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= •
, . Otimiter,1
the Official Paper of the County.
FR to:Ala-JULY 9,1869
_ 1 • 1
' Re a recent despetch from. Earl
eranville, the i iCa aan.. Govertment
ti. formecl thathe ceforth the Iinerial
- l''' arliament Will not hold itself respon-
Able for any share. of the expens4s for
c efeuding our. Colony.. This annOunce-
i ent though, long since threatene and
..-tough in , keeping wAh the Go' clwin
reitli. poliey long ago enneneial. ed, is
u , .
er.elently unjust and en -British. .I Had
we as a: colony absolute-. control over
the 4.ontingencies which might involve
us in war; then it were perfectly 1rieht,
. I
. e • r -
that we sliculd be hold responsil4e for
the consequences. . Ilut such is net the.
Case, nay, our relations •ri Britain pre-
clude all possibility of this, 80 . we c•
- . , i
not for a moment see the justice
laying such opligations upon us. 1-]
recent- expenses incurred by out govern-
relent to protect a,anada againat. Fenian
.invasion in striot justice were •all
eltar4ab1e to BriLin. We had :notb-
b ,
ing to. -do as a 'colony with just grievances, neither did . our government in
the slightest degree offer any insult to
the Iris.li people, why then exact from,
us the price of the unjust • legislation'?
'In 'the 'same way miglt Alabama
troubles affect us. The Alabama did
not sail from a Canadian port,- neither
was She manned: by Canadian seamen,
nor supplied from Canadian arSenals.
Should her privateering excite , war be-
tween4 Britain and the United , States,
would it be just that we as a people of.
the. British empire, should be' obliged
•] •
to bear all the expense .of defending
. 1
ourselves gamst a difficehy into which
; ,
aye:trere rought by another nation?
We are quite willing as a .peonle to
. .1
bear a legitimate share Of all _ such ex-
penses, an we deprecate the idea of
. ,
_ sitting like so inan3r underlings in the
• shadow of British greatness ,and doing
nothing to indicate our appreciation of'
• .
• those untarnished principles of liberty
. bequeathed to us by our ancestors.
The institutions we enjoy we are quite
-1 milling to foster and protect, 1ut the
pc sition of colonial relationship in
whiah we are placed demands theft ,when
thoSe institutions are jeopardized by
Britain, they should be protected by
her likewise, and that at the „mutual
expense of botk parties conerned.
Any other course will only pre ipitate
that "independence" of the 1Jritish
Americai colonies which is so ai4xio s-
ly desired in certain quarter
The London Advertise" in a. well
What Confederation is Donag for
written article on the two Coalitions,
Ottawa, and Ontario, shows that dissat-
iifaction is -working its way rapidly in-
to the patent combination. Mr.
Wood's having spoken out boldly ag;uist
the gevernment on the Nova' Scotia
Subsidy is taken as the guaraeitee of
his earley return to the leeform raeks,
and Jan Sanclfield's iracibility and
melignaey is ccnsidered -will very soon
alienate his quondam supporter. On
the thought of this and similar dream-
staces the entire overthrow of the On-
tario,Cabinet is predicted next session,
Though not prepared 'to venture a
prediction, we certainly agree so far as
we are concerned in making the wish
father to the thought. John Sandlield
has never reflected any great credit on
Ontario, neither has he ever evinced
that species of Statesmanship which
WOUid Stamp hine as a Man or lover of
generous impulses, Acteated always
by -selfishness taiaci ambition. he has lost
all sere of dignity, and, prudence, and
nothing but the influential position,
whigh he attainecl! by intrigue, would
ever eible him to control his dis-af-
fepted followers. Ontario can -well clis-
Pense with his services without suffer-
ing in the estimation of her friends
whether at home or abroad.
al meeting of thisinstitution was a rather
stormy affair, every person having a
" say" of their OW11 to get off. One
feaure was very manifest in the meet-
ing, viz : The indigaation with which
the conduct of Mr. McDonald was re-
ceived by the Stockholders. Nothing
regarding the .financial position of the
Bank was brought out, which is not al-
ready known. The Directors for the
ensuing year are as follows :—Mr. John:
Crawford, barrister; Mr. 'W. Thom-
son, of Thoro.son & Burns, haadware
merchants, Toronto; Mr. McGee, lum-
ber merchant, Ring • station; Mr.
