HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-09, Page 7Tenders !.7: received by the County Surveyor on. art of the Municipal Council for the Counti of ,Duron, Until , xd • inst. PING ROCK ELM C .ru - Road, as specified here - ander gers, each 12x10 inches 54 ft.. long,. fliers, f 0t t 3 inches, 55 feet long. •els, 13x:10 inches, 17 feet long., bills, l2x10.inches, 28 feet long.: 10X10 inches, 30 feet long. tact inches, 171 feet lone des, 0x6 lnolies, 12 feet long. �k 1 i 12 inches, 14 feet long: int.1i s, 13 feet hong. be • delivert d at the Egmondvillse dge. ills, '12!:,x12.1 inches; 40 feet long! l -2x 12 isit lu s, 31 feet 1 n'g ti • if �long. 1{3x.14 snch,es. .� ct:. c 1, 10x14 inches, IS feet long. 121x.121 inches; 21 feet long.' 11::29 inches-, 21 feet long.. ;sf 10,10 inches, 16 feet long- delivered at Grieve's Bridge, • in their }cession of Mekiliop. 1.2x1. inches I4 feet long. s, 12x12 inches, 13 feet long. 12• .e.12 inches, l21 feet long. t,s, 120 inches, 10 feet ton;;. Re delivered at the culvert,. 50 rods rom the jog in the ;xth conuesssion of; op . I es 11x9 inches, each: 20_ feet long; to' ;Livered. -e-here the Concession Road, sects the Gravel Road in front of the,. Concession of McKillop. a 12x:1' inches,. in feet long. s, 12:c12. inches, 121 feet long. • 1:2x9 inches, 5 feet long. e 'delivered at the culvert 40 rods rose the boundary line between Mc - and Urc y, on the County Gravel s, flatted, each 25 feet lone-, and 14 deep} to be laid down at Walton. k I �41e Timber herein speczdEcl, shall tt quality of Rock Elm, free from a 1 .got out to the full s,ze, and hewn old: .fes. -Tole to be delivered on the Raa - t 15th clay of August next. scrod `sureties will be rettuired; with ncler. It County, Suiv eyor: ortli,, July 5th, 1869 53-1i.. DS,, )USE & SIGN PAINTER. work Clone in First -Class Style. Or- o be left one door North of Dr., Smith's - 6--3m, or of_ Those olar ijoit S, ALSO - oice Selection of Silk- ee i s.ed and West of England. TWEEDS] T • alum -To -1Y LO iv- PRICES- -A few Sewing Machines for Sale- „ that have been run for a short Just the thew for Tailors or Dress- rs_ Call and see them working forth, March 1S€ 67-3ns ee, .t. THE SEAFORTH ZXPOSITOR. 7 LATEST FOREIGNir ° I RITAIN, London, July 1,--=A. fearful disc ter occurred at Caernarvon Wales, y, attiring the 'cartage of some packa s of Nitro -Glycerine from the harbour o the, Armory. The material exploded$ the way and the carts, horses and -Mei a.t- tencling.them were blown to ato se . A railway station near the ;scene i the J)'louon was torn to feces. oiir e�.l. .F. hien were killed by the exiplosion Jn the }louse - of Lord , tonight, the • consideration of theT II ish Churc Bill was resurn.ed in. Cemrpittee Claus t:s 11, 12, 13 and 14 were agreed to w tb out amendment, except as to to the date when the propels/3T of the Church shall l;as into the haxcds of the Comm's, ion- er, which was changed from Jan lst, ,1864, to Jin. lst, 1872. It was nropised on\the part ' the Government that an additional '1 use -.i- re framed` providing th' ie .:11aou cl 1 p Inn , Irish Bishops may retain their s ars `fin the -House of Lords; The Bishop of Peterboro's a e l end - l -rnent, that .all compensation 'rr pa -id without deduction therefrom of t :i in a vot• f ,3 wasadopted by� 9 pane tax-, cc �I to -0 • CIans-es 15,10 17 and 18 were oh g•r,: thesicl-r toh 'of a.nr t,.ed to, and •cons - e a clauses -.19, :20, 21. and 22 wa)ost- boned, Lo ret -Carnarvon's amen( rent, fixin. - the cormutati.:n` of tkrest at fourteen yearsP purchase, was ac o j tecl.. London, July 2,—The }lot se. of Lor ds” to -night condemned the co sider•- ation of the Irish Church Bill • 'loin niittee: Clauses 25 and 26 were -reed to. The Marquis of Salisbury rr oved „to strike out clause 27, which r:giiires that payments be made f • the `etent-. cbur-< iaxn of