HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-09, Page 8•
--,,,,,,,..• 4-,....".-1...,--',.,..,,.."^
. One ofBritlerde1Trioks.,
---- 1 .
.. .
A 11W story of GemB.utler's ehrewd-
ness eornes to us in a ; roundabeut way
—from MassachnsettS,1 via . Was ing-
ton. . The lArecters of, a Boston ank,
had juatifiable ieasoib uspect lieu
cashier of appropriating thpBank hinds.
. T
pr cashier -confessed -to Butler that he
had taken 450,000, arid proposed to
acknowledge it to the Directors a, d let
his bondsmen pay. Putler adv ised•
Mei to atteied the meeting of the Dir-
ectors, deny that there - was anything
wrong, surrender the keys if the
dered it, and, go home. i The cashi
so. - The Directors exaMiued the
in the vaults,and found a defieiei
$50.000. They sen '
'-w-ho waited. upon the
ler. The Direeters's
wish to make a• scan&
putation of the young
., bondsmen would Mak
no further _proceeding
Gen. Butler cooly r
must be some 'nista
surretidered the Ban
qairecl by his bond,
defict, it must have
Directors had , took
would assure *em th
take possession of t
contents and come u
also. If they Would a
• resignation and give
tificate of good char
r oid
cy of
for thec hier,
with Gen: But -
,i4 they . di not.
,iand raiiet e re -
man, ancl ifekis
- 'good the (11 feCt,
1 would be had,
pied that . here
el, his client had
And ft -10s, as re -
1 f their1Was any
1ecc.ured after the.
1possession.r He
t they o�uIl not
el Bank and its
On the bondsmen
cept the.eaehier's-
iM the nsnal cei-
eter. , ;they.void
• call it uare and let he matter drop
The DiTectorseriow began to see • the
dilemma in which they: were plaeed and
sent for a .lawyer, ,only to find that they
had made a false step ; that they.j., had
no proper evidence Of the amount of
cash in Lthe Bank !when surrendered by-•
he cashier, and that iit taking poss.'s-
sion theylpid lost their only remedy.
As it would not do to let the StObkhel-
• ders know they had been ever-reachel,
they hact to go towork and make up
the loss out of their oven pockets. 1
• Tappireg the ire.
The liability of the t legraph to- be
disa:bled is one of the di ficulties to ue
contended with. It is " ot always pos-
sible to guard efficiently long lb es of
wire ; and thby are eorn
to the attaCks of such b
Morgan, Stua,rteand oth
al and Confederate, arl-
way to the rear of the 4dvanced tele-
graph -posts •and interrupted the coin
Pattnication. A favourite plan of the
raiders was to tap" tire wire, and ex-
tract from Wall' the informotion -with
which .it was charged. This is easily
done when temporary pasSession is 01;
tained of one poirit on the line, by the
application of a sin ill poclzet instru-
ment. An amusing incident ofthis
description is relatedus h avil g occurred
during Morgan's raid into Kentuckyin
•the summer of 1863. The wire was
tapped between Nashville and Louis -
and the inipro_mptu telegraphist
•received various messages &mil the Fed-
eral officers in command of those posts.
Morgan, persenating the Federal offi-
cers, ordered and counterordered the
various detachments as it suited his pi ir-
pose., "He received," says goionel
Fletcher, to whom we ere indebted for
this- anecdote, " many warnings of his
.presence in the country and mos-
etimes exposed
pld raiders as
rs, ooth Feder -
o made there
• A Volcano at Sea.
' A recent despatch! from San .-irttn-
cisco gave a brief account of a velcanie
eruption tke Pacific Ocean, whieli
was witnessed recently by Capt. Nick-
erson, of the ship -National Eagle,' on
the passage from -Rbng Kong. The
followine•es the captain's report of the
oenpt 7
sages net only complimentary relative
to himself ; whilst he was often oblig-
ed to have _recourse to stretagems, to re-
cover seine clue, his igeoranceof whic13
would ,have betrayed the trick. Thus
wishing to ascertain the station frorie
which a pal -tie -tiler message bad' been
despatched, without exciting srtspieie$,
lie telegraphed to this effeet :—‘1 A geri-
tleman in the atlice bets me two cigars
that you cannot spell the name of yolk
station comedy.' Answk. : 'T4e
the bet. Lebanon Junction. Is tit's
not right? How did he think 1 would
would ,spell it? 'He gtves'it up. He
thought you would put two b's in Le-
banon.' Answer: Ha! hal he is•a
green one.'• And then folowed enqui-
ries respecting it, train, full of solclieiS,
-which had already fallen into Morgarits
clutches. • Frequently, after - seeious
work, and after'all the information ne-
cessary bad been acquired, some irri-.
