HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-16, Page 1ESTABI4HED (867,
6. Hospital Street, Montreal.,
a '
le continued sueeess of thie Company
attributable to the clar2‘s,.tY anti perk
Teae. Over a hundred -0-wise:sat
s a Tea have bee -.i sum to difisttrent,
s of the Dominion, and -apwards of a,
:sand testimoniaIa oen be. shown, bearinre
molly to the qaality caul Aneritv of the -
A gTeat savinte can be ee.ecteti by pure
g direct from us, ,ca; it's of 5 mid 1•41)8.
upwards. Every peektge searranted ter
-at:to-ion, Club together and jsend
ou or five 51bceatitea, whiee Wid
carriage free to any Railway Sta.; ion in
Dominion. The meney teen be eolleaea.
ourfresh fle,round steam Roasted (offee,
and hill). tans aii11 vel.w rtle, -1.1avour
°eh is really eataditee-., Cytera- paele-
wan-anted. 2elbs. eed 5 or 10 lbs.
az.eat to anv eerriage
Tea and doffs.a.: delivered I ve times_
m the city.
ever re...en at par. . •
Lela TEA„,---Eneite Reeken
t. strone- Tea, 45c., ; Ftre Mae -tired
65;e: Very
L Oslionre
ileut• c1"0-:
r Season do.
t YuU Flavortd do. .7ec.; Sea
:Rich Flavored to t;ete,
; japan, Good, te„
✓ Fine 671c.. Finest 77.e,
'<e▪ r-erereeeze. er-k„.,,- ee,
k•-••- •••,..,
St. I &mug EAM 5, 0 ue;7ee;
850., S per -lee
Fie Gunpowthr to. ; :--tip;n‘tine
FF —No- I, ;
4, 15c. per !ee,
4-et!ting less than a Cezt-,:e seld. 1 tide
A It ;eel
u'reT «oirit,e •n;rea',,, 1S68_
ien-e-re•-'-lt nearls a, ...tre.e.ee
eleeet of
ve ereli.leed riraiey el 1 an
teierta az ixv
,ry ierovt4e. P1 well
=beirt. eacee,tiing'..y elteap. -ere very
Qentreal Tea Cempany :
'rea I. leer:elute-et'. of you,
NI tereh hae gie tn grt... ;.-37:r i .„,' .t,-4 and
'..11ir of it is very clue. le is vele,: -eertrage,
1 !Lase been J..r:111:-Tee .•. 44, r ".: ea I.
Ve bt en vat free frtle leeer--i e.- en. Vraieh
.uld aler-a:„.*paiiiertie af -er b < al.f ter. I at-
bute this nerity ef -.s. our it., end shall
. .
ieunie a custemer.
I ours respect f e.:1 v.
51. St. John Stree-
ApriI leetie.- -To .1te;i real
. •
+ 'omparta at -1 : t _ 4 t }f, real :
cS Utn:Lle WILLI leeneei re C. :,t1,44e : ytiount
fi that v. -d• hat..-...feresveril • i ;1/4 en to
ierent pelts of the Portnifez, and eve are
vie() tiild ytAlr
rnSI: Me' your 1‘. n,e, ale e e;ene-
satiefaetion, Iree ter; te, eeeenne
:waedtal we leave 110-y1 ( 47 • : ;II '0 IO -
in ort boxi, -1.17;,i._1.,,i-L/La. was
it out through a, mistake.
( G. A
Mana-er Ceeerli 11
Iforise of :-.4tinete.*0tfewa.
natreal Tea Compen
(=ENT: !•:NZEN,----lhe 1;0
3,D(1 Y.taiAg iiysf et e
e -rt at s iisfaoti. n. m Iv ex-
et. 1ly future orders. Youre, e„
Trak -
't)_(. sent-
• If
I- N. ha Te ntk t „Town 1 of
;ere,10 1iat-41 .-pares,
pel,lielted every. s'a'utttety morn -
vitilkiAll ral'el-erf;ei...!..1
1.41..eel. Mal A. Itoci Dr;
-2`erit,&;t1t,e Ica y 1.
