HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-09, Page 3burglars -
it ter
Le stout? a -week or two ago,
of Mr. Wells, Township of
was blown to pieces, alias
belonging to the same person;
about a mile itiad a ea/
than ten "wedding parties
hrough Kingston on Wednes-
av ing on the steamer Corinthian.
A -Mete Loy, ageo four, son of Jr
egusony Biampton, wile fatally nn
I by falling on a 'broken chair, one
f the splinters of which penetrated hie
ung a He died shortly afterward&
lienerv Cornell, a painter, while on
scatiblding in a chinch at Belleville
Friday afternoon, shipped imai fell a
s aline of thirty fret among the pe',&
e reeeired severe injuries on the head
lad body.
Strathroy is about erecting ew
emon Catholic Chnrch at a.sost et-
eeding $5,500.
The friends of the Rev. E. Barker of
eergus, ptesented him a few deys ago
*th it purse containing over $75
Londoners expect that the right wing
the Canadian Rifles will be stationed
their city io place of the 29th, regient.
- It is reported that eighteen hundred
roops Leaded in Cuba lately, in de-
atehmeets, from the Southern States.
An fonet hnth on her way to elorren
as offered five &liars by another "fel-
ei marry Won and neeeptjad the of-
The Buffalo papers on the strength
ot the recent eam-ass.for the city direct
airy, claim" a population of 150,000 for
A_ servant set fire to her employers
residence near Quebec.,
On acconat o the Mom dieturbances,
o more free grants of. land will be
masle to ett1erp io New Zealand.
Germen Astronomer maintains
khat the earthili shortly have another
[moon. Whii-Ta wilt be much [ nearer
an the present one.
-A-few laces. in Toronto have been ma
ng nil robbing a Pecial business.
They are arrested.
James Hovey, a Carrick, county of
:Bruce, left his home -on the 17th. nit,
to pay up back taxe.s to the township
'treasurer and has not eine& been heard
Mr. Chambere of Mount Forest made
,006 bushels of lime out Of one bad-
. (ler, Yielding him $150.,
Mr. John _Collins, an aid resident of
the county a Peterborough, while at a
chopping bee for Mrs. Joh.n
townshipof Anstruther, was killed by
, the faisingeof a pole.
Gold has been discovered, in New
Brunswick, in York County. Perttens
of the quartz rock have been analyzed
bv Prof. Bailey, and found to be'
very kielk: in sany instances the
, geld -ie visible to the nalfked, eye, and
specamens of pure metal have, . been
foand to the size of a large pea; ,. The
'sand of the river is also fernsti to be
A lad named Smibert was: drowned
while oat-biog. at St Marys on Saturday
.-A. young lad named Thomas Judge,
about 10 years. old, -while under the in-
fluence of liquor went to bath in a mill
- race at St. Catharines on Sunday even-
ing last, when he was seized with a lit
and drowned before he could be itsaise
1 sted.
There is an indomitable woman in
the township of Brant, county of Bruce
Her husband and son are able bodied
but lazy, and she turned OM spade in
- hand to do statute labour because they
would not and were toot_ poor to come
mute by payment.
rlil The Baptist congregation a smith's
Falls bane purchased the residence note
occupied by their Minister, Rev, Mr.
. Doncvan, for a parsomige, and paid the
sum of $1,400- eash down for
The Lindsay Post says the people of
Orillia are bound to have the Beaver -
tun Railway extended to their beauti-
i fill village.
Five or six, new
fielda are reported.
A boy named Dewer, was drownesi
in Londen on Dominion Day, while
filshing in the Thames His body wa5
not recovered till Monday -
The Galt reeivaliats have been burnt -
in effigy.
The examination of Rieffenden
Ottawa charged with embezzling some
20,000 dollars in. the Receiver Generals
office, has concluded and the prisoner its
- committed to the assizes to stand trial
for Larceny. The exaniination
conducted in private. Some ' paPere
s suggest because some parties in "high
) places are also concerned.