Wing message would be sent through
the wires to the unfortunate offit er,
who, the victim of the stratagem, • has
been ebnrinunicating feeely the secrets.
of the army to the enemies' general.
Thus, Morgan telegraphs his farewell
to a Federal general, who unWitting-
ly had betrayed to him the disaoeiti-
on of his forces : Good. morning,
jerry. The telegraph is a great in-•
stitu lion. You should deetro v , it, as
it keeps you too well posted.. My
friend has all the despatches since the
,12th of July , on file, do you wish for
copies?'" A nd then, :probably, when
the miechief has been done, the wire
was cut. . Howe er, tapping the wire
may be defeated by the simple count-
er -stratagem of inearia,1,1y telegraph-
ing in cipher. And in any case the
verdict will probably' be that pronoun-
ced by Morgan -above, although in a
different seese, that the telegraph, in
its -application to niia tary perposes,
Lithet.-igh. not .y t, perhaps fully de
ee,oped, is a great inetitution,•_ the
vaine of which will probably be reeog-•
nized in the next campaign, if it is not
alrea,dy pereeived.--Perraill Magazine.
occurrence:— . •:
On May 6; when; 17 days oat, with
moderate north wind and fine weather,
at 1.30 a. m., made Smith's Island, one
of the islands South- of jeddo Gulf, iu
lattitude 38..18, longitude 139.59 east,
• made the island and. sWw a large column
of smoke riiing out ofthe Waterhalf a
point not of Sriaith's island. - On 'ap-
proaching, found it eo :be a.volcanie er-
uption, and an _island just thrown up by
the volcanic action o the water, 'with a
pile Of rooks fifty fee high wad reefs ex-
tending to the ii0ith-east and noetlh=west.
• for a .quirater of a mile, and a break . of
muddy water Surrouading. Theasland
bears north by east ii.a.lf east,1 from
' Smith's island.- sWe pasScd• about
• t(
midway between the: two islet, e, and
wheu '' a,bout niidway between them
• could hear a terrible' teering noise ant
see a col Maui of sm oke, and steam .spo et
one thousand feel high. To all appear-
ances the rooks must have, heen very
, hot, toe when tire surf relied upon them
they would send up vast columns oi
steam. I cpu.d also See the smoke and
steam rising•from the reef on thel north
Land north east side, at least a quarter oi
a Ofile from the reef. If it had nOt been
se near Smith's Islandej Would have
seat a boat and soupdea round ilt. But
the position of..,Sraritth.'s .islaod on the
'chart is Corms'. . 'Of: -r-; position_ at noon
that. day was latitu.-el 31.29 north, long-
tiude -110.12 east. '
A Rotte
, .
Air extraordinary plienorneon is re-
ported from Peru. BY • volcanie actioii
• in the receneearthcOake a fisSa e has
been opened in the dry bed of w fnrnei
river, froth which i sues fcetid witeer;
so pestilential in,its
animals •except -. m
brought in the neie.
hey() dropped th;ev• p
tvielve miles from -1-,
-whole country 18 ithicl ly . strewn I 'whereupon Mre AndreW,s, n .ti ing [ime
e; `i ,
wit]) elle eareaseese 9f mules, aid the.e
' came np and inquired wat Was the
buzzards might revl.in theirui1dlieg!
matter. The victim of misplaced con -
repast if they; too, did not expire iu thellidence replied :- " Masther ,Andrews, 1
. rnephtic atileasphere.1 Rifle wh.'.skev,1b-ever Comes to see You -l' mats 'Pef°1'e•
that kills at eighty_ yards, is nothing in.11 Seed dis hog going around so fast, 1.
comparison with° this natural poisiontakes mein vifiger to him like chs, and
The upas tree diWinciles in its desolating , —mein Gotttt" in ex pl. • ini ti g his- first
effects—What the aees are teat are mishap the Gel m a n touch ed the saw with
1 .
destructive to; the i ferior animiLls, yet his left fore -finger, and. that flew off
work 0 injury to
an, it woilid Le Turning to And res'..s in 'almost breath
worth . the while cf °me spientc Men less ex cite.th en t, the nlan exclaimed,
- Miether Andrews, I never eOttles to
toinquire. The Pe -uvian Government
see your mills pefore ; I see him ; I
has ordered a card* 1- in-v-estiga ion. of
the phenomenanever comes to see hiss agalnl." And
wrapping thatfir.ger iri his handker-
'chief, he st9rted ft:r_a doctor's office.
