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The Expositor, 1869-07-16, Page 5
,SEATS WA]IED( AGRICTIL r•Ait11 SCENE IN 'pit Al!rr. ROBERTSON, a .potter and manufacturer of all kinds of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, • Such as • SFAS, LOUNGES, CENTRE TABLES, M "1TRASSES, C fil & BREAKFAST TABLES, Bl `l1RII78, CHAILRS;: -and BEDSTEAD , ' In €greatVariety: lr. R. has reg` t confidence in offer, ny his Ws to the lnublic, as they are made of )od Seasoned Lumber, and by First -Class 'Orkreen- t FF I rZ NIADEtTO- ORDER On the Shortest !Notice. WOOD, TUNING one with Neatness and Despatch. Wareroox s. WO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL Main, Street. 'forth, Tat. alth, 1869. 57-te.. e. • 0 c-r- rea w 752 c 0 w Crq 0 0 SUTHERLAND RCM AV removed to heir new preiniaes, an ODERICHf TREET , NEXT DOOR Tee. LmdeD's Drug Store, E GUTTING DEPARTMENT Attended to by MR. CHAS..- SUTHER- LAND, from. London England. Or Style, fit, and workmanship, guaran- eedr CC9.RGES MODERATE. R. P uTTIRRI.AND. Cir s. SuTuERTAN'D- Scaf rth,, June 4.1869. 46-1y. 1 J. SEATTER Ai G B. OK.ER, And dealer in Pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS & DYE STUF1 S- The Drug Department artment is under the sp care of an experienced Chemist, ' Ii,. M. PEARSOI' " 2:ist 1869. THOS. E1ELLe CABINET & CHAIRMAKER UNDERTA!(ER. &c. A Large Stat . OF LL kind' of furniture kept conga -141r a. Ahand,, consisting of the best v riet1el- Krughruff's Spring 'Mattrasaes Children Carriages. Coins kept constantly on band - Work made on the premises. , 4r4r. A Hearse for li4re. Wareroom op- posite Kidd & McMulkini. - THS. DEL March1868. . - 7. In travelling from .village tef v one of the first :thnngs that stag eye; is the total .absence of fen hedges. The Melds lie . imu,.e( contig us to the road: There i ally a shallow and narrow ditch wening, but this 1S seldom wide E to offer any obsttu tion to caro :o in crossing , and this is.no part. ,service for which they are clad co,..rse stock. is -totpermitted to large, Our' German rman friends.t.h r..i uch expense in not having - to their fields. . In addition to the of time and money,. the be:ut� landscape is much increfised ` absence of fences, nnim.erestieg than only serve to hide some lege, es the. ces .or liately a j ASu- inter- n:ougb beast of . the e. Of run' at s save -fence saving of the Y the objects .t_Na- tare's living amens by they. ugly forms. One might think that i be a diffthalty to drive cattle in along roads that are tkuSi open fields. But I do not recollect seem; a single infraction' of th iu this respect. They, }walk al straight and narrow way, turnin er to the right hand nor to the l s T corls'stenc3 that�lrziman me ata (13 well tura imit . to .in another see ; The fields of grain -will comp re well as regards size, -with an ordin br city lot. Indeed Many of them. a -e much smaller. Perhaps -two . by eig would be their averge. size. .course, refers to the fertile ,;vould droves in the fl ever order rig the • :peith- ft with S�_Cl. • 1'd �x A 'OBTI � :E PO:SITC Singiar : Case of Restored Ani- mation. r One of the most :remarka'ile instances of r stored animation which has ever take place in this city, occurred on Sun ay night, last, in Varick street, nei;. McDougall the particulars of whi h are as follows : n aged': lady- named Rebecca Town- sen who has been ailing for several weeks past, expired; as was supposed, ori i real for The the - (Asa vali l"ty rods his of plains, where the -entire surface_is under cults .vation and not the highlands appropriated. . to raising tim. pasturage. Little corner stm the boundaries o -these little f lots, 0 l think that the object oft ding into -such small lots is, tp. better opportuniuy - for a reign systematic, rotation, of