Dr. Hayes, the celebrated Artiex*
plorery- arrived in Halifax last week ell
5 his way te Newfoundland, and thence
'to Greenland. He is accompanied by
s two photographers who will take sketch"
es of Artic scenery, which win ue give
to the world on the retnrn of the el -
t Penn
Australian gold
Ite txpoottor.
„ea.- .. . ......
Pe -tarns iT1 want of an eiceellent
overecl bunagy•, should take notice that
J. S. Porter. has one for Sale by tender.,
THE 1th will oe celebrated at Clin-
ton, by cn Orivage procession, and ,
speeches Ohaeacteristic of the day.
§oatto a ilotel Ji is been put throuoli
a tito.ough renovation, having been. re -
papered, painted, etc. Sharp is deter-
mined to more than retain the repat
tion of his house. -
TILE friends of Dr. John Campbell, Tnnn WHnn.n.—Mr. Bernard Byernss
of ITsln rne, will doubtless be pleased to con. 1 McKillop, sent a -sample of
hear that he is about. beginning practice
in Seaforth. We have understood that
be distinguished himself in suoh a man-
ner at McGill College, that a practice
was guaranteed_ him in 1VIontreal, but
he prefers- remaining amongst his old
acquaintances, and we imagine that the
celebrity he made by his valedictory at
the convocation of the aiiove College,
wll ensure him an inimediate practices
• ON Tuesday, Mr. BrydgeS accompa-
nied by Mt. Seticer and other Grand
Trunk offisials, passed through on a
tour of inspection and remained a short
tium Seaforth.
Joseph, Brine, of 1--IarpUrhey,
recently sat a hen on twelve duck eggs,
from -which thirteen ducks Were -hattch-
ed. We are certain of the fact, but
know nothing of the . philosopnical
A GRAND Pic-nic and promenade
concert will :take placie on Wednesday,
llth inst., -in Payne's grove, which is
beautifully sittintecl on the river banks
near Egmondville. • Every provision
will be made for all the popular amuse-
ments, such as swinge, etc., etc. _Ad-
dresseswill be delivered by several
popular epeakers. Parties not finding
FRUIT JanS.----Parties in want of
Fruit Jars would do We'l to call - at
lauriedeo's and examine the "Victory'
1," before purchasing any other. For
simplicity an.d perfection -of design, it
beats all we have seen this season. •
• A farmer living near Gilmbre, • left
home one day last week with the ex-
peessed intention of making a payroent
on his land, and has not been seen
Since. He had only beeu married a
few months and as there is, no known
reason for his endtlen disappearance it
feared he has been fowlly deaAt with.
wheat to this office, measuring 5.. feet
11 inches, Which we are told i a lair
specimen of the whole field.
e •
To the Editor of the Expositor. •
SIR.—SOMe few hundred of the citi-
zens of Morris, Grey, and. McKillop
townships assembled at an eaaly hour
in. a beautiful grove adjoining this vil-
lage, to celebrate the anniversary of the
birth of our" Dominion." The basis
of the festivities was .a school pic-nic
under the leadership of Mr. John Shaw,
and most efficiently and taetefrilly man-
aged by a committee of ladies. Re-
freshment tables -were amply provided,
and the elegance and abundance of these
preparations reflect the highest credie
on the taste and liberality of the Walt-
on lathes. • A stove and other conveni-
encies were provided by the kindness of
Mrs. James Murray, so that tea might.
not be wentipg, to the good things und-
er which. "the tables groaned." in the
early part of the day. and near the ban -
petting stand, Mr. Peter McCarter
contriouted largely to the hilirity of
the scene by his very stile performances
on the . Scotch Highland bag pipes,
His well executed "Pibrochs" fell on
many appreciative .ears,, for throughout
this section of the country "the land
of mountain and of flood," and of
Highland bag pipes is very largely re-
A speaker's stand having been fitted
up, flanked by the "Union Jack," and
festooned by bowing forest tree verdure,
at about 10 o'cloca-. a crowdagathered
to that section, and on, motion John
Franford, Esq., J. P., was constituted
President of the meeting. • The -plat-
form was occupied «by a eelect choir of
ladies under the able leadership of Mr:
William McAllister,'who contributed
very largely by there well. trained
voices to the ptiblic gratifiCation. For
about two hours speeches and choral
music prevailed. The Rev. Messrs
Devine and Robertson of the U. P.
