HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-09, Page 6f r. IR►ISHTOW CONSECRATE ON OR THE 1.1 TRY. SHTOWN GEMS Reported for ate asi ¢r. The Right Rev. Dr. Welsh, R C., Bishop of Sandwich, . a oom paned by Rev, M. Eagan, visited Irishtown list Friday. On Sunday his Lordship cele- brated first mass, Father Oulett second, I+iather Eagan third, and Rev. Fathter Murphy last mass. Aefficient choir swelled the praise of od is soul -stir- ring music.. ltev. Father. Eagan, ' u speaking on. the consecration of the emetry, said : That Greece, Rome, and Egypt erected expensive rnonulnents and °pyramids to mark their respect for the deceased brothers:. The barbarous 4siatics, the savages on the plains all revere the deald. Was i5 the to ee, ° dust, and ashes of the dead they r spected `l No, but a living principle _ that remained after death. , The emanation -of God's holy spirit did not die with the bony, " Let us make roan in our own image and likeness,". says the Lord. -Man is made of . God's image, in his soul it never dies. The Patriarch Abri pa would not bury hie wife aaah on stren- gers' > ground, but betight he double. cavo Qf E hran. Jacob; at hi death, gather- ed his twelve sons to gi them his p o- phetical blessing, . and harged ` the , saying "I am going o' be gather d to"my people ; bury me in the double, cave which is in the ft. • ld of Ephr the Hitite for a possess on to bury. in.. Gathered to m people, s ys the. Patti - arch; that is,, I am goin , to die, and so follow my- 'ancestors tha are gone : be- fore me and join them in . nother 'world. The Jt,ws when carried- captives into Babylon, grieved above 11 other things. that they could not b buried with their fatheis. It remai rd for the Ca- tholic Church to exalt t ing of the humans hea affections and °domestic. fishing fond r•emembranc friends. Christ robbed rors. A. Christian's des sleep, with the comfort' rection •with Cli 1st t On the solemn occasion Catholic Church appears us at baptism in the na Trinity ; she washes us of Christ ; she guides through life, blessing follows us to the gra.•e, =$ despair, - but in hope. our houses, land, and g, animate and inanimat; sanctify oar souls with cross. How much m - bless the place where re of .all that was mortal whose souls have been s tie presence of God. T been the temples of Go his own image and like of a. living principle blood of Christ, the Inc. the adorable Son of God e noblest feel, to encourage eelings u cher- s o: c - .r departed arted oath of its ter -- h is a peaceful g hopef ur of, res - immortality. of death, the She receives e 01 the Hely ith' the blgod us every step very occasion ; ot_in fear or She sanctifies laments, &hirigs • urges us to he sign of the re so will she ose the remains f oar frieade, m oned into eir bodies have created after ess. the tem pie. " asked ;by the ?nate Wisdom, Why was he bound, beaten, and spuined, why was. he blindfolded, buffoted why was his precious the cross but that his ?night redeem the dear iii'ing 1 The souls of clense:l by the blood o hAnor can we spew thec a ing lost baptismal imio the Holy Spirit by forge getting the mercies - of into error, the holy C follows us with her entr There - we behold the tar offering up :the same that was born of the V that was born in Beth e: that was nailed upon the us to repentance and lo e las on the Priest- to a man, .be: performs Ex the - last rite of the performs, ur of the grave. Is it an that the' body for ivhi much, we shall follow and assist further No longer are we conte mer4 oriels • or pyramid pensive enlbalmith convey - the bodies cemetry and plead (mod: Christ our 11 1 • THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR. prayers offered up, and. masses said for. your soul, all will be of no avail. Live and die in the Catholic faith, obey the co nmadment , attend to your duty and may God ,bless y while living and grant you a•peaceful . death? The Rev. Father Egan then announced that a collection would be taken up for the Catholic church at Seaforth, which his Lordship said would be a credit to the place and a blessing to themselves. He would appeal ° to their generosity