Crombie, Galt ; Mr. - Wm. Barber,
• manufacturer, Georgetown; Mr. Wm.
1VICGivern, hardware merchant, Hamil-
ton ;- and Mr. John H. Durable, Co-
boure Mr. Crawford. was elected
President. We hope to see the Bank
speedily resume, as we have no doubt.
but that the above board will speedily
put things in working ord.er..
Although Wit-. Rose , has seen the
necessity of yielding to. the voice of
Public opinion, so far as to withdraw
his ,Banking Scheme for the present,
it will not do for the people of Ontario
to be lulled into a sense of security by
the temporary suspension of, hostilities.
There is every ieiason to dread that the
Government dining the recess of
Parliament will use /every effort to
rally their forces and Cottle fclown next
session with a renewal of their mea-
sure. Snubbed as they have evidently
been by the Home uovernment, fot.
their mis-appropriation of the Inter-
coloniel money, and with a damaged
oredit in London, ngoessity may chive
them into some planwfor a forced loan
froti the Canada Banks under cover of
soie specious scheme similar t'ci that
just Withdrawn. It • behooves the
constitueats of -Upper Canada Mem--
bars to loie n.o . opportunity of im-
pressing npon their eepresentatives,.the.
great iimportancet1
m ,ns question. Let
them be 'givendear, to Understand
0 1
that the people will stand DO nonsence
about it.. There is *.p. Oestion of
polities now before the people of any
importunce.wharever, as cotripared With
the one -vital question of finance, it in-
-volvee the preservation of our money,
the life blood of trade and , agriculture,
and the people 'Tow it, • We are ' happy
to be able to se,. OUr opportunities
of discussing the subject with many
intelligent fanners have been nuimer-
ouse and we have found a wide spread
knowledge. of the' subject amongst
them. • The farmers of Ontario are- not
to be hoodwinked, and aily -man who
tales to do so on this question will find
himself "most miserably mistaken,"
We were much struck -by a refuel k
made to us on Monday last, by a far-
mer from Heilett, talii g about the.
• Royal Canadian Bank, h said he saw
by the . papers that th .Bills of the
Bank were ercath more by two or three
per cent than Ameriean Silver Coin,
and thirty per cent more than _United
States Legal Tender Notes, though the
'Bank had suspended specie payment
over a month aece Hesaid this ought
to show to any tiiinkirg man the vast
superiority cf our Banking, System
When even the Notes of it. broken
Bank are better by one-third thee'
those of the -United States Govbrnoient
with all the vast country to back them
ep. And so it is tne very strongest
argument that .could ' be addeced,
against any scheme that cbuld with-
draw the specie, upon which our pres-
ent notes are trased, and substitute a so
cailed Goverrment Seetrity.
BY papers recently brought d wn tO :
the House the Sir Allan McN‘ b as
been fully exposed. Tu seems t at in
„order to conciliate that once c6 spi u -
ems politiCian, six acres of land n ne
!vicinity of, ilanailtou, known as ` he
Dundum est -ate, was purchased or
$2.6,000a It afterwards appea4d t at
Sii Allan had not the power to giy a
title for this land and consequently no
conveyance of the property was e er
made to the government. lIt -app ars
now that Sir John A. Me -Donald, ho
was party- to this diSgraceful. ai an,
took •care - that no order in 4ounci1
was seconded for the payment oft he
money althoughm
the amount paid 1 as
duly entered on the Receiver Genetal's
books. He now endeavors to make
out that the money was paid by some
member of that department without
authority, and colisequently he ,' ;lir'.
-JohnY-eannot be held respow ible., Mr.