ecclesiastical resori�, - es b cues, of Real Estate, AS distinguished from a currency .such as that now exesting in Canada and based upon specie or its equivalent • in moveable convertible capital. This is the ground upon which' I .desii'e,to take issue and to ?de- monstrate the immense superiority of. our existing currency over anY►that could; ;possibly be produced undei a system -such as is embraced in Mr. Rose'a Bi1l or in any modification of it' in which the radical principle is retain- ed. Theoritically, the two cliscriptions of e rreucy stand in this way. The first, (oixi• present currency,) owes its value to a presumed immediate convert- ibility into gold on demand, And its volume is necessarily, lirnit,ecl to the amount of specie held by e thBanks, supplemented by the value of instantly ,1 Conve•tiible Commodities passing from hand &J. -hand in course of trade within the country, or in transit to foreign. markets. It is, in short the tangible representative of • the floating capital, as distieguiahed from the fixed or i»n moveable capital - of the country, white the . other, or proposed Government Currency would' be the representation cf the latter description of capital, or to.. speak more accurately, the one is based upon evidences of Capital -and the other upon evidences' of .Debt. and there e1.- i tjust the s s e same difference btiuween the two conditions, represented by the German words, "Sole" and "Rebell," or owing and having. The r, b effects of the two conditions 'are clearly repre- sented in the relative characters, • and values of the currencies of the United States: and Canada. There is no need to go into theoretical disquisitions about them, here we have the whole case in nutshell before its, American Legal Tenders or National. Bank Notes, se- cured by' pledge of Government De- bentures, and - worth about seventy cents in gold, while our Canada Bank Notes are worth -what they pretend to be,;. dollar for dollar in gold, on de- mand, e-rn ncd, and even after oue of our Banks is forced to suspend payment the notes are worth more than their face €v4lue in American Silver Coin. That a similar effect would be - produced in Ca:lacla by a resort to a similar change in the fundamental character. , of our currency, no reasonable man can hesi= t bte to a lnit, The uncontrovertible facts The Duke of Cleveland nno ' ed an amendment autherizing grants . o -Cath- olics and Presbyterians. :After a long debate the House divided, and tl e am- endment was lost by a vote of 113 to 1- „,. Ls -neon, July 3. --.-"The Tzrnes tb-day. says the debate in the House o Lords last evening have had the effect to ren- der the Irish Church Bill _more favor able to the Established sChurcaucl offensively partial'. in, its .'pro' 'dons, Archbishop Cullen l,as 'address •dia let- ter to the officers, of the -C ctho1i e Col- lege saying that if the Irish” hunch: Bill is mutilated by .the H r Use of Peers, the nation must have a ;fuller; measure of justice. Lonelon, July 9.—In the,' iIlouse of Lords last night the consider. ton of the Irish Church Bill was i shined. Several amendments were proposed and rejected, o. Le however' carni di viz _ tit tt all glebe -lands granted: by the Crown since 1560 be given to tie new Church body. SPAIN. Madrid, July 6.—There' hay large number of Republican s tr ctio ns -throughout °atm ton' yesterday, and tie day before. Conflicts leave taken pace 1 between the troops and bands Beans. The latter have been d and the city , is comparitavel' though the excitement is inter. ,IIerrara, who a Short time s appointed Minister of justice, signed. been a demon- o day, eviller •epll`b- s ersed, quiet, e nee was has re BANKING. CCAR-TWR1GTIT, Surgeon Dentist. . Stratford," Ontario, begs most respect- fully to inform :the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has opened a DENTA L OFFICE over MR. .1110K - SON'S DRUG- STORE, Main Street, - Sea - forth, and has procured the assistance of Mr, J. A. Ellis, Surgeon Dentist to take charge of the same. . Mr. Cartwright will continue to visit Seaforththe second week of every month. All work warranted to give perfect sati faction.ITeeth extracted. or nopain theuse of the with little by Narcotic Spray, which produces local an- esthesia, (want of pain.) Charges Moder- ate. Terms Cash. REFERENCES Dr. Smith, Seaforth Dr. Shaver, Stratford J. Dutton, Chemist of history,` as well as the events now passing within our own immediate observation, "prove beyond . 'question, that no Government can change its evidences of debt into Legal Tender Mone without producing Money .1 octan . inevitable depreciation, It was because 11Ir. Rose and his colleagues recognized this fundamental truth, that they provided a clause requiring the Banks to keep a specie reserve of twenty per' cent to re - neem the notes, although these notes were already passed for, . do}lar for dollar in golct, or ' its equivelent. For they perceived that it was impossible to preserve -the two characters of " security by Government Debentures" and im- mediate convertibility into gold,'? If they -drained the banks of all the gold they tad, -or could in anyway lexise in exchange for Debentures; the notes issued on del osit of these Debentures could not be convertible inti", gold, - for ail ' the gold would have gone into the coffers of ' the Government, and 'heel., paid` out to Foreign Creditors. Heine, under the proposed s: st en; if a Bank had, say two millions of gofl to begin v'ith,. it would be forced to limit its eirculation to sixteen hundred thous- and dollars, and keep the other four hundred thousand idle in its vaults, or m other words 'every dollar of civcu•la- tionf in the country Would costa dollar and'twenty cents in gold, while on the other hand it would not be wort'i in reality any more, if quite as much :.s our present circulations. Its , value would - depend - upon the price and saleability of 'our Government Deben- tures in England, and would fl actuate under all the disturbing caus€s that effect their volae : from time to time. Thus while the currency wotlrld be Lire costly than a pure gold cirecitation it would be less vhleable aaid less se- cure. The effect cif a costly c rrency would.be high. Lterest to all bar ower•. Trade,, -manufactures and agri':rtlture would be crippled, prices of all he pry - ducts of labor would be reduced and all the industry of the - countr would languish.. Far better would i be` to. t ave no. Bank Notes at all. Any lene can immagine- what the state of I things would be if all our Bank Nuts were stj pr ressed, and the country a re con- fined to the gold existing,in . t e Bank Coffers and' elsewhere for. montes T. The same 'effect aggravated by' at le st one fifth would followupon the in roduet- iou of Mr. Rose's Banking Seh me or any similar measure. Yours, { ONTARIO. Stratford P. R. Jarvi Dr, Whiting Berlin ; D Dr. Bray, Chatham.. s. Esq., Stratford ; r. Rowans, Drunibo; Mr. C. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, the third week of every. month. Seaforth,' Dec. 17th, 1868. 53-ly. SEAFORTH PLANIING MILL! SASH, DOOR AND Blind Factory r (Underneath will be found a reply td an article appearing in our. F t issue. We most willingly open our columns to 'the discussion of such a pro er sub- jet.—ED. EXPOSITOR.) Editor of tke Expositor, DEAR Sur.