.8ulia.lete-ion. fte:
one yeetr, -e, ?- :a ' -vo of-
:zed. .e.110,(<11 .-e eel
,-1'd1 to a enizt,II eize el . . ..,,ee . of
;ce feet! L.Ittt lire pa..tt :f:,,: t , . ,,, Dol -
re 111 atte' Ilea, ; ik.r s; , 1 °, ...,tc• • :001-
1",-_k Z011 I, ft,1-- i tt t. t. ItIti;.. C. "..t. , 'i_J- and •
etli -..t..ii pth"; p ....4,L ell L :: .. *.q• -- li... part
Le a., t. 1 ..::... •c.;-. . :C:,:-., -1;.;..*: r-, 'will be
;iv :(t.t. wial1 eX:i.t 1.1:,,1,1:1,4...0 a. ...,.. eaehy
...., •la tat. bur vit.. lie: le <,, „evii-e.Ce-ertbers
he .5.1. ille.e.•.;•,.,,e „te, ef-e e .: kee lat,'
. ,
• witeleee !..i.e.e.. ,v Le: -, e < -te r al. MUM,
ui'ty in iltiNaItct: ;
`4, -4.
is lel' ne. sin._:1,2 1E1It ; 20 cts-
lint fel mote teen ft r !nett .(=ra ;
le fer (Ate ytar, in !ire; ene'eanged.
el. -AlLt bienitess 'ale ie. 11,Te1t, a -copy
frt 1,, r annent,
AN NTTAL CIA B 11,.‘„ e. tin' ill further
et, with eopy of aey oae of the fed -
ale s-Weralitl -tt1 1.11,1'cWiTt..6" with. each
T.4, Of tht.' papa' ;----
11t..(-11 Vie, or.a., Prince Albert., ir kValter
utL„ • W a • liglon 1'4e-4de-1:1.e t .1'i...1'1k:tin, Lord.•'r. Vent's. 1.0:1B Lull. 1'esn r
at Have- '
-.11tr• e 2,1emilers ei r 3-j(9,nGe So -
try. t Castle fA lee: et. noeuei /rota -
-aatle:nye 1)ic2eity and irevu<leeee, Deer
.t. :-.. 111rtnee Ntt tiii inerns' New-
riee, 'lht F -net 1.`1iai by Jury,
Falls of Niagara, Cut ss WVName-
eases- of Parlifuntlit, 14.0u4on ; 1)uke of
-thieerten, Winde:or Buckingbara-
a aee Wtethei-nstte- Abbey •
) copies, :.50 in advanee„
.e copies, in ad -set -Ice,
111 7 with an
ra tilg. Lti r up.
;tor tiltfzen COpieS, $13 in advance, with an
tr e
twtuty cop es, in anvance, with
tU IL copit44.
1)ts:1ri1t rs must pay their own post-
-fee FLI. Cente per OW quarterly in ad-
1.111 tlblI with any other weekly paper
with any monthly magazine published in
e United States - the 1. 11 price of
ieh is not mere then 4 eer annum -47 in
v ante:, without EngravitiL s.
sters tverewitere arc invited to bee
ene aeents tor the Albion, and e. eongnis;
reauttv ner eclatmay be deaucteu`
,0111 eut.avaupaione reveateed Dy VICHL
""•• •-•
‘‘.Freedorn n Trade.—Iiiborty iere Religion.—Equality in Civil Rights,”
VOL. -2,- NO, 32.
HARP'S HOTEL, Livery Stable,. 'and
General Stage Office, Main Street;
It. L. SHARP Proprietor.
Saforth, Jan. 8th, 1869 53-tf.
Attorney -at -Law, Ctlerich, Ont.
Dec, 14, 1868. - ' :53-tf.
, :
. ei-e.,Nr,• Surgeon, etc., Egmendville.
;ginandville, .1.)ee. 14, 1868. , -
— --
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. '53!-Dlyt
tlievCountly of Karon.. 011irCIE and,
EFilDENUE--One door Ee,st of the Met,hotlist-
Episcopal Cluirch.
Seaforth, Dec. 14,1868. - - -L 53-ly
e Solieitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. ,
Paris, Ont. Money to loan on 1arD1 SCG11-
jty. , Terns easy. Office --First flat, Paris
-Paris, Dec. 14., 1868. 153-tf
Land. Surveyors., Civil Engineers, &c.
All -manner of Conveyaneing done with
neatness ' -and dispatch. G. MePhillips, Coin-
missioner rnB it Office—Next door south
of Sharp'S- Hotel, Seaforth.