McKenzie has promised to litek for a
Committee of enquirey on this matter
next session. We have no doubt but
tne result will shew_ a nice little job,
quite iti. iweptug with the 44 practical"
views of certain prominent politic!ans
WE Sre not prepared to enter into
any argnement with either Mr. Creik
or the Globe with regard to the Thrcugh
traffic Management of the Grand
Trunk; but we 'would like anyone to
gb to the station and See at least thirty
grain and other cars standing the -e idle,
nothing for them to de, and as wheth-
er it would likely ensure dividt nds
were the conipanv to depend entirely
upon local traffic ? We alao now that.
the empties at this station are no ex-
ceptiOn, but, the same is the case at
numerous others on the line. Shippers
complain of a scarcity of cars at certain
seasOns and we would like to know,
ta ;hat line the same - complaint
.does'Xot apply l ,lt is a moral iinpOssi-
bititf for any company to provide su-
fficient cars to move the whole produce
of the country for a year, in a fourth of
that tinae,
-ot tne atay.
THE Globe of a recent datecontained
a most sensible article on the utter use-
lessness of a second House of Legisla-
ture, an opinion which the liberal
thinking people of the country enter-
THE Renfrew election which bean
on Tuesday- last, terminated on the
same day, by 'fie resignation of Mr.
Cameron Mr. MeDoug,airs majority
was about 200.
The prevailing rumor in American
political circles is that Mr. Fish is about
to retire from the State Department,
and that he will be succeeded by the re-
doubtable Horace Greeley, of the New
York Tribune.
The New Registration Act.
t• he Registra-
aud the whole,ef the
tion of Births, Marriages 1 and Death,', CE,'S arrayed against es
passed at the last Sessimeof the Ontari
The following is a little nest of items
of expenditure passed in Committee of
supply on Thursdey last ;—public buil-
dings $138,500; rent, repairs, mainten-
ance, &c $82,500; Windsor and An-
napolis &c, $82,500;
$233,000; Western
Extension, N. B., $445,000; Eastern
Extension, $85,000; Frederietion
Branch $102,5000; Woodstock Branch,
$62,200; maiaainance str, Quebec;
$83,000 ; do. stearaer Drnid, $22,000;
tug service on e -upper St Lawrence,
$12,000; Moiety inman line from Hali-
fax to Cork, $39,541; steam commen'e
cation betwen Quebec and the Mari-
time Provinces, $1,600; steam come
'nucleation between Prince Edward's
Picton, a a HaVi ksburry (N.S.)
betw e
ds, ,$
$3,000 ; betwee
Digny, .na Ann -
co elm u nice tion
Magdalen Isla
tween New Bru swick, and 'Prince Ed-
ward's Island, $ 1,000; Marine Hospi-
tal, Quebec, $17,5000; Light Houses
and coast service, $214,124; • Railway
and steamboat inspection $9,000 ; re-
demption of Seigniorial Ri
miscellaneous, $90,800 C
273 ; 'and Poet Office, $80
elsor, St, John,
4,000 ; Packet
Pictou and
00- steam be -
hs, $6,000;
stom, $516,-
000. These
foot ep.a. total of about three and a
nar_ter million dollars ; 4,3 we wonicl.
t sit our readers to scan alell the destin-
ation of most of the emoney. Look. at
the amounts that go to subsicFze Nova
Scotia,, New Brunsw
railways, steamboat ii
c., absorbing nearly
cit - and Quebec
es, light houses,
three Millions of
loners, while not a single pent goes to
)ntario for a like purpose, notwith.stalt-
ling the tact that our linovince pays
hree-fourths of the re -venue of the Do-
ninion. The above almount is more
han one-fourth of the entire revenue
the Dominion. Mr. McKenzie, and
e opposition, en-
1-;.nistry to modiy
some instances,
te them out alto-
rdiient proposed'
wn by a servile
house One itern, particu arly, was ob-
jectionablo to Ontari • members—the
grant of $17,500 to tl e Marine Hospi-
tal, Quebec,- -because in this Province,
we have to support ou own hospitals
of every description b t it was of no
use—nothing was gained. Of course
these sums are only, a
plementery estimates,
resent probably one-lia
flier members of th
aea.voured to get the
there expendituees in
and in others 44e strii
gether, but every am
was promptly 'voted d
The 'Act to provide fo
w items of "sup -
and do not rep -
f ef what goes -to
the Lower Pro ' inces o it of 'the Boutin -
ow, 'we ask the
long will it take
o complete ruin
rate of expendi-
se of uneasiness
no. over the en -
ion expenditrties.
