HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-16, Page 3people's retneseatativetr- , deliberate upon in - the 11 ; and therefore it ; be au nenecessary -task to ex- nfineiples which:ought Ito unc'ea, Baekirist Legislation. Upon I eurids cani believe that*ney exs of the function of moiler Ineeeesaa•y, unless on that of pat ignorance being, the moat potent ent of craft and pelWes. to return to thesaltieet of Bank - beg to state that I die -haat defend oses" Saliercie fl to/o, brit the of the achernt . so far as it re, ma ng thefixed ettpitai of the ••in the form of our national works, ead the .various sources public it venue to be the basis of irtaI currency ; ar d furthermore eated the., extension of the same ie o aa te lecluCe the fixed ea- h.e-firitiseds, such as cultivated _rid other rettenueable property he basis of our national currency ; at. midi basis should be secitr•ed ids deposited with the govern - Of the ceuntry. Ontario" oh - .0 this idea and _insists that the al currency should be based on Wing capital of thecountry—a, heet which -without the smalleet Y of meson be paradoxically de-, - Lite former, as a " state o otoing"1 lattu zis state of haring,"— nnor " am eridence of debe find -ter an emlence o caintal. - Ts gage or bond on real estate, or eventiable fixed capital an evi- Of debt of the raartgages or bond eor of the money which ia bae od And the money bosed oie the f the individuals who .may ba.ve !eel; a. Bank discount Dr a pat. er ,te, an evichn e of the capit 1* of If, ar of any one else'? OntariOV' .eit or arguraent if you choose, ie that it is ; arid yet if he had ',e- t theattributes of the two schemes - nth would have been more . evi- Agaixi his reference to the de - tion the American curreacy as nu n the whole matter in a "mit- t is without apytforce as an are°a- -- for, the " nutshell" must be avken, its kernal analyzed, the y of the American system, and .7incip1e of the one I aavocate, or of MF. Itose, must be shown,. . .13 modhys opertmli of that depre- 'a explained before " Ontario" , theblisit his point. The A-merican - is based on a credit upon tax- atisiatet.out of the inereaSing re - of the nfaion, which the eater- exigeacies of the co.:tn.-try in a of rebellion drove- the nationel nment to have recourse to, and the pantile,' cited by Ontario" )erfect at the start. - But without tine- an extravaeant drain upon Ck source of of the cfountry either by teetiate taxation or by forestall- ' natienal revenue through go: lent Lauda—a course Nvhich 1 env- ':ily clenouncediumy former a4t-tie t when th e magnitu de of the resUPCS i (Lcurreuey based on the natienal and to be redeereed by the future al revenue of the country enabled raerican govetnreent to achieve, considered, we are constrained it the practability, and the -Policy vs -tem which basis the cun-eney on tional taxation when confined to gitimate purposes ofgovernment lan which has been rectminended Ate- of the most eminentl writers of tary science in Baitain.1 'conclusion I gladly aeltnowledge iritess of Ontailo" in Ibis); state - of difference between the t system advocated by him, _and. elvocated by myself Nelen he says Ite present taystem bases the cur - upon. the ( conrertable) j1oati7l9 1 of the country, and mine upon evenuable).fixed capital. Now it ident that my plan afforils the .tatigible sectnity to billholders ; hereaa, the planhe edvocatea billbolders at the mercy of the -tuagement and speculative dis- y of directors in making . per advances to customers or to el?ves, haying only the doable lia- . of stockholders to fail back upon, nay in the -end prove to be "men arie ; mine would give the tarigif ital of stockholders, which heal . pledged with the government for equity of billholciers to fall back while his phut affords the of seettrityeta the public consistent the maximum of profit to be reap - the Bank, mine would afford the !nurfl of security to innocent billrs consistent with legitimate busi- of the Bank, whose capital alone d sustain the effects of mismanage -et as it would improve through anagement. r Henry Ba.wlison, who affects eelogy has satisfied himself, and -mg to satisfy other people, thace lolL is the site of the Garden of - • Moreover, he claims to afore vered public documents stored in .•lort, which prove the foot and b. " give an exact geographical iption of the scene of man's edence."--- flISTRICTATTERS sTori and read Durican'e gaining • t advertisnaent Tag 12ru at Clinton was celebrated by- a procession Of .tliirteen. .