HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-07-02, Page 6THE s _ O L i ..► r�► E P I O Th re r NEW MILLINERY ! I RS. GLOVER, begs to announce_to the intabitants,of Seaforth, and surround- ing country, that she his opened a nrw mill{. nery, in the shop OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE STORE Where she will attend to all orders in her Tine. Milliner3 Stamping. &c., and ``11 kinds of Fancy Work done on the shortestlnotice. Seaforth, :Feb. -25th 1869. 54-tf. BLACKSMITH SItOP.H THOMAS WATSON inform the to public generally that he still carries on general Blacksmithing at - .his Old Stand, NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL AI N LEYVI LLE Specia attention paid to Horse -Shoeing Ainleyville, Feb. 9th, '69, 63-ly HIRAM COLLIDAY 84 SON, IN returning thanks for past favors, have, the pleasure -of .announcing to the mer- chants and business men of Seaforththatthey are prepared to receive orders for all kinds of ;DRAY 'WORK. Or Goods handled with care, and satisfac- tion guaranteed. January 21st, 1869. 68-ly =A. G. VAN EGMONC's Woolen Factory ! t SEAPORT, ENLARGED `;AND .IMPROVED. HE subscriber, thankful for past patron- age, would infbrin his numerous custom- ers that he has greatly enlarged>and irnproT, eel the above mill, and- added coesiderable More machinery, so that he is now prepared to turn out better work than_ he has ever been able to do before. He would also in- form those wanting carding done, that he now has Four Carding Machines, so that all parties from -a distance can have their WOOL CARDED AND HOME WITH THEM THE SAME DAY. Carding, : Spinning, Wearing, Coloring; Cloth Fulling and Dressing, will receive special attention. Owing to the large outlay for machinery, he is compelled to . make his Terms Cash. All work not Co paid, will be charged. 20 per cent extra. A. G. VAN EGMOND. Seaforth, April 29th, 1869. 73.3n • CA.S:H ,FOR 0 TT subsoriber . having REMOVED to remises lately occupied by E. Hick-. son: & Co., is now prepared to pay the high- est Cash Price for any quantity of good FreshEggs clelivered at his shop, Main St., Seaforth. DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, April 2`?. _ LISTEN.!W WHILE F OU !WANT A COUCH GET "Victor" or Improved "Yocum,' Steel Mouldboard, From JOHNSON B TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHN HA LDAN; has been appointed Official Assignee for the County_ of Huron. , :( -eat i—J OffiC SEAFURTF , S. PORTER'S. Office at GoDmit,IoH,--Directly opposite the Post Office. Goderich, March 5th, 1868. 13-tf. MILLINERY! DRESS, AND ) MANTLE MAKING. MISS M'INTOSH TxT1 SHES to announce to the ladies of V V Seaforth and vicinity, that she is pre- pared to execute all orders with neatness and despatch, and in the latest style and fashion of the season, Froin her experience in the above business, she hopes, by unremitting attention to the wants and tastes of those who 1o m a favor her Y fa0 with :a call, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. • 4ROOMS over Corby's Store. Entrance Second Door North of the Telegraph Office. Seaforth, April 2, 1869. • 69-3m. "OANAPA WAREHOUSE, Iia Scott's Brick Block, SEAFORTH, THE subscriber has received his first in - stalment o� PRIG G GOOIIS LADIES & MISSES' Brown, Black, Colored and White E SUNDOWN'S. GENTLEMEN'S Straw,; Canton, ;Panama, Felt, All -Wool and Merino [TATS! Decided Bargains in Union, All -Wool and BRUSSELS CARPETS. Also some very choice Gunpowder, and B ,ACK TEAS 1 Sugars, Syrups, Coal Oil, &c. • CLOVER AND TIMMY SEEDS. A large stock of BOOTS & - &EIOES ex- pected in a few days_ -'Highest price paid for. Butter, Eggs. &c. ARCHICALD McD OUGALL. Seaforth, April, 1869. 