Church of North America, being pres-
ent weie invited to address the. assem-
blage, and slso Mr., John Morrison
school teaeher, in McKiilop. This
aenileman's address was received with
paculiar favour by reason of the raci-
riess of his humors, and the homely
practical character of his remarks Loth
to parents and scholars. Loy alty to
the Dominion, and the connection of
our boys and girls with its future main-
tenance and prosperity formed, of course
the staple subjects of discussion. •
vote of thanks having been paid to the
piper, the choir, and the chairman, the
exceroises closed, all standing, with
" God save the Queen.": •
it convenient to bring their provisions,
can purchase on thfe, ground. Tlie pro-
ceeds are to be applied in liquidating
the debt of the Brass • Band. All are
reepectruily invited,. as the committee
inteocl sparing no exertions to make
this the Pic-Nic of the season. For
particulars see bills-
WE understand that Mr. Geo. Cline
proposes giving one of his juvenile con-
certs 'in Sharp's Hall on the 2Ist inst.
The proceeetings ere for the benefit of
the Seaforth Preebyterian • Sabbath
• S -hoql, -wiiieb fact together with the
acknowledged excelence of Mr. Cline's
entertainments will insure a crowded
attendance: .
t -
TICE employees of the- Montreal Te-
• legraph: Co., began operationsyesterdayi
in extending the Ainleyville and
Wroxeter extegon of that line , They.
have, - :also removed the w rel from
this offiee, to the station, to the other
siee of the 'street .- The new posts ap-
pear to oe far auperior to the old.ories.
- Mn. Seatter, druggist, of thiS place,
• brought into our define a sato* of Deal
oil, deodorized: We have seldom, if
ever, taken notice of oil so fe'ee from
• smell. He informs 'us that the pro-
cess by which- it is done, is Iot cod-
ly, and he is nrepared its at. end to
• orders from refiners: and otheM.
man in this town lost a. cow
tised her in. the ExPosiToa,
days his co v was brought
party Who saw, the •'ad
Nearly kin nth ago iinother man lost
a valuable epan of horses and kept up
t and fruitless' search till
• vhen he advertised them in
OR, RDA the day after- issue,
ere toohand. Still another
it two weeks ago a Man, al-
t of this place, lost a horse,
advertieed it through the
rn last Friday, and, on Sa-
d the beast. And yet ! Yes,
are,- men who say advertis-
eeks ago a
; he adveie
and in two
limo by a
last week;
the Expos',
*his hotaes
case. A. bo
-so a reside
he likewise
same meclit.
turday fon
there teall
in se -d
n.araes, and also that the Council of Stepbeen.
Township grant at. least $50,--Ca1'r1ed.
Robt. Ferguson, Moved, Sec. by J. 13.
Guyher, , that the account of Thomas J
Wilson for plank, amounting to $14.28,
certified 1 y Walter Hanson (Pathmaster),
b paid,—eiarried. Wm. Turnbull. Moved,
Sec. by Wm. Carrick, that Robt. Ferguson
inspect- that portion of the road. opposite
lots 24 & 25 in the 4th cons., •and get two
cuiverte built if found necessary, also to get
.a culvert bulit opposite lots 28 between the
3rd. & 4th cons, ,—Carried. Wm. Turnbull,
Moved, Sec. by ,T, B. Guyher, that Mr.
Carrick get a culvert repaired opposite lot
13 in the 3rd con., and that he be allowed
the SUM of $15, to repair -opposite lots 10
between the 2nd and 3rd cons.—Carried.