people of Ontario, ho
to run the country in
and bankruptcy at fit'
ture ? There is a se
and uncertainty creep
tire Province of Ontaaio, in view of the
utter recklessness of the government,
which' we have no do bt, as far as this
Province is concerne will result in a
complete tui -r of the t bles at the next
election. But when we have Quebec
laritime Proyin-
sucking the very
s, of course twe
ss to shake off the
calmly view the
airs, and he can
chision than we
rth Courier.
Legislature; carried into fol. Ce onE the
ist of July. All persons are required
and interested to learn the several dut-
ies which the law imposes.
1 As TO Biarns.—Thci father of any
1 -
child born, or the mother, 'or in case of
the inability of both parente, then tee
occupier of the house, in .which, to his
knowledge, such child was born; or' the
nurse present at birth, is, -within thirty
days to give notice to the Municipal
Clerk of the pface, and state the follow-
ing particulars: Date of birth, name,
sex...name, and surname of father and
maiden surname of Mother"rank
or, calling of father: Every Medical
man is to report to the Municipal
Clerk e-rery birth' at I which he at-
tended, within ten days after the birth,
giving the before mentioned partic-
2. MARRIGES.--Every tninister is to
report eeer m. rria,ge at which. he ha.s off-
ciated to the Municipal Cferk within
ninety days stating the following par-
ticulars: As to Bridegroom,- His name,
aere,• residence,. place of birth; wheather
spiuster or widower: names of parents.
As to bride—Her name, age, residence,
place of birth; As to Witness—Their
names and residences. Other parti-
eulars—Date and place of marriage;
religious denomination of bridegroom
and bride; by whom tuarried; whether
by license or banns. '
3. Deaths.—The occupier of a house
in which a death has odettred; or if it is
• the occupier who has died, then some
person residing in the house; or in
case of a death requiring an inquest,
then the Coroner shall, before interment
or at anyerate within ten days after the
death, and cause of death. Maim/ men
are required within ten days to report
the death of all persons they have at-
tended, stating the'nattire of the disease
TWO, men named respectively McCan find cause of death
The small fee of ten cents is to be
payed to the Municipal Clerk on eat&
Registration. It is of great import-
ance that all pet -sous should take an
interest to insure an accurate Registra-
and Windsor, were drowned in the Tor-
onto Bay on Monda,y, by.-Ehe capsizing
of aboat while fishing..
The -neve Methodist Church in Stan-
sfeac.1 will cost when completed about
$40,000 without including organ, hell, ton, as upon this may depend at a
en.d town clock.. ••Ifuture day the claims to property.
hie -blood from our ve
will be wholly powerl
incubus. Leteny on
present coudiitbn of a
come to no other co
have pointed out —P
• •
Not what we
• The treetment Ca
from the present E
uot what we expect
of the Government f
the arms, served out
during the Fenian _
shabby, when all
are taken into con.-
feiloNying rem arks f
NM'S in commentin
will be approved of u
try. Thealrews says:
not expect thet they
so shabbily as to be
portion of the cost for defending our
part 'of the enivire from an aggresive
attack that yes dictated as a revenge
The amount is
ring still greater
perial cause and
well afford
but if a
to serve us a
ct, view of a
of evil- litween the
'United States and Great Britian, is not
sufficiently assoring."—Bellevile Intell-
burglars and pickpockets.
During the stir m a. week or two ago,
the • barn of Mr, Wells, Township of
Williams, was blown to pieces, wee
a cutter belonging to the same person,
was found about a mile and. a half
Nless than ten wedding parties
passed through • Kingston On Wednes-
day morning on the steamer Corbithian.
little boy,aged fdur, son of Mr..