53-ly 300 KEGS JAMES' SP'EA For his St0C4`Of PRINGG000 WAS Teer ]Excelled In this Market. The Manchester 'louse Ther, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing.' Seaforth, May 4th,•-iS69. 61-te TIME. TIME TIME. IF you want a Watch that will keep the : correct time, purchase • one of Thomas Bussell & Son's celebrated Watches., A large stock of them for sale at R.0 OUNTER'S SEAFORTH. He has also du hand a large assortment of -..looks, Jewellery, Fancy Coods, Toys, &:c.. i to be sold Cheap for Cash. -.,„•V-Every description Vs -ate -hes, Clock:. r jewellery j" .0 to give 1a t The er 1 for `1.13 (:„01,2, E2. I, AND ` CERIUINE. BEST . QUALITY LINSEFiD OIL BOILED- AND RAW, TURPENTINE, - BEWZI1 E,- VARNISHES,. GLASS, PUTTY, &c„ At Johnson Bro's. Seaforthq April 9th. 70 SEAFORTH MILLS 1 SEED STORE! THE undersigned have just received IMPORTED DIRECT, 1;000 LBS. SKIRMING'S IMPROVED PURPLE -TOP SWEDE, A quantity of Early. - 000DER3CH POTATOES; I Also a fresh stock of GARDEN AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Will have, constantly `on hand a choice se- lection of Flower and other BEDDING PLANTS. SBOR E'S GRANULATED WHEAT possesses all the qualities of Farina and atmeal, for Poi—rid.. 62,1y. IMPORTANT NO.TI E ! ! LUMBER, LUMBER. .Andrew Govenlotk 7t '( TOtLD announce to the p ublic gener V V ally, that he has on hand at present, athis Saw Mill, McKillop, over four hundred thousand fent oflumber, cut into all the various lengths and sizes generally used for BUILDING, FENCING AND BRAINING Purposes. Also a large quantity of HARDWOOD LUMBER 1 I. • • C onaisting chiefly pf . NERSY ELS,9 HAND MAPLE, OAK, C BIR And a large and choice quantity of BASSWOOD AND PINE ! ! All of hick will be sold at VERY Owl" PRICES ! In order to mice room fornumerous thous- ands yet to be s wed during the sturuncr. MY SAW MI L AND LUMBER YARD 4 IS ON T -+' GRAVEL ROAD FOUR I1ILES ` OSTM OF SEAFORTD!, P. 8. -Please member the name is " AND EW GOVENLOOK." 1VMcKillop, Junes 18, 1869. 80-3m.' LEEEASYi IN order to do t TH is, get one of 4 `S.BELL'S PATI NT SPRING -B4IJTTOMS! BED . Warranted to give satisfaction. A FEW COUNTY ROTS FOR SALE. Seaforth, June 18, 1869. 80-tf. OFFICES TO LET.. TJ OUR excellent offices to -let in Scott's 1 New Brick Block. . Apply at 11IcOA UG IjEY & HOLMSTED'S. Seaforth, J -an. 27 1869. bit - THE SIM OF THE CLDE ` THE suhti criber begs to inform the public that he hes just received a great variety of Saddles and TS 4er' Which he is prepared to sell 1 t Prices A lmost Unparalleled. o. CL vdipti, rantLAt�`ed noto of hurtotheert' horescrse`s neconk.ivar 0 In tie way of Harness; OF ALL KIND He is, as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value for their money as any other establishment in Ontario. Quality of work and material employed indisputable. tWSIIOP J.i'POSITE KIDD cC- AfeffULAVilr,S. JOHN CAMPBELL. Seaforth, Feb. 12, '69. - .63-tf. LIFE ASSURANCE. Established ST-A.1R, Annual F ENCE Income, 26 years. ASSURA800, 000. SoCIETl. Reserve Funds - - - - $4,000,000; Profits -Divided $,000,000, VOR THE SECURITY OP POLICY ' HOLDERS IN CANADA, $100,000 MI Gash is deposited with the Dominion Gov i. ernment. The 'Rates of Premium in the "Star" are Liberal, Profits Large, Management sound and efficient. Ninety per cent of Profits di- vided amongst policy, holders. For particulars and further information, apply to • W. N. •WATSON, Agent for Seaforth 'and vicinity. Or, to J. GREGORY, Manager Canada Branch, Toronto. April 29th, 1869, 73-3m PRIVATE BOARDING. TWO or three boarders* can be accommo- dated with comfortable rooms. For particulars, apply at this office. Seaforth, June 11th, 1869. . 