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. 153:1y •
JIL and. Attorneys at Law, Seligitors
Chancery, Notaries Public, Conveyancers,
&c. Office,—Over Mr. Archibald'S Store,
Ctabb's Block, Godetieh, Ont.. Money- to
Lend. TonniNok RAYS. J. Y. .ELWOOD,l'
Scaforth, Dec. 14th 1868.- ' 53 -ti
LAW, &elicitor in .ATTORNEY-AT
ancer, &c., &c. Office -4n Scott's New
Brick. Block. Money to loan at 8 per
Gent. Interest, on -good Mortgage security en
real estate.
Seaforth, Dec. 12, 1868. 53-1y
------ •
„ Artitic,ial Den-
tures,inserted with allthe latest
improvements: The greatest -care.itaken for
the preservation of decayed and tender teeth.
Teeth extrected without pain. Reorns, over
Collier's Store. .
Scaforth, Dec. 14, 1868: : -ly
HA 2",L R Liceresed • Auctioneer
for -the County of 'Huron, Goclatich,
Ont. Particular attention paid to the sale
of Bankrupt, Stock. Farm Stock :Sales 'at-
teliactl on Liber 1.1 Terins. Goods, Apptais-
. - ,
_ eele•Mortgages Foreclosed, ,Lanc or s v
rants Execu,ted. Also, Bailiff Firjt Division
Court for Huron.
- - 39-tf.
Goderich, jiine 91h.
TR. ROSS, Proprietor New Doiramon
e Hotql, begs to inform the peoPle of Sea -
forth and the tra,velling community general-
ly, that he keeps irst-class accomenod.a.tion
in every thing re4uired fravellerq. 031 A
hand. Regular Boarders -will receive every Sindbad, on the strength of a moderate,
n the shore of time I linger,
Looking out upon. the sea
• -kVliere the ships are sailine- onward,
e, I
From this nether land and me.
e mysterious ships are bearing
Treasures out upon the main, -
That the heart has loved and cherished;
And they come pottack again.
Faith and hope speak wo-ds of comfort
As the ships sail out to sea, ---
Were it not for these good angels
That are ciheering you and. me.
Life would be a heavy burd.e-n,
And the shadows on the shore
Would. forever keep the sunligh\t
From the soul's half -opened door.
I will wait with resignation—
My ship is coming by, and by—
Through the darkness, onward: sailing,
Underneath a heaveuly sky.
I shall find within the'harbor
Where the ships at anchor lay,
All lily treasures that were taken.
From this night-wOrldinto day,
From Chambers's Journal.
'And that,' said 1, is pretty nearly
all that I have to tell you.'
• The above wo-rds formed the perora-
tion of a synopsis of several years' tra-
connnunicated by me to a fel-
16w-passenger froin Ilelsingfors to
Stockholm, as we leaned over the side
at the good ship Viborg, and watched
the countless groups of rocky islets,
Crested with green foliage, which arose
On every side fro.m the smcloth trans-
parent sea, Xy. auditor ws a long,
lean. wirey American, with a cod clear
eye; and a look of indomitable firmness
in everv line of his pinched shallow
face, which gave him the aspect (to
ikuote from: a pugnacebus friend of
Inine) of a man you would li_Lee to be
back to back with in a row.
Wal, stranger,' reinarked be at t e
close of my. narrative, yu. hev bin
about. a bit, I reckon, but yu
seen much, and wipt's more, yu hain't
done much neither.,
• My dignity was somembe riined by
. .
this plain spoken criticism ; tor I pri-
good stable and willing hostler always vettely reeetieled myself as a second
• aintarice with the Trinigrity of t4
Wal, I fixed to- do saaetldn,' and 1" priaps be nene the wuss o' known.'
done it, leastways, a man that's ;been a didn't leave yu Much," says he, :"ca
teamster -in the Rocky Mountains, 'a yti are safe to go 'long single -hand
gold-digger in Australy, a sailor in the whereas them two brothers and
Tujine Ocean, a storekeeper at Shang- sisters of yourn will kinder need pi
• pin' tip some, 'fore they kin stand
ha, a newspaper editor at San Francis -
key, and an agent for one notion or themselves.—Now, yu Jest listen.
another in every. country -if Europe, me. To -morrow mornin,' the very
niout say.he'd done somethin,' I guess, thing, yu up and jerk open the bac
if he had a mind to.' _
. that old • eupboard in the. corner,
'And have you really done all that 7 above the top shelf, and filai. yu'll
asked I, staitled at the catalogue.