Either in Price or Qatity.
• WIUKS, and.
Go . tb ROLLS',
Opposite Foste6 Hotel, Seaforth.
N.B.---Prescriptions carefnlly pre
pared. ••
Seaforth,June 10th, 1869. 79.
T11E undersigned offess to rent the back
shop of a tailoring and clothing establish
meet in the thriving village of Ainleyville,
where there is a business ample for five or six
hands. Ap; ay to S. SMA LE.
Merchant Tailor,.
• Dingle P. 0.
• 4inleyville June 25 1869. 81-tf.
Pursuit of' Knowledge in a Say/ -
Mill. •
The FloydCounty(Iowa) Nazette says:
Last Mond•ty, Genuan celled at Good -
due, Awl rewe & Co.'s saw -mill, to gaze
111 woneer at the various- aud complistet:
ed maehinery: Among othsr things
that 1IE SaW, was a snake] eireular-saw,
iseeing faSter than he ever saw before.
Its -'re pia] in 0 tiOu faecilleted Inul ; he
reaehed out his right index -hugerto-
werds its ill-defined periptery, (f r the
cireumferance of the -saw in swift mo-
tion looks to be at the bar of the teeth
xhalations hatii and net at their points) when to his
si fall deaL when - sorpL•ise; the end of his finger .diSap-
ee-eheee. tames peered in an 'inst :a, and rolled to the
ata dist tnce or, other side of the saw . The man tied
e1fAal spring. Th up the sturrip s ite his hapdkerchief ;
• A servant, newly eugaged,.pr sented
to hie mater, One theling, a pair ol
boots, the leg of on 'Alf-hit:1i wasniucL
longer than, the oth
" HOWcynts it t at theec boots ert
not of the eane 'le lid T' "1 realt
adn t knew-, ; bin" 'W hat bothereI, •
• m aft is..th at ths 'pair Close n •etail
1,4jj et..e wade flee" • -
A Yankee' who has arri-ved in San
Francisco, yin the Pacific Railroad,
writes home that the distance between
hat ity mai .Beeten is equal to 211
raine of euchre 176 diietke and 117
ARE .NOW prep to SIIOW the
Contents of
40 Paeliages
&c., &c., which will be sold at the
Smallest Profits .
Always on Hand
A Choice Stock of
Family Croce:ries.
frz 0
6.59 'LIZ'
taforthtml oitor
of the largest papers published in the
, TERMS.—$1.50 per 'annuls_
If not so paid, $2.00 will
in advance.
'Variably -be
The following rates will be e
chants and 6therS who adverti
end in no case will exceptions
3ne column for twelve month
"• for six Months,
• for three months
llalf-eolumun for twelve mont
" for six months,
, for three months,
Qivarter of a column for twelars
for. sfx monthe,
• for three months,
For each line over ten, first i
Flitch subsequent insertion.,
'•The number of lines to be r
pace oecupied, measured by
Advertisements wilhout sp
• will be pablished tffl forbid,
eordinglv. •
Seaforth, 111ay 7th, 1S69.
arged to mer-
- $60 00
- 3500'
- 29 00
- - 2'.0 00
months, 20. 00
•• : 41) (0)
_ E -0 0.6t
eltoned by the
• scale of solid
cific directions
d charged ae-
6, Hospital Street, Montrzel,
The continued success of this Company ea
only attributable to the qualf.ty and purity
of their Tease Over a kandred tlaresand
boxes of Tea have been sent to different
parts of the Dominion, and upwards -of a,
lioTairiesylainovuderrresyir.etsihmt,nials ean be shown, laeariltk.g
testimony to the qtitality and purity- of the
Tea, A great saving, can be ellacted
for four or five 5Ib. catties, which veil! be
sent carriage free to any Ilailway etleiien
and upwards. Every preel; age vearranatti
satisfaction. Club together and seaia
chasing direct from us, ti «.s of 5 atei Pat's
the Dominion, The money Can be. collected
ground steam Roasted Coffee,
in 5 and 10Ibtins and upward', the ilavour
of which is really eelite-0e and tea ry pack,
wee warranted, 201bs. 'it :a ard 5 Or ft lb.
freoeffe.oe,ls,eeirtltLtod itityteta rtrimi age:
d a SiBliyLivAi le6 KttliaeliecEniAtya.—:t llrg. 1 lel). .P4ei.ifit. ,Beoken
Leaf, strong Tea, 45c., 50c.; Fine Flavored
New Season do. 55e., 6lic. and 65e, : Very
Best Full Flavortcl do. '75c.; Sound Oelong.