hal he not known of it, but that would be superfluous, for he was aware of theirzeal for the bea'at y of God's house; y where his glory dwells. The Right Rev. Bishop then / said that he cone. menced his labours in Irishtown, .to liquidate; a,heavy° debt on the diocese, and their laudable liberality and gener- ous example was nobly imitated throughout his mission, and now he wn$ y glad to say that the greater part, of tl. debt was paid, and now they could live in peace`and ealge, and advised his hear- ers to obey and -serve -their Rey. Past or .who laboured for the edification and sanctification of their souls. His Lordship, Rev Father Murphy,. Rev.. Father Eagan, Rev. Father Ou- lett; and six • AcolY tes` -bearing a gold- en cross, . crosier,' and holy water; fol- lowed by sixteen hundred, orrather acou- - ie o# thousand of people, went in pro -- P c- ssion to the cemetry. Bishop Walsh arrayed ed in his magnificent canonical y g Mitre and crosier, stool at the cemetry door - and addressed = the multitude, stating this 'was a • i ioituary chapel where the dead should be brought h t be- fore interment. Death in itself was not much; but their was momentuous and eternal issues after death. There was no middle place after -judgement but either the glory' of heaven or the sorrows of hell,. the presence of God or the company of the devil His Lord- ship then sprinkled tlib ehappel 'with •holy water, the clergymen responding to the litany of the saints. Then -the mighty congregation knelt before a cross and lighted to er ht d emblematical -ps em . of the lght of faith and all with one solemn voice repeated the litany of the saints, -then the $lshop, Priests, .Aco- y l 'tes and immense procession walked around the 'grave yard blessing it as he went, -the Clergy chain the psalm, 4 Have mercy on "us, 0 Lod God have mercy on us.' Returning to the chap- el hie Lordship said, he had consecrate ed the. burying ground all :excep one, spot, their should bp buried the nnhap- py souls who did drtiuk, by violence, who neglected their Easter duty or died in -exterior' enmity to- the church of God, and with God himself. ° He would not bless that unhallowed place where the dew of heaven should naver fall; - This terrible sentence against those who led destitute and godless lives caused a-vissible shudderr through the crowd. PROPERTY FOR S; xt,Ew '', OT No. 9, Sperling's_Survey'of Seafi)rth,. 1 4with Store, - Storehouse, Stable and Dwell.iing on it, and situated on the first lot North of Downey's Hotel, Main Stre t.. For particulars apply to the proprietor, War. N. WATSQN, Insurance Agent. • Seaforth, June 1lth. "9-tf. tear O TO T. J. SIMONS' FRTJIT OYSTER and scourged, ody nailed to precious blood as well as the he dead were Christ, what I.s After haz- se, grieving g truth, for - and diving olic Church ies to return. t on the al b dy and blood ✓ 'n ; the same ym ; the same ross, inviting St. James oint the sick me Unction, on the brink wonder then, h God did so the cemetry h1 our prayers. i with cost ly no longer ex - dead, but we to he. consecrated fort €ir souls before > ea es in . heaven, those sleeping:in their raves are still members of Christ's my.tical body, and share Conannunion of amts. Here is ti glorious vision enjoyeby the `Catho- tic Church, theresuff:ring for a tune one day to enter the jots of heaven. What a consolation to clow when- you follow a deceased fzien s to the grave, that' he or the is gene it to the pie eifce of: Gad, and that death 'res not .sepa- r< •te us 1 •You will no • go to the ceme- try where lies your fri nds as Christ laid three dt.,ys in the t Mb, hope that dei spiritual body wi 1 rise with him - 4lorious, immortal and ncorruptabl. . if you would sleep in death with a hype of a glorious resurrection, live a life _,as-- cording to the Gospel and you evil; sleep side by side with the saints;; of -God. Lead the life of r, christian and every mass, prayer, anal eigli of sorrow• ing relatives will ascend to God for oui souls, ' If you die, without the grace of Caod, you might be berate tp AR grave, MoKillop Council. i °E Ps''0 "111. ForOysters, Fresh Osters, Sardines, Lobster Pies, Cakes, and Sweets of every description: CALL Alicy .1 Opposite His Fresh Stoc1 Opposite McCANN'S Old Stand. - Saforth, Feb. 12, 1869. 