Ferguson, Blare p tem , was feta y ni
jured by falling on a broken chair, oee
of the splinters of which penetrated his
lungs. He died shortiy afterwards.
Henery Cornell, a painter, while on.
a scaffolding in a chinch at Belleville
last Friday afternoon, slipped and fell a
distance,of thirty- feet among, the pew&
He received severe injuries on the head
and body.
Strathroy is about erecting a. new
Romon Catholic Church at a cost ex-
MedT'hilelgft$-ie5,n5dPe9c;f the. Bev. E. Barker fg
Fergus, presented him a few days age
with a purse containing over $75
Londoners expect that the right wing
of the Canadian Rifles will be stationed
in their city in place of the 29th, regi-
Is repe' rted that eighteen, hundred
troops landed in Cuba lately, in de-
tatchments; from the Southern 'States. z -
An Iowa bride on her way to church
was offered five dollars by enotiT "fel-
ler" to marry him; and accepted the of-
fer. •-
ada has received
Oen Cabinet ..is
d. The demand
r damage done to
o the volunteers
vaeion, is rather
he circumstances
deration and the
om the Kingsten
upon this m liter
the whole emu-
' Our people did
would ne treated
barged with this
The Buffalo papers, on the strength
of the recent' canvass for the city, clime
wry, claim a population of 150,000 for
A servant set fire to her employers
residence near Quebec. •
On accouat of the Mora diaurbanees,
no more free grants ofland will be
Made to settlers in New Zealand.
A Gerrame Astronomer maintains
that the earth will shortly have another
moon. , Which 'v)11 be much nearer
than the present one.
• A few lea's in Toronto have been ma
robbing a special beeiness.
They are arrested.
James Hovey, of Carrick, county of
Bruce, left his home on the 17th nit,
to pay. up back taxes to the towaship
treasurer and has not since been heard
Mr. Chathbers of Mount Forest made
1,000 bushels of lime out of one boul-
der. Yielding him $150. -
Mr. John Collins, an old resident of
the county of Peterborough., -while at e
chopping bee, for Mrs. John WiIsole
township of Anstruther, was killed by •
the faliing of a pole.
Gold has been discovered, in. New
Brunswick, in York County. Portions
of the quartz rock. have been analyzed
by Prof. Bailey, .and found, to te
-very rich.. In many instances the
gold is visible to the. - naked eye, and
specimens of pure metal have . been
found t� the size 'of a large pea. The
sand of the river is also found to he
iahsAlad named Smibert was drowned
oathing, at St Marys on
ni on naperial power
small, and after ben
outlay in the same I
quarrel, we ca
perhaps to Day
case of this !rind
president, the[ prosp
nater difficulty an
The rumor is rev
ling cart have the
of the North-West i
, The Telegraph gi.
Cartier will be firs
the Dominion, an
created a peer and
London is much
hibition question,
"elected " for an ot
put the buildings in
tiser denominates t
ture, "an expensiv
Hamilton is fe
yed that, Mr. Car-
he likes.
... .. . ... . .. ..... . .
in. want of an exe
*uggy, should take notie
ter has' one for sale by ti
k 'oe celebrattel. at
an Orange procession
aracterietic Of the -da:
otel leas been put ti
renovaion, having 6.
ered ted, et.c. Sharp ;s
e o more than retain the
s bonses
A young lad named. Thomas Judge,
about 10 years old, while under the in-
fitience of liquor went to bath in a mill
race at St. Catharines on Sunday even-
ing last, when be was seized with a lit
and drowned before he could be e.ssis-
ited. •
There is an , indomitable woman in
the township of Brant, county of Bruce. a
Her husband and son are able bodied
but lazy, and she turned one spade in
hand to do statute labour because they
would not and were too poor to com-
mute by payment.
The Baptist congregation of .Stnith's
Falls have purchased the residence now.,
occupied by. their minister, Rev. Mr.