' ' Reckcn 1 hey e I've been kinder
movin' round ever sin' I was as big as
a rablasses-jar, and I ain't; done yet.
Guess I'm like John Brown's soul in
the old so-hre,r—I "go a-marchin' on"
pretty consid'able, and it'll take a while
to tire ine- of it tew.
- 'Aid do you always travel alone,
therir : ,
'Reckon I do-; leaStwayS, what yu'd
call alone. I've got a 1bosom-friend
here, though," added he with a strange
i.el, phtting his and irate his
breast -pocket ; 'and he done more'n
one good turn in his time, so I tell ye.
•Yes, sir, he has that; ani what's more,
he speaks or holds his tongue jest as 1 -
please, which 'tain't every ;man as 'ud
do 1.'1. .
.And with. this, enigmatical preface, cupboard, and thar lay the re-volv
be produced a wall but very handsome
revolver, fitted with a. spring -bayonet,
and ornamented about the stock with
p -
a re-volyer, the best, yu ever fingeied ;
and may Heaven bles,s ilt to yure se.
—And 1 -now, kneel d9Wn, and rec
my blessin."—I war je'st s.-gwine t du
it, when all to once .slipped off nay
chair, and come the all-fireclest lick
with my nose against the fender as ver
I seen. ; and -when I cum -to again, har
wasn't nouody thar. "Wal, cuss it 1"
says Ltnough that air language tin't
plite koper for a member e' the
church], "1 hope that next time.f, ther
comes from t'othereworld, he'll con rive
te do it in a reae'nable hour, 'ste. d o'.
shewin a'ter bedtime, and m kin'
his own flesh and blood break his nose
in this here fash'n." 'But for all t iatI
did't forget. what he said ; and fust
thing next mornin' I up and int the
kitchen, and out with the back the
r, as
proved false.
'Never. stranger,' he replied_ &uplift-tr.
ically. 'Yu can't 'sped prophecy to
go wrong, and that air weepun's a pro-
phet, just as much is Dan'l or Zekl.
I won't say that I w-oulden't hey bin.
glad, one. time, to ketch him slippin'—
and reezun good tew ; but yu. mout as
well '-spect Gin'ral Grant to be 'fraid, as
this weapon to tell "
And that one time—what was it I'
asked I.
Wal, seein' it 's yu;stranger,"I don't
mind though I ain't so precious
spray at talkin' on that air subject,
swar. It 's a good few years now sin'
ha,ppenece on. a feller who hailed from
a village on the Mississippi, called
" BUrnt Cleat 'cause of a big fire
they'd lied thar once on a time, and
we froze together powerful, and -War
jeettlike-brothers. Wharever one went'
fother went ; whateY6-r one did fother
-did; and if this un lied a dollar, that
un war good for fifty 'cents on't least
thing: We went down river to No°
Orleens, and) up to Philaclelohy by the
cars, and east'ard to Charleston. on a
tra.din' spec,;and I tell ye, we fetched
up the dollars right Smart. I saved
him fi•om beim' chawed up by a 'o'ar
that looked pl-eguy angshus to make his
closer 'quaintance ; and he "saved me
from bein' drowned in flood -time, when
my canoe sot turned ever again a snag;
and altogether, siranger, yu moat hey
tuk us fur David and. Jonathan cum.
alive acrain. But all the while thar
hot hangin' in my mind 'like
loud in summer, that spiles
o' the hull sky—and that war
ection ;that my weeptin, fust
eleven studs of silver, arranged. in the
form of a square, -which. would be cem-
pleted by the addition of a twelfth.
Ain't that a friend; now, stranger?'
said the .Transatlantic exultingly ;
and good friends we've been him and
me; never mistrusted him. been,
and that mar down in Australey, when
war gold -digging up Turon way.
Two fellers cum to my tent one night,
'cause they'dheard as I'd a heap o' gold
thar, and they though -b o' bein' so kind
as to relieve me o' the 'sponsibility o'
guardin' it. I hearn creepin' in,
and o' conrse the tirst thing I did -
to slap all six barrels into 'ern; jes to
give 'em a hint not to c411 a'ter
hours. 1 beam a •scre6ch, and then. a
pattin' e feet runnin' off ; but it war
tew dark to see,anythin,' and all the
1.•est o' that night my feeline ain't to be
'scribed, nohow !'
necessary attention.
Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 1869: 63- ly
flira.-eemes, Attorneys -at -Law, Solicitors
Chance„ry and Insolvency, Notaries Public
and Conveyancers, Solieitors for; the R. C.
Bank, Seaforth, Agents for the Canad.a, Life
Assurance Cin SS.B.---$30,000 to lend. at
8 %. Vareas, Hou§es and Lots fOr sale.
Seaforth, IThc. 14, -1868, ! 53-tf.
' •
011,A.IL & 011.00E.,E ARC.HITECTS,
0 Plans and. t3peeilieations.drawn correctly,
Carpenter1B, PlaSteWS, and Maeon's work,
MeaStired ftaid Office --over Goderich
Ariecliet.ir Marl ket, Court -House Se.enareeGod-e-
, -
Goderich, April 23, $1869: 70-1y.
1,) ville, ainesLairdproprietor, affords first
class accomodation for the travelling public.
The larder and bar are alwa,ys suPplied with
the best the ',markets afford _14xcellent
stabling in conneetion.
Ainleyville,- tpril 23 1869. 70, tf.
— ---- •
Chancery andr insolvency, Law, the railway track right squall: from one
_L) and. Attorney.s at Law -Selicitors in .
Notaries Public, &c. Olfices,--Seaforth anti big town,to another, and. see the opera -
,t •
1 •
countries whieh fienre on the tourist's
visiting list.' Moreover, my listerier
had himself provoked my coMMunica-
tiveness by a.serieS of searching ques-
tions upon every point of my personal
history, from the color of my grandfathe
el.'s hair to the amount of pocket -money
-allowed me at Rugby. Censequently,
there was perhaps a shade of acrimony
in my tone as I replied : 'I've done
what I could, but of course everybody
can't have as many adventures as you.'
Wal, -yu air about right thar,' re-
farned he, taking My words literally ;
I've seen a. few things in my time, I
reckon ; but, mark ye,. it's 'cari-e I've
looked about me, and fixed for doin'
somethin' wharever .1 went, 'stead o'
t,:avlin' about with my eyes shet ni my
hands in the ,pockets o' my panteys,
like some folk. Now, I'll tell yu how
yu Britishers travel ; yu jest foller
' km.
'Ah, you were afraid you, h ec
one of them, I suppose 7' said I, pleased
at this solitary touch Of humanity in
my grisly acquaintance.
Isciilled.! why, darn it, stranger, d'
ye want to insult me ! No, by Jirso !
ware'fraid I'd mussedoue on 'em ! and
to hey my own re-volver miss at close
range, a'ter bein' true to me for so
many years, War more'n I could bear I'
(The pathos with which he said this was
indescribable.) I felt partieler cheap
all that night, so I tell ye, yu mout
have bought me for a cent, .11,13y time
'fore mornin. But as ,soon as it war
light, I .eum out and Oar )yin' dead
.beside the tent -door, , a track o'
blood all whar t' other had run off,- jest
like a strick o' Molasses 'cross a buck-
wheat cake 4 and, says 1 : Thank
Heaven, I've hit,:ein both !" and the
weight that war taken off my mind in.
that air moment—stranger, thee! ain't
no 'scribin' 1'
The real fervor of his tone as he tit-
tered the last sentence,- with all the air
of a good Man whose conscience has
just been relieved of some overwhelm -
in burden, cannot be. conveyed in
I daresay 'yu'd hardly guess, now,
stranger, that I fust saw this re-volver
in a vision ; but I did, though stare as
much as you like ; and then the way
it happened were just so : Father had
been 'dead 'bout a month, when I curn
sure as ever thing war in the 1,1
—And now, stranger, if you don'
lieve that air story, here is the '
cal re-volver, and yu can't g
that nohow 1'
Against such confirmatory evidence
it, would have been useless- to argue ;
and I readily assented, only venturing
to inquire the mystery of the singularly
.aranged studs orl the stock of the
pis .
Wal, stranger,' eturned my com-
panion, yu wouldn't guess the trick o'
them studs in a hurry; soarll tell yu.
Each o' them air studs on that re-
volver stands for the life of a man that
Wroxeter, Agents tor the Tryst
Co. of Upper Canada, and the polonial Se-
curities Co. of London, England Money at
8 per cente; no coramission eliarged.