63-tt ONTARIO HOUSE, EDWARD .CASH, just received a' fine lot of JJAS HAY AND HARVEST TOOLS, Of all kinds, The only genuine Morgan - CRADLES AND 'CYTHI S° '. In town. Best Linseed oils extraordinary cheap GODERICH STREET SEAFORTH, EDWARD CASH. ' Seaforth, -April 14, 1869. - . 53.1y. DR. J. ROLPH 1111ALCOLM, A.TE DRS. HUNTER &MALCOLM,) J Of 18 Adelade Street, West, Toronto, will -be at ' H RP S HOTEL SEAFORTH A On Friday July 2, August 6, September3, - and September3, October 1, for consultation. Dr. M , can be consulted , all forms ° of chronic diseases, including C` : snchitis, Consumption, asthma, Rheumatism and Neuralgic affections, af- fections of females, 'etc. Consultation and advice free. Toronto, Jund 28, 1869. • 821 in • NOTICE. ''\ OTICE is hereby given that a Promis- •_ sory Note dated the 16th. Frehuary 1869, payable two months after date. for the sum of twelve dollars, s'gned by Smith Thompson, in favor of the undersigned, . has been lost,- and payment of the- same has been stopped.. The Council met pursuant -to adjournment at Alexander's Hotel, June 14 1869. All members present, the Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of the last meeting react and passed. Moved by Samuel Hannah. seconded by J. Malone. That with respect to the -application: of Mr. Rath, in behalf of tha 0. 0o., relative to theirappealing against the assessment of their non-resident pi operity, in the munici- pality, after due reflectionwe have come to the conclusion of reducing the assessment on the following lots, $4 per acre :. C'•on 13, lots • 1, 2,' N. 1 3, N. 4, .and lot 5, con. 14, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; 8, 9, and E. 1 of N. 1 10, and that - the Clerk notify Mr. Rath forth- with—Carried. Moved by Samuel Hannah, seconded by Thos. Davidson That John Blake be refunded the some of $7.9'2, for an error in taxes formerly– Carried,. Moved by Samuel Hannah. seconded by T. David- son That the snm of $20 be expended on 6 and 7 con:, line, opposite lots 30, the work to be let and superintended by Jame Dor- rance—Carried. Moved by Samuel Hannah seconded by John Malone That . Joseph Brown be paid' $20: for building a culvert on side road. 30 and 32, con. 1; payable 1st of Noy: next—Carried. - Moved by John Ma- lone, seconded by Sahuel Hannah That D. McGregor be paid; $57 for hiservice as As- sessor for the present year--`Crr'ied. Mov- ed by Thos. Davidson seconded by J.- Ma- lone That debentures be issuesin favour of -the following parties for charity being in in- digent circumstances, viz : Widow Garretty, and Henry Sabre each $5, and H. Dizer Carried, Moved by Samuel Hannah second- ed by Thos, Davidson That the following accounts be paid, viz : C. H. Cell ° for print- ing and stationery $13.48, W. Elliott etatio- nary $5.38, Peter Adamson Co:, Clerk, for three copies of Ontario Statutes $1.50, and 1. Zapfe & McCallum for repairing scraper $2. - 50 --Carried. In accordance with a previous notice the -Council then auctioned off the. different contracts apvertised breach respec- tive ward. Moved by Samuel Hannah, sec- onded by, Thos. Davidson That the Council do now adjourn–Carried: - JOHN O'SGTLLIVAN - Tp. Clerk. P. S:—The next meting of the Mc- Killop Council will take place some time in August next, of which due no- tice will- be given. Farm for Safe. THE subs riber offer for sale the farm be - tuff Lot No. 9, in the 2nd . Concession, TownshipTuckith o e rm , consisting of 80 acres, nearl all clearod• • There is a good Frame Hous On the lot, 'and a large Barn, a never failing spring creek, runs through the farm. Eor articulars apply to A. G: VAN EGMOND, At the Seaforth (:3arding Mill. Seaforth, Jnly 2nd., HENRY SHl-EFFER.. Hay, July 5th, 1869. i 3 -lin.. 0 • li: Ri. .9 4+ , DRESS GOODS. MUSLINS, TICKINGS, CHEAP PRINTS, SHIRTING S, M'GREGOR' & SON, BOOKBINDERS,J`LLET ItIrepartd to execute bindingin every style. Persons residing at -a distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, Goderich, or ' at the ` F`xPOSITOR" office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, June 11, 1869. 