HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-09, Page 5SEAFORTH RNITURE 1,411E ROBERTSON, rj r and manufacturer of all 1.:nds of IOUSE QL 3 FURNITURE, Such as LOUNGES. C"ENTRRETABU, S'y, J• E T . S'Eg,, • BR` AKF 1ST TABLES, .REAt'S, C 1:IA aad BEDSTEADS, hi Great Variety-. R. aariet - R. has great confidence rn offering his; { to the public, as they are matte of "Seasoned Lumber, at.d by First -Class ;lien. Fg. r ]AD TO ORDER On the Shorter. ", otiee. WOOD with Neatness and 1?esprteh. fWWareroom. S; OOEIl1SSCrrt'Tf£ SHAM'S HOTEL. Main ..Street. Thr Elan. 6th., 1869. 574.1_ Csa 0 0 0 tri .wzio.ls, R ! VE rem;eived to their new premise; on CH STREET, NEXT DOOR TO Sden's Drugtore. .TTlr:t .fl:T Maul tie b f 1.311: (1H &S.. b1 THEI from Londoa i n;;lattd. • tyke, fit, and werrx manship, guaran- F li .ftiE<=.t S RYDF1tA'i'.3 . f t, a tJiEttLAND, CHA4. SUT> (SIt ARD< pith, June 4 1863. '46-.1y. • SEATTER ANGE BRO :1 And dealer in Pare CHEMICALS & DYE STLJ : 1"}rng Department is under the sped an e:t :r , need C:hernist,, • P EARSON. co -t * 1st, 180., HO BINET & CHAIR MAKER UNDERTAKER &e ELL, A Large Stock. tt� kinds. cif furniture kept ccrnatarntlyon 61+4 consisting of the h . st varieties. 0.1i's *sing Ma.ttrass.es, Cbilclren'es g �.. C -pilins kept constantly on liana. made en. the premises. Hearse fur- hire. Warcroom 'add & Me: vtutkiiv TILOS.. BELL, Iae - ` ` E 'SEA 1410RTH- OP 5 AGRICULTURAL July. °Roman. --OW, .and neglected trees, may be pruned : thin out superfluous wood `"and Make an open head ; remove water+hcaots and suckers ; brush mel- ted grafting ` wax over. lame wounds. Thinning may be profitably practiced, and if pr ;.e -•f ieaable,- one-third or one-half of the crop ,be removed, what remits will l much finer and bring enouzh higi.e2' price to pay for the i rouble. is itis• is now In season with the Budding ;� i u ru, and s it h any' other fruit in, which the bark will run, thu1 of which. tell is are mature ; /t)tict dOWn ;. round cff the }nits of stocks budded last yeah. 'Look to the grafts. Where ie twopat in. andd both -growing, cut away 0 e anti pinch any shoots of the remainit g; cure t11at<t grow too fast : keep dos n "robbers" that spring from the stoc , near the graft, lchtrees plan d this spring, especially on dry land, °.1 keep the soil light by frequent: stirrit. g; hay, coin stalks, Manure, shavin„at, even stone;; will do to keep a the •or � ground cool and moist. Borers n w e �iosit &heii eggs; s heap stiff` brown )a- per around the lower part of the ti -un t5, lotting the lower rc. e of it.go hence tla the soil ; probe out any pot°ers alrea dy in the tree. Genie: t seeds of Cherries, and keep seec►lin ;s and young ours ry • trees cleats of weeds. FRUIT GAR1 EY.—Prune clwai;f ire s pinch shoots, to cont:oi the growth, rid cut-off* snpet•flttoti:; ones. If the Sii 1y Pear -slate; ai{apea rs, dust with the •iir- slaa.ckecl lime; the .`teed Spider is rel el- led by fi et.1 uenr, sy singings with s a p - suds; titin fi uit freely, especially his larger so,tt of rears.. ” When the rick- ing Rasberries is over, cult away the canes that have borne, and remove all the now ones ' but thi•ee or four, t, ' a stool; this dies Writ apply to Black -ca ps. Blacki?err•ies heavy with fruit will need tying it=s "; stop the flew canes when f ^ml• or five feet high and pilaf t,ie sla {ots to 16 inches. Keep the growt of Grape Vines tied up pinch lateraa,l', as fast as they push, back to one leaf; ;top the fruit, canes at three -er four lea ve5. 