o crops. siclet, with only a de p furrow oae :sees there lit le patches wheat, barley, -peas, .iotatoes, one can overlook a 1 rge tract of :coun- try, the different tints giv.Ii 11y the va,ii,ouS little fields, -give the antl.scape. the appearance of ,aliuge chess board. The work; in file fields is clo e largely by women. The 'military ser iice is a great drawback to the iriclus I,al ener= gies of the nation, and must continue to be so for many years. The agricultural iutpleme . is are of the rudest description., An observer might imagine that some of t m were the results of Father Main' arly in ventive genius, and that afte teatly3r-. ing the flood, they had been ii use ever since, - Harvest is done ma my with. the sickle._ One of our reapry would. create a sensation in a Ge an har- vest _ field. The grain is enerally tllreslec 'y the hand, althou 1t I' . saw one threshing Machine driven hy'_steare. However, necessity produces a demand for any commodity ; and la r�r being abundant and. ` cheap there there has been little demand for tris L ind of in- -f;ntive genius arid hence Litt e progress has been made in this dir • cion:.. In other fields of ' labor, Gernv n; investi- gation nvestigation has- no equal among other "na- dens. hat are er or to e Ynarl signs . and lis divi- s cure a air and ide, by � .t ween of oats, c,, When Ing. cozy bur was ren the pos ;t nday . morning last. That she. y ;was dead, no one whet saw het s moment hesitated to:. believe. set e y eb-ills, the .rigid limbs, and apparent cessation of respiration, (Anted to , the supposed fact that at had come to the relief of the in - 1. ccording,ly, on Sunday the sore"ow-,. household, acting on, this belief, ulE;nced making -ations for the kmakingprepel al of the body..A burial permit obtained, a coin ordered, and the ains wore tempo arily laid out upon bed in'�vvhiGhth old(lady �_- y was sup ed to have died, and the sertice of -a wa.--cher (a young female residing m a hboririg house) were secured to ac - d the body during Sunday ni ;ht. bout eleven o'clock en` Sunday old eo d. n ns lnelo • ,, ets of _ met ev nin; the me ret' led, leaving the watcher alone to be' disagreeable task: , As the young lacy states, she became drowsy about. t.w -' o'clock in the morning, and en se ' ncing herself in an aim chair, soon ,fel into 'doze. She had not slept a- b ) e an hour, when she wasawakened byajow, moaning sour d, which appar- entlyissued from the .couch on which lea 'the supposed corpse. Startled by t1i Strange noise, thew watcher im inedi- y int 1,. sprang from her chair and ap ached the bed for the purpose of ertaining the cause of the mysterious nds. At this moment the :sounds suddenly ceased: 9here lay the corpse juOt as the watcher had left it one hour l efore, the eyes still in death, the liml:.s still rigid, and nota sign of life visible. Believing the sounds which she fan- cied she had heard were bim fancies con- jured up by the uncomfortable position i which she was placed, the watcher r turned . to her seat and resumed her nap. She had not remained in this position more than half an hour when slie was: again aroused by a sound simi- lar to those which had previously. 'al armed ber. Again she sprang from her chair and approaehed the bedside, when oh' horror of horrors ! her eyes met the wandering gaze ofthe supposed corpse.