B. Guyher, Moved Sec. by Robt. Fer-
guson, that the Clerk notify the contractors
of the bridge on the Sable River, that they
will. be held to to the terms of the contract,
—Carried. Wm. Turnbull, Moved, Sec. by
\Arm. Carriek, that $15 be granted to turn-
pike a portion or the side road betwef
lots 25 and. 26 in the 1st con., and Roberl
Ferguson,let and inspect the same,
S scriber, abbut the midda e of Me,y,
Carried. ,T. B. Guyher, Moved, Sec. by
not pay.
• As will
hurst will_
on dernient- oned building lots at Sharp's
Hotel Seaforth, on _Wednesday, 14th,
of July, 18 9, at hall-pastnliree o'clock
p. m., on the following terms : One-
fourth cash the balance in three equal
'annual instalements, with interest' at
six ,per cent per annum_ payable, with
each iustaleMent on the whole un-
princilple : Lots 144 & 145, south
of John Street, in the 'rear ef the Eng,
lish Churcl . Lots 133 and 135, -south
side of Atatiket str4et: Lots 191 and
193, west side of -Fligh street. Lots
-1.6 and 19
Lots 203a
street, A
10 seen by poster, B. Hazel -
ell for ,T. ,,B. Gordon, the
Insolvent Act of 1864.
In the County Court of the County of Him,
In the matte of EDW,ARD PENTON.
•.An 'Insolvent.
Dominion of Canada;
County of Huron;
To- Wit
KOTICE is hereby given that on Wednes-
day, the Eighth clay of breptember next,
at ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon
as Council can be heard, the undersigned. will
apply to the Judge of the said Court for a
discharge under the said Act '
Dated at Seaforth. this 7th day of July,
D, 1869. •
• His Attornies ad Litem
TRAYED from the -premises of the sub -
Wm. Turnbull, that the sum of $400 be
granted to extend. the Hav gravel road from
the Brans& Line, 'Westf --Carried. .Robert
Ferguson, Moved, Sec'. by J. B. Guyher,
that the sum of $150 be granted to repair
the Hay gravel road from the London roa
to the line between the 6th and_ 7th cons.,
and the sum. of $150 to repair said road fro
the line between the 6th and 7th cons., ,t
the Brunson line, the last portion of sai
repairs to be let and inspected by Robe
Ferguson, and the West portion to be le
and inspected by the Reeve,—Carried.
B. Guyher; Moved, Sec. by Robt. Ferguson
that the suni of $15 be granted to repair th
toad between the 14th and 15th cons. op
posite lots 16, under the superintendence o
Ralph Brown, ---Carried. Wm. Turnbull.
Moved, Sec. by Wm. Carrick, that the su
of $80 be granted to towards opening th
road between lots, 25 and 26, Lake Road
commencing at said Lake Road. and extend
iug East to the 14th and 15th con. road,
Carried. Robt Ferguson, Moved, See. b
J. B. Guyher, that William G. Wilson get
deed from T a Bell, for the road anew
a,nce on the East end of lot 20 in the 4t1
con.• said road to be 40 feet wide, and o
execution ot the same,that the Reeve issu
a t order on the Treasurer for the amount, a
.the rate of $20 per acre, —Carried. Rober
Ferguson, Moved, Sec. by Wm. Carrick
that the report of the Auditors on th
Treasurer's accqunts to be received and th
J. Pe Guy
journ and
f a* the library of this institute arriv-
• ed yesserday, and -probably • be
ready for distribution in about aeweek• -
The selection appears .to be deice,
• and we have no doubt but that they
< will be the means ofinculcating -much
• useful knowledge.
ACCIDENT. ---,Oa Wednesday wliile a.
farmer of Hibbert township, named
Peter MeNorton was loading at Shear -
son's Mill in'this place, his team took
fright, at a passing train, and ran away,
• coming in contact with a telegraph
• pole, their speed was suddenly checked,
• out the shock threw the man to the
ground cutting his face and head se-
• verely. Dr. Tracy was immediately
called, who dressed his Wounds, and he
is doing .well.