'beyond the last' bunch clo not allow young vides to over -bear,, use still her on the first attack of mildew ; hand- )iek the beetles and large caterpillers. If Strwt,erry prints are wanted, :enrich the soil with good compost, anc let them: run.. Strike runners ins all pots of earth set in the ground. The Water Torture in Japan. Francis Mastrilla, all Italian missio- nary and decipl.e of the great Xaviei, underwent at series of tortures in Ja , pan during the persecution 'of the Christians, Which. fill the ..mind with horror, while they excite our admirati- on at the :courage and heroic endurance. of the noble Italian. Francis Mastrilla was. born at Na- pies, on the. 5th of September, 1604, his' father, Jerome .111ast4illa, Marquis de Salk. Maizano and Duke of Monte Santo, being orae'of the Highest nobles m the kingdomfand his Mother a Carr b accioli. Amid a terrible persecution be land- ed in disguise in Japan, with the in- tention of obtaining an audience with the `TYcoOn, and evidence " to influence him to adopt milder ineaatires towards the. Chrihtians in. his Dominions, by dii abusii g him of the ,idea than all O•irristiaris were subjectsof the Spanish King.. He was, bowel er, aat oncq ar rested and gut to thetorture. 'he i or ti re.. 1 first was that of water. He was raised up in utile a air. by the feet, his legs, clear. n apart, and then dropped repeatedly into a , vat of water. This deprived then of his breath,. forced a quantity of water into his throat, lll1)= 1 ainl i� c C e) ) , 1c,Cl lion to • disgorge, it with immense pan. But this was not enottgu. The tor- tore by water had other stages, neer, p n'hars fequaled in the terrible annals of h umah cruelty: Pieces of 't ood were laid like at. ladder • on the ground, and on these he was stretched ' and. bound tightly, only his right hand left at- li- berty. He was told that if he wished ti>>.spealk lie need cnly place one llaucl on his breast. his lieacl was then v raised, 'slinlatl sec, a i nd vh11r, in thispos- ture a -funnel was placed in his mouth, eritei•ing his throat, and water poured down in. quantities. A board was then plwc l on his lody, and. o Hien jump ed. upon it, furc•ilig the water; • mingled witle blood., from his molt '11,_nostril sancl pal's. The terrible .shock°to Tris system was more than" human : nature could hear. The noble Italian .became so faint that his torturers, fearing that he tniglit 'a�l lire tinder their inflictions, a f arried; him baa,Uk to prison to enable lain to rally his energies. But his strength recovered only to meet new forms of torture. Red, .ho,. metal plates were applied to his body, lie was -"subjected to the tortures of • the pit, and all this failing to shake, his courage, he was at last beheaded. . • Five other missionaries, arrested ;in .1.643, were during several months sub- jected almost every other day to• the Bate terrible ordeal of w -ter.- Rt f ,re such tortures and such perse-. cutiOM y missionaries at last yielded, and he time of Gidotti, • an Itall>_aui, Tided there in 17 09, the Gospel eased to be proclaimed, in' the of Jat •)aan, , till the United States Da through tlao exrltlSiveness that. hada, neen established, .:inaug urated a ated a€ r er•a. - _ . NEW M1LLNERY I I. ti RS. GLOVER, begs to announce to the V.I inhabitants of S& aforth, and surround- ing country, that she has opened a now,milli- nery, in the shop OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE STORE, Where she will attend to all orders in her line: Millinery, Star~ ping &c., and all kinds of Fancy Work done on the shortest notice. Seaforth., Feb. 25th.1869. 54-tf. BLACKSMITH SHOP. - THOMAS WATSON Begs•to'inform the.P ublic generally that he still carries on general Blacksmithing :at' his Old Stand. NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL AINLEYVILLE Specie attentionpaidto Horse -Shoeing, Ainleyville, Feb. 9th, '69, ' • - 63-ly KITCHEN : GARD2N. Translilarting is best done in cloudy or ruoist`wea her; keep the plants dripping web, or pi ddle their rests; aiu.cli of the sutcc s dei ends upon pressing the soil firin.y alg tint. the roots, ts, ' Ma rty things can be .