79 tf. FRESH ARRIVALS AT TILE T�L�C�-RAP�3 BOOK STORE! WINDOW BLAIN O, IN GREAT VARIETY. "Nimmo's Popular Tates," Tales of the Borders,'," "St. Patrick's Eve," "Hard Times," "Morning by Morning " by Spurgeon. "The Prodigal Son," b P111181101.g "Light to the Path," Hamilton, "Kinglake's War in th Crimea," • 'Chase's P,,eceipes, Bibles and Testaments in large and Befall print, ALBUMS AND FANCY GOODS. British and American Magazines supplied to order. Wall Paper ! CHOOL BOOKS, • Foolscap, Letter and ► Note Paper, always en hand ; also Law Forms, B1anleNotes, Day Books, Ledgers, &c. °SEAFORTH "EXPOSITOR." XPOSITOIR." Daily Globe and Daily Telegraph for Sale. Willia:M. Elliott. Seaforth; April 2, 1869 54-tf. PINS; LTJ B ER. THE undersigned have on hand at their 11Iill, one half mile NORTH OF AI LEYV LLE 100,000 feet of dry inch pine ; over 20,000 feet of dry inch flooring, 11 and 11 inches thick. Also about 30,000 feet of board and strip Lath a lot of Siding, two-inch Plank and green lumber, Pine and Hemlock, all of which will be sold AT VERY LBW, 'PRICES ;l - lnorder to make room for piling the many thousands yet to be cut. Orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. .; M. & T. SMITH. May 12th, 1869. r .. .i l 5-3m, MtLLINIERYi AND MATLINC, - NRS.. G-UTIIRIE . fISS.CLEGG A. RE now prepared to execute all orders in Millinery, Dress sad Mantle `Mak- ing, in the Latest Style and Fashion. Pax - Uvular attention devoted to Straw G.00ds. °orders lc ftit the house of Mrs. Guthrie iNIain. Street1will receive immediate atten- tion. 70-tf. Seaforth, April 9th, I869. CAIN aDTAN ANNEXATION HE undersigned r:N„ &telexed a large quantity of. Nenv Goods !! To his old stock, and REM 0 VE.D The whole across the Street, TO FATAI H'S OLD STAND. Combined, they form the best selected Stock of . Boots and, Shoes Ever offered to the inhabitants - of Seaforth, and parties who trad.e there, comprising La- dies', Gents, and Childrens' wear in great variety, of the very Latest Styles' and 1 gest quality, and which will be disposed of at the Very -Lowest Possible Remuiative Prices for CASH. Also a largequantity of Home- made Work always on hand. ORDERED WORK of all kinds got up in a style that cannot fail to give satisfaction. REPAIRING Neatly Executed. N. B.—Don't forget N1 Cann's Old ,Stand,. SIGN OF THE ,BID . BOOT THOs. COVENTRY, Seaforth, April 29th. 7-ttf. IF YOU WAIT CHEAP pAINTS,O' ILS, TURPENTINE, 0RAIN1NG COMBS, pUTTY. • 0OLORS, &c., Go to ROLLS' OR PURE 0-0 DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AND PATENT MEDICINES, Go to ROLLS'. SEAFORTH FUgNT _'I . �AAREKO M. ROBERTSON Importer and manufacturer of all k'eal of HOUS:EF OLD FURNITURE, Such as SOFAS, LOUNGES. CENTRE TABLES, M AT'11ASSEk DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, CHAIRS, and BUREAUS, BEDSTEAD, Til Great Variety Mr. Pe has great confidence in offering bis goods to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber, _and by First -Class Workmen. COFFINMADE TO ORDER On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING and with Neatness��ncl Des.: patch. 1 Warerooms TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL Main Street. Seaforth, ,Tan. 6th, 1869. 574: HOUSE Si: SIGN PAINTER. r ift4.0-"Pw All work done in First -Class Style. Or- ders to be left one door North of Dr. Sleuth's - office. 67-Sra. SUTHERLAND ,.R 6:13, TA;ILO].S! 1JAVE f emoved to their newpremiees, on GODERI0H STREET, NEXT DOO.P. TO - Lumsden's Drug Store. THE GUTTING DEPARTMENT Attended to by MR. C;IAS. SUTI-IER L AN D, from London England, • Style, fit, and workmanship, guar; n- ` teed, CHARGES MODERATE. R. P. SUTHERLAND. CUAs. SnrnsR3AANp. Seaforth, June 4 1869. 