` Could it be possible tbat she was dream- rng 7 She passed her hands to her eyes to convince herself that she did .tot sleep. Slowly the - eyes of the corpse commenced rolling in their sockets, tl e 'muscles of the face relaxed, the jaws Contracted? and as the slimy eyebal a nested T upon the countenance 'of the ap- palled watcher, they appeared to entreat -the woman to wine to her relief. Horror rivetted the watcher to the pot. She attempted to shout for assts- ance, but her tongue refused her any utterance. As she continued to gaze upon the living corpse, the arms began -to move,'anci the rigid hand was slowly lifted to the mouthas if the corpse int- doted d rink. The corpse next coni-- menced assuming an.. upright position, anc1, finally, after- an effort of several NEW MILLINERY I I RS. GLOVER, begs _to announce to the inhabitants of Seaforth, and surround- ing country, that she has opened a now milli• nery,in the shop • OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. STORE, Where she will attend to all orders in her line. Millinery, Sts r ping. &c., and all kinds of Fancy Work done on the sliortest notice. Seaforth, Feb. 25th 1869. 54-tf. BLACKSMITH SHOP.. THOMAS. WATSON Begsto inform the public .generally that he still carries on general Blacksinithin ; at his Old Stand, NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRO C'S HOTEL .AINLEYVILLE. Specia attention paid to Horse -Shoeing. AinleYo ille Feb. 9th, '69, 63-ly ar }is so SO HIRAM COLLIDAY{_& SON, N returning thanks for past'favors, .have the pleasure of announcing to the- mer- chants and business men of Seaforththatthey ' • care prepared to receive oidersfor all kin dsof DRAY WORK. Goods handled with care, and satisfac- tion guaranteed. 58-1 January 21st, 1869. y More of Those 12 Dollar Suits! AT GLEGIfOR 'S ALSO A Choice - Selection of Silk -mixed d West of England TWEEDS! • The roadsides are usually fired with • a row of shade or fruit travellar seems to be finis riding through a long and beautiful lawn. 1n our country, it would be sor safe to_plant our orchards -o side, on account . of the s which our people, and esp boys, have for fruit. Fro that the fruit upon, ,the lo' the trees iu question' selcta -conclude that the German's this kind of appreciation. Not unfrequently, a rus pears by the roadside, occu rocky elevation that is ne less for industrial purposes, has thus been converted. at pense into a most welcome by the taste of some, ha peasant.—Cor: Iowa Hoon — A. C. if—AN ECMOND'S Woolen Factory ! t es. The jewbat tri 1 the roacl- p reeiation dally one the fact r limbs of ripens, I so possess seat ap Ting some rly worth 1 but which slight ex - doting place d workin stead. SEAFORTH, - - ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. AT ASTOHISHIHJ L Y LO .W PRICES. —Afew Sewing Machines for Sale P. S. that have been run for a short time. Just thethifuz for Tailors or Dress- makers. Call and see them working. Seaforth, March 18, 67-3rn - THE subscriber, thankful for past patron- age, would inform his numerous custom ers that he has greatly enlarged and improv- ed the above mill, and -.:added corsiderable prepared more machinery, so that he is now 1 it pre to turn out better work than he has ever been able to do before. He would. alsoin- form those' wanting carding done, thatn now has Four Carding Machines, so that all parties from a distance can have their WOOL CARDED AND HOME WITH TUEIVI THE SAME DAY. a 1 MILLINERY! DRESS, ANI) MANTLE MAKING. MISS M'INTOSH 1 SHES to announce to the ladies .of Seaforth th and vicinity, that she is pre- pared to execute all orders with neatness and despatch, and in the latest style and fashion of the season, From her experience in the abovejbusiness, she hopes, by unremitting attention to the want's and tastes of those who may favor her with a call, to merit a liberal sham of public patronage. ilikrROOMS over Corby's Store. - Entrance Second Door North of the Telegraph Office, - Seaforth, 'April 2, 1869. 