•own this month and nia:ke 'a crop. eets aired L;at•rols will nl,tke young roots Lir cure: ers,, Melons, aaud Beans will sup ply p kle s ;Early Sweet Corn wil vet ,give ia, u plvr, Rat-.-t,agmr.5 and Fr nch Turnips may be sos n, a.s may .Kofi raLi and Sj,iitaish ; s.alaaus of all kinds l Radi�-bes may be kept going, and ever sp-.ee oeutipied. PlanIt maain crop of Celery in rowsf, dire, apart and six i=ncites id row, if the On i'. not very' dry, and put out'' .. �a eet Nei bs front the seed bed on ground from whitla .0 e.irly CTOp has 'seem fern a ved. Keep the �`*(!et Potato grounds mei- low.. �laiaiure A Paratgtts beds. ` azd p ck'i 11 lal•ge caterpillars- upon 'toes, Cabbages; arid" l'ar. ely, and beetles ,ippear on the Ast,aragu and burn: Have the rake 'n mot inong newly set plaints,'.aiid keep of the weeds. Save seeds from bhl and Teat liest. FLowEIt (x i D> ;�.—Tl1in and plant ann' w1s. -Bedding plant still be put aut. Save- seeds -fr•o best flowers. i'rune hedges and l tye_•r sltt•ubs and bedding plants. lawns, and root up all course Kee', the llore'ers Ileal.,; and i,h stirred by frequent use of • the Roses will need attention; cut ba,'k the, 1,tt1.92 f .asserts tlraa, tile; i'ru a i;at1 Atl iii it• •osvth a']ty Lacs aa.l)1)roVod of flip plasiiS Sat t) Rementarrts>-; traria up the lies. g 'of climbers ; shake }'off Rose biig ancl . ariitted to the-.iu fcn• in l]eetion. The use whale -oil soap for slims. Sow seed `vessel, covered Wi, li strong plating, is; a i xsn. entirely below the surface of. the seri, of pe:r,unials, as soon as they i; on. Keep v eek grc)w117g plants tied t neat iron roof of iiiimel1sc strength Beneath olid! inconspicuous Sial -es this crvetuig heavy guns are placed, l so that the whole gre;aatly reset`r hlesa. ' to iron clad t i.. s. t . , , . Poles five feet high for Lina, beans hest ra I 5 said, h n�cve,i, arejust ust as good as those that. ai e ten, that besides ad l the advantages of i such J find better, as it is bean nature o get 'men of -,war, the new Shits inlay lie:. en - to the top of its post before it st adies Lively submerged, andi;n this position so down to the work" of bearing frui . cori lei,cly under command that it can outweathei• a stoi of att=i.c•k,an enemy O�rroNS, 'one.year •vithanother, are as with`. SLILI: wine cannon and tope • •r r dues. Mr V lgol is now engaged in poritaFle a crop as c>yti be raj on � t ;, g �, small places «=liererat't,ed nialliltre clean -coir sti•uctiitg ai latr•tic, model, 24 feet in soil, a�.iid plenty of labl> r c.ln -b� had. length, which will soon be finished. Somehow the inarke is hard y ever. well supplied with tiler • . _ THE way to cure a baulky horse, ai GAPE in chick is are cans d by a Main. paper says, is to take him from little red worm in the ',throat, . W iich is` the. carriage land Whirl him rapidly visible to_ the eye. A4ything t1 It «ea;s «uound till be; i, giddy. It . requi.re�s therm out cures the `evil—at awisted' two men -to atconi dish this, one at the 1 horse hair, a feather s*a - caustic etc.. f horses tail. Dont let him step out,. are .JI recommended. :.A good ireven- Hold hien tothe smallest possible circle. five is to keep the chicks away from One> dose will often cure hitn and two the f .r;f.gc ground° awl roosts of he old doses are final with the worn •horse that. and HIRAM COLLICAY & SON, IN returning thanks for past favors, have the pleasure of announcing to the mer- chants and business men of 5eaf orththatthoy are prepared to receive orders for all kinds of DRAY WORK. 4:57•Goods'handled with care, and satisfac- tion guaranteed. uaranteed. January 21st, 1869. 