46-1y PROPERTY FOR SALE. LOT No. 9, Spariing's Survey of Seaforth; with: Store, Storehouse, Stable and. Dwelling on it, and situated- on the first lot North of J aowney's Hotel, Main Street. - For par tieula. s apply to the proprietor, WDM. N. WATSON, Insurance Agent. Sea.fer th, June l lth. ea, af. Recent Arrivals 0 w 0 rn l'-3 CD CD 0 z 0 s 9$ 0 0 e Cfq eo 0 0 n`. rD 0 e 4 1 LATESTC .I`IJ ndon, Juno _ Newcastle is up be or .Bankruptcy. Loudon, June 25.-i•-- 3_ Lords to -night, Baron.. notice Of an amendra t . hurch Bill, to alio* retain -theme seats in Lor.. - Lord Russel avows for concurrent endowe traduce an anrendrneht bon the :th .'m ch fore the House cif l.li'e rs In the Meuse of I.,rd_ count Lifilnd g•i.v-x notie Inept to thy; l i ;t h Ch m • glebenz s of detit, ane tending gie lands, Beres cif' ).slid #o :'a'tl:ol% tertian Cha,=chess - London, z 28 t— morons have passed the R l to the third re dridn In tree ITouse of Lorcits 'Westbury gave notice of to the Irish Church Till; tithe present revenues X_ to the Catholics £l,Of Vresbyterians, ard the Irish ii uhaircla. Dublin; *June 28.—A held in this city last nigh the Government the rely;: 1 prisoners. Nearlyi were present,; Mr. Bi tt lawyer, made 2. speech, ' in Which he said the ni* tt Irishmen ought to be 1; i put- your trust in Go powder dry." If the Bir, meat persisted in keeping <aircerateld, all its professid .tion would ' useless. i • �' cf Dungtrvil, made ani sl eech. He di,dared that prisoner woud not They demanded justice fr< isters. If the latter reu; • blood be upon their o kn would not, however, ad3Toc ° the sword, for that dost y out of time. UNITED TATt' 'Washington, Jaw 2' cultural Department ha i port for the months of Ia The returns show a high clition of wheat, and indica# iaects of an abundant crop. increase is in barley in the of the Mississippi, partiAiul: foirnia, while- a, slight nl` area is reported n the h Nt ;v York, a'nd elsewlere repo:.—trepo:.-tv as to cotton are Ore Good weather is produci g. change in the -prospect : nz cases A, few halt ` days hav4 improvement borghtlm `wi •ateci more Qextensiveiv that y ear:; - The y eld -. of small ust.tally abundant. FRANCE is, 3mie28. evenx .— -ef the Corps Legisktif ivas da, . The Emperor was no and M. De Ha.i*or, Minis -to made the opening speeeh. I Chamber was oonvok authority,; The renewal, o I e zsla,.tif by uni.versalsufrral natural opportunity fer tbel express its thoughts, aspira wants ; But the political rest. iiianifestat on should; not be I 'he Govern:be t w veld pry' utions and projects of law-, i realize t ie wishes of the coub l r ra i Rochefort, editor of f 3reAe h ' been convicted oil I Ile aly t troducing that .Jo )''Cance, : He Las been '-ser three years imprisonment a. 3 fie Of 30,000f. To' these per edded forfeiture of - his rights .8bi.p for three -' years. Inclu' right to vote in any eltiin or a Watt in the -Corps Legslatlf 1 fli usan and .-ourda i, edit() *sic ha e been fined. 5O6 eacn editor of the Opinia4 has been eondenie l to :one'mo prisohn ent with a fine of 5001 violations of the Pre4,s law. SPAIN. M'tdrid' Juno 27.-- In iii yesterday Ite,z 3ti i1 llicame b€ warned that their presence Fit I. ‘.Y; was tpethyittcd uad adnot sebte o t11::a e accom ))ices i:Len a sclie ling iii' a Repoli that the 1' ctitian; or ]f}aiis could nrit Jon; as it' �I wo x)d become neces.s rt' t : the people or anarchy would re i Gee. D u I. e bas arrived after Sys detent cn At the qu xratit . der. ;Changes L. the linistr• ` �inen.�. Madrid, June 28, The Rep ucI'f.n the Cortept to Foye ilsui.e .g in tr MinSag Senor Ike r=eras, for tb eiriren' 21 condt1et. Prince Henri de .bourbon li.