78-tf, - 3,4oOO r Dt.TI ►.. HE above sum is put in my hands for in- vestment on good farm property at 10 per cent interest, and no charges: J. S. PORTER,' Seaforth. 80-tf. June, 18th 1869. ti BEAUTIFUL HAIR, NATURE'S CROWN. You Bust -Cultivate lt, Grace. Seaied Tenders Survey( Countyrvc, t ' c the r on Will be received by y the part of the Municipal Council for t : e County of ':Huron, Until. Saturday 10th Inst FOR DELIVERING ROCK 'LA Is a certain indication of Decay at the -Roots. NIERS. S. A. ALLEN'S Hak -Restorer Restores gray hair to its natural color and beauty and- produces luxuriant growth. It• gives the hair t beautiful glut's and delightful fragrance: Manufactory and Sales Offices, 35 BARCLAY STREET and. 40 PARK PLACE, -N. Y. AND 266 NIGH HOLBpRN, London, Eng. - 4-V•Seatter and Rolls, Drugs sts, agents oa -Seaforth. -- For Sale everywhere. - January 28th. 1869. ° 60 -1v. - LADI1S' STRAW -HATS, GENTS GENTS FELT tc Ready -Made Clothing, BOOTS &SHOES Also a Nice Stock of Fresh G roceri s. - To be had at - J. Bonthrot & Opposite Hickson's Old; Seaforth, May 7. - ela, Mand, 52-tf WAGGONS, BUGGIES, all implements for farnr use mane curs 'fat dAND by i'NAUGHT &-TEEPLE - Good and Cheap. Remember -the stand. . FORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Seaforth,Feb. 20, 1868. - - 11-ly Icc-- Sealed r.lc1Liders, Will be received by the County Surveyor en the part of the Municipal Council for tile County of Huron, until Saturday, 17th inst, For re building the superstructure to the Gravel - Road - Crossing the North Branch of the River Maitland, near Wroxeter. viz ; - 5 New Stringers to each span, 15 in ;all, 14 inches deep, and 10 inches thick. '20 New Corbels,- each 14 inches deep, and 10 inches thick. 4 Large Braces of Pine. each 11x13 inehes. 2 King Posts, each 12x12 inches. 1 Needle Beam m 12x12 inches, and 2 small braces, .i 1 Cross Straining Beam 11x11 inches, and two braces. - 8 Pieces of Elm_Plar_k 10x4 inches, to lay on Piers and Abutments. - A New Floor of good sound Hemlock. Plank, 17 feet long, 3 inches thick, and 12 inches wide. All the timbers to be cut to the as those in the present bridge bolts used again. Also Gravel 7 rods at North en4 9- feet wide and 10 inches dee And 10 rods at South end. of B wide and 9 inches deep. There will. also be required Gravelling over that part o approach which was washed late freshet; 14 inches deepin and 9 inches ateach, end. The whole of the New Gravellin ly boxed, so as to make the net less` than 23 feet in width, The wogs to be finally complete: 20.h o; September next. A: B County Surveyor. Seaforth, July 5th, 1869. 83-1i. same length aid the old of Bridge, dge, 9 feet On the - County Road,as specified under, 5 Stringers; each 12x10 inches, 54 ft. 5 Sf ringers, .[0x13 in ;hes, 55 feet long. 20 Corbels, 1.3x10 inches, 17 feet long. 4 Mud Sills, 12x10 inches, 28 feet long, 4 Caps, 1 Ox 10 inches, 30 feet` loxig, 20 Posts, 10x6 "inches, 17 h feet long. 2() braces, 6x6neh es, 12 feet long. 4 Pieces, 12x12 inches, 14 feet long. 4 Pieces, 12x12 inches, 13 feet long. To be delivered at the Egnnonc Bridge. 4 Mud Sills, 121x121 inches, 40 feet for 4. Caps, 1;?x 12 inches, 31 feet long. 1t'• Stringers, 10x14 inches, 40 feet Long. 20 c.orl.els, 10x14 inches, .18 feet long, 10 Posts, 12&x121 inches, 21 feet long. 10 Posts, 14x9 inches, 21 feet long. 8 Braces, 10x10 inches, 16 feet long. To be delivered at Grieve's Bridge, it 4th Concession of McKillop. 4 Pieces, 12x12 inches 14 feet long. 4 Pieces, I2x12;inches, 13 feet long. 4 Pieces, 12x12 inches, 121 feet long. 24 Pieces, 12x9 inches, 10 feet long. To be delivered at the culvert, 50 south from the jog in the 5th concessio McKiliop 15 Pieces 11x9 inches, each 20 feet ion be delivered where the Concession intersects theGravel Road in front llth Concession of McKillop. 