7, east side of Jarvis street.
nd 205,, west side Of Jarvis
1 these-. lots. are desirably
situated n nr the market, and offer
geeat adval tages to purchasers.
Tour or the A lleghaniaits.—Owing to
their engagement in London and Edin-
burgh, the troop must positively, sail
for England next month. They will
• anpeer here -on Saturday evening, July
17th. Every one will turn out to heer-
them. Tee iNT.' Y. Tribune says of the
Allegleanians : "Go to their concerts and
take your children. We wish every
en i to enjoy the. pleaeore - of hearing
them." Tbe Toronto Daily Telegraph
says "Their entertainment is indeed
INDIAN CONCERT.—The et no srt in aid
of the St. Thomas's Church, by the In-
dian warblers and Seaforth, amateurs
(4inte off as -announced, in -Sharp's Hall,
on the 7th [inst. Ladies and gentle-
men from a distance arri-v,ing early pos-
sessed the seats, and most of our towns-
• people going late were litterally crowd-
ed out. Rev. C.. C. Johnson pronounc-
ed a eulogy .on his ted brethern, thank-
ed the audience, for their. attendance,
reqoested ro have no stamping , of feet
or whistling, and apologized for the ab-
sence of Mr. Herchimer, Indian. The
dians, male and female delighted the
audience and were repeatedly enchored.
Messrs. Johnson, J. and G. Cline, and
Mrs. Collins were well received, Mr.
Cline la ing repeatedly and: vocifarous-
iy enchmed ; but tie finishing stroke
of the performance was the exquisite
• performance of Miss McDonald of Ir-
isntown on the piano, and by Mr Col-lhere last
lins on the violin': . - ' ville nen
THE prosperous and really trell con-
ducted Hu on Temple No. 308, cele-
brated the -ominion Day by holding a
pic-nic in t e beautiful groroads of C.
Middleton, Esq., Bayfield, the clay •
ing deligh ful, at an early hour the
Temple tu .ned out in full force and
proceeded o the above delightful spot
After arriving'swings and other amuse-
ments- were prepared by the sterner
sex While the ladies were busily employ-
ed peepari g the spread. At i. past
12 oelock all sat down to a bountiful
repast, grate ueing said by the Rev..
Mr, Pricelafter whish dune ample
justme to tie good things before them.
The remai
various afl
all t
the iiipres
appy to meet again " Such
tier of the day was spent in
usements, a,nd at 5 o'clock
wend their way. home with
ion. fully depicted on their
countenan e, "happy to mee , sorry to
pal t„ but h
boeial and
.both soeial
ell conducted gatheringsare
to produce the best results
y and morrally, and tire trust
that there may more of them °Nur.
From, our bwn, Correspondent.
The ne
will be rea
latter part
be the besiT
credit to the contractor, (Mr. Mc-
• Buildin in Leecheville- is very brisk
this sunim r. Their are now in course
9f eieetio five dwelling houses, the
chill shed and. in Episcopal Church.
Several ot er buildings are in contem-
plation, a • ong them an Orange -Hall
which is be of brick and very cora-
. There as been More or less rain here
for the le, t five weeks, and. fears are
entertained that a ilinch longer contin-
uance of it Will seriously injure the.
crops.. T sus far however, with the ex-
ception o a few love -places there is
every pro bility of having an abund-
ant harve t.
Rev. J W. Savage (Wesleyan Su-
perinten nt) preached his farewell ser-
mon last imday evening, in Leeche-
ville, an left to:clay (Wednesday) for
his new
ligan, th
yearling heifer, all red, excepting white face.