-Lodges. Several speakers, iddressedthe gather- ing. , Mr, Lefroy tame down on the Irish Church Bill in unmeasured terms. Ih last, . part The -Band s pie-nie came off on Wednesday 14th: - Vafortunately the former of thd day was , Wet Widell put rimistakable damper uPon the pleasure. Notwithstanding this the afternoon was very pleasantly spent, -the ill effects, of the weath.er not be- ing manifested particulaaiy, save in the very limited attendance. The Raviete has commenced -in OAS sec- tion of the country. The crop is very heavy in almost evetey case, Some go- ing nearly, or Perhaps Tao, thiee tons to the acre. Go xp HONE —Our Townsmen, P.- :Bull and E. Cash9. have_ recently left Seaforth to pay their native. ootuatities visit—the former EnglanO, and the other Scotland. May their tolir- be pleasant and their return safe. would direct the atte tion of our readers to the notice in anot ereeluma ef the opening of the God loll 10 -ram- mer Schav ool. We he good reaeons for believing that, under the manage- ment of Mr. Preston, it is One Of the best high schools in the Province, ; The County Cottecil, thlring its recent ses- sion, visited ijp, and made a most flat- tering report thereof coin ittee had taken pains to provide.. - .1i , ' A0C1DENT.—On: Monday last a youne inan named Anderson, who was workiug in the market house, fell 'from hie position and Was eaught on a -meat hook beneath the. lower Au. He was -imme- diately attended ,te by Dr. Trach and we are pleased to know that he is icloing Nadi. • THE Mechanics' InstituteLibrary will be opened ea Thar (11,37- next. Members can secure tickets on 'appli- cation to the Secretary any time, next week. Membership can be •secured on application to any member, of the Com- mittee; on payment of One dollar. This amount enables a person to get the use lof about $400 worthjof reattling mat- ter, about one-fourth of One per cent. .TH:r.X.PIT' treated to a sumptuous d , inner aft' er which 'they. paraded and then had a shooting /match for a prize, It W. limits and E. Pike scoring equal, the prize was equally divided between them. Although.a. very large crowd was present there was no disturbance of any kind nor did any accident occur to mar the proceedings In the even- ing there,was prize dancing after which those who wished, remained and "tripp- exce lent swings which weve well pa- ed the light fantastic toe" until- next had anorning when all departe trot zed. Short, poinied and pithy d having; adtbesses wel'e delivered by Dr. Camp- a jolly good time. - Success to Confede- bell; Rev . Aylsworth and Mr. John tation, not forgetting Fordwich. Gra. T. LEECHEVILLE---Daminion Day was The " hboist fantastic toe" - 'was observed bele by nearly all closing . not indulged in at length, consequent . their places of business, and a general upon the dampness of the sward The Band discoursed sweet music at. stampede to* the various pic-nics and • inte -vals _during the day, and we other places' of amusement throughout the township. The B. A. O., of G. T. )& thin - no one reeret1 e m -enied being - t t'' -a A' • lo went to Lakelet and spent the RosaieleE IN SEAPORTH. —A dge I. 0. of G. T., Went eyeaings ac a "Venus and Adoni i few- clay pleasantly. were taking a ramble. Thelatter seized down to Spring Hill and by all accounts a VOITy inj udicious opportunity to ' de- had a jolly :time. The volunteers • marched :up .to Fordwich and were clato his passion, ina-irnuch as the, generously _ entertained by the inhabi- words that shonld have been sacred to tants Of that ambitious village. MORE TALL WHEAT.—Mr. E„ ;Giant of W. Wawanosh, writes us •-Under date of 7th inst., of having palled a fair apecimen of a.. four acre field ;Of the White Flint variety, '-rneasitling 5. feet inches high. We consider this extraordinary -ere account .9f the " fineness" -of the variety.- Mr,. John Hinahley. of Huila, has also :set a sample measuring 5 feet 1 Inches. Who can .sencl us a six hotel- V THE Clinton New Era contains the following sensible ;remark •,---'lltere to be `sfeen- in a 'few gardens of this. village Scotch thistles, 'which may please the owner and gratify v;ssitors, but if permitted to ,go to seed be • a great detriment to tLe whole coun- try. - We have thistles and weeds enough without importing any more. TEMPERANCE LECTURE.