JAS. H. BB,13.4SV, :11. W. C. MEYER'
6eafert14.1.)ee, 10-bla 1868. ; 53-1y. .
1) POD18T, respectfu.11y inforMs th.e. pubkc
et Seaforth and. surrounding eountly that
he is re' ared tor cu.re Corns, Bniii_ons,
houees, and the tlaeayters, an e p
ruenades, and sitCh like ; Ind o' , com•se
ye meet a heap el riffraff, and'`-naayhap
get yure eye-teeth dra-wu a leetle too
t'slick • and a'ter. devotin' three weeks
or , a ' iii on th to .. seeile a 1 COuntry with
some millions o" *people iea it, vu. come
back a,nd write a tarn.atibia big beok to
say, .'' that air country I ain't no great
blains, Ingroveing NailS, Large; Joints and pile 0' nunkins a'ter all • the critters
Air a 1 lazy and shiftleiss, and good ‘sji-Joke to me sedden, I d hey .thought
all disea.see of the human foot. ' Guarantees - ' -.. 1
neas. 011ice direetly 'opposite Griffith Davis's for tothin' ,but to cheat and: tell lies---- minute 'fore 1 answered ---when, all
a sticcessful treatment, without.pain or Sore- ti'ar
Dry Goods Store, Main Stre.et. . and no wonder, seein they're only cussed once, I seen laisher stannin" right 'fore
Seafortie Dec. 14, 1868. -- -: 53-tf' furiiners and hain't got the inestimablP me. with his big straw -hat o' - one side
, 7 .,4', .. , ... - . *,, t) , . . 7
TOTICE I ITTLE WONDER HAIR- "biessul of a free 151itisn, eonstitootion. and. his high boots and striped shirt -
i t 0 irtting. and: Shaving Saloon. - If yOu That, now, trangel',' lac concluded, sleeves, and .1,-1.is bands- iia his pockets
want a good 6have;- or Tatir hair cut, \vial the paternal superiority of a 'Iris- (that war the'4'only ghost -1 ke thing
-1\ - -7- J - - "
war AV011
a rasi-a'
the look
the recol
hina and me have cleared off. There's
eleven on 'ern altogethers and I reck-
on that's, a pretty tora'ble Stroke o'
work for one man and one weapon.' '
- Used as 1 am to extraordinary con-
fidence, this cool,coMplacent enji
fairly sta.ggered -me for moment
Good Heavens 1 gasped, do yo
mean to tell me that you have murder-
ed eleven nlien 1' .
No, stranger,' replied he slowly and
sententionsly : yu hey got into the
wrong ferry -boat in raakin' that air
statement. I mean to tell you -that
I've foundeit necessary, at different De-
ri-ods o' my life, to rub oift eleven hu-
man critters who mout othervise hey
offered the same ci-vility to me ; and
calc'late yu don't call that murderini
Thai one Wantin' ;yet to complete tbe.
dozen, as you see ; added he cheele
fully, that mcm'ebe long a -cumin,'
The old cannibal !' said I mentally, ;
he talks of killing people as if he were
,only . collecting.. photographs, Pi
Heaven, he niay not take it into his
head to add me to his niesehm !'
Thai's one 'vantage I've got with
this Weapon,' pursued* the Yankee, I
kin. til•vays tel at fust sight of a man
'whether a.guYtine to kill him some
day or not.'
How's that 1" asked I, rot -without
Sedret shuddei, and a slight anxiety
as to which way th scale had turned
NitYregard to -myself.
Wal, jest this way : whenever • I
meet a man that I'm nomad to rub out
bime-by, the hammer o' this re-volver's
sure to gin, a sorter click—so--jest to
shew that he knows his 'dOoty 'srectin'
that air individopal ; and he never
makes mistakes, be don't.'
The perfect air of con.viction with
which he said this was the reverse of
agreeable, and I Could t help reflect-
ing- : A pretty th'ng if this precious
time he ever seen this feller gin a
The cold clear tone of his -voice at
these last words, slightly tinged with
sorrow, was, such' as a con] assionate
judge might use pronouneing
tepee of death; and to me (guessing as
I did what was to come) it had a sound
indiscribably dreary and ominous, I
used to try and laugh myself out o' that
an. fancy by sayin : " Whatever's pos-
silne;that ain't ! :Why, to think 0' our
qtarrelin' 'ud be: like & man entail'
himself in half,- and. fightin' right band
But let me talk as'I
the thot stuck in .my head like a naii
in a new log; and wrouldn't go axe y.