—Your issue of the 2nd contains a communication on ' Money and Banking" in which a mil defence of the late " Governmenti.n-king Scheme" is attempted. - If yo have no objection to open your column for the purpose, I should like to enter `upon a friendly discussion of the subjects in- troduced inn -your corresponden 'slarticle.' The purport of the article of nd July seems to be, firsts an attack a pan- he opponents of the GosiernmentBanking Scheme for tueir "sophistry, xmisrepre" " sentations, clap -trap and partizanism" {' of the orator and the public jour-" " nalist in their feckless and unreason-- " ing denunciations of Mr! nose's" ose's" `r Banking Bill:" Seeond, a promise to " present clearer views of the - real" merits" of Mr, Risse'sa Bill, followed by an bssay l upon the *real nature of inorrey, in ° the mazes . of Which the author seems to have foz`gotton hi' promise to enlighten us on the Gov- ernment Banking Schemey.:.at least it is so slightly referred to, that if ore were not otherwise well acquainted with the nature of that Measure, he might - rise from a very careful peruswU 'of the artiele without being, much wiser about Mr. Rose's propositions, than he was before. The author however clearly in= tends to argue in favor of a currency based upon, or secured' by, pledge of Akeru'eaustaa.naiG Debentures or mortgages HE subscribers beg leave to tender their T sincere thanks to their numerous c us - t mels and the public at large, for the very liberal patronage received since comlmencing business • in Seaforth. And as they have now a very large stock -of Dry Pine .Lumber an hand, ancl having lately enlarged their premises and added New Machinery (there- by increasing their facilities for doing work with despatch), they feel confident of giving every satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to custom plan- ing. BR.OADFOOT & GRAY: P, 5. - -AAn Eight -Horse -Power Engine and Y Boiler for sale, all 'complete, lete of taoldie p McCulloch's' make. 70-3m. SIGN OF THE SCQTCH COLLAR. HE undersigned begs to inform the farm- ers and others of the County of Huron, that he has opened a first class HARNESS & SADDLERY IN S]APORTH ! And being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment. he can and will offer superior inducements to any other party doing business here. I5 COLLARS particularly, are aeknow- ledged by co»-petant judges to be su- perior to any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the community, be is satisfied that all who favour him w th their patronage will have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all work manufac:,ured at his shop, places him in a po§ition to ' warrant - al l work sold by him, and his motto will be "the nimble six- pence before the slow shilling." Come along farmers gond judge for yourselves. No charge for showing goods. irShop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth, WM. H. .OL [VER, Seaforth, June 18, 1869. 80-tf, ° 203;000 FEET OF LUMBER! JJENRY WATICINSON, Archi ct and Jill. Builder. , Plane, Specificatic Its . and' Details drawn correctly. :Everyd scripticn valued, of Building Works measured and Bilis of quantities- repared. OFFicii.—Next door North of r. Hick son's old store, Seaforth. Seaforth, June Jth, 1869. 79-tf TO BE Sold Without Reserve! ssid ONE PRICE ONLY. NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PARASOLS, NEW MANTLES, .NEW SHAWLS, NEW HATS, NEW BONNE°1'S f j NEW FLOIVERS. NEW' laslanery Y Y 0 0` ClH"E4.P COTTONS, CHEAP SHIRTINGS, - 1 CHEAP' PRINTS, CHEAP CLOTHS, CHEAP TWEEDS,CHEAP HOSIERY, CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES. FRESH - GROCERIES. PRODUCE IN EXCHANGE AT CASH RATES. LA ZARUS,N;[ORRIS, Co., Practical Opticians & Oculus, London, Great ,ltaa,; Hartford, Von. -. U. Ag. a Montreal, D. 7 HAVE appointed Mr. M. R Counter, - Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician, sole agent for Seaforth and vicinity, for the sale of their Celebrated Perfected Spectacles, which have been extensively ued in Great Britain and the United States, the past :eight years, and for which they claire the under- mentioned advantages over those in ordinary use, the proof of which may be seen in their constantly increasing 'business during the past eight years. t - - 1st. That from the perfect construction of the lenses, they assist and preserve the n , - sight, rendering frequent changes unneces- sary. 2nd.. ,That they confer a brilliancy and. distinctness of vision, with an amount of - ease and comfort ' not hitherto enjoyed by - spectacle wearers. 