58-ly A. C. VAN ECMOND's Woolen Factory!! SEAFORTH, ENLARGED AND IMPOOYED. from who 1 truth Island l n iiaLk 1 j"F YOU WANT A PI,OUCH! GET A" "Victor" or Improved "Yocum." Steel Mouldboard, Frbm JOHNSON Bito's. TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHN HA L DAN, has been appointed Official Assignee for the County of Huron. Office at SEAFo ,TH --+ -J. S. PoRTER.'s. Office at GoDExcrr,--Directly opposite the Post Office. Goclerich, March 5th, 1868. 13-tf. MILE subscriber, thankful for past patron- !. would inform his numerous custom- ers that he has greatly enlarged and improv- ed the' above mill, and added coi. siderable ' Tefl now prepared. that he is machinery, so • m c More a op P y to turn out better work than he has ever been able to' before. He would also in- form those wanting :carding done, that he now has Feiir Carding Machines, so that all! parties from a distance can have their WOOL CARDED AND HOME WITH THEM THE SAME-DAY. Carding, ;'Spinning, weaving, Coloring's Cloth Fulling anti Dressing, will receive special al for macl. Terms 0 charged .20- AN IMPORTANT STRIKE.—An, ingen- ali4is Iot1S 1r1erican gent 1crn in' introduced file i, }r, tl e St mills of Montmorency, some feet .t .i11e ago, an instrument for setting .5•eat,> seas}.s by :wltieli 30 to 4.0 percent. more work could beturned out in the same - .e a :s before it was intrctnc&1.. The n, invention so. annoyed the mete �ag'ed in the mill tint-, they irntnecl ely•set on foal, to get. rid of the in- °I-133f- ▪ n- teiition. Owing to the large outlay uiery,'he is compelled to make his �s11 All work not so paid, : will be er cent extra. a A. G. VAN EGMOND. Seaforth, �..13ri129th, 1869. 73-3m oma]aa ii vatt.or. Ziehen, however: they, could fatny t citive- him off; -they demanded his cote : i 15tati55 d,aas well a- that of the manager 011 a3 f" the mills. This being t•efna ed, they rrhead strafe k, aryl -the Tit opr•ietoi•has shutall his -best .l l]5 for ;-t Friorith, p;•ei:ferring to be his tin master. P111se 1Len. we;t_e e•aal•Trltag ((a trod wages, and -it will lee well fele i` trans- them if others are not ,put in their. may ! j lace. =Quebec: Citronz<c.&- i,:the ; t;rEe15, •.. A �SUII A.rt1NR b tr•,AMSIIr^.—The a - e l edS., GcOulats given • of the new Su; marine 7 soil ste:ullslilrittvented by 0. tra.Vo, e funds Taal e. f.ibii;au.,, avid yet the Bo:•liu J3irse,tze- ISE si' the pr son & Co., est Cash CAS FOR w MILLINERY�! DRESS, AND . MANTLE MAKING. iMiSS M'INTOSI WISHES to announce to the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity, tJiat she 'is pre- pared to execute all orders with neatness and despatch, and in the latest style and fashion of the season, From her experience in the abovebnsiness, she, hopes, by unremitting attention to the -ants and tastes of those who nig favor her wants Y with a call, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. • tri -ROOMS over Corby's Store. Entrance Second Door North of the Telegraph Office. Seaforth, April 2, 1869.. • 69=3m. bscriber having -REMOVED to ;ibises lately oc spied by E. Hick- -is now prepared to pay the thigh 'rice for any quantity of good Fresh Eggs delivered ab his shop, Main St., DAVID D. W1LSON. Seaforth, April 22. • . '!'z-tt. 0 Seaforth. LISTEN !!! WHILE `CANADA WAREHOUSE," In Scoff's Brick Block, SEAFORTH, TEEsubscriber has received his first in - stalment of SPRING . GOOPS to Nls, and cook i heir Pod. , everrefused to stir. . CI SPEAS. - • For his Stock of IN G GOOD W AS wer Excelled In this Market. LADIES & MiSSES' Brown; Black. Colored and White SUNDOWNS. GENTLEMEN'S Straw, Canton, Panama,^Felt, All -Wool and Merino HATS! IMPORTANT NOTICE"! LUMBER, LUMBER; Andrew Govenlock OULD announce to the public gener ally, that ho has on hand at 'present, athis Saw Mill, McKillop, over four hundred thousand . feet of luthber, cut into all the various lengths and sizes generally used for BUILDING FENCING