Any person giving such information as will
lead to her recovery, will be suitably reward-
•• Seaforth, July. 7th.•• 83-tf.
e finally passed by this Council
Wm. Carrick, Moved, Sec. b
er, that this Council do now ad
eet again in the Town _Hall, o
he 10th day of August next, a
10 o'clock, am.—Carned. •
Township Clerk
Pic-nic was held on Do-
minion Day, in the Grote near -Rana;
an's Bridge, by the pupils of Mr. Cow-
an's school! and quite a numoor from
the adjoining sections There was a
large attendance of parents, and the
whole nnniber present must. have been
about four hundred. t• After partaking
of a 'dinner that done credit to the la-
dies of the section, several of -the sChool
children entertained the company with
some Dialogues, Recitations &c., in a
creditable' both to themselves and
their teacher. i he •Rev, • . •
tol B. A. of Ainleyville gave a - very
instructive speech on the subject. Edu-
cation; Physical, Mental and Moral, and
he advanced ideas on the subject wslich
leust prove neeful both to parents and
Teachers, • The proceedings were inter-
spersed with some choice mu Ric by the
_choir. After this part of the day's pro-
CeeClings were closed by singing -the
"National Anthem" a number of ath-
letic sports were got up for the children
such as running,.jumping &e., and prizes
awarded to the successful competitors.
This endn' el - the entertainment of the
day a,nd.we thin.k we can speak for all,
who were present when we say ,they
passed a very pleasant "Dominion Date".
drill shed in Leech eville
y for operation about the
of next Week. It is said to
One in the county and a
Since our last quotatione wheat has gon
dovvn considerably. •
SEAFORTII, July, 9,. 1869.
Wool, ip pound. 32 ® 3
Whea,t, (Fall) 10 bushel,' a 96 ® 9
Wheat (Sairirtg) ig bashel, 89 ®
Barley If? bushel,
Oats bitshel,
Peas bushel,
Potatoes r bushel,
Ray $ ton,
Eggs dozen,
Butter t,/Th
r ri
0 50 (4)
5 ® 5
60 ®
• 60 @ .-
9 00 .11
9 •® 1
.12® 1
Tonoerro, July, 8th 1869.
(By Telegraph.)
Farewell Tour of the favorite ‘Allighanian.s?
and. Sn is Bell Ringers.
Royal Canadian Bills • 9
Wheat (Fall) e bushel, 1 00 to 14 0
do (Spring) 0 bushel, 0 99 to. 1 0
Oats to b ishel, - 52 to 5
Barley *ibushel, 66 to 0 6
Peas 10 btishel.
Will appear with New Specialties, New
Songs, New -Quartetts, NEW BELL PIERES,
&c. —Tickets, 25 as. A few Reserved Seats
25 cts. extra, for sale on the day of Concert
at the "Telegraph B000k
Prof. Geo- GameewEy, Director.
• D. G. WaiemoeT, Agent.
Seaforth, July 9th, 1869. 83-2ins.
73 to 1 74
SUO1211Ze1 a Arr ang ements
• Trains Will leave the Seaforth Station,
6:50 Lee.
10:30 A.m.
• 410 P.m.
eld of labor. Rev. Mr. Mil-
new Supermtendant, arrived
ight and will preach in Leeche.
Sabbath evening.
2:20 P.M.
3:08 P.M.
8:42 F.M.
• "'THE WEEKLY .617A.R.."
ThE WEEKL- Y STAR is issued' every FRI-
DAY MORNING, and. contains. Twenty-
four columns of choice reading matter, _in-
cluding two columns of American news
items, two columns of Irish news items, two
columns Of English and SCotch news items,
of 'speciatinterest to old. country settlers,
three columns of fearless and independent
editoriel comments. two Columr.s of life in
Montreal City, one column of Sporting news
and gossip, four 'columns of Telegraphic
summary, -including every item of interest
during the -week ; two . columns of an inter-
esting Story, one , column: of Agricultbral,
and -a weeklaereview of the market, giving
the price of everything used or sold by the
farmer, mechanic, or country store keeper,
from a pound. of -feathers to one hunered
kegs of butter.