3rd. That the material from which the Lenses are ground is manufactured specially. for optic<purposes, and is pure, hard an& brillianVancl not liable to become scratched.. 4th. -That the frames in which they_are, set, whether gold,snh-er or Eteel, are of the finest quality and finish, and guaranteed per- fect in every respect. They are the only Spectacles that preserve as well as assist the sight. And are Cheap- est, because the best, always -lasting many, years without change being necessary. One of the firm will visit at Seaforth, at the store of their Agent, every six months, for the purpose of fitting those having diffe - cult sights, when any spectacles sold by their agent during the interval - will be ex. - changed free of charge if not properly litter, WE EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. Seaforth, May 21st, 1869, Ts -lir HE undersigned begs to intimate to Far - I mers and others, that he has a large stock. of Lumber in . his yard, adjoining Messrs. Shearson & Co.'s Mill, Seaforth, comprising all the varieties necessary for building purposes, which he is determined- to sell at very low rates for Cash Those intending to build, would do well to tail and. examine the stock before purchasing The - where. P.S.—He i . also prepared to furnish Bili Stuff, Lath, : nd all kinds of Dressed Lum- ber. THOMAS LEE. Seaforth, ay 3rd: 74-3m. GpOD NEWS 'TO rs and Others. Signe& having newly fitted out ll a first class style, in which ding for every ENTH BUSHEL, g flour for gool wh . at at 41 shel. ST PRICE IN CASH PAID FOR Farm 'TIRE ande I his mi he is grinowr FIFT Or exchan lbs. to the b THE HIGH eetforth: II EAT. ALFRED BREWER, Roxburgh Miil4. I une 4th, 1869. 78-3m. 1 1. Olv via .w rati b 0 •17S 1/ A7WnaLLOn a SEAFORTH DISPE-N SRY Ana FamilyDrugStore. LUMSDEN has just received his IX t Spring Importations Of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and - Patent Medicines, French, - English and American Perfumery ; Hair Dressmgs, Oils, and Pomades ; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shar- ing Brushes i1 Dressing and Fine-tooth Combs; Toiletialn.d Shaving Soaps, &c., &c. Horse 8i" Cattle Medicines Condition. Powders, etc., DYE STUFFS Of- very Superior Quality. PHYSICIANS' Prescriptions accurately prepared, R. LTTMSDEN, - Pharmaceutical Chemist. 5x3-tf Waggons, Buggie eaforth, April 22. - DEMOCRAT T NE underigned is now nnanufacturing a large number of_ ° Patent Arm Waggons ! Of the most thorough finish, and will posi- tively guarantee the tires to remail tight on the wheels for at least Ten :Years. - I am also turning out Buggies and Democrats of Various Styles! Fr= the best quality of Hickory, nngbrted expressly from Ohio. Ail all my AXELS both Wood`;apd Patent Iron, are set by my , Pate.Axle Gu -a ,a 1 can confidently warrant my . Waggons- alae Buggies to Run Lighter than any other built in Canada. - - TERMS LIBERAL! To responsible parties. - All orders by nail orotherwise, promptly attended to. G. MINCHI Shakespeare, May Pith, 1869. - 74-4in LOST -TWO COLTS. TRAYED from the premises of the sub, 0 scriber, Lot 28, 1st con.. TuckersnLitb, about the latter end of :April last, two Colts; one year old mare colt, of a light grey colour and one year old colt,– entire—of dark brown colour, Any person or persons giving such information, by post or otherwise, as will lead to their recovery, will b.! suitably rewarded, WM. WESTACOTT, Brucefield P.:0. May 26, 1869. S1-3ins SPADES,SHOVELS, SPADING AND - - MANURE FORKS, GARDEN RAKES, HOES, &C., In Great Variety, At JOHNSON Blies. Seaforth, April $6h, 1809. to 4