And at last' stranger, the time -cum
, when it war moren a thot. One
cariv in the fall, we were down in Kai -
in late one night from fixiia' a rail fence
that one of our oxen had smashed ; and
and done a tol'able stroke o' supper, I pistol should have happened to click
.began to feel a leetle drowsy. warn't when he saw me first, and be should
not to say sleepy., but jest- so as if yu'd think it necessary to vindicate its infai-
Al countenance probably
)ressed some disquietude, for my
coMpanion suddenly broke my medita-
tions by obsereing in an encouraging
tone : hain't no call to be skeared,
stranger ,be didn't click at sight o' yu,
and rill kinder glad o't, for yure good
kumpny in. Tire way, although vu air
tarnation green in the ways of the
As this estimate of my abilities was
evidently to deeply rooted to a_chnit of
refutation, 1 let it pass, merely inquir-
ing whetlaer the fatal augury had ever
't • I'd at by the kitehen-fire a spell,
Sas, tradin' about in spots,: and makin'
a pretty torable band, -till one day v. e
'greed to tote un the° profits, and make
fair division. 'cause next mornin' be
war startin' off to Burnt Clearin' to Fee
his fo,ks, and wai. bound t�. inlike.
tracks for Boston on some business of
-my own. \Val, evenin' cum,: and a'ter
lickerin' a spell, to ile our brains fur.
the cipherin'. we began to -tin' rp. But
somehow or another, we couldn't coane
to a righ settlen3ent o' our twat shares,.
nohow_we could fix it; and what with
the }joker we'd hed, and the worry
cipherin, we both commerced to git
rayther savagerous. At last up he
jumps, andliollers out : rd not hey ,
bin so tlninderin'-keen upon this hynr
trade if I'd known that my pardner war
nuthin' but a darned' mean flint-ehavin'
thief o' a Yankee !" At them words
a shiver run all through. me' like
them %chic fixing that book-larned
folks tell on, and my right hand flew
out as if somebody moved it, and lath-
ed him. a lick 'tween the eyes that
}'rou't him down like a pinion cleorin'.
(He war.a fine feller, biggertn me seine
way, and the way Out as bard, ; and
by Jingo I %war- a reg'lar pleasure
knockin him down.) Up be got, look -
in' mighty W'rathy ;. and says he : It
'11 take a leetle burnt -powder to put
away the smell o' tkat, air blow--ctin
out into tbe, forest."' The sun war set -
tin', and everytbin war dead ein, -as if
waitin! to see What we'd do, follered
him out readilr'nuff, for 1 war cool as
an ieicle, now I know'd the job bed got
tocrini thron-A ; but when I `seen the
dyin' light streamin' down the Ebadowy
arches of the forest, and the verlastin'
trees stannin' up tail •and grand, and
whisperia" with all their leeves, as if
God wax speakin' throug,h them in His
own Temple of Natur'—by-
stranger, 1, cum very nigh feel& as
1 -war Vraps cloin'- wrong I -
Wal, that feelin' didn't list : long, I
reckon. The fust click o' them locks
(CoTieluded on, fourth, page.).
the Little Wonder " South- side of Shairp. sionary instructing a IIottetrtot, 'that's
. shaeupoonedg
8,3 it ouht to be, go
le 'tain't the right Nvay, nohow yu kin fix
ooms in connection. will be ened to ti
public on April lst. Lubelski s.,_tonie for i .7.
rk- ,but, yn oliseTve
Hotel, Main 1.etreet, Seafdrth. ' The'Bath th° Nva.Y Yu g° t° .`v°
making elle liaer oTow and preventiner it iron,. °
e e , e, !And how tlid you tr, ao to w' )
rork then?'
- . :
known. fail. Sod: a- sited 1, wishing to divert the cnirent
cot:, out, was no -ver Ite l
inmbabotties-at SI each.- Come and buy it.
Seaforth, Dee. 11868 5JbfS LUBZUR of this flood of extempore criticism.
'bout him, for w17,1 he war alive they
war mostly in some ti-ne, else's), and he
say& to .me, says he : "ty, my boy
[my name's gyrus 0 ehoshaphat
Stranger, and 1 ain't 'shamed on it]
Cy, my boye.I've cum back from the
spirit -world• tell you stain' yu'll