69-3m. Carding, Spinning' Weaving, Coloring, Cloth Fulling and Dressing, will receive special attention. .Owing to the large outlay for machinery, he is compelled to make his Tern* Cash.. All work not so paid, will be charged 20 per cent extra. A. G. VAN EGMOND. Seaforth, April 29th, 1869. - - 73-3m minutes, sat bolt upright in the bed. l This last movement proved too much '£o - the nerves of the fright -stricken watcher, and, staggering from the bed- side, she fell fainting on the floor. The noise occasioned by the fail awoke the inmates of the house, - -who hastened to the room. There sat the . woman still npriht in the becl, at the foct of which lay the: convulsed form- of the thrror- stricken watcher. the Discovering toe state .of.affair s„ householdimmediately dispatched a servant for the nearest physician, who shortly -arrived upon the scene, and. by application of restoratives succeeded in reviving the supposed corpse sufficiently to ena.blt lies to respire freely. The catcher, by the administration of proper restorative. watt, after much difficulty also restored to consciousness, but her nerves received a shock which will prop - ably. tell uron her constitution until her dying day. She 'avows she will never again serve as a watcher of . a, corpse, and no wonder at it CASF GGF "CANADA., WAREHOUSE," In Scott's Brick Block, SEAFORTH, IMPORTANT NOTICE LUMBER, LUMBER, Andrew- Goiii,enlock A7OULD announce to' the public genes V V ally, that he has ofi hand at present, athis Saw Mill, McKillop, -over four hundred thousand fest lrf lumber; cut into all . the varioua lengths and sizes generally used for �IIE subscriber has received his first in- stalment of rj1UE subscriber having REMOVED to 1 the premises lately occupied by E. Hick- son & Co., is now prepared to pay the high- est Cash Price for any quantity of good. Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main St. , Seaforth- THE FoTAT.o = QUESTr 1 N. field Eagle` says a farmer Berkshire has planted -thi hundred :fid :thirty-six v totoes—ail `the knownna except four, i'nd `be hon these in time for planting. to thoroughly ..test them each the xa me soil and, en carefully weighing. the cr in a rod of drill. - The lis the new and famous seedl result• will in a measure s to question. - Bur To PiogoaEN. =--Z plow a la.nd`ten rods wi striking out `a -land that five rods of the other now back harrow as usa width, and then turn a square corner at the end, -observing to�ihave the end furrow_ on a parrallel 'ane with the �tside. By thisLean ! you .wi l i al- ways n ; ways turn round ou the stubble, _thus leaving g the land untroddlen, : and instead of "dead f rows" at t th corners, you will have idges." The Pitts in Southren (spring one rieties of po e#d varieties to 4 obtain le.purpoSE s all, giiing tivation, and obtained i includes .a ngs, and ti ttle the pot 0 DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, April 22.- ! 2-tf, LISTEN !!! WHILE 1 you wish to e, instead of 'dth, pace Off nd and' estop 1 the required Remarkable Suicide of a Blind Man b SPEAKS. o For his Stock of SPR-G.GOOP1 WAS A blind pian, whose pariah nay had been stopped on account of his intem- perance, has. comma*ted suicide at Cheltenham, England, after a very singular method. He,. possess©d some- thing very .much like an oldfashioned chaff -cutting apparatus; with which he was. in the habit of chopping wood, and , n having adjusted this machine to suit his purpose, he stooped +Flown and passed his tluoat_ from left to right along the knfe.He bled to death - in about ten. minutes Never Excelled x cchd In this Market. - SPRJ±YG GOODS LADIES & MISSES' Brown, Black, Colored and White SUNDOWNS. - GENTLEMEN'S Straw, 'Canton, Panama, Felt, All -Wool . and Merino HAYS ! BUILDING, FENOINU AND DRAINING Purposes. Also a large quantity of HARDWOOD LUMBER 1 Consisting chiefly of CHERRY ELM, OAK; BIRCH AND MAPLE, s'And a large and choice quantity of BASSWOOD AND PINE I I - All of which will be sold at VERY 'LOW PRICES ! In order to make room fornumerous thous- ands, yet to be sawed during the summer MY SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD 1 IS -ON THE OR.AVEL ROAD. FOUR MILES NORTH OF SEAFORTH RTH , P. S.