TIkE STAR is fust the thing for the worle-
inginan, merchant. or for the home circle in
the evening. It c oatains nothing long and
nothing dry. Its extracts are short, varied
and spicy, giving the essence of the news
a small coin -pass. Its telegraphic news is
• condensed, and nothing is given which is not
of inte e
Its editorial's are feailess, sharp, and inde-
pendent. 1f:espouses no side in religion or
politics ; it gives the news of aliparties. and
criticises friend. and "toe, freely and. im-
Its Montreal news is furnished bj the best
cOrps -of reporters 'money can st cal e. Its re-
ports are thus always graphic, and always
ST .A.C31-MS
Leave for Ainleyville, Wroxeter, Leech-
ville, Bayfield and Exeter, on the arrivai of
Trains in the afternoon.
Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal
Council of Hay held in the Town Hall, on
Thursday the 8th day of June,1 1869 The
Reeve in the chair and a full. Council pres-
ent. Robt. .Ferguson, Moved, Sec. by M -
Carrick, that Thomas McLeod O'athmaster),
be, and is hereby instructed' to purchase
timber for a Bridge .at not more . than one
cent per Rigel foot, said bridge to be built
opposite Lots 9 & 10, between the 3rd & 4th
cons. —Carried. J. el. Guyher, Moved, Sec.,
by Wm. Turnbull, that with regard to th
petition of Isaac Ban and others praying
for a grant of money to log and ditch. 100
rods of road between South boundary Lots,
on the line between the 12th & 13th cons.,
that this Conned grant the sum of $30, to be
expended for said purpose under. the super-
intendence of Isaac Bean, --Carried. Wm.
Carrick, Moved, Sec., by. Wm. Turnbull,
that the sum of $50, be granted to assist in
veiling the Townline .between Hay and
Stephen,from the Sable River to the 2nd &
3rd cons. line • on conditions that the par -
ies to the petition praented to this Council
rn tilbEe Matter of
°off t jhlke IMnsEolSvenEtt
of Seaforthi an Insolvent are noti
ed that he has made an assignment o
lais estate and effects under the above act, to
•me, the undersigned Assignee, and that t
are required to furnish me within t
months from this date with their -cla;
specifying the security they hold if any, a
the value of ,it; and if none stating the fa
the whole attested. under oath, with
vouchers in support of such claims. .
• Dated at Goderich, in the County of H
on, this 25th day of June 1869.
Official Assignee
• Goderieh, Jim 25, 1869.. •82-tf
last January, expend or cause to be exPen4-
ed the Sums opposite to their respective
Insolv-ent Act of 186
In the County. Court of the County of H
ln the matter of JAMES HATT,
An Insolv
• TILE STAR believes in "sensation" - when
sensation is justified by the facts, TEE
STAR prefers taking the comic side of every,
thing in preference to. its gloonsy view.
People read a paper for relaxation and.
amusement. .
Its police -news forms an especial feature.
Enjoying unusual facilities for requiring
Such intelligence. THE STAR improves
them. Everyrail on the- hatints of , the
burglar, every crime and. capture, every
portion of city life. is described by eye-
witnesses of the scene': The Police Reporte
are done in sparkling style, and. eagerly read
by theusands of admirers.
• THE STAR is the only sporting paper fn
Canada. It contains all the cream of the
porting • news of Europe, America; aThd.
uanada; and is the only recognized authority -
on sporting matters in the Dorainieee
In remitting, two 'should. club, together,
and. send. $1 to
• 64 ST. ,j.AlidE13 . STREET,
83 •
Dominion of Canada,
Province of Ontario,
County of Huron,
To Wit :
NOTICE is hereby gi-ven that on Wedne,s-
day, -the Eighth day of September next.
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon as
Council can be heard, the undersigned will
-apply to the Judge of the said Court for a
discharge under the said/Act.
Dated a,t Seaforth thia fitli day of July,
•A. D. 1869.
S3-tf. His AttoadIiiiifl.
"-Victor" or Improved "Yocum."
Steel Mouldboard,
From J -011N -S0-1‘.1 B'ne