2 Pieces 12x12 inches, I3:1 feet long. 2 Pieces, 12x12. inches, 121s feet long: 21- Pieces, 12x9 inches, 5 feet long, To he delivered at_ ;the culvert 40 south from the boundary line between Killep and Grey, on the County U Road. - 8 Pieces, flatted, each 25 feet 1png a inches deep, to be laid down at Waltoe Ail the Timber herein rspecified, sha the best quality. of Rock Elm, free fro defects, got out to the full s'ze, ,and he four sides. ere-- ong. ville g. the: rods of o' act,- the. rods Mo- -avel a 14 1 be all on The whole to be delivered on the - oad, - before the 15th day of .August next. Two good sureties will be required with each tender. 11 rods of the South` •ay by the the middle, to be neat approaches before the A. BAY, County : Sury • yor:. Seaforth, July 5th, 1869. ' :83t1i. T. Sr MONS, r HOUSE - & SIGN PAINTER. All work done in First -Class Style, Or- ders to be left one door North of Dr. Smith's office. 67-3 More of Those 12 Dollar '-Suit AT GLEGHOILN' Baso A Choice Selection of Silk -mixer West of England TWEEDS! and AT ARliONIS LTIVGLy L P ES. OlY RZ C .: ►SA few Sewing Machines f r Sale , that have been ran for. a short time. Just the than¢. for Tailors or s- makers. Call and see them working. §eaforth, March 18, 6; -3m 4 LATEST OR l,l)1TA I N> ., _ ; London, ; H l x 1.7, ----A ff curred at l'Aernarvon 1 ruing th4 ?Cris of son1 t;'0-Glycel oe f'ro:x the Armory. h 3 material ex w ay and the_ ets, horses y taudirg thenp were blown: eai.:lwa y st< .tilon near the: €: plot– 3i)n las torn to . 1 Will were killed by the e In the IPiuse of ,Lords, ...,ti considr;rat.o of the Iris wee ri teruiel4in. CUriirrfitte 12, 1:1 and] 14 were agree amendment, except as to when the prePer4y of the Teles into t ' 'Hanels of the , 'which w elinaa 1d 1 64, toJt'.1st,1 .y It tiv isn unused o:It<; overn.e.e rt; that an .sxioul l be eimed p'ovit Irish Bislr may retain the Ho a str-•a ` Lords, ''ale Bi.:iic;j) of Peter; i e'iit, tai ,t all compere without d. °'diction thereft 1 n corrre tax, -v-tis adopter .1 too ' - 16 i i and Clauses ilea a• greed to, end toe coir clauses 141.1,'..' ` 0, ° 21 not atoned. .) ed Carnarvon' ..,,-- fixing l .c anTnlrtat . xi. t - at fourteen years purchase Lonnie -4 ? J1 Illy 2..1--- Lords ,-=--Lords to-I,ig ht condle-anne .tion of ti e Irish Chnrct anittce, C fllses 25 and to. The .l o= Ttr ?lis of " St'. i to strike o , clause- 27, that p,yx;ii{``j hnts be shade 9 j, 3. +` l „ 'ic Il. of ec,c:l °sl (st . al rose. Cates I The Du'ilei of Clevelah Y i ,r ter n . _c, t a li az. anaezidxir 1 , . tt, l ()lies and .fe; )eteria ns. debate the ouse clividect Vit•' lost j` .. ° l)-t' sl .1332' a 4b,', . I London; 1Jt11y 3 --fie says the debate in tate E' 1st e, en ing have had the •der the Irish Church Bil able "to tl) ; Established offensively- partial in. Archbishop -Cullen 1.fts a ter to the officers of the Lege sayii g. that if tla 32:11 is rtiattal:iterl by 1 reer s the nation ation must 'measure of justice. YI- Londont,'July 9. ---In t Lords last: night the -oo he Irish cline -eh Bill everal amendments wee ejected, 'e ta, however hat -=all iebe lands Crown si "f 1)b0 be Church body, lt. SPAIN, 3.14.elri , ,July 6. Th lirge nu )er of 11.ep • strtttions 1 hroughout yesterdeyi, :tel toe day Conflict, have taken between e troops alio limns. .'lel atter have and the city is comps though the excitement i Herrera rera who a shot. appointed .Inistcr of signed. ;- (Underneath will be - ail articl ippeariug in Tt We most wallaugl. o**z y 1.: co.asion of .such, o the test.— EXPOSITOR-) Editor Arposito21 Dl AR ` rt: -Your its contains : cormunicati' -and Ban ng" iii which mf, the late " Govern Scheme" is attempted. -objection to open your 4 purpose,. should like t friendly discussion of t troduced iu your corresl, The purport of the arti seems t -o1, first, an a opponente,of the Gover Scheme fok taoir "soph ti sentatios, :clap -trap "<z of the .oratoa and .th na.list in their teek1es " ing-denunciations ' Banka .l." Seen " resew! clearer view mPeiit of Mr Ro e's by'hn eAgtay upon the line Lll#'i 3naze: y7 a.uth of ;errs s to hav promieeCeo enlighten u ernlnent a,g Scher so slit 13 tly renkizferred to, not other 1 ise well amp nature o that Measure from a ry careful article without being n Mr. Rose's proposition before, he author ho tends to a gue in favor based upo : ; or • secures: esieaeei.0 iu Debent r