45c.; Rich:Flavored do, 60c. ; Very Pine AO.
do. 75e.; japan, Good, 5:1c., 5c, Fine 60c,
Very Fine 65c., Finest 7i;e. •
GE4 TEA. Twice -key 50c., 55.;
65c ; Young _Elysian 5c., Utica 6::.; Tac. ;
Very in 85c., Seperfine and .V•ciT ChOiee
$1 ; F1110 GUITOWdel" 6:je, ; Extra auperfore
do. -$1.
COF_1'° 1, 2f)c ; aN.;o. 2, !...5c.;
No. .1, 20e.; No. 4, 15e, per
Nothing less thana Catt:e sold by this
Msisans YOuNt* & UJIA B1RLIN,—S rs, I.
feel itea, duty I owe to you, well as to the
pnbhc to inform you of thc est wonderful
mire Of Consumption, accon Aislied in my
person,by thearSe of the G at elhoshonees
alemedy and PilIs. 1 cough -NI a great -deal
. day and night, expectoratinga great quanti-
ty of matter, and. had .a grea pain about my
left; tang,. I haal geld cbifle very day, and
tievere night sweats every nig it, and between
the racking cough and. great -Iv-eating, 1 was
almost deprived of sleep ; b these -miseries
-well as the less. of -appet te, I was so'le-
d:need that could: hardly 1 -and alone. •
was .undere the care of a fhysician for a
length • -of • ..thne, and find: ng no relief, I
tried different - reecipe.s, but_ 11 without any'
'good effect. Squire :Patera- a of liath„! re-
commended Meeto use the C eat Shesheatees
Ttamedy. ; 1 'prodUred three nittlere duce,
with the Pills, so soon as I c nmarent ed. usino
it I 1)Citto get better.- and ellen I had fine
jelled this_ complement, the co gin expeetora-
Tien of matter; pain about he lung, is,
• eweatine, &c.,- lift me ; and ity continuing
its use 1 became strong and. hialthy. It is
now over two months- since j quit:the ; erne-
dy, and. there have beeni0 ipuptonle.of the
disease returning, .ard' I have been, and an
now, healthier and better tl Ian thave been
for years. 1 ti it you v. 1 nake this known-
' the public, that they in lite aware of the
peculiar viral:es of this tralt olidaful In-
dian Remedy.
• Desires to inform his old customerS
and the pueiic generally, that he has re-
built Shops on the •
On a more e Aensive scale than ever, and is
consegir.-.(nely prepared- to execute all
. orders tor everything in the way of
3E3T.TCIGI-IS; 4$z0..
None but the best material used., and first-
class workmen employed. s
In all its brainches, attended to in a satis-
factory manner.
Employed specially for this branch of the
business. •
k .-013Tew Good Village Lots for sale,
bf which has a Dwelling
lionse and other improvements thereon.
Seatorth, May 21A. 76-3m
Ernestown, County of 'Lona
and Addington, Ontario.
To all to -whom it may con
certify that I have been mitt
above ineirtioned a:entleintu.
Eeq., for many y
known inul alwaa s to hoof
est reepectability and a ee
ert di table person, and I am
ean saf,iy voueh-fer the trill
a. any othir stab:mint made
REV. W. F.
44-ly Bettor hf
e.—This is to
'lite(' with the
Peter- C. V.
ars, and have
the very high-
ry candid and
-on ildent that
of the abovo,
by him.
ath, Ontario.
itigents ,ted
A 0.'ENT,3 *anted to cam ss every Town
j.,, ship in the County of 1 uron, for
Price,- $6 O.
Liberal Commission A' lowed.
Township Rights for =
llaving secured the exchas ve right for the
County of Hinam for the above invention,
any pereon or persons inakiu or vending the
same will be prosecuted acc ding to law.
&worth, April 2, 1869. 69-3m.
IHE subscriher offers fo
•I consisting of 100 acres
class quality, ;being lot IN"
Hibbert, county of 'Perth,
and in a good state of culti
an excellent frame barn,
dwelling upon th'6 prenaises.1
of: water. About 7 miles fret
ket. Price and terms fibers.