—Rey. Mr.' Aylsworth delivered an excellent Tem- perance Lecture in the Baptist ,church, on Wednesday, evg., connection with. • the Canada Temperance Union. A very respedtable attendance WaS present, and- we regret that space will not peririt Us to give the Lectuier'S apt il- lustrations, eloquent ithagery eird. in-. tensifted feelings. Our eloquent friend Mr. John Gray, chairman passed some eulogistic remarks on the able dis- course, and Rev. A. McDonald 'Bap- , ti.st minister closed the meetifteg with ^ and farmers, and other connections to. the number of two or three thousand. Previous to this a platform for the ora- tors had been eirted under the shade of a group of ti tees, and planks were spread over fallen. trunks forming sit- ting accommodation for the multitnde. The ceremony began with- an appro- priate sermcxe as f am informed, and after which several speakers addresed the atbentive assembly for about an hour. During the addresses several gallant orangemen brought pails and glasses, by -which men, Nvoinen and children freely quenched their thirst with pure "Adam's ale." A collec- tion was made at the dose, and the procession turned round and returted to the village. Those who had come from a distance began their home- ward journey, and filially the rest gra- dually dispersed, and as night speed - its mantle over the scene the streets cA.in.leyville resumed their • usual tranquility—a few untaxed curs and black porkers being the only prome• naders. • Thus ' closed the most memorable day ia the annals of Ainleyville. Here some years ago, reigned a " bowl- ing wilderness," without roads, except a track through an almost Impenetra- ble forest, which took tliiree or four days to accomplish the distance of sixteen miles to the nearest -railway depot, but as it now -stands, the -writ- er sees no material dificrence between it and the district within -fifty miles around Montreal. The tireless arm. of the sturdy settler hes reclaimed the acres be now. -calls his own,: and has added to the wealth of the country, eve- ry blear of his- axe has been a step for- ward—tutioh ! what a laborious task it has been ! The reward of that -toil is the waving green fields -which sur- round his homestead and await his sythe dr the reaper. the ears of him who gave them utter:: Ain ', James Perkins, our excellent anc4 e and those to whom they were ad- Reeve has eniarge.i and otherwise im- drePised, fell upon °there. The only proved his Boot and Shoe shop, and has mitigating circumstance intthe connee- llow as neat and tasty a sales room and tion is that they were those that had work shop as could be wished for. He 11.13deizone a personal experiencekeeps font work men constantly elm - "What's there name and 'where they ployedtinenanufacturing all kinds . of live we ain't. ?going to tell." When boot wear of which he always keeps a you; propose be sure no one's near eslarge stock on hand. -- pe4ally if there be the least risk of A farmer living on the 10th con., your suit's r jection. ' i more greedy than conscientious having lost one of his steers by disease, brought Bell'o Spring Bed Bottomtheinettt: down here and disposed of it No" - • • - t tl f t tinit person is mole a r iN e o le ac a to severali parties who, however, soon discovere/1 the trick, made him disgorge vary man.y. of the " patent" artidies of - the present ae are -worse than his ill gotton goods and allowed hini to bgUse- ao unpunished. He deserves a few see anything of real merit nothing af- Years in Ole_ Queen's " boardiag house less. This eing - the case when we with hard labor." I fords us greater, pleasure than to make 1 • it ltnown. He' ce the reason that we - , ' ORANGE DEMONSTRATION IN wo4ild say a Nvort in favor of the above • la.INLEYVIL.L.E. nanied article. From experimental knowledge we have no hesitation in By ThornasWidd, a Deaf mute. saying " Amen" to the anlexed certifi- cSome writers have frequently charac- ates; which are but fair specimens of scores that Mr. Bell has in his pos . .. terized those parts of Canada as "the extreme limits of civilization," or more sessiop. If the pablic possessed but half an adequate idea, of the comfort frequently still "the backwoods," where Nvhich a goodspring bed..bottom gives the werk of the axe has just, begun. But now:a-days one caanot , fail to be we -are- sure all would have ore. convinced that such appelations are SEAFORTH, JULY 120, 1869things of a bygone time. -have in use in my house one of The anniversary of the famous battie , Tliomas. Bell's improved bed bottoms, of the Boyne was celebrated in the lit - and I can fully reeemmend it as the tle village of Ainleysetile, with all the best „I, (have eveeseen, as well as the pomp and show of the priestly Fete cbeapeit. •Dieu of Montreal—except a, numbers. , - S. G. McCAUGHEY. The day was gloriously beautiful and Seaforthe hardly .a cloud overshadowed the lovely scene: A gentle. breeze fanned the SEAFORTIT7 JULY 10; 1869. faces of the gaily dressed crowds and ., We have used Mr. Bell's bed bot- made the hot -rays of the sun less op - tom and find it superior to any other.