—Please remember the name is " ANDREW GOVENLOCK," McKillop, June 18, 1869. 80-3m. Decicled Bargains in Union, All -Wool and BRUSSELS CARPETS. Also some very choice Gunpowder, and BZTEAS 1 Sugars, Syrups, Coal Oil, &c. CLOVER AND TIMONTHY SEEDS. A large stock of BOOTS & SHOES ex- pected. in a few days_ eta:Highest pride paid. for Butter, Eggs. &c. ARC ii_ICALD 1VIcDOUGALL. Seaforth, April, 1869. 53-ly LEEP EASY i jN order to do this, get one of 30o KEGS The Manchester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. - Seaforth, May 4th, 1869. 61-th JAti,IVIES' LT LE N0. 1, AND GENUINE. 3 THS. BELLS PATENT SPRING BED B-OTTOMS.!1 Warranted to give satisfaction. A FEW COUNTY_RIGfHTS FOR SALE. Seaforth, June 18, 1869. 8o-tf. OFFICES TO LET. _OUR excellent offices to let.in Scott's - New Brick Block. Apply a i McOAUGHEY & HOLM, TED. iS. Seaforth, Jan. 27, 1869. n6- - THE SIGN OF THE COLDEi BEST QUALITY LINSEED OIL! BOILED - AND RAW. TURPENTINE, BENZINE, _ VARNISHES, GLASS, _ PUTTY, &c,; At Johnson nson Bro'sw Seaforth, April 9th. 70.., TIME. T'M 'TIME. I. you want a Watch that will keep the correct time, subscrber begs to inform the public THE that he his just received a great variety : of Saddles and - =Which he is prepared to sell At Prices Almost Unparalleled. COLLARS of every description, war- ranted. not to hurt the horse's neck o - purchase one of Thomas Russell - & ' Son's celebrated -Watches. A arge -stock of theca for salteat - COUNTER'S N. C I SEAFORTH. 1 He has also on hand a large assortment of 1 Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Goos Toys, &c., all to be sold Cheap for Cash. The ex King of Portugal recently n1ir l d–. o aacetac all y =a Miss Louis Hensler, :a young singer from Spring- I field, Mass. tEAF06TH MILES SEED STORE! THEj undersigned have just received IMPORTED DIRECT, 1,000 LBS. SKIRMINC'S IMPROVED PURPLE -TOP SWEDE, A quantity of Early - - GOODERICH POTATOES, Also a fresh stock of • GARDEN AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Will have constantly on hand a choice se- lection of Flower and other BEDDING .PLANTS., r'Every description `"•° Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest ti Notice, and lArarranted to give sa t' isfitic on. The highest price paid for Old Gold and Silver. - M. R. COUNTER. - Seaforth, April 27th, 1869. 53-ly In the *ay of Harness, OF' ALL KLDS, He is, as heretofore, in a. position to give his customers as good value for their'money as any other establishment in Ontario. Quality_ . of work -and material employ e3 indisputable. `rSHOP OPPOSITE 1"iIDD (01 ULK1 ES. -JOHN CAMPBELL. Seaforth, Feb. _ 12, '69. - 63-t£ LIFfi ASSURANCE. :h - ) STAR L bhp rata a 26 years. L FE - ASSURANCE Socx wrv. . Annual income, 45800,000. Reserve Funds - - - $4,000,00a:; Profits Divided 1 _ - $3,000,000.. OR THE SECURITY OF POLICY -r: I OLDERS IN CANADA, :1Oii,000-in Cash is deposited. with the Dominion. Gov- , erninent. The Rates of Premium in 'the `Star", aro Liberal, Profits Large, Mann gement son' ncl and efficient. Ninety per cent of Profits di- vided ,amongst policy holders. OSBORHE'S GRANULATED WHEAT{ possesses all the quahties of Farina and Oatmeal, for Porridge. Oa W.A. Shearson & C aforJh May 21. , 52-1 .'. Se o � � For particulars and further information, apply to - W. N. WATSON, Agent for Seaforth and vicinity. Or to J. GREGORY, Manager Caned& Branch, Toronto. April 29th, 1869, 73-3111 PRIVATE BOARDING mWO or three boarders can be aeoomeno- 1 datcdiwith comfortable *Donis, For particulars, apply at this office, ip tf+_ Seaforth, lune 11th, 1869. 4-