Or, J. 8. PORTER,
N. 13. --.Dia:/ae Globe will pleane pUblish.
twice a week for two weeks nnd send account
to this °face.
sale his farm.
land, of first
25, Con. 12,
) acres cleared
Lion. There is
log stable and
• Ample supply
a good mar-
arty P. 0.,
TheMentreal Tea, Company ; Montreal, 1868,
(ENT—It is Ile3r11 3 p erehase
ed the first chest of Tea heal). e Ger leiuse.
I have pure:hatted many sersee, an'
pler.,sed to inform you Tea weli
4'S 311
every ease proved mobs alaiefeae-or,, :.4.s
as being exteedingly cheap. yiry
truly. •
Montreal Tea Company : -
GENTLENIEN---The Tea 1 purehased of you
in Mareh has given great eares 'eel and
flavour of it is veraellue. Ii. is very 'a -singe,
but since 1 have been dr:nhng e eer '11-ta
have been quite free from betia---Ineens, which
-would always pain 311(3afeer b I at-
tribute this parity of 3 -our Tea, =1,1 shall
continue a customer.
Y ours respectfelly.
54, St. John Strew.- "Montreal
ontrea,l, April 1866. - -To „NI en freal
Tea tNampany, d HoSnit : trees. • nareale
—We notice with pleasnre the large : mount
of Tea -that we have forewaril,e1 ;,.eu
different parts of the Dominio;:, and we are
glad to h_nd your busineee so ree;d:y nereas-
ing. We presume your Ti as are e eilea gene-
ral saltiefaetien, as out of ineete araount
forwarded we have only Ilea • ,0 re-
turn one box, whieh. we 3,1311,kri.tand- WaS
sent out through a mistake.
Manateer Canadi n Eepri ea Co:
House of Senate,*-0Ztawa.
Montreal Tea Cowl -ulna- "
Gaame 1.7,-ne-1). rreak-
fast and Young II yson v,:1iivls on. sent
Inc giv pleat satisfa.eti, In may ex-
pect I le,- future orders. Yeurs,
e14.471 N IN ER.
-1--;•17. Ai
ri • \
A N Journal ef
Art, Polities, Finance, 1 ',tell'. -.ports, -
aad Newspublished tivery Sa41.11-dilly morn-
ing, at :39 Park ilow, :New Yurk.
itAHAN OIC),171:11",iVI,%t
Ed..1.1:or and if.rolyileiot
Amended 'Terms 03t,16,..e Ifuji 1. liAa
. Su b.,scription for one yeari 11 wo of
the large-sized. A at eel Ereeree-attes, 111
addition to _a small one of .4- 4 t;e of..
ts free and pre pe itt -aoy ;.
uiadvanet ; for eie lie)... ea, D01-
'arsanti for thtt.. MO; t.!1-3.1 'i,;1* and
(wines, pita:paid tee:. at:tee ;(4itpp:rt
ot the Cneed ertlie Tiber, will be
..a:pp' kit with extra- leitgreveteee a ;..each, .
p • s • paid,
bub the preee " 4.0 •;``. it .).wribers
ne '6%). abb.:3rip _tons z&f:04 ay let,
1 4.30 without r wenuln,
st,rietly rn advanee ; 0It31uui alai 'few:h-
i:re, :$4.
:2;:i Cents per line. single insertion ; 20 tto,
per line for more tit an foe r inser ;611;3 15e. ,
per line for one ycar, , urm:ianged.
agate tine business tr,31, a, copy -)
of the Albion IN e. O p, r alumna.
ANNUAL CLL. B RA Tils, lin!. id further
notice; with a-'1'-eopy ni ay one (4 the fol-
lowing splendid tete& Eneravinge with each
eop,y (if the paper :—
queen Viteoria„ Prince Albert, -Fir Walter
:4cott, Washington, Pienjemin 1- reekiiu, Lora
Nelson ;4:.t. Paid's. London, ilem.ral Have-
lock, 1.1.rce Mcmbers of r tie Tunrerni*Ce So-•
eiety, the Castle of Ischia, 1;k -turn from
Hawking, Dignity and Impudence, Deer
,Pass„ riorenee C-ollimiare New
World, Dr. Kane, The hirst Trial by Jury,,
ishe - Falls of Niagara, Guess my
Houses of Parliament, London Duke of
ellington, Windeor Caerile, frueleingliata
I a'ace Westminster 'Abbey, -
kor two eopies, $9 in advance,.