- pressive. Abont 10 o'clock the village With Pleasure we rec9rnmend' it to the- public. presented a very . lively and grotesque ' t -. STRAYED. ("IAMB into the premises of the subscribsr, -1,a)• Lot 21, 4th Con., Tuekersmith, B. , a three year old Steer. The -owner is re- quested to prove property, pay charges, and- - take it, away. ALEXANDER BROADFOOT. July 15th, 1869. - CAME ASTRAY. OAME into the premises of tie subscriber, k.) on the 6th. inst., a bay iiort The Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. prayer. As willebe seen by poster ainounce- ment.. Rev. J. Wild will deliver his far famed Lecture "Baiter, in Sharp's Hall on Friday evg next F,rout ex- perimental knowledge we can assure the citizens of Seaforth and surrouia, ding country, that it they miss hearing him they will have every reason. for regretting it.. The novelty alone of the theories. -advanced by the Leeturer oommends it, by nine -tenths of _such, efforts. There is no doubt but that a crowded assemblage . par- , tieipate in the intellectual treat. Boum liuRoN 11JIATott.— .. The Mowing Match in connection with the S. H. Agricultural Society; took place on ;the farm of . Mr. Bell„ Tu.cker- smtth, yesteialay, over 1,000 spectators - being present.' Thirteen 'enteies of ma- chines were made, as follow -a : Bell, St George, single, Sherman, Stratfm-d, combined, Jackson, Lucan, combined, Ross, Franeistown, combined; McPher- son, Glasgow ST. Co., Clanton, combined, Bell, St. .George, combtned ; Potter, Elora, combined; Patterson, Riehmond single,'Sawyer, Hainilton, combin- ed ; Massey, Newcastle, combined ; Glen, Oshawa, cembined ; Hagyard, St. Mary's, cemeined ; Thomson (Se Wil- ms, Mitchell, single.. The entries were not made in .• every case by the makers, but in„some by their agents The Judges were. Messrs: Biggins, Ar - and Willis, and the Prizes were, picture, -which would have gladdened R. L. SHARP, Prop'n, Sharp's Hotel. the heart of any painter. Across tbe stteets were triumphant arches 'decorat- e' witlt flags and etreameiz dancing in 'REMEMBER the *Swiss Bell -Ringers • the breeze- The dry goods store keepers, conceit tomotrow night. The Montre- unrolled their colored merchandise, al Herald, in their closing notice oi -the celebrated A lleghanians, VoCalists and and stretihed them rtglit across the street attaching ene end tie the windows Swiss Bell Ringers, who are to appear here on Saturday evg July 17th says : of the oppcsite store, blingiug out al- most every color of the rainoow. "The. com.pant had a Very large aud- ience on Saturday evening in St. Pat- Boughs were liberally used in decorat- ing inany of the buildings. In conveni- ent il.ck's Hall. Mr. Galloway took won- parts of the village swing boats derfully in his songs, exciting roars of laughter. The "Twins" also brought were erected and well° well patronized by the young bloods of the -Country into play all the risble faculties --of. Melt the audience -posseesed. Miss and their "sweethearts " Everybody enner and Mr. Galloway were im- seemed to have turned out i11. their nfi ense in the "Apology" "Auld Robin very best apparel, and the majority of ray" earned for Miss Jenner a round the men wore emblems charactelistic of the occasion attached to their hats and button boles. eOn both sides of th.e village abundant means were at hand for the thirsty people to indulge in "Temperance drinks," aucl the village pumps seemed to g oan under the heavy strain on their machinery. Ginger bread, bre al • and cheese, and the etcetaries so comm.on to the stalls at English fairs were plentiful. A large building in course of construc- tion was converted into a banquet hall, and tanks of ".all the delicacies of the. season" werespread out, and awaited the pleasure of several hundred orange - men; The procession now forroed and the. loud beating. of Animathe playing of wind