumery ; Hair Dressings, Oils, and Pomades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shav- ing Brushes ; Dressiigand Fine-tooth Combs; Toilet and Shaving Soaps, ,f!•c., &c.. Horse 85 Cattle Medicines, condition Powders, etc.., DY STUFFS !; Crossing the North Branch of the River Maitland, near Wroxeter.. viz 5 New Stringers to each span, 15 in all, 14 inches deep, and 10 inches thick. 20 New Corbels, each 14 inches deep, and 10 inches thick. 4 Large Braces of Pine. each IIx13 inches. 2 Ting Posts, each 12x12 inches. 1 Needle Beam 12x12 inches, and 2 small braces. I Cross Straining Beam 11x11 inches, and two braces. Of very Superior Quality:` P UYSICIANS' Prescriptions accuratey prepared, • R L V MSD 7'1 Pharmaceutical Chemist. eaforth. April 22. 53-tf. fitted out in which Waggons, Buggies AND DE[OCR41' 8 Pieces of Elm Plank 10x4 inches, to lay on Piers and Abutments.. A New Floor of good scund Hemlock Plank, 17 feet long, 3 inches thick, and 12 inches wide,. All the timbers to be cut to the same length as those in the present bridge, and the old bolts used: again. Also Gravel 7 rods at North end of Bridge, 9 feet wide and 10 inches deep. And 10 rods at South end of Bridge, 9 feet wide and 9 inches deep. There' will also be.j required 11 rods of Gravelling over that part of the South approach which was washed away by the late freshet; 14 inches deep in the middle, and 9 niches at each end. The whole of the New Gravelling to be neat- ly boxed, so as to make the approaches not less than 23 feet in width, The work to be finally completed. before the 20th of September next. undersignned is now manufacturinga lar re number of THE €, Patent Arm Waggons. 1 Of the most thorough finish, and. will posi- tively guarantee the tires to remain tight"on the wheels for at least Ten Years, I a m also turning out Buggies and Democrats : of Various Styles! Fr Imo the best quality of Hickory, imported expressly from Ohio. As all my AXELS both Wood and Iron, are set by my Patent Axle Guage, 1 can confidently warrant my Waggons and Buggies to>I'tun Lighter than any other built in Canada. TERMS LIBERA .LI To responsible parties. All orders by mail or otherwise, promptly .attended to. tri a posi io him, and his motto otto will be "'the nimble imble six- ix- FOB, pence before the slow shilling." Lome along farmers andjudge for yourselves. leo charge for showing goods.HEAT. WShop opposite the Post Offioe, Seaforth 1 ALFRED BREWER, WM. OL [VER, Roxburgh Mills. Seaford:, June 18, 1869, 80-tf. `eaf_orth. June 4th, 1869. 78.3m. • • G. MINCHIN. Shakespeare, May 5th, 1869. 74-0a A. BAY' , County Surveyor. Ses,forth July. 5th, 1869. 83-1i. LOST—TWO. COLTS. TRAYED from the premises of tb,e sub- scriber Lot 28, 1st con.. Tuckersmith, about the l'atter end of April last, two Colts; one year oldemare colt, of a light grey ceIour and one year old colt, entire—of a dark brown colour, 'Any person or persons giving such information, by post or otherv'sise, willlead to their recovery will 'be suitably rewarded, Bineefield P. 0. May 26, 1sq. SHOVELS, SPADES SPADING AND MANURE FORKS, GARDEN RAKES, HpEs, aa, Tn. Great Va. At (JOHNSON Bne . Seefoieh, April 9th, 1809.