For five copies, .$20 in advance. •
For ten -copies, ;$35 in advan&e,. with an
extiat copy to getter nix
For fifteen. copies, is in advance, with an
extra copy.
For twenty copies, $60 in 311Vallte With
tWO extra copies. -
Club subscribers must pay their own post-
age, Five Cents per Copy quarterly- in
The Albion, with any other weekly paper
or with any monthly magazine published
the 'United States—the subscription price
which is not more than $4 ,,er annum -47*
adv ante, without Eng/:avina s.
Postmasters evervwnere are invited to be-
COMe ans tor -ale Album; and -0, eonaink
sion twenty ne..c ettut. May be tteanettaa
from ati ISILOWT111010111i rommed by 'Ellett'.
L, No. 32.
Artr's HvrEL, Livery
Gtiier21 StartkeOciiee
L. 811ARP
seiserthe Jan : Ath, 1869
14, -1.86§. -
• 4-
efAea Stirgeon, -etc., Eg
1341gmondvillei -Dee.-.14,.
Grocery. Residencee---Main
Seafortb Dc. 14, 1868_
Ale the County of Hurian.
EirDENCE--One,deor East of
•ere,h4, 1868.
ej Solicitor-inChantery,Co
Rai -is, Ont.. - Money to loan.
iy Terms easy.
Star Building.
Paris, Dec,: 14., 1868..
. Land SUrveYeors, Civil
:11 manner of Converanci
eatness and thspat1i i 1‘3.
nissioner rnB It Offi1et---11
of Sharp's Hotel, Se,aforth.
Seafortin Dee. 14, 1808.
and Attorneys at La.
Chancery, Notaries Publie,
Offiee,4-0.ver Mr.
• Crabb's Blerele, -Gotlerich,
Lend- W. nlase
Seaforth, Dde. 34th 1868, -
1 .
• .
1001,EARY A
e Leek, Solicitor in (,
-ancer, &C., t &c. Office—
brick Bloele. M-oney to
cent. Interest, onoa Mori
real .estate. -
Seaforthii Dee. 12, 1868.
vit. liras, L. D. S
Artificial I
a with allthe
ures base
maprovem s The greate
the preservtion of decayea3.
Teeth. ext ,k -ted without pal
Seafortlq 1)ee, 34, 1868.
HAZIX1-1.1JR-3T, Lie(
for �te- 'County of .E
Ont. Pa4i,ealar attention
• of Bankrultat Stock. Farm
teneled anj Liberal. Terms.
Mort,ges Poreolosed,
• rants Exaeatel .Also, Bai
-Court forl'Huren,
Goderi 11, June 911.
E. R. OSS, Proprietor
• kloitel bees to info=
forth .aar4' the travelling eo
ly, that /lie 'keepe
in everylit thing rekuired
ligoLda, stru.be,slemai eB;ivioarilinatig,,s
necessaV attention..
in Ulla -leery and Insolven
and. 1::::1::STJT6-ERSH,I;Z:tt&ornlrysi
-eyaneers, ba.aci
Bank, eaferth, _Agents f(1
Assura (7P. ,N.B.
8 70, „areeze Bonzes ant
Seafokth, Dee, 14, 1.8681
Plains anal 'SpecitleatO
Carpenifer'e, Plasterer's,
measurbdana valued, kr
sinetiolk Iarket, Cou
0-o4r:ie Apri123, 818
vAle, JamesLairalpr,
eltass aaleomodation fer ti
The lasider and bar are ai
thestgblibt!_s, ratmemactirote.ts
eys at
eUrY:CUfltiCii CP1Notares 1;:e' It:.71:11t tolf7i;e'Lrilejln-
4Sitis)e, 7-4iieril;:snoolceommiss
8eaforJi, Dec, Nth. 1
IFOD-isaa respeeefull
of "e th and sumo
b.e is #re' area to cure '
blains, I =growing •Nai
all dieea h. ,s of the
a euettesi ul treatment,-
ness. Oil'ee tlil-ectler op
Dry(loot B Store, Main
Seaforeie Dee. 14,. 1
--k-rcgibE, --LITTLE
iN utiing and Sha
want a> ,‘" g00 a tille.VV.,
Gi-shautpteneel, ae
the 44 Liztle Wonder,
Xfain Street,
rooniaj, connection
public on April 1st,
inalt*g the haar grow fa
eomiette nut, was never
71 labt,illes each.
•84forth, Dee. 1-1,18