instruments, etc, (among which was a Seottish bagpipe, to the intense gratification of not a few Scottish set- tlers,) the merry laughter .and clapping af hands of childrenethe cordial greet- ing of old friends, the meetings of hearted, gaily attired maidens and their lovers, all beaming with health and happiness. The orangeraen woie their regalias, naany with sword in hand, and others carrying flags and snpears. Thus about 600 orangemen of Lodge Noal 1 began their march about the village:un- til the bell rang to call them to the banquet. After the inner man had been duly satiefied, they again turned out and re-formed in procession. Un- fortunately, Ainleyville does not boast of a building (a town hall, if you please) Fuge enough 'for the immense gather - in and a happy idea occurred to. the - • • JOHN GRAY., Seaforth, July 16 1860. Egraondville. STRAY HilFER. TRAYED from Seaforth, about the 241b. of May last, a two year old Heifer, all white, excepting inside the ears. Any pep son giving such information as will lead to her rceoeery, will be suitably rawarded. JAMES BEATTIE. Seaforth, July 15th, 186$ 84 -in. GODERICH GIAMMAR SCHOOL. • BIRTHS. MoCauorrEY, —In Seafe'rth, on the 14th • inst., the 'wife of S. G. McCaughey of a son. Lextrox.—In the same place, on the 13th inst the wife of. Wm. F. Luxton of a ,daugliter. • DEATH. Seaforth. on the 13th inst., the • infan daughter of Wm. -F. , and Sarah Jane Luxt ,‘ Austdoses THIS school will restune business on Mon. - day,," the 9th of August, wlien. all pupils are requested to be present. 'A thoroul h traininct is giiam in the usual subjects of a High Stlool Education, including Coenver, cial. Arithmetic and. Book -Keeping ; d pu- pils are prepared for matriculation in Gniversities and. for passing the eXaMilla- tions of the Law Society, etc. For any fur- ther particulars, application limy be male to • J. PRESTON, B. A-. Head. r, Goderich, July, 1869. • 84.3in . HEanaOur,—How many ladies, both -young and old, who are abject slaves to Headache and Neuralgia, making th.em unfit to enjoy soeiety, rendering life almost a burden, and robbing them of beauty, youth amiability of temper, for who can avoid looking haggard. and Old, when the brain is erased with pain. • Who can deny the fact that diseases accorapaalied by paimis a „,e-reatr ravager of beauty than.time? J .Briggs'Alle- vantor will cure Headache and Neuralgia in a trice. and all will bail with delight this never -failing remedy, which is the best yet known to relieve pain. Sold by druggists and country merchants. Dr. 3. Briggs & Co., proprietors,208 Broadway, N. Y , and'No 6 King, Street, Toronto, Canada. 1 in ERYSIPELAS OR Sr. ANTIIONT,S FIRE.—It is a spreading infia,mma,tion, characterized by a ream& of the skin, accompanied by a sensation of heat and itching, and. more or less A constitutional derangement, with swelling of the subcutaneons cellar tissues. Every part of the„body liable to erysipelaa inflammation, but it most frequently appears on the face, legs and feet. Females areniore subject to it than males, After a short time small ves/sicles similar to those produced by blisters, present themselves- They are filled with a thin watry fluid, and are a great source of annoyance until' destroyed. Dr. J. Briggs' Allevantor is a never failing remedy. Sold by druggists and country merchants. .• 1 in o well merited plaudi hat we may term the Scots Nvha hae,"1 a Syne," played on the tb.e minde of the Gaels and LoNvlanders many pleasing associations in connection with the "home of Wallace." • The Bell Ringers start on their grand tour to -day, with their fame, which has pre- ceded them, will, no'cloubt, seeure them large audienses." The Presbyterian Witness (Halifax, N.. S.) says : "Their entertainmentis interesting and novel, ts well as high-toned. and refined." The Baptist'Reg. ister, says : "E very thing is -'gaod, in excellent' taste, and leans to irtue's sides." a; she is really "Queen of Song" d "Au'd Lang ells, awakened in HOWICK.. From on' r. own .Correspondent. - LAKELETT.—.A. pic-nicwas held shere on Dominion Day at wnich their was over three .hunclred persons. it was got up under the auspices of Good ITeraplars (B. A.I0.) and for good order and apparent enjoyment could not be excelled. •Beating, bathing, singing, fishing,•and'speechefying were indulg- ed in, and at a reasona.ble hour all re- turned hoine delighted with the day's proceedings. FORDWICH.