ANBD DRAINING Purposes. Also a large quantity of HARDWOOD LUMBER 1 Consisting chiefly of CHERRY, ELM, OAK, BIRCH AND MAPLE, And a large and choke -quantity of BASSWOOD AND -PINE i I _ All of which will be sold at PRICES 1 VERY LOW In order to make room fornume'rois thous- ands yet to be sawed during the summer. MY SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD • IS 'ON THE GRAVEL ROAD. FOUR MILES NORTH OF. SEAFORTN, Decided. Bargains . i.n Union, All -Wool and BRUSSELS CARPETS. Also some very choice Gunpowder, and 13 Li -CI TPAS'i Sugars, Syrups, Coal Oil, &c. CLOVER AND TIM!NTNY SEEDS. A large stock of BOUTS & SHOES ex- pected in a few days. 4ighest price paid for Butter, Eggs. &o. j, ARCIICA.LD McDOUG-ALL Seaforth, April, 1869. 53-ly P. S. -Please remember the name is ANDREW GOVENLOOK." � 'McKilloPJune 18, 1869. 80-3m. ,300 KEGS, JAMES 14 ry. NO. I.s ANd! CE•NWNE. The Manchester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. Seaforth, May 40, 1869. 61-t TME. TIME. TME. iF you want a Watch that correct . time, purchase one of Mussell & Son's celebrated Watches. large stock of them for sale at will keep the Thomas A R COVNTER'S SEAFORTH. He has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Goods, Toys, &c., all to he sold Cheap for Cash. c4rEvery; description o Watches; Clocks, and Jeweile;ry Repaired on the Shortest ? Notice, and 'Warranted to give satisfaction. The highest price paid for Old Gold aiid Silver. I. R. OQUNTER. Seaforth; April 27th, 1869. 53-ly BEST QUALITY LINSI:F•D CIS'! BOILED AND RAW. TURPENTINE, BENZIN E, VARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, &c,, At Johnson Erb Seaforth, April 9th. 70 LEEP EASY N order to do this, get one of THOS. BELL'S PATENT SPRING BED BOTUO::S !1 Warrantedto give satisfaction. A FEW COUNTY RIGHTS FORS SALE Seaforth, June 18,1869. 80-tf. . • OFFICES TO LET. :.OUR excellent offices to let in Scotin, U New Brick Block. Apply at McCAUGHEY & I OLMSTED'S. Seaforth. Jan. '21; 1869. THE SIGH OF THE GOLD SEAFORTH MILLS ! SEED STORE THE undersigned have just receiveil IMPORTED DIRECT, 1,000 L13S. SKIRMING'S IMPROVED PURPLE -Ta P SWEDE, A quantity of. Early . GOODERICH POTATOES; Also a fresh stock of • GARDEN AND AC1RICULTURAL. SEEDS. Will have constantly on hand a choice lection of Flower and other BEDDINQ PLANTS. S$ORNES f'tp ' LATEO WHEAT , �ANi� O possesses osses es all the qualities of Farina and Oatmeal, fon Porridge. Th" E subscriber begs to inform the public `that he Iris just received a great 'variety of . Saddles and LiT Which he is prepared to sell A t Prices Ala lost nnpaTd llelerlt • o fit OLLARS of every deser-iptinn, T a - ranted not to hurt the horse s neck. 0 In the way of Harness, Y OF ALL KINDS, He is, as heretofore, in a. position to g e his customers as good value for their monoy as any other establishment -in Ontario. Quality of work and material employ eS indisputable. a: -.17.8.1-10P °PROSIT; KIDD & ¥cit ULIIN3. J'OIIN . CAMPBELT4, Seaforth, Feb. 12, '69. 63-tf. e A. Shearson Co, Seaforth,ay 21. 52-1y. LIFE ASSURANCE. STAP, Annual Established LIFE Income,, st yearn . ASSURANCE 8UE),Oa , SOCIETY. Reserve Funds Profits Divided - $4,000,000 $3,000,000. OR ,THE SECURITY OF POLICY ' HOLDERS IN CANADA, $100,000 in Cash is deposited with -the Dominion Gov- ernment. The Rates of Premium in the "Star" an) Liberal, Profits Large, Management sound and efficient. Ninety per cent of, Profits di- vided amongst policy holders. For particulars and further information, apply to W. N. WATSON, Agent for Seaforth and vicinity. Or to ..`'GREGORY, Manager Canada Branch, Toronto. April29th, 1869, - 73 -ani BOARDING. rriWO or three boarders can be a,ccoramo- 1 dated with comfortable rooms. . For oarrtieular8, apply at this office). Seaforth, June lith, 1869. 79 it Q 1