Doncvan, for ai parsoraege, and paid the
sent of $1,400 eash down for it.
The. Lindsay Post says the people of
Orillia are bound to have the Beaver-
ton Railway extended to their beauti-
Five or six new Australian gold
fields are reported.
A boy named Dewer, was drown
in London on Dominion' Day, iwhik -
fiishing in the Thames. His body
not recovered till Monday
The Galt revivalists have been btust
in effiley.
The exa.mination of .Rieffensten•I at
OttaWa charged with embezzling sOle
20,000 dollars in the Receiver Generals
office, has concludedand the prisoner is
committed to the assizes to stand trial
es a rumor that for Larceny. The examination_ vng
Chief Justice of conducted in private. Some PaPerg
that he will be suggest beeause some parties an
places "are also concerned.
Dr. Hayes, the celebrated Artk ex.*
plorer arrived. in Halifax last week on
lowed to sit in the
fated on the Ex-
ecause the city jeihis way to Newfoundland, and thence,
day of $7,500 to to Greenland. He is, accompanied bY
rfe uBuoyarinfd
order. The Adeee_ two phetogra.phers who will teeke sketelis
with tpoecttelowii7ld on the return of the ex -
cal.. es of Artie scenery, which will tee Wen•
tnill°11:4;toe -aria other
,lerauk offi tassed tbinuzi
tow, of inspee,ad remained'
fe°rtil'ine, of I-1,3.rj
sat a heeson twelve dux
reicteeeaen 7, iliathateen duck.e .ssjer
ad, We are certain of the
kilo* nothiag of the ph!.
FR T 3..8.1.8,—: -Parties in
Fi7bitecioJriersi:rocehladsidn:oee.:a:li ovi
Luensdete's aria- ieX0.111I re th
simpliicity and peifeetion e
heats ell we have: seen this s
A fariner livi . :
- leenie one day ;1.1 near Gil
preseld intentio# Of making
on ' his land, and has not
. sineel ' lie RAI only bee
feet months and, as there is
reasoli for his Sisielen elisa
feared he bas been fowlly d,
- i
\\TE understeliad that -Mr.
proposes gieing one of bus jov
certs in Sharp's Hall on. the
The proceectinge ere for the
the 'Seaford-) ,Preebyteri:n
8 Idol, which fact togethei
a,ekupwiedged exeelenee.o
entertainments will insure.
attend -au -'e.
' .
THE employ ,e -s of the
- legraph Co., be an operation
in extending i the - Ainl v
Wro_xeter exte sion of that
bave also re'r oved. the
this °thee to ilte stationi to -
eiee of the stet. The n
pear to oe far'eutrnior to ti
Mit. Sea- tter elrueegist, of
brought into o e cfffs.e a sa
oel,ideodorizece. We have,
ever; tak-en netiee' of ‘oil s
smell. He informs us tha
cess by' which. t is done,
• ly, and he ,ie', nrePared to
orders 'from r ,finers andlo
• i
f r the librai of this in
ed 'yesterday, and ,will
reaelY for, dist ibution in
The selectiori appears
and, we have, no doubt
will be the means of inctx
e useful knowledge.
farmer ofbert town.
Peter MeNin on was load
son's Mill inatbie place, h
fright at a passing- train, a
coining in tibutAtt WitIi-
pole, their speed was,sudal
put the shock threw t1e
• ground cutting in fac
verely Di -Trecy w
called, who dressed. his
is doing well.
Tour or the rAllegbaniarie
tl air engagenient in Lorid
burgh, the troop neust p
for England next month
is near here onl3aturda
-tii. Every one will t
take vOrtr children. W
-ens to enjo the- please'
tieent." T1X Toronto D
of the S. Tt101118,$/$ CII
rlian warbles and Se
tame-offas announced,
on the 7th _inst. Lad
Wen from a distance aril
8eiedss6o dutt. hel:eeavrjs. 7'1:: J7°
people going late were!]
ed a eulogy-Lon'his ied
ed tire aanhenee for ti
reeves -steel to have no e
or Virhisaing, and apulb
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