--D011lilliab Day was one of ihe days in the history of the village. A gran.d salute was fired at sunrise ac - 1 li h • f MR. JOHH THOWIrSON HANKS his numerous customers fo7' their liberal patronage during the t fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its continuance. He has now on hand a large assortment of Good Sound. Green Hemlockl Which he wanants give satisfaction. A15O, 200,000 FEET OF TINE I companied by a genera. t sc asge o 1pop guns and fire crackers. .At 10 o'- buckle,cloCk a..m., the games commenced and , 1st, Pattersen, Grieves, agent.; 2nd, Nvere well carried out. The''Leeche- leaders to hold .their meeting in. the McLeod, agent: • Kain arrived about noon an were smatainemommk THE MARKETS: CM FOR . BUILDING AND GENERAL PURPOSES Which be offers On liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS!! To -which he cans the attention of his old customers, who will find it to their advant-• age to retire them promptly, and. ' without legal proceedings,. • Seaforth, July 15th, 1869. 84-tf- SEAPORT'', July, 10, 1869. Wool, r pound 32 (4 33 Wheat, (Fall) ti bushel, 95 (4 . 97 Wheat (Spring) .41 bushel, 95 ® 97 Barley ti bushel, 0 50 ® 50 Oats IP bushel, • 50 ® ,60 -Peas 1,/ bushel, _ 60 ® 60 _Potatoes V bushel, 60 ® 60 Hay 0 ton, 9 00 ® 11 00 Eggs f dozen,. 9 ® 10 Butter 4, ib 12 ® • 16 TORONTO, Jay, 15th 1869. ( By Telegraph.) 11. Ha.gyard ; _Potter ; lth, Glen; C. ville volunteers commanded b3r Capt. bush ; therefcre to the bush the- proces- d • sionjnarched, follow6d by the villagers • Royal Canadian Bills Wheat (Fall) tr? bushel, do (Spring) ti bushel, Oats ITY bushel, Barley 49 bushel, Peas 49 bushel. BEAUTIFUL ! SPLENI?Th ! is the verdict iven by all who use Hunt's Empire Hair Gloss . It makes dry, harsh, stiff hair soft. glossy and beautiful. It cleanses tlie scalp, reraoves pimples, strengthens the glands, prevents the hair from: falling, and cer- tainly make it grow. strong,- luxuriant and beautiful, and it is •only 25 cents per bottle. . Sold. everywhere. 73 ly 1 -00 to 1 05 0 99 to 1 05 53 to 57 58 to 0 60 to 6C GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 821717,11tOr Arrangements. • Trains win leave the Seaforth Station, f�llois GOINO EAST. 6:50 A.M. 10:80 A.M. 4:10 P.M. 1 GOING WEST. 2:20 P.M. 3:08 r. • 8:42 P.M. • DYSPEPS-Lt cured by using Dr. Colby's An- ti -Costive and Tonic Pills. They regulate the Bowels, correct the Liver, clear the Coir - Option; and renovate the system, they wre composed of active ingredients in a high}' concentrated form, ana. strike at the root (-;f disease, curing .almost like magic. Thous- ands testify to their extra,ordinaty curative properties. Sold by all dealers, 73-1y RHEUMATISM and all other aches and pains leave the body on application of Jacobs', Rheumatic Liquid. e Warrant it to Cure Burns, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Sore Throat, Lame Back or Side :Sprains, Lc. Soin.e of the cures it has cffec'ted are almost too wonderful for belief. Many have bsea saved by it from impending death, and re- stored. to life and health. No ,family is safe a day without it; hundreds of valnable lives and. thousands of debars may be saved annually by its use As a preventive of contageous diseases, nothing ever before in, - vented can compare with it. We authorize - all dealers to refund the money, if it does not give entire satisfaction. 73-ly S J. FOSS &Co.' As SrT.A..0-MS Leave for Ainleyville, Wroxeter, Leech- ville, Ba.yfield and Exeter, on the arrival of Trains in the afternoon. • BEAUTIFUL 111111, baTURE* CROWS. You ItiLt Onitivate it. T CAMPBELL. MD. Ca M., (Graduate of MeGill University, Montreal) Physi- cian • Surgeon, alc., Seaforth. Scott's Brick Bloek. Residence—Mr. Stack's Main street. Seaforth,, July 15t1I, 186). • 84-ly GRAY ILAIR es,.certaim intileation al, Decay- ut the ROOTS. MRS S. A. ALLEN'S Hair Restorer Restores grayhair to its natural color taecl .hearty and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the hair beautiful glum and 4161411dd fragrance. lilanufactory and Sales Offices, 35 BARCLAY STREET and 4a. PARK PLACE, N. axe 266 HIGH HOLBORN, London, bigl itargeatter mad Rolls, Druggists, agrts tat Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. a11uary_28th. 1869, 60-1y,, WAGGONS, BUGGiES, A ND all implements for farm use manli. factured by . MIAUCHT & TEEPLE Good,and Cheap. Remember tbe